Menstuff® has compiled the following information on teenage
attitudes towards fatherhood. A new report.
How to tell your parents
youre pregnant or you made someone pregnant
Teenage Attitudes Towards Fatherhood Revealed
in New Report
Teenage Attitudes Towards Fatherhood
Revealed in New Report
The report complied after a series of focus groups with teenagers; takes a look at how teenagers interpret the responsibilities and realities of the role of a father. We found that the expectations of our youth for fathers arent traditionally different, says Kenneth Braswell, Executive Director of Fathers, Incorporated. However we do learn that the new realities of todays society has put a strain how they process the relationship of fathers and children.
The reality of todays society is that it is harder than probably ever in our history to be a teenager. They must be smarter, faster, mature more quickly, and handle more stress while maintaining traditional standards, says Braswell. Growing up in simpler times, i.e. less technology, less media, less worldly chaos and less personal consequence; youth of the 1950s early 1990s, were able to more easily avoid or disguise the effects of certain negative life experiences. In addition, the extended family was much more of a factor than in todays society.
Because of these new stressors and trends, adults and policy makers, service providers, and educational institutions are encouraged to take a more in-depth and comprehensive look at the attitudes of youth regarding parenthood. Policies, services, and support may need to begin to reflect a new attitude of parenting and being parented.
As part of a process of identifying how to begin to ascertain attitudes and opinions, Fathers, Inc. held three focus groups designed to assist in understanding the attitudes of teenagers with regards to fatherhood. This knowledge would be used in designing programs to address those attitudes and opinions in an effort to interrupt the cycle of irresponsible/absentee parenting especially as it regards fathers.
Fathers Incorporateds Focus Group Report, Teenagers And Attitudes Toward Fatherhood, is a masterfully crafted roadmap that will lead our youth to healing their Father wounds and resolving self-esteem issues as they make their arduous journey from childhood to adulthood. Through its very comprehensive report, Fathers Incorporated, has identified the causes for the disconnect that is occurring between the generations and the steps that parents, concerned adults and our institutions must take to resolve it. Fathers Incorporated is urging all of us to examine closely the explicit and implicit messages that we convey to our children about Fatherhood, male-female relationships, sexuality, decision-making, success, failure and the world outside of their immediate environment. For more information contact Kenneth Braswell, 518.221.5184
Source: Diane A. Sears, Managing Editor, In Search
Of Fatherhood® For And About the Fathers of the World,
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