Menstuff® has compiled the following information on Sexual
Harassment at School.
Sexual Harassment Scenarios
A Hostile Environment
Am I Being Harassed?
How to Fight Back
The Butt Remark Dilemma
All too Common on Campus
The Office for Civil Rights considers sexual harassment to be unwelcome sexual conduct that hurts a student's ability to participate in school programs. The OCR is in charge of enforcing a law called Title IX, which requires schools to respond to cases of sex discrimination and sexual harassment.
But sexual harassment is a tricky issue. When does a harmless dirty joke become a serious offense? Let's look at some examples:
These are all pretty clear-cut cases of what's called quid pro quo ("this for that") sexual harassment. If a teacher (or another school employee) rewards a student for going along with his advances, or punishes a student for rejecting them, that's harassment. It's an abuse of power, and it's illegal.
Things get more confusing when we're talking about another type of sexual harassment in schools: something called hostile environment harassment. If sexual advances are bad enough that they make it difficult or unpleasant for a student to do regular school stuff like pay attention in class, play on a sports team, or just walk through the halls it's called "hostile environment harassment."
This can get a little iffy telling one dirty joke isn't considered harassment, while grabbing a student's breasts definitely is. But what about all the stuff in between that goes on all the time in classrooms, locker rooms, and hallways?
If there's a single incident that's really bad like groping it's serious enough to be considered harassment. If it's less serious, but the student keeps getting harassed over and over again, that's also considered hostile environment harassment. For instance, a guy asking a girl out on a date even if she's totally not interested isn't considered harassment. But if he asks her again and again in a threatening way, that's harassment.
Here are some other examples of less serious behavior that could be considered harassment if it happens on a regular basis (this applies to both guys and girls):
Again, a lot of these categories can seem kind of fuzzy. What's the difference between harassment and flirting? If you're not sure if you're being harassed, ask yourself this question: does it feel good or bad? The bottom line: flirting feels good (for both people!); harassment feels bad.
Sexual harassment can make people feel embarrassed and powerless. But you're not helpless, and you don't have to take it! Because of Title IX, schools have to take action if a student is being harassed. Tell the principal, or talk to a teacher or guidance counselor whom you trust. It's also a good idea to keep track of the incidents write them down in a journal, or tell a friend who can back you up.
In short, never accept the excuse that "boys will be boys" (or "girls will be girls," for that matter). Know your rights, and know that sexual harassment unlike homework, zits, and SATs is not a bad teenage experience that you have to put up with.
Source: Susan Yudt
Colleges that receive federal money are required to designate a representative to handle sexual harassment. Most students (79%) said they were aware of campus policies against sexual harassment.
Findings suggest harassment is more common on large campuses and more prevalent at four-year campuses. Also, white students were most likely to say they had been harassed.
Some experts caution schools against overracting. "There are aspects of harassment that nobody disagrees with," says Greg Lukianoff of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, a Philadelphia-based non-profit. But "too many people think harassment is the same thing as being offended. Offending somebody is not a crime."
A survey finds 62% of female students and 61% of male students say they have been sexually harassed while in college. Among incidents reported: |
Incident |
Sexual comments, jokes, gestures, looks |
Flashed or mooned |
Touched, grabbed or pinched in a sexual way |
Someone brushed up against them in a sexual way |
Sexual pictures, photo, web pages, illustrations, messages or notes |
Called gay, lesbian or a homophobic name |
Source: USA Today |
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