Menstuff® has compiled information and books on the issue of
youth smoking, health and performance.
Related Issues: Talking With
Kids About Tough Issues
- Among young people, the short-term health effects of smoking
include damage to the respiratory system, addiction to nicotine,
and the associated risk of other drug use. Long-term health
consequences of youth smoking are reinforced by the fact that most
young people who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout
adulthood. (CDC. Preventing tobacco use among young people---A
report of the Surgeon General. 1994, p. 15)
- Smoking hurts young people's physical fitness in terms of both
performance and endurance---even among young people trained in
competitive running. (CDC. Preventing tobacco use among young
people, p. 28)
- Smoking among youth can hamper the rate of lung growth and the
level of maximum lung function. (CDC. Preventing tobacco use among
young people, p. 17)
- The resting heart rates of young adult smokers are two to
three beats per minute faster than those of nonsmokers. (CDC.
Preventing tobacco use among young people, p. 28)
- Among young people, regular smoking is responsible for cough
and increased frequency and severity of respiratory illnesses.
(CDC. Preventing tobacco use among young people, p. 9)
- The younger people start smoking cigarettes, the more likely
they are to become strongly addicted to nicotine. (CDC. Preventing
tobacco use among young people, p. 9)
- Teens who smoke are three times more likely than nonsmokers to
use alcohol, eight times more likely to use marijuana, and 22
times more likely to use cocaine. Smoking is associated with a
host of other risky behaviors, such as fighting and engaging in
unprotected sex. (CDC. Preventing tobacco use among young people,
p. 36,104)
- Smoking is associated with poor overall health and a variety
of short-term adverse health effects in young people and may also
be a marker for underlying mental health problems, such as
depression, among adolescents. High school seniors who are regular
smokers and began smoking by grade nine are
- 2.4 times more likely than their nonsmoking peers to report
poorer overall health
- 2.4 to 2.7 times more likely to report cough with phlegm or
blood, shortness of breath when not exercising, and wheezing or
- 3.0 times more likely to have seen a doctor or other health
professional for an emotional or psychological complaint.
(Arday DR, Giovino GA, Schulman J, Nelson DE, Mowery P, Samet JM .
Cigarette smoking and self-reported health problems among US high
school seniors, 1982-1989. Am J of Health Promotion,
1995;10(2):111-116. )
Source: www.cdc.gov/tobacco/research_data/youth/ythsprt.htm

Colorado Seeks to Criminalize Youth
Tobacco Possession
Colorado youth may legally possess tobacco products even though they
are banned from buying them, but that could soon change, the Colorado
Springs Gazette reported Feb. 11.
A bill passed by a Colorado Senate committee would close the
loophole and ban people under age 18 from tobacco possession and use,
giving police to confiscate cigarettes, chewing tobacco and other
products from underage users. Currently, 35 states have laws on the
book making it illegal for those under age 18 to possess tobacco.
The measure also would require retailers to get ID from all
tobacco buyers who appear to be under age 30 and would penalize those
who sell tobacco to underage users, even unintentionally.
There would be no fines or jail time for kids caught with tobacco,
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2008/colo-seeks-to-criminalize.html

Youth Brand Preferences Persist,
Antismoking Group Says
Marlboro, Newport and Camel cigarettes are the most popular brands
among smokers ages 13-18, accounting for 78 percent of youth
cigarette use, according to the American Legacy Foundation.

Study Links Teen Use Of Tobacco And Pot
Youngsters who smoke cigarettes are more likely to use marijuana than
those who don't smoke, according to a study.
Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC251/333/33000/369325.html?d=dmtICNNews

Cigarette Use Reaches New Low Among High
School Seniors
The prevalence of cigarette use among U.S. public high school seniors
has reached the lowest point ever recorded, according to the most
recent data from the national Monitoring the Future survey. Slightly
more than one-fifth (21.6%) of 12th graders reported smoking
cigarettes in the past thirty days, down from peaks of 36.5% in 1997
and 38.8% in 1976. At the same time, the percentage of students who
perceived a ''great risk'' of harm from smoking one or more packs of
cigarettes per day reached an all-time high of 77.6% in 2006.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/research/summaries/2007/cigarette-use-reaches-new-low.html

Judge Allows Suit on Underage Tobacco
Giveaways to Proceed
A lawsuit charging that Lorillard Tobacco Co. marketed cigarettes to
minority children will proceed after a Massachusetts judge denied the
company's attempt to have the case dismissed.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2007/judge-allows-suit-on-underage.html

Teens Take in Smoking Scenes at the
Viewing smoking in movies may influence teens to smoke, and smoking
scenes are prevalent among the movies teens are watching. Researchers
from Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire, investigated
the occurrences of smoking in popular movies.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/research/smoking_movies.html

China Mulls Ban on Alcohol, Tobacco Sales to
Chinese lawmakers are considering a proposal to ban the sale of
alcohol and cigarettes to youths under age 18.
Source: www.jointogether.org/news/headlines/inthenews/2006/china-mulls-ban-on-alcohol.html

Smoke Screen
Study: Tobacco use in movies spurs teens to smoke
Source: http://www.healthcentral.com/news/NewsFullText.cfm?id=513597

Cutting Through the Hype
Tobacco companies target teens in their advertisements so they can
replace the people who die - more than 1,000 each day - from
smoking-related illnesses. Read this article to learn the truth about
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/tobacco/smoking.html

Tobacco Companies Keeping Tab on
Tobacco companies keep tabs on the number of teens who smoke - and
worry if the numbers begin to drop - because they need to replace the
1,200 people who die in the United States each day from
smoking-related illnesses. Find out the ugly truth about smoking and
learn strategies to help you quit in TeensHealth's Drugs &
Alcohol section.
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/index.html

Radio Station Hopes "Joe Chemo" Will
Inspire Teens To Quit Tobacco Use
If Joe Camel encouraged some youngsters to start smoking, a producer
at a western Pennsylvania radio station figures a sickly Joe Chemo
will inspire teenagers to stop.
Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC000/333/333/359764.html

Girl Smokers At Higher Risk ; Could
Double Chances Of Breast Cancer
Teen girls almost double their risk of breast cancer if they take up
smoking within five years of their first menstrual period, a new
Canadian study has found.
Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/EMIHC000/333/333/356377.html

Report Shows Recent Progress In Decreasing
Youth Tobacco Use, But Much Work Remains
Adolescent smoking rates increased through much of the 1990s, but a
new report released today by the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
shows there has been a promising decline over the past few years.
Despite this recent progress, there remains a need for more research
and for anti-smoking programs designed both to prevent young people
from starting to smoke and to help them quit. The report reveals a
particular need for research among certain racial/ethnic groups where
smoking trends have not decreased or, in some cases, continued to
Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/8012/348097.html

How Can I Quit Smoking?
There are tons of reasons to stop smoking, including that nearly one
in five deaths in the United States is related to tobacco. If you're
ready to kick the habit, read this article for tips on how to do it
Source: www.kidshealth.org/teen/body_basics/quit_smoking.html

Youth Not Young at Heart
Researchers involved in the Chicago Heart Association Detection
Project are attempting to prevent early death and complications due
to heart disease by following men working in 84 companies over the
course of 20 years.
More than 11,000 young men aged 18 to 39 were invited to
participate in this long-term study. A number of health factors were
assessed through periodic questionnaires. The questions included the
number of cigarettes smoked each day, medical history and family
history, as well as prior treatment for diabetes and hypertension.
Measurements were also taken at each follow-up appointment, such as
heart rhythm abnormalities, cholesterol level, blood pressure, and
To find out whether the lifestyle factors that predict death due
to heart disease also apply to predicting heart disease development
in a young male population, these responses and measurements were
compared to a baseline group of men aged 40 to 59. The study found
that about half of the young men were smokers, smoking an average of
21 cigarettes each day, and had higher than normal cholesterol levels
as well as heart rhythm abnormalities. Of the men tracked for 20
years, 155 men died of some form of cardiovascular disease.
The researchers believe that since the risk of fatal heart disease
can be predicted given particular lifestyle habits, attempts should
be made to screen young men at the age of 20 onwards to decrease the
number of deaths and complications due to heart disease. "Education
was protective in both young and middle-aged men," says lead
researcher Philip Greenland, M.D. The researchers say they are
hopeful young men can be encouraged to change their lifestyle before
permanent damage is done.
Source: www.chennaionline.com/health/homearticles/youngheart.asp

Adolescent Depression And High
Receptivity To Tobacco Ads May Lead To Teen Smoking
A NIDA-funded study by researchers at the Georgetown University
School of Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine reports that adolescent depression, combined with high
receptivity to tobacco advertising, plays a powerful role in whether
a teen smokes cigarettes.
Source: www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/333/8014/347822.html

Down in Smoke
A University of Alabama study suggests that smoking cigarettes
may turn you blue. It found that teens who smoked 20 butts or more a
day were more likely to be depressed than teens who smoked less.
Researchers believe that smoking interferes with a brain chemical
that affects mood.
* * *
Smoking was surely designed
To poison, and destroy mankind. - Philip Freneau

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