Menstuff® has compiled the following information on the web
site teenwire.com.
He Didn't Ask for it
Steering Clear of Genital
The Butt Remark Dilemma
Ask the Experts
He Didn't Ask for it Either
Have you always thought that sexual assault is only committed by men
and boys against women and girls? Well, most incidents of sexual
assault do happen that way...but not all of them. In fact, one out
every five victims of sexual assault is a man.
Source: www.teenwire.com/warehous/articles/wh_20020227p133.asp

Steering Clear of Genital Warts
Genital warts it's not the prettiest topic of conversation,
but it's definitely something that needs to be discussed. Why?
Because the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which causes genital warts,
is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S.
yet almost three quarters of us have never heard of it!
Source: www.teenwire.com/warehous/articles/wh_20020306p134.asp

The Butt Remark Dilemma
Have you ever been on the receiving end of a crude remark? Want to
know how to handle unsolicited remarks? Get into the head of one girl
as she explores the difference between flirting and sexual
Source: www.teenwire.com/infocus/2002/if_20020308p151.asp

Ask the Experts
Q: Will energy drinks or vitamin supplements make my penis
A: Go here www.teenwire.com/ask/2002/as_20020308p364.asp

Q: Does sexual abuse make having sex not so enjoyable?
A: Go here www.teenwire.com/ask/2002/as_20020307p363.asp
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