Menstuff® has information on vaccines.
Fluzone High-Dose
Dr. Mercola:
Finally Makes Smart Decision to Protect Children... Why Doesnt
the US?
Warned Against New Vaccination Guidelines
Controversy Over New Merck Vaccines
Vaccine Marketing -- Cervical Cancer Vaccinations for Boys
Approve Unnecessary Cervical Cancer Vaccine That Will Make Drug
Company Billions
The Swine Flu Vaccines Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Vaccine is Unsafe for Chidlren
Health Department Suspends Mercury Restrictions for Swine Flu
Dangers of Hepatitis B Vaccines in Infants
U.S. States Considering HPV Vaccine Requirement
Ever Shingles Vaccine Will Hit Shelves Soon
We Depend on the Quality of Medical Treatments Today?
By Lethal Vaccine Injection
Correspondence With CDC About Vaccine Safety
Truths About Gardasil and Swine Flu Vaccines
Vaccine Creates Shingles Epidemic
Fever, A Vaccine Virus, Found in Donated Blood
International Health Expert Thinks of the Flu Vaccine
in Denial About Vaccine Reactions?
High-Tech Health Interventions Unnecessary and Wasted
of Thousands of Reactions to Gardasil... Is Your Child
Parents are Home-Schooling Their Kids to Avoid
Punished for Falsifying Vaccination Records
High Risks of Vitamin K Shot for Your Newborn Baby
Truth About Pet Vaccinations | Part 1
Wakefields Latest: MMR And Autism
Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development
Flu -- One of Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
That Thimerosal Induces AutismLike Neurotoxicity
Effects | Grieving Mother Blames Gardasil
Million Kids in US Misdiagnosed with ADHD
by Medicine, Part I
High Risks of Vitamin K Shot for Your Newborn Baby
Are Not the Answer for ADHD
Links in Swine Flu Deaths
Expose on Swine Flu by 60 Minutes
Empire Seeks to Punish Autism Expert
Childlike Behavior or Serious Condition
Treatment of ADD/ADHD (Part 1 of 3)
You Can Help Eliminate Dental Mercury
are More Dangerous: Alternative Medicines or Prescription
the Flu Out of Your Home is in Your Hands
Childhood Immunisation
Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed
Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development
Prescription Drugs Do Not Mean Better Care
Guide to a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy and Baby
Are The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US, Killing 225,000
People Every Year
Guide to a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy and Baby
vaccines for school children
Natasha Campbell-McBride on GAPS Nutritional Program
the Down Economy Herald the Use of Natural Medicine?
Now Resistant to Last Type of Antibiotics
Clamping of the Umbilical Cord may Result in Brain Damage to
Vaccination Myths (Part 2)
Foods are Bad, But These May Be Far Worse
and Information About Vegetarianism
of the Most Bizarre Faces You Will Ever See
Bacteria Fight the Flu
Resistance and Superbugs - How Safe is Your
Have Serious Side Effects - The Institute of Medicine Says
Couric Reports on Serious Vaccine Safety Issues
Vaccine Reactions to Now Be Called 'Coincidence'?
Correspondence With CDC About Vaccine Safety
Effects On Your Brain
in Denial About Vaccine Reactions?
for the Truth about Gardasil
Vaccine-Injured Kids are Rarely Compensated
We Need a Fearless Conversation about Vaccines
the Media Gets Away with Lying About Vaccine Information
B Vaccine Highly Linked to Sudden Infant Death
FDA's Latest Health-Harming Stance on Mercury
of Thousands of Reactions to Gardasil... Is Your Child
Makers Profit from Government-Granted Immunity
Effects | Grieving Mother Blames Gardasil
DNA in Vaccines Linked to Autism | Vaccine Dangers
Flu Alert: Shocking Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories
Pediatrician Exposes Vaccine Myths
Vaccine Information to Help You With Your Vaccine Choices
Vaccine Exposed
with Expert on Dangers of Cell Phones
Seizures Now Reported in Kids Receiving Flu Vaccine
Shocking Warning About Swine Flu Vaccine
Denies Link Between Swine Flu Vaccine and Illnesses,
Truth Behind the Vaccine Coverup, Part 1 (of 5)
The Swine Flu Vaccines Dirty Little Secret Exposed
Doctor Given at Least 30 Million Dollars to Push Vaccines
Vaccine | Indian Children Die After Being Vaccinated
Infant Vaccine Contains Pig Virus
Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
B Vaccine Triples the Risk of Autism in Infant Boys
Threaten Up to 44,000 U.S. Soldiers
Debilities and Deaths from H1N1 Vaccine
Profits Linked to Vaccine Mandates
Fever, A Vaccine Virus, Found in Donated Blood
You Really Trust Baxter with their Latest Vaccine?
Vaccine Blamed for Teen's Paralysis
Bans Flu Vaccine
FDA Issues Alert that Topical Anesthetics May Kill You
War on Cancer: a Progress Report for Skeptics
Pharma Ties Want to Shut Down Vaccine 'Conspiracy
Gets a Near Failing Grade on Premature Births Report Card
New Hepatitis Vaccine Recs Can Devastate Newborn's Health
Dangers of Hepatitis B Vaccines in Infants
is Canada Changing Its Flu Vaccine Policy?
Hidden Truth: Why Government Wants Your Kids on Cholesterol Drug
Data about Vaccinated Children
Truths About Gardasil and Swine Flu Vaccines
Dangers of Excessive Childhood Vaccinations
Vaccine Exposed
Vaccines That Worry Parents Most
of Food Industry Runs on Bribes
Research Shows Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism
Vaccine Creates Shingles Epidemic
Company Marketing Leads to HPV Vaccine Rise
State Vaccine Law Threatens Exemptions & Violates
Vaccine Like Rotarix May Cause Fatal Bowel Problem
Your Cell Phone Can Hurt Your Children
Cell Phone and Brain Tumors
Scientist Battles Dangerous Vaccines and Antibiotics
Aspartame is Far Worse than High Fructose Corn Syrup
Proof that Flu Shots are Unnecessary and Ineffective
Info about Gardasil Vaccine Victims and Deaths
Andrew Wakefields Interview on His MMR Study
the Flu Diagnosis in Kids Just Another Excuse for a
In The Dark
Dangers of the Hepatitis B Vaccine
Parents are Home-Schooling Their Kids to Avoid
Misguided Universal Infant Hepatitis B Vaccination Policy
Dose IV Vitamin C Found Useful for Terminal Swine Flu
You Still Drinking Soda?
Evidence Supports the Safety of Chiropractic Care
The Great Bird
Flu Hoax - Dr. Joseph Mercola
Medicines Harm Children
Investigates Deaths of Vaccinated Children
Finally Makes Smart Decision to Protect Children... Why Doesnt
the US?
How Bad is Aspartame?
Allowed Monsanto to Police Itself | Issue on GM Crops
Your Chance to Change the FDA - I Need Your Help on This
New Discovery on Brain Cancer Caused by Cell Phones
NEW Battle Strategy to Get Rid of Mercury Once and For All in
FDA Craziness
Flu -- One of Most Massive Cover-ups in American History
Foods are Bad, But These May Be Far Worse
Flu Shot Linked to Killer Nerve Disease
Drugs More Likely to Kill You than Recreational Drugs
DAILY Hospital Medical Mistakes Preventive Health
One of Only Agencies to Get Budget Increase
Childhood Immunisation
So Bad About Tofu?
Was Right About the Bird Flu Hoax
May be Caused by an Immune System Response to a Virus
Accuses WHO of Plan to Commit Mass Murder
Give This to Your Daughter - Despite What Your Doctor Says
an Eight Year Olds Death Caused by His Flu Shot
Causes More Illness
Complications of Vaccinations
Linked to Lower IQ and Neurological Impairment
Disease: An FDA-Approved Epidemic
Flu Shots With the One Vitamin that Will Stop Flu in Its
Water Fluoridation Stand Long Influenced By Dentists
FDA Guidelines Prove That the Government Keeps You Sick
Questions You Need to Have Answered Before You Eat Splenda
Real Reason the Cancer Industry Never Talks About
Maker to Pay 600 Million
Indoor Air Quality Could Be Worse than Outdoor Air
Deadly Influence of Formula in America, Part I
Medicines Fatal Flaw Death by Propaganda Part I
Never Swallow Regular Toothpaste
Your Dog's Teeth to Protect His Bones and Heart
and OTC Drug Recalls Soaring
Readers Are Saying About eHealthy News You Can Use
Declares Swine Flu Emergency
are More Dangerous: Alternative Medicines or Prescription
by Medicine, Part I
Seeks to Outlaw New Dietary Supplements
Health Care System is the Leading Cause of Death, Part I
Guide to a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy and Baby
Guide to a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy and Baby
Accused of Massive Corruption in Killing African Children
Milk is Safe According to US Government Data
Not Take This Deadly Diabetes Drug
Study Shows Many Sunscreens are Accelerating not Preventing
Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking
Infant Food for Moms that Can't Breast Feed
Weedkiller Found in Air and Rain
Shown to Cause Cancer
Infant Soy Formula Under Investigation
Shocked by Hospital Radiation Overexposure
Not Recommended for Heart Disease Anymore
Drug is Killing People
Finally Admits Too Much Fluoride in the Water
Fluoridation May Be Harmful to Your Health
Careful of Lupron for Endometriosis, It Could Be the Kiss of
One is Safe From Chemical Overload
Muzzles Benefits of Organic
Dairies Go Raw as Consumers Learn the Benefits of Unpasteurized
Fluoride Really As Safe As You Are Told?
Therapy as Good as Zyrtec for Allergies
Safe is Soy Infant Formula?
and Information About Vegetarianism
- The Anti-Inflammatory Nutrient
Against Antibiotics in Meat and Vegetables
the Obsession in Hand Sanitizers Stop the Spread of Flu
in Southern California Tap Water Puts 64,000 Kids at Risk
is This Artificial Sweetener in Your Drinking Water?
Parvovirus | Parvo Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
You Impact Your Pet's Health by Brushing Their Teeth?
Vaccines for Adults
Immunizations (commonly known as vaccines) play a key role in
preventing disabling and life-threatening infectious diseases like
polio and tetanus. Some immunizations can even prevent certain
The following recommendations are given by the 2015 Adult Immunization Schedule, which was approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), as well as by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), the American College of Physicians (ACP), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM).
These recommendations are specific to the United States. Other vaccines may be recommended when traveling to other countries.
Tips for Getting a Vaccine
Kids and adults alike may feel a bit nervous when it comes to needles, and that's normal. When it's time to get a vaccine, do your best to relax. Distract yourself while waiting so that you spend less time thinking about the shot. A game, music, or book can come in useful.
When you're getting the shot, do your best to relax. Tensing up may make the shot hurt! Take slow, deep breaths and instead of looking at the needle, look away and focus on something else in the room.
Vaccines Needed for Kids and When
Age |
For babies 6-23 months |
Influenza |
12 to 18 months |
Varicella (chicken pox) |
12 to 29 months |
Hepatitis A |
By 15 months |
Pneumococcal |
By 15 moths (depending on vaccine brand) |
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) |
By 18 months |
Hepatitis B |
By 6 years |
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis |
By 6 years |
Polio |
By 6 years |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella |
Every 10 years starting at 11-12 years old (replacing Td booster) |
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (different |
At 11 to 12 years |
Meningococcal |
* Annually: Two doses needed
for first dose, then once a year |
Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child
Dr. Maurice Hilleman made astounding revelations in an interview that was cut from The Health Century -- the admission that Merck drug company vaccines had been injecting dangerous viruses into people worldwide.
Bear in mind that Dr. Hilleman was the developer of Merck's vaccine program. He developed over three dozen vaccines, more than any other scientist in history. He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization. Hilleman was one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.
The PPJ Gazette February 6, 2011
Paging Dr. Gupta, CNN Health February 1, 2011
PR Log January 24, 2011
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
The video above has circulated for awhile, and some of you may already have seen it. But I think it's important to revisit and remember history when it comes to vaccines, especially in light of current developments.
For starters, the HPV vaccine Gardasil, which is being vigorously pushed on unsuspecting young girls and women to theoretically guard against cervical cancer still has never been proven to actually prevent cancer. On the contrary, evidence suggests that under certain circumstances the vaccine increases your risk of precancerous lesions by nearly 45 percent, and an ever increasing number of girls are being seriously injured by this unnecessary vaccine.
As of December 13, 2010, 20,915 adverse reactions had been reported in the United States alone, including 89 deaths, 297 miscarriages or stillbirths, and 370 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination.
All of this from a vaccine that has only been on the market for four years!
Making matters worse, as of 2009 the US FDA approved Gardasil for use on young boys as well, and the first male death has also been reported. In September of last year, a young boy died just eight days after being vaccinated with Gardasil.
So what's going on here?
Is it possible that vaccines sold by drugmakers like Merck are causing lethal disease? Judging by history, the answer may be yes.
Contaminated Polio Vaccine Responsible for Human Cancer Cases
In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases that were occurring each year.
What was it contaminated with?
SV40, a cancer-causing monkey virus. The puzzle began in 1994, when Dr. Michele Carbone, a Loyola University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had never before been detected in humans, in half of the human lung tumors he was studying. Since then, 60 different lab studies have confirmed the results, and SV40 has been found in a variety of human cancers, including lung-, brain-, bone-, and lymphatic cancer.
At first no one could fathom how the virus had been transmitted into the human population.
But in the censored interview with Dr. Maurice Hilleman above, Hilleman admits Merck's responsibility in unleashing this virus via their polio vaccine, as well as the likelihood that there was an importing and spreading the AIDS virus in the same manner.
Just Who is Dr. Maurice Hilleman?
Now, for those of you who may think Dr. Hilleman was just another crackpot (he passed away in 2005), think again. He was, and still is, the leading vaccine pioneer in the history of vaccines. He developed more than three dozen vaccinesmore than any other scientist in historyand was the developer of Merck's vaccine program.
He was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society, and received a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization.
When he was chief of the Department of Respiratory Diseases with what's now the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, he discovered the genetic changes that occur when the influenza virus mutates, known as shift and drift. He was also one of the early vaccine pioneers to warn about the possibility that simian viruses might contaminate vaccines.So Dr. Hilleman knew what he was talking about. And in his own words, "vaccines have to be considered the bargain basement technology for the 20th Century."
Vaccines Can Cause the Very Disease They're Meant to Prevent, and Worse
For years, researchers suggested that millions of vials of polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected individuals between 1953 and 1963 and caused human tumors, and by 1999, molecular evidence of SV40 infections were showing up in children born after 1982. Some experts now suggest the virus may have remained in the polio vaccine until as late as 1999.
Still, the FDA and health authorities turned a blind eye.
In addition, just like Gardasil may well increase your risk of cervical cancer rather than reduce it, the live polio vaccine has also been found to cause polio. And, in rare instances the virus in the vaccine has even been known to mutate into a much deadlier version. As reported by MSN News in 2009, genetic analysis has proven such mutated viruses have caused at least seven separate outbreaks in Nigeria.
According to the CDC the last case of wild polio in the USmeaning polio caused naturally and not due to the live polio vaccineoccurred in 1979. From 1980 through 1999, there were NO wild polio cases in the US. Instead we had 144 cases of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) caused by live oral polio vaccine.
Polio outbreaks in Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2002 were also traced back to a strain of oral polio vaccine (OPV) that mutated back to virulence.
According to a report by Neil Z. Miller of the Global Vaccine Institute, the live polio virus from the vaccine can remain in your throat for one to two weeks and in your feces for up to two months. So not only is the vaccine recipient at risk, but he or she can potentially spread the disease to others.
In 1999, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended that the United States replace the live-virus vaccine with an inactivated "killed" virus vaccine, which is what remains in use today. However, the inactivated polio virus vaccine has not been without its share of serious side effects either.
Rotavirus Vaccine Contaminated with Pig Virus
Last year, the US FDA suspended the rotavirus vaccine Rotarix after an independent lab discovered it was contaminated with "a substantial amount" of DNA from the porcine circovirus. In pigs, this virus causes poor growth, weight loss, weakness, enlarged lymph nodes, skin rashes, difficulty breathing, jaundice, stomach ulcers, and sudden death.
As expected, both the FDA and GlaxoSmithKline spokespeople stated that the contaminated Rotarix vaccine carried no known human health risks. However, this is easy to say since there are no studies to confirm or deny a link between these viruses and human disease.
In the case of the polio vaccine, the link between the SV40 virus and human cancer wasn't discovered until 40 years later! It is actually surprisingly common for vaccines to contain various animal matter, including foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA).
Once the Rotarix contamination was discovered, new technology was used to test eight infectious attenuated viral vaccines, and in addition to Rotarix, two others contained "unexpected viral sequences":
A measles vaccine was found to contain low levels of the retrovirus avian leukosis (AVL) virusa virus known to cause cancer in chickens. This despite the fact that vaccine manufacturers have been required to use eggs from leucosis-free stocks for over 40 years.
Rotateq, Mercks rotavirus vaccine, was found to contain a virus similar to simian (monkey) retrovirusthe SV40 virus previously linked to human cancer.
Are you willing to bet that they a) know what they're talking about, and b) are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the potential health dangers of all these vaccines?
HPV Vaccine Now Routine for Boys as Well...
So far, very few parents have voluntarily lined up their sons for the HPV vaccine, but that may soon change. As reported by Paging Dr. Gupta, the American Academy of Pediatrics' 2011 schedule of recommended routine vaccines for children and teens now includes the HPV vaccine for boys aged 9-18 as well.
Folks, this is a disaster in the making. I shudder to think about the statistics we'll see in a few years if parents fall for this nonsense.
I urge you to consider the risks already revealed in the four short years since Gardasil came on the market. Already, there are close to 21,000 reported incidents of adverse effects and death, despite the fact that only two out of every 10 women in the approved age group have gotten the vaccine so far.
Add to this the fact that an estimated 90 to 99 percent of all adverse effects are never reported, and the abnormally large risks of the HPV vaccine compared to other vaccines should give most people reason to pause.
Although the FDA ultimately dismisses all side effects, including deaths, as being within the norm, even they have stated that:
"In VAERS, a higher proportion of Gardasil reports were of syncope [fainting] and VTEs [venous thromboembolic events] compared with other vaccines."
And according to the National Vaccine Information Center, the incidents of miscarriage and still birth events from Gardasil supersede the same event from all other vaccinations.
According to a recent Sane Vax press release on PR Log:
"There is no doubt the vaccine's safety and efficacy has not been thoroughly investigated. And independent investigation on the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix must be conducted before there are more injuries and deaths."
What's most frustrating about this is that not a single one of these 21,000 children and young women needed to be harmed or die.
There are still outstanding questions about whether HPV is or is not the direct cause of cervical cancer. The FDA knows there are many other co-factors involved with the development of cervical cancer, and as of 2003 acknowledged that "most infections (by HPV) are short-lived and not associated with cervical cancer." The same news release also states that "with proper screening, cervical cancer is avoidable, and if caught early, curable."
In essence, three years before the HPV vaccine came upon the scene, they knew that what was neededif anythingwas simply improved screening methods, such as regular pap smear testing for girls and women that are far less risky than getting an HPV shot.
Interestingly, and disturbingly, routine pap smears have DECLINED, coinciding neatly with the release of the HPV vaccine. Between 2007 and 2010, cervical cancer screening rates declined by nearly 7 percent, the New York Times reported in December of last year.
When you consider that the HPV vaccine increases your risk of cancer if you're already infected with certain types of HPV, this is a double-whammy of bad news since rarely, if ever, are girls and women given HPV pap screening before they get an HPV shot.
It's all madness! Not only is the HPV vaccine is one of the most unnecessary vaccines on the market, it is also the most dangerous! And now they want to unleash it on young boys, and they're trying to get it approved for older women as well.
Weighing Benefits versus Risks
Even without a potential contamination scare, there are serious risks to every vaccine. The HPV vaccine is a perfect example. So before vaccinating you really need to be certain that the benefits will outweigh those risks.
In the case of Rotarix, along with RotaTeq (a similar vaccine made by Merck), the benefits are very questionable, especially if you live in the United States or another developed country. Typically, when a child in the United States contracts rotavirus, and most do in infancy and early childhood, all that is required is lots of rest, good nutrition and plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration from diarrhea. This infection also provides natural immunity that will protect your child for life.
Along with showing little benefit for a disease that is typically entirely treatable with fluids and rest, a recent drug review by the FDA found that Rotarix is associated with an increase in pneumonia-related deaths in children, compared to a placebo.
So with this particular vaccine, children living in developed countries like the US are potentially taking on serious risks with what appears to be very little benefit -- and that was before the contamination was uncovered.
In the case of the HPV vaccine (Gardasil and Cervarix) the choice is clear. It has a high rate of risk and the potential benefits are unproven:
In more than 70 percent of cases, HPV clears up on its own within a few weeks or months. In over 90 percent of cases, it's gone within two years, causing no symptoms or disease.
Only about 26 percent of girls and women ages 14 to 59 have been exposed to any HPV strain at all; and
Only 2 percent have been exposed to strains 16 or 18 the two that Gardasil and Cervarix protect against meaning this vaccine is completely unnecessary because HPV infection very rarely leads to cancer.
Women whose partners wore condoms during vaginal intercourse are 70 percent less likely to become infected with HPV. That's a FAR greater level of protection than you can get from this vaccine!
For more in-depth information about the HPV vaccine along with the top 10 reasons why you don't need it, please see this previous article.
The moral of the story?
Do your homework before subjecting your children to any vaccine. A
great way to get started is to simply use the Search Feature at the
top of each of my Web pages and search my site as it contains a
litany of research on vaccine safety, and the lack thereof. The
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) also provides
well-referenced information on vaccines and diseases, such as HPV,
rotavirus and polio.
Don't Give This to Your
Daughter - Despite What Your Doctor Says
Touted as a wonder vaccine that would end cervical cancer, it was supposed to be the savior of both mankind and Merck's Vioxx-damaged bottom line. But now, according to CNN Money, it's a dud.
It just posted $219 million in sales. But in the pharma world, that's a paltry pittance, nothing short of an in-flight explosion that's caused Merck stock to drop 3 percent, with analysts and investors scrambling to figure out what went wrong.
So what happened?
How did a vaccine that was supposed to be Merck's beacon for higher profits in the 21st Century go from flagship to flop?
The Science Speaks for Itself
CNN Money calls Gardasil's crash a "design flaw" and faults the economy, puritanical parents, bad press, and Merck itself for contributing to the fallout.
The article ends with the hypothesis: "Or, maybe people just aren't ready for a cancer vaccine when it's for a sexually transmitted disease."
I think they're way off the mark.
The real reason Gardasil is a flop is that people have become educated about this vaccine.
They've looked at the science and weighed the risks vs. the supposed benefits, and have made a choice not to get it for themselves or their children.
The word is out: despite what the CDC would have you believe, Gardasil's safety record is in serious question. As of September 28, 2010, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has more than 18,000 Gardasil-related adverse events listed in it, including at least 65 deaths.
As a vaccine used in the developed world, the science speaks for itself: Gardasil can't and never will -- replace Pap smears, which are the reason that the incidence of cervical cancer is so low in the United States after decades of including pap smears in routine medical care for women.
Today, cervical cancer is not even in the top 10 cancers that kill American women every year.
As a vaccine for children, it doesn't make sense to vaccinate to try to prevent an infection that is cleared from your body without any negative effects within two years in most healthy persons, and is not transmitted in a school setting like other airborne diseases that are easily transmitted in crowded conditions.
Gardasil is designed to prevent only two of at least 15 strains of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer in those who do not clear the virus from their body within two years and become chronically infected.
There is also some evidence that Gardasil-induced immunity may wane after about five years. Pre-licensure clinical trials did not follow young girls or women for decades to find out if the vaccine does, in fact, prevent cervical cancer.
What went wrong with Gardasil is that this may be a vaccine that set many more health care consumers on a course of self-education that helped them make an informed decision about whether or not to take it and there are several good reasons why many are deciding NOT to take it.
Science vs. Politics
First, the science: Peer-reviewed journal articles widely available on the Internet show that Gardasil is not what it was made out to be in the "one-less" TV commercials that jumped into people's living rooms a few years ago.
Consumers now know that:
But the politics of this information is that you won't hear it or read it in the mainstream press. Instead, what you get is a repetition of the politically charged mantra that parents don't want their young daughters or sons to get a vaccine associated with sexual behaviors, and complaints about the vaccine's high cost.
However, the real truth is that Gardasil's downfall has nothing to do with sex or money.
The Truth about HPV and Cancer
It is important to distinguish between HPV and cancer: Just because you currently have HPV, or may have had the infection in the past, does NOT mean you have cancer or will get cancer.
HPV is NOT cancer. It is a viral infection that can lead to cancer in some people if the virus does not naturally clear from your body, as it does for most people within two years.
Some high risk factors for developing chronic HPV infection are:
In the US, infection with HPV is very common, and it is estimated that about 20 million Americans have an HPV infection at any given time. In fact, HPV is so common that most sexually active people will get it at some time in their lives.
The important thing to know about HPV is that in almost all cases, it clears up on its own without any adverse health effects within two years in most healthy people.
Genital HPV infection that is persistent, and more likely to lead to cancer, is most common in men and women who have had multiple sex partners. According to the CDC, other contributing risk factors to HPV infection that leads to cervical cancer includes smoking, having herpes, Chlamydia or HIV (the virus associated with AIDS), or another health problem that makes it hard for your body to deal with infections.
Using birth control pills for a long time (five or more years) or having given birth to three or more children is also a risk factor.
Also, certain populations in the US are more prone to getting
cervical cancer. According to
"Cervical cancer occurs most often in certain groups of women in the United States including African-American women, Hispanic women, white (non-Hispanic) women living in rural New York State and northern New England, American Indian women, and Vietnamese-American women.
- Hispanic women have twice the rate of cervical cancer compared to non-Hispanic white women. African-American women develop this cancer about 50 percent more than non-Hispanic white women".
These disparities are due, in part, from poor access to health care. The women who are most at risk for the disease are women who do not have regular check-ups that include pap tests.
Official reports from the CDC and WHO estimate that between 11,000 and 12,000 women in the US are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year, and 3,800 to 4,100 die from it.
About half of these women had never had a pap smear before they discovered they had cervical cancer. The majority of the others had not had a pap smear within the previous five years.
According to the CDC's report on HPV to Congress in 2004:
"Cervical cancer is an uncommon consequence of HPV infection in women, especially if they are screened for cancer regularly with pap tests and have appropriate follow-up of abnormalities.The purpose of screening with the pap test is to detect cervical abnormalities that can be treated, thereby preventing progression to invasive cervical cancer, and also to detect invasive cervical cancer at a very early stage. If detected early and managed promptly, survival rates for cervical cancer are over 90 percent."
A study published in 2000 in the Archives of Family Medicine also showed that in the US, women who are elderly, unmarried, and uninsured are more likely to be diagnosed at a late stage of cervical cancer.
The Truth About Gardasil
According to a 2006 report to the international group Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Gardasil and Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline's two-strain HPV vaccine) are only effective in young women and men (boys are now approved to receive HPV vaccine) who have never been infected with HPV.
According to Merck's package insert on Gardasil, the end-point in its clinical trials for the vaccine's efficacy, or effectiveness, was NOT cancer, but instead was the presence, or non-presence, of vaccine-relevant pre-cancerous lesions (CIN 2/3).
There is absolutely no proof, and no clinical trials that show Gardasil protects against cancer in the long-term.
In fact, in clinical trials, Gardasil's protection against cell dysplasia leveled off at four years, and clinical trial participants were given a fourth dose to boost the number of antibodies measured in the blood (immunogenicity) of those who got the vaccine. This is the efficacy being reported by Merck, even though the vaccine series is marketed as three shots, not four.
And, according to Dr. Diane Harper, a lead researcher for Gardasil, its efficacy against genital warts is only two years.
Additionally, according to the manufacturer's package insert:
An outstanding question is whether the mass use of Gardasil (and Cervarix) by all girls and boys will put pressure on other HPV strains not contained in the vaccines to become more dominant and perhaps more virulent in causing cervical cancer.
The "replacement" effect has happened with other infectious organisms that have developed resistance to vaccines used on a mass basis, such as pertussis (whooping cough) and pneumococcal vaccines.
The Truth about Gardasil's Clinical Trials
Only 27 percent of girls who have received the Gardasil vaccine have gotten all three shots in the vaccine's series. Merck blames it on forgetfulness, and has launched a "reminder" program that contacts vaccinees, and urges them to complete the series.
CNN Money suggests that it has to do with the vaccine's high cost just under $400 for a three-shot series, although some private doctors charge up to $875 for a three-shot series.
But neither has considered the third possibility that the reported reactions girls are suffering after getting one or two shots of Gardasil are so severe that they decide not to go back for more.
In any drug trial, whether it's for a vaccine or not, safety should be the top priority and Gardasil's safety should have been thoroughly investigated before it was licensed and put on the market and recommended by public health doctors for ALL young girls to use.
But Merck used bad methodology in its pre-licensure safety studies that did NOT contain a true placebo. In reporting systemic adverse reactions to the vaccine, instead of using a true placebo that is not reactive on its own, Merck used a vaccine component (aluminum) in what they called the "placebo."
Aluminum can cause inflammation in the body and can make your blood brain barrier more permeable, allowing toxins to pass into your brain and cause damage. It is definitely not appropriate to use an aluminum-containing "placebo" to measure the reactivity of an experimental vaccine like Gardasil that will be given to children.
Researchers did use a saline placebo in one clinical trial, but only reported it in reference to injection site reactions. In those comparisons, the saline placebo had significantly fewer reactions than either the vaccine or the aluminum-containing placebo.
When it came to reporting the actual adverse, systemic events with the vaccine, Merck combined the aluminum and saline placebos, thus making the "placebo" results nearly the same as the vaccine's and impossible to objectively judge true safety comparisons.
This encouraged the perception that the vaccine is "safe" because the adverse events associated with it were nearly the same as the aluminum containing " placebo."
Another important outcome of the clinical trials that was not properly investigated before licensure was the potential association between the deaths that occurred in the clinical trials and the Gardasil vaccine.
A number of the girls who died during the trials were killed in car crashes. Yet, Merck did not report whether the girls were the drivers or passengers at the time of the accidents.
This could be critical information in determining the vaccine's true safety, since one of the most common post-marketing adverse events is syncope (sudden fainting) as well as dizziness, seizures, and neurological events that could have contributed to a car accident if the person had just received a Gardasil shot and was driving at the time of the accident.
The Truth about Gardasil and its Thousands of Injuries and Deaths
The federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has been in place since 1986, but many experts believe that only 1 to 10 percent of all serious health problems that occur after vaccination, including hospitalizations, injuries and deaths, ever make it into the VAERS database.
Most doctors and other vaccine providers do not report vaccine-related adverse events to VAERS even though it is a requirement under federal law since 1986 with the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
Gardasil was a "fast tracked" vaccine and with so little active reporting of Gardasil-related health problems to VAERS, this means that Gardasil should be on the red-alert list for agencies like the CDC, the FDA, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Yet these three federal health agencies and medical organizations urging doctors to give Gardasil to children and young women have joined Merck in insisting that Gardasil is safe, despite mounting evidence to the contrary.
Gardasil victims and their parents have been posting their
breaking stories
on websites.
These tragic entries posted by Gardasil casualties is stark testify to the fact that something isn't right with this vaccine and what isn't right is that the list of Gardasil victims just keeps growing.
The unfortunate fact is Merck only studied the vaccine in fewer than 1200 girls under age 16, and most of the serious health problems and deaths in the pre-licensure clinical trials were written off as a "coincidence."
And now, since those adverse reactions aren't listed as possible warning signs that the vaccine can cause harm, health officials are still ignoring them, even while girls die and others suffer ongoing, and often permanent, injuries and disabilities from it.
For example, a rough comparison of Gardasil and Menactra (a vaccine against meningitis) adverse event reports to VAERS through November 30, 2008 revealed that:
What's disturbing about this is that these reports in all likelihood are just the tip of the iceberg because most physicians are making their reports to Merck, rather than to VAERS, and Merck is forwarding such poor quality information to VAERS that the CDC and FDA can't follow up on the majority of reports that Merck makes.
As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in August 2009, Merck made 68 percent of the reports to VAERS and 89 percent of them had information that was too insufficient to review!
Is This a Vaccine that You Would Want?
An editorial in the August 19, 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) commented specifically on the risks and benefits of vaccinating with Gardasil, Merck's marketing of it, and the safety issues that are so obvious with this drug:
"When weighing evidence about risks and benefits, it is also appropriate to ask who takes the risk, and who gets the benefit," the JAMA author said."Patients and the public logically expect that only medical and scientific evidence is put on the balance. If other matters weigh in, such as profit for a company or financial or professional gains for physicians or groups of physicians, the balance is easily skewed.
"The balance will also tilt if the adverse events are not calculated correctly."
The commentary is so poignant that it's a wonder that the mainstream media still hasn't' picked up on the impact of what this author is trying to say that maybe, just maybe, people shouldn't be so quick to jump on the Gardasil bandwagon.
The JAMA commentary goes on to say that one of the core questions of all medical decisions should be: When is the available information about harmful adverse effects sufficient to conclude that the risks outweigh the potential benefits?
It's apparent that that question is in the minds of anyone who has really taken the time to study this vaccine.
What happened to Gardasil is that consumers looked at the science and lots of them made a choice to not use this vaccine.
And that, CNN Money, is why Gardasil is a flop.
What You Can Do to Make a Difference
Don't sit this one out! We need to take action NOW.
Tell your friends and your family. Tell everyone. With a little bit of effort, we can make big strides toward preserving our freedom to make voluntary health decisions affecting our future, especially our children's future.
One of the top goals for NVIC is preserving your freedom of choice about when to use vaccines. This non-profit charity has been fighting for your right to make informed VOLUNTARY vaccine choices since 1982. and NVIC are dedicating Nov. 1-6, 2010 Vaccine Awareness Week in a joint effort to raise public awareness about important vaccine issues.
Vaccine Awareness Week will feature a series of articles and
interviews on vaccine topics of interest to
newsletter subscribers and NVIC Vacine E-newsletter readers.
During this Vaccine Awareness Week, NVIC is also launching the online NVIC Advocacy Portal that will give you the tools you need to take action to protect legal medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions to vaccination in YOUR state.
Please register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal at
Report: Influenza Vaccine Mandates Ineffective & Unwise
You Over Vaccinating Your Child?
49 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6?
Vaccine Ingredients
How to
Legally Avoid Immunizations
For information about legally avoiding immunizations in Canada,
please see the Canadian Vaccination Liberation website
Stay tuned to this newsletter for more updates, or follow the
Vaccine Information Center on Facebook .
Together we CAN make a difference!
State Parents: You Can Say No to Vaccinations, Right? Maybe Not for
Much Longer
If you are a resident of Washington state, you should know that there is a bill quietly sailing through your state legislature that violates your privacy and threatens your right to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination. House Bill 1015 1 and Senate Bill 5005 also discriminates against parents by failing to give them equal protection under the federal National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL 99-660). 2
New Law Threatens Informed Consent Rights and Violates First Amendment
The proposed new law will legally require doctors and nurses to personally sign off on all religious or personal belief exemptions to vaccination filed with the state. Parents seeking non-medical exemptions will be required to include a signature from a vaccine provider on the exemption form stating that they have been given vaccine benefit and risk information. 3 Currently Washington state mandatory vaccination laws 4 only require signatures from medical personnel when medical exemptions are filed.
If this bill becomes law, it will put doctors, nurses and other medical personnel in the legal position of acting as inquisitors of religious beliefs held by fellow citizens, which is an invasion of privacy and a de facto violation of First Amendment rights. 5 Americans associated with the medical profession will have the power to sit in judgment of, or interfere with, the free exercise of religious, spiritual or conscientious beliefs of other Americans. It will also make it easier for doctors to punish parents making selective vaccine choices by denying their children medical care, which is the official policy of many U.S. pediatricians. 6
The ethical principle of informed consent 7 to medical risk taking means that you, as an individual or the legal guardian of an individual, have the human right to be fully informed about the benefits and risks of a medical intervention and make a voluntary decision without being harassed or coerced by anyone. 8 The informed consent principle protects individuals in every society from exploitation by those in positions of power in medicine, government and industry. 9, 10, 11
The proposed Washington state bill makes it easier for doctors and other medical personnel to violate an individual's informed consent rights and discriminate against those filing vaccine exemptions, who may hold different beliefs and values. 12, 13, 14, 15 Informed consent is especially important when it comes to vaccination because doctors and nurses cannot predict ahead of time who will be injured by vaccines. More than $2 billion dollars has been awarded by the U.S. Court of Claims 16 to compensate vaccine victims, mostly children, whose doctors did not know they would suffer brain inflammation, immune dysregulation and become permanently disabled or even die after vaccination. 17, 18, 19
Bill Also Ignores Federal Law Requirements
Co-sponsors of the new Washington state vaccine law do not acknowledge in the bill that there is already a federal law in place since 1986, 20, 21 which legally requires doctors, nurses and all vaccine providers to:
1. Give parents vaccine benefit and risk information before vaccination takes place; Record serious health problems, including hospitalizations, injuries and deaths, after vaccination in the child's permanent medical records;2. Report serious health problems after vaccination 22 to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) 23
3. Keep a permanent record of all vaccines given, including the manufacturer's name and lot number.
Unfortunately, today most vaccine providers do not obey these important federal law requirements. So if the goal of the new law is to educate parents about vaccination, it should simply state that all vaccine providers are legally required to give every parent Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) produced by the Centers for Disease Control, 24 which also contain information about reporting vaccine reactions and the federal vaccine injury compensation program.
Protect Your Rights. Take Action TODAY!
If you are a Washington State resident and do not want to lose your right to file a religious or personal belief exemption to vaccination without getting the signature of a doctor or nurse, you need take action TODAY.
Sign up for NVIC's Advocacy Portal and learn how to take action and make your voice heard. No matter what state you live in, please join forces now with the oldest, largest, and most experienced vaccine safety and informed consent organization, the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center, 25, 26 and fight for your freedom to make voluntary vaccine choices in America.
If it can happen in Washington state, it can happen in your state. Defend your informed consent rights.
Please forward the public service announcement linked to the end of this commentary to everyone you know about how to join NVIC's Advocacy Portal.
It's your health. Your family. Your choice.
1 Washington State Legislature. House Bill 1015 and Senate Bill
2 The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL 99-660). Subpart C - Assuring a Safer Childhood Vaccination Program in the United States (300 aa 25-28): Recording and reporting of information; vaccine information; mandate for safer childhood vaccines; manufacturer recordkeeping and reporting.
3 Washington State House of Representatives, Office of Program Research. Bill Analysis (HB1015) Health Care & Wellness Committee. January 11, 2011.
4 Washington State Vaccine Requirements.
5 United States Constitution, First Amendment.
6 Flanagan-Klygis EA, Sharp L, Frader JE. Dismissing the Family Who Refuses Vaccines. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2005; 159:929-934
7 University of Washington School of Medicine. Ethics in Medicine: Informed Consent.
8 Doyal L. Good clinical practice and informed consent are inseparable. Heart 2002; 87(2): 103-105.
9 Encyclopedia of Virginia. Buck v. Bell (1927).
10 Seidelman WE. Nuremberg lamentation: for the forgotten victims of medical science. British Medical Journal 1996; 313: 1463-7.
11 Annas GJ. Globalization of Clinical Trials and Informed Consent. N Eng J Med 2009; 360:2050-2053.
12 ACLU. 2009. NYCLU Urges Public Education and Voluntary Vaccine for H1N1 Flu, Warns Vaccine Mandate Violates Privacy Rights. Testimony by Donna Lieberman
13 Offit, P. Mandating Influenza Vaccine: One Hospital's Experience. Medscape 2010.
14 Sullivan PL. 2010. Influenza Vaccination in HealthCare Workers: Should It Be Mandatory? Journal of Issues in Nursing.
15 Evans G, Bostrom A, Johnston RB, Fisher BL, Stoto MA, editors. Risk Communication and Vaccination: Summary of a Workshop. Institute of Medicine, National Academies Press 1997.
16 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Statistics Report (January 3, 2011).
17 Waldenbuerg WS, Wallace SE. When Science is Silent: Examining Compensation of Vaccine-Related Injuries When Scientific Evidence of Causation is Inconclusive. Wake Forest Law Review 2007; 42: 303-331.
18 Poling J, Poling T. Letters: Vaccines, Autism and Our Daughter, Hannah. New York Times April 15, 2008.
19 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Vaccine Injury Table.
21 National Vaccine Information Center. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
22 Online Access to the U.S. Government's VAERS Data
23 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).
24 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control: Vaccine Information Statements.
25 National Vaccine Information Center. About Us.
26 In the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States: Bruesewitz v. Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines and Lederle Laboratories. Petition of Amici Curiae National Vaccine Information Center, it's co-founders and 11 other organizations in support of Petitioners.
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
Non-medical vaccine exemptions are under serious attack in Washington state and it is really important for Washington residents, who want to protect the religious and personal belief exemptions, to IMMEDIATELY contact their state representative and senator.
Legislators in other states may soon try to do what those in Washington state are trying to do torestrict your right to make vaccine choices. Sign up for NVIC's Advocacy Portal today and get access to your state legislators with one click. We need to all get involved and protect our informed consent rights in America. Act now!
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Vaccine Form You Can Give to Your Pediatrician
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Give This to Your Daughter - Despite What Your Doctor
& Swine Flu, Inconvenient Truth
8/24/09 10:01
Gardasil Vaccine Injuries &
7/14/09 8:56
A Parent's Horrid
Nightmare: Coming Soon to YOUR State?
At issue, of course, is whether 12-year-olds are mature enough to fully analyze the benefits versus risks of vaccination (or any medical treatment for that matter), or recognize the alternatives to STD prevention, such as abstinence. Meanwhile, a child could suffer a vaccine reaction and the parent, not knowing the child had been vaccinated, could mistake it for the flu or another condition, delaying getting help until it is too late.
But, perhaps the greatest issue of all is whether this law violates your basic right to be involved in important decisions regarding your child's health.
How Can Parental Consent be Completely Ignored?
As Barbara Loe Fisher of the
Vaccine Information Center
(NVIC) has stated, informed
is a human right.
"The right to voluntary, informed consent to a medical intervention, including use of a pharmaceutical product such as a vaccine that can injure or kill you or your child, is a human right. While the State may have the legal authority to mandate use of vaccines, nobody has the moral authority to FORCE you to get vaccinated or vaccinate your child without your voluntary, informed consent," she says.
We as parents, who know and love our children better than anyone else, we, by U.S. law and a larger moral imperative, are the guardians of our children until they are old enough to make life and death decisions for themselves. We are responsible for their welfare and we are the ones who bear the grief and the burden when they are injured or die from any cause.
We are their voice and by all that is right in this great country and in the moral universe, we should be allowed to make a rational, informed, voluntary decision about which diseases and which vaccines we are willing to risk their lives for -- without fearing retribution from physicians employed by the state."
Not only does AB499 remove a parent's right
to give their informed consent, but parents will not even have the
right to be informed if their child is vaccinated. As
of Autism recently reported
this could be disastrous for the child's well-being for a number of
A child will most likely not know his or her family history of allergies, autoimmune diseases, or adverse reactions to other vaccines or medications, all of which are essential to consider before the administration of any vaccine.
A child is not capable of weighing the risks and benefits of vaccination, and under this bill, a parent will not be present to ask the appropriate questions to elicit this important risk/benefit information.
A child can be easily swayed by a person of authority, his or her peers, and by misinformation
... Who will determine if the child falls within the category of those who should not be vaccinated on the label (especially in the absence of the child's medical records and the child's parent)?
Informed consent is especially important when it comes to vaccination, because there is no way for you or your physician to predict if your child will be one of the children who has a devastating vaccine reaction, such as brain inflammation, immune dysregulation, or even death.
AB499 More About Profits than Health
Pharmaceutical and medical lobbyists were heavily involved in pushing AB499 through the state legislature. After all, by stripping parents of their right to make informed decisions about medical procedures that could harm their children, they have tapped a new market for their Gardasil vaccine. And, at a cost of $108 per dose to the government, Merck, the vaccine's manufacturer, stands to profit handsomely.
Meanwhile, California taxpayers will likely foot the bill for the multi-millions of dollars this law will cost to implement. Parents are NOT responsible for the costs (how could they be if they're not even informed that a vaccine was given?), so the bulk will come from the government (i.e. the taxpayers). As Fisher states:
"This proposed law would cost the cash-strapped state of California multi-millions of dollars to implement. Most of that money will go to Merck and other vaccine corporations to pay for multiple doses of each vaccine that will be aggressively promoted to young children, who are not yet physically, mentally or emotionally mature enough to make fully informed decisions about risk-taking, including whether or not to take a medical risk."
Further, has anyone considered who will be held responsible if a child is permanently injured or killed from receiving a vaccination without their parents' consent? Neither physicians nor drug companies have any legal liability, so the parents will ultimately be the ones who will have to carry the financial burden if their child suffers damage from the vaccine.
If You Live in California, Talk to Your Child About Gardasil Risks!
You have the legal right to know the risks and complications of vaccines BEFORE you make the choice of whether or not to allow your child to be vaccinated. If you live in California, this right may soon be taken away, unless you ACT NOW to stop the Governor from signing it into law. Still, it would be prudent to discuss this issue with your child now, before they are given the opportunity to receive this vaccine, so they will be able to make an educated decision when and if the time comes.
In the four short years since Gardasil came on the market, there have been more than 21,000 reported incidents of adverse effects and death, despite the fact that only two out of every 10 women in the approved age group have gotten the vaccine so far.
Add to this the fact that an estimated 90 to 99 percent of all adverse effects are never reported, and the abnormally large risks of the HPV vaccine compared to other vaccines should give most people reason to pause. Further, you and your child should know that:
In the United States, infection with HPV is very common, and it is estimated that about 20 million Americans have an HPV infection at any given time. In fact, HPV is so common that most sexually active people will get it at some time in their lives.
The important thing to know about HPV is
that in almost all cases, it clears up on its own without any adverse
health effects within two years in most healthy people. So not only
is the HPV vaccine one of the most unnecessary vaccines on the
market, it
is also the most
If AB499 is not vetoed, it's important, if you live in California, to
arm your children with these facts in advance.
Urgent Action Alert for ALL Parents
If California parents can be stripped of their legal right to make informed medical decisions for their minor children, so too can parents in any state. I encourage you to get involved with the work that NVIC is doing to protect your right to choose which vaccines you want your children to get, including the legal right to use all, some, or no vaccines at all.
Register for the free NVIC Advocacy Portal that educates you about how to communicate effectively with your elected state representatives and protect vaccine exemptions in your state. Stay informed about what is happening in your state and make your voice heard.
Go to
and register today to take action.
For those of you who live in California, it is imperative that you take part in NVIC's urgent action alert. If Governor Brown does not veto AB499, vaccine exemptions for sexually transmitted disease vaccines become NULL and VOID in California. Please take just 5 minutes to help support this cause by:
The more people who get involved, the better chance there is that California will get the message that parents will not lie down while their parental rights are removed. Together we can make a difference and keep this legislation from standing, and influencing the right to informed consent in the rest of the United States as well.
Our entire country needs to come together and send the state government of California the strong message: Keep your hands off our kids!
Source: National Vaccine Information Center September 5, 2011
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Give This to Your Daughter - Despite What Your Doctor
New Flu
Vaccine for Seniors Provides Better Protection
The new extra-strength flu vaccination you're inquiring about is called the Fluzone High-Dose and it's designed specifically for seniors, age 65 years and older. Here's what you should know.
Manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur Inc., the Fluzone High-Dose vaccine was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in Dec. 2009, and was first made available last flu season on a limited basis.
The main difference between the Fluzone High-Dose and a regular flu shot is its potency. The High-Dose vaccine contain four times the amount of antigen (the part of the vaccine that prompts the body to make antibody) as a regular flu shot does, which creates a stronger immune response for better protection. This extra protection is particularly helpful to seniors who have weaker immune defenses and have a great risk of developing dangerous flu complications. The CDC estimates that the flu puts more than 200,000 people in the hospital each year and kills around 24,000 95% of whom are seniors.
As with all flu vaccines, Fluzone High-Dose is not recommended for seniors who are allergic to chicken eggs or those who have had a severe reaction to a flu vaccine in the past.
To locate a vaccination site that offers the Fluzone High-Dose, ask your doctor or pharmacist or check the online flu-shot locator at for clinics or stores offering flu shots. Then, contact some in your area to see whether they have the High-Dose vaccine. CVS, Walgreens, Safeway, Kmart, Rite Aid and Kroger are among some of the chains offering the High-Dose shot.
You'll also be happy to know that if you're a Medicare beneficiary, Part B will cover 100% of the cost of your High-Dose vaccination. But if you're not covered the cost is around $50 to $60 that's about double of what you'd pay for a regular flu shot.
Another important vaccination the CDC recommends to seniors - especially this time of year is the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine for pneumonia and meningitis (the vaccine is called Pneumovax 23). Pneumonia causes more than 40,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, many of which could be prevented by this vaccine. If you're over age 65 and haven't already gotten this one-time-only shot, you should get it now before flu season hits. Pneumovax 23 is also covered under Medicare Part B and you can get it on the same day you get your flu shot. If you're not covered by insurance, this vaccine costs around $75 to $85 at retail clinics.
This vaccine is also recommended to adults under age 65 if they smoke or have certain chronic conditions like asthma, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, sickle cell disease, have had their spleen removed or have a weakened immune system due to cancer, HIV or an organ transplant.
Savvy Tips: In addition to getting vaccinated, the CDC reminds
everyone that the three best ways to stay healthy during flu season
is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, cover your
mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and stay home if you're sick.
For more information on the recommended vaccines for older adults see
Savvy Living is written by Jim Miller, a regular contributor to
the NBC Today Show and author of "The Savvy Senior" book. The
articles are offered as a helpful and informative service to our
friends and may not always reflect this organization's official
position on some topics. Jim invites you to send your senior
questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK
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