What Women/Men Want Most in Each Other

Menstuff® has compiled the following information on what women and men want in the other sex.

What Women Want Most In a Man

It's not good looks. It's not money. It's not a charming personality. It's not a powerful career. What women want most in a man is fidelity.

Fully 54 percent of women responding to a Leger Marketing-Canadian Press poll cited "a faithful partner" when asked what they thought was most important when choosing a mate, reports the Canadian Press. Men also cited fidelity as an important attribute, but not surprisingly they also highly valued physical attraction and being good in bed.

Here are the results of the Leger Marketing-Canadian Press survey of 1,052 adults that was conducted in January. Participants were asked to choose the three attributes they most valued in a potential mate, so the numbers add up to more than 100 percent.

What women want most in a man:

What men want most in a woman:

The best place to meet that special someone:

Here's something that should gladden every heart: Fully 90 percent of those polled believe it is possible to be happy with the same person for a lifetime.
Source: Cathryn Conroy, channels.netscape.com/ns/love/package.jsp?name=love/fun/womenwant/womenwant

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