Kids Albums 
Guidance for Grown-Ups. Menstuff® reviews the finest spoken
word albums by category as selected by a panel of judges for the 1998
National Parenting Publications Awards.
Early Elementary
Upper Elementary
Best Kids Albums
Words can bring hours of pleasure and comfort even in this multimedia
age, especially through storytelling and the spoken word.
- Completely Yours, read by Paula Poundstone and friends, a
charming mini-album containing A Mother for Choco, 29 nursery
rhymes and two songs. Lily Tomlin, Ed Asner, Mary Tyler Moore, and
others. Children's Book-of-the-Month Club, Spoken Word, $5.95
cassettes, $7.95 CD, 800.295.1119
- Kids' Guide to Life: Ernie Gets Lost, by Lisa Alexander.
A toddler friendly story featuring Ernie and Maria of Sesame
Street. Teaches practical tips to remember when you get lost. Song
Wonder; Spoken Word, $6.98 cassette and book. 888.221.8180
- Knick-Knack Paddy Whack, by Diane Ferlatte. Sweet stories with
wonderful sounds and rhythms. A great Mother Goose medley
concludes the adventure. Have I Got a Story to Tell,
Storytelling, $10 cassette, 510.655.2719
Early Elementary:
- It's Not My Turn to Look for Grandma and other stories, by
April Halprin Wayland. A collection of five stories, 17 poems and
a lively theme song. The poems and stories flow from one to
another with lovely musical interludes. April Halprin Wayland,
Spoken Words, $10 plus postage and handling, 310.376.8760
- Marc Brown's Arthur Chapter Books Volume 1. The lovable little
aardvark is now featured to solve three kid-type programs that
will have listeners making predictions and eager to hear how they
resolved their dilemmas. Listening Library Inc., Spoken Word,
$16.98 for two-tapes, 800.243.4504
- The President Express Adventure Pack, narrated by LeVar
Burton. A fast-paced adventure as two boys and their dog
travel by train across the U.S. during the 30's. Learning Curve
International, Spoken Word, $24.99 for tape, book and train,
800.704.TOYS (8697)
Upper Elementary:
- Mick Harte Was Here by Barbara Park. One powerful story
dealing with the death of a sibling. Be prepared to laugh a lot
and cry a little. Includes a strong message about the importance
of wearing a bicycle helmet (parents, be an example of smart
people and wear your helmet too. - ed) Listening Library Inc.,
Spoken word, $16.98 for 2 tape set, 800.243.4504
- The Three Musketeers/Robin Hood by Randy Weiss who honors the
plots while downplaying the violence. A perfect introduction to
these literary classics for young listeners. Greathall
Productions, Storytelling, $9.95 cassettes, $14.95 CD,
- Stories in My Pocket: Tales Kids Can Tell, by Martha
Hamilton, Mitch Weiss and others. 18 tellable tales. Side one,
stores told by students from age 5 to 15. Side two features Mitch
Weiss and Martha Hamilton who worked with the student
storytellers. Beauty and the Beast Storytellers, Storytelling, $10
plus $2 shipping. 607.277.0016
- The Great Turtle Drive & other stories by Steve
Sanfield. Jewish folktales, starting with a clever circular story,
then segueing into a rollicking tale of a teacher and his wife and
a plan for strudel gone awry and tall tales besides. Backlog Book
Services, Storytelling and Spoken Word, $10 plus $2 shipping,
- Redwall by Brian Jacques. More than 10 hours of tape are
perfect for nightly family story times or long car trips.
Listening Library Inc., Spoken Word, $59.98 for eight cassettes;
- Tales from Cultures Far and Near by Jim Weiss. Circle the
globe to hear stories from Japan, Spain, China, West Africa, the
Middle East and the native people of North America. Greathall
Productions, storytelling, $9.95 cassette, $14.95 CD,
* * *
Florida is not the southermost state in the United States - Hawaii
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