Menstuff® has compiled the following information on the Male
Nurse Magazine.
Whats New
Joe Flores, RN, MSN, CCRN, FNP, JD our senior legal writer has many up-dates on his page. Joe has given us a new article called competent and compassionate warning to all consumers and seniors. This can be found on his page at Advice of Counsel.
Joe is also going to be offering a Legal Nurse Consulting program that is an accredited course. He has told us that it will be a low cost for the same program that others advertise. Joe will also be offering CEUs and again we will offer all this from his page here at Male Nurse Magazine.
It is summer here in Indiana and I will be having a Hog Roast here on the farm. The event will be on July, 1st of this year. There will be many doctors and nurses along with their families. If you are in the four state area, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois or you would like to come just email, if you are a company and wish to send anything please again let me know.
The Team Hope Project
The entire donation given this far has been great and I would ask that you help as much as possible. It is again Hurricane season and we need to make sure we have as much resources a possible. Again I ask that if you would like to be part of the teams that you email me with your contact information. There is donation on the site to give and we will use this money to help care for people on the ground.
FEMA and Home Land Security came out with some guide lines on what to do and how to do it but, most striking to me was the fact that you and I are on our own for at least 7-10 days. This is where we come in and help people on the ground until there are systems in place to help those in the hard hit areas. We do not get paid and we will work until our job is done. Give me 7-10 days of your life and I will change the way you see others in this country.
The Employment Page
We have our preferred employer up on the front page. The University of Pennsylvania health Care System As many of our readers might know it was pick as number one for Male Nursing Students. Please take the time to look over their site and what they have to offer they have come recommended by all of you.
We have added a new aspect to our link page. This will give others a chance to get out there message. Hope that this year we will see more men and women joining the ranks of nursing. Remember that if no one has told you thank you for a long time, well here it is. I thank all of you for becoming nurses. I do not care if it is LPN or RN we must all start some where. So thank you for what you do.
RTG Medical is coming aboard this month. You will find them on our link page. I would like to say that I know this company first hand. In the world of travel nursing it can be up and down with pay and your contact with your company. You as a professional need to know that the company you work for is behind you 24 hours a day seven days a week. I have worked for RTG and Cory Eikmeier a senior recruiter has always been up front a fair. I would say the in the world of travel this company is a number on for professionals. You can contact Cory at and watch for their banner on our link page.
Male Nurse Magazine Survey
The survey is going very strong and I wanted to share just some of the responses.
Question: 8. would you tell your friends about nursing?
A: Yes and I have on several occasions. One friend is due to finish next year.
A: Nursing is my life now. Everyone that knows me knows I am a Registered Nurse. Yes, I speak to people about nursing. I also tell them that it is not easy but well worth the rewards and opportunities of healing hurt people.
A: I do, but I am disenchanted with the disrespect I felt in nursing. I went into Medical Sales.
A: Yes, but I would give them a realistic picture of what to expect in a female dominated career
Question: 12. Are you happy with the future of nursing?
A: I think the future of nursing holds great promise.
A: Not really. Males don't have as big of a voice as I would like.
A: job opportunities yes learning opportunities yes shortage no
A: no.. We have lost the bedside nursing manners. We still (as a group) feel subservient and let admin to walk over us. And we don't do anything about it
A: NO!!!! It's sad when a RN graduates and can't cath a male (just an example) or do good charting and readable
A: No, I think that if nursing truly presented a united front, we could have so much better future
A: The future of nursing is an arena that is ever-changing - not only because of the changing demographics of the population, but because the need for nurses continues to grow so rapidly. There is a huge need for us - both male and female - to undertake the mission of promoting the science and recruiting top notch individuals to become part of our team.
This was just a small part of what has been said so far I will be running the survey for 30 more days and then I will put together the results.
Tell your friends about the survey MALE NURSE MAGAZINE 2006 SURVEY
The Last thought
Here at Male Nurse Magazine we have always tried to keep the web site free so we could reach as many people as possible. There is another company out there that has started to print a magazine for male nurses. The advertising states that they are the first to support males in this profession and that there is nothing like it out there. I do not support this magazine nor is it in any way part of what I have been doing for the 5 years. I have been blessed with the support of many of you and I will continue to keep the site free. I would ask that you understand that it is my thought that this other company is trying to make money off of our concept and as we do not support them I will not fight them. The goal of this web site and its concept was and still is to get more males into nursing. I have also stated that I want nurses be them male or female I support you.
As always I thank you for your support and I personally thank you for becoming a nurse, a nursing student, or just a person that cares.
Jerry R Lucas RN, Publisher
Male Nurse Magazine
10510 south state hwy3
Deputy, IN 47230
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