Menstuff® has compiled a selected list of national
organizations that provide information on child abuse and neglect.
Inclusion is for information purposes only and does not constitute an
endorsement by the Clearinghouse or the Children's Bureau.
on Child Maltreatment
American Humane Association (AHA), 63 Inverness Drive, East, Englewood, CO 80112-5117 P 303.792.9900; F 303.792.5333 or or
The American Humane Association's mission is preventing cruelty,
abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children and animals. AHA's Child
Welfare Division has worked for many years to improve the public and
private child welfare systems so they can respond more effectively to
the needs of abused and neglected children. AHA is a national
association of child protection programs, agencies, and individuals,
and its membership includes State and local social service agencies,
child advocates, courts, hospitals, schools, mental health
professionals, and concerned citizens in every State. AHA information
assists professionals and citizens in making informed decisions about
how to help children and families in crisis. The association also
develops resources and programs which help communities and citizens
prevent child abuse.
American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), 810 First Street NE, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20002 P 202.682.0100; F 202.289.6555 or
General Scope: The American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) is an organization of individuals and agencies concerned with human services. APHSA's mission is to promote, develop, and implement public human service policies that improve the health and well-being of families and children.
As a major affiliate of APHSA, the National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators (NAPCWA) represents administrators of State and local public child welfare agencies working to meet the goals outlined in APHSA's mission statement.
Training Specific: The APHSA website at provides training information on Leadership and Practice Development of Human Services Professionals. The Leadership and Practice Development Department (LPD) works to support and enhance the capacity of state and local human service agencies to improve outcomes by implementing new policies and effect major program reforms.
The National Staff Development and Training Association (NSDTA),
an affiliate of APHSA's, provides a national forum for the discussion
of staff development and training issues at the Federal, State, and
local levels. To learn more about the NSDTA, visit its website at
Chapin Hall Center for Children, 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 Phone: (773) 753-5900 F 773.753.5940 or or
Chapin Hall is a research and development center focusing on
policies, practices, and programs affecting children and the families
and communities in which they live. The Center devotes special
attention to children facing significant problems such as abuse or
neglect, poverty, and mental or physical illnesses, and to the
service systems designed to address these problems.
Child Trends, 4301 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20008 P 202.362.5580; F 202.362.5533 or (research inquiries) or
Child Trends is a research organization dedicated to studying
children, youth, and families through research, data collection, and
data analyses. Among the major areas of research and evaluation are
the effects of welfare and poverty on children; issues related to
parenting, family structure and fatherhood; and major indicators of
children's health and well-being.
Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) Headquarters, 440 First Street NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20001-2085 P 202.638.2952; F 202.638.4004 or or
The Child Welfare League of America is the oldest national
organization serving vulnerable children, youth, and their families.
CWLA provides training, consultation, and technical assistance to
child welfare professionals and agencies while also educating the
public on emerging issues that affect abused, neglected, and at-risk
children. Through its publications, conferences, and teleconferences,
CWLA shares information on emerging trends, specific topics in child
welfare practice (family foster care, kinship care, adoption,
positive youth development), and Federal and State policies.
Childhelp USA, 15757 North 78th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 P 480.922.8212; F 480.922.7061; TDD: 800.2-A-CHILD or 800.4-A-CHILD or
Childhelp USA is dedicated to meeting the physical, emotional,
educational, and spiritual needs of abused and neglected children by
focusing its efforts and resources in the areas of treatment,
prevention, and research. Its programs and services include the
operation of the Childhelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline,
residential treatment facilities for severely abused children, child
advocacy centers that reduce the trauma of child abuse victims during
the interview and examination process, group homes, foster family
selection, training and certification, Head Start programs for
at-risk children, child abuse prevention programs, and community
Children's Defense Fund (CDF), National Headquarters, 25 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20001 P 202.628.8787 or or
The Children's Defense Fund focuses on key issues affecting the
well-being of children by helping develop, implement, and monitor
State and Federal policies. CDF gathers and disseminates data on
children, promotes public education, provides technical assistance to
State and local child advocates, and pursues an annual Federal
legislative agenda.
Kempe Children's Center, 1825 Marion Street, Denver, CO 80218 P 303.864.5252 or or
The Kempe Children's Center is a clinically based resource
providing training, consultation, program development and evaluation,
and research in child abuse and neglect. The Center is committed to
multidisciplinary approaches to the prevention, identification, and
treatment of all forms of abuse and neglect.
Childwelfare information gateway,
National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information, 330 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20024 P 703.385.7565; F 703.385.3206; 800.394.3366 or 1250 Maryland Ave, SW, 84
The Childware
The National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information,
a service of the Children's Bureau, helps professionals locate
information on child abuse and neglect and related child welfare
issues. Among its resources, the Clearinghouse offers a bibliographic
database of child maltreatment and related child welfare materials,
summaries of State laws concerned with child abuse and neglect and
child welfare, fact sheets, resource lists, bulletins, and other
publications. Jointly with the National Adoption Information
Clearinghouse (NAIC), the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and
Neglect Information publishes the Children's Bureau Express, an
online digest of news and resources for professionals concerned with
child maltreatment, child welfare, and adoption.
National Foster Parent Association (NFPA), 7512 Stanich Avenue, No. 6, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Phone: (253)853-4000. F 253.853.4001 or 800.557.5238 or or
General Scope: The National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) is a nonprofit volunteer organization. The NFPA's purpose is to bring together foster parents, agency representatives, and people in the community to improve the foster care system.
NFPA promotes coordination, cooperation, and communication among foster parents, foster parent associations, child care agencies, and other child advocates in an effort to encourage the recruitment and retention of foster parents.
Training Specific: Training and education resources include:
National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA), 5100 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97239 P 503.222.4044 F 503.222.4007 or or
NICWA functions as the only Native American organization focused
specifically on issues of child abuse and neglect and tribal capacity
to prevent and respond effectively to these problems. They provide
workshops and training programs, using one or more of over 25
culturally appropriate NICWA developed resources, including training
materials, curricula, and books. They also offer technical assistance
and training on child care, family preservation, and substance
Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA), 200 South Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604-2404 P 312.663.3520; F 312.939.8962 or or
Prevent Child Abuse America is committed to promoting legislation,
policies, and programs that help prevent child abuse and neglect,
support healthy childhood development, and strengthen families.
Working with chapters in 37 States and the District of Columbia,
Prevent Child Abuse America provides leadership to promote and
implement prevention efforts at the national and local levels.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Plus (SBS Prevention Plus), PO Box 205, Groveport, OH 43125-0205 P 614.836.8360; F 614.836.8359 or or
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Plus develops, studies, and distributes informational materials that discourage Shaken Baby Syndrome and other physical child abuse and promote positive parenting and child care.
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