Menstuff® has gathered a list of feminist/profeminist/ and
ally organizations run primarily by men to end violence and
oppression of women, children, and other marginalized people. These
groups represent a growing number of men who have recognized the
damaging effects of living in inequality with women and with each
other and choose to actively engage these concerns.
- All Men Are
- Alternative Anti-sexist, a European mixed group of
students against sexism. www.geocities.com/capitol-hill/7422/
- American Men's Studies
- Body Politic, an independent forum to chart the
progress of changes in social, political and sexual attitudes and
manners while encouraging and celebrating the enjoyment of active
engagements between women and men. the.arc.co.uk/body
- BrotherPeace - freenet.msp.mn.us/org/bptc
- A Call to Men:
National Association of Men and Women Committed to Ending Violence
Against Women
- The Campaign to End Homophobia - www.endhomophobia.org
- Care Guide - www.careguide.net
E-mail subscription lists: Free email through Hotmail at www.hotmail.com;
career moms at www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/careermoms;
motherhood - www.research.umbc.edu/~koren-man/wmst/f_mom.html;
lesbian and bisexual moms at majordomo@queernet.org;
and for parents raising healthy, happy children while holding down
full- or part-time jobs see majordomo@pobox.com
and type "subscribe W2MOMS"
- Coaching
boys into Men
- Coalition
Against Trafficking in Women
- Dads and
- Emerge
- European Men Profemist
- EuroPRO-Fem: European Menprofemist Network.
www.europrofem.org or
or traboules@traboules.org
- Faces of Feminism, flash.lakehadu.ca/~csquitti/webdoc3.5.html
- Feminists Against Censorship, formed in 1989 by a group
of longtime feminist academics and campaigners who wished to fight
censorship from a feminist perspective. They have been joined by
younger feminists, including those in the professions law,
computer programming, photography, secretarial work and the sex
industry. www.fiawol.demon.co.uk/FAC/
- Feminist - Can Men Be One? cpi.pathfinder.com@@nXraJwYAVl64AhCb/cgi-bin/boards/read/11/3026
- Feminist.Com (Great
resources & info on Pro-feminist Men's Groups)
- Feminist Mothers at Home www.lollygag.com/fmah
- Founding
- Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project
- German Men's Studies Task Group - in German only.
- Girls, Women, &
Media Project
- Gloucester Men
Against Domestic Abuse
- Hip Mama www.hipmama.com/home.asp
- International
Society for Men's Health and Gender, P.O.Box 144, A-1097,
Vienna, Austria / EUROPE, Phone: +43 1 4096010, Fax: +43 1 4096011
or www.ismh.org or office@ismh.org
- Karelian
Centre for Gender Studies
- Mad Dads
- Mainely Men Against Violence & Sexism www.mmavs.org
- Male
- Manhood Online, Australia, www.manhood.com.au
- Marit Synnevaring Feminist Site with many fascinating
links and much English contact, Norway, www.ubb.uib.no/users/bubsy/
- Men Against Pornography, men speak out about how they
were able to quit using pornography and why. An on-line anthology.
- Men Against
Sexual Assault
- Men
Against Sexual Violence
- Men Can Stop
- Men
Ending Violence
- The Mens Bibliography A comprehensive
bibliography of writing on men, masculinities and sexualities (9th
edition) Compiled by Michael Flood First published in 1992 Updated
7 December 2001 mensbiblio.xyonline.net/
- Men
for Change, Halifax, Nova Scotia. www.cfn.cs.dal.ca/CommunitySupport/Men4Change/m4c_back.htm
or www.chebucto.ns.ca/CommunitySupport/Men4Change/index.htm
- Men for
- Men
Stopping Violence
- Mensnet, the Men's Network for Change in Canada, A
network for pro-feminist, gay affirmative, anti-racist, male
positive men. infoweb.magi.com/~mensnet
- Men's Resource Center Of Western Massachusetts -
- Meninist
- Men's Health
- Men's Initiative for Jane
Doe Inc.
- Men's Network
Against Domestic Violence
- Men's Resource
- Men's
Resources International
- Men
Stopping Violence - a social change organization dedicated
to ending men's violence against women. Men Stopping Violence
works locally, nationally, and internationally to dismantle belief
systems, social structures, and institutional practices that
oppress women and children and dehumanize men themselves. We look
to the violence against women's movement to keep the reality of
the problem and the vision of the solution before us. We believe
that all forms of oppression are interconnected. Social justice
work in the areas of race, class, gender, age, and sexual
orientation are all critical to ending violence against women. 533
W. Howard Avenue, Suite C, Decatur, GA 30030, 404.270.9894 or
or www.menstoppingviolence.org
- Mentors in
Violence Prevention (May be a connection problem)
- Mining Company guide to daycare, www.daycare.miningco.com
- Moms online www.momsonline.com
- Montreal Men Against Sexism (May be a connection
- Mothers who think salonmagazine.com/mwt
- Ms. Magazine, www.msmagazine.com
- National Organization for
Men Against Sexism, (founded 1983), PO Box 455,
Louisville, CO 80027-0455. 303.666.7043 or info@nomas.org
or www.nomas.org (7/1)
- National Organization for Men Against Sexism - Boston.
See www.nomasboston.org
- National Organization for Women
(NOW), founded (6/30/66) by people attending the Third
National Conference on the Commission on the Status of Women.
NOW's purpose is to "take action to take women into full
partnership in the mainstream of American society, exercising all
privileges and responsibilities in equal partnership with men."
1100 H St NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20005, 202.628.8669
or FAX 202.785.8576 or TTY 202.331.9002 or www.now.org
or now@now.org. For specific information regarding the push for
the Violence Against Women Act www.now.org/issues/legislat/02-11-98.html#vawa
- New Hampshire Tree
(Trans Pride) (Not sure about this site)
- Norwegian Men's Forum, a gateway to many Norwegian
Internet resources on the male gender. nettvik.no/foreningsgaarden./mib/
- Oh Brother, Nikki Craft's challenges to the Men's
Movement. www.nemesis.org/nemesis/ACLU/oh!BROTHER/
Links for Men on Coleen's Feminist Home Page at pages.prodigy.com/HYEW27A/men.htm
- Ohio University Men Against Sexism is an official
university organization, and a local chapter of the National
Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS). Projects: educational
forums to be presented in the dorms on masculinity (we've already
contacted some Resident Directors, who are interested in hosting
them), men's programming for Take Back the Night, as well as a
possible men's speaker (like Jackson Katz)...also, we are
co-sponsoring a Media Literacy Week, during which we would have
forums and discussions on images of body, people of color,
non-heterosexual people, violence, and whatever else (including
accuracy within media, etc.). Further, we have also discussed
screening various films, such as Tough Guise, with a discussion to
follow. We are also linked up with other groups on campus, such as
Femini! st Coalition, Open Doors (an LGBT group), FUQ (Federation
of United Queers), Positive Action (a group dealing with a range
of social and economic justice issues), and Free Student Press. We
commonly work together to have jointly sponsored events, so OUMAS
would be right in line with such groups. Steve Kehnel, stevekehnel@hotmail.com
- OneinFour
Welcome to the online home of One in Four at the University of
Virginia. One in Four is an all-male sexual assault peer education
group at U.Va. We present a one-hour program, "How to Help a
Sexual Assault Survivor: What Men Can Do," to any group of men who
will listen -- sports teams, residence hall students, student
organizations, fraternities, off campus groups -- anyone. We also
perform for coed audiences from time to time under special
circumstances. Our name, One in Four, has a dual meaning. First,
it refers to the nation-wide research study indicating that one in
four college women report surviving rape or attempted rape since
their 14th birthday. Secondly, we seek to be the ones who inform
other men how to help women recover from a rape experience. One in
Four is composed of over 20 male students at the University. Our
members include student athletes, fraternity presidents, Resident
Staff, University Guides, and leaders from numerous other student
- On the Issues, a woman's quarterly, www.echonyc.com/~onissues
- Parenting, Children and Community www.feminist.com/parent.htm
- Pro-feminist Men's European Network, Le Mirail Toulouse
University, France, wrote 3/98 that they are setting up a network
in Europe and looking for articles, contacts (not only in Europe),
any kind of information on the subject. www.menprofeminist.org
- Pro-feminist men's groups listing, www.feminist.com/pro.htm
- Pro-feminist mailing list: coombs.anu.edu.au/~gorkin/profem.html
or majordomo@coombs.anu.edu.au
with the text: subscribe profem-1
- Pro-Feminist Website, A comprehensive site
including articles, a bookstore, links, and an academic
bibliography on issues such as men's and women's movements,
feminism, masculinism, gender studies, queer stories and more.
or profem@hotmail.com
(email address no longer active (11/01)
- Real Men is an anti-sexist men's group in the Boston
area. Why do we call ourselves REAL MEN? Because we are attempting
to contribute to a new understanding of what it means to be a man.
We believe that, contrary to the popular stereotype about "real
men" as macho tough guys, it is important for men to rethink and
work to change traditional masculinity, which is often more
difficult to do and takes more courage. www.cs.utk.edu/~bartley/other/realMen.html#whatIs
- Stop Abuse For Everyone - www.safe4all.org
- Tulane Men Against
Rape We are an organization of men and women from
the Tulane Community that is dedicated to educating the Tulane
community and the surrounding areas on the problem of sexual
violence/abuse against women. Our goal is to decrease the amount
of sexual abuse/violence in our community, and hopefully, one day
the lessons we teach will be passed on far enough out to stop
violence/abuse across the entire country. We are a student led
organization, but we do have ties with TUPD. On this site you will
find the laws and statistics on rape, information on becoming a
member or a volunteer, and other general information. Please
explore the site and give some consideration to joining us as a
member or volunteer. www.tulane.edu/~tmar
- Twin Cities Men's
Center The Men's Center is an incorporated,
non-profit, volunteer organization which began as an outgrowth of
the Men's Awareness Network in the Twin Cities in 1973. TCMC
published the large-format Men's Survival Resource Book in 1979.
TCMC began these projects which each became new Twin Cities
organizations: Men in Violent Relationships in 1977 (now the
Domestic Abuse Project), HTLV-lll (HIV) support groups in 1985
(now the Minnesota AIDS Project), and Fathers and Sons support
groups in 1990 (now the Father's Resource Center). TCMC sponsored
the Twin Cities exhibition of Judy Chicago's Birth Project in
1989. The first annual Men's Leadership/Wingspan conference was
hosted by TCMC in 1990. TCMC offers a variety of workshops,
brunches, retreats, playshops, presentations and conferences. TCMC
hosted Midwest Regional Men's Conferences in 1978, 1980, 1983,
1985, 1987, 1989, and 1992. Presenters from these conferences
participate in weekly programs on Wednesday nights at the Men's
Center. In 2001. the TCMC hosted the Men's Health & Well-Being
Symposium. TCMC provides speakers and custom-designed programs for
schools and community organizations. Since 1996, The Men's Center
began offering Anger Management classes, pioneering this vital
healing field.
- VCS Community Change Project - www.planet-rockland.org/vcs/ccp.htm
- Voice Male publication that covers a wide
variety of subjects, including pro-feminist male issues. We also
operate youth education programs, focusing on preventing gender
violence and educating against sexism, homophobia/heterosexism,
and other forms of oppression. Men's Resource Center of Western
Massachusetts, 236 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, Mass. 01002,
413.253.9887 Steven Botkin, Executive Director. or 29 Howard
Street, Springfield, MA 01105 413.734.3438 or www.mrc-wma.com
or mrc@valinet.com
- White Ribbon
Campaign The WRC is the largest effort in the world
of men working to end men's violence against women. It relies on
volunteer support and financial contributions from individuals and
organizations. - www.whiteribbon.ca
- Woman's List of Political Bookmarks is comprehensive.
- Working Moms Internet refugee -
- Working Parent reading room - www.parentsplace.com/genobject.cgi/readroom/work.html
* * *
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