STDS Resources

Menstuff® lists of STDS resources and web sites for men. See also AIDS & Aging.

The following are sites related to sexually transmitted diseases on the American Social Health Association web site that the Center for Disease Control recommends. While they have a rather extensive section specifically for Women's Health, there is no separate section for Men's Health. We hope you find the organizations referenced in this section helpful in providing additional information. ASHA cannot guarantee that these resources will be able to answer all of your questions. For specific medical inquiries, always consult a physician.


Herpes Web sites

HIV/AIDS Web sites

HPV Web sites

Maternal and Child Health Web sites

Gay and Lesbian Health Web sites

Immunization/Vaccination Web sites

Sexual Health Web sites

Other STD-related Web sites

Minority Health Web sites

Health Care Provider Web sites

Women's Health Web sites

Men's Health Web sites

Sexual Assault and Advocacy Web sites

Condom Web sites


*    *    *
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