Mad Cowboy's Disease |
Press Institute and the Journalist's Tool
Center for
Responsive Politics
Action to Stop the War
Eat the
FAIR: Fairness
& Accuracy in
FSTV: Free
Speech TV
Institute for
Public Accuracy
The Justice
MoveOn: Democracy
in action
Threat Reduction Campaign
On Common
The Power and
Interest News Report
The Resource
Center of the Americas
The Public
United for
Peace & Justice
Vote to
Issues: War
Bush - Taking It One Step Further
Witness - You've gotta see
Stand Passively Mute
Antiwar Anthem
in Combat
Veteran's Services
American Press
Institute and the Journalist's Tool Box, an online
resource for reporters and editors that features more than
18,000 Web sites helpful to the media and anyone else doing
research. Use the pulldown menu or search engine to locate
information from a variety of beats and news
industry-related topics. The newsletter features search
tips, new resources and other news and notes of interest to
the journalism, research, academic and online communities.
Center for Responsive
Politics The web site of the Center for Responsive
Politics. The Center for Responsive Politics is a
non-partisan, non-profit research group based in Washington,
D.C. that tracks money in politics, and its effect on
elections and public policy. The Center conducts
computer-based research on campaign finance issues for the
news media, academics, activists, and the public at large.
The Centers work is aimed at creating a more educated
voter, an involved citizenry, and a more responsive
Common Dreams News
Center. Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens'
organization working to bring progressive Americans together
to promote progressive visions for America's future. Founded
in 1997, we are committed to being on the cutting-edge of
using the internet as a political organizing tool - and
creating new models for internet activism. We are funded
exclusively by our members and supporters - no corporate
money, no advertising, no hidden agendas.
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Conspiracies. Basically a web
site centered around conspiracies .
Democracy Now! Democracy Now! is a national,
listener-sponsored public radio and TV show, pioneering the
largest community media collaboration in the c ountry. We
air Monday-Friday on over 120 stations including Pacifica
radio stations, Pacifica affiliates,, public access
TV stations, Free Speech TV (DishNetwork Channel 9415), and
Shortwave Radio (Radio for Peace International). We are
available to all stations. For more information on how you
can bring Democracy Now to your community radio or public
access cable TV station,
Democracy 21, along with
its affiliate, Democracy 21 Education Fund, is a nonprofit,
nonpartisan organization dedicated to making democracy work
for all Americans. Democracy 21 works to eliminate the
influence of big money in American politics and to ensure
the integrity and fairness of our government decisions and
elections. We support campaign finance and other political
reforms to accomplish these goals. Democracy 21 also pursues
ways to use the Internet and other new media to strengthen
democracy and involve citizens in government and politics.
Check with us for the latest news on money in politics, as
well as updates on what's happening in the nation's capital,
and on court challenges to the new campaign finance law.
Direct Action to Stop the War: A Call for mass
non-violent direct actoin.
Eat the State! is a shamelessly biased political
journal. We want an end to poverty, exploitation,
imperialism, militarism, racism, sexism, heterosexism,
environmental destruction, television, and large ugly
buildings, and we want it now. We are not affiliated with
any political group or party. We publish EAT THE STATE! as a
not-for-profit way of sharing information, resources,
opinions, and hopefully inspiring ACTION in our community.
Eat The Airwaves! Hear Eat The State! Saturday mornings from
8:30 to on KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle and on the internet at You can listen to archived programs
FAIR: Fairness
& Accuracy in Reporting. FAIR, the national
media watch group, has been offering well-documented
criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work
to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater
diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices
that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting
viewpoints. As an anti-censorship organization, we expose
neglected news stories and defend working journalists when
they are muzzled. As a progressive group, FAIR believes that
structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the
dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public
broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of
FSTV: Free Speech TV:
Our Mission Working with activists and artists, Free Speech
TV uses television to cultivate an informed and active
citizenry in order to advance progressive social change.
FSTV airs primarily social, political, cultural, and
environmental documentaries acquired from independent
producers, and we are beginning to produce and commission
original content. Our Satellite Channel and Cable
Programming Launched in 1995, FSTV currently reaches more
than seven million US homes, airing full-time via direct
broadcast satellite on DISH Network (Channel 9415) and
part-time via a network of community access cable stations
across the country
Institute for Public Accuracy. As a nationwide
consortium of policy researchers, the Institute for Public
Accuracy seeks to broaden public discourse by gaining media
access for those whose perspectives are commonly drowned out
by corporate-backed think tanks and other influential
institutions. With systematic outreach to mass media, the
Institute promotes the inclusion of outlooks that usually
get short shrift. The Institute's news releases provide
well-documented analysis that is pegged on fast-breaking
events while focusing on fundamental issues. Serving as a
consortium for an abundance of diverse expertise, the
Institute makes frequent communication possible between
hundreds of independent researchers and journalists across
the United States. In the process, the Institute is helping
to widen the bounds of media discussion.
The Justice Project is a
nonpartisan organization dedicated to fighting injustice and
to creating a more humane and just world. Founders of The
Justice Project are men and women who as veterans have been
willing to risk our lives fighting injustice. Our military
experiences have left us with an understanding of human
suffering and a desire to leave a legacy of fairness for
future generations. The Justice Project's current programs
are the Campaign for Criminal Justice Reform, the Nuclear
Threat Reduction Campaign and the Artists' Call for Justice.
The Justice Project leadership has a track record of
success. In 1985 we created the first and only
Congressionally chartered organization for Vietnam veterans
in America. In 1991, as the Vietnam Veterans of America
Foundation, we co-founded and coordinated the Nobel Prize
winning coalition -- the International Campaign to Ban
MoveOn: Democracy in
action. MoveOn is working to bring ordinary people back
into politics. With a system that today revolves around big
money and big media, most citizens are left out. When it
becomes clear that our "representatives" don't represent the
public, the foundations of democracy are in peril. MoveOn is
a catalyst for a new kind of grassroots involvement,
supporting busy but concerned citizens in finding their
political voice. Our nationwide network of more than 600,000
online activists is one of the most effective and responsive
outlets for democratic participation available today. When
there is a disconnect between broad public opinion and
legislative action, MoveOn builds electronic advocacy
groups. Once a group is assembled, MoveOn provides
information and tools to help each individual have the
greatest possible impact.
Nuclear Threat
Reduction Campaign. The Nuclear Threat Reduction
Campaign (NTRC) educates and mobilizes key constituencies to
advance public policy that reduces the threat posed by
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Our unique
approach focuses on galvanizing bi-partisan Congressional as
well as grassroots support to implement pragmatic and
effective measures that will steadily reduce the threats
posed by weapons of mass destruction.
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On Common Ground is a
struggling group of Americans who you are unlikely to know
and probably will never meet, has begun a battle. A battle
to protect you, all of us from the issueless nonsense of
today's political campaigns. Campaigns that strip us of the
single most crucial component in our struggle to self-govern
- abundant, accurate, relevant information about those who
govern or those who wish to replace those that do. Hour
after hour, week after week these courageous citizens labor:
researching data, interviewing candidates and getting it to
you through thousands of sponsoring libraries, our own Vote
Smart Web, Hotline and Voter's Self-Defense Manuals.
Peace.Protest.Net Given the coming
war we are looking to help inform people about work they can
to to help stop it and find peaceful solutions to ending
terrorism and acheiving global justice. We are attempting to
bring together a listing of peace events around the world.
All the listings are added by activists like you, and to
achieve anywhere near comprehensive listings we need your
help. If you find out about events in your area, please add
them. You can also create a calendar for your area or a
group you're involved with.
The Power and Interest News
Report (PINR) is a global organization that provides
analyses of conflicts and other international events. We are
currently independently funded giving us the freedom to
analyze objectively. PINR seeks to provide insight into
various conflicts, regions and points of interest around the
globe. We approach a subject based upon the powers and
interests involved, leaving the moral judgments to the
reader. PINR seeks to inform rather than persuade.
Public Campaign is a non-profit, non-partisan
organization dedicated to sweeping reform that aims to
dramatically reduce the role of special interest money in
America's elections and the influence of big contributors in
American politics. Public Campaign is laying the foundation
for reform by working with various organizations,
particularly citizen groups around the country that are
fighting for change in their states. Together we are
building a network of state-based efforts and create a
powerful national force for federal reform.
The Public i The mission of
the Center for Public Integrity is to provide the American
people with the findings of our investigations and analyses
of public service, government accountability and ethics
related issues. The Centers books, studies and newsletters
combine political science and investigative reporting,
unfettered by the usual time and space constraints. Through
its hard-earned reputation for "public service journalism,"
the Center aims to produce high-quality, well-documented,
investigative research resulting in a better-informed
citizenry that demands a higher level of accountability from
its government and elected leaders.
Resist Inc. began in 1967
with a "call to resist illegitimate authority," in support
of draft resistance and in opposition to the Vietnam War.
That history sustains us as our movement evolves and as our
concerns broaden and deepen. Resist funds activist
organizing and education work within movements for social
change. As a foundation, Resist is unique because we are
part of the movements we fund. We do the work individual
donors don't have time to do: reaching out to activist
organizations and researching their campaigns and projects.
We operate on a national scale and know the big picture; and
we challenge grantees to connnect their own issues with the
concerns of other activists. Our frequent funding cycle
means we can respond to time-sensitive organizing campaigns.
Resist is more than a foundation. We're also a resource
center, providing grassroots organizations with technical
assistance and information about other funding sources.
Finding Funding: A Beginner's Guide to Foundation Research
gives progressive activists a quick entry-point for
grant-writing. Resist also publishes a highly respected
The Resource Center of the
Americas, the Minneapolis-based nonprofit publisher of, is devoted to the notion that every person in
this world is entitled to the same fundamental human rights.
Our starting point for promoting these rights is learning
and teaching about the peoples and countries of the
Americastheir history, culture and politics. We focus
especially on the global economy, a system in which a
minority flourishes while millions of people lack adequate
food, shelter and employment. Resource Center programs
challenge us to consider the impact of our everyday actions.
They give us multicultural insights and connect us with
others in the community. They show us the links between
local and global issues. Most important, they empower us to
work collectively to change government and corporate
policies, to promote human rights throughout Latin America
and here at home.
True Majortiy sifts through all the stuff going on in
Congress. When your voice counts to create a just and
sustainable world, you get an email alert. Then just by
clicking one button a fax is sent to your congressperson in
your name. It takes about 2 minutes a month and it's free.
The TrueMajority campaign was started by Ben Cohen,
cofounder of Ben and Jerry's. It is endorsed by: Campus
Greens, Peace Action, Co-op America, Physicians for Social
Responsibility, Global Exchange, Rainforest Action Network,
Greenpeace, Rock the Vote, Infact, Service Employees
International Union, The Interfaith Alliance, Sojourners,
National Council of La Raza, United for a Fair Economy,
National Head Start Association, Women's Action for New
United for Peace
& Justice is a resource for anti-war activists.
The information and events on this site are not necessarily
endorsed by members of United for Peace. Sign up for Anti
War alerts, anti war related events, local and national
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VoteNoWar is an educational
campaign of International A.N.S.W.E.R. The People's Anti-War
Referendum is a component of an ongoing campaign against war
and racism and in support of grassroots democracy, including
teach-ins, conferences, local and regional events. The campaign does not endorse any political
candidates or intervene in political campaigns or take
positions on specific pieces of legislation.
Vote to Impeach: Votes cast in this campaign will be
hand delivered to the Chair of the House Judiciary
Committee, and to the ranking Democrat on the Committee. It
reviews the Articles of Impeachment and gives reason for
impeachment. The statement of impeachment reads: I want
my representative in the U.S. House of Representatives to
vote to impeach President George W. Bush, Vice President
Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld,
and Attorney General John D. Ashcroft for high crimes and
misdemeanors, and to have the case prosecuted and tried in
the U.S. Senate.
YellowTimes offers readers
unconventional viewpoints from which to observe current
events, and to encourage new thinking about the causes and
effects of those events. This window does not offer the only
point of view, but it is pointed in such a way as to offer
our readers a perspective that cannot be offered by those
media organizations whose primary role is to defend the
status quo. We attempt to focus our rhetorical cameras upon
those events and arguments that explain the world around us
in terms offering the greatest measure of satisfaction to
critical thinkers. Our aim is to present new ideas,
organized in such a way as to hold the reader's attention
without insulting his/her intelligence.
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