Menstuff® has information on 158.723. 158.723 Information on hundreds of men's issuesStress
Short Version: 158.723 is the Dewey Decimal for library books on Job Stress and/or Burnout. Longer Version: Many libraries use the Dewey Decimal classification system to keep their books in order. Some libraries, however, use the Library of Congress classifications which start with two or three letters followed by numbers. In the Dewey Decimal classification system, books on similar subjects are grouped together by means of their call numbers. The first three digits represent a main category. Books from 100-199 refer to Philosophy and Psychology. 158 is the spcific area of Applied Pschology. The additional digits get more subject specific. 723 relates to Job Stress and/or Burnout. Source: The specific information on
158.723 was provided by MCPL Reference, Adult Service
Department, Monroe County Public Library, Bloomington,
Indiana. General information on the Dewey Decimal system was
acquired from the web site www.library.illinois.edu/ugl/howdoi/callnumber.html
Without knowledge, life is not more than the shadow
of death. - Moliere
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