Menstuff® has gathered many printed resources available for
I made my life's mission statement into a three color bumper sticker with writing that looks like it was done with a crayon. It's to remind everyone of the tenderness and daintiness of a child and their right to live in a totally safe world - safe from any kind of perpetration by anyone, moms, dads, siblings, teachers, clergy, other children or adults, anyone. $2 each. Quantity discounts available. How to Order.
This one was designed primarily to encourage men to lightened up a little, especially if they have children. It was great to see one installed up-side-down on a bumper. Right on! $2 each. Quantity discounts available. How to Order
We live in a culture of Human Doings - doing lunch, protests, fishing, golfing, working, doing, doing, doing. I created this bumper sticker to remind myself that I was originally created as a Human Being and I need to step back from doing and accommodate more "being" in my life, so that maybe I can reverse the trend and once again become a Human Being. $2 each. Quantity discounts available. How to Order
Don't make dumb mistakes! Help combat the effort to teach our children not to feel fear. It's more than just a marketing campaign for a clothing line. It's an effort, knowingly or unknowingly, to desensitize children so that they can be manipulated into doing things against their inherent nature. Children who are encouraged not to feel all feelings become dysfunctional adults and creative dysfunctional relationships. When the opportunity presents itself, talk about fear - how ignoring it or pushing it out of the way can create unnecessary dangers. How the great Samurai know fear and don't hide from it but bring it out in front, put it on the end of their sword, and cut with it. Feel your own feelings. And encourage others to feel theirs. All feelings are good - fear, pain, sadness, joy and anger. It's the behaviors that we need to work with.
We cannot accept Internet orders. You must contribute a
self-addressed envelope (ideally a # 9 or #10), with enough postage
for 2 ounces to reach you. Our contribution is the production of a
quality, long-lasting 6 3/4 x 3" "Know Fear" bumper sticker,
while supplies last. (Temporarily out-of-stock. Waiting for $1,000
funding gift (tax deductible) to product additional quantities.)
Gordon Clay, PO Box 12-W, Brookings, OR 97415-0001. (Also, learn
how to make your own Know Fear T-shirt)
The Matrix Complex. While much of the world celebrated what they thought was the start of the new millennium on December 31, 1999, when the calendar made the switch to the year 2000, we still, actually, had until midnight of 12/31/00. The actual date the new millennium and new century started was Millennium Monday, January 1, 2001 or 01.01.01. This has been confirmed by the U.S. Naval Observatory, the nation's official time keeper and the White House has a page on their site about this. You see, this is based on the fact that we are using a calendar created in Rome, in 526 A.D. (Anno Domini) - a calendar that is now recognized globally. Instead of starting at year zero, that calendar began with the date January 1, 1 A.D. Consequently, the new millennium is not officially reached until 01.01.01 (mil-len-ni-um (n) A span of one thousand years). Isn't it interesting how willing most people are to live in The Matrix and go along with whatever they read in the newspapers or hear on radio or television? You might be interested on this from The Times, December 26, 1799. "We have uniformly rejected all letters and declined all discussion upon the question of when the present century ends, as it is one of the most absurd that can engage the public attention, and we are astonished to find it has been the subject of so much dispute, since it appears plain. The present century will not terminate till January 1, 1801, unless it can be made out that 99 are 100...It is a silly, childish discussion, an only exposes the want of brains of those who maintain a contrary opinion to that we have stated." You see, many of us don't learn from history. That was written over 100 years ago. For confirmation of Millennium Monday from the White House, go to The US Naval Observatory has put together a series of pages as part of the White House Millennium program to answer many of the millennium questions such as: When Is the New Millennium? Millennial Events at the USNO. First Sunrise of the New Millennium. Countdown to the Millennium. History of the USNO Time Ball. Facts About the Millennium. For additional links for confirmation visit the Greenwich, England site at
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does the Millennium start in Greenwich? In 1884 at an International conference in Washington, DC, USA it was agreed to have a Universal Day. The day begins at the Prime Meridian of the World (Zero Longitude) - The Greenwich Meridian - an imaginary line from North Pole to South Pole through the primary transit instrument (telescope) at the Royal Observatory Greenwich. Hence each and every day begins in Greenwich including of course 1 January 2000 (although the Millennium officially starts on 1 January 2001). Side bar: There is a thousand years of history in Greenwich, England. This millennium started with the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury in Greenwich in 1012 and has seen many famous events and characters in history visit here. King Henry VIII was born in Greenwich as were his children including Queen Elizabeth I.
Which place had the first sunrise in the Millennium? Prepare for a shock! There has been a lot of speculation about which country, city, town was to be the one to see the first sun-rise of the new millennium. Countries have even been jumping the international date line in order to achieve this status. If you really wanted to see the first sunrise you had to put your thermals on and head for Antarctica.
Is the Year 2000 a Leap Year? This has been the subject of a lot a debate. When the year is a century (I.E. ends in 00). The century rule applies. The century has to divide by 4. So 1900 was NOT a leap year. The year 2000 WILL be a leap year. Nobody has worked out if there will need to be a correction for the year 4000. But I guess we won't be around to worry about that!
If you have a question about the Millennium why not email:
ETD stands for "Elapsed Time of Departure into the new millennium."
This idea came from a bumper sticker that was around several years ago which read "I BELIEVE YOU ANITA." And, while Anita was black, that was about sexism, not racism. This is clearly about racism. And, if you are white and believe that people of color have the same rights, privileges and safety as you do, I challenge you to get one of these FREE bumper stickers, put it on the nicest car you own and drive around and park in it your community, both during the day and at night. If you have the nerve to do this, I think the experience will give you a different perspective on the insidiousness of racism that we have become numb to. How far are we from the populace of Germany during the 1930's who totally accepted what the government was doing? My experience is that we have become quite numb to racism and all diversity issues as individuals in our rush to survive. Remember the Holocaust. Remember Bosnia. Remember Kosovo. Remember Los Angeles. Remember Rodney King. As Rumi said, "Don't go back to sleep." Warning: I know of at least one person who put this on their car and had all four tires slashed in San Francisco. Cars in Colorado were torched and store fronts vandalized, that simply had a Diversity sticker on the window. It identified them for an act of hate and violence. And, of course we all know what has happened to Synagogues and black churches across this country. So, be aware of the level of hatred that is alive and well in these United States of America.
We cannot accept Internet orders. You must contribute a
self-addressed envelope (ideally a #10), with enough postage for 2
ounces to reach you.
Our contribution is the production of a quality, long-lasting
FREE 10" x 3" Rodney King bumper sticker, while supplies last.
Send your SASE to Gordon Clay, PO Box 12-W, Brookings, OR
Prostate Merchandising
HISTORY: While we seldom promote commercial ventures, we do
want to encourage companies that give-away items like calendars and
coffee cups to coincide connecting it to Prostate Cancer Awareness.
Positive Promotions went out on a limb in 1998 to develop materials
(some that can take company imprints and some that can't - golf tees,
NFL football schedules) on prostate awareness. (See the items under
the "Lenny" icons above.) They had done a great deal for breast
cancer awareness and there is a market for that. But, men don't want
to talk to men about prostate cancer and companies are afraid to
promote it. I hope your company will step into the void and do
everything possible, in every way possible to let every man know
about prostate cancer and ever boy and young man know about
testicular cancer. To this end, we have included a small photo of the
promotional materials offered by Positive Promotions back in 1998 for
your information.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Pins
Goodbye Prostate Cancer Awareness
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men (after lung cancer) and, excluding skin cancer, is the most common cancer in American men. Early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms.
Designed by Michael Cronan of San Francisco, Calif., the Prostate Cancer Awareness stamp design incorporates the male symbol. The words "Prostate Cancer Awareness" are stacked at the top of the vertically formatted stamp, "USA 33" appears turned 90 degrees counterclockwise in the bottom-left corner, and stacked in a box positioned in the bottom-right corner of the design are the words "Annual Checkups and Tests."
While the Postal Service does not endorse any particular testing method, the stamp encourages men who schedule annual physicals or checkups to discuss testing options with their healthcare provider.
For more information on stamps, visit the Postal Service Web site
and click "Stamps." To order stamps or stamp products, go directly to
Technical Details: Issue: Prostate Cancer Awareness; Item Number:
448200; Denomination & Type of Issue: 33-cent Commemorative;
Stamps per Pane/Coil: 20; Print Quantity: 78.1 million stamps; Gum
Type: Self-adhesive. It will be removed from sale September 30, 2001.
(See related story.)
Prostate Cancer Awareness Stamp Taken Off
the Market
Here's the latest information on sales of the Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp. As of June 15, 2001, the U.S Postal Service sold 305 million of the stamps (40 cents each for a total gross revenue of $122 million), raising $21 million for research. 415 million total stamps have been printed. The stamp was first issued on July 29, 1998.
Source: Don Smeraldi, U.S. Postal Service,
ZERO's "Save the Males" T-Shirts have arrived! Back by popular demand, ZERO The Project to End Prostate Cancer has unveiled the newest version of its best selling T-Shirt.
The "Save the Males" T-Shirt is a great way to show your support for ending prostate cancer while at the same time adding a sense of humor to your day. Wear it around town, at your local Great Prostate Cancer Challenge® race, while training for a marathon, half marathon or triathlon through ZERO's DASH FOR DAD Endurance Team Program, or to your next doctor's appointment.
Available in both classic red and simple white, the "Save the Males" T-Shirt comes in sizes Small, Medium, Large, X-Large and XX-Large for only $20 a piece. To buy your shirt today, click here!
All proceeds from the sale of "Save the Males" T-Shirts benefit ZERO's early detection and educational programs. 91 cents of every dollars goes towards ZERO's programs.
T-Shirt Transfers
(download black and white images to make your own!)
The first two designs give another perspective around "fear", to challenge those who want to teach our children not to feel fear. It's more than just a marketing campaign for a clothing line. It's an effort, knowingly or unknowingly, to desensitize children so that they can be manipulated into doing things against their inherent nature. Children who are encouraged not to feel all feelings develop into dysfunctional adults.
It all started at the major wrestling championship in Southern California. There were lots of "No-fear" t-shirts and caps around. The air-brusher was busy putting "No Fear" on the back of event t-shirts along with cartoon bulldogs with fangs and puffed out muscles and other such images. Many of the end users were thin, small muscled boys getting ready to "be tough". Well, I decided to have my own T-shirt designed and wear it at the event (No Fear, No Tears, Die Numb). I had a number of parents and young wrestlers thank me for reminding them about the value and importance of fear - how ignoring it or pushing it out of the way can create unnecessary dangers. How the great Samurai know fear and don't hide form it but bring it out in front, put it on the end of their sword, and cut with it. This design is an improvement on the original airbrushed design. From there, I designed a second one to change the emphasis from "No Fear" to "Know Fear". You can download the individual design for the back of a T-shirt or a whole sheet of smaller logos that you can printout, cut up into individual iron-ons to put on the front of a T-shirt where a breast pocket would go and give the others to friends to do the same. We also offer a FREE 6 3/4 x 3" "Know Fear" bumper sticker. Send a SASE to: Gordon Clay, PO Box 12-W, Brookings, OR 97415-0001.
Here's your chance to get involved by making your own T-shirt, then wear it and feel your own feelings. And, encourage others to feel theirs. When the opportunity presents itself, talk about the importance of feelings, especially fear. Remember the words of Hannah Arendt, "Fear is an emotion indispensable for survival." All feelings are good - fear, pain, sadness, joy and anger. It's the behaviors that we use to demonstrate the feelings that need to be looked out. For instance, anger is a feeling. Violence is not a feeling. It is a behavior. There are many other ways anger can be expressed that are healthy yet nonviolent. So, it is the behaviors we need to work with. Think about it! And, make your T-shirt today!
Our third design makes a simple statement: "Real Men Ask For
Help". It follows with a simple statement "Mencare"
and gives our website, e-mail and address to contact. Wearing this
design tells others that you care and gives them somewhere to go if
they need help. (The design also works if you want to cutoff the
website address and/or the line "Real men ask for help" before you
print it on a transfer decal.) Smaller logos.
You have several options: 1) If you have an Inkjet or bubble-jet printer (like an Epson Stylus Ink Jet Printer or Canon's color bubble jet printers - Multipass C2500, BJC-70, BJC-200 series, BJC-4000 series or the BJC-600 series, the HP DeskJet printer or Lexmark WinWriter/Jet printer for example), insert the transfer paper (available at most major computer stores) and print out the desired image. (Canon, Epson and Hanes are a few of the ones that provide the transfer paper.) DO NOT use Inkjet or bubble jet transfer paper in a laser printer. Cut away the unprinted edges of the paper with a pair of scissors, leaving at least a 1/4 inch border. You only need to iron what's actually printed. Get a light colored cotton or cotton-poly blend T-shirt you want to put the decal on. (Note: if you want to get t-shirts made for use with T-shirt transfers, like the Hanes Beefy T-shirts, call 1-800.HANES-2-U or You'll need a smooth, wrinkle-free pillow case and a clean glass or Formica ironing surface, such as a kitchen counter top or table top. DO NOT USE AN IRONING BOARD!!! Then, heat up an ordinary clothes iron to the "highest" setting for 8 minutes. DO NOT USE STEAM. Ensure the ironing surface is clean and smooth. Place the pillowcase on the ironing surface. Smooth it out until it is perfectly flat, with no wrinkles or folds. Place the garment on the pillowcase and smooth it out until it is perfectly flat with no wrinkles or folds. Place the transfer paper, printed side down, onto the garment. Peeling off the transfer paper after ironing can be tricky. To ensure that you an get a good grip, you can dog-ear one corner of the paper. Place the iron over the top left corner of the transfer paper, such that the center of the iron is directly above the corner of the page. Slowly and FIRMLY press the iron along the long edge of the transfer paper. Take about 15 seconds to cover the distance. Reposition the iron over the bottom left corner of the transfer paper, and repeat the motion. Make 10 complete circles around the transfer paper, pressing FIRMLY the whole time and taking about eight seconds per circle. IMPORTANT: Take special care to iron the entire surface of the transfer, including the edges. WHILE THE TRANSFER PAPER IS STILL HOT, quickly place the iron aside, catch a corner of the paper with your fingernail, and peel the paper from the garment in one smooth motion. If the transfer paper doesn't peel off easily, stop immediately, make another pass with the iron, and try again. The paper must be hot in order to peel off! Smooth the garment with your hands, and let it cool for at least 2 minutes. CAUTION: Adult participation required for ironing transfers. Transfer quality will vary with the quality and heat of the iron used. 2) If you don't have the right printer, print out a copy of the design from our web site, in the highest resolution possible and check with your local copy shops. Many will be able to print on transfer paper, some, like some Kinkos, even have the equipment to transfer the decal to a T-shirt for you. 3) When you want to wash it, to help insure that it will last longer, follow these instructions: If you use a Canon Bubble Jet BJC-600 series or HP DeskJet printers, you will need to do a pre-wash with standard white distilled vinegar. Set washing machine water level to LOW. Set water temperature to COLD. Add one cup of vinegar, turn the garment inside out and place it in the washing machine. (Try putting it in a pillow case to reduce wear and tear while washing and drying.) Start the wash cycle. When complete, do not remove from the washing machine but wash it again in cold water with a color protection detergent. Remove immediately after the wash cycle is finished. For best results, allow the garment to line-dry. Optionally, you can machine-dry the item on the low setting. Do not wring garment. Do not leave garment wet longer than necessary. Do not iron over the transfer. Transfers are generally adversely affected by very high temperatures of any kind. Avoid exposure to these conditions.
If you use any other Canon BJC series or Multipass 2500, the Epson
Stylus or Lexmark WinWriter/Jetprinters, you don't need to do the
pre-wash with vinegar. Just follow the regular wash instructions
Americans spend over $400 million on toys...every day.