End CosmoGirl! Addiction Marketing to
Why would a Director of the prestigious National
Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at
Columbia University allow his magazine to market
addiction to young girls-especially when he is the
father of daughters himself?
That's what daughters and fathers are asking
Hearst Communications President Victor F. Ganzi
through a grassroots campaign from the national
advocacy nonprofit Dads and Daughters.
The September 2005 issue of CosmoGirl!
(owned by Hearst and aimed at preteen and teen
girls) contains a disturbing and harmful
advertising insert for Dior's "Addict 2" perfume.
(See the ad now at www.dadsanddaughters.org/Actions/DiorAddict.pdf)
The ad features a model dressed in "little girl"
clothing, made up to appear as though she's under
the influence of some chemical substance, and posed
in a posture suggesting sexual "availability."
"Mr. Ganzi is the father of twin daughters and
serves on the board of CASA, one of the most
influential organizations on the subject of
addiction," according to Dads and Daughters
President Joe Kelly. "I am sure he knows that
alcohol abuse, drug abuse, and addiction remain a
serious problem for daughters in this
country--indeed a new survey from the American
Medical Association says that teenage girls are
more likely than boys to obtain alcohol illegally.
He and his colleagues at CosmoGirl! should know
The Dads and Daughters email campaign (dads.e-actionmax.com/showalert.asp?aaid=1497)
urges Victor Ganzi to put his own daughters' faces,
and his own convictions, in the picture, and do the
right thing by pulling the ads. Dads and Daughters'
letter to Ganzi reads in part:
"I sincerely hope that neither of your daughters
has ever been (or ever will be) afflicted with the
scourge of addiction. But if they were, would you
encourage them to flaunt this terrible illness?
Would you encourage them to pose as titillation
objects in young girls' clothing, even though they
are now adults? Would you have encouraged such
behavior when they were teenagers-the age of
CosmoGirl!'s target readers?
As a responsible father, I am sure your answer
to these questions is a loud and resounding 'No!'
So, I then must ask why you would allow this
message to be marketed through your publication to
the daughters of other fathers and mothers."
Dads and Daughters is asking Ganzi for quick
decision to pull the Dior ad, never run it again,
and to refuse future marketing for any product that
promotes addiction in any Hearst publications.
Source: www.dadsanddaughters.org/Actions/DiorAddict.pdf
Victor F. Ganzi, CEO, Exec VP
Cathleen Black, President, Heart Magazines
The Hearst Corporation, 959 8th Avenue, New York,
NY 10019 or 212.649.2000 or Fax 212.541.4133
or Hearstbusinessmedia@hearst.com
or www.hearst.com
Bernard Patier, Pres & CEO, Diana Miles
(VP Marketing)
Christian Dior Perfumes Inc., 19 E 57th St,
New York, NY 10022 or 212.931.2200 or Fax
212.751.7473 or www.lvmh.com
Dior's Advertising Agency: Alder Boschetto
(Owner), ABP DraftWorldwide, 136 Madison Ave,
14th Floor, New York, NY 10016 or 212.684.5228
or FAX 212.684.0469.
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