Menstuff® provides information on what teen's periodicals are telling primarily young teen women. The listing also includes the editor's name and mailing address, if you'd like to make your thoughts known about a particular issue directly. Click on the "Lenny" icon below to see the latest cover.
Legend: A-Atheletics, B-beauty/Cosmetics, C-Career/Business/Finances, D-Drink, E-Entertainment, F-Fashion/Style, H-Health/Fitness, I-Image/Self-Improvement, J-Journalism-Investigative, L-Leisure/Lifestyle, M-Music/Movies/Media, P-Politics, R-Relationship, S-Sex, T-Technology. (circ/cost of a 4 color page of advertising.) The date denotes the most recent issue we've received.
Menstuff Daily Newsletter . At 12:15am PST every morning, you can click on "Today on Menstuff" in the left side-bar for new information related to that day and a discussion on a different "men's issue". Try it out.
See also Men: (Diversity, Fathers/Parents, Gay/Bi/Trans, Men's General, Health & Fitness, Men's Rights, Mythopoetic, Pro Feminist, Recovery, Spiritual/Religious) Kids, and Women periodicals.
American Girl, Celebrating Girls,
Yesterday and Today, (12/$20-newsstand) 11-12/98: PO Box
37311, Boone, IA 50037
Bust: The voice of the new girl order.
(4/$11.95+Newsstand) Fall/99: Let's Get
Physical: Body talk from Paneane Garofalo, Betty Dodson,
Chaire Danes, Even Ensler and more. Plus: Take This Bra
and Stuff It. Skinny Bitch. Send in the Crones. Hairy Diary and Don't
Worry, Be Hairy. Condom Reviews, Porn on Parade. Rub-a-Dub
Nub: A clit owner's guide to what's under the hood. Cut the
Clit. And more. PO Box 1016, Cooper Station, New York, NY 10276
Careers & Colleges is
a quarterly publication that tries to help you answer what you want
to do in life. The magazine offers useful information on the choices
and opportunities before you. Each issue discusses continuing
education or selecting a job and how to get the most out of your
Chick: for girls who dig the
lifestyle. (6/$23.50+newsstand) 9-10/99: Spring
Fashion: The freshest yet. Skateboarding: The get-up
and the low-down. Fun, Freedom & Travel. Want a
Tatt? Here's the real deal. Surf Tips, Perve Pics
& Funky Beats. Plus: Giveaways all over the shop. Is
This the Coolest Life on Earth? Morrison Media, Level 1,
23 Lemana Ln, North Burleigh, QLD 4220 Australia
Cosmo Girl! A cool new
magazine for teens. 9/05: 534 Ways to Look & Feel
Fantastic for Fall plus 7 moves to a strong and sexy body! Free
24-page pullout Shopping Mini-Mag! Inside: Exclusive
CG! Coupons for your favorite stores. Mischa Barton: How
being unpopular helped her get famous.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Mortifying 1st day of school moments.
Real-Life Horror: She stabbed her dad 107 times. What made this
girl snap? Kiss of Approval Beauty Awards. 2/02: The Love
Issue: Whether or not you have a guy! 145 Ways to Look So
Sexy! Friendship Crimes (are you guilty?) Your Ultimate
Guide to Guys: 10 great date ideas. Free hot guy centerfold.
Quiz: Are you his type? Make $100 this weekend. Your 6 Most
Private Body Questions: Answered. Exclusive
CG! Interview: *nsync: A few good men. 11/01:
Look Hot for Under $20: Clothes & makeup you'll
totally love! The Right Way to Flirt. Free
Inside: Ryan Phillippe Stickers. It's Time to Have
Fun! Fun! Juicy celeb secrets. Fun! Throw a hair color
party. Fun! Win a free wardrobe. 10 Best Celeb Beauty Tricks.
Garbage's Shirley Manson: Find out why she's so
CosmoGIRL! Quiz: What do people really think of you?
6-7/01: The Music Issue: The tours you can't miss. Tricks to
get you backstage.. How to break into the biz. 'N Sync,
Destiny's Child, Eminem & more. The CosmoGirl! Dating
Bible: Make this the summer you snag the hottest boyfriend ever!
Ricky Martin Stickers. Get Sexy Shiny Hair! 907 chances to
win Clothes, makeup, a free trip, and tons more!!! Blink-182
Concert tickets for you & your friends. Rip out this
frizz-busting guide & make your hair behave-forever!
3/01: Get That Guy! How to give the "Look of Love" plus 3
other tricks that'll have him dying to get close to you. Your Most
Embarrassing Moments Ever! 375 Spring Fashion Ideas: What's
cool now (and where to get it at the best price). The Real Jessica
Simpson: She's no prude. 6-7/00: CG!
Exclusive: Britney Spears: An intimate peek into her
diary. House Party! Wild and crazy games that'll make everyone
want to hang out at your place. Hot Summer Music Issue: 6
sneaky ways to meet rock stars. Score great seats to sold-out shows.
Hanson, 'N Sync, LFO, and Tons More! Get Your Crush
to Worship You: It's easier than you think. Blink-182
Stickers. Sexy Celeb Hair: Styles you can copy right
now! Your Top 10 Body Question - Answered. 12/99-1/00:
Hot! Hot! Hot! (8 Degrees stickers. Find the
Perfect Boyfriend: We'll show you where he's hiding. Free
CosmoGIRL! Party Guide: Kissing tricks that'll wow
him. Celebs' New Year's Eve Plans. Talk-to-anyone tips - and
more! 6 Best Celebrity Hairstyles of '99: And how to
steal them. Buffy's Alyson Hannigan: Check out what her guy
caught her doing...with Seth Green! 543 Chances to
Win: Clothes, CDs, and tons of other stuff. Mega Boy
Watch: Up-and-coming stars of 2000. 10-11/99: Hot
Centerfold: Fall TV's Sexiest Guy. Free
'NSYNC Stickers. Jerk Alert: Three ways to know if
your guy is serious...or just messing around. Miracle
Makeovers: For "hopeless" hair. Bonus College
Book: Juicy secrets your guidance counselor can't tell
you. 357 Chances to Win: Shopping Sprees & More!
7th Heaven's Jessica Biel: You'll never believe what we
found in her bedroom.
Actress? Singer? Millionaire? What
you can do now to score your bream job later. First Issue:
Free 32 Page Horoscope Booklet: 365 days of love and life
tips. Turn Your Crush into Your Boyfriend: We'll show you
how. CosmoGIRL! EXCLUSIVE: Ben Affleck Stickers.
Back-To-School Fashion Blitz! Plus: The 10 items you can't
start school without. Sabrina Melissa Joan
Hart: Life after the breakup. 691 chances to win clothes,
makeup & more. .(6/$7.97-newsstand) PO Box 7791, Red
Oak, IA 51591-2791
(One man and 39 women.). 8/15/99: Rumor has it that
Brad Pitt will the the first centerfold in an upcoming issue.
Elle Girl, Fall/01, Premiere
Issue: Back-to-School Fashion Blitz: 151 Fab Finds for Under
$30. + Killer Boots, coats, & the coolest denim looks. Get
Great Hair: 28 ways to make the most of your locks. Our Guide to
Glowing Skin. "How do I look?" Guys & Girls Play the
Rating Game. Win! $25,000 in makeup & fashion prizes.
Julia Stiles: on her cutest costars, college life
& (dare we say it?) feminism. Smart Girls Rule! (6/$8),
Hachette Filipocchi Magazines, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. See also
Surfer Girls
Foam: Girl meets beach. Win04: On
the Beach with Sara Foster. Fasion Spring Forward. Keala
Kennelly Surfing Sensation. Hair Cuts & Styles. Tune into
Kate Earl. Tara Dakides Snowboard Legend. Travel Hawaii. Steve
Zeldin, Editor-in-Chief, Bluewater Publications, PO Box 1338,
Newport Beach, CA 92659, 800.849.8754
Girl. Winter, 00: Perfect! Yeah,
we're talking about your skin (Top secret tips inside) Arte You a
Fashion Victim! 10 ways to tell. Decode Your
Personality: Why you are who you are. Exclusive: Girl
kicks it with Eve, Mya, Ani & Destiny's Child. Beauty
for Every Face. Fashion for Every Body. Party
2000: Head-turning makeup. Hot holiday styles under $50.
How to throw a phat jam. (12/$10) Girl, PO Box 5325, Harlan IA
Girlfriend: Coolest girls' mag
around! 7/99: Quiz: Are you sussed about
sex? 20 Big Beauty Lies Exposed! Heartbreaker
or Doormat? How boys see you. Win Stacks: Vote
in the Girlfriend fashion awards! Backstage
Action! At the Logies with Home & Away. On the
road with Ginger (without The Spices). Reese
Witherspoon: Hollywood's new IT girl on being a mum
and dating a babe. Babefest! Posters of Ed Furlong, Nick
Stahl, Brad Renfro, Josh Hartnett. (3 men, 40 women) Editor, Katrina
O'Brien, Editor, Pacific Publications Pty Lt, 5-51 Mitchell St,
McMahons Points, New Zealand, NSW 2060 02.9464.3300
Girls' Life. (5 men on staff of 23)
7-8/01: 7 Secrets to a Killer Body Image. "My dad caught me
kissing my BF!" Survive this and other summer worst case
scenarios. Liar, Liar: Why you should make honesty your policy.
Inside! Mandy Moore gives up the good girl act. 134 Hot Fashion
& Beauty Ideas. Quiz: Your perfect summer revealed!
12/99-1/00: Girls 2000: How you will change
the world. Goodbye to Shy: Secrets that make you the star of the
party. Holiday Stuff: Surviving the two house holiday. Your New
Year: What's in store for you plus some fearless celebrity
predictions. New Looks for Big Nights. Beauty
Myths...Busted: Save your money, save your time, save your
face. 6-7/99: Dads, Daughters and
Sports: How your No. 1 fan really feel. Pages and pages of
Too Cute Suits. Decoding Guy Speak. Summer Beauty
Bummers...Solved! Extreme Self-Esteem: Could
you survive confidence boot camp? What's Your Summer
Style? Boredom beaters to fit your personality.
Goooaaallll! Mia Hamm and the women's world cup team.
Summer's Hottest Music: B*Witched, Tatyana Ali, No
Authority and more! . Rock-a-hula! Throw a luau. Ultimate
Frisbee for fly girls. (6/$15-newsstand), Avalon Hill Subscription
Office, 4517 Harford Rd, Ste 6799, Baltimore, Maryland 21214-9925
Guideposts for Teens is a
magazine full of true stories that will strengthen the faith of
teenagers and show them how to live a positive, balanced life.
Articles cover the victories and defeats, the tears and the belly
laughs, the loves and the hates of teenagers, and they're all told in
the words of teens themselves. No sermons. No lectures. Just real,
relevant, true stories that are packed with adventure and filled with
faith at work.
J-14: Just for Teens. Music,
Horoscope, TV, Quiz, Movies, Embarrassing Moments. (12 men on staff
of 28) 1/00: Big Changes for the Stars of
2000: Gorgeous new photos! The latest secrets!
12 Free pages of Hot Posters. Ricky: Backstage in Miami.
BSB: Exclusive photos. Warm up your winter. Ryan: The one
thing he doesn't want you to know! Kid Rock: Does he
deserve his "bad boy" reputation? Sarah: On losing Angel.
'nsync: Are they going solo? Christina: Awesome poster
inside! Win over 1000 Prizes! Including J.C.'s bowling
shoes. Hair/Fashion: Learn the Felicity girls' beauty &
style secrets. 9/99: 'n Sync: Their exclusive
story. "What We Are Really Like" plus win their personal stuff.
Seth Green: Talks about his celebrity buds. Kerr
Smith: Gives you a Dawson's preview. Love
& Carson: Why they're happy & in love.
Brandy: Hurt by rumors but bouncing back. Will
Smith: He's writing new hits. Follow BSB around the
world! Share Their Style
Secrets! Alyssa: fashion cute outfits.
Britney: Beauty tips for a pretty face.
Jennifer: Hair styling tricks. New
Posters: Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, Justin, 98 degree
& more. 6/99: 'n sync secrets: the guys tell
all on love, hopes, fears & girls! Britney Spears
concert photos & info. bsb uncensored: know the
guys like never before! Ryan-new personal confessions.
Sarah-exclusive Buffy scrapbook! Joshua-on matters of the
heart! Monica-your questions answered! Olsens-take you
backstage! Get their style: Brandy's fashion. Love's hair. Horoscope
crush quiz giveaways. (10/$16.95-newsstand) Richard Spencer,
Editor-in-Chief, Bauer Creative Services, 270 Sylvan Ave, Englewod
Cliffs, NJ 07632
Jump: For girls who dare to be real A
B F H The monthly magazine offers many ways for its
readers to achieve their own personal bests in life and love, inside
and out. Celebrity profiles run alongside advice-packed articles on
health, beauty, fitness, dating, and fashion. (300M) (13 men on staff
of 52) 9/00: Exclusive: MTV's Dr. Drew answers the
questions you're afraid to ask. Guys Mouth Off on Girls Who Break the
Rules. Our Genius Girl Guide: 68 ways to rock and rule your
world. Fall Freebies: Fragrances, fashion & more. Buffy
Slays Us: with her power and prinze charming. Quiz: What's
your personality IQ? Chill Out! How to say so long to
stress. You Can Change the World: Meet 10 teens who did.
12/99-2/00: Global Glam: Beauty secrets from around the
world. 253 Things You Need to Do Before 2000. Oh, My
Goddess! Kick off the new year in zensational styles. When
Drinking Turns Deadly: The lowdown on the (not so) lush life.
Keri: On kissing, college & career. Quiz: Are you
Y2-Cool or Y2-Crazy? Do-It-Yourself: Gifts for not a lot of
dough. 10-11/99: The Rock-Your-World Guide: 151
ways to bust boredom. Sexplanations: 4 girls who've been
there & done that...almost. Got the Baby Fat
Blues: Here's the good news. TV's Coolest Stars in fall's
hottest fashions. Custom Cuts: 'Dos designed just for you.
Amy Gets Smart. 60 days to a ballerina bod. Quiz: Are you
plugged in or on another planet? Bathtub
Bliss: How to soak your blahs away! 9/99:
Special: Dr. Drew & Adam's Guide to Dating,
Doin' It & Other Stuff. Our Biggest Fashion Issue Ever. Your
Answer to School Violence? Choose peace over popularity.
How Art Can Save Your Life. Do-It-Yourself Rememdies: For
zits, cramps, bad breath & more. Leelee's
Logic: Geek-chic. Quiz: Are you making the most
of your mind? The Busy Girl's get-fit-fast plan.
Break-the-results Beauty: Groovey new ways to get glam.
4/99: Naked Truths: What bums guys out about their bods.
Romance on the Rocks? How to help your heartache.
Test: Shy or sly? Find out with this
personality test. Beauty: Stach for no cash. Get a groovy gig
with our genius Job Guide. Face Fitness: A shape-up plan for
super summer skin. Katie Holmes: The girl next
door? Not anymore. The 30 day swimsuit tone-up.
Earlier: Girls Who Rock; What's Hot When It's Cold Outside
(music, movies & more), Homemade Holiday Beauty Gifts for Next to
Nothin'; Odd Couples: 4 mismatched mates tell why it works; How
to Party Like it's 1999 - glam-it-up beauty & boogie-night
styles; Bounce Your Way to a Buffer Bod in 30 Days;
Quiz: Are you a giver or a grinch? Seth
Green: The real definition of cool. Lori Berger, Editor in
Chief, (10), PO Box 55954, Boulder, CO 80323-5954
Latin Girl: Today's Hispanic
teen needs a magazine she can call her own. Latin Girl
offers tips on beauty, relationships, the latest styles, and more.
Every bimonthly issue taps into what's hip among the magazine's
audience, presenting fun-filled stories and revealing photos,
(6/newsstand) 8-9/99: Guy Watching: While you're
looking at him, what's he thinking about you? Beyond El
Barrio: Dealing with Racism. Loves Me, Loves Me Not: Can
tarot cards really help? Tatyana Ali: Facing the future. Insider
advice for college bound Latinas. (49 women and 17 men) Sheila
Maldonado, Senior Editor, Riverview Historial Plaza II, 33-41 Newark
St, Ste 1, Hoboken, NJ 07030-0625
MH-18: Men's Health: Fitness, Sports, Girls,
Gear, Life. Tons of useful stuff for teenage guys.
WARNING Shady Marketing
Tool. Rodale Press, publishers of MH-18, may print
different covers for the same issue which may include different
teasers on cover articles, so the cover we show here may not be what
you see on the newsstand. Be very careful to note what issue you are
looking for, i.e., Fall, 2001, etc. Win/01: Gift Guide: 32
cool things you'll want now! Xbox vs. Gamecube. Build
Monster Biceps: Free training booklet inside. Talk to Any
Girl. Why We Love Cheerleaders. Marine Corps Workout. Nelly
Flexes Hip-Hop Muscle. Eat Junk, Lose Fat. X-Games X-Clusive.
Fall/01: Rage: Why Are We So Mad? Turn Fat Into Muscle.
Bench 20% More. 10 Ways to Win Her Over. 20 Must-Have CDs.
Blink-182 Rocks Hard. Sick Tricks for BMX. Build a Huge chest Free
Workout Booklet. Win $10,000 for College. 42 Drills: Be the
best: Football, soccer, b-ball, wrestling and more.
Sum/01: Snag 6-pack abs. * win a $5000 gaming system. More
Girls that You Deserve. Build Muscle in 4 Weeks. Summer
Special: The best jobs. Awesome road trips. Score a beach
goddess. Cool sports camps. Certified Fit: Champion surfer Tommy
O'Brien + Friend Hillary. Sum/01: Summer Starts Here.
Tough Enough? 9 tests of strength. Snag a Beach Goddess. Amazing Abs.
Make Your Car Kick Butt. Max Muscle in 4 Weeks. 1-2/01:
Build Big Biceps. Will She Date You? 5 ways to know. H.S.
Basketball Tips. Jump Higher, Score More. X Games Girls. Free
Cash for College. Sick Winter: Sports your mom will hate. Jeff
Csatari, Editor, Rodale Inc, 33 E Minor St., Emmaus,
PA 18098
MXG, (4/$9.45 and rebates) Fall/99:
Freefalling with the X Girls. Save Ferris' Monique Powell. Off
to College? How not to be a moron. 74 pages of best
back-to-school stuff. Hot boy special! Alyson Hannigan,
American Pie & Buffy. Free inside: Girlie web guide.
Paul Walker, Brad Rowe, Scott Speedman, Swanky Clothes and other
chick stuff. (1 man, 42 women), MXG Media, 111 N Sepulveda,
Ste 200, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 888.mox.stuf or
New Moon, The Magazine
for Girls and Their Dreams, celebrates girls and builds healthy
resilience to gender inequities. Written by and for girls ages 8-14.
Advertising-free, intelligent, fun. (6/$29-newsstand), Subscribe
here and be sure to enter in the
comments/referral field when ordering. 3-4/03: Scandal in
the Lunch Line: This bug's for you. Cut It Out: Twinkle,
twinkle little scar. Trash Talk: Get your mind into the gutter.
Gross Consumption: Stuff your face with boogers. Check on
This: The gunk in all that junk. 7-8/02: Take the Bully
by the Horns: It's not easy being teased. Living Out Loud.
Sounding Off: Two girls talk about inplants. The Birth of
Earth: When Mother Earth was a baby. What's Your
Style? This time, it's personal. 5-6/02: Twenty-Five
beautiful girls. Ask a Girl. The Girl with the Colorless Eyes. How
Aggravating! Howling at the Moon. 3-4/02: Food for
the Soul. Pump It Up. Sweet and Low. Don't Call Me Sugar. Spice Up
Your Life. Little Miss Muffet Got Off Her Tuffet. Get
to Work. Release the Hormones! 1-2/02: Someday I'll Be
Queen. How I dealt with Divorce. Separation Frustration. Strange How
Things Change. A Change of Pace. 11-12/01: Tricks and
Tails: Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids. Sports: No
laughing matter. Whoever thinks sports are fun is obviously a loser.
Don't Be a Blockhead: All blocked up? Write on,
girls! Play It Again: Anyone up for some bull
jumping? 9-10/01: You Say Tomato, I Say Gesundheit.
Butt-Kickin' Babes
of the Golden Age. Put on Your Birthday Suit. True Believers.
Little Myth Superstitious. Now and Zen.7-8/01: How
Aggravating! Howling at the Moon. Ask a Girl. Going Ape. Rootin'
& Shootin'. Spunky Spelunking. Cry of the Ocean. 5-6/01:
Take the Challenge: Turn beauty inside out! 25
Beautifull Girls. Poetry. Ask a girl. Lavie and Me. How Aggravating!
Howling at the Moon. Inside the Moon. 3-4/01: Wanna Be
Our Cover Girl? Reading Between the Lines. All Aboard the Friendship.
School Daze. The Inner You. Can You Relate? Hi-ho, Hi-ho. Miles
of Style. To Your Health. The Straight Dope. Move Over, Bill
Nye! This & That. 7-8/99: PO Box 3620, Duluth,
MN 55803
Next Gen: Next Generation Magazine.
2/01: Sex & Violence: You've grown up. When will
your games. Revealed! Metal gear solid 2 in action. The Gamer's
Guide Returns! 777 games rated. Exposed! Supercar street
challenge, Floigan Brothers, Bloody Roar 3, Kessen II, The Final
Fantasy Movie. Hands-On Reviews: Tomb Raider: Chronicles.
Banjo-Tooie. Grandia II. Mech Warrior 4: Vengeance. Skies of
Arcadia. Dreamcast. Nintendo 64. PlayStation 2. PC. Xbox. Gamecube.
or Next
Gen, PO Box 52682, Boulder, CO 80323-3682
Seventeen is the world's most popular
magazine for the modern teenage girl. Every month, you'll read about
the hottest fashions trends for teens, beauty and style tips,
relationship advice, and the latest news on today's biggest heart
throbs. Staying cool has never been this easy! B C E
F H Young women in teens and early 20's. Plus food, cars,
college, talent, fiction and crucial personal and global issues.
(2,416M/$58M) Love Issue: SEX: 10 myths
exposed. How to know if you're ready. 40 Gorgeous Guys.
Horoscope: Summer love forecast. Diary of a Guy's Crush.
Quizzes: Are you moving too fast. Is he moving too
slow? How To Give (and get) the Best Kisses. Plus: 4
dates, 4 outfits. The WB's Young Ameriacns. Can You Pair Up the
Newest Celeb Couples? 2/00: Freddie Prinze, Jr., "Girls Don't
Have to Be Thin to Be Hot." Love Your
Body: Here's how. "I don't want to go to college."
Girls Who Can Say No. Real-life Romeos and Juliets. Spring Fashion
Preview: 110 fresh ideas. The Best Brush for Your Hair.
His & Her Valentine's Quizzes. Makeup Lesson
101: Eyes, cheeks & lips. 1/00:
A Year of Great Hair: 365 tips & tricks. Life, Love
and Lucky Days: Our horoscope spectacular. Not a Size 6
& Proud of It. Quiz: Is it really over? 10
Years in Jail: One teen's story. Stop! Get an on-the-street
makeover. Giveaway of the Century: 2,000 free prizes.
Exclusive: A night with Enrique Iglesias. The New It
Girls: Brittany Murphy, Kirsten Dunst, Jessica Alba. 9/99:
Hollywood's hottest flaunt their favorite denim. Back to School
Boy Guide: Is he a keeper? Long-distance love.
The other girl. 24 fall makeup must-haves. You Can Afford
College: Here's how. Win a Wardrobe Makeover. Angel's
David Boreanaz & Charisma Carpenter: On first
loves, getting grounded, and favorite body parts. Wakeup With Perfect
Hair (5 tricks that work). Cool, Crazy, Chic 181 Fashion Ideas.
"This town rocks!" Top 10 cities for teens.
8/99: Dating Two Guys: Is it twice the
fun? Back-to-school cool: 250 fashion ideas.
Beauty Checklist: Everything you need for under $30.
Ricky: From menudo to megastar. Sex? 4 guys on
why they're waiting. Parents who snoop. Win a $1,000 scholarship.
"I met him." Your photos of Leo, Ben, Matt
& more. Girl-time with guest editor Katie
Holmes: Boys, books, makeup and beyond. Are you a future
VJ/DJ? 5/99: So Cool Jewel: Her gems, her secrets,
her jeans, her songs. Fab Hair: Updo how-tos, the best
tools, 50+ tricks. You Say No, He Hears Yes: What to do.
Pre-prom parties that swing. Hollywood Couples: Who's
clingy (and who's in control). Love Your Bod: All shapes,
all sizes swimsuit guide. "My dad had an affair." Wow! Win
a guitar signed by Jewel. 4/99: Kirsten Dunst on bowling, boys
and her parents' breakup. Best Prom Buys. Sexually
harassed? You say yes. The height of hip: 100+spring
fashion ideas. The Secret Language of Guys: 50 clues he's crazy
about you. Drew Does It Again: High school, that is. Plus get
her 4 prettiest big-screen looks. A Guide to His Head, Heart
and... Smooch! How to read his lips. 1/99: Win this
dress (a see-through sequin party dress shown with no slip. It can't
help but show nipples-ed), Snooping on him-are you digging too
deep? Sex & body myths exposed. High pressure high
school-is yours this tough? Also, fashion Q&A, horoscopes for
love, loot and looking good, 90-second beauty tips and more.
(12/newsstand) Patricia Adcroft, Editor-in-Chief (Six men and 64
women.) PO Box 55192, Boulder, CO 80323-5192.
Sex Etc. A newsletter by teens for
teens. Fall/00: Are Teens Too Young for Love? Straight Answers
to Your Sex Questions. Dealing With Your Parents' Problems.
Stalked: One Victim's Story. Like Mother Like Son. Addictions
run in the family. Breaking the Silence: An incest survivor
speaks out. (3/Free) Subscribe on line at
or Sex Etc, Rutgers University, Network for Fmaily Life Education,
PO Box 411, Shrub Oak, NY 10588-0411 or
Smile: For the next-gen girl, (6/$20)
10/99: Back-to-School: Galactic gear.
The Moffatts: Brotherly love. Street Seen. Miss "American
Pie" Shannon Elizabeth. (6 women, 14 men) Susan Jadet,
Editor-in-Chief, Mixx Entertainment, 746 W Adams Blvd, Los
Angeles, CA 90089-7727
Stance, Lifestyles of the Young and
Dangerous. Street culture injectoin. Built for Guys: Youth culture
below mainstream radar. (Take a look. One of the few teen/twenties
magazines that might have some socially redeaming qualities. Active
young women will like it, too.) 8/02: Boys of Bummer + 12
Pages of Real Bikini Girls!!! 164 pages of action, girls, music
& product. Milla Jovovich: Superstar with firepower. The
Complete Guide to West Coast Hip Hop. Muska Does the Biggest Stunt of
His Career. 7/02: The Street Cred Issue: Who has it, who
lost it & who bought it! 10 Things You Don't Know
about Eninem. Atlanta: A guide to the city's best. The
History of B-Boying. Crazy Legs Schools You. + Ice Cube, Chuck
D, and Mila Kunis. 5/02: 164 Pages of Skateboards, Girls, Gear
and Cars. Tara Reid: Loses her jersey. Tony Alva: Why he's
lucky to be alive. Rob Zombie: Hollywood gives his movie the
finger. Hide You Sister: Modest Mouse on tour. David
Cross: Meet the world's funniest man. 5/01: Tony
Hawk: Skateboarding's most wanted. Everlast: His best
album ever. Web Radio: The download. Plus: 84 electronics,
88 gear, 40 girls and 100 music reviews. 3/01:
2001-What! The hottest clothes, electronics
& music! Gear, Gadgets, Girls. Whose Shoes are
Your Wearing? 2/01: DC Shoes vs. Tokyo: Showdown in
the East. Mat Hoffman: Boby Bomb. Ultimate DJ: Buyer's
Guide. Over 30 Pages of Gear Inside! 12/00: Exclusive: On
the set of Destroying America. How To Be a Pro Snowboarder: The
ultimate test. Win: A snowboard, skate decks, and more. Log on
to: Blink 182's. Gift Guide 2000. 10/00: Snow
Gear: Products you need. Koston
& Howard: Celebrating with the Laker Girls. Mos
Def: Inside the mind of a hip-hop genius. Hot New
Gear: Denim, shoes, windbreakers, mini stereos and more. Girls,
Girls, Girls! The Laker Girls and the Hottest New Models. Win
Free: Forum Snowboard, Girl Skate Decks & Osiris Shoes.
8/00: Hot for Teachers: Shorty's Rosa
exposed! Inside Kareem. Campbell's World. Tons of new
gear! Watches, shoes, clothes. Idiot's Guide: +MP3. Mila
Kunis of that '70s show. Win free gear inside!
6/00: 500 New Shoes Tech Gear Skate Decks. How
to: Freestyle motocross. Skateboarding vs. Wrestling. The Reef
Girls: Back that thang up! Bling Bling! Malia
Jones. Win a free DJ turntable kit + 10 Skate Decks
+ 12 Clive Backpacks + Spiewak Outfit + More!
4/00: (Premiere Issue) Gear for Guys: 40 new skate shoes,
200+ spring styles, 50 tech toys. Rage Agasinst the
Machine: Poetic, political, psised. Don't Get Jacked: How
to buy a car. Bree Turner from mtv's Undressed. Sneak
Peak: Playstation 2. The End for Tony Hawk? Win a
free Incubus Snowboard+ 10 Apollo Backpacks + DJ Bag
+ More... (6/$8-newsstand) Transworld Stance, PO Box
469014, Escondido, CA 92046-9828
Sugar, Britain's Best Selling Girls'
Magazine. 11/00: Live It Up! Bag that
Make more mates in minutes. Win our top model comp.
Extra: 12-page friendship special. Shocking True
Stories: "My mum married my rapist." "My boyfriend was a heroin
dealer." Specila Report: Have Robbie and Liam gone too
far? "Let's rbing the skip in" and other signs it's
time to sort out your bedroom. What Does Your Laugh Reveal? Boys
tell all... Plus S Club TV, Eminum, Paul Walker, David Boreanaz,
Sugar show poster boys. 1/00: Party On! Dresses
that dazzle and glamour that glitters. Poster Special! Bond Boys
licensed to thrill. Real Life Stories: "I live with a
ghost" "He raped me...then killed himself" Ben Affleck: The
bod! The babes! The biz! Bye Bye Shy: Hello
brave new you. Fend Shui for Christmas Tree: It's all in your
baubles! Snogs a-go-go! How to kiss him and keep him.
Plus! Lee from Steps. T4's Ben & Dermot. Richard
Blackwood. Bernard Butler. Richard McCourt. Trey Farley. Steve
Wilson. 10/99: Double Your Mates! Like now...with
our 10 page fab friends spesh! The Naked
Truth: "My dad's a stripper." Are you destined to be
tpgetjer? Spicier than Salsa! Ricky Martin,
Julio Iglesias, Jr. Oi, parents, no! Crunch their cringey
ways forever. Special Report "I had my baby in prison." 7 Ways
to Nab Him: without saying a word. Inside! Boy
wallpaper for every reader! Plus! Website Britney Spears,
Leonardo DiCaprio, A1 northern line. SClub7 and Freddie Prinze Jnr.
(12/$25 - newsstand) Subscribe: Sugar, PO Box 500, Missouri
City, TX 77459-9904. 800.310.7047. Editorial: 3rd Floor, 17 Berners
St, London W1P 3DD(3 men, 26 women)
Surfing Girl. For girls who want a little
action. 4-5/02: Swimwear Preview: 32 pgs of summer's
hottest swimsuits. Mega Mexico: 4x champ Layne tackles 20 ft
surf. 9 Dream Destinations: World's best places to surf, skate
& snowboard. Down and Dirty with Guttermouth. Free Poster Inside.
4-5/01: Live from Hawaii. Layne Wins Again! Autographed
World Champ Poster Inside. Babewatch: Hawaiian hotties we love.
Daytripping in Maui. Triple Crown Showdown. Island Fever: bonus
36 page swimwear preview. + Surf School. Music. Horoscopes.
Beauty. Free Stuff. 12/00: Girls are Better than
teaching you how to surf. Rockhelle Rocks! Ballard bags big
bucks. Find Your Perfect Partner, Plus: Cool Bags, Horoscopes,
Reader's Music Picks, Longboarding Superstars, Summer's Biggest Surf
Parties...and some very tastey chocolate-chip cookies! Supplement to
Surfing Magazine.
Teen features the latest trends and
information on fashion, beauty, boys, dating, celebrities, quizzes,
and horoscopes for girls age 12 to 19. Interests and
aspirations universal to all teen girls. Ultimate resource tapped
into what's hip and trend breaking written in a voice that's
understanding and appreciated by teen girls. (2,078M/$58M) (1 man on
staff of 38), 7/00: Is There a Boyfriend in Your
Future? 80 Fresh Fashion & Makeup Ideas (for
every budget). Should You Kiss Him? 1,192 guys reveal the
new romance rules. Hall of Shame: Readers' most horrifying
moments. You Are Gorgeous! Flaws? Never! Beauty
secrets that celebrate your look. Freddie, Matthew, Jason & Other
"It" Babes Inside. 1/00: Girls Rule: The scoop on
your fave tv stars. Quiz: Is he moving too
fast? Catchin' Up With: Justin T. BSB. Blink-182.
Extra 12-Page beauty horoscope. 1055
Y2K Giveaways! Fashions That Fit Your Body. The
Ex-Files: How to act when it's over. Class of 2000: 5
seniors predict the future. Sarah Michelle Gellar. 9/99: Bonus
Hot Star Pinups! Film's Freshest Faces: Scott
Speedman, Jonathan Jackson, Josh Hartnett, Heath Ledger. Get a new
'do now! Quiz: Are you too
sneaky? Fall's 15 pages gotta-have-it fashion. Deadly
High: The drug no one talks about. Love
March: Do you click or clash? Jennifer Love
Hewitt: New show, new look, new dude? 4/99:
Quiz: Is it love or like? Spring
Styles: Best buys, need-'em now trends. All About
Eyes: Makeup tips & tricks. Super How To Deal Stressed. Real
Life: "My boyfriend beat me up" Get Active: 16 pages
of fun & fitness. Inside Scoop: The private lives of David
Boreanaz, Drew Barrymore, Joshua Jackson and more. 12/98: Love
Advice that Can't Lose; The Boy is Mine: what to do when your
friend likes him too; The Buzz on the Year's Best Babbes, Bands
& More Roxanne Camron, Editor in Chief, (10/newsstand)
PO Box 51683, Boulder, CO 80323-1683
Teen People, (5 men on staff of 41),
10/01: The Sexy List starring Mark McGrath, Aaliyah, Usher, Nelly
Furtado, Alicia Keys, Paul Walker and more. Curly, Crazy,
Straight: Learn to control your hair. Let's Talk about Sex
plus: your most embarrassing sex-ed moments. The Price of
Fame: Why A.J., Ben & Mariah fell apart. Hollywood's
Hottest Young Star: Josh Hartnett. Free tattoos! Get your
own, plus Mark's & Aaliyah's.
Teen People, inside 9/99: Interesting marketing
technique to sell some people two copies of the same issue by making
two very different covers, even to the contents. Cover
(1) is 272 pages and features: Fashion Flash: Top
trends from around the country. Hot Summer
Music: Backstage photos from the coolest concerts. Dare to
Get Great Hair - Here's how. Teens and Drinking: Shocking
true-life stories. 98 degrees: An exclusive interview and
red-hot new photos. Ultimate College Guide: Success
secrets, fashion tips, beauty advice and
more! Plus: Win the perfect wardrobe. Cover
(2) features Ricky Martin but is only 52 pages. This cover
promotes The 20 Hottest Stars of the Year. Sneak Peak: New
singers, bands and CDs you'll love! Cool
Music: Trivia quiz. Inside: Free music coupons.
Music 2000. Will Smith. tlc. Brandy. Backstreet Boys. Fred Durst. 'n
sync. Monica. Christina Ferrari, Managing Editor (10/$15-newsstand),
PO Box 61690, Tampa, FL 33661-1690 aolkeywood:teenpeople
Teen Quiz, 2001. (In conjunction with Teen Magazine. 32 women, one man). Boys, Buds & You! Page after page of gotta-do quizzes. Guy Spy: Is it love or like? Should you kiss him? How he sees you. Special Why Me! Stories: Your most mortifying moments. Check Your Friendship Factor. Play the Celeb Game. ($2.99 newstands.
Teen Vogue. Spr 02: Beauty
Rescue: Clear skin by Friday night. Who's the Best
Dressed: Our hot list - Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Kirsten Dunst,
Mandy Moore, Jessica Alba, Natalie Portman, Julia Stiles...and more.
Sneaker Style. Britney: rates her fashion hits and misses.
Star Wars Heart Throb Hayden Christensen
& Hollywood's New It Girl. James King. Aaliyah's brother on
living with loss. Gwen Stefani: On her inner geek and rebel
chic. Spring Fashion: Love is in the air. Plus The Sexy Boys of
the WB. Amy Astley, Editor, ($3/newsstand/10) (49 women, 3 men)
Subscriptions $10 for 10 issues. PO Box 32229, Boone
IA 50037
Teen Voices: Because you're
more than just a pretty face. Fall/99: Selling Out to
Censorship. Searching for Sisterhood. Alcoholism: Battling
the bottle. Wake Up...I Can't! Surviving chronic
fatigue syndrome. Winning the So-Called Game of Sex. (4/$20 -
newsstand) (0 men, 50 women) Alison Amoroso, Editor in Chief,
PO Box 120-027, Boston, MA 02112-0027
Twist. Energy, attitude of young women, real
life concerns, reality vs fantasy. (271M) (4 men on a staff of
23) 2/04: Go Ahead, Call Her Dumb! Jessica's secret weaon
for dealing with criticism. Turn Like into Love: We reveal all
the tricks! Do-It-Yourself Salon-Perfect Blowout. Real Life 6
Chilling Stories of Teen Suicide. What's Stressing You Out? Poll
results inside. Kissable by Valentine's Day: Banish bad breath
once and for all. Master the smooch that'll blow his mind.
Free! Style Cards: Your best date looks. WOW! Daily
Horoscopes. Adan vs Seth: Who's more romantic? Secrets for
looking as hot as Hilary. Why Justin may never be truly happy. Is
Paris a total snob? 1/00: Guys, Love and You! Is
everyone hooking up? Is crushing better than
dating? Results from our first ever dating survey! Free
Horoscope Booklet! Your love forecast for 2000. Should You Go
for a Guy Bud? Surprising advice - from boys. Quiz! Are you your
own person? Don't Stress! 10 creative ways to get
happy. Period Probs? Don't freak! Help's inside. 20
Secrets about Roswell. Celeb Style: The 25 coolest (and
kookiest) looks for '99. Supercute Room Stuff: And it's
cheap! Bizarro Scents Boys Love! We tested 'em.
Meredith Monroe: Spills top-secret Dawson's scoop! 9/99:
Just Friends? 8 signs he secretly wants to be more.
The Coolest Back-to-School clothes ever! Sex
Pressure: How to deal. Broke? 50 cool things to
do for under $5. Quizfest: Are you a
diva? Who's your soulmate? Hot Haircuts: that flatter your
face. Britney Spears: Answers our readers' Qs. Flirt
Alert! Guys reveal what catches their eye - every
time! True Triumph: "I was sexually harassed -
but I fought back!" Ricky Martin's sizzlin' secrets. 4/99:
Free your most mortifying moments booklet. Hot Hair you can do
yourself. Why Guys Flake: It's not you, it's him. Quiz Fest: Are
you psychic? Is he your soulmate? Yikes: Teachers
from hell. Get Him Now! 50 ways to talk to any guy.
Hooking Up: Real girls get personal. Buffy
Exclusive: Backstage with Seth Green & Alyson
Hannigan. Carson Daly dish. Bonus 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys,
Next, 98 Degrees. 12/98: Guy Virgins-why they're waiting. 66
shortcuts to a perfect life. Kissing-lip smacking confessions from
guys. Spooky I'm a teenage witch. Beastie Boys get Nasty. Groovy
gifts under $20. Boy friend or boyfriend? Glam it up-head
to toe part makeovers. The Neve you never knew.
(10/$13.95-newsstand), PO Box 1946, Marion, OH 43306-2046. or
Worddance Magazine: the magazine
dedicated to the voice of today's youth, (4/$18-newsstand), Fall
98: Playful Productions, PO Box 10804, Wilmington,
DE 19850-0804
YM: Young & Modern a magazine dedicated to
teen age women, has a contemporary flair and a youthful sense of
style. With in-depth features on entertainment and celebrities,
useful advice on personal relationships, and practical beauty tips,
YM serves as the ultimate guide to a thoroughly modern life. B E
F H M R 12-24 affluent young women. Step by step fashion
trends. Cosmetics, haircare, skincare, self-esteem, models,
celebrities. (2,187M/$87M) (4 men on staff of 38) 5/02:
Enrique: He's hot and has really cute dogs. Near-Perfect
Boyfriend: Specimens inside. The Easiest, Coolest Hairstyles.
How to Have an Awesome Summer. High
School Girls Behind Bars. Plus: O-Town, India, Arie, Dave
Matthews, Smash Mouth & Jennifer Garner. Win the Cutest
Bathing Suits in History. Free Ashton Kutcher Poster. 12/01-01/02:
How to Flirt. The Cutest Boy on TV. Awesome Holiday Gifts Under
$30. What to Wear to Any New Year's Party. September 11 Changed
Everything for These 14 Teens. Justin: More hot pictures inside.
Throw Out Your Bathroom Scale. 5/01: The Sexiest, Coolest
Swimsuits Ever!!! 75 Free Bikinis. Be a winner! Tons of Cute
Surfer Boys. Win a Free Trip to Surf Camp. Truth or Dare with Mandy
Moore. Blind Date Bliss: Three juisy hookups. Jennifer Aniston's
High School Diary. Plus Jose & the Pussycats' Meow-Wow
Makeovers. Sleepover Secrets from the Popstars. 10/00: 98
Degrees on Why Virginity is Sexy: Plus a special scratch-off
prise-win their shits. Size Him Up! What a guy's looks reveal. 7
Reasons Guys Freak About Love. Your Better Body Guide: Kick you
fat cravings. The new eating disorder: could you have
it? Stressed? Quick chill-outs. 40 Best Web
Beautyu Finds. Lance Bass Wants You! 2/00: Get Asked Out More
Often! Guys tell you how. Bedroom Makeovers: Tons of
cool, do-it-yourself ideas. The Love & Sex
Report: 15,000 girls on pressure, bad reps & how long
to wait. Romance Secrets of Your Fave Stars. Look
Irresistible! 95 new hair & makeup tips. 30 Ways to Have
More Fun on Dates. "I tried to kill myself" One girl's ordeal.
Christina Aguilera: The power of her music, moves and attitude.
Bonus: 4 cool Christina posters. Special Spring 00: Find
the Real You. What your handwriting, bedroom, shopping style, dream
dude & face photos say about you. Ready,
Set...Romance! The type of guy who'll melt for you. Your dating
future forecast. Clues to your love personality. Decode his locker,
closet & backpack. Ultimate Horoscope Handbook: Tune in to
your hidden talents, fab flirt moves & key ways to beat stress.
The Best Career for You-Inside! Best Friends: What
your pal picks reveal about you. Hair Makeovers. Your Star
Crushes: Their secret meaning. Go QUIZ! 50 fun pages.
Special 1999 Love Issue: 201 Secrets to Boy Bliss. Quiz
Blitz: What type of guy will fall for you & why.
8 habits that ruin romance & how to break 'em. Is he into
you? 7 ways to get him to spill. How many guys have you
kissed? What your number means. Hot-Date hair & makeup
guide. Lip Lessons: make your smooches sizzle! 5/99:
The Never-Get-Dumped Guide: 100 guys' tips. Look
Buff! bikinis that fix any flaw. Love
Quiz: What his smooch style reveals. Inside scoop from
Felicity's sexy Scotts. Bonus Section: Sex Secrets - 8
ways to tell if you're really ready. The new rules for hook-up
safety. No-fail booty-hound busters. "I risked so much to be
pretty": scary surgery stories. Makeup
Magic: trick 'em into thinking you blew a bundle. 7th
Heaven's Jessica Biel: dishes about her co-star crushes,
gutsy guy-getting moves and why she's no angel. 4/99: 101
Beauty Steals: Ultra-hip loot for less. Claire Danes: The
Mod Squad star on taking risks, freaking about college and the best
(and worst) part of being in love. Win a Date With 98 Chillin' with
the Boy Bands. Your Total Turn-Him-On Guide: Boy bait: 41
moves he can't resist. Lust Busters: Guys' top turn-offs.
Lasting Love: Keep it goin' on! Hottie Heaven: Pick
your face from our top 20. Love Quiz: Is he really into
you? Losing Mom: "I never dreamed I'd miss her so much"
Bonus! Say anything booklet: the most mortifying ever.
4/99: Prom Special. Love Horoscope: Who's on your
hunk horizon? 51 fun fab ways to get psyched, have a blast
and make him swoon. Dazzle 'em: 60 scene-staling dresses.
Supersexy hair and makeup. Excellent extras: shoes,
jewels. Say anything: Glam night gross-outs. Starry,
Starry Nights: Never-before-told prom tales from Will
Smith, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Adam Sandler, and more. Snag
Him! Ultimate guy-getting guide (you'll thank us).
1/99: Brand Puking New - Special Say Anything Issue; Free Gift
Wrap; Is He Your Soul Mate - 8 Ways to Tell (at 16? Give
me a break. ed); P{arty On Goof Proof Hair & Makeup; Good
Girls vs Bad Girls-Why they envy each other; 500 Guys
Secrets: What they really think about your hair, kisses, come-on
lines; Hot Holiday Dresses-that fix figure flaws; Win! $1,000
Buffy wardrobe and set visit. Susan Kane, Executive Editor, (10)
PO Box 3060, Harlan IA 51593-2124
Zillions for kids from Consumer Reports,
(6/$16), 9-10/98 Subscription Dept, PO Box 51777,
Boulder, CO 80323-1777
If you have never been hated by your child, you have never been a parent. Bette Davis
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