Thoughts & Issues IN THIS ISSUE: MARCH 31
Photo of the Week March 31 - * Independence Day in Malta. * Vigil to mourn China's annexation of Tibet and the killings, torture and religious persecution of Tibetan Buddhists. The Mystic's Wheel of the Year * Daylight Saving Time goes into effect for the first time throughout the U.S. (except Arizona.). (1918) But, today's not the day, this year. * The Dalai Lama fled Chinese suppression and was granted political asylum in India. (1959) In 1950, Tibet had been invaded by China and in 1951 an agreement was signed under which Tibet became a "national autonomous region" of China. Tibetans suffered under China's persecution of Buddhism and after years of scattered protest a full-scale revolt broke out in 1959. The Dalai Lama fled and with the beginning of the Chinese Cultural Revolution the Chinese took brutal repressive measures against the Tibetans, with the practice of religion banned and thousands of monasteries destroyed. The ban was lifted in 1976 with the end of the Cultural Revolution. The Dalai Lama received the Nobel Peace Prince in 1989 for his commitment to the nonviolent liberation of his country. Tibet continues to be repressed but the Chinese and they are using it as a tourist attraction to bring money into China. We encourage people not to visit Tibet and instead spend some of that money supporting the Free Tibet efforts. * Built for the Paris Exhibition of 1889, the tower was named for its architect and is one of the world's best known landmarks. * Richard Pearse, a farmer and inventor, flew a monoplane of his own design several hundred yards along a road near Temuka, New Zealand and then landed it on top of a 12-foot-high hedge. (19093) Pearse had built the craft, which consisted of a steerable tricycle undercarriage and an internal combustion engine. * The Soviet Republic of Georgia voted to declare its independence form the Soviet Union. (1991) Georgia followed the Baltic States of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia by becoming the fourth republic to reject Mikhail Gorbachevb's new vision of the Soviet Union as espoused in a new Union Treaty. Totals revealed that 98.9 percent of those voting favored independence from Moscow. Hours after the election, troops were dispatched from Moscow to Georgia under a state of emergency. * The US Air Force Academy was established at Colorado Springs, CO to train officers for the Air Force (1954). * Birthdays: John Fowles, Cesar Estrada Chavez, Edward Fitzgerald, Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol, Albert Gore, Jr., Franz Joseph Haydn, Andrew Marvell, Henry Morgan, Herb Alpert, Pavel Bure, Richard Chamberlain, Thomas Haden Church, William Daniels, Gordon (Gordie) Howe, John Jakes, James Earl (Jimmy) Johnson, Gabe Kaplan, Edward Francis (Ed) Marinaro, Marc McClure, Ewan McGregor, Steve Smith, Christopher Walken. Cesar Chavez (1927) who won recognition of migrant workers' rights through organization and non-violent protest. Mature mental health demands an extraordinary capacity to flexibly strike and continually restrike a delicate balance between conflicting needs, goals, duties, responsibilities, directions, et cetera. The essence of this discipline of balancing is "giving up". The Road Less Traveled Marriage seems to be about relationship with another person, but marriage is also a strange but fulfilling union with the world of dream and fantasy. Genuine marriage takes place in a realm not identical with outward life. Soul Mates Show me someone content with mediocrity, an I'll show you somebody destined for failure. - Johnnetta Cole, president of Spelman College. African American History I love it when she nibbles on the skin between my navel and groin. - Bill, 34 Best of 1001 Sex Secrets Every Man & Woman Should Know Instead of thinking of the "terrible twos", think of the "terrific twos." Your child's questioning shows that you're helping him or her develop into an independent, thinking person. Dr. Buff's 365 Day Parenting Calendar Perry Watkins died of AIDS on this day in 1996. Open about his homosexuality when he first enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1967, Watkins successfully reenlisted several times. However, in 1982, the Army discharged him because of his sexual orientation. After a long legal battle, a 1989 court decision ordered that Watkins be allowed to reenlist. Gay & Lesbian Calendar The victory is not just hanging on to what you already have against all onslaughts, but going on to something different, and better." - Author Gloria Steinem New Passages A Different Growth Chart. To track our daughter's growth during her first year, once a month we pose her in the same chair next to the same stuffed animal. Then we put the photos into an album, each on a separate page. By flipping the pages, we can see how she's changed from month to month. It's a fun way to watch her grow. Parents Tips & Tricks The mind is capable of anything because everything is in it - all the past as well as the future. Achieve Your Dreams Things to Be Happy About: An extra 10 minutes. One-room schoolhouses. A roast sizzling in the oven. 14,000 Things to Be Happy About Everybody loves a back rub. Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me (Editor: That's true. But in the workplace be sure to ask before you do and make sure it is not someone who is in a "subordinate" position, so that they have the power to say "no thanks" or it may become sexual harassment. And, remember, offer them to both sexes. (Thanks, Free.) Faith is a gift of the spirit that allows the soul to remain attached to its own unfolding. - Thomas Moore. If Life is a Game, These are the Rules If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Keep not only your health but your energy level in mind when you eat. One of the most destructive things we do to our bodies s to overeat. You could start by cutting the amount your normally eat by half. Simplify Your Life When faced with a difficult decision, consider all possible options and make a list of advantages and disadvantages for each choice. Putting it down in black and white often has a way of clarifying which direction to take. Stress Busters Encourage your kids to skate any time of year! Snow outside. Back the cars out of the garage and take out other stuff so your kids friends can skate there too. Setup some music and even a snack bar and then let them have fun. To Do Today (Editor: While you're emptying out the garage so they can skate, consider having a dumpster outside at the same time. Then, you won't have as much stuff you'll have to put back in the garage when they're done. Maybe you can reclaim your garage as an "open space" area.) Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. - William Jennins Bryan. Win the Day! A deep distress hath humanized my soul. - William Wordsworth Most of us experience sorrow long before we have a word for it - the sorrow of losing our infant comfort, of weaning away from a mother or other loving caregiver, or of having a sibling usurp our place. Such early grief is compensated by growth. Other deep distress - death, injury, or illness - is not compensated, and the only way to redeem such sorrow is to grieve fully. This then becomes a humanizing process, a softening of the spirit. Adults sometimes try to shield children from distress, from the knowledge that a parent is sick, or dying' or from full acceptance of the child's own limitations. When sorrow is disguised or smothered in this way, half admitted but half denied, it squeezes out of shape. The work of grieving is incomplete. Knowledge; grief'; acceptance, this is the healing sequence. Adults cannot let go of the sorrow if they never were allowed to feel it, as children. Rage is a part of grieving, and we cannot let go of rage until we admit it to the light of consciousness. Every one of us has been wounded, some more deeply than others, and every one of us has the power to heal ourselves. The deep well of compassion opens as a results of this healing. My total humanity depends on my acknowledgment of grief. Only after I accept it can I let it go. Family Feelings Hey Man: Did you make a difference yesterday? Let us know at Contact Us. Become more spiritual. What Every Man Needs to Know Want to make a difference but you don't know where to start? Joy, Melanie, Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and
Wear Cows: The belief system that enables us to eat
some animals and not others. This groundbreaking work
explores the psychology of carnism. Our willingness to eat
animals - and only some animals at that - says the author,
is enabled only through blocking out what we know - about
their capacity for consciousness and their ability to feel
pain; about the inhumane husbandry practiced all over the
world simply to satisfy our taste for foods we don;'t need
in our diet; about the health risks involved in eating flesh
of any king; and on and on. In other words, we continue to
eat meat and fish only out of a seemingly intransigent
denial. Sure to spark conversation, controversy and debate,
this book challenges readers not only to own up to the
choices they make each and every time they consume
animal-based foods but moreover to change the way they think
about food forever. Conari Press, www.redwheelweiser.com,
2009 ISBN 978-1-57324-461-9
March is International Listening Awareness, International Mirth, *Irish-American Heritage, Mental Retardation Awareness, Music in Our Schools, National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness, National Collision Awareness, National Colorectal Cancer Awareness, Ethics Awareness; National Humane Education Awareness, National Kidney, National Nutrition, National On-Hold, National Professional Social Worker's, National Talk with Your Teen about Sex, Optimism, Play-the-Recorder, Poison Prevention Awareness, Red Cross, Rosacea Awareness, Workplace Eye Health and Safety; Youth Art; Humorists are Artists and Gender Equality Month: Time to honor both genders; time to meditate on the equality of women and men, on the respect due to both women and men, and on Goddess-God manifesting as woman and man. The Mystic's Wheel of the Year. In keeping with this, be sure to read our writing under "Newsbytes" called Mothers Aren't Essential in Raising Children. Also, check out our books on Feminism, Sexism, Sex Roles, and Social Theory in this regard. Month. Mar 12-Apr 14: Deaf History Month. Mar 1-5: No Name Calling Week. Mar 1-7 The day the production and use of land mines was outlawed world-wide. The Mystic's Wheel of the Year. National Write a Letter of Appreciation; Return the Borrowed Books; Universal Human Beings Week. Mar 1-10: Bike Week. Mar 2-9: Autograph Collecting, Conserve Water/Detect-a-Leak; National Professional Pet Sitters; *Save Your Vision Week. Mar 4-8: Human Resource ; National Procrastination; National School Breakfast; Newspaper in Education Week. Mar 10-16: Girl Scout; Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week. Mar 11-17: Camp Fire Boys and Girls Birthday Week. Mar 13-20: Education Advocacy; National Toad Hollow Week. Mar 17-23: Anonymous Giving; Jobs for Teens; National Agriculture; National Poison Prevention Week. Mar 18-24: National Bubble; National Clutter Awareness; National Secondhand Shopping; National Spring Fever Week. Mar 20-26: Week of Solidarity with the People's Struggle Against Racism and Racial Discrimination (UN). Mar 24-30: National Cleaning Week. Mar 29-Apr 2: National Youth Violence Prevention Campaign. Mar 1: National March to College; National Pig. National Salesperson's; "Read Across America Day" sponsored by the National Education Association in honor of the birthday of Dr. Seuss (Theordor Geisel). Mar 2: I Want You to Be Happy; National Anthem; What if Cats and Dogs had Opposable Thumbs Day. Mar 3: Hug a GI; Old Inauguration Day. Mar 6: Stop Bad Service Day. Mar 8: Panic Day. Mar 10: Dream 2002; Johnny Appleseed Day. Mar 11: National Organize Your Home Day. Mar 12: National Open an Umbrella Indoors Day. Mar 14: Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. Mar 15: Curlew; Freedom of Information Day. Mar 16: Save the Florida Panther Day. Mar 17: St. Patrick's Day. Mar 19: Great American Meatout; National Agriculture; Proposal Day. Mar 20: Flower; National Tree Planting, Memory; Single Parents; South Africa Human Rights Day; International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UN). Mar 21: As Young as You Feel; New Year's Day (India). Mar 22: Near Miss; World Meteorological Day (UN). Mar 23: World Tuberculosis Day (UN). Mar 24: Mothering Day (ENG); National Family; Old New Year's; Pecan Day. Mar 25: Legal Assistants; Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. Mar 26: American Diabetes Alert. Mar 27: Qing Ming Festival (China). Mar 27: National Mom and Pop Business Owners; Youth Day (Taiwan); Texas Love the Children Day. Mar 29: I Am in Control; Doctor's Day. * Means a Presidential Proclamation has been made. Help find a missing child! 800.843.5678 24-Hour Hotline * * *
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