How to Succeed
with Women

Never too Old

Ron and David,

I don't have a question, I have a statement. Two years ago--to the day as a matter of fact--my wife of 23 years left me. I sat there that night thinking, "damn, I'm 55 years old, slightly overweight and who the hell will want me?" I had no confidence at all. I thought I may never get laid again! That's a terrible thought.

One night, while at a resort bar, a woman next to me was ordering drinks and said hello. I responded with a hello, and she asked if I'd like to party with her and her friends. I said, "sure." We ended up swimming naked in the pool at 2:30 AM and I got laid. That's all it took. My confidence soared, and I can tell you this, 55 and 56 are not bad ages. I have scored with women 20 years my juinior and one, two years older (what a hot 58 year old!).

I'm writing this, not to brag. Well, yes a bit of that, but I think you should let men know that they're never too old to get laid. I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there who stay home and sulk because of a marriage break-up when they could be getting more sex now than they did while they were married. I am. That's for damn sure. George

Thanks George!-Ron and David

© 2007, Mastery Technologies, Inc.

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We must try to trust one another. Stay and cooperate. - Jomo Kenyatta

Ron Louis and David Copeland are the authors of How to Succeed with Women, The Sex Lover's Book of Lists, and The Mastery Program audio course. Send them those seduction questions: You're question may be used in the next newsletter! Subscribe to their Free newsletter for tons of Free seduction information. Type in your email address, and click on "subscribe," then click on submit! See a sample from The Rules For Getting Laid and a review on or the tape series. Also, check out their web site and see a review of their book.

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