The Evolution of Desires: The 4 Universal
Conflicts That Undermine Mens and
Womens Relationships
When it comes to human nature,
the differences between males and females must
be acknowledged as real, important, and
downright fascinating. Moreover, when it comes
to understanding those differences, there is no
better guide than evolution. David
P. Barash, PhD. and Judith Eve Lipton, MD.
Biologists have a very simple and useful
definition of what is male and what is female,
whether we are fish, ferns, or human beings. An
individual can either make many small gametes (sex
cells) or fewer but larger gametes. The individuals
that produce smaller gametes are called
males and the ones that produce larger
gametes are called females.
Many men believe that size matters. Yet, most of
us are not aware of the difference in size and
number between a sperm and an egg. A human egg is
85,000 times larger than a sperm. Each man produces
100 to 300 million sperm per ejaculate.
Dr. Steve Jones is professor of genetics and
head of the prestigious Galton Laboratory,
University College of London.
The cellular imbalance is at the
center of maleness,
he says.
It confers on males a simpler sex
life than their partners, together with a host
of incidental idiosyncrasies, from more suicide,
cancer, and billionaires to rather less hair on
the top of the head.
Generally, it is easier to move the
smaller sperm to the larger egg than vice versa,
and so it is the male that seeks out the female
and the female who makes the selection from
those males that come courting
Dr. Jones concludes.
From the greenest of algae to the
most blue-blooded of aristocrats their restless
state hints at an endless race in which males
pursue but females escape.
Of course, if females escaped completely, there
wouldnt be babies and that would be the end
of that species. Yet, it does help us to recognize
the different challenges males and females face in
the mating process.
According to Dr. David Buss, author of the
textbook Evolutionary Psychology: The New
Science of the Mind,
Human sexual psychology evolved
over millions of years to cope with ancestral
adaptive problems before the advent of modern
contraceptive technology. Humans still possess
this underlying sexual psychology, even though
the current environment has changed.
What competing is to males,
say Dr. David Barash and Dr. Judith Eve Lipton,
authors of The Biology of Male-Female Differences,
choosing is to females.
In a TED talk on Sexuality Conflict
in Human Mating Dr. Buss begins with a
thought experiment: Id like you to imagine an
attractive person of the opposite sex walking up to
you and saying, Hi, Ive been noticing
you lately and find you very attractive. They
then ask you one of three questions:
- Would you go out on a date with me?
- Would you come back to my apartment with
- Would you have sex with me?
These experiments were carried out numerous
times in a variety of settings and, as you might
expect, the answer given were different depending
on whether those being asked were male or female.
Here were the results:
Of the women approached by the attractive male
experimenter, 56% agreed to go on a date with him,
6% agreed to go back to his apartment, and 0% of
the women agreed to have sex with the attractive
male stranger.
Of the men approached by the female
experimenter, about 50% agreed to go out on a date
with her, 69% agreed to go back to her apartment,
and 75% of the men said they would be happy to
have sex with her. Of the 25% who declined,
many were apologetic, citing a girl friend or
fiancé and asking for a raincheck in case
things changed.
This evolutionary-based difference between men
and women is at the root of much of our sexual
Conflicts Between the Sexes Are Tied to
Different Evolutionary-Based Desires of Males &
Conflict #1: Desire for Sexual
In experiments with males and females they were
asked, if given your choice, how many sexual
partners would you like to have over the next
month, six months, or over your lifetime. Think
about it yourself. How many would you like to
- Women, on average, said they would like to
have 0.7 sex partners over the next month. One
partner in the next six months. And 4-5 over a
- Men, on average, thought 2 in the next month
would be about right, 8 in the next six months,
and 18 in the lifespan. Dr. Buss noted that this
was after eliminating 3 outlier males who wanted
to have 1,000 sex partners over the
As you might imagine, this difference between
males and females is often a potent source of
Conflict #2: Sexual Over-Perception
In this experiment males and females are shown a
video of a man and woman sitting across from each
other and interacting. At a certain point, the
woman smiles at the man. The video is stopped and
subjects are asked, Why did the woman smile?
What was she thinking? What signals was she
Men are more likely to say, It was
obvious. She was sending sexual signals.
Women seeing exactly the same film say,
She was just being friendly, being
This over-perception bias is a source of
conflict with men assuming sexual interest that
isnt there. It is most prevalent with
attractive women, the ones who are most often hit
on by men and the least likely to be reciprocating
a sexual desire. You see the potential for
conflict, Im sure and have likely experienced
it yourself.
Also, men who are high on narcissism are
particularly prone to this bias, assuming,
mistakenly, that they are Gods gift to women.
They think theyre hot, but theyre
Conflict #3: Deception
All of us are prone to deception, but the sexes
lie in different, albeit predictable ways. Men lie
about their height (always want to be a bit
taller), their income, and status. Women lie about
their weight (by about 15 pounds on average,
lower). Both men and women post photos that make
them look more attractive than they are.
So, we need to see people and get to know them,
not just trust social media connections. But even
when couples meet, men tend to lie about the depth
of their feelings. I remember being very drawn to a
young woman, becoming sexual and then responding
much more positively about our potential for a more
in-depth relationship than I actually felt at the
time. Studies show that I was not alone in what I
said. Men often profess love when they are really
talking about lust. We even tend to fool ourselves,
which adds additional levels of conflict.
Conflict #4. Mate value
I was asked by a female colleague, Jed,
why is it that all the guys that Im
interested in dont seem very interested in
me, but Im pursued by all these guys who are
interested in trying to chat me up, but
I have no interest in them?
I told her honestly, On the mating market
you are an 8 seeking 10s, being lusted after by
guys who are 5s and 6s. Many of us seek a
partner for short-term or long-term relationship
that is at an evolutionary higher value than we
are. We all want a high-quality mate, but even if
were successful, we may still lose. Higher
quality mates tend to have affairs more often and
more often leave their partners over time. Some of
us underestimate our value and are drawn to those
below us. Best to seek a mate with relatively
equal mate value.
This is one of the most common, and
misunderstood, sources of conflict I see as a
clinician who specializes in sex, love, and
relationship issues. One of the greatest services I
offer clients who are looking for a great partner
is to be realistic about our evolutionary-based
mate value as well as the value of those who may be
interested in us.
We might tell ourselves that it shouldnt
matter, that we should see the whole person below
the external indicators of desire, but we
cant ignore evolution.
My wife, Carlin, and I have been together for 43
years now. We had both been through two marriages
and divorces before we met. But when we first got
together there was clearly some attraction, but
there were strong evolutionary pressures that told
us that the chemistry just didnt feel
I was a few inches shorter than her, which
usually ruled me out with many women I found
attractive. She was five and half years older than
me, which was usually a deal-breaker for men she
might be interested in getting to know better.
Fortunately, we were smart enough to talk about our
feelings of attraction as well as the discomforts
we were experiencing.
Ultimately, we found that we were totally right
for each other and have continued to be even more
in love with each other through the years.
Heres a take-home bit of wisdom weve
- We cant ignore the forces of
- Evolution has little interest in our
happiness, just in our reproductive
- We have to explore outside the evolutionary
box of what drives our initial attraction.
- We need to take our time before we get too
involved with Mr. or Ms. Right or to exclude
someone where there were lots of Mr. or Ms.
Right signs, but the chemistry
wasnt there initially.
- If we want to be happy for the rest of our
lives, we need to listen to our
evolutionary-driven desires but decide for
ourselves who would be the best mate for
You can learn more about what we learned in our
on-line course: Navigating
the 5 Stages of Love. If youd like
to read more articles like these, please join our
newsletter list.
©2023 Jed
See Books,
+ Suicide
* * *
Wealth can't buy health, but health can buy
wealth. - Henry David Thoreau

Jed Diamond
is the internationally best-selling author of seven
books including Male
Menopause, now
translated into 17 foreign languages and his
latest book, The
Irritable Male Syndrome: Managing. The 4 Key Causes
of Depression and
Aggression. For over
38 years he has been a leader in the field of men's
health. He is a member of the International
Scientific Board of the World Congress on
Mens Health and has been on the Board of
Advisors of the Mens Health Network since its
founding in 1992. His work has been featured in
major newspapers throughout the United States
including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall
Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, and USA
Today. He has been featured on more than 1,000
radio and T.V. programs including The View with
Barbara Walters, Good Morning America, Inside
Edition, CBS, NBC, and Fox News, To Tell the Truth,
Extra, Leeza, Geraldo, and Joan Rivers. He also did
a nationally televised special on Male Menopause
for PBS. He looks forward to your feedback.
You can visit his website at

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