Menstuff® provides a listing, Men
Talking to Men, which includes stories that have appeared
on the cover of over 90 current magazines and newsletters directed to
men. Each listing includes a copy of the latest cover (under the
Lenny icon) plus the editor's name and mailing address.
Legend: A-Atheletics,
B-beauty/Cosmetics, C-Career/Business/Finances, D-Drink,
E-Entertainment, F-Fashion/Style, H-Health/Fitness,
I-Image/Self-Improvement, J-Journalism-Investigative,
L-Leisure/Lifestyle, M-Music/Movies/Media, P-Politics,
R-Relationship, S-Sex, T-Technology. (circ/cost of a 4 color page of
advertising) The "@" at the front means that the publication is
primarily local in nature. The date at the end denotes the most
recent issue we've received.
Menstuff Daily Newsletter . At 12:15am PST every morning,
you can click on "Today on Menstuff" in the left side-bar for new
information related to that day and a discussion on a different
"men's issue". Try it out.
Achilles Heel Magazine, a forum for
discussion of men and masculinity and a reflection of the diverse and
developing ways in which men are experiencing themselves today.
3/99: Fatherhood: Bringing father back home. Young
dads two. My couvade. Fatherhood: Your turn now. Men united.
Families need fathers. Screaming men. A farewell to passing. Why
can't I be gay? Sum/Aut 97: Men
& Power: Re-thinking Men's Power, Sharing Power, Nine
types of Power, Foucault. Realms of Power. Anti-sexist work. London's
Men's Centre. Dancing in the Dark. (4/10lbs) 4 West Park Villas,
Horrabridge, Devon, PL20 7TY, United Kingdom
Brother: The Journal of the National Organization for Men Against
Sexism, Spr/02: Gay Pride Rockland. Violence and Gender. It's
About You, Man. Sniper Sport. Jack Straton's Ending Men's Violence
Citebase. It Makes Me Sad. Second Class Action. The Whys of Gay
Parenting. DOMA: The Defense of Marriage Alphabet. Largest-Ever
Study of Black GLBT People. Aut/01: Together we can
change the world. Part Time Father. Gloucester Men Take on Fight
Against Domestic Abuse. Animal Abuse and Family Violence. Coming Out
- A Singular View. Web Repository for Personal Experiences with
the "Isms" Vol 20, #2: Blackfatheritis. The Grateful Dad
plays M&M 19: My Experience with the National Fatherhood
Initiative. Posthumous Role Model. What Does a Son Need from His Dad?
Building a Feelings Vocabulary - For Kids and Parents. Gay Pioneers.
Just a Few Days Ago, I was Attacked... Gay Pride - The Straight
View. Vol 19, # 2a: Manhood and Violence: The deadliest
equation. Columbine and Male Entitlement. Roles of Men with Feminism
and Feminist Theory. Anti-Semitism and Heterosexism: Common
constructs of oppression. The Developmental Experience of the
Gay/Lesbian Youth. Response to the Christian Men's Movement: The
Promise Keepers. Spr/01: Re-Visioning. Feminist
Reflectoins: Who me? Reflections of an Evolving
Pro-Feminist Man. Learning Lessons. The Worth of Your Labor.
President's Day Donations "In Honor of George W. Bush" Poured
in to Planned Parenthood. National Institute of Justice Study on
Sexual Victimization of College Women. Mockery of Katherine Harris
Shows Double Standard. Win/00: Manhood and Violence: The
deadliest equation, Columbine and Male Entitlement, Roles of Men with
Feminism and Feminist Theory, Anti-Semitism and
Heterosexism: Common constructs of oppression. The Developmental
Experience of the Gay/Lesbian Youth. Response to the Christian Men's
Movement. Survivor without a Tattoo - Poetry.8/00: Special
Silver Anniversary Edition: Presenting abstrcts from the 12th
Men's Studies Assocation Meeting. (free w/$50 mem) PO Box 455,
Louisville, CO 80027-0455
The Coalition
Chronicle: A publication of the New Hampshire Coalition
Against Domestic & Sexual Violence.
Spr/03: Ending Violence Against Women and Dismantling
Racism. Statewide Teen Dating Violence Public Awarenses and
Prevention Project. Celebrate the Moms and Dads in Your Life with
Coalition Cards. Spr02: Breaking the Silence: Testing for
rape drugs-why it wasn't happening. The Clothesline Project. Fall
01: The View from the Capital Dome. An Update on the Greenbook
Project. Sprint, Motorola answer the "Call to
Protect." Domestic Violence in the Workplace. Spr/01:
Coalition to present Susan Poulin and Gordon Carlisle in "Spousal
Deafness". From Restraining Orders to Retraining Orders: The
Educational Role of Batterers Intervention. Celebrate the Moms and
Dads in Your Life with Coalition Cards. Sexual Assault Laws Top
Legislative Priority List. Looking Back on the Year 2000 and Ahead to
Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April. Men Against Violence.
Fall/00: Collusion vs Confrontation: Avoiding pitfalls in
batterers intervention. Coalition Issues Fared Well in the 1999-2023
Legislative Sessions. New Study on Intimate Partner Violence.
Enhanced Advocacy: A conference on empowering ourselves and
others.(4/free) PO Box 353, Concord, NH 03302
The Journal of
Men's Studies: A scholarly journal about men and
masculinities. (3/$35) Box 32, Harriman, TN 37748
Beginning with Volume 8, the Journal goes online. Order your
password via their secure ordering link at the site. ($20 US per
Men's Studies News. Newsletter of the
American Men's Studies Association, Fall/00-Win/01: Conference
Brochure.Sum 00: Join us in New Mexico! Editorial Office, 43
Gina Meadows, East Amherst, NY 14051
@Men Talk: Twin Cities Men's Center News,
articles, poetry, schedules of events. 6-7/03: Twin
Cities Pride Festival - 32 Yers of Notable Changes.
4-5/03: Adventures in Fathering. Memories of a Younger
Brother. Strength in Resiliency. 6-7/02: When a Mom is a
Dad: Overcoming bias against male nurturing. 4-5/02:
Empathy for Young Males. Taking the Steps to Stop the Abuse.
2-3/02: Father-Son Fury: One dad's story.
Food: Long-lasting treatment for depression. 12/01-1/02:
Making a Choice. Here and There. 10-11/01: The Birth of a
Man-Child. 8-9/01: October's Men's
Health and Well-Being Symposium. Andropause: Male Mid-Life
Passage. 6-7/01: Intimacy Between Men. Forgiving Our Fathers.
Facts About Fathers. Giving Back: Creating Gay Community.
4-5/01: The Role of Pain in Parenting. 2-3/01: The
Yen for Yin. Boys to Men: A new mentoring program for
youth. Circumcision: Doctors liable for assault. 12/00-01/01:
What Gift Can I Give? 10-11/00: Men Have
Buddies, But No Real Friends. Can You be a Big Brother? 8-9/00:
Men and Violence: Who are the victims? The Apology. Memories
of Father's Day June 18, 2000. Understand and/or Accept. Is It
Possible to Live in Peace? 6-7/00: Why Are Fathers so Special?
Taking the Steps to Stop the Abuse. Six Quarters for a Life. Same
Dad, Different Day. Surviving Fatherhood. 4-5/00: A Walk
with Mom. 2-3/00: The Last Fishing Trip. 3249 Hennepin Ave
South Ste 55, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Voice Male, Suppporting Men, Challenging
Violence. (formerly Valley Men's Nwsltr) Covers a wide variety of
subjects, including pro-feminist male issues.
Sum/03: Beneath the Armor: Discovering Boys' Secret
Hearts. White Men Challenging Racism. Welcoming Home the Troops. Sen.
Santorum's "Family Values." Why Ending Violence Against Women in
Men's Work. The Fragile State of Men's Health. Sum/02: Are
There Fight Clubs in Men's Future? Dear Mon & Dad, I'm Gay.
Mother Envy. Gender Roles on the Dance Floor. An Infertile Father's
Abundant Life. Secrets, Lies and the Closet. Spr/02: Reaching
Up for Manhood. Men and the Fear of Hugging. Beyond Soundbite
Thinking. Letter to an Absent Father. Confronting White Racism.
Win/02: God Bless Us All. Michael Kimmel, Robin Morgan and Rob
Okun: Gender, Violence and September 11th. Rouge Males in the
Middle East. Stress Resilience for Hard Times. Fall/01: Men in
an Age of Innocence: Photos of 19th century male friendsihps.
Dear Friends: American photographs of men together 1840-1918.
Four to Receive Challenge & Change Awards November 1st.
A Hometown Challenge to Racism. Beyond the Isolation of Men.
A Feminist Wife Embraces Men's Work. Gay
& Queer: What's in a name? Sum 01: Mentoring Our
Boys. Father Loss. Becoming Green Men. RadioActive Youth. On Being a
Gay Father. When Your Partner has Breast Cancer. Spr/01: Can
Men Have Friends? Men, Sports & Violence. Coming
Out: Not for gay men only. Men of Color Column. Teen Fathers Who
Care. Domestic Violence in Siberia. Porn's Manipulation of Men.
Win/01: Whose Masculinity Is It, Anyway? Am
I Gay, or...? Porn, Power and Privacy. Men's Work in Mexico.
Rites of Passage in Nevada. New: Voices of Youth Column. Tears
of a Black Father. Men's Health at a Crossroads. Fall/00:
Raising Boys' Emotional Intelligence. On Having a Gay
Father. "Men's Rights" or What's Right for Men? Juan
Carlos Arean: Beyond "Cultural Competence". Canadian
Men: Training for Change. Sum/00: The New
Knights: Men's work in Great Britain. Boy's Rites of Passage.
Coming Out on the Football Field. Why Do You Hate Me? And
a Baby Shall Lead Them. Spr/00: Hamlet and the Ghosts of Our
Fathers. On Men as Leaders, Malcolm X. What's So Funny About
Anti-Male Humor? Co-Parents as Co-Pilots. Men and White
Ribbons. Beyond Blinders: Battering, Isolation and Community.
Introducing Out Lines: A new column on Queer issues.
Win 00: Wilt Chamberlain: Male role model? In search of a
new boyhood. Why rape is a men's issue. A father remembers
Matthew Shepard. Challening the Masculine Culture of Violence.
Fall 1999: Challenge and Change: Michael Greenebaum
& Wally Nelson, MRC 1999 Award Winners. On Growing
Younger. Healthy Aging. Peter Coyote on Making Peace with His Father.
Why Do We Need Gender Education, Anyway? Men Overcoming
Violence in Japan. Summer, 1999: Love Makes a Family. School
Boys and the Killing Fields. What We Can Do to Aovid Another
Littleton. Portraits of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Families. Becoming
a Man: The Big Impossible? Men as
Survivors: A Silent Majority. Spring, 1999:
Local Heroes: Gavin Harrison & Sokhen Mao.
Fathers After Divorce: A precious resource. Y2K and
the Denial of Privilege. 50 Health Ideas for Men. In the Lap of the
Buddha. Poetry by Martin Espada. Out of Body, Out of Mind. Winter,
98/99, Father Hunger. Yoko Kato: Working to end "silent
violence". What's a nice feminist like me doing in a place like
this? Elitism in the men's movement. Bisexuality
reexamined. A recovering batterer speaks. Is there really male
menopause? (4/Free w/$25 mem), Men's Resource Ctr, 236
N Pleasant St, Amherst, MA 01002 413.253.9887
One of the things about equality is not just that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat a man. - Marlo Thomas
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