Men's Mythopoetic Periodicals

Menstuff® provides a listing, Men Talking to Men, which includes stories that have appeared on the cover of over 90 current magazines and newsletters directed to men. Each listing includes a copy of the latest cover (under the Lenny icon) plus the editor's name and mailing address.

Legend:  A-Atheletics, B-beauty/Cosmetics, C-Career/Business/Finances, D-Drink, E-Entertainment, F-Fashion/Style, H-Health/Fitness, I-Image/Self-Improvement, J-Journalism-Investigative, L-Leisure/Lifestyle, M-Music/Movies/Media, P-Politics, R-Relationship, S-Sex, T-Technology. (circ/cost of a 4 color page of advertising) The "@" at the front means that the publication is primarily local in nature. The date at the end denotes the most recent issue we've received.

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Echoes from the Ancestors, newsltr. Spr/00: Grief Ritual, Malidoma/Sobonfu Some, 4400 Keller Ave Ste 260, Oakland, CA 94605 or

Everyman:  A men's journal. The world changes when we do. 4-6/03: Gay Men and Homophobia. You Can't Walk that Way. If I were a Straight Man - (sexual conversion therapy). Gender, Law and Fatherhood. I was a Guerilla in the Gender War. Is There Discrimination after Death?  Homosexuality as a Political Choice. Homophobia: Who Really Benefits? Men's Health: A critical need. Immorality or Immortality? Anal Shame, Rectal Joy. NonViolence Action. Fear of the Queer. Gay and Married. Single Guy Stuff. Single Girl Stuff. 6-7/02: The Children's Issue:. Access to Children's School Information for Non-Custodial Parents. The Decline of American Fatherhood. The Modernization of Fatherhood. A Blessing in his Children's Lives. Towards a National Organization. Family Group Conferencing. The Politics of Children. The World is Our Child. Rights Can Be Wrongs. The Gender Journey. NonViolent Action, Single Guy Stuff...and lots more. 4-5/02: Power & Politics Issue. The Missing Persons of Domestic Violence. Personal Power for Practical Politics. The Justice Dept. 'Consultation'. Interview with Jed Diamond. What Price Confidentiality? Feminism as Hetero-Envy. 21st Century Feminism. Spiritual Warriorship. NonViolent Action, Single Guy Stuff...and lots more. 2-3/02: Single Men Issue: Advocacy Action. The Neglect of Afghan Men's Human Rights. Boycott the Body Shop. You Don't Have to Please Women. Who Should Pay for a Date? Interview with Kelly Tobey. Single Men - Privileged? Gendercide. NonViolent Action, Single Guy Stuff and lots more. 12/01-1/02: Masculinity. Featured Debate: A Man's Violent Response to September 11. Ideal Manhood and When to be Violent. The Federal Child Support TV Commercial. Tribute to Guy Thisdelle. Masculinity: A Woman's View. A Male Contraceptive Pill. Interview with Kelly Tobey. Prostate Health 101. Single Guy Stuff. Gendercide. 8-9/01: Leadership: In this issue: Leadership? Check the energy flow. I Was a Guerilla in the Gender War. Report on the Calgary Conference. Leadership: Can You Escape It?  On the Meaning of Leadership. Interview with Dr Warren Farrell, Dr. Kyle Pruett, and Guy Thisdelle. The Call to Leadership. Myth and Manhood. Men and Emotions. Single Guy Stuff...and lost more. 6-7/01: Report: Fourth Annual Everyman Gathering-Leaders Mentoring Leaders. A Feminist Comes to Terms with the Men's Movement. I Was a Guerilla in the Gender War. Women's Shelters Need Men. The Story of Deadbeat Pete. Men Behaving Strangely. Myth and Manhood. Goodbye, My Son. Single Guy Stuff....and lots more. 4-5/01: Fatherhood: What Prevents Dads from Being Involved? The Criminalization of Fatherhood. What Sons Need from Their Dads. Properly Honoring our Fathers. Non Violent Action. Growing Up Fatherless. Supervised Access. Being a Step dad. Dad and I...and lots more. 2-3/01: What is Equality? In this issue... Equality = Accountability as well as rights. An Alternative View of Affirmative Action. Non Violent Action - Update #4. The Vagina Monologues - a very personal report. Man Alone (poem). In Defense of Heterosexuality. Will You Be My Valentine? Blind Spots...and lots more. Don't Miss the...Fourth Annual Everyman Gathering, First Canadian Fatherhood Conference. 12/00-1/01: In Praise of Men. Male Nobility. Women Praising Men. Unity Trek/FIFK Report. Non Violent Action. Who Are the Men of the New Millennium?  9-11/00: Men's Emotions: Masculophobia, Non Violent Action, Children of Divorce, In Love with a Deadbeat. My Experience of workplace Discrimination, EverymaN Steps Out. 7-8/00: The Men's Movement. Non Violent Action, Equalism or Slavery. I Am Man: Hear Me Whine. Interview with Warren Farrell. Third Annual Everyman Gathering, Everyman Steps Out. 5-6/00: Men's Health, Separation Grief, Depression in Men, Where Are All the Old Men?  Men's Health Week: June 12-18 and lots more. 3-4/00: Marriage & Divorce: The Mediation Myth. Journey to True Fatherhood. How Ritual Can Help in Divorce. Old Instructions for New Brides and lots more. 1-2/00: Friendship: "The World Changes When We Do."  In this isue...Friends Help Us to Befriend Ourselves. Divorce and You: Coping strategies. The Friendship I Share with My Husband. Mastering Manhood: Looking for integrity. What is a Friend? and lost. more. Everyman welcomes the members of the Men's Divorce Centre. 11-12/99: Special Issue:  Mothers. Way to Go, Mom! The Mother Myth. A Bunny's Tall Tale. Memories of Mother. Shame: The Mother Wound. Motherhood is Sacred!  Violence? Look to the Caregiver!  and lots more. 9-10/99: Real Societal Change:  How? Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say. Affirmative Action:  of benefit to whom?  Paul Forseth, MP - on men's issues. Social Inertia - Moving the Masses...and lots more. 7-8/99: Theme: Power & Empowerment. The Second National Everyman Gathering. Fathers:  From Messiah to Pariah. Female Power in the Classroom. Reality at a Visitation Centre. 5-6/99: Theme:  Men's Groups. Is Everyman a Men's Group?  Our Men's Group 0- Ten years on. Of Miracles and Men's Groups. What Works in Men's Groups...and lots more. 3-4/99: BOYS:  Helping Boys Become Men. My Father's Hands. Take the Children and Run. Boys Will Be Boys. Rite of Passage Expeditions. Covert Child Abuse. Our Sons, Our Schools. Children of Violence. Football - Training for Life?  Or for Death?  and lots more. 1-2/99. Confessions of a Recovering Feminist, Say "No" to Feminism. Man as Nigger. Feminism: The Noble Lie. The Last Time I Hit a Woman. The Feminist stranglehold on Canadian Universities. Gender Bias in Family Court and lots more. (6/$20) David Shackleton, Editor, PO Box 4617 Station E Ottawa ON K1S 5h8 Canada.

The ManKind Project Review, Changing the world one man at a time. (2) Spr/00: Glen Ivy Afterglow. South Africa. Multicultural Resource Team. The ManKind Project, PO Box 230, Malone, NY 12953-0230

@ Sacramento Valley Men's Council Newsletter (4/$15), PO Box 192, Fairoaks, CA 95628 or (1-2/99)

@ Talking Stick. of the ManKind Project Los Angeles. 4/03: Welcome New Brothers! Step Out of the Box. A Brother in Iraq. The Power of Negative Thinking. 2/02: Some Thoughts on Life from the Elder Council Chair. I Ain't Seen Daylight. Bringing the Magic Down. 6/01: Sorry Doesn't Cut It Here. 2/01: Leader Training One, 1st Australia Training. I-Groups. The ManKind Project, 2118 Wilshire Blvd, PMB 682, Santa Monica, CA 90403.

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Who goes there! hankering, gross, mystical, nude? / How is it I extract strength from the beef I eat? / What is a man anyhow? What am I? and what are you? - Walt Whitman


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