Menstuff® provides information on what women's periodicals are telling women. Why does a "men's site" have women's magazines. Like the periodicals directed to teen girls, it is important that men understand what primarily women are telling women about men, relationship, beauty, and sex. The listing also includes the editor's name and mailing address, if you'd like to make your thoughts known about a particular issue directly. Click on the "Lenny" icon below to see the latest cover.
While we could, we aren't offering the purchase of women's magazines through our site. While we recommended fathers of daughters to purchase one or two of the teen publications for your personal enlightenment, we don't recommend purchasing a subscription and supporting most of these women's magazines because they aren't healthy. What we would recommend, however, is to pick up one at the grocery store now and then just to see what they are fabricating about men and about being in relationship with men, and the tools of seduction, and manipulation that they are promoting. The purpose for the email and web site links is to let them know what you think about what they are telling women, especially about men. Besides, if you have a pre-teen son, he might stop sneaking that special copy of The National Geographic and start sneaking the latest issue of one of these like Elle. Some of the women's magazines have a lot more exposed nipple shots.
Legend: A-Atheletics, B-beauty/Cosmetics, C-Career/Business/Finances, D-Drink, E-Entertainment, F-Fashion/Style, H-Health/Fitness, I-Image/Self-Improvement, J-Journalism-Investigative, L-Leisure/Lifestyle, M-Music/Movies/Media, P-Politics, R-Relationship, S-Sex, T-Technology. (circ/cost of a 4 color page of advertising) The "@" at the front means that the publication is primarily local in nature. The date at the end denotes the most recent issue we've received.
Menstuff Daily Newsletter . At 12:15am PST every morning, you can click on "Today on Menstuff" in the left side-bar for new information related to that day and a discussion on a different "men's issue". Try it out.
See also Men: (Diversity,
Fathers/Parents, Gay/Bi/Trans,
Men's General, Health
& Fitness, Men's Rights,
Mythopoetic, Pro
Feminist, Recovery, Spiritual/Religious)
Kids, and Teen
Women Talking to Women
American Woman. C F G K L R S.
(113M/$4M). 10/99: 10 Hot New Sex Positions: You
must test-drive immediately! 30
Make-Him-Crave-You-Quickies: Sexy tricks to try anytime,
anywhere. The Ultimate Kiss...master these man-melting moves that'll
leave him breathless. The Practice's Kelli Williams dishes about life
on (and off) the set, her favorite role, and kissing sexy Dylan
McDermott. Get-Skinny Secrets from your favorite celebs! 5/99:
The Sexiest Thing You Can Do For Him: 15 men reveal
their ultimate turn-ons. 7 Women Confess: Why I sleep with
other women. Sizzling Moves: That'll drive him insane. My
Parents Arranged My Marriage. Celebs Dish the Dirt: Who hates
who in Hollywood. Melrose's Newest, Naughtiest, Neighbor Rena Sofer
Talks. I Gained Weight: And my sex life has never been
better. Beauty Bargains: How to save money on your
favorite cosmetics. 8 New Places to Meet Men. Preventing Breast
Cancer: The diet that will lower your risk. 2/99:
Special Issue: Men, Sex & You! Red Hot Tips
On: How to give him what he really wants & needs in
bed. Mind-Blowing Orgasms: Techniques that'll make yours
& his the Ultimate. Size! Does it really matter?
I Have Affairs...and my husband approves. What's Sexy
Now! 6 couples reveal what keeps them in lust! Get a
Better Body (By Tonight) without Dieting. Free 1999 Love
& Sex Horoscope Guide. Alyssa Milano: Chats about her
"charmed" life, her love affairs & why she needs
passion! Beauty Secrets of the Stars, Pro tricks, tips and
must haves. 1/99 Sex-Rated Survey Results - readers confess
what turns them on, what's outragesouly sexy and what they will and
won't do in bed. 50 Things to Do to a Naked Man. Get Any Guy Your
Want - surefire sex tips that'll bring him to his knees. Eat Your Way
to a Great Sex Life. (Is there an obsession here? - ed) Then,
Menopause at 19 - How it changed my life. Backstage at the Beauty
Pageants-the good, the bad and the ugly. Jennifer Aniston talks about
sex (of course), being single and kissing Brad Pitt. Plus 25 Quick
Vacation Deals & Discounts and The Day Diana Died-how she
spent her final moments. Ilona Price, Executive Editor, Goodman Media
Group, Inc., 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Bare, Home, Trips, Wellbeing, Skin.
3-4/01: Erotic Issue. What to Feed Your Lover, Philippe
Starck: Bare person. The Smell of Sex. Hot Monogamy. Spas for
Couples. Win a year's supply of Vodka+Vitamins. Ilse Crawford,
Editor, John Brown Publishing, The New Boathouse, 136-142 Bramley Rd,
London England W10 6SR
Bitch: Feminist response to pop culture
is a print magazine devoted to incisive commentary on our
media-driven world. They feature critiques of TV, movies, magazines,
advertising, and moreplus interviews with and profiles of cool,
smart women in all areas of pop culture. No. 16: Sandra Tsing
Loh. Bindi 'n' Books: Ethnic trendspotting. Cheryl Dunye. The
Whole Oprah/Franzen hoo-ha. Plus: Infidelity! No. 15:
Lost in Space: Looking for black women in sci-fi. Allison
Anders. Fat Suits: The new blackface. Plus: 9-11 resource
guide. Rotten
Cotton. No. 14/01: "I Was a Black Feminist
Metalhead." Mr. Lady, boy-band-o-rama.
Plus: Shhh...librarians on film, Carol Queen and more. Master of
Her Domain. No. 13/00: The Interview
Issue: Featuring: Bell Hooks, Lynda Barry, the Guerrilla
Girls and more plus: Virginity! No. 12/00: Ann Powers,
Action Girl, witches, drag kings, and femme-tastic TV.
Plus: "I'm not your China doll!" 2765 16th Street, San
Francisco, CA 94103 (2/$21)
B: Everything you want, (12/$)
11/99: Sexual Chemistry: Get it, use it, keep
it! 10-page report. Men Reveal: What turns a one-night
stand into love. Plus! Judge the Stars in the B Style
Awards. Heroin Housewives: the town where bored women share a
deadly addiction. Rhythm Kings: Sexy dancers show us their
moves. Boost Your Career: Just by changing your diet. "The
shocking secret that made our friendship". 17-18 Berners St, London
W1P 3DD England
Bust: For women with something to get off
their chests, Sum 02: Hot Mama: Cynthia Nixon on
motherhood, sex and the city. All Ova That: The facts about your
fertility. Rufus Wainwright: Loves his mommy. The
Sperminator: When daddy is a donor. My Mother, Her
Cell: Visiting mom in prison. Spr 02: Fight Like a Girl.
Powerpuff Man: Meet the guy behind the girls. Booty
Camp: A woman yearns to join the Army. Do or Die: Sri
Lankan female suicide bombers. Lili Taylor: The strong, silent
type. Sum/01: The Living Single Issue. Natasha
Lyonne: Takes up the whole bed. Solo Mothers by Choice. Spinster
Pride. Sex and the Single (Gay) Girl. Kicking Butt with Dr.
Ruthless. TV Singles: From Mary to Carrie. Win/00:
F Word: Feminism. Gloria Steinem & Kathleen
Hanna. Sleater-Kinney, Sarah Jones, Ian MacKaye, Joss Whedon and
More. Fall/00: Men We Love: John Cusack, David Bowie,
John Waters, John Doe and a rundown of the bustiest men from A-Z.
(4/$12), Cooper Station, PO Box 1016, New York, NY 10211.
Complete Woman 6-7/02: Guys Confess: 80 sex secrets
they want you to know. Bring Out Your Inner Rock Star: J-Lo,
Britney, Faith & Jessica are only a makeover away. Oh-Oh
Orgasms: New bedroom tricks to try tonight. Warning: Close
the windows. 5 Weeks to a Bikini-Ready Body. Sensual
Scents: What type of man does your perfume
attract? Shakira: Rock's hottest new superstar. Make Him
Crazy for You: Our guide to reeling in Mr. Right. Erotic
Fantasies: What they reveal. 10 Questions: How deep is your
love? Buy the Perfect Body: Lingerie shopping list.
Sexual Astrology: Touch him in his astro hot spots.
2-3/00: Your 2000 Sex & Love Horoscope: 365 days
of love & sex-life predictions for the new year (Ed. - the new
year has 366 days.) Find Mr. Right: and get married by 2001! -
Honest. Southern Women: What is it about them that makes
men melt? House of Style's Rebecca Romijn-Stamos: Get
to know this year's hyperhot star! Glitter Girl! High-voltage
beauty secrets to make him notice fabulous you. Explosive
Orgasms: Secrets to toe-clenching, bed-rocking climaxes with or
without him. His Sexual Hot Spots: Touch these & listen to
the moans of joy. Bras that will make you look
amazing! Suddenly Single: How to survive the agony of
being alone. Are Your Sex Secrets Safe with Him? Ask him
these 6 questions. Sexy Bachelors: You can e-mail today!
10-11/99: Ecstasy Sex! Make the lovemaking so good
his body will throb when he hears your name. Put the OH in
Orgasm! Deliciously luscious ways to longer, more
explosive orgasms. "What Turns Me On About My Lover's
Body?" Uncensored sex survey. Vanessa Marcil: talks about
men, love & fame! Bitchy, Bitchy: When it's
better to kick butt, not kiss it! Wake Up
Gorgeous! Special little beauty hints he'll love. Hot
Bachelors You Can E-Mail Right Now! Diary of a Breast
Implant Surgery: One woman's makeover. Ciao. Sayonara.
Adios. When it's time to say goodbye. Astrological Guide to
Seduction: Secrets to making love to his star sign. Trick
Tip: How to analyze any guy just by his face. 8-9/99:
Your Summer Sex & Love Horoscope: Meet Mr.
Right & make this your very hottest summer ever. Meet Rich,
Single Men: Where to go, what to wear, how to snare.
The Big Date: Sexy beauty moves to make him melt.
Incredible Orgasms! Women share secrets to deepen the
pleasure! His Sexual Fantasies: Men reveal their
wildest dreams. Look Great Naked: Hot body
secrets! Will & Grace's Debra
Messing: Love, fame & her new life. Lusty New Sex
Positions: That will rock his world! Does Size
Count? Hear what our readers say. Superstar Hair
Color: Insider secrets from Hollywood's hottest
hairdresser. 4-5/99: Shameless Sex Questions - 5,000 men blush
and reveal their wildest, kinkiest secrets. Multiple
Orgasms: Yes, you can climax over and over. Last Minute
Marriage Test: Don't say "Yes" until you've read
this! Spring Beauty Horoscope. Two Guys, a Girl and a
Pizza Place's Traylor Howard talks about men, love and those pizza
guys! You can be a Sex Goddess (Bring him to his knees!) Men
& Intimacy: Lusty ways to get him to talk to you
tonight. Diary of a Liposuction - One woman's makeover. First
Dates: What turns men on - and off. The Affair: Okay,
you caught him, now what? Office Romance: Play
with fire without getting burned. 12-1/99 Cover
stories: What makes a Woman Sexy in Bed - men reveal what
really turns them on sexually. How to Catch a Millionaire-where (and
how) to find wealthy guys. Multiple Orgasms-you can climax over
& over. Erotic Confessions-real people share steamy stories.
4 Big Love & Sex Quizzes-revealing tests for you and your
man. Birth Control-what you must know. (Thank goodness. I was fearing
a population explosion there. - ed) Then there's
Dumped-yes, you can make it through the split. Ultra Hot Hair color
Makeovers-to make now. Why I Had My Breast Enlarged. And,
finally, Heather Locklear on marriage, beauty (and of course) sex.
Bonnie Krueger, Editor-in-Chief, 875 N Michigan Ave, Ste 3434,
Chicago, IL 60611.
B C F H R S. Pop culture and just about
anything else young women want to know. (2,768M/$112M; Spanish
edition 41M) 3/02: Our Most Sizzling Sex Survey: 12,000
men confess what makes their toes curl, even we were shocked. The 6
Signs a Guy is Hooked. Sexy Hair! New do, new you. Real-Life
Read: Did she poison her husband? You be the jury. Cameron
Diaz: The girl behind those famous blue eyes. The Last Sex
Taboo: and why you'll love breaking it. His Butt: What the
size, shape and pinchability of those sweet cheeks reveal about his
true self. "A Big Star Made Me Shave Her Pits" Hollywood
stylists spill the bratty, bitchy behavior celebs are desperate to
keep under wraps. Is Your Ego Big Enough? 2/02: Your Guy's
Body: 4 secret pleasure trails every man has (take a private
tour tonight!) You and Him, Happy as Hell: How to stay
blissfully bonded. Sleep Naked: And other surprising ways to
feel sexier in your skin. She Caught a Rapist with a
Straw: A sex-crimes detective tells her riveting story.
Britney Spears: Fun fearless female of the year. Sweet
Surrender: The one thing you must give up to have utterly
satisfying sex. "I Raced to My Car Wearing His
Curtains" The most wickedly funny walk-of-shame stories ever.
Diet Tricks Experts Don't Dare Tell You (but we will). Introducing
Cosmo's Fashion & Beauty Discount Coupons. Your
Hair-O-Scope: Style tips for 2002. 1/02: Sexy. Sexier.
Sexiest: 3 seductive new looks. Best Ever! Bedside
Astrologer 2002: Your 365-day guide to finding true love, sexual
bliss, and total harmony. Blow His Mind! Lock the doors, dim the
lights, and try this naughty "number" tonight. Turn-On
Tricks: How to make him ache for you all day long. "Forgive Me,
Cosmo, for I Have Sinned" These readers behaved so badly, we had
to punish them (See if we were too harsh). Mon on Top: The 5
yummiest, most successful male models on earth. Real-Life
Read: Her boyfriend did a shocking thing in his sleep. Could
yours? 12/01: 99 Hot Things to Do With a Man: Just wait
till you try #43 - He'll thank God he's a guy. The 7 Secrets of
Soul-Mate Couples. Sexy Holiday Looks: Warning: It won't be
a silent night. Gyno News Your Doc is Too Wimpy to Tell You. Julia
Stiles and other babes on Hollywood's Buzz List. Pick-Him-Up Tips
from the Editors of Maxim: "Whoops, I forgot my
panties" and more no-brainer lines. Is Stress Making You
Bitchy? We show you a new way to calm down - like now.
A Chilling Report: One Cosmo reader tells how she
survived the World Trade Center attack. 11/01: Inside 69-page
All About Men Section with 713 mind-blowing tips on men, love and
lust. Be His Best Ever! How to satisfy the naughty male needs
most women ignore. Tighter Love. 5 magic words that will totally fuse
the two of you. Spanky Panky: Mortifying but wildly amusing
tales of bad boys who got busted, uh, monkeying around. Bloated? Lose
5 pounds of "pooch" by eating 3 new things. Sexy Beauty. The knockout
look guaranteed to make his jaw drop. Are You Really a Good
Friend? This test will tell. 5/01: Tease and Please
Him! The magic fingertip trick. The start-stop-start technique.
A wild new use of your loofah. The Cosmo Way to Make a Man Commit
(It's shockingly easy). Sexiest Swimsuits: Bikinis, tankinis,
and bare-to-there thongs. Reach the Deepest Level of Love: 5
surprising secrets supertight couples know. 4 Sexy Studs: You
won't believe the bad, bad thing we made them do. "He Saw Me Guying
Granny Panties" Readers reveal their most excruciating,
ego-shattering ex-boyfriend bump-ins. Fab Abs in 21 Days: Get a
Britney-Flat belly without a single sit-up. The Swimsuit Issue!
8/00: The Hot Issue! Our Biggest Sex Survey
Ever: Thousands of guys reveal what sends them over the edge
(their answers will shock you). 10 Girlfriend
Goof-Ups: Teensy-weensy things you do that work his last nerve.
You say: Ow! He says: Wow! The naked truth about the
Brazilian bikini wax. Erotic Astrology: Searching for your
sexual soul mate? Suss him out with this amazing strategy. Make
Him Ache for You: Our 6 frisky phrases will have him burning up
by bedtime. Caught With Their Pants Down! Bedroom busts that'll
make you die laughing - and vow to lock the door. Pamper Your Inner
Princess: 21 ways to spoil yourself for next to no dough.
Summer 00:
All About Men! Special issue 52 Ultra-Hot,
Love-Hungry Guys Are Dying to Hear FromYou. What Are You Waiting
For? Be a Total Temptress! 7 seduction secrets that
make him want you bad. Bonus: Bedside Astrology Cards: Your
instant guild to any guy (including the perfect pick-up line and his
secret pleasure zone. The Date Look He Lusts For. Freddie Prinze Jr.,
We know who he's in love with this summer. What's His Favorite
Position? Cosmo's uncensored sex survey reveals the shocking
answer and so much more. Confession Special! The steamiest,
stupidest, stinkiest tales we've ever collected from the opposite
sex. Are You a Dummy at Love? The 5 ways smart women screw up
relationships. 6/00: Cosmo's Guide to the Ultimate
Summer. American Beauty's Mena Suvari. The Worst Dates We've Ever
Heard Of! Compare your nauseating nights out to these encounters
with the sleaziest cheesiest creepiest losers of all time. Cosmo
Readers Confess! 1001 of you reveal the wild things that
make a man whimper (Warning: Don't try them all in one night).
Intensify Your Love: Say these 7 little words and seal the deal
on his devotion., Sexy Summer Beauty: Tan-talizing touch-me
skin, simple, seductive makeup. You, You, You! Secret ways to
stop stressing on hideous days. The 5-Minute Jeans Trick Guys Go Gaga
Over. 1/00: Bedside Astrologer 2000: Your cosmic
guide to men, sex, money and more in the new millennium. Sex Tricks
Only Cosmo Would Know: 20 earth-quaking moves that will make him
plead for mercy - and beg for more. Super-Sexy Hair & Makeup
(Be a 21st-Century fox!) She Put What in Where? Outrageous
diet and health regimens that Hollywood stars swear by). Cameron Diaz
on Beauty, Boys and Kicking Butt. When Not to Do It on the Third
Date: 19,000 guys reveal the new romance rules. 6 Words that
Will Make Him Worship You. Is Your Skin Aging too Fast? 7
simple ways to stop the clock. 9/99: Cosmo's Kama Sutra
2: 12 naughty new sex positions, including our personal
favorite p - "The Dragon". How to Make a Man Yours
Forever: Or for as long as you want him. Tell Instantly if
He's Your Soul Mate! What the shape of his face reveals
about him. 250+ Fall Fashion Finds: Gorgeous Luxe
Stuff at Amazing Prices. The Bedroom Trick that Will Blow Him
Away: All you need is a hair scrunchie. "I Was
Dragged Four Miles by a Train" One coed's commute
from hell. Crazy Busy? 4 brilliant ways to get everything
done. How Hollywood Stylists Make Chubby Celebs Look Sleek
& Sexy. 8/99: The Sex Issue. Your man
unzipped: How to be a genius with his you-know-what. Lust
Survey: 3,000 men confess their deepest, darkest, dirtiest
desires-and the sex position they rank # 1. Tear-Out Tarot
Cards: Learn your love destiny right here, right now. Fall
Fashion Preview Under $50, $100, $200. Sex on Movie
Sets: Why some celebs can't keep their hands off their
costars. Be the Babe Who Never Stops: 4 simple ways to
feel soooo energetic. The Amazing Thing to Do With Your Eyes that
Will Make and Man Choose You. Weird Cramps? Wicked
Itches? Pregnancy Panic? Solutions to your most
private gyno problems. Summer
99: All About Men! Special issue. Cosmo's
Ultimate Guy Guide: Find your perfect man from our
best-ever batch of bachelors. His Secret Sexual Hot
Spots: 9 sizzling places men love you to touch; One Night
to Win Him Over: How to be the first date he'll call
again...and again. The Guy Lie Detector: Body language
that tells you what he's really thinking. Bedside Astrologer
Special: What his sign says about your long-term love
potential. Noah Wyle: Plays doctor with us. 100%
Uncensored Sex Survey: 3,500 guys confess their raunchiest
romps, most mortifying moments, and biggest in-the-sack freak-outs.
Hubba Hubba: Revealing photos of guys so sexy, it hurts.
7/99: Sex Tricks He's Never Seen Before: The
outrageous "rock" technique and 21 other moves that will make his
thighs go up in flames. Cosmo's New Boyfriend
Rules: Sneaky ways you can break down all his love
barriers. Hollywood's Hottest Haircuts: How to get the
sexiest redhead looks (including Meg's). Guy Butt Watch
'99: Tons of taut, tan, utterly fant-ass-tic naked star
buns. When to Flick the Bitch Switch: 4 times you must be
nasty-not nice. 5 Perfect Pickup Lines: Never again let a
guy get away because you can't think of anything to say. See how
These Real Women Snagged Hunky Celeb Husbands. Cosmoland Adults-Only
Board Game! 6/99: Sex-clusive! 1,000 men confess
the squeezes, licks, and teases they long for-and the most important
square inch on a man's body. Meet a Guy by the Fourth of
July: These 6 sexy tips will have scores of sun-bronzed
studs begging to be your beach boy.
Money? Success? Happiness? The freaky
little mind trick that makes dreams come true. Cosmo's Seduce-Him
Beauty Guide: Eyes+lips+hair that will turn you into his
ultimate fantasy (see our centerfold!) Sarah Michelle Gellar
Kisses-and Tells All. Crotch Crisis: 4 scary things gynos
tell you and why you shouldn't wig out. The Love Mistakes Even Smart
Women Make. "I Made Out with Matt Dillon" True stories of
real women who got hit on by major stars. 4/99: Introducing
Cosmo's...Hot New Sex Position: You've got to try the
"Butterfly" a move so erotic you'll wear out the mattress springs
this month. 5 Come-and-Get-Me Tricks: They make men cross
crowded rooms to meet you. The Confessions Issues! The
steamiest, juiciest, most outrageous, heinous and mortifying true
stories you've ever heard (Bonus: Shocking Celeb Secrets, Too).
10 Hollywood Haircuts to Copy Right Now! Killer
Cramps? Freaky Flow? Big-time
Bloat? Your most pressing period problems-solved. Brides
Behaving Badly: Why they cheated just weeks after the
wedding. Electrify Your Love: Snoop through his stuff and other
surprising ways to make him ga-ga over you again. You, You, You>
The secret to feeling totally relaxed when your world gets to wild.
2/99: 1999 Fun, Fearless Female Awards. Be the Best
Sex in His Life-how to tease him mercilessly, seduce him slowly and
then rock his world in ways he's only dreamed about. Want Your Crush
to Call Now? Make-the-phone-ring magic and 4 other love
spells. The Weird Reasons You're Sooooo Tired-besides not sleeping.
Get a Movie-Star Mouth-Cosmo's tricks for luscious grab-me, kiss-me
lips. What Type of Girlfriend are You? Find out if you're
the kind who gets hitched-or ditched. Shania Twain-Fun, Fearless
Female of the Year. Make an Unforgettable Entrance and 15 more ways
to focus everyone's attention on YOU. I Woke Up Naked in a
Strange Place-the deadly new date-rape drug. Previous Issues: A
centerfold to weaken you-now two super guys! (Patrick Muldoon &
David Chokachi) continuing our family tradition. Three-year plan to
get sexier, smarter, thinner, happier, funnier, braver, richer by New
Year's Eve 2000. Claudia Schiffer, inside and out. Inside, Cosmo
finds out what makes her so stunning and smart. Fantastic, classy,
lifesaving ways to love a man, boss, parent, girlfriend. The
man-woman thing: how to be very good in bed, how far should you go to
please him, why a woman's sexuality gets better as she ages. Women
who are making their careers happen: New York Hospital Doctor,
Assistant Movie Director, In Her Own Business. Auto worship: when it
excites him more than you do. Whither Now, Princess Di. What I did
for love. Roping a man in. Why dating is like dieting. How to live
happily without your dream man. Helen Gurley Brown, Editor, Hearst
Corporation, 57th St at Eighth Ave, New York, NY 10019
Crunch, Premiere Issue: Lose
Weight: Watch TV. About a Boy: Hugh Grant. Cool Stuff You
Can't Afford. The Truth According to Gil Scott-Heron.
Sex: Because we know it sells. Just Juliette. Gentlemen
& Playaz. Alone in a Field. Consuming Passion: Scoring
at the Flirting Academy. Brigit Bailey-Grant, Editor-in-Chief, The
Pecking Order. Profile Pursuit, Inc, 51 E 42nd St, New York,
NY 10017
Ebony. 12/00: New
Poll: What Black Men Really Want. The Rise & Fall
& Rise of Toni Braxton. The 55 Most Beautiful People of
2000. Whites in Black Sororities and Fraternities. How to Have a
Hassle-Free Holiday. (12/$17) PO Box 690, Chicago, IL 60690
Elle: B C F H P R Shopping source for
style-conscious women. (974M/$ ) 2/03: Your Spring
Fashion Essentials. Makeover: Unleash your inner vamp. Shakira
Shakes It Up! Her plan to take over the world. The New American
Beauty: Why multiculturalism makes everyone look better. How
U.S. Designers Define Sex Appeal. Unfaithful: Is cheating always
wrong? Potrait of a Commitment-Phobe: One woman's
story. 3/00: Biggest Spring Fashion Guide Ever. Naughty
& Nice: The 2 fresh faces of beauty. Sexual
Confidence: Glittering, sheer, bare, lighter-than-air looks.
A Few Good Men: John Cusack, Dylan McDermott, Don Cheadle.
Hollywood's 7 Show-Stoppers. Meet the New Classics. 1/00: Chic
& Sexy: The best new accessories. Effortless weekend
style: Leather and lace. Jump-Start 2000: Diet, skincare,
& workouts that work. A Guide to the Good Life: from love to
money. Elizabeth Hurley's Secrets: Hard times, good times, and
Hugh. 10/99: 56 Fall Looks to Buy Right Now. Men, Sex and
Jealousy. 32 Skin-Care Secrets. 9/99: 570 Page Guide to the
Season's Best. Beauty Secrets: Great makeup, gorgeous
hair. The Hot List: Ashley Judd, Tom Cruise, Jude Law,
Puff Daddy, Paradise 2000. Staying Slim: 3 real-life
strategies. Must-Have Fall Fashion: the coats, boots, bags and suits
to buy right now! 4/99: Special Beauty Issue: Get
great skin right now from high-tech treatments to the quickest fixes.
Spring Fashion Essentials: What you'll want to wear all
season long. Why Matthew McConaughey is worth watching 24 hours a
day. Meet the Wild Woman who's turning medicine upside down. The best
place in America to lose weight. Elaina Richardson, Editor, Hachette
Filipacchi Magazines, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Essence. For black women. (1,001M/$ ). 6/01: Breezy Summer
Beauty: Carefree hair, easy makeup. Secrets
& Lies: What's your family hiding? You've Been
Played: 10 ways to get over him. The Condom Broke: Now
what? Serena & Venus: Courting destiny. 11/00:
Oh Henry! NYPD Blue's Finest. Bad Boys: Loving a
Roughneck. What Fathers Wish Every Woman Knew. Celeb Hunks Get
Buffed. 41 Bullets: Amadou's Mom Remembers. Fashion According to
Him. 2/99: Losing it? 15 ways to keep
stress in check. Can You Love God & Sex? What
happy couples know. When he's married. Are you being
played? Wedding belles. 11/98: Special Men's
Issues. The Trouble with Johnson-everything you ever wanted to know
about the little head that sometimes rules the big one. Daddy Hunger
- a daughter finding and letting go again plus a roundtable of
experts on how fatherlessness can affect girls forever. Sex
Junkies-men who screw up their lives. Puff Daddy's Growing Pains. Men
who make us: Strive, Think, CringeLaugh, Sweat. Main
Men: Chris Rock, Taye Diggs, Jamie Foxx, Tavis Smiley. Susan
Taylor. Essence, 1500 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
Fierce: for women too bold for
boundaries. 2004: The Sex Industry Issue: The
Business of Pleasure. Free Sex: It's the Law. Ravaging the
Chains that Enslave. In Pursuit of the Wild G-Spot. Not losing my
Virgnity but Gaining my Sexual Liberation.
Thinning: A nation with common sense. An Altar for All
Seasons. The Passion of the Election. Athletes in the Centerfold.
Freedom and Thrifty Kink for All. Divorcing Marriage. Heliocentric
Represents with Heart and Soul. In Full Swing: Enter the world
of sex clubs. Risky Vocation of the Flesh. Interchangable Orlan.
Freaky in Frankfurt: A boy, a girl, a wet wipe and a
stranger. The Secret of Happiness. Dance from Within. Eroticism
Preserved: The Museum of Sex. Candida Royalle: Sexy enough
for a woman. Anais Nin. Asata Reid. Editor-in-Chief, Fierce Magazine
Inc., 595 Piedmont Ave, Suites 320-331, Atlanta, GA 30308
404.412.8000 or
First for Women. B F H L Contemporary issues, real life needs,
concerns, interests-service. family, kids, food, house, personal life
style, general interest, nutrition, 30 something women. (1,604M/$57M)
1/00: Send Your Energy Sky High: and lose 10, 20, 50 lbs
or more. A dynamic new plan from the world's leading longevity
specialists. Antioxidant breakthrough. 2000 and
You: Money, health, love life, career - Your personal
horoscope. Enjoy more good laughs every day! 5-step
formula. Your Beauty Blueprint: Look absolutely
fabulous! Flawless face. Best makeup for your skin type. Perfect
hair. Best styles for your face shape. Great body. Best exercises for
all trouble spots. Experts' formulas, customized for you. Land Your
Dream Job This Year. Be 100% Healthy! 17 pages. Research
breakthroughs that Stop the flu. End winter breakouts. De-stress your
mind & body. Slimdown Cookbook: 240 light recipes - Quick
'n' easy. Low-fat delicious! New Series: Outstanding
women of the new millennium. Oprah: Share her secrets to success
& happiness. Life Strategies: Make time for what matters to
you. 8/23/99: Send Your Metabolism
Sky-High: Be your all-time best by Labor Day. Stop Your
Stress Hormones. 92 Yummy Summer-Harvest Treats. Real Women Tell How
To Get a Man to do His Share. The hottest hair since
Friends: Discover your personal best hairstyle. Easy-to-do
with our styling formulas. Ace Every Job Interview. 16
pages: New Health Research: Look
& Feel Fabulous: Reverse-sun damage. Stop-heat
exhaustion. No More: swollen feet. Outsmart Internet Predators.
3/29/99: Real Women Tell: How to outsmart a
tightwad man. 4 Success Strategies: Be happier today.
Enjoy debt-free spending. Create your own spa bath. Psychology
Update: How women find passion when sexual boredom set in.
New Discovery: If your body won't let go of stubborn
bulges. Scientifically Proven: Burn Fat at the Cellular
Level. New antioxidant finding from the University of California.
Lose 10 lbs this month. Cure It Yourself: Spring
allergies, tiredness, adult acne, technostress. Get a Bigger Tax
Refund: The new changes in tax law. 5-Minute
Hairstyles: The hottest spring looks. The latest styling
techniques. Do you push yourself too
hard? Parenting: Cure bad behavior. Complete
Cookbook: 217 healthy spring recipes. Previously: 4
surefire ways to get a raise. Lose 10 lbs and lower your cholesterol
in just 10 days! Your personal star-studded hair and makeup
guide-look like a million! Get the look you'll love. What's that
lump? Lifesaving advice. Fashion know-how-the right way to layer
clothes. Comfort cookbook-21 recipes to chase away the chills.
Protect your rights as a working mom. Weekend decorating-add touches
of spring to your room. Relieve tension in just 5 minutes. I'm so
doggone smart-how to be even smarter. 5 steps to lasting love.
Fitness: Mind, Body, Spirit for Women. 2/00: Get
Glowing: Back-to-basics skin care. Target Your Body
Type: Lose pounds, gain energy, get firm. The Real Reason You
Can't Lose Weight. The 500-Calorie Walk. Lust lost? 7 mojo
motivators. Winter's Biggest Fat Burner. Constant Cravings?
Beat your body at it's own game. 1/00: Detox Your
Diet: 7-day jump start. Burn, Baby, Burn: 400 calories up
in smoke. Smart Women, Stupid Food: Test your nutrition IQ. No
Results? Work the muscles you missed. Get a Celebrity
Body: Star trainers' secrets. Don't make Oprah's mistakes.
Down-there updates: Gyno guide to your 20s, 30s, & 40s. 52
Ways to stay motivated, lose weight and feel amazing. 12/99:
Get a Smaller Butt: No-Guilt Eating: Party pig-out
survival plan. Sofa Sculpt: 5 couch potato moves. Can Pills Burn
Fat? 11 Ways to Make Yourself Merry. Body
Breakthrough: Stronger, leaner, longer muscles. Free pull-out 12
month fitness calendar. 6/99: Instant Swimsuit Confidence -
You DO look great. Lower-body blast: Shortcuts to firm
hips, legs, butt. No Suffering Required! 25 sneaky ways to
slash fat and calories. Get More Energy - It's easier than you think.
Emergency Body Rescue Plan: 10-minute trouble-zone
workouts. Look Leaner Today: 6 fast moves to get strong
and sculpted. Previous: Diet Discipline-how to get it and keep
it. New Year New Body-burn fat, boost energy, build sexy muscles. The
naked truth-see yourself as men see you. Winter Power Walking. 1997
Buyer's Guide-the best home treadmills, steppers, bikes. Rachel
Hunter. Sally Lee, Editor, 110 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10011
Frank: The new magazine for women, 6/99: Caged
Birds: Lesbian, sex, violence, hard-bitch warders. How to
Talk Dirty and Influence People. Neon Nipples. Sex
Addiction: It's not a male fantasy. Killer bikinis.
Jennifer and Drad's burning desire. Sun, sea, sand and sex addiction.
Chill! It's getting hot out there. The supermodels' Hideaway, Power
Swearing, Neon Nipples, The Guru Sho's Saving Hollywood. 3/99:
Dirty - What turns you on? Flirty - Fashion loses its
innocence. Cool - women we adore, who's the greatest of them
all? + Natural facelifts: Jade Jagger's
hideaway: TV's funniest sketch show: Space age fruits.
1/99: Hot from the UK. The girl of 99 wears head
spinning hard-core fashion, seeks low maintenance body perfection,
pushes sex to the limit and knows that the future is here and now.
Catch her if you can. Vroom plus Vince Vaughn, Jane Horrocks,
Catherine Zeta-Jones. Exmouth House, Pine St, London
EC1R 0JL England
Gender Policy Review is a zine journal created to provide insight
into current debates on the status of women and gender power
relations. The magazine focuses on political, economic, and legal
policies, in the areas of international affairs, environment, trade
and development policy. We are interested in the writings of policy
professionals, grass-root advocates, as well as individuals directly
affected by gender related policies, whether they be a domestic
violence or World Bank loan guidelines. Our primary goal is to create
a dialogue concerning the removal of power imbalances, through
academically providing background and policy strategies on topics of
interest. 10/00: The Attack of Ultra-Conservatives
on European Women, Who's better for Women - Gore or Bush? Political
Action at Work - The Second Wave of US Feminism. 9/00:
Solutions to Prostitution, Gender Aspects of Conflict Resolution,
Female Prisoners in the United States. Register now for your
free subscription at
For the latest issue, visit
Glamour: B C E F H R Contemporary
American women, trends, how to adopt trends to her needs, motivates
to take action. Plus travel, food. (2,282M/$83M) 8/00:
Supersize Summer Issue: Guys, dos & don'ts +
fashion. 65 Intimacy Secrets Men Need You to Know By Tonight. 1. His
hidden sexual wants. 2. What part of a woman's body is his biggest
turn-on? 3. The biggest lies he'll tell to scam you into bed. 4. How
many lovers are too many for a woman? Body Like a
Model? Who cares? Men don't! Body image
strategies to unblock your "I hate my hips, thighs, etc." blues.
Sexual Health: Protect "there" from summer bummers. The Deadly
Disease Affecting Young Women: Do you know how to save your
life? Lower Your Rape Risk Instantly. 15 FBI tips every woman
should know. 1/00: Happy New Hair Makeovers + 300 Dos
& Don'ts: Fashion disasters and best dressed Hollywood
beauty yucks + yeas! 21st-Century Sex Dos
& Don'ts: Ultra orgasms, love positions, lust Man action: Here's how to give your single love life
a himplant. Droopy Butt Begone! Quick saves to keep your rear
end up, up, up! You Gatta Have Faith (Hill). Astrological
Special Guide: 2000 & beyond. Glamour Investigates the
Gunning Down of American Women. 10/99: New Making-Love
Manners: Sex 2000 Etiquette Dos
& Don'ts: Should you get to orgasm
first? Is first-date sex a no or a go? Plus 17
other delicate dilemmas resolved. Beauty Blowout 25 Packed Pages. 100
New-You Ideas: No-bull step-by-steps to repair skin and
hair. Fat-War Winners: Diet-success secrets of former
heavyweights. Is He A Sexual Keeper? Are
You? Immediate signs you're erotically in sync. "Is This
Lump Cancer?" Doctors on the difference between deadly
lumps and normal bumps. Think About This: Are you and he
connecting on the 7 levels of love? Find out inside.
Exclusive Interview: Elizabeth Dole: Should you
make her president? Glamour Tribute: John
& Carolyn Remembered. 9/99: SuperSize September Issue
(386 pages) 30-Day Climax Class 102. Sex You Up
Secrets: From highly satisfied women and extremely happy
men. All New You! Hair
& Makeup: + What's in, What's over. Singles'
Field Report: Dating Dos
& Don'ts: Male and female daters reveal how to
make a date instantly great. Fall Fashion Checklist: 1. Style, 2.
Price, 3. Size. 232 best buys to meet your every new wardrobe
requirement. Courtney Cox Talks About Love and Marriage On and Off
Friends. How to Go From "I Hate" to "I Love My
Body": Real women share their 9 biggest body confidence
boosters. Whispers, Oohs, or Yahoos: Wouldn't you like to
know what he thinks about your lovemaking novice
level? Outrage! Why you can't have your perfect
birth control - who's to blame. 7/99: New Shocker
Stats: Orgasm dos & don'ts survey. 288 men and women
reveal their secrets to becoming sexually inseparable (and
orgasmically compatible). Quizlet: What's your lovemaking
personality? Juice up your sexual repertoire. Trusting
Your Men Instincts: How to get your gut to lead you in the
right guy direction. Gotcha: The bad-hair spy cam. Salma
Hayek: Hollywood's new heartbreaker. Breast Cancer at
24: Could your doctor miss the
signs? A rip-out report. Top 10 Hair Trends Top 10
Disaster 'Dos: plus star styles and cuts to copy. Is Your
Sexual Health in Danger? Immediate steps to protect your
female parts now. 6/99: What He Thinks When He First Sees You
Naked: Surprise! Read why he's hot for what you
hate and hide. Wedding Night Sex Survey Secrets. 19 Hair Envy
Eliminators: Get the look you love now. Cellulite
Erasers? We test the best blubber blasters. How to Make
Him Worship the Ground You Walk On. Shania Twain
Interview: From poverty to pop star. First Ever Bride Dos
and Don'ts Guide: The Galmour perfect wedding workshop.
Get Moregasmic! Shameless tricks to double your
pleasure. Jailed Unjustly: Do these women deserve to rot
behind bars? 4/99: Sin-sational Sex
Advice: How to get extreme desire back into your love
life. Want to up your like-ability? Personality pointers
from irresistibly appealing people. Hello! Free Makeup
Inside: Open and apply spring's newest, sexiest eyes. (Did
we mention they're free). Try-on Makeup Samples: No April
Fooling. 8 Relationship Sinkers: When not to submit your
sensitive secrets to his grand-jury grilling. Oscarworthy Hair
Dos: 32-a-list actress hair looks to inspire your new
look. Pap Scares: Why checkups do not guarantee you're
cancer-free. Previously: Secrets of seduction-sweet, sexy,
shy-what really works. New sexual health survey-6 critical mistakes
women make. 22 pages of answers, advice, makeovers-and more-the great
hair issue-bonus! over $500 in hair discounts and freebies. The real
reasons good guys do bad things. Your job/your money-complete
get-a-grip guide. Ruth Whitney, Editor, Glamour, 350 Madison Ave, New
York, NY 10017 or
Housekeeping: B F H R food. home
decorating, home care, child care, consumer and social issues.
(4,679M/$183M) 2/02: The Quiz That Will Get You Thin.
20-page Health Tear-out: The best way to cure
anything! Home remedies, cancer tests, new vaccines
& more. How to Fake Perfect Skin: 51 tricks, products
and solutions. Major Marriage No-No's: A wise-up guide for
women. Teacher Troubles: When to speak up for your kid. Is Your
Home Disaster-Ready? 17 supplies to buy today. Jennifer
Aniston: The kind of friend she really is...and the life change
she and Brad refuse to make. Keep Your $$ Safe. 1/00:
Collector's Issue. Our Amazing Soup Diet: Lose 10lbs Fast!
Financial Intimacy: A couple's guide to getting rich.
Cellulite Cures: The good, the bad, the bogus. How to Get
Through Almost Anything...and a quiz to rate your inner strength.
Stay Healthy This Year: An easy action plan. The Real
Meg: What she did to get happy, and the private choices that
changed her life and her look. Plus How to find your own natural
style. Bonus: Your child's horoscope. The inside scoop on your
little star. 4/99: Girl Talk with Goldie: On the
joy of crying, outfoxing age, and keeping it how with Kurt.
Plus: Her exercise to wake up the soul. Take-It-Off tips from
200 successful dieters. Steal These Ideas! Great
decorating makeovers. Beauty Clinic: How to get gorgeous
eyes, pretty lips...and that glow! 10 Things You Should Never Do with
Your Husband. So Good, So Fast: 5-ingredient dinners. Stop
Suffering: Allergy drugs that really work. Too Little
Sleep? 9 ways to feel alive and stay sharp. Ellen Levine,
Editor in Chief, Good Housekeeping, Hearst Corp, 959 Eighth Ave, New
York, NY 10019.,
Harper's Bazaar. B F H
Interiors. For sophisticated, influential women with exceptional
taste. (733M/$57M, Spanish 109M) 1/00: 21st-Century
Beauty: Perfect skin, precision liposuction & the ultimate
high-speed shape-up. Fashion Flash! First look at Spring
from Paris, Milan & New York. The Heat on Handbags. Breaking
Away: Seven designers on the verge. 8/99: Fall's New
Dress Code: 100% Sexy. Sharp suits, sharper shoes.
Jerry Hall's Emotional Rescue. Celibacy: Can it be
erotic? Estrogen: The age-defying hormone.
4/99: Spring Fashion: 100% pretty. Couture
Awards, Sandra Bullock & Ben Affleck (just friends, really),
Stars Onstage: Nicole Kidman, Natasha Richardson, Judi
Dench, & More. Elizabeth Tilberis, Editor-in-Chief, Harper's
Bazaar, 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
Honey: Entertainment, Style, Life for her...
2/01: Crazy, Sexy, Single Issue. The Evolution of Eve. 69 Ways
to Sizzle: Red-hot makeup, clothes he can't resist, head-turning
hair. One Girl, Three Guys, Six Hours...Details of a dating marathon.
The Abortion Pill: One woman's story. Real Men Tell Us What They
Love About Our Looks. 10-City Get-Your-Groove-On Guide. 10/99:
A Passion for Fall Fashion. Dynamite Denim Sexy Leather Hot
Shoes & Bags. MTV's Anamda Lewis: Smart Girls
Rule! Missy Elliott & Co. Beauty Alert: Cocoa
Loco Cornrow Magic. STD's Act Like You Know. Blaque Destiny's Child
702. Tyson Beckford Gives it Up. (6/$12) Editor in Chief: Kierna
Mayo, 1115 Broadway, New York, NY 10010
Jalouse, Fast Forward Fashion. 5/01: Laid
Back. Sexy Beasts. What ever happened to the counter
culture? Molly Ringwald, Vivienne Westwood, Wonder Women,
Betsey Johnson. (6/$9) Stephen Todd, Editor in Chief, Jalou Publg
Inc, 580 Broadway, Ste 700, New York, NY 10012.
Jane. B E F L New generation of
confident, media-savy 18-34 women. Relevant issues, computers, cars,
fiction, food, pop-culture, politics, travel, sex, internet.
(?M/$29M) 310.312.2184. 3/03: Halle, Renee, Nicole,
Ben: Pics their publicists want burned. 314 Sexy Looks for
shoestring budgets. The Hottest New "Spot" Trick (we're not
talking stain removers). Free Inside: $250 shopping sprees,
makeup and lingerie. One-Minute Solutions for Every Skin Problem. We
Go Undercover to see What Guys Really Do at Sex Joints.
Beyonce: Reveals how she dethroned Britney. 4/02: Change
Your Breast Size Daily, like a pop star we won't name. Celebs
Out-Weird Themselves: Gwyneth, Rob Lowe, Mariah, Jay-Z, R.
Kelly, Matthew McConaughey. Sickest New Sex Crime: Your
boyfriend sets up your gang rape. 50 Miracle Skin Fixes: for
zits, wrinkles, whatever. It's Not His Shoe Size: The real way
to tell is... Job Interview, Second Date, Wedding, Funeral...200
"appropriate" outfits. 8/01: 300 Celebs Reveal Things They
Probably Shouldn't. Madonna, Pam Anderson, Cameronn Diaz, Gwyneth,
Heather Graham, Winona, Bjork, Britney Spears, Bono, Beyounce, Sean
Penn, Heather Locklear, Oprah and tons more. Inside: More free
stuff than Jenna Bush has booze busts (at press time). Kicking and
screaming, Paris Hilton gets a makeunder. A top for
$11? 100 crazy bargains. "I was strip searched by cops for
no good reason." 11/00: 128 Stars (some naked). 10 men in
thongs. Be a model in 8 stupid steps. Inside the Laker Girls' locker
room. Public virginity exams: We didn't believe it, either.
Music bonus: PJ Harvey, Jakob Bylan, Green Day, Flea,
Christina Aguilera. Kate Hudson: by Goldie Hawn, Chris Robinson
& Jimmy Fallon. Free beauty goodies inside! 100 looks
under $100. 100 looks under $100. 11/99: Free Orgasms! We test
other mags' lame tips to trap a man. Which stars are gay this
week? And who says so. No more body angst: 20
head-to-toe miracles. "I lived through that massive
earthquake." Lisa Kudrow lovefest starring Meg Ryan and
Mira Sorvino. 100 fashion scores under $100. 8/99:
Sex-obsessed Issue: 3,000 of your wildest sex confessions. Our
writer gets supernaked for Playboy. 10 cheapo tricks that will
make your skin look expensive. Wear jeans to work without getting
fired. What kind of reject would throw acid in a woman's face?
Courtney Love on celebrity dating, threesomes and why fatter is
sexier. 4/99: 99 stars give it up. Courtney Love's
secret snack. Michael Stipe in a skirt. Madonna's butt (it ain't just
yoga), Inside Beck's dressing room. Drunk with the Goo Goo Dolls. 9
rock studs for your pleasure...and more, in our first music issue.
Sex in the Fridge? Jennifer Grey on why she got those nose
jobs. Sleeping with Mariah. Jane Pratt, Editor-in-Chief, Jane,
Fairchild Publications, 7 W 34th St., New York, NY 10001
Ladies' Home Journal, The Underestimate the Power of
a Woman. B F H food, medicine, personalities and
current events for active, empowered women evolving into new
directions. (4,576M/$ ) 4/02: Special
Issue: The Best of America. 5 Habits that Help you Heal. Top
Doctors for Women: from coast to coast. Great Hair for
Less: $2,500 in discounts, cuts, styling, products. Best Places
to Raise a Family:? Where does your town rank? 859 Ways to
Get it Done, Do it Right, and Enjoy Life More. Dream Desserts Made
Easy. Workouts Women Swear By. Amazing! The world's shortest
pregnancy. Do His Hormones Rule Your Life? Julia! How she
keeps trying to get the guy thing right and 14 other things only her
best friends know. 11/01: Your Stress
Zones: Map 'em, then zap 'em. "More pie, please!" The
REAL reason you should stop dieting. Men & Sex. The new
rules for intimacy. The Face-Lift in Your Fridge. Fibroids: Best
new treatments. Rip-off Alert: 8 ways stores make you spend
more. Rule Your World. 21 one-minute power moves. Who Inspires 'The
View'? Meredith, Star, Joy, Barbara and Lisa choose their
heroes. The Power Issue. Today's 30 most influential
women: Oprah, Katie, Madonna and more. 10/01: "What I've
Learned," by Laura Bush. Red-hot Reba: She's the anti-Diva
who says faith and family keep her strong, but confesses to one
secret, expensive vice. 8 Healthy Ways to Blast Fat: Try our
Farmer's Market diet. Bonus: Raising Teens: 14-page guide
to what they love, how they think, what they need. Breast Cancer at
34: How one survivor fought back in a new way. Hit
Snooze! Beauty shortcuts to get you out the door in a hurry.
Chandra Levy: Her mom shares the never-ending anguish. "He said
we were going to be rich..." 30 Great Fall Sweaters. 4/99:
Cancer in the Family? How to outsmart your genes. Does It
Work? The "eat your dessert" diet drug. Tax Tricks 100%
Legit! In stores now: The prettiest clothes at the
lowest prices. "I married a Sex Therapist". Cozy, warm,
inviting: Decorate to soothe your senses. Cook It
Better: Secrets only food pros know. Fergie: Is
she or isn't she a Royal pain? Flo-Jo: Her True
Story. By Jackie Joyner-Kersee.Myrna Blyth, Ladies' Home Journal, 125
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Latina. 1/00: Special Health Issue. Horoscopo
Espiritual: Walter Mercado's guide to your future. Searching for
amor Online. "Why I'm no longer Catholic." Ruben Blades on
our next generation. Julia Alvarez on Latino literature. Los Angeles,
Chicago, Miami, New York and More. We found the best spas near you.
Thalia: Telenovela star tackles the movies. (12/$15). Latina,
PO Box 58761, Boulder, CO 90323-8761
Mademoiselle. The magazine for
your me years. B C F H R Smart careers oriented 20-29 women
staying ahead and make right choices about every aspect of their
lives. (1,191M/$61M) (11/01 - the last issue - OOP)
11/01: Your New Haircut States Here. Our biggest style guide
ever! Exclusive! Cadee Condit Interview "Why I'm
sticking by my dad." Engagement
Special: Yes! Yes! Yes! From the panic to the parties,
how your life will change...and more. Plus America's most wanted
rings. Is Your Job Sabotaging Your Sex Life? Keri
Russell: New hair, new look, new future. Are you only staying
together...because you're afraid of being alone?
8/00: Shop 'til you pop! 217 Fall Fashion Finds. 8 Flirty
Hairdos: that must be obeyed. Dear Sexy a page a day
can make you freakin' irresistible. 6 Guys To Do before you say "i
do". Live Like a Rich Bitch for $75 or less. 14 Rules We Want You to
Break - Today! Free! Mademoiselle pink nail polish
worth $$$. Does Your Boyfriend Own a Gun? Are you
sure? 1/00: 21st Century Foxy: Sexy sequins, slinky
slips, sleek swimwear. Diet Hollywood: What Neve Campbell, Matt
Damon & Heather Locklear really eat to stay thin. Are You
& He History? How to know when it's time to go. Holy
Haircut! The perfect style for your face shape. Got
Love? Our 12-month plan guarantees romance. Makeovers, 1
Year Later: They made real changes - did they make them
stick? Kiss-Me Lips: Instant lip plumpers. 9/99:
Sex on the Brain: What the guys in your office are
really thinking. 25 Amazing Makeovers: Find the hair
& makeup that's right for you. Heidi Klum: Return
of the supermodel? Special Pull-Out: Insta-work
wardrobe-just add you and go. Finding a Job You Love: Plus
the skills, looks and smarts to make your career take off. Fashion
Frenzy! 350 must-haves for workdays, wild nights. Flawless
Skin-Really: A trouble-shooter's guide. Pay
Dirt! Find out what everyone else is making - plus how to
get a big, fat raise. 4/99: Look Great Naked! 5
moves to a sexier body. Good Hair Days-Guaranteed: How to
blow (dry) like a pro. Love Trends: The pleasures
& perils of practically living together. Special
Foldout: Rent, Read & Rock! The 150
best videos, CD's and books of our time. Yes,
Tonight! Tracking your cycle's 8 sexiest days. Spinning
Your Wheels? 8 zoom-ahead career moves to make now. Katie
Holmes talks about love & lust on Dawson's Creek. 11/98 is
the Special Love Issue. Bring him to his knees-how to be a sex
goddess or just act like one. Mistake-proof new hair colors. Kinky or
Curious? All your weird sex questions answered. Fitness
secrets-of Hollywood's Hottest Bodies. Men & Seduction -
what sex with you means to him. A Little Romance - pretty
dresses, rich velvets, sultry scents. The Sex Survey - 1000 couples
tell us the steamy truth. Elizabeth Crow, Editor, Conde Nast
Publications, Inc., Conde Nast Building, 350 Madison Ave, New York,
NY 10017
Marie Claire. B F J. Modern women, one-step shopping, style
& substance. (840M/$49M). 2/00: Fashion
Preview: What's In, What's Out. 656 Best Buys +
save 30% on your next haircut. Hair & Makeup: 6
new looks & how to get them. Your Clothes: What attracts men
most. What Some Women Do For Better Sex. Give Yourself an
Energy Makeover: Tone your body in 2 weeks. Special
Report: Children rescued from prostitution. 1/00: Look
Sexy With Style: 300 new ideas + best party buys under
$100. Horoscope: Your guide for 2000. Get a Better Body: By
tonight! Men & Sex: 400 confessions. Beauty
to Suit You: 9 best products = 3 great looks. Who Cheats More -
men or women? Make Next Year Your Best Ever. Women Killed for
Refusing to Marry. Plus Free Skin Cream, Win A Diamond. 9/99:
Fashion 376 New Looks at Every Price: Save 20% on fall
fashion plus free skin care. Hair Special: Get the best
style for you. Men, Sex & You: What attracts him
most? How to Get More Dates. How safe is the
food you're eating? 72 Best Beauty Buys. 10 sex secrets you're
entitled to know. Get More Time, Less Stress. Runway to
Realway: What to buy now. 8/99: Men: The
one question you should never ask him. Find Mr. Right in one month.
Sex: What's hot, what's not. Your Body: What
does he really think? Health: The truth about
the new fat pills. Stress: What is your body trying to
tell you? Report: Women punished for being
raped. What's New: 628 fashion & beauty ideas
+ free skin cream. Update Your Look: What's in,
what's out. Winona Ryder: the women who changed my life.
Inside: "I was raped in front of my family." 4/99:
99 Best Beauty Buys: + secrets of shiny hair. Do You
Get Enough SEX? You Can Buy Great Skin: 17 best
figure fixers. "I was raped and no on believed me' American
women forced into arranged marriages. "I sued the man who have me an
STD'. Drew Barrymore: The real me. Clothes That Work for
You: 327 fashion ideas + free mascara. Previously:
Why men pay for sex. Your fastest & easiest makeup ever.
Stress-busters that really work. Fashion Special - top 100 buys - how
to update your look. What men think about your body. Women who risk
death for sex. Look best undressed: max your body potential.
Sex success: seducers' tips & tales. What to wear now - 200 new
looks - save 20% on your next haircut, fashion-win a new look, beauty
- best tips. Would you risk your health for money? I'm married to
five brothers. Feuds of the rich & famous. Ilona Bailey, Editor,
Marie Claire, 250 West 55th St, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10019
McCall's. B E F H food, parenting,
home, decorating. (4,203M/$131M) 2/00: Beat
Stress: Getting over your perfection trap and other ways to do
it. Send him a valentine: passion fashion, quickie
desserts. Oprah: TV star, actress, now professor, internet mogul
& editor. What drives her need to do more, more, more? Her Untold
Story: Marie Osmond's socking postbaby breakdown. 5 Health
Risks: You thought you'd escaped. Cancer-Fighting
Recipes: Plus, fast, easy potluck dishes. Free Weight-Loss
Booklet. Look-Younger Hair & Makeup. 11 Tips Experts Wish
Every Mom Knew. The new secret to finding a job. "I Married My
Organ Donor" 1/00: Happy 2000: A super-easy millennium
party. Makeovers of the century. 13 amazing haircuts to steal. 9
instant confidence boosts. 10 simple resolutions that cut stress fat.
Drop 5 lbs. this diet! Plus: Clothes that
make you look thin. Natural ways to beat colds & flu.
Exclusive: Susan Sarandon - what her kids say about
mom-the-sex-symbol, and why she's in no big rush to get married.
Return anything! Insider secrets. How to nurture your
child's spirituality. Your 10-year astrology guide to love, money,
family, work, you. Free 16-page horoscope pullout. 4/99: Dream
vacations at bargain prices. Sandra Bullock's stress busters.
Lifesaving News: Shocking risks from household products.
15-Minute Chicken: Simple Easter recipes Cameron Diaz's fave
dish. Kirstie Alley: Divorce. Nast rumors. Sniping about
her weight. Veronica's Closet's star tells how she survived it
all and spills her secret for getting everything you want. Spring's
Hot Haircuts. "I couldn't live one more day with my
38L breasts." Eat cookies! No diet! Drop
10 lbs the easy way. 2 million U.S. kids smoke dope. How to keep your
child off drugs. You talk. He listens. Make this happen at home.
Sally Koslow, Editor-in-Chief. SDE Communications, 375 Lexington
Ave, New York, NY 10017
Mirabella. B F. Style and substance for the accomplished
woman. (567M/$42M) 12/99-1/00: New Year's Ease: Bring on
the parties we'll dress you up. The Future of Facelifts: Bye-bye
knife. Exclusive: Cher, Whitney & Lauryn on the diva
life. Julianne Moore: Wants so much more. Plus: Tim
Robbins, John Irving, Hot Gifts, and the Sexiest New Makeup. The Mob
Squad: Dinner with the Sopranos. 9/99: 10th Anniversary
Special. Sex Therapy 2000: Desire lost & found.
Brooke Shields on life after André. The 25 Smartest Women in
America. Fall Fashion Essentials. 8/99: The Top 40 Looks for
Fall. Libido Loca: The curious cure for womanizing. Is
Your Therapist Making You Crazy? Your Face or Your
Butt? We choose for you. Plus: Chrissie Hynde,
Albert Brooks and Erica Jong. Bella Mira: It's the summer
of Sorvino. The Vigilante Granny: Did she rape a rapist? 3/99:
Dharma Queen: Jeanne Elfman wears the comedy crown.
Spring Fashion Special: The best shapes and the brightest
colors. Plastic Surgery Game Plan: When to cut what.
Therapy Wars: What to do if you're on the couch and he's
not. The President's Worst Nightmare: A tale of sex, lies
and doing time. Plus: Deborah Harry, Jay Mohr, and the
Best Golf Schools for Women. Previously: Spring fashion
forecast: the first really new look in years. Health &
Happiness-science finally proves the con-and the implications are
staggering. The politically correct orgasm-Sara Davidson volunteers
to check it out. Michelle Pfeiffer-the most glamorous hosefile in
Hollywood. Plus makeup-what the pros know. The wittiest Brit. The joy
of kicking ass. Amy Gross, Editor, Hachette Filipacchi Magazines II,
Inc., 1633 Broadway, New York, NY10019
Mode: Style Beyond Size, (12/$18). 1/00: Do or
Dare Issue. Love Your Hair: 15 mane changes. Horoscope
Special: Y2K Revealed. Web Fashion: The ultimate
shopping guide. 2000 Style: Breakthroughts: Bold jewelry,
fresh prints, fab makeup. 9/99: Sexy in Sizes 12, 14, 16.
Makeup Alive and In Color. Just a Little Crush on Lisa Nicole Carson.
Fall Flair: All dressed up and everywhere to go. Emme
American beauty. Model Search Exclusive. (2 men on staff of 33). 22
East 49th Ave, New York, NY 10017
More, smart talk for smart women from Ladies' Home
Journal. 2/04: Special Bonus: The surge in
plastic surgery - what's that all about. Why he just bought a 'vette
and other midlife crisis tales. What they really think about sex,
sports and success. Beauty Secrets: Psst! Products the pros
use themselves. 59 ways to more radiant skin. Style
Smarts: sexxxy suits - daytime, nighttime, anytime. The hottest
shoes in town. Before You Schedule Lasik, Read This. No More Ms. Nice
Guy: 10 things I don't do anymore. Breast Cancer's Unlikeliest
Victims Speak Out. Sela Ward: Makes a big move into movies. Hit
the Road: Run the More marathon next month. 2/00:
Style Secrets from Lauren Hutton & Isabella Rossellini.
Better Than Ever! Our hot list to enhance your life. Forever
Healthy: Medical miracles for this millennium. The Alpha
Woman: She likes to be on top. Makeup Update: What to keep,
toss, add. When Your Parents Need Your Help. "I am the Other
Woman." 8/99: No More Hollywood Wife: Rita
Wilson steps out while husband Tom Hanks kicks back. Hormones Select,
Don't Settle: "How I escaped from the fast track." From
Cycling to Yoga" Suit-yourself fitness. How Far Would You
Go for Your Kids? Making the Most of What You Know.
Madeleine Albright on Power (and Men). The Pretty Woman Complex. Hot
Weather Sytle Guide: Faking natural beauty, should you
dress your age, 50 ways to thicker, sexier hair. (6/$15.00), 125 Park
Ave, New York, NY 10017
Ms, Sum 02: Special Anniversary
Summer Reading Issue! Best of 30 Years Fiction & Poetry.
News: Breast cancer controversy. Women's Voices from the Middle
East. Frances Kissling: The Cardinals sin. Margaret Atwood,
Sandra Cisneros, Lucille Clifton, Rita Dove, Tess Gallagher, Mary
Gordon, Marilyn Hacker, Ursula K. Le Guin, Robin Morgan, Toni
Morrison, Joyce Carol Oates, Grace Paley, Adrienne Rich, Alice Walker
and much more... Spr 02: Special! Collector's Issue.
The Best of 30 Years. Reporting, rebelling & truth-telling.
Plus Updates: Moving into the future. Afghan Women -
A feminist family tree. 12/01-1/02: Women of the Year.
Response to Terrorism: Women on peace and war. Our 30th
Anniversary: Let the celebration begin. 10-11/01: Be Who
You Are. Naomi Wolf Blasts the Birthing Biz. 'Stripping' the Dykes
Next Door. First Person: Confessions of an abuser. Nudity Sells.
Do you buy it? Why Everyone is Reading The Red
Tent. 8-9/01: Express Yourself. Women Caught in the Drug
Wars. Kathy Najimy Tells off Tinseltown. The Virgin Gets a Makeover.
The Latest Lie about Abortion. Campus Life: Speak-Outs to
Kiss-Ins. 6-7/01: Turn Up the Heat. Bush's War on Abortion.
Ms. Goes Under Cover in Iraq. Did the Women's Museum Wimp
Out? First Person: Slut, Interrupted. Can Your Boss
Deny You Birth Control? 4-5/01: Special Report: Saluting
Champions: Women who stand and deliver on the environment, human
rights, political and social justice. Don't Be
(George) Bushed! Advice, inspiration and calls to action.
Winona Laduke reflects on the Green Campaign, Activism and
Motherhood. 2-3/01: Oh my god! I'm a hardcore feminist!
Humanist Womanist Equalist Mujerista: Ms. asks what's in
a name. Special Report: Why most women can't afford to retire.
Fem Fairy Tales. Uncloseted Art. Title IX Goes Off-Field. The
Abortion Pill. 12/00-1/01: She Slams: Alix Olson is
a road poet on a mission. Exclusive: Gloria's Wedding Photos.
Robin Morgan's Memoir. The Aunt Jemima Dilemma. Susan Estrich on Sex
& Power. The Body Shop's Anita Roddick on Money
& Mayhem. Jean Kilbourne: Decodes the Ads. 10-11/00:
Fearless Feminist Theater: Sarah Jones rocks the house.
What's Female? The surgical solution. Childless by Choice. Women
on the Right: The Slick "Sisters." Death by Marriage. Naked Old
Women. Ecofems. Newsmakers. Agitators of All Ages. 8-9/00:
Running for Her Life: Hillary's do-or-die gamble. Are You
Making Love in the Dark? Activists' Guide: Shaking up
the system. Toni Morrison, Kathleen Hanna, Annie Sprinkle. 4-5/00:
What's Up with Men? Susan Faludi, Dan Savage, Kate
Millett, Kevin Powell. Expose! The real deal on family-friendly
benefits. Plus: Is suing a rapist legal? The woman behind
the landmark case. Breast Cancer and the Environment. 1/00:
The Feminist Century: Was it good for you, too? Celebrating
Feminism: The first century. 8-9/99: Aaahhhh,
SEX: Mind over mattress? Going Ape! Women
Activists: On preventing war and making peace. Gloria
Steinem on Boys & Girls. A Hip-Hot Feminist on Rhythm
& Rage. Buffy Sainte-Marie: Folk songs, laptops
and Native American cyberculture. 6-7/99: Wild
Thing: The truth about women's aggression; Chick
Music: Lilith's farewell missy Elliott on the B word;
Monica: The Morning After; Custody: Can you
bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and still lose your kids?
Divas, hell-raising & profiles in courage.
(6/$35) PO Box 5299, Harlan, IA 51593-0799 800.234.4486. (24 women,
no men.)
Muffy, New Girly Life. Sum 02: The
Skin Issue. Band Nerds. Strippers. Hot Housewives. Pussy
Licking. Hitchhiking. Dumpster Diving. The Ronelles. Calvin Johnson.
Rose Melberg. Julien Donkey-Boy. My My Le Figre. Carly Earnshaw and
Regina Gelfo, editors, Muffy! c/o Regina Gelfo, 4941 Winchester
Dr, Sarasota, FL 34234
(19 women, 7 men)
New Woman, You Can't Put a New Woman Down. B C E
F H R Women's issues, actionable beldn of resources
and information for women who are motivated to lead the most
fulfilling lives possible. (1,179M/$50M). 4/01: 296 Ways to
Change Your Look: 146 get-slinky fashion finds, 30 expert
makeover secrets, 120 flawless face tips. Horoscope
Special! Find "the one" by tonight. 'Then Del Boy bent me over
the shopping trolley' Your worrying celebrity sex dreams analysed. Be
100% Happy: Secrets of the naturally chirpy. Real
Life: Gassed and molested in the dentist's chair. The Real Dr.
Ross: True traumas from an American ER. 'I was violuntarily
sterilised at 21'. Patsy Tells it All: 'I'd turned a blind eye
so many times...The list was this long.' 1/00:
You-2K! Red-hot horoscopes for passion, power & partnership.
Men Tell How to Make Sex More Loving. Break One Habit, Change Your
Life: A 2-week quitting plan. Can't Lose Weight? 6
ways to start slimming again. More for Your Beauty Bucks: Pro
pricks under $5 plus a fab freebie. 9/99: Love Your
Looks! Your perfect-makeup finder Foldout. Sexy Hair
Tricks. Plus Free Makeover. 3 Greedy-Doctor Scams that Can Hurt Your
Health. 16,000 Women Name the Sexiest Man of the Century. Sex
& Health Report: The biggest breakthrough since
the pill. Are You in Shape? Are you
sure? Fashion to Fall for 125 Ideas You'll Love for Work
and Weekends. Fall Beauty Blockbuster! 8/99: Is Stress Hurting
Your Looks? Anxiety-proof your skin, hair, body. Healthier
Body, Sexier Sex: 15 easy changes for lots more lust.
shape-up Shortcuts: Fitness in 15, 10 or 5 minutes flat.
10 Health Questions: To ask your mother now (this talk
could save your life). The Pros' No-Fail Trick for Gorgeous Hair.
Dump That Diet! Experts admit a major mistake. 5/99:
Unzip his Secrets: A daring Q & A for
lovers, Pro Tricks for Saturday Night Hair, Makeup Miracles-7 skin
solutions, 4 Must-Read Can't Believe Fertility Stories, What's Up
With Your Period? News on pain, MAGS and sexual surges,
Men Disk the 9 Most Amazing Things a Woman can do in Bed, Plus
Jiggle-free arms, can you trust a home pregnancy test? What never to
put on your credit card. 4/99: Suddenly Sex: 21
no-fail frustraters. Better Health, Less Hassle: 10-smart
new moves. Beauty Spree! 93 new hair, skin makeup finds.
What marriage teaches a man about sex. How to Have the Best Job
interview of Your Life. 24 Hours, Zero Stress: How to make
more days great days. 1/99: Love It
Up! 6 stay-hot, stay-happy secrets. Beauty Treats - that
banish stress. Your Breasts-the newest facts, healthiest moves. 7
Signs He Still Thinks You're Sexy. Are You Too Hard on
Yourself? How to live guilt-free. A Tighter Tush-fast!
Previous: 25 best buys from clothing catalogs. Special: The Glory of
Love. The life cycle of your relationship. How you fall in love at
15, 32, 74. Why certain foods put you in the mood. What do hormones
have to do with it? Survey Report: How your passions reveal the real
you. The world's healthiest diet. Head-to-toe guide to winter skin
care. Wanting to get married-do men feel the same way you do? Men
talk about women and lingerie. News about the way you dream...The
powerful attraction of old flames...The safety of your 401(k). Betsy
Carter, Editor, New Woman, 2 Park Ave, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10016
On the Issues: The Progressive Woman's Quarterly. Carolyn
Heilbrun of Patricia Ireland, Feminist Street Fighting. Phyllis
Schuster - A true story from the "ex" files, The Dad Debate. Silver
stein-The myth of the male role model. Trash Wilson-The organization
of angry dads. Carter Hey ward-What's really wrong with the faith of
our fathers. Rosemary L. Bray, Editor, Choices Women's Medical
Center, 97-77 Queen's Blvd., Forest Hills, NY 11374.
O The Oprah Magazine.
6/04: MEN! Sex is like pizza... & other
startling insights into the hearts of men. Men who adore real
women: We've found them! Good-Guy Hall of
Fame: Brains, looks, charisma to burn 2004's Best Men. Man
Trouble? Dr. Phil's got answers. My Girl. Your Father, Yourself
(six writers). Foreign Affairs. Token Guy. The
O Interview: How the mahvelous Billy Crystal made Oprah
laugh and cry. The Wrinkle Report: Treatments that actually work
(Science finally does something good for women!)
Exclusive: Vitamin Alert: Labels that lie vs. pills that
deliver: we name names. Editor's note: All magazine management and
staff lsited on pages 12 and
16 of this issue didn't have names
of their own. They were all listsed as "daughter" or "son" of their
father's. Nice gesture and it sure seemed like they had enough room
to put the daughter or son's own name, too. The Oprah Magazine, 1700
Broadway, 38th Floor, New York, NY 10019, 212.903.5366,
Oxygen. 3/03: Tummy Troubles? 6
ways to flatten your stomach. Are Women the Stronger Sex? 3 New
Diets: Drop pounds quickly & safely. Should You Give Up
Meat? 8 Reasons You're Not Getting Results: How to pump up
your motivation, beat boredom, and reach all your goals. Target Your
Body Type: Tone up by next month. 7/01: The Naked
Truth: Is liposuction for suckers? Now Monthly! Our biggest
issue - You gotta have it! "Hey Sexy!" 55 swimsuits inside
flaunt your foxy body. Temptation Island: Sweatin' thighs
bedroom lies. Yes! You can lose back fat in six easy moves.
Was It As Good for You As It Was for Me? Canusa Products Inc, 5775
McLaughlin Rd, Mississauga, ON Canada L5R 3P7 905.507.3545
or 888.254.0767
Paper: The Pervy Monthly with the Curvy Readers. Heart
Attacks!-Tim Burton has a Heart on for Lisa Marie. Food & Sex.
Aphex Twin. Nuyorican Soul. Believin' Las Vegas. Balthazar Getty.
More Style Than You Can Handle. Kim Hastreiter, Editor, Paper
Publishing Co., 529 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Playgirl: Entertainment for Women. 1/99 Primetime's Sexy
Young Stars Exposed. Countdown to Climax-naughy ways to ring in the
New Year. 12 Sizzling Centerfolds-Ready to score with you. Toyz in
the Hood - the best in erotic home shopping. Bottoms Up-hot celebrity
buns. Seduce any sign in the Zodiac. Baywatch's Best Body-Jose
Solano. Claire Harth, Editor-in-Chief, Half Moon Media Reps, 801
Second Ave, New York, NY 10017 or Toy Story - 10 percent of American adults,
or 13.9 million, use sex toys. Most common age group 30-49. Although
9 percent of married couples use toys, 15 percent of indulgers are
divorced, separated or widowed. 12 percent of whites play with toys,
only 2 percent of blacks do so. Use increases with education (About 8
percent have less than a high school education while 11 percent are
college graduates.) It also increases with wealth and, as the number
of partners increases, do does sex toy use. (If the Jannes Report has
any validity, they're probably all Republicans that say they never
Redbook, balancing family, work, love, time for you. B F R 30
something young married and young moms. Front half topics related to
personal needs, 2nd half latest news, practical information on kids,
work, money, travel, home. (2,868M/$84M). 10/00: SEX: the
#1 secret to making it hotter than ever. Your Breast Cancer Risk Just
Went Down! New findings on aspirin, diet, stress in our
bonus booklet. What Keeps Happy Couples Close: 4 surprising love
boosts. Should You Fire Your Doctor? 8 warning signs. Go
Part-Time without going broke. Meg Ryan: The painful truths
behind her split. Fall Looks You'll Love: The sexiest hair,
makeup, fashion + amazing free stuff. 1/00:
100+ Ways to Add Fun to Your Life. The Best Time to Shop for
Bargains: Your month-to-month guide. True Crime: One
woman's terrifying discovery about her husband. 6 little moves to
make your sex life hotter! 600 Men Confess: How you
can get them to do anything. 17 surprising things that are making you
tired. Meg Ryan Exclusive: Girl talk about her total devotion to
her two "boys," the silly ways she and Dennis stay close, and the one
thing she secretly dreams of doing onscreen. 10/99: Hot New
Sex Position: Guaranteed to bring you closer. Caroline
Kennedy Schlossberg: What Jackie taught her about being
strong. 13 Diet Lies and One Truth to Live By. 297 Inspirational
Ideas: To bust a bad mood, beat stress, change your life.
8 Secrets to Perfect Skin. "A man liked my child too much."
Lifesaving Booklet: What to do when you find a lump. Sarah
Jessica Parker: She's conquered her insecurities and
helped her husband, Matthew Broderick, cope with the tragedies of his
past. Now, there's just one thing she desperately wants.
(Hint: It's not an Emmy) 7/99: His Secret
Turn-Ons: Take our sex quiz and make him insane with
desire tonight. Look 5 pounds thinner! A cheater's
guide. 31 Ways Happy Couples Get Closer: 10 habits of highly
confident women. Free! 12-page health & beauty
booklet: Gorgeous Skin-at any age. How Private is Your
Home? A chilling story of a neighbor who spied.
Heather Locklear: Why the sudden end of Melrose Place
triggered her darkest fears - and how she found unexpected strength
in her two loves. Kids' Health Alert: The deadly risk your
dentist may take. 4/99: His Most Secret Sex
Wish: It's not what you think! Eat to Beat PMS. Got an
extramarital crush? Use it to supercharge your marriage.
43 Tips for Smooth, Sexy Skin: Our no-lie guide to hair
removal. Pediatricians favorite home remedies. Stars
On: How to keep the love sparks flying. Lea
Thompson: TV's Caroline bares all about growing up with an
alcoholic mother, her wild single years with one of Hollywood's
hunkiest starts and her passion for marriage and motherhood.
1/99 Cover stories: Sex every night-can it deepen
your love? Yes! Yes! Yes! - and that's just women
speaking. Your breast cancer risk just went down-finally, real
breakthroughs in prevention and treatment. 4 secrets of winter weight
lost. Get gorgeous skin at 20, 30, 40 our step-by-step guide.
Vaccines for strep and other scary kids' diseases. I was a
Monica Lewinsky (and yes, I kept the skirt).
Stressed? Tired? 12 smoothing bath recipes.
Joan Lunden talks about life after losing her job on Good Morning
America, the joy of rediscovering her kids, and the satisfaction of
taking charge of her career. Leslie Jane Seymour, Editor-in-Chief,
Redbook, Hearst Magazine Division, 224 West 57th St, New York, NY
Self: 1/00: Your New Year's Shape-up Kit: 42 pro
pointers to get you fit and flab-free. Flat Abs in this
Lifetime! Healthy Year 2000: Your 12 month mind-body
futureflash Horoscope. A Self-esteem Check Every Woman Needs. Be
Naturally Gorgeous! The 10 simple secrets of looking great, not
fake. Doctors Confess Their Worst Mistakes: Nightmares you need
to read to stay safe. Is Your Weight Healthy? Find out page 132.
3/99: Self Challenge Workouts. Get the Body You
Want: 3rd annual fitness kit: Tips for high
energy and stamina. Your personal workout planner. Feel Great
Naked: Our head-to-toe bare skin guide. Trust
Yourself: What you intuition is telling you. Boost Your
Immunity: Dr. Andrew Weil explains how. Rochelle Duel,
Editor-in-Chief, Self, 350 Madison Ave, 6th Fl, New York, NY
Sexy Style: A Woman's Guide.
Dating. Fashion. Lifestyle. Shopping. 8/01: Talk Flirty to Me
by Anka Radakovich. Getting Glam: How to look city chic.
Quiz: Who is your ideal mate? Pour It On! Mini bartending guide.
Dating Horror Stories: Tabs from the front lines. Free Photo of
Manolo Blahnik Shoes! H&S Media Back Orders, 2121 Waukegan
Rd, Ste 120, Bannockburn, IL 60015. 800.995.7197
Shape, 2/00: Kickboxing Butt: 8 new moves for a
knockout tush. 5 Healthiest Ways to Eat. Jolt Your
Metabolism: Blast calories with our super strength-training
workout. 3 Simple Moves for Great Abs. 6 Steps to Sure-Fire Weight
Loss. Courtney Thorne-Smith on boobs and body image. Shape
Tested: The best tasting energy bars. 12/99: Get a Great
Butt: 3 simple cardio routines. 27 Fabulous Fitness Gifts. 4
Fast Moves: A 30-minute workout to keep you fit. Will a Little
Alcohol Hurt or Help You? 10 Ways to Boost Your Sex Life.
Luscious Low-Fat Holiday: Plus free recipe cards. Make it to Y2K
without those extra holiday pounds. Win Our Annual Fitness Makeover.
4/99: Fantastic Abs: Brand new moves to get'em.
Lose Those Last 10 Pounds: Expert tips & celebrity
secrets. What's hot! We found the best...sports clubs,
exercise classes, workout spots, health remedies, action-packed
cities, gotta-have gear. Readers' Luscious & Low-Fat dessert
recipes. Burn fat and build muscle: A revolutionary plan.
Barbara Harris, Editor in Chief, Shape, 1 Park Ave, 10th Floor, New
York, NY 10016
She: For busy modern women. 10/99:
Look Great, Feel Great: Trousers & skirts,
the new shapes. Sexy boots for autumn. Beat the
Blues: Wake up in a better mood. My panic attacked started
at 30. Diary of a nervous breakdown. New Horoscope Section - Your
Destiny: Use your star sign to get what you want. Too Tired for
Sex? Improve your love life overnight. Love, Marriage
Affairs, Kids: How the cast of cold feet handle
real life. What Jennifer Aniston's Friends Reveal about Her
and Brad Pitt. Alison Pylkkanen, Editor, National Magazine House, 72
Broadwick St, London W1V 2BP, England
Sports Illustrated for Women, 9-10/00: Gear, Training,
Real Beauty, Nutrition. Bonus Pullout: Top colleges for women
athletes. Sydney Special: Who to watch in every olympic
sport! A Great Sports Bra for Every Body Type. Be
A Better Team Player. How to Eat Like an Olympian. Marion Jones
takes flight. Winter 1999-2023: Sportswomen of the
Year: The US Soccer Team! Plus Athlete of the Century.
Muscles are In! Boost your body image. Our Great Gear Gift
Guide. Bonus Pullout! The 100 greatest female athletes.
Summer, 1999: Women who Win! 27-page
blowout: Julie Foudy & the U.S. World Cup Team. New
Stars of the WNBA. 10 Great Sports Bras. Play Hard, Stay Fit, Have
Fun! Your summer guide. Sharpen Your Competitive Edge.
Athletes & Eating Disorders What You Must Know. Meet the
WNBA's bravest heart.,
1271 Avenue of the Americas, Rm 1948, New York,
NY 10020-1393.
STyLO, Contemporary Sports Gear & Lifestyles, Winter,
98/99: SEXclusive. The Untouched Erogenous Zone.
Erotica Review: Voyeur within. Fashion
Expo: Sportswear, Club gear, Lingerie and more. Beauty or
Bulimia? Gay Teens Speak Out. Up Close with Roselyn
Sanchez. PO Box 1596, Thousand Oaks, CA 91358
Today's Black Woman, 1/00: Beat the Blues Naturally:
Let Your Spirit Soar! A Guide to Health
& Fitness 2000! New products & ideas. A New Year
Woman! The Notorious Lil' Kim. Can she override her sex &
money image? Turn Up the Heat! Sex
strategies: to try with him! Keep him coming
back: 10 ways to make him stay! Will you Marry
Me? Why men pop the question! (9/$27) 40 Violet Ave,
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Vanity Fair, 1/00: There's Something About Cameron
Diaz: and it's not just the smile and the killer body. Terry
McAuliffe, Clinton's Midas King. Pulp Goddess Jackie Susann. The
Messiest Rockefeller Divorce Ever. New York's Hottest New Restaurant.
High-Tech IPO Madness. (12/$12) Vanity Fair, PO Box 51333,
Boulder, CO 8032301333
Vogue. B F H Changing roles and concerns
of women, evolving fashion, style and important ideas of the arts,
health care, politics, world affairs. (1,212M/$70M) Springs New
Look-flirty dresses, soft suits, sexy tops. A lust for
luxury-fashion's accessories frenzy. Head hunting-in search of the
perfect haircut. Katharine Graham-the most powerful woman in
Washington. 4/02: The Shape Issue: What to wear when
you're tall, short, thin, curvy, athletic, pregnant. Angelina
Jolie: Rebel with a cause. The Biggest Sex News Since the Pill.
Extreme Measures: How to change your shape from head to toe.
1/00: Supermodel Story: 6 decades of secrets &
success. Complete Collections Report: A new chic for both
day & night. Is Bill Bradley too offbeat for
America? Today's Stars: Gisele & Carmen.
Anna Wintour, Editor, The Conde Nast Publications Inc., Conde Nast
Bldg, 350 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10017
WIG: Women in General. Art, Music, Sports, Culture. Kathleen
Gasperini, Editor, WIG, PO Box 158, Heber City, UT 84032
Wit: Women in Touch, Smarts, Style, Attitude. Life,
career, home, humor, technology, finance, trends. (6/$12),
Fall/99: Why Everybody Loves Actress Patricia Heaton
(Especially when she gets angry). Investing in IPOs-The highs and
lows. Stressed Out? Take a mini-sabbatical. From Wine Tasting to
Filmmaking - camps for adults. Break the Rules of Decorating.
Collecting Mania: America's newest obsession.
Plus: How your body reveals the state of its health. The
perfect mother myth. Why you need a will. Do your political reps
deliver the goods? A report card. Spring/99:
Amsterdam: Sin city turns family. Is your child
Kinesthetic? CNBC's Hot Commodity: Maria Bartiromo. What;s
Your Decorating Style? On-line Investing: Plug in and
play. Y2K Fashion: Fabrics, Shapes, Colors.(4 men, 19
women) 235 Park Ave South, 11th Flr., New York, NY 10211-0277.
Woman's Day. 1/00: Keepsake Issue. Free! Bible
calendar. Great Ideas. Quick & easy recipes. Save $2,000 in
2000. 173 Feel-Good Ideas. 60-Time-Tested Tips. Best health news from
Top Doctors. Make Your Dreams Come True. New Year's Desserts. Special
Section: Can't fail diet-lose 20 lbs by Spring. Walking Plan. 14
days of easy menus. AOL keyword: Woman's Day (17/$12)
Woman's Day, PO Box 56034, Boulder, CO 80323-6034
Women's Fitness International. Expose reveals injustices against
women. Kathy Smith-Fitness Industry Expert. Stop exercising wrong!
First time ever-workout & diet charts for women only. Lorraine
Eastman, Editor, Women's Fitness', 8085 38th Ave North, St.
Petersburg, FL 33710
Women's Health
& Fitness: Your complete guide to a balanced life.
2-3/03: Free Healthy Eating Magazine Inside. 4 Simple
Changes: to boost your health. Carmen Electra: Dennis, Dave and
the perfect relationship. Lose Weight: Even with a sweet tooth.
Heart-Smart Health: Start today. Eliminate Back Pain: 10
proven ways . (12/$9.99) Highbury House Communications, PO Box
91178, Long Beach, CA 90809
Woman's Own: 4/99: Hot New
Romance: Fling or forever? Amazing Diet
Secrets! Need to love 5 lbs. Fast? Those Bad Girl
Days...Get almost any man with the famous "Oh-baby technique"
Love-burned? When to trust a man enough - to be yourself.
How to make a man with money your honey. Stress Getting to You? Take
this test. Sex Emergency! The 20-second secret when things
get weird in bed. Make Him Beg You to Commit: There's one
thing men can't handle losing. 4 Types of Affairs Woman
Have: And what you can expect from each. "What a Wild
Weekend!" Grab your playmate, it's our sex games for grown-ups. "How
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Tiffani-Amber Thiessen's Broken-Heart Fix. Previously: Is it
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Estelle Sobel, Editor, Woman's Own, Harris Publications, 1115
Broadway, New York, NY 10010
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Woman's World: The Woman's Weekly, 3/16/99:
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World, 270 Sylvan Ave, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
The great question...which I have not been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?" - Sigmund Freud.
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