Menstuff® provides a listing, Men
Talking to Men, which includes stories that have appeared
on the cover of over 90 current magazines and newsletters directed to
men. Each listing includes a copy of the latest cover (under the
Lenny icon) plus the editor's name and mailing address.
Legend: A-Atheletics,
B-beauty/Cosmetics, C-Career/Business/Finances, D-Drink,
E-Entertainment, F-Fashion/Style, H-Health/Fitness,
I-Image/Self-Improvement, J-Journalism-Investigative,
L-Leisure/Lifestyle, M-Music/Movies/Media, P-Politics,
R-Relationship, S-Sex, T-Technology. (circ/cost of a 4 color page of
advertising) The "@" at the front means that the publication is
primarily local in nature. The date at the end denotes the most
recent issue we've received.
Menstuff Daily Newsletter . At 12:15am PST every morning,
you can click on "Today on Menstuff" in the left side-bar for new
information related to that day and a discussion on a different
"men's issue". Try it out.
Ability Magazine, (6), 2004: Deaf West
Theater: Playing in Los Angeles. Community Entry Services
& Connie Stevens. International Conference Accessible
Technology: CSUN. Interview with Joely Fisher. Traumatic
Brain Injury. Employment. ConnecTV. Dream Foundation. Emergency
Prep. US Update. Stephen Grace. Healthy Recipes.
Events/Conference. Humor Therapy.1001 W. 17th St., Dept F6, Costa
Mesa, CA 92627 2004
Af-Milah, Second Thoughts on Brit-Milah,
The Israeli NewsLetter against Circumcision, (In Hebrew), PO Box
207, Rosh-Pina 12000, Israel,
Allergy & Asthma Network,
5/03: OSCs Celebrate a Decade of Success. New Peanut Allergy
Treatment? Read All About It in Espanol. When Kosher Isn't
Dairy-Free. Tackle That Dust. 3/03: Gearing Up for Spring
Allergies. Can Heartburn cause Asthma Symptoms? Food
Bites: Mealtime solutions. (12/free) Nancy Sander,
Editor-in-Chief, Allergy & Asthma Network: Mothers of
Asthmatics, 2751 Prosperity Ave, Suite 150, Fairfax, VA 22031
Allergy & Asthma Today,
Mothers of Asthmatics. Spr/03: Pollen Hunters: From back
roads to vaccines-the story behing your allergy shot extract. Puffs,
Sprays, Powders & Mists, Oh My! Win/03: The
Eyes Have It: Take the itch out of eye allergies. City vs.
Country Asthma. Food Label Savvy. (12/Free) Nancy Sander, Editor in
Chief, AAT, 2751 Prosperity Ave, Suite 150, Fairfax, VA 22031 or or
American Health Fitness for Men,
4-5/02: Sex Issue: 100 guaranteed sex secrets
revealed! Sexpert advice you need to know! Dating for
dummies. What women want under the sheets! Are you a stud (or a
dud) in the sack? Bad Girl Brawl: The toughest chicks on TV
battle it out (Why, ask ask? Why not.) Hey Guys! Flip over
this mag Now! Cool Stuff for Guys. We Have Some Health
& Fitness Too!Robert Kennedy, Publisher,
& Health: Keys to workforce productivity.
Special Report Fall/00: Real men don't eat quiche (or go
to doctors). Fear and loathing in the doc's office. The little gland
that could. Identifying mechanisms that attract men. Erectile
dysfunction. Dysfunctional visits to the doctor. Preventive health
screenings. What will work? Who will pay? Copies are free. Lisa
Lucas, Business & Health, PO Box 430, Montvale,
NJ 07645-9805 or 800.432.4570.
Cancer Center Report, Sum 01:
Chemistry and Cancer. Radiation Oncology Settles into New Cancer
Center Home. Laboratory Findings. Clinic Notes. Cancer Fighter Focus
- Prostate Cancer Program. Population Science. More Interest Access
for Once-Secret Tobacco Papers. Fall/00: Gastrointestinal
Cancer Program Reorganizes: Aims towards special
NCI recognition. Volunteers Are Vital Contributors to War on
Cancer. From the Clinic. From the Laboratory. A Patient Advocate
Shows How to Make a Difference. Cancer Fighter Focus. Free.
UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center, Communications Unit,
UCSF Box 0128, San Francisco, CA 94143-0128
Cure, Cancer updates, research
& education, Spr 03: Profiling Cancer:
Identifying patterns in genes unlocks one more piece of the cancer
puzzle. Advanced Breast Cancer: New therapies mean longer,
better life. Melanoma: Gearing up the body's natural defenses.
Lymphedema: An underestimated complication gets new attention.
End of Life: Planning for a good death. Combining Science
& Humanity. Important Survey Inside: Tell us what you
think! Also inside: A Physician Gives Tips for
Communicating, Music Heals the Soul, Lessons from a Caregiver, The
Latest in Breast Imaging, Law and Order's S. Epatha Merkeson Speaks
Out about Lunch Cancer, and more! Win 02: Free to cancer
patients, survivors and caregivers for a limited time. Otherwise,
$20/4 issues. Cure, 3535 Worth St, Collins Tower Ste 185, Dallas, TX
75246-9930 or 800.210.CURE or
Editor in Chief Vinay K. Jain or ree subscriptions at
Digest, an online version of the free patient-oriented magazine
Diabetes Digest, distributed through pharmacies. It includes basic
diabetes information for those just diagnosed.
Forecast: The healthy living magazine of the American
Diabetes Association for more than 50 years. It is the monthly
magazine published by the American Diabetes Association. Articles
cover diabetes research and treatment, as well as practical tips for
day-to-day coping. Each full-color issue includes hints on eating
well, beating stress, staying active, getting support, and finding
great diabetes care. In addition to offering subscription
information, this site gives users a free look at selected articles
from current and past issues. 8/03:On the Job: Simple
stategies for balancing work and diabetes. 5 Steps to Banish Leg
Pain. No-Sweat Guide to Safe Exercise. Cut Your Drug Costs Now.
What About Amputation. Constipation and Diabetes.
Alcohol Update. Easy-Stir-Fry. Healthy Sleep. (12/free) Linda M.
Siminerio, Diabetes Forecast, American Diabetes Association, 1701 N.
Beauregard St, Alexandria, VA 22311. 800.806.7801
Diabetic Cooking offers great-tasting,
nutritious recipes to help people with diabetes manage their daily
meal plans. Quick recipes will satisfy everyone in the family, while
there are plenty of b ooking tips, baking secrets, helpful shopping
hints, complete lessons, and menu suggestions for the cooks. Each
bi-monthly issue is also full of color how-to photos that make
following the recipes easy.
Family Urology: A
publication of the American Foundation for Urologic Disease. Vol
III, No 3: Hale Irwin Teams Up with A.F.U.D. for "Better Prostate
Health." September is Prostate Health Month. Testosterone Replacement
Therapy for Men. Vol III, No 1: Survivor Story. Urology
Profile on Michael Manyak. When the Doctor becomes the Patient.
Health Tips for Older Adults. Introduction to Radical Prostatectomy.
Vol VII, No. 2: Urologist Appointed Director of NCI.
Incontinence in Children. Prostate Cancer Survivor Story. What's New
in Pediatric Urology. Vol VII, No 1: Kidney Health Month
March 2002. Proteinuria. DoD Center for Prostate Disease
Research. Vol VI, No. 3: Testicular Cancer Related Effects on
Male Fertility. The Adolescence of Prostate Brachytherapy. Update in
Testing for and Treatment of Bladder Cancer. Vol VI, No 2: Pro
Golfers Team Up to Get "On Course for Bladder Month". Peyronie's
Disease: "What Is It and How Is It Treated?" Immediate versus
Delayed Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Vol VI, No 1: Hematuria.
Male Menopause: Androgen decline in the aging male. Before,
During and After Your Radical Prostatectomy. Anrenergenic Regulation
of Prostate Smooth Muscle. I Was Recently Diagnosed with
Hinman's Syndrome. What is this and can it be treated? Vol V, No
3: Answers to Your Questions about Bladder Cancer. Drug Therapy
for Erectile Dysfunction Vol V, No. 1: Surgery
Versus Radiation for Early Stage of Prostate Cancer.
LPGA Golfers Team Up to Educate the Public About Interstitial
Cystitis - AFUD and ALZA sponsor "On Course for Better Health"
campaign. Vol IV, No 4: From Russia With Love. Interstitial
Cystitis: A condition much more common than previously thought.
The Management of Common Urinary Problems in Children. Kidney
Stones: What you need to know. Vol IV, Issues 1: New
Approaches for Preserving Kidney Function, Spina Bifida. Vol III,
Issue 4. Enlarged Prostate-what you need to know. Coping with
Urologic Disease: A family affair. Internet access and the
patient. (4/$17.50) Lesley Finney, Am Foundation for Urologic
Disease, 1128 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201
Get Up & Go: Age Wave - the monthly
newsmagazine for maturing adults, Editions: SF/Peninsula, Orange
County, (12/$15-Newsstand), 42080 Osgood Rd, Ste 4, Fremont, CA 94539
Harvard Men's Health Watch.12/05
Exercise and Again: Can you walk away from Father Time?
Cancer of the Penis. Ejaculation Frequency and Prostate Cancer.
Chelation Therapy. ($32/year) Havard Health Publications, PO Box
9308, Big Sandy, TX 75755-9309
Healing: Providing pactical, clinical
information to families and children's professionals. Spr/Sum
04: Can autism by conquered? An in-depth look at autistic
spectrum disorders. International Adoption. Adolescent grambling.
Helping teens kick the (smoking) habit. When "No" means "No."
Identifying and combating emotional abuse in children and
adolescents. Psychological clues to the teen school shooter. ($20
or 800.25.PEACE x 8340
Health & Fitness for
Men. Real answers for today's man. 10-11/01: Special
Fashion Issue: Clothes she'll like you in. The New Way to Shed
Fat Fast. Car Sex: Do's & Don'ts for Backseat
Seduction. Your Way to be. Model Physique: Jolt your arms to new size
today. How to get a hard body in 30 minutes. Tailoring workouts for
your bodytype. Amy Fadhli: Hot exclusive! Cool Guy
Gear. 16 More Pages on Training, Sports and Sex. 7/01:
Summer Shape-Up: Now you can tune up big-time & faster than
even! Survival Training with survivor Joel Klug. Seven Ways to
Lengthen Your Life. Let's Talk about Sex: What guys need to
know. How to Cheat Fastfood! Mind Games: Your winning
way. Sports: Football, boxing, hockey and wrestling.
Hepatitis is a bimonthly publicqaation
dedicated to helping those who have been diagnosed with hepatitis to
stay informed of current findings and the different viruses,
treatments, and forms of prevention. The magazine's mission is to
assist patients and their familites in taking control of their own
health care by providing curret, comprehensive information all in one
Male Nurse Magazine, Jerry R Lucas RN, Publisher, 10510 south state hwy3, Deputy, IN 47230 or 812.352.1293 or or E-Mail
ManAlive: A journal of men's wellness.
Sum/03: Fathers. I Didn't Ever Want to be a
Father. Dad Never Had Much to Say. My Father: An admirable man
with flaws. That Stubborn Old Man with the Goats. Healing the Hate.
Rite of Passage. The Spirit of Ancestors: Fathers Coming in
Strange Shapes. His Dad Shows Up: A half century late.
Mission Possible. (4). Gary McFarland, Editor, Man Alive, PO Box
4732, Santa Fe, NM 87502
Man to Man News, Prostate Cancer News and
Information from the American Cancer Society's Man to Man Program.
Issue Two: All Prostate Cancer Therapies have Some Side
Effects. Hereditary Prostate Cancer. Long-Term Look at Prostate
Cancer Treatment Needed. Tomato Sauce Ingredient Benefits Men.
Prostate Cancer Treatement's Side Effects Impact Men's Outlook.
Survivor Story. Some Men with Prostate Cancer may be Able to Delay
Treatment. Prostate Cancer Prevention Studies Underway. Make Prostate
Cancer Treatment Choices Carefully. PC-SPEC taken off the
Market. (4/free) Bruce Blank and Ted Gansler, Editorial Board. Man to
Man, American Cancer Societry,
Men's Fitness: when performance
counts. For the active man who aims to live a healthy, active
life. Features and departments in this monthly magazine focus on
exercise, health issues, and nutrition, and provide readers with the
knowledge to be their best and achieve more. R Fit, active
men, training, nutrition, gear, apparel, adventure sports.
(351M/$27M). 10/01: Start Today: Boost Muscle
& Strength: Hardgainer's 4-week plan. Easy
Cardio: Walk three inches off your waist. Fit Nutrition: 10
superfoods you must eat. 12 Foods You Should Never Eat. Psych Up for
Today's Workout. Retain Your Muscle Gain. Home Workout: Get
lean, toned and flexible - without wieghts. Sex Web Sites That Won't
Get You Fired! 1/00: America's Fattest Cities: Do
you live in the Blubber Belt? Lose Fat for Good! 15
surefire strategies. Don't be a gym dropout: 10 ways to stick
with it. 10 nutrients to boost your performance. Which health web
sites can you trust? Fitness Program 2000. 10/99: 5000 Guys
Sex Survey: Plus Hollywood's 10 Hottest Women and Pamela
Anderson Lee Opens Up: Pam on men's butts, stolen
videotapes, her own fantasies and more. 24 Ways To Customize Your
Physique. Quick Abs: Six-pack breakthrough. 12 Instant
Nutrition Fixes. Latest Research: Creatine's safety
record. Warning! 6 dangerous foods. Hiking
Challenge: America's best rugged trails. 5/99:
Strip Fat Fast! 5 moves for lean muscle. Stretch Your
Supplement Dollar. Hospital hazards 20 survival tips. Fat loss in a
bottle. Jerks: How to beat 'em. Free Bonus
Section: Health, diet, sex tips. MTV's 'Loveline" crew
Uncensored. 3/99: Annual Sex Issues,
More! Better! Total Sex! Full-body training with one exercise.
Energy crisis?-8 food fixes. 39 things you should never do. Plus
instant stress cardio your own doctor.
Previously: Your guide to healthy living. Killer abs-get them now.
Minerals for maximum performance. Big arms in 3 easy moves. Good news
about bad diseases. Meals to knock her socks off. Run better without
running. Joe Weider, Editor, Men's Fitness, 21100 Ervin St, Woodland
Hills, CA 91367
Men's Health is a lifestyle magazine
dedicated to showing men the practical and positive actions that make
their lives better. (See MH18
for the teenage guy - OOP.) Articles and columns cover fitness,
relationships, nutrition, careers, grooming, travel, and health
issues. C H L R Showing affluent men, the practical and
positive action that make their lives better, fitness, nutrition,
travel, grooming. 1,624M/$91M).
5/03: Special
Sectoin: 97 ways to pick up a woman. Stiff
Competition: Woman vs. Man. Women
Die of Prostate Cancer too. 8 Simple Rules for Good Nutrition. 15
Foods that Shrink Your Gut! The Better Sex
Workout: Get strong where it counts. Beat Stress, Boost
Eneregy: Find out how. 33 Great Looks to Catch Her Eye. Build
the Perfect V-Shaped Torso: in 25 minutes a week. 8/02:
Special Weight-Loss Issue! Lose Your Gut! Complete belly-off
program. The 15-minute Home Workout. Free Poster: Sculpt your
abs in less than 28 days! Muscle Shakes You Can Make.
A Summer of Sex! Get ready for action. Build Great Biceps
Fast! The new move that works wonders! 125 Best Foods
for Men. Eat up. 4/02: Build the Perfect Body! 100 best
workout tips of all time. Your Gut's a Goner! The comfort-food
diet. Working Guy's Guide to Style. The One Sex Quiz You Must Take.
Life-Saving Fitness Test! 41 Ways to Melt a Woman's Heart. Free
Poster: Big chest, thin waist, essential exercises. 3/02:
The Amazing Sex Issue! 6 no-fail seduction tricks. The
female orgasm, exposed! Kim Cattrall's dirty little book.
Gorilla dating tactics. Muscle Secrets: Build an incredible body
in 15 minutes! 40 Unwritten Rules of Manhood. Instant Cold
Cure. Strength Snacks. 17 Easy Steps to Perfect Health.
Plus: Whiter Teeth Painlessly. Stop Snoring Now. Full-Body
Muscle Builder. Is Your Dog Ruining Your Sex Life? George
Foreman, Grilled and Workout Tips from Yogi, Moby, Regis and The Thin
White Duke. 2/02: Special Get-Back-In-Shape Issue. The Amazing
Sex Trick: More size! More sighs! Gain Muscle.
Lose Pounds. Free Poster! Hard-Body Insturction Manual. Ultimate
Abs - with just 3 exercises. Exclusive! Dubya's Sober-Up
Strategy: Will it work for you? 1,001 New Health Tips for
2002. Win! A free home workout set. 12/01:
Einstein! Churchill! Homer Simpson! Amazing guys,
amazing advice. Make Good Sex Great. Start tonight! Free
Workout Poster: Build new muscle. 55 High-Energy Superfoods.
Full-Body Dumbbell Workout. Protect Your Family: 25 best ways.
Plus: Weight Control: The red-hot chile pepper diet. Mind
Control: Charm her pants off. Pain Control: Banish
backaches for good! Birth Control: The
no-condom solution. 11/01 (Europe): What Will She Look Like in
10 Years? Sneaky Test. Personal Weight-Loss
Plan: Sent direct to your mobile Today! BUild Muscles
You Never Knew You Had. 2-Week Stress Cure. A Stronger Back in 7
Days. Sex Tricks from Porn Flicks.11/01: Boost Your Sex
Appeal: 50 ways to do it, fast! Want Muscle? Eat this.
Free Poster! Get Strong: This guy's ultimate secrets.
Strip Away Stress. Your Perfect Weight: Get there, stay there.
Exclusive! Sex and Your City: Lusty? or Limp?
10/01: Your New Body is Here! Gain muscle in just 15
minutes a day. 40 Things a Man Should Never Do. Sex So
Hot: She'll speak in tongues. 60-Second Power Breakfasts.
"Oops! The condom broke..." 24 Fast Fixers for Real-Life
Disasters. 347 New Health, Fitness & Nutrition Tips!
9/01: 10 Amazing Sex Secrets (with pictures!) Hard Muscles
Fast! Six new rules to sculpt your body. Sleep Better
Tonight: With these easy tricks. 7 Drinks that Shrink Your Gut
Plus: Add an inch to your chest. 19 instant age erasers. 33
things to buy right now. Free Poster! The cover-model workout.
Guide to Style. 8/01: Summer Get-fit-fast issue. Push Her Lust
Buttons! Lose Your Gut! The 5 best exercises. Special
Bonus: Bigger Arms! A Stronger Chest! Amazing
Abs! 55 secrets from top trainers. The Hard Muscle
Diet: 289 new health nutrition and fitness tips! Be a Sex
Object: Build the body she can't resist. 5/01: 60 Seconds
to Great Sex: The secret trigger that drives her wild. Amazing
Abs in Minutes! A Hard Body: In one hour a week. Free
Nutrition Manual: 10 meals that melt fat fast. 32 Symptoms you
Shouldn't Ignore. Free Poster! Ultimate chest
workout! Plus: Quick fixes for bad backs. Great snacks that
build muscle. 8 incredible tales of survival. Will she
cheat? Gibe her this test! 4/01: Beat Fat for
Good: And lose your gut forever! World's Greatest Sex
Trick: Hurry to page 100. A Bigger Chest: In just one
move. 8 Guy Foods You Need More Of. Look Your Best: In 10
minutes or less. Free Workout Poster: 12 instant muscle
builders. Win! Free Sex for Life! Stress Gone in 60 Seconds.
3/01: Top Secret Sex Spots.: 34 erotic Adentures. Free Workout
Poster: Muscle up in 3 weeks. 100 Ways to Look Great Fast. Power
Foods that Burn Fat. Terror on p 118! Hunter S. Thompson gets
mauled! Stephen King sees dead people! Plus: Bigger biceps
in 90 seconds. Amaxzing Drugs for men. Energy Snacks - that help you
think. Sneaky Bosses - get them fired. Free Bonus Section: Style
guide Spring 2001. 2/01: Special Lose-Weight Issue. Get Back
in Shape! See results in just 10 days. Rock Star Sex: More
power! More rhythm! More squealing! Foods That
Fight Fat. Look Thinner - Instantly! The Easy Way to Hard
Abs. Read This or Die: 397 new health & fitness tips.
Free Workout Poster. Sleep Longer, Sleep Better. Get
Happy! Right Now! (We're not kidding). Stress Tips for Busy
Execs. Herbal Viagra (Get It Now!) The Snack that Makes You Immortal.
Last-Second Valentine Gifts. The Fat that Builds Muscle. Secrets of
Clown Sex. Dress Her Cat Like a Dog. The Invisible Condom!
12/00: Sex School: Pull an all-nighter. Build This
Body Exclusive: Our cover guys show you how. Instant
Calm...Here's how. Nuke Your Gut: The TV dinner diet.
15-Minute Fat Burners. Testosterone: Top off your tank -
naturally. No Flu for You! 2001 Home Gym Buyer's Guide.
Win! A beer vacation! 9/00: Fat to Flat: Drop
20 lbs the easy way. Sex Olympics: Play along at
home! Simplify Your Workout. The Perfect Muscle Drink. 138
things a man should never apologize for. The Best & Worst
Colleges for Men. Bonus Booklet: Arms! Like Anacondas
(that just ate a pig). A cheater back cover that encourages buying
two copies of the same issue without realizing it. (See icon above in
August). Men's Health Guide to Style. Clothes So Great: She'll
rip them off your back. Free Poster: 20 Style Tips: Every
guy should know. Women Rate Your Underwear. Don't Look Like an
Idiot: How to dress in any situation.
8/00: The Ultimate Test. Free Muscle
Poster: Get Your Body Back: The best exercises of all
time. Bonus Booklet: Sex So Good the neighbors will
complain. Build Abs that Show. The Secret Energy Food. Win Your
Weight in Beer! Still Fat? (We'll fix that!) Bench 20
lbs. More. 6/00: How Do You Rate? Sex, money, muscle -
our annual state-of-man report. The Secret Fat-Burner. The Smell She
Can't Resist. Read Her Filthy Mind. The Perfect Workout. Start
today! Weight-loss Poster: Flat belly foods. This
Herb Will Save Your Hair. 8 Exercises We Dare You to Try. Never Have
A Heart Attack. Booze that Heals. 5/00: Want
Sex? Do this! Lose Your Gut: As you
sleep! We're not kidding. Free Pullout: No-Weight
Workout. Eat This Get Strong. 23 Muscle Builders. When Will You Die.
4/00: Special: Our 100th Issue. Get Hard: The
whole-body plan. Get Sex: Read her lust signals. Get
Abs: The 20-minute workout. From Our Lab: 8 new superfoods.
Why Beautiful Women Make You Stupid. Free Muscle-Building Booklet.
1-2/00: 2 Steps to a Flat Stomach. How old is
45? Drop 12 pounds! Hard Muscle: Your
start-up plan. Is Your Marriage Doomed? Take this test.
Free Poster: A year of workouts. 12/99: Build
Muscle at Home: 6 best workouts. The final word
on: High Protein Diets. The Wild Man's Health Plan. Inches
off Your Belly. Immunity-Boosting Foods. 11/99: The Male Brain
Explained. Build a Hard Body: In 15 minutes a day. Add 10
Years to Your Life. Hidden Stress Signals. Ultimate Abs. 10/99:
Special Weight-Loss Issue: Lose 10 lbs. and
more! Drop it now, keep it off forever. One Shot Makes You
Younger. More Muscle Less Sweat. Turn Fat into Energy. 55 Health Tips
You Can't Live Without. 9/99: The Body You Want: In the
time you have. New Cures for Back Pain. 52 Easy Ways to Cut Fat.
Instant Calm. Which Stooge are You? 7/99: Turn Fat into
Muscle: See it in 9 days! Live
Longer: The 6-step plan. Drink This, Get Healthy. Hard
Abs: The easy way. Relax Now! Build a Strong
Back: One simple move. 6/99: Max Muscle by June 21.
Stop Forgetting Stuff! Burn Fat Faster. We Test Baldness
Cures. Build Beach Arms. Get Naked, Save Your Life. Win Free Steaks
for a Year. 5/99: Win Gym Membership for Life. 30 Instant
Health Fixes. Lose 10 lbs of Fat! Muscle-up Your Chest. The Only Two
Vitamins you Need. Your Mom: A survival guide. The
Beer Lover's Workout. 4/99: Naked Muscle: Pack it on in 3
weeks. Sex: The next level. Free Poster: Build a Better
Diet. Lose Your Love Handles. Best & Worst Herbal Remedies.
23 Ways to Feel Great All Day. Hard-Body Handbook: Chapter 1.
3/99: Bullet-Proof Your Heart. Hard Body Basics: The
plan. Beat Fatigue for Good. 14 Pounds-gone. This Pill Makes You
Smarter. 200 Ways to Look Better. 2/99, Special weight-loss
issue: Get back in shape-30 day guarantee. 7 smokin sex secrets. Lose
your gut. The new anti-stress diet. Best home remedies for men.
12/98. Muscle Made Easy - 7 simple steps. Sex So Good - she'll
tell her friends. Body-Building Foods. De-Stress at Your Desk. Test
Your Health. The 37 Worst Things to Put in Your Mouth. Build Arms
Like This Guy's. Michael Lafavore, Editor, Rodale Press, Inc., 33 E
Minor St, Emmaus, PA 18098
MH-18: Men's Health: Fitness, Sports, Girls,
Gear, Life. (OOP) Tons of useful stuff for teenage guys.
WARNING Shady Marketing
Tool. Rodale Press, publishers of MH-18, may print
different covers for the same issue which may include different
teasers on cover articles, so the cover we show here may not be what
you see on the newsstand. Be very careful to note what issue you are
looking for, i.e., Fall, 2001, etc. Win/01: Gift Guide: 32
cool things you'll want now! Xbox vs. Gamecube. Build
Monster Biceps: Free training booklet inside. Talk to Any
Girl. Why We Love Cheerleaders. Marine Corps Workout. Nelly
Flexes Hip-Hop Muscle. Eat Junk, Lose Fat. X-Games X-Clusive.
Fall/01: Rage: Why Are We So Mad? Turn Fat Into Muscle.
Bench 20% More. 10 Ways to Win Her Over. 20 Must-Have CDs.
Blink-182 Rocks Hard. Sick Tricks for BMX. Build a Huge chest Free
Workout Booklet. Win $10,000 for College. It's Your
Skin: Piercing pointers. 42 Drills: Be the
best: Football, soccer, b-ball, wrestling and more.
Sum/01: Snag 6-pack abs. * win a $5000 gaming system. More
Girls that You Deserve. Build Muscle in 4 Weeks. Summer
Special: The best jobs. Awesome road trips. Score a beach
goddess. Cool sports camps. Certified Fit: Champion surfer Tommy
O'Brien + Friend Hillary. Sum/01: Summer Starts Here.
Tough Enough? 9 tests of strength. Snag a Beach Goddess. Amazing Abs.
Make Your Car Kick Butt. Max Muscle in 4 Weeks. 1-2/01:
Build Big Biceps. Will She Date You? 5 ways to know. H.S.
Basketball Tips. Jump Higher, Score More. X Games Girls. Free
Cash for College. Sick Winter: Sports your mom will hate. Jeff
Csatari, Editor, Rodale Inc, 33 E Minor St., Emmaus,
PA 18098 (not accessible) 610.967.5171 MORE ON SHADY MARKETING
Health Watch, Harvard. 7/02: Diabetes: Preventing
Complications that Kill: Understanding Blood Sugar. Shoulder
Pain: Nothing to shrug at. Nighttime Urination. 6/02:
Lest We Forget II: Alzheimer's Disease. Male Infertility.
Prostate Cancer: Three Research Advances. 5/02: Lest We
Forget 1: Remembering and forgetting. Sex and the
Heart: New guidelines for men. PSA: Friend or foe? On call.
4/02: Should You Have a Stress Test Before You Exercise?
Bladder Cancer. Knocked Cold: A Concussion Discussion.
(12/$24) Miniscule for the Money. Eight pages, two-color. Harvey B.
Simon, Editor, 10 Shattuck St, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02115
or 800.829.3341
The Moyad Health
Journal: Realistic, practical and honest health and
nutritional information (no more and no less),(4/$25)
Sum/00: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Fish & Shellfish
Everywhere. Realistic Recipes. BVlood Pressure in America. Watercress
- A Power Food. Latest Reseaerch on Nutrition
& Supplements. Prescription Drug Update. Moyad Health
Journal, PO Box 1007, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 or 734.769.1004 x 1626
Nerve: Think about sex. 3-4/01:
Sex and Fashion: Getting it on, taking it off. Skin-tight.
Low-cut. Thigh-high. See-through. Peekaboo. Hip-hugging. Half-off.
Double-breasted. Low-slung. Buttoned-down. Laced-up. 52 pages of
barely-there fashion. Sex Without Condoms: A confession.
The Hottest Circus on Earth. 12/00-01/01:
Plastic Surgery Down There. Sex with the
New Rich too Big? The People, Places and Things That Get us Hot
and/or Bothered: Twisted sex from the land of oz. Mormon
Love-Ins. Oprah's Latex Bind, Buffy's Orgasmic Subtext.
Plus: Strippers, Streakers and Surprising Sex Symbols-from Putin
to Potter. #64. The Hottest Unconsummated Affair on TV: Lauren
Velez and Dean Winters Burn It Up on Oz. (6/$25) Nerve Magazine, 520
Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
New Choices, Living Even Better After
50. Published 8 times a year. Is written for men who have made a
lifetime commitment to holiness, reconciliation and discipleship. It
covers every aspect of a man's life from spiritual and physical to
emotional and social. Such topics as career, children, church,
relatinoships, and bible study are detailed in this magazine.
Mobility Magazine, 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd, Malibu, CA 90265-8987.
800.338.5412 or
NOCIRC, National Organization of Circumcision
Information Resource Centers. (donation) Spr 01: Genital
Integrity Awareness Week Launched. Medicaid Report Exposes Wasteful
Spending. 18-Year-Old Files Lawsuit Against His Circumciser. Dad
Protects Son in New Jersey Lawsuit. Spr 00: U.S. Circumcision
Rate Falling. UN Grants NOCIRC Roster Status. First Baby of
the New Millennium (uncircumcised). $10 Million Circumcision Lawsuit
Settled. Botched Circumcision Leads to Aus $360,000 Settlement. Box
2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979
Prevention: America's # 1 choice
for healthy living. 9/01: Our Breakthrough Program! Do
Just One Thing and beat the Top 10 Health Threats. Feel better
now! Stop Diabetes! Drop Stubborn Pounds! Recharge
Your Diet! Clobber Cholesterol! Slash Cancer
Risk! Beat Arthritis Pain! Double Your Weight Loss with
this easy trick.(12) Robert Rodale, Editor-in-Chief, PO Box
7319, Red Oak, IA 51591
The Prevention Researcher,
(4/$20), 66 Club Rd, Ste 370, Eugene, OR 97401 (Spring, 99)
Probe: A quarterly newsletter of the
Prostate Awareness Foundation for Prostate Cancer Patients.
(4/Free w/Membership) Win/00: Sex & Prostate Cancer/.
News from the Mainstream. Alternative Medicine Corner. Some
Suggestions When Seeing a Doctor. Probe, 2166 12th Avenue, San
Francisco, CA 94116 or 415.675.5661
Prostate Self Help for Prostate
Cancer Patients. Basically the same four-pager as Probe (4/Free
w/Membership) Summer/00: Sex, Lies & Incontinence,
Here are Some General Points for Dealing with Incontinence, and some
that Relate Specifially to Having Sex. Prostate Self Help, 2166 12th
Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116 or 415.675.5661
Self Helper - many states have local
organization/publication. See
@ Senior Magazine, (12/free) 3565 S Higuera St, San Luis
Obispo, C A 93401 (11/99)
Sex Life. #5: Don't have sex in the
dark. Erotic Talk: Flirting & Talking Dirty. Sex
Product Rip-offs. Monogamy or Not to Be.
Infertility. Get What You Really Want in Bed. Ann
Arbor: Look before you leap. Guy
Talk: Friendship & the hot babe.
S&M: Satisfy your curiosity. Female Sexual
Anatomy: News about her pleasure center.
(6/$28-newsstand), Evan Elaine Quon, Editorial Development, Zygote,
Inc., 530 Showers Dr, #7-315, Mountain View, CA 94040
Testosterone, Muscle with Attitude.
No. 7: Regulate Myostatin...And take the brakes off muscle
growth! Pop 'Em Out Muscles: See stubborn body parts
grow! How to Cheat on Your Diet and
Win! Expose: Dirty tricks supplement companies play on you.
5 Ways to Un-Stick Your Bench Press. The Pro-Steroid Roundtable. PO Box 60310,
Colorado Springs, CO 80960-0310 800.530.1940.
The Voice of the Diabetic. This
quarterly magazine published by the Diabetes Division of the National
Federation of the Blind covers all aspects of eye complications
caused by diabetes. The magazine emphasizes tight control, diet, and
personal independence despite eye problems. The site features current
and back issues
We Magazine is the lifestyle magazine
for disabled individuals, their families, and their friends. Readers
will enjoy news updates, profiles of leading advocates, book and
movie reviews and coverage of issues in education, breakthroughts in
science and medicine, and work.
The first wealth is health. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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