There is an epidemic of brain injuries annually
that are caused by head trauma from preventable
accidents. Each year 1.5 to 2 million Americans
have traumatic brain injuries. Of this number,
50,000 die, and 90,000 experience long-term
disability. Traumatic brain injury is the leading
cause of death and disability in people youger than
45. The highest risk occurs between ages 15 and 25,
with the rates for males 2 to 3 times the rates for
females. Currently at least 5.3 million Americans -
a little more than % of the US population -
are living with disabililties resulting from brain
The most effective treatment for brain injury is
prevention. Almost half of all brain injuries
result from motor vehicle accidents, and declines
in death rates have paralleled th euse of seat
belts and motorcycle helmets. Young people,
however, remain at high risk. Motor vehicle crashes
are the leading cuse of death for 15- to
20-year-olds (more than 70% of whom sustain head
trauma). According to the Brain JInjury Association
of America, seat belts are 57% effective in
reducing brain injuries from car accidents. Air
bags increase protection further but are not a
substitute for seat belts. Because infants and
children under 12 can be injured by air bags, it is
important to seat them in the rear seat.
More than 80% of all motorcycle crashes result
in injury or death to the rider. Nevertheless, risk
can be reduced with helmets, which are 67%
effective in preventing brain injuries from
motorcycle accidents. In the 15- to 20-year-old age
group, more than half of motorcycle riders who are
fatally injured are not wearing helmets.
Public health campaigns about the importance of
bicycle helmets successfully raised the percentage
of bicycle riders who regularly wear helmets from
18% in 1991 to 50% by the end of the decade. Of the
813 bicyclists killed in crashes in 1997, 97% were
not wearing helmets. Helmet use is the single most
effective protection against bran injury for
bicyclists, and studies show that children are more
likely to wear helmets when their parents or
friends also use them. Helmets must be orn properly
to provide protection: they should be placed
directly over the forehead, and chin straps should
be tichtened so that only two fingers fit
underneath. The same risk present for bicyclists
also applies to adults and children who use in-line
skates and scooters. Users should wear helmets,
knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards.
Helments reduce the risk of brain injury in
multiple recreational sports, from football and
horseback riding to skiing and snowboarding. The
Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) estimates that in 1997 there were
17,500 head injuries, including 2,600 head injuries
to children, as well as 11 deaths, could be
prevented or minimized each year with universal use
of helmets by skiers and snowboarders.
Some basic pedestrain and playground safety
measures can further decrease the risk of brain
injury for children. Fifty thousand children each
year are struck by vehicles while walking or
playing near home. Teach children to look left,
right, then left again before crossing roads and to
watch for turning cars. Children walking after dark
should wear reflective clothing and should never
wear headphones when crossing the street.
Source:Ability Magazine,

Related Topic: Only
Dumb Parents Don't Wear Helmets
Resource: Brain Injury Association of
America's Family Helpline, 800.444.6443 or
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