Be sure to read Hella Shawn's latest
eMail to menstuff.org. Some of Rotten Cotton's
supporters like the T-Shirt that say "Don't Girls
Don't Say No" is funny. I'm sure they think having
sex with drunk girls is too. The proliferation of
web sites supporting getting girls drunk or giving
them a date rape drug is cool. Well, this is what
we think. 

They are still at it -
Rotten Cotton -
Rotten Cotton -
Rotten Cotton -
direct response from Hella Shawn at Rotten
Rotten Cotton's
Rotten Cotton
Related Actions: Items from David
& Goliath and
Happy Bunny and sold at
Books and Fred
Meyer plus Rotten
Cotton and Future
Wife Beater T-shirts and
Menstuff® has compiled the following
information on this web site, out of Antioch, CA.
They have updated their site to remove the Old Crow
Bourbon products that suggest getting a girl drunk
with Old Crow and then raping her, because they
have removed that information from their site. (see
Response dated 4/25/02). However, we are
leaving the article intact because, apparently the
only reason they took Old Crow off was their
distributor wasn't making them any longer because
of the article about them that appeared in
magazine.. They continue to glamorizes serial
killers, promote sexism, racism, and homophobia.
And that's just for starters.
Lines like "It gets them passed out real quick
so you can have your way with them sexually..." and
"The women were all passed out and had no idea what
the f--- was going on...but that's the way it
should be..." "Thanks Dr. Crow, most of us wouldn't
get Laid without ya!"
They offer 16 different categories from Cult and
Exploitation to Serial Killers, Murders and
Criminals. And, from Sex and Sleaze to Black
Pop-Culture. Designs include: "Dead Girls
Never Say No", "Sex, Murder, Art," "Jim Jones and
The Last Supper," "Bitch, Betta' Have My Money!"
"I've had 27 abortions." A picture of Princess Dye
with the words "Dead Whore" "Drunks Against Madd
Mothers" to give you an idea. Let them know what
you think! www.rottencotton.com
or Rotten Cotton, PO Box 3315, Antioch,
CA 94531. You might like to let Old Crow know,
too. Norman H. Wesley, CEO, Fortune Brands Inc, 300
Tower Pkwy, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 or
or www.fortunebrands.com
or 800.310.5960 or 847.484.4400. Ask them if they
will be selling those T-shirts in the new Jim Beam
Outpost. Fortune Brands also own Jim Beam, Old
Grand Dad, Old Taylor, Moen, Master Lock, Day Timer
and Titleist, to name a few of their products. Find
out what they are doing about the slandering of
their name, if anything.
Shawn is Still at it at
Rotten Cotton (3/26/10) You can judge for
yourself - has he been able to expand his
vocabulary in the last 8 years? I think not.
Just noticed you are STILL talking shit about my
company and wanted to thank you for all the free
How does it feel to be a lousy bunch of cry baby
fucking assholes?
I bet you were a Tattle-tale in your youth, a
hall monitor in high school and now you are a BITCH
on line. Somethings never change.
Instead of just being MEN, and just staying away
from sites you don't agree with you bitch and cry
like WOMEN.
Is it Gordon Clay or Gordon GAY?
Rotten Cotton Graphics
Our Reply (3/26/10)
Good ole Hella Shawn:
Still hiding under a rock? I agree, some things
never do change and we will continue to expose your
ilk and your work that tries to make men out of
insecure little boys like yourself as long as you
continue to sell t-shirts and stickers that say
things like "Dead Girls Never Say No" and "My kid
raped your honor student". Deal with it.
Gordon Clay
They're still at it - 010109
These guys LOVE hate mail. They probably really
"Get Off" on it. But we have this hope that the
people who buy any of these T-shirts actually wear
them. It would be a service for their community.
Like an advertisement about their personalities.
That's probably more effective for their local
communities to identify them. That is if the
purchasers have the guts to wear them in public and
not hide out in the alley.
Here are some of their current T-shirts.
Dead girls never say no - rottencotton.com/shirts/crazy_ass/202_dedgirls.htm
RIP I dig chicks rottencotton.com/shirts/crazy_ass/407_digchicks.gif
Abortion: It's never too late (picture
of a coathanger)/rottencotton.com/shirts/crazy_ass/405_abortionhang.gif
If she's old enough to pee...she's old enough
for me. rottencotton.com/shirts/crazy_ass/409_pee.gif
Is it rape if she's dead: rottencotton.com/shirts/crazy_ass/413_deadrape.gif
Skull Fuck
My kid raped your honor student rottencotton.com/shirts/crazy_ass/79_honors.htm
Rotten Cotton - 5/27/08
Well, they are still trying to sell their "My kid
raped your honor student", "Dead girls never say
no" and "I fucked your daughter" T-shirts and are
now dredging up the bottom of the cesspool with a
movie they are working on called Black Devil
Doll. Their warning gives you an idea of where
these Albany, California boys have gone - "This
film depicts totally awesome scenes of murder and
rape. No one under 17 will be allowed."
Rotten Cotton -
We were told by someone who talked with "Tom" at
Rotten Cotton that "their distributor was no longer
making the Old Crow T-shirts and that page had been
removed from the site some time ago because of the
article that appeared in Bitch
magazine about them." We're not sure what "Some
time ago" means, since we saw it on their site in
February and the title "Old Crow" was still on
their side bar this morning (4/24/02). It did
disappear by the afternoon, which we also found
interesting. So, the Old Crow T-shirts are gone but
the "Dead Girls Never Say No..." and "My kid raped
your honor student" T-shirts and Stickers

Hella Shawn
direct response from Hella Shawn at Rotten
Cotton (4/25/02)
You would probably expect me
to respond to you with four letter words, attitude,
and hate. But that would be a waste of my energy
and I've got better things to do with my pent-up
here to see what
they actually said on their web site). Instead,
this letter is to thank you for the free publicity
and controversy. After all that's what Rotten
Cotton is all about, we sell T-shirts with a sick
sense of humor, you either love 'em and wear them
proudly or ya hate em' and get offended. And you
were offended enough to create and entire page
about us, so we must be doing something right! It
flatters me that we are receiving this much
attention from you guys. Thanks! Anyway you keep
doing what you do best (protesting and complaining)
and we'll keep doing what we do best (selling
twisted clothing). You see, all this "buzz" helps
us sell more T-shirts! In fact, most of the shirts
you are complaining about never sold...until now!
It basically comes down to this, we have the right
to sell such T-shirts as much as you have the right
to protest. Right? Just don't forget, we FEED of
your protesting and complaining...Take care guys
-Hella Shawn
Hella's right. It may sell
more T-shirts. And, that's not all bad. If the
people who purchase the "Dead Girls Never
Say No..." and "My kid raped your honor student"
T-shirts have the guts to
wear them in public, it serves us all to be able to
spot them more easily and it lets everyone else
know what they think about girls and women. I'd say
that's the best publicity of all - having the
purchaser's go public. Gordon Clay
Rotten Cotton's actual
response on their web site under Hate Mail on
their side-bar www.rottencotton.com/hatemail.htm
We get tons of hate mail here at the Rotten
Cotton Compound. It's a daily occurrence
people are just too close-minded to comprehend our
special brand of fucked-up humor. It's a free
"Cuntry", if you do not dig our shit, simply stay
the fuck away from our site. We don't want your
pansy ass here anyway. Believe it or not, there are
people that enjoy the FREEDOM of wearing whatever
the fuck they want no matter who it
But there will always be a few people
that simply cannot ignore something they lack the
intelligence to understand, and they lash
Taking hours out of their day constructing
hate mail. And here is where they end up
4-25-02 Closet Faggots (Another Rotten Cotton
Wow! A lot of crap has been going down lately,
it seems that every politically correct piece of
shit, has jumped on the bandwagon to bring us down.
It all started with BITCH Magazine, then a
bunch of feminists and bull-dikes (see below). Now
a group of "men" are on our asses. Go here and
check these pieces o' shit out: http://www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/rottencotton.html
They claim they are an organization for Men,
"Working since 1982 to end men's isolation."
Whatever the hell that means... If you ask me,
these guys need a few shots of whiskey and a cheap
Asian hooker... Blowing a load on some hooker's
face my lighten them up a bit. Anyway, take a look
at what these clowns have to say and make sure you
send them an email, if they can bitch, so can we
We Wrote back on 4/25/02
I've got a great idea. Since you like publicity
so much, why don't you put a picture of yourself
posing in your "Dead Girls Never Say No..." T-shirt
on your web site and we'll pick it up and put it
with the Rotten Cotton article on our web site.
That way you'll really promote your cause and get a
lot more exposure for your web site and its
products. What do you think?
Gordon Clay
They Wrote Back 4/25/02
Gordon, thats a great idea, now your thinkin'!!!
I'm emailing a cool shot over now!!! -shawn
Well, there really isn't any room for it on my
site. Our customers don't want to see my fat ass in
the shirts, they'd rather see a female, I'd
probably scare them away. Oh well, your page is
effective enough as it is. Thanks anyway-shawn
More Rotten Cotton
Finally, what Rotten Cotten supporters have said.
In their exact words. We copied and pasted their
e-mails as written and didn't use spell-check on
any of them.
We assume that they put their money where their
mouth is and proudly wear the T-shirts in public
that we are talking about ("Dead Girls Never Say
No..." and "My kid raped your honor student").
However, none of them have had the nerve to send us
a picture of themselves wearing either one of those
T-shirts so we can put it our web site to further
promote Rotten Cotton. Seems like they just mouth
off and then go run and hide behind their e-mail
addresses. That's real gutsy. But then, you can
tell what kind of "real men" these guys are by
reading their responses.
1/1/07 - Hey you fucking dick lickers,
can you recall a few years back when you
cocksuckers were giving Rotten Cotton shit for
their T Shirts? Well i just was reading about that
and i must say you guys are fucking pussys! This
whole website is a motherfucking joke. You need to
shut this website down dickspit. Gordon Clay is a
fucking child molesting asshole. Oh and by the way,
i dont even know anyone who works for Rotten Cotton
and in no way did they put me up to this message,im
just a hardcore supporter of them and i get pissed
when morons like you guys try to get on their ass.
Ryan, Deadbeatfan@hotmail.com
5/9/2004 - I'm all for being postivite,
and your site is certainly that, but extreme
dissidents and outlaws are super-awesome in their
own right. Our modern yuppie society needs a good
beating, and Rotton Cotton does just that. I am an
anarchist, and while our belief is usually a very
positive, progressive one, I find extreme
rebellion, as is found in, say, a T-shirt of
Charles Manson, somehow beautiful. The thrashing of
our country and our morals is good, so read some
Stirner and stop being so loyalistic. - G.
10/19/03 - Hey dip shits what the hell is
your problem I'm a Rotton Cotton supportor and
there shirts are awesome. I've bought 3 shirts so
far and I plan on buying more. My favorite is the
sucide shirt i bought and I love the attention I
get from the shirt. The shirts dead girls never say
no and my kid raped your honor student are funny as
hell. You'll all said snuff means to rape a girl
and catch it on tape if you would have looked it up
you would know it means an act of killing caught on
tape dumb shits. - S. Looney
10/2/03 - Dear Gordon Gay, I mean Clay.
Why do you try to end the making of tee-shirts that
simply say things that you dont agree with? EVEN IF
they did promote rape and violence,
so-fucking-what? There's something called "freedom
of speech" and I should be able to wear a shirt
that says whatever the fuck i want it to but
because of dickless pussies like you who think they
are on some sort of moral crusade just to inflate
their stupid fucking egos, cool sites like rotten
cotton get censored and I cant buy shit that I
would have bought. OOOO, so alot of rape happens,
and it's a "sensitive" issue, since when was
hurting people's feelings illegal? or offending
someone? It's not, you know why? because only
dumbshits like you think it should be. Anyone can
tell you that there are millions of porn sites on
the net that are way more offensive and degrading
towards women than a site selling t-shirts that say
"dead girls dont say no," which is a joke btw no
matter how much you try and say it's not. So, go
get a life and fuck yourself. - tomato gangster
9/23/03: you sound like a bunch homo's
and get off the rotten cotton hater mode it really
brings out the sissy bithes out of all of ya! -
Dark Sun
8/13/2003 - Wow!, I'd just like to say
I've never bought a rotten cotton product in my
life (not that I wouldn't they have some cool
stuff). But I gotta say as a dad of two beautiful
little girls and husband of an intelligent and
beautiful wife....LIGHTEN UP!
Dead girls don't say no?!? they don't say
My own sister was raped (I severly beat her
rapist and am proud of the fact!) Don't you get
that the idea is to get your goat? It's supposed to
make you angry! So a few desings in thier catalog
are a bit rough...so..don't buy them.
I think it's great that you exercise your right
to express your oppinions about RC's products.But
by the same token don't try to step on others right
to have acces to them.
America used to be about freedom remember? That
includes your freedom to not like it and our
freedom to get the joke.
Our reply to the above:
Thanks for your note. I don't however, see how
anything I said suggests outlawing them or shutting
them down in any other way than people who read the
column decide on their own not to buy the shirts we
mentioned. However, I still don't find the
messaages funny, as you seem to.
Regarding the "Dead girls don't say no"
T-shirt. Whether the creators of the T-shirt
intended it or not, girls and women are still
killed in the US for sex. Snuf films and sex with
corpses still go on here. If you don't know what a
snuff film is, that is a video of a girl being
killed, usually by strangulation, during the sexual
act. Seldom, if ever, is it by her own choice. It
would be interesting if your girls and/or wife knew
this and would still feel comfortable wearing the
T-shirt or having you wear the T-shirt in public.
Would you let one of your daughters date a guy that
wore that T-shirt in public and was proud of
The other T-shirt we pointed out read "My kid
raped your honor student". And, while I'm sure your
sister was pleased that you found her rapist and,
maybe, taught him a lesson, I doubt that the actual
rape has left her mind. Unfortunately, the majority
of rapists get away with it and their victims don't
have big brothers to track them down. How would you
feel if the father of the rapist was proudly
wearing that T-shirt at his son's trial? I guess my
empathy for the victims of sexual violence cause me
to encouarge people not to see rape jokes as funny
and not buy and display these messages in public. A
rape victim has enough to deal with without being
confronted with reminders of how some men see, act
towards and treat women. - Gordon Clay
6/9/03 - I just read about what went on
with you and Rotten Cotten. Let me say, you guys
are the biggest fuck-rags i have seen in a long
time. Don'tyou get that by complaining about all
this shit and writing letters- you are just giving
them more publicity(which is great since rotten
cotton rules) and your just making a bigger deal of
the "rape" issue. If you don't like the shit they
sell, stay the fuck away from the goddamn site! You
people have nothing better to do than to complain
about something, you might not understand.AND WHAT
2/15/03 - Obviously from my email address
you could probably guess I am writing you about
Rotten Cotton. My name is Chris, I started ordering
from Rotten Cotton when I was 16, I'm now turning
18 in a week and am a junior in High School, I
normally order anywhere from 8 to 12 shirts a year.
I only wear Rotten Cotton shirts, that's 7 days a
week that I show my support to Rotten Cotton. I'm
not afraid to speak my mind, nor am I some sort of
weird 'goth' I'm just a person who likes horror
movies, reads about serial killers, and has a weird
since of humor. Everyone at school likes my shirts
I've even gotten a few people to order from Rotten
Cotton. People tire of seeing the same thing
everyday, in a school where hundreds wear
Abercrombie and Fitch it's nice to see something
different. The most extreme shirts I have bought
from them are a shirt featuring Charles Manson and
the "Lets do Lunch" Dahmer shirt, both of which I
wear to school, my teachers, although at appalled
at first, now joke about it...After reading all of
your distorted views I have decided to get the Dead
Girls Never Say No tee next time I place an order
which I will wear to school, though freedom of
speech may be some what nonexistent at school, I
still have it, as does every citizen in the united
states, you cannot stop Rotten Cotton as long as
the first amendment is still in place. Keep
preaching your views, and rotten will keep getting
more hits. Here's a page with pictures of people
showing their support for rotten. Chris, OKC,
11/11/02 - OH MY GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
at it you might as well kill all jews and people
who dont have blonde hair and blue eyes, you should
think about renaming your organization to
Nazistuff. have a wonderful day, watch out for
clothing!!!!! weasel
10/14/02 Greetings! You fascist cretins!
Dear Preachy Assholes,So many things can be said
about you dumbshits. First of all who the hell
gives you the right to tell people what's sexist?
hmmm, let's see, NOBODY! That's who. If it doesn't
offend women(intelligent women, not some dumb jesus
loving bitch who thinks Marilyn Manson is the
reason her smack-addict son committed suicide)than
it's not your fucking place to stick your upturned
nose in it. My girlfriend, one of the smartest, and
strongest most self confident and aware girls i've
ever known loves rotten cotton as much as i do.
What's that tell you assholes? That you're a bunch
of self righteous morons!!! What do you guys think
about the T-shirt with Anton LaVey(founder of The
Church of Satan, author of The Satanic Bible) on
it, or The Baphomet? What do you pro-moral,
anti-truth fucks have to say aobut them? Come on,
tell me your opinion on my religion, everything
else seems to offend you, you must have something
to say about that. Afterall, Satanism teaches
people horrible things, like do whatever makes you
happy as long as you don't hurt anyone who doesn't
deserve to be hurt in the process. You people make
me sick! If people like you had their way, there
would be public book burnings, and smashing
"offensive records" in public squares. Then we'd
all hold hands and thank god for the disease and
war and death he's blessed us all with. I wish i
could beat you all with your own bibles, but why
fucking bother? You aren't worth the trouble, as
long as you've heard my opinion, and that of anyone
else who opposes you, the only intelligent opinions
on your stupid little site i might add, then my
work is done. Have a nice day. I hope you all choke
to death on your own bullshit. SINcerely,
9/21/02: Your site about Rotton Cotton
was so funny that I'm going have to order another
t-shirt from them. I will dedicate my purchase of
"I Fuck Nuns" to you. PS: I showed the site to a 24
y/o female pagan friend of mine... she loved it,
she now knows where to go to get her husband a Xmas
present. Brad in Los Angeles.
9/14/02 - You believe that by wearing the
whole "Dead Girls don't say no.." shirt and the
other ones, that the person actually believes that
and does that stuff? I doubt that there is a whole
lot of people that wear that shirt that actually do
sexual acts with dead people. And regular main
stores sells just as bad shirts as that. On TV
there are things shown worse than that and alot of
stuff on that site. Plus it really doesn't make the
world worse, it doesn't make someone that is
wearing it more stupid to actually go and chop
someone up in pieces or rape someone. If I actually
had money I would probably by one of those shirts,
maybe not the abortion one cause it is kinda stupid
to me, but the dead girls don't say no and i dunno
what else.And I am not no sick pervert who goes and
has sex with dead bodies. And if I bought a shirt
that had something about raping.Well I know I
wouldn't rape anyone. I don't believe in it. Since
I know the pain and stuff that rape brings
personally. It is just funny. and alot of people
think it is funny. It's just as bad as the news
telling you that someone raped and killed someone
or about this person blowing their brains out or
having tons of serial killer. So it is doing no
harm. But if you guys love so much to complain.
Since who doesn't like to complain and argue and
stuff? No one can stop you because you too have the
freedom of speech and it's funny to get on other
people's nerves. Which is what you are doing to
some people,. OR just having them think that you
are retarded. And yea. well byebyes. DrkAshes
8/29/02 - You are making the assertion
that by "wearing these shirts people go public
about their opinion on women and rape". That is
definitely one of the most stupidest sentences I
ever came across. Not only stupid but also
reflecting (as does the rest of your useless
website) your deep ignorance of far more serious
ACTUAL ISSUES. It is obvious that you are trapped
in sophisms and politically correct nonsense, which
is far more destructive for your country that all
the so-called terrorists put together. In fact, it
is people like you who are responsible for the
downfall of western society into ills of all sorts.
I am not here to fish you out of your ocean of
DENIAL so here's my opinion.
I think that ROTTEN SHIRTS are great. They
should even try to make them more offensive. A
tee-shirt that shocks, or make people laugh, it not
just a piece of clothing but also a statement to
make you THINK. Not in a whiny, immature response
like:"Oh my god, this should be forbidden!" but
rather in a response like: "Hummm, yes, maybe I
should try to see if I can do something about rape
problems" etc. Do you understand what I mean? Is it
that rape is such a big issue for your little
imagination that you prefer to simply shun it from
your view? Don't give us the "incitating to
violence" line because it is BULLSHIT. Don't you
think that it is worst than millions of kids
watching a daily hour of Bugs Bunny blasting a
12gauge shotgun in some other toon's face? Do you
think that the person who wears a shirt that says
"Dead girls never say no" is fundamentaly worst
that the one who wears a suit and tie and fondles a
woman's butt, knowing that she won't talk in fear
of losing her job? Huh? Answer yes or no: do you
believe that a person who wants to commit a rape
would not find better legal protection by using his
wealth, reputation, or political power that he
would by walking down the street wearing a
Don't bother to respond, you have insulted my
intelligence enough already. Jay
8/3/02 - Menstuffed, Damn, you guys are
fuckin' clueless... number 1: dead girls don't say
no. That's just true. When you die, you don't go to
heaven and look down and say, "oh my god! someone's
raping my dead body!" Nope. When you die, you're
gone, that's it, no more you. A corpse won't give a
shit what happens to it unless it's a zombie in a
cheap porno. If you're just so [sniff]
sensitive that you have to bitch about that shirt,
than I'm sorry but you just suck... There is
nothing even morally wrong with it b/c it's too
ambigious. Dead girls don't say no if you ask them
for a smoke either. I mean, do you guys take this
much offense to horror movies too [which also
comprise at least 90% of all the rotten cotton
shirts]? number 2: Honor students. Almost every
honor student I knew in high school spent many a
weekend getting trashed off of liquor and coke
[not the soda], and finding hookers or
whoring themselves to the football team [gender
specific]. Most of america's sons are out for
their kicks and america's daughters chase them for
the dickins. You, the "responisble adults" with
your diluted sense of political correctness have
disenfranchised your children into our current
state of nation-wide rebellion. I hope I'm not
overloading your simple skulls with the fact that
the tighter you try to clench your ideals into our
beings, the more apt we are to slip away into
abandonment as we flush your false propheticism out
of our systems. You see, we don't trust you. You,
the fat middle-aged conservatives of our nation,
are the sole reason your children are all fucked
up. We don't respect you because you have given us
no reason to. So, as Hella Shawn said, thanks for
the free publicity, because anytime someone reads
your site [which is something RC recommends to
everyone who visits their site] it makes them
more likely to purchase the specific shirts you
bash. Like By concentrating on the worst you can
find in their catalogue, you have influenced people
to buy those shirts [and yes they wear them in
public you dip shits], and therefore it is your
fault for further "demoralizing" the youth of the
nation. Same reason that more children buy CDs with
the parental advisory stickers, that's how we know
we're on the right track. Your time is dying, and
soon will be over, as the day of the destructive,
heretic, and blasphemous are coming. Sorry to be
the one to break that to you, but you should have
seen it coming a long time ago. Oh, and as far as
Old Crow is concerned, I've long since known that
any girl that'll put out drunk, will put out sober
too with no more effort than it took to get her
drunk. By the way, I'll be very disappointed in you
if you don't publish this letter, though I wouldn't
be surprised if you didn't. - CC
CC - We most gladly will publish your
letter. We would be happy to include your real name
and where you're from, since you so proudly support
having sex with dead or drunk women? - Gordon
7/26/02 - Ok, i see the other responces
are lacking a little in lenght... so this one is
gonna be a full out rant. You clain the shirts
promote Raping women and that they find it funny. I
think you are wrong. If raping women was funny to
them, there would be a lot more shirts there, and
you would have more of a reason to gripe and
complain... though it is your right to do so
legaly. I proudly wear my Shirt that says "Dead
Girls Cant Say No!" because its a Joke, and Nothing
more. I dont think anyone takes the shirt
seriously, and i have had Several people, male and
female ask me where to get on like it. After wards
i see them wearing their shirts too. I personaly
think your reading too much into this and are
overblowing the situation, which is a good thing
for them, because they get free publicity at your
6/20/02 - We wrote to Aly: "We welcome
freedom of speech. And what we understand from your
email is that you would welcome the men (father,
brother, lover, husband) in your life wearing any
of the following T-shirts from Rotten Cotton - the
ones we are talking about. "Dead Girls Never Say
No..." and "My kid raped your honor student" How
Rotten Cotton sees women: "It (Old Crow) gets them
passed out real quick so you can have your way with
them sexually..." and "The women were all passed
out and had no idea what the f--- was going
on...but that's the way it should be..." "Thanks
Dr. Crow, most of us wouldn't get Laid without ya!"
I guess some people still think rape is funny. -
Gordon Clay
6/20/02 - I would have anyone wearing the
t-shirts they r awsome and only jokes...they are
harmless and nothing more then that~Aly~
6/19/02 - hey i just wanted to say
rottencotton is the shit, its funny and their
shirts r great there is nuttin wrong wit them -
6/13/02 - wow, i would think you guys
would have something better to do than fuck with
people who are simply more openminded thann
yourselves.. fuck off and get a life - sincerly,
5/9/02 -You guys aren't men, you're
pussies! Jesus-God-In-Heaven, you're all so fucking
stupid you can't see that it's all in good fun. And
besides, Bourbon is good for ya! - Addicted
4/23/02 - Cunts! get a life -
* * *
Political action is the highest responsibility of a
citizen. - John F. Kennedy

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