are Stupid
One of Our Columnists Sends a
Books Also Carries Offensive
Fred Meyer One-Stop Shopping to the
Related Actions: Items from David
& Goliath and
Happy Bunny and sold at
Books and Fred
Meyer plus Rotten
Cotton and Future
Wife Beater T-shirts and
Boys are Stupid Campaign
Today boys have fallen seriously behind girls at
all K-12 levels. By high school the typical boy is
a year and a half behind the typical girl in
reading and writing. Girls get better grades than
boys and boys are far more likely than girls to
drop out of school or to be disciplined, suspended,
held back, or expelled. Boys are four times as
likely to receive a diagnosis of attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder as girls, and the vast
majority of learning-disabled students are boys.
Boys are less likely to graduate high school, go to
college, or graduate college than girls.
Allowing girls to wear "Boys Are Stupid"
accessories rubs salt in the wound--why are
administrators and teachers permitting it?

Author and LA radio show host Glenn Sacks
is campaigning to get an international retail chain
of 3,000 outlets called Claire's which sells hats,
wallets, wristbands, socks and other products which
say "Boy are Stupid - Throw Rocks at Them", "Stupid
Factory - Where Boys are Made", "Boys Lie and Kind
of Stink", "Boys have Cooties" and "Boys are
Smelly", to remove these products from its stores.
(Check the opening page of the manufacturer's web
site which makes this violence against boys into a
cartoon - see
We've offered to assist him in getting these
products removed from retail shelves.
If, for a moment, you think these are cute, or
give a little chuckle under your breath, or say,
"There are more important issues to spend time on,"
would any of these be your reaction if they read
"Girls are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them" or "Stupid
Factory - Where Girls are Made"?
Claire's Stores, Inc. is a leading international
specialty retailer offering value-priced costume
jewelry, accessories and cosmetics to fashion-aware
tweens, teens and young adults through. Claire's
grossed over a million dollars in 2003. Their
mission statement reads in part "The corporate and
field organization is committed to the highest
standards for themselves and every sales associate
at Claire's."
If you would like to contact
your local Claire's and ask them to remove
offensive materials, go to their store locator at
If you would like to
contact them directly, write Claire's
Stores, Inc., Claire's Corporate Plaza, 3 S.W.
129th Avenue, Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 or
954.433.3900 or fax to 954.433.3999 or

These products are made by a company called
& Goliath, and are sold at thousands
of retail outlets worldwide. We oppose any product
which says "boys or girls are stupid" or promotes
violence against boys or girls. (See a couple of
our prior campaigns regarding Rotten
Cotton and Future
Wife Beater T-shirts and Flatline
stickers.) For those of you who have a Claire's
close by, or
Prominent endorsements

learn more about the boy crisis in education, see
"Boys: The New Underclass in American Schools,"
(Los Angeles Daily Journal, San Francisco Daily
Journal, 4/15/02), "The 'Boy Parent Dilemma'" (Los
Angeles Daily News, 9/6/02, Pasadena Star-News
& Affiliated Papers, 9/12/02), and "Why Males
Don't Go to College" (She Thinks, 11/13/02), and
Mysterious Decline-Where Are the Men on Campus?
(Abuse Your Illusions: The Disinformation Guide to
Media Mirages and Establishment Lies, May, 2003)
(Co-authored with Phil Cook).
For a more in-depth treatment of the subject,
see Christina Hoff Sommers' "The War Against Boys:
How Misguided Feminism is Harming our Young

One of Our Columnists Sends a Letter to David
& Goliath
You're Making Money Promoting Violence &
There's Nothing Funny About That
I write on behalf of fathers across the country
to demand that you immediately discontinue
production and distribution of your "Boys Are
Stupid" line.
If the subjects of the slogans were girls rather
than boys, parents and groups concerned about girls
would be protesting loudly that the message is
demeaning and promotes violence against women.
It is unacceptable, especially in a culture
already too disrespectful, too intolerant and too
violent, to promote violence against anyone.
I work with boys of all ages. They are anything
but stupid. Your messages, are not funny. What you
are selling is embarrassing to me as a man and an
insult to all the boys growing into manhood (that's
all of them). Frankly, since I write for the
largest men's website on the net, I'm going to
forward this to the editor, post a message, and
write a column about your business.
I want you to know also that I will encourage
all the youth-serving organizations that I know of
to take a stand against this product.
As part of the national nonprofit Dads and
Daughters, and on behalf of fathers across the
country, I urge you to do the right thing and
discontinue production and distribution of your
billboards for the Boys Are Stupid line.
I look forward to hearing your response.
651 North Garner
Milford, MI 48380
Fred Meyer One-Stop Shopping to the List
Fred Meyer, a chain of large retail
grocery/miscellaneous product chain, has added four
of the David & Goliath boy maligning
products to it's shelves. Ex-Boy Friend Sour Apple
Lip Jelly. "Now that you're single, Get out and
mingle. He was a jerk anyway;" Boy Girl Lip Jelly
"Keep your lips greasy like a boy!"; Boys are
Smelley Bath Pillow; and Boys are Smelley Shower
Gel and Body Lotion. We've asked the local store to
remove the products and will be asking the same of
their headquarters. We'll let you know the outcome.

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