Menstuff® lists here a description of various awareness celebrations of interest to men. The major source is Chase's Calendar of Events. Also, check out the local calendar by month which includes all international, national, and regional events. It's time to get out of the box! See a separate listing of Health Awareness celebrations.
Abstain from Sex Day (National) (7/31 annually) This day has been set aside to prove to those who think men can't abstain from sex for even one day, to prove them wrong.
Abused Women and Children's Awareness (6/11/00) A day to reflect on how we can help stop the violence in America that is destroying the lives and well-being of women and children. A day to prayerfully put an end to violent behavior in American homes, schools, workplaces and communities. National Children & Family Awareness of America,
Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month (Oct) To promote the adoption of dogs from local shelters, the ASPCA sponsors this important observance. or
Adoption Awareness Month (Nationally in Nov)
African-American History (Feb)
Aggression: United Nationals International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression (6/1/00) The General Assembly decided to commemorate this date in 1982.
AIDS Awareness Month (Nat. Oct)
AIDS Walk Napa Valley, 10th Annual. Beginning at 8:30am at Veterans' Park located on Main Street between 2nd and 3rd in downtown Napa. Included in the festivities are complimentary water, coffee, refreshments and a musical warm-up exercise to loosen those early morning hamstrings. Walkers will participate in a 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) walkathon featuring a beautiful route through downtown Napa, past historic Victorian homes and through old town Napa. Refreshments and entertainment stops along the way will help make the event accessible to everyone. Walkers, runners, bicyclists and wheelchair athletes are welcome to participate in the event either individually or as an organized team. Any individual raising more than $40 in pledges will receive an AIDS Walk T-shirt. Walkers raising $100 and above quality for additional prizes. The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt will be displayed October 6-7 at Justin Siena High School in Napa. The Quilt showing is open to the Justin Siena Student Body on October 6 and to the general public on October 7 from 1-2:30pm. The school is located at 402 Maher Road. Organized in 1987 to commemorate the lives of those who had died of AIDS, the Quilt now consists of over 41,000 individual 3'x6' memorial panels and is the largest community art project in the world. The Quilt was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and the feature-length documentary film, "Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt" received an Academy Award in 1989. Proceeds from the walk benefit the Napa Valley AIDS Project and HIV Network at Queen of the Valley Hospital. 707.257.8686.
Alcoholics Anonymous (6/10/35) was founded. Day to begin/celebrate recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.
Allergy/Asthma Awareness (National May)
Ally Week GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight
Education Network) encourages educators to support students to end
anti-LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bi and Transgendered) bullying and harassment
in K-12 schools with our 2nd annual Ally Week! Ally Week is about
students identifying and supporting allies by asking them to sign the
Ally Pledge to intervene if they witness bullying and harassment in
their schools. Ally Week activities will be most successful if you
help support allies in learning how to intervene, and by making them
feel proud to be allies! Ally Week can be as simple as passing out
buttons to allies who sign the pledge, or can involve an event or
series of events planned throughout the week. For a listing of
possible Ally Week activities and to download our new Ally Week
Planning Resource go to
Register your participation now at
and receive free Ally Week posters, postcards, and other organizing
materials! Let's end anti-LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender) bullying and harassment in our schools?
Alternate History Month (Oct) Bookstores nationwide celebrate Alternate Histories fiction the entire month.
Alternative Officing (6/5/00) Thousands of companies are taking advantage of new technology to reduce costs, improve productivity and meet employee lifestyle needs my migrating to some form of alternative officing. This spans the gamut from home officing to virtual officing to shared officing to flexible officing and numerous hybrid variations in between. A day designed to call attention to best work practices in this field and alert companies to the benefits and pitfalls of these new ways of working.
Ancestor Appreciation Day (9/27/00) A day to learn about and appreciate one's forebears.
Anger, Alcohol and Addiction: The Hidden Connection by John Lee. Atlanta, GA W&M Call 631.766.4288 (4/3/04)
Anti-Boredom (Jul) 15th annual sponsorship of a "self-awareness: event to encourage people to examine whether they, coworkers, family or friends are experiencing "an extended period of boredom" in their lives. The Boring Institute identifies this as "a warning sign" of problems that include depression, self-destructive behavior and even suicide. Advise is offered on how to avoid and overcome boredom. or
*Asian Pacific American Heritage (May)
Assisted Living Week (Nat). A weeklong observance designed to raise awareness of the role assisted living plays in serving the nation's elderly. National Center for Assisted Living, 1201 L St NW, Washington, DC 20005 202.842.4444 (9/10-16/00, 9/10-16/112)
Asthma Awareness Day on Capital Hill. Organization features up-do-date information, products and research data. 800.878.4403 or or (5/2/01)
Autism Awareness (Apr) April is Autism Acceptance Month, part of a history of campaigns by autistic people and our allies to shift the month’s focus from autism awareness to autism acceptance. In support of this community-wide effort, ASAN has created a dedicated website for Autism Acceptance Month, and provides unique programming every April focused on promoting acceptance and inclusion and changing the dialogue about autism from fear, pity, and tragedy to support, acceptance, and empowerment.
The tagline for our Autism Acceptance Month website is “Acceptance is an action.” This means that autism acceptance is an active process that requires both a shift in thinking and in action. To support this endeavour, our website provides fact sheets and resources about autism for autistic people, family members, educators, and the general public, as well as a home for our Listen Up! PSA campaign series, blogs, a selection of self-advocates and families members talking about what autism acceptance means to them and looks like in their everyday lives, and much more. The website also serves as a central location for posting and sharing information about autism acceptance-themed events occurring across the United States throughout April. Finally, the website features a pledge visitors can sign, committing not to give your time, business or attendance to autism events that talk about Autistic people without including us.
We invite you to visit the Autism Acceptance Month website, sign the pledge, and share the resources with your friends and colleagues. Together, we can work to change dialogue about autism from fear, pity, and tragedy to support, acceptance, and empowerment.
Auto Battery Safety Month (Oct) How to properly jump-start a dead vehicle battery should be a topic for students in drivers' education classes - and something every driver should know. Prevent Blindness America will offer staety tips and instructions to new and beginning drivers. or 800.331.2020 M-F 9-5 CST
Baby Boomers Recognition (6/21/00) As baby boomers, we'll never forget the Beatles, Vietnam Way and other sixties events. However, many of us accomplished a great deal, becoming successful in business, education, medicine, and other fields. This special day commemorates our contributions.
Bachelors' Day. Observed only in Leap Years. A day of supposed immunity for unmarried men during Leap Year, a year during which bachelors are traditionally regarded as "fair game" for dates and proposals of marriage by women. (2/29/04, 2/29/12)
Backyard Games (National - 5/22-29/00)
Balance Awareness (9/17-23/00) To develop public awareness of balance and disorders of balance system (vestibular disorders); to unite profeessionals, educators, support groups, medical facilities in a weeklong effort to focus attention to the public and the media. Vestibular Disorders Assoc., 800.837.8428
Banned Books Week (9/23-30/00) Celebrating the Freedom to Read. Brings to the attention of the general public the importance of the freedom to read and the harm censorship causes to our society. American Library Association. or
Be Kind to Animals (5/7-13/00)
Be Late for Something Day. To create a release from the stresses and strains resulting from a consistent need to be on time. Sponsored by the Procrastinator's Club of America. 215.947.9020 (9/5/00)
Beltane at Short Mountain. Come celebrate the birth of summer around the sacred Maypole. A gentle gathering in the woods of all genders and sizes. Short Mountain Sanctuary, Liberty, TN (4/25-5/4/00) 615.563.4397
Better Hearing and Speech (May)
Bike to Work Day (National - 5/19/00)
*Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Natl. 9/17-23/00)
Black Single Parents' (6/4-10/00) Honor all the black single parents who have successfully raised their children despite poor schools, crime, and drug-infested neighborhoods to be responsible, self-sufficient (and sometimes famous) citizens. The Black Parents' Network,
Bless-a-Child (National - Jun) Grassroots community activities to increase public awareness of the challenges facing at-risk children and promote volunteer as well as community involvement in their lives. or
*Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Natl, Oct) We're entering the second decade of public and professional education and awareness. This month is promoted by 17 major national nonprofit cancer organizations to ensure that the media and communities everywhere focus a sportlight on the problem of breast cancer (in women.) So why are we talking about this subject in a men's site? Know that Breast Cancer Kills Men Too. If all of this awareness is out there why haven't I found a man yet that wasn't amazed to know that men can even get breast cancer? And, here's the BIG ONE. Relative delay in diagnosis of men versus women: 18 months. So, chances are, our cases are more advanced. Esquire article. Bradenton Hearld article. More info. How to do a self exam.
Breast feeding, World Walk. Members and friends of La Leche League International walk in different locations around the world. Estimated attendance 10,000. (6/15/00)
Build Your Life (Jun) An opportunity for adults neglected and/or abused as children to celebrate their self-worth and discover inner power. They can learn to heal their lives and emotional pain by helping others. 909.981.7333
Bullying Prevention Month (October) is sponsored by the PACER Center - a parent center for families of children and young adults with disabilities—and cosponsored by NEA, the National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education, and National PTA. It encourages communities to work together to increase awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying on children. Based in Minnesota, PACER Center is a national parent center serving all youth, with a special emphasis on children with disabilities. Learn more at or call 952-838-9000; 888-248-0822 (national toll free). Paula F. Goldberg is the Executive Director of PACER Center.
Burglary Prevention (National - Jun) The Burglary Prevention Council distributes a variety of burglary-prevention information to the media. It also conducts a special mailing to police chiefs and crime prevention officers around the nation and provides material that can be used in their crime-prevention programs. 312.372.7090
Cabrillo Day (9/28/00) Anniversary of discovery of California (1542) by Portuguese naviagtor Juan Rodriquez Cabrillo who reached San Diego Bay. The Cabrillo National Monument marks his landfall and Cabrillo Day is still observed in Califonria (in some areas on the Saturday nearest September 28).
Campaign for Healthier Babies Month (Oct) A monthlong concentrated effort to focus attention on the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation andits community health programs, public awareness messages, advocacy and fundraising efforts. This month is designated to raise awanress of how to prevent birth defects and infant mortality. March of Dimes Birth Resource Center, 888.MODIMES or or
Cancer from the Sun (Jun) To promote education and awareness of the dangers of skin cancer from too much exposure to the sun.
Cancer, the Law and You, Barbara Ullman Schwerin, Esq., www.cancerresources.m 02_lectures/070902_schweri n.htm Los Angeles, CA (7/9/02)
Career Day for Our Sons. (National) Held annually the Friday after Father's Day. Since only 40 percent of College Students are male, please invite local college representatives to speak to High School son's of employees to plan to go to college. Boys need Affirmative Action for equality in college attendance!!! Sponsored by National Coalition of Free Men. or Read about Daughters and Kids programs. (6/21/02)
Cartoon Art Appreciation (5/1-7/00)
Centenarians Day A day to recognize and honor elderly individuals who have lived a century or longer. A day not only to recognize these individuals, but to listen to them discuss the memories - filled with historical information - that they have of their rich lives. Take time today to listen to a Centenarian. (Natl 9/22/00)
*Child Abuse Prevention (Apr) April 2006 marked the 20th anniversary of Child Abuse Prevention Month. This month, public and private agencies, community organizations, volunteers, and concerned citizens are collaborating to recognize, educate about, and prevent the problem of child abuse and neglect. Activities include fundraisers for child abuse prevention programs, poster/essay contests for children, and special conferences hosted by child abuse prevention organizations. Organizations like The National Men's Resource Center (us), National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (CASA), Children's Empowerment Fund, Olive Crest Homes & Services for Abused Children, and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children are just a few that have designated special opportunities in the name of child abuse prevention.
Show your support for the safety of children by wearing your blue Child Abuse Prevention Month ribbon, and get families involved by posting "Family Day" events in our calendar! (See "Feedback", fill out the corrent form, and we will list your event in our "Events" section.)
We encourage you to explore within this site and outside to become more aware of Child Abuse and Sexual Assault. And, hopefully get involved at some level in its prevention or in helping those where prevention has come too late. It's also a time to look into your own growing up period and honestly explore areas where you might have possibly been abused, get them cleaned up so that what you are carrying around won't impact others, especially your children, in a negative way. Simply looking at the definitions of the different abuses should give you something to think about. The Big Secret.
See Dr. Bruce Perry, presented by the Greated Bay Area Child Abuse Prevention Council Coalition and the Califrnoia Attorney General's Safe from the Start Project. Dr. Perry has been an active teacher, clinician, and researcher in children's mental health and the neurosciences. He will discuss how childhood experiences, including neglect and traumatic stress, change the biology of the brain. 707.664.3225 Salinas, CA CA (4/19/04)
Childhood Injury Prevention (9/1-7/00) To stress the importance of community involvement in protecting the nation's children from harm. The "As Safe As Possible Campaign and Safety By Design® sponsor the week, providing a full week of opportunities to raise awareness of the problem of unintentional injury to children and high light the roles members of he community play in reducing injury rates. Specialized coordinator's kits, informational and promotional items are available for pediatricians, obstetricians, hospitals, insurance companies, community organizations, juvenile retailers and preschools. Assistance is available for devising a program to reflect each participant's individual "tie-in" with the promotion of child safety.
Children's Awareness (Jun) (Day 6/5/00) Celebrate children in our everyday lives and communities while lovingly remembering all of America's children that we have lost through violence. These could have been our children or grandchildren. The Day to bring flowers to the gravesite, have memorial services, spend time with or write a letter to a grieving parent or grandparent. A day to mourn and reach out with healing hands of love to those in need of support. or or 888.MAA.DESK
Children's Eye Health and Safety (Sep) Prevent blindness America directs its educational efforts to common causes of eye injuries and common eye problems among children. Materials that can easily be posted or distributed to the community will be provided. 800.331.2020 or
Children's Good Manners (Sep) Starts the school year with a national program of teachers and parents encouraging good manners in children. This yearlong program includes monthly objectives that work in conjunction with a reinforcing home program. Dr. Manners, 860.643.0051
Children's Memorial Day The
fourth Friday of April (4/26/02) is an annual day to remember
children who died by preventable causes and a time to advocate for
the safety of our children. "The United States leads the world in
homicides against children and youth under age 15, accounting for 73
percent of all homicides-and 54 percent of all suicides-of children
from birth to age 15 in the world's top 26 industrialized countries.
The causes include guns, motor vehicles and child abuse" (CWLA). See
Maltreatment and also
for more information.
Christmas Seal Campaign® An American tradition dating back to 1907 when the first seals were made available in the U.S. The annual campaign is a major support of American Lung Association programs dedicated to fighting lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, and lung cancer, as well as their causes. 800-LUNG-USA or
Colorectal Cancer Awareness (Mar)
Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day
2nd Monday of the month may be the federally recognized holiday of
Columbus Day, but millions across the country will instead observe
Indigenous Peoples’ Day, now officially observed in some states
and cities. Read
Coming Out Day - (National 10/11/00) A national non-profit educational project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, promotes positive images of gays, lesbians and bisexuals to non-gay Americans. Will include events around the country that encourage gays, lesbians and bisexuals to be honest about their sexual orientation to friends, family members and coworkers, to show how diverse we really are. For a recorded announcement call 800.866.NCOD or
Comdex Fall/2000 Wants You to Know about Prostate Cancer & Get a Free Health Screening to Boot. For anyone going to the largest computer show on earth, over one million square feet of exhibit floor space. Capcure will provide lots of information on prostate cancer and Pfizer will offer blood pressure readings and a blood test to check cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Test results will be available in about 10 minutes, and each participant will sit with a Pfizer program counselor to receive their confidential results. or Las Vegas (11/13-17/00)
Condom Awareness Day/Week (National) Valentine's Day is nationally recognized as a time for love, to tell that special person in your life just how much they mean to you. We encourage people to talk openly and honestly with their sexual partners about their sexual history and the sensitive subject of condoms as a way to reduce the risk sexually transmitted infections (STIs). There are an estimated 15.3 million cases of sexually transmitted infections diagnosed every year in the United States. Many people with an STI don't know that they have one. Condoms offer the best protection for people who do have sex. Remember to "love responsibly" by protecting one another's sexual health. If you have questions about condoms, STIs or AIDs call the CDC hotline at 800-232-4636 or the ASHA Hotline at 800.227.8922, Monday through Friday, 8A-8P (EST)
*Crime Victims' Rights (Week-National 4/16-22/00)
Current Research Issues & Solutions: Human Subject Protections, Long Island, NY wrkshp.htm (7/10-12/02)
Customer Service Week (10/1-7/00)
Day of Peace The United Nations General Assembly declared the opening day of the regular sessions of the General Assembly as the International Day of Peace and shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples. (Intl. (9/19/00)
Day of Silence. The Day of Silence, a project of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA), is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bias unacceptable in schools take a day-long vow of silence to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment - in effect, the silencing - experienced by LGBT students and their allies. The Day of Silence was founded in 1996 by students at the University of Virginia, and in years since has become a landmark national event.
“On the Day of Silence, hundreds of thousands of students across America will use silence to voice the truth about anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in America’s schools,” said GLSEN Founder and Executive Director Kevin Jennings. “The tremendous numbers of students who take part in the Day of Silence is cause for celebration and a loud message from America’s students that we must work harder to ensure safe and effective schools for every child.”
Students coordinate a wide range of programs and activities to tell their truth and participate in the day. While some students are able to be silent for the day, some participants are simply silent for part of the day, during lunch, or at community events – always ensuring they are fully participating at school while still sending their message about anti-LGBT bullying and harassment.
Students, schools and endorsing organizations, are encouraged to download free resources and information, and to register for this year’s Day of Silence at (4/26/06)
Day without Art/*World AIDS Day. An annual observance about the impact of AIDS on the visual arts. Events to increase public awareness through the visual arts, direct services to artists living with HIV/AIDS. US observance of UN day to focus world attention on the fight against HIV/AIDS. or Also, American Assn for World Health,
Deaf Awareness (9/23-29) See Issues, Books, Resources. Nationwide celebration to promote deaf culture, American Sign Language and deaf heritage. Activities include library displays, interpreted story hours, Open Houses in residential schools and mainstream programs, exhibit booths in shopping malls with "Five Minute Sign Language Lessons," material distribution. National Association of the Deaf, 814 Thayer Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910-4500 or
Deaf-Blindness Awareness (6/25-7/1/00) A week to observe the birth aniversary of Helen Keller. Library for Deaf Action,
Decide to be Married (6/27/00) To focus attention on the joy of deciding to get married based on the poem, Decide to Be Married. "It's in the deciding to be united in love, to express you joyful oneness to every person you meet, and in every action you take and together a perfect marraige you'll make."
*Defense Transportation Day (National - 5/19/00)
Dementia Awareness Week, Australia (9/15-22/03)
Demonstration Against Infant Circumcision (16th Annual), U.S. Capitol * Washington D.C. See event schedule at 321-243-0178 or or eMail (3/24-4/1/09)
Divorce, Bay Area Style, Series, leading up to Valentine's Day, KPIX-TV 11pm News is running a series on the "Trials" of Marriage - Divorce in the Bay Area. San Francisco, CA (2/12-15/01)
Dog Week (National - 9/24-30/00) To promote the relationship of dogs to mankind and emphasize the need for the proper care and treatment of dogs.
Domestic Violence Prevention Month (Oct)
Drug Abuse - United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (6/26/00) In 1987, the UN General Assembly expressed its determination to strengthen action and cooperation for an international society free of drug abuse and proclaime this day as an annual observance to raise public awarenesss.,
Earth Dance Founded in 1996, Earthdance - The Global Dance Festival for Peace has grown to become the world's largest simultaneous music event. On Saturday, September 20, 2003, 200,000 people in 120 cities in 50 countries united as one global festival and danced in support of global peace and humanitarian aims. (9/18/04)
Eating Disorders Awareness Week. Only in the past few years has there been more public awareness about how men and boys suffer from eating disorders. Much more public awareness and understanding is needed. The National Eating Disorder Information Centre has a section on their website about how men and boys are affected by this issue. For more information, please visit the following link: Also, check out Eating Disorders for Men and Eating Disorders & Our Daughters information on our website. (2/19-25/00) (2/3-9/02) (2/27-3/5/06)
Egg Salad (Week-Always the week after Easter (4/24-30/00) Dedicated to the many delicious uses for all of the Easter Eggs that have been cooked, colored, hidden and found.
Entrepreneurs "Do It Yourself" Marketing (Jun) Want to stand out from your competition and get media attention and more clients, while achieving your goals? Are you looking for better results from your marketing efforts? Would you like to become a new resource when the media calls? Remember, your success is a matter of choice, not chance. Discover and apply creative and effective problem-solving marketing ideas that will help you gain the competitive edge. 630.584.9368
Environment Day (World 6/5/00) Day to mourn the harm done to other Earth (past and present), make reparation, and celebrate Her beauty. On the anniversary of the opening of the UN Conference on the Human Environment (1972) which led to establishment of UN Environemnt Programme, based in Nairobi. The General Assembly has urged marking the day with activities reaffirming concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment. UN Dept of Pubilc Info, New York, NY 10017
Ethnic Equality (Feb) a time to honor all peoples and their positive traditions; time to meditate on the equality of all peoples, on the respect due to them.
Etiquette (National - 5/8-13/00)
Executive Coaching Day (5/1/00)
Fall Hat (Sep). A month of celebration during which the straw hat is put aside in favor of the felt or fabric hat by both men and women.
Families Laughing Through Stories Research shows that parents who are deliberate about their parenting have a much greater probability for guiding their families toward a positive future. Laughing together as Family helps build powerful, positive memories into the lives of children. These memories serve as important "glue" that bonds families over the generations. or (4/19-25/00)
Family Awareness (6/18/00) A day to reflect on the important role of fathers in the American family. Remembering always that every kid needs a Dad. A day and time to reestablisyh and re-affirm every man's place in our culture. National Children and Family Awareness of American, 888.MAA-DESK or
Family Day (National 6/5/00) A special day during National Family Month to recognize the importance of family in raising physically and emotionally healthy kids. Sponsored by KidsPeace, The National Center for Kids Overcoming Crisis, a private, not-for-profit organization that has been providing hope and healing to kids in crisis since 1882. It offers the country's widest array of children's critical care serivces under a "single roof" and crisis education to families across the US.
Family Health & Fitness (9/23-24/00) During this weekend, famalies across the country will be involved in locally organized health promotion activities at more than 800 locations. Health Info Resource Center, 800.828.8225 or or
Family History (6/14/00) Every summer family reunions are so busy with games and activities that most of us forget the true purpose: to share the folklore, legends and myuths that bind us together. Each participant should share at least one good recollection (fact or fiction). Don't forget the hot dogs and lemonade. or
Family Month (National - 5/14-6/18/00) A month long national observance to celebrate and promote strong, supportive families. Annually Mother's Day through Father's Day.
Family Week (National - 5/7-13/00)
*Farm Safety and Health (Natl., 9/17-23/00)
Father-Daughter Take a Walk Together Day. A special time in the summer for fathers and daughters of all ages to spend time together in the beautiful weather. (7/7/00)
Father-Daughter Valentine Dance. Held in over 100 communities in 30 states. In 1993 the first St. Mark's Church, Father-Daughter Valentine Dance was held. In a blinding snowstorm, it still drew over 1,000 fathers, daughters and mothers. It is now one of the most popular celebrations in the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Our purpose is to help families provide a quality evening together for Dads and their Daughters of all ages. With the hope of forging stronger friendships between the generations. It has been said that a young girls first male love is her father. If she does not find the attention from him that her heart craves she will search for it elsewhere, sometimes in the wrong place with the wrong person. We Dads want to set a dating standard of love and respect for our daughters so they won't necessarily fall for the same old pressure tactics boys have been using for years. We want to show them how to have fun in a drug-free, alcohol-free and violence-free environment. The movement is a ministry not a fund raising or business scheme. A complete manual on how to do your own dance is available for a contribution of $8.50 payable to St. Mark's Church and mail to: Jim Massery, 23 Euclid Avenue, Pittsfield, Ma 01201. 413.447.9907 or or (2/9/01)
Father's Day - Day to give love and thanks to all fathers, day for all fathers to celebrate fatherhood and contemplate their sacred duty to provide for the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs of their children. Give a book today. See Fathers, Fathers & Daughters, Fathers & Sons, Single Fathers for some great ideas!
Father's Day Picnic Celebrating
Fathers/Building Healthy Familes
Come join Men Overcoming Violence as we celebrate the positive
role fathers can play in the lives of their partners, children and
community. Our picnic will have lots of food, face painting, theater,
games, and many other fun activities for children and their families.
This free event is open to everybody. Dolores Park in the Mission on
Dolores between 18th and 20th. Look for the MOVE banner near the
children's playground. San Francisco 12-4:30p, 415.626.6683x388
Father's, Universal (6/20-26/00) The purpose of this week, which is celebrated throughout the world the third full week in June, is to stress the importance of fatherhood in family life. International Society of Friendship and Goodwill
Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Myofascial Pain Syndrome 7th World Congress 2007. The MYOPAIN 2007 Congress will explore the relationship between the pathophysiology of the myofascial pain syndrome and the fibromyalgia syndrome and their clinical presentations and treatments. The abstract presentations will include all aspects of these and other similar disorders. Presentations will feature the latest findings, new ideas for future research, and new forms of treatment. This congress will be of direct interest to physicians, dentists, researchers, and other health care professionals working in this important field. In addition to the broadly based scientific program, there will be two workshops on muscle pain. There will be special social events for participants and their guests. Washington, DC, the nation’s capital, is a powerful symbol not only of the United States, but also of democracy and freedom. It is a city that inspires millions of visitors every year. It is packed with famous sights, free attractions, and an endless calendar of special events. The capital city has a lively downtown district which sizzles with a host of new restaurants and nightclubs. One can enjoy world-class or grass roots theatre or hear magical performances by the National Symphony Orchestra and world class opera. The Smithsonian Institution offers many venues for art lovers and history buffs. Kayakers can tackle the Potomac River as it winds past the elegant marble tributes to America’s great leaders. There is something for everyone in the capital city. Please see for detailed information for domestic and international visitors. The Washington, DC area is easily accessed by a variety of public transportation systems. MYOPAIN 2007 will be held at the Capital Hilton Hotel which is located in the center of Washington, District of Columbia. (Registration) Washington, D.C., USA. (8/19-23/07)
50 Hoops, Philadelphia, PA, , Philadelphia, PA (7/13-14/02), Houston, TX (7/20-21/02), Detroit, MI (7/27-28/02)
Fireworks Safety (Jun) Activities during this month are desitgned to warn and educate parents and children about the dangrs of playing with fireworks. Prevent Blindness America will offer suggestions for safer ways to celebrate the Fourth of July. or 800.331.2020
Fishing, Take a Kid (6/10-11/00) Resident adults of Minnesota may fish without a license on these days when fishing with a child under age 16.
*Flag (National 6/11-17/00) A call upon the American people to participate in public veremonies in which the Pledge of Allegiance is recited.
Flexible Work Arrangements (5/7-13/00)
Flight Procrastination Day or Do It! Day. Orgazationally challenged? Today is your day. No excuses - Do it! Annually, the first Wednesday after Labor Day. (9/6/00)
Food Day (National) Tovengage thousands of people across the country to change the way they think about food and challenge us to eat real and support healthy, affordable food grown in a sustainable, humane way. Food Day is designed to further knowledge, understanding, and dialogue about critical topics in food, agriculture, and nutrition—spanning the food chain from farm families to family tables. The many activities and events spurred by Food Day will help foster a robust dialogue on how to promote better nutrition and health, lessen hunger and increase access to food, enhance opportunities for farm families and rural communities, and conserve natural resources. There are differing ideas and perspectives on these issues and surely we all benefit from discussions about the connections among food, farms, and health. Eventually, will let people type in their ZIP codes to find Food Day events near them—or to invite people to create their own Food Day events. (10/24/11)
Forgiveness (National 6/18-24/00) A call for people to forgive themselves on Sunday, spouses on Monday, children on Tuesday, family on Wednesday, friends on Thursday, neghbors on Friday and enemies on Saturday. Positive People's Party,
Freedom Riders Anniversary (5/1/00)
Freedom Week (7/4-10/00) To disseminate throughout the world information about freedom and libery.
Friendship Week (National 8/20-26/00) A celebration of the people, by the people, and for the people. This weeklong series of events calls to people to revitalize friendship with spirit on Sunday, partners on Monday, children on Tuesday, family on Wednesday, friends on Thursday, workers on Friday and nieghbors on Saturday. A story.
*Gay and Lesbian Pride (Jun) Observed this month because on the night of June 27-28, 1969, the clientele of a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn in New York City, rioted after being harassed by the police. Stonewall is now recognized as the start of the gay liberation movement.
Gay Square Dance (Intl). (Sep) Emphasis on square dancing as a healthy, fun, recreational activity. Intl Assn of Gay Square Dance Clubs, 800.835.6462 or
Gender Equality (Mar) Time to honor both genders; time to meditate on the equality of women and men, on the respect due to both women and men, and on Goddess-God manifesting as woman and man. The Mystic's Wheel of the Year 2000.
Genital Integrity Awareness Week. Genital Integrity is a health and human rights issue. Weeklong events include information fair, marches and demonstrations. Male Circumcision/Male Genital Mutilation (MC/MGM) is a culturally determined, body mutilation ritual that has been practiced on an estimated 650 million men and boys worldwide and 77 million in the United States. Each year 1.2 million boys in the United States undergo MC/MGM. Fifty-eight percent of all newborn boys are at risk of undergoing MC/MGM. Legislators, policy makers, psychologists, therapists, doctors, nurses parents and spouses should be aware of the consequences of MC/MGM. The International Coalition for Genital Integrity (ICGI) in cooperation with the National Organization of Circumcision Resource Information Centers (NOCIRC) and Stop Infant Circumcision Society (SIC Society) sponsor the Genital Integrity Awareness Week in Washington, D.C. during the first week of April, Child Abuse Prevention Month. Dan Bollinger, ICGI Director, 765.497.0150ET or or MORE (5/1-7/04)
Genital Integrity Awareness Week 10th Annual March Against Circumcision. A week of special events in Washington, D.C., is being sponsored by an international community of individuals and organizations committed to raising public awareness about the rights of all human beings to genital integrity. Various events are planned: Education on the Steps of the Capitol - Marches to the Capitol Building - Demonstrations - and planning sessions. See: for details, schedules and brochure. Please come and make Genital Integrity a men's issue. MORE (4/1-7/02), (4/1-7/03)
Genital Integrity (8th International Symposium on Human Rights and Modern Society). Georgetown University Conference Center, Washington, DC. The symposium will focus on the genital rights and body integrity of all children. International experts will address medical, legal and human rights aspects of male and female genital cutting, the right of children to genital integrity, and social activism for cultural change. MORE All presentations in English. $375+Room & Board. NOCIRC, POB 2512, San Anselmo, CA 94979 (4/4-7/02)
*Gold Star Mother's Day (9/24/00)
Good Neighbor (9/24/00) To build a nation and world that cares by increasing appreciation and understanding of our fellow man.
Grange Week - state and local recognition for Grange's contribution to rural/urban America. Begun in 1867, the National Grange is the oldest US rural community service, family-oriented organization with a special interest in agriculture. (4/23-29)
*Great American Smokeout (Natl, 11/16/00, 11/18/04) A day observed annually to celebrate smoke-free environments. The American Cancer Society organized the first Great American smokeout in 1977. The purpose was to encourage smokers to quit for one day to prove that they could do it. Each year, more Americans try to quit smoking on the day of the Great American Smokeout than any other day of the year - including New Year's Day. (Third Thursday in November.) For more information about the Great American Smokeout or for tips on how to quit smoking, please contact the American Cancer Society at 800-ACS-2345 or visit their website at Smoking info plus Second Hand Smoke.
Halfway Point of 2000 (7/1/00 at 12mm) 183 days of the year will have elapsed and 183 will remain before the new millennium 01.01.01.
Patrick Hamilton, the Scottish martyr, was burned at the stake for heresy on this day, 1528. It is said that his death did more for the Scottish Reformation than the continuation of his life could have done.
National Hazing Prevention Week. Our research indicates that as many as 55% of students who are involved in campus clubs, organizations, or teams, have been hazed. Hazing can be hazardous, physically abusive, sexually violating, and even deadly. Lack of awareness and understanding about hazing and its causes remains pervasive and is a major impediment to the development of effective prevention strategies. Last year, we released The National Agenda for Hazing Prevention in Education. This Agenda is intended to serve as a call to action to:
Individuals, groups, and institutions all have a role to play in achieving the goals set forth in the National Agenda. If you have questions about how to engage your community, please contact email or or (9/25-29/06, 9/19-23/11, 9/17-23/12)
Headache Awareness (National 6/4-10/00) Educating the public about the reality and severity of headache pain as a legitimate condition. Encouranging sufferers to consult with a physician for proper diagnosis and treatment, and to let sufferers know that there are new treatments avialble. National Headache Foundation, 773.388.6395
Healthcare Executives Appreciation Day (6/1/00) A time to honor our nation's healthcare executives and managers.
Hearing and Speech, Better (May)
Hearing Testing (National Day of). (5/6/00) Contact: Nancy Nizankiewicz, Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc.; 301-657-2248 Voice, TTY: 301-657-2249, Fax: 301-657-913-9413 or
Heart Disease Prevention (Healthy Heart) (Feb)
Hepatitis Awareness (May)
Hermit (National 6/13-20) This week take an adventure into solitude. Discover yourself by journeying within or going off-the-grid. Celebrate the contributions of others who indulged their need to hermit. Whether you seek inner peace, spiritual release or a moment's peace this week is for you. Be a Himit - a male Hermit
Herpes Week (International 11/18-24/04) Herpes doesn't discriminate. The International Herpes Alliance is working with national groups to support activities in support of this global awareness campaign, to tell it how it is for the 107 million people thought to be infected with herpes worldwide.
Hispanic Heritage Month: a time for understanding ethnic diversity, recognizing the contributions that Hispanic Americans have made, and finding one's own roots. (9/15-10/15/00)
National HIV Testing Day The National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) started National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) in 1995. Every year, on June 27th, local organizations across the nation engage with communities to promote early diagnosis and HIV-testing. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 250,000 of the one million people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States are unaware of their status. NAPWA realizes that lack of access to treatment and care along with social stigma can make living with HIV difficult. With early diagnosis, uncertain individuals will know their HIV-status and should be placed in appropriate treatment and care. During NHTD, we work with our partners, which include thousands of community-based organizations, businesses, health departments, elected officials, media, and individuals to encourage routine HIV-testing and to promote culturally-apt messages for those affected by and living with HIV/AIDS. (6/27/10)
Holocaust Rememberance Day (5/2/00)
Huckleberry House Founded (6/18/67) The nation's first teenage runaway service originally opened at 1 Broderick St in San Franciso to assist runaway and at-risk youth as well as providing family preservation counseling. Youth Advocacy Inc, 3310 Geary Ave, San Francisco,CA 94118
Hug Holiday (National 6/4-10/00) Huggers of all ages are invited to make a difference one bug at a time for our elderly in support of the Hugs for Health movement. The Hugs for Health Foundation provides hug therapy and volunteer support services to the elderly residing in senior care and residential communities across the country.
Hula Competition (World's largest in Hilo, HI 4/23-29/00).
I Forgot (7/2/00) a day to make up for all the birthdays, anniversaries, new births, graduations, etc., that you forgot to acknowledge with a greeting or gift. Annually, the 183rd day of the year - exact center (except for Leap Year)
Impotency Awareness (Month-Nov) We provide background information on this new drug and alternatives to Viagra. Impotency, Viagra and other solutions as well as Books on the subject.
Immunization Awareness Month (Nat.
- August) August is recognized as National Immunization Awareness
Month (NIAM). The goal of NIAM is to increase awareness about
immunizations across the life span, from infants to the elderly.
August is the perfect time to remind family, friends, co-workers, and
those in the community to catch up on their vaccinations. Parents are
enrolling their children in school, students are entering college,
and health care workers are preparing for the upcoming flu
Independence-From-Meat (7/4/00) To declare your freedom from flesh foods. Your fiery fourth will be fantastic with a good-for-you vegetarian barbecue. Why not fix a freedom feast featuring veggie burgers and veggie dogs for your family and friends? It will be fun for you and your animal friends too! 800.USA.VEGE
Indigenous Person's Day happens in October, replacing Columbus Day in many municipalities. I had always wondered why our country was celebrating an explorer who never set foot on any part of the United States and was responsible for the killing, enslavement and mutilatoin of thousands of native peoples. (10/13/08)
Infant Immunization (National 4/16-22/00)
Infant Circumcision, 20th Annual Demonstration/March Against Infant Circumcision, West side of US Capital Building. or (3/29-4/3/05; 3/24-4/1/09, 3/26-4/1/13) San Francisco demonstrationi at the annual Amercian College of Obgyns (ACOG) conference. (5/7-11/05)
Intern Appreciation Day. A day to extend appreciation and gratitude to all the student interns who expend their time and energies for a plethora of different organizations during the summer months. (7/10/00)
International Men's Day. Men and Fathers, Men’s Groups, Fatherhood Practitioners, and Fatherhood organizations throughout our global village will observe International Men’s Day on November 19th. Austraila, Canada, Denmark, Ghana, Hungary, India, Italy, Norway, South Africa, South America, Tobago & Trinidad, and the United States are just some of the nations around the globe that are planning activities on International Men’s Day which will honor the selfless sacrifices of men and celebrate men’s invaluable contributions to families, communities, and society. (Jamaica, Singapore, Malta, Moldavia, Germany, Holland and Brasil were part of the festivities in 2009.) See coordinators list.
Recognition and support of the day is limited; in Malta it is celebrated on February 7, in Ukraine on February 23, in Oltenia (region of Romania) on March 9, in Brasil on July 15, in India on September 29. In Norway it's celebrated on October 7, in Trinidad and Tobago on November 19 and in Canada (date not known). The goal of International Men's Day is to transform the negative image of masculinity and highlight the roles and responsibilities of males in the family and society. The problems affecting males are not restricted to any particular class, religion, race or geographical location. Men around the world need the full cooperation and support of society if any positive change is to be achieved. Alcoholism, drug abuse, rape, pornography, adultery, gambling, sexually transmitted diseases, divorces, domestic violence, vagrancy and child abuse, which affect many of our males, must be addressed. Through the use of lectures, conferences, workshops, discussion groups, plays, debating and essay competitions dealing with the problems of masculinity, solutions can be found. International Men's Day Committee, 44 Dumfries Road, La Romain, Trinidad, West Indies. 868.652.8060 or E-Mail or
Australia: Warwick Marsh: +61 2 4272 6677 E-Mail
Trinidad & West Indies: Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh: +1 868 665 8227
India: Uma Challa: +91 40 97046 83163 E-Mai
USA: Diane A. Sears: +1 215 546 0262 E-Mail
International Men's Month (June Annually)
International Reggae Music (5/21-27)
International Work Life Enrichment (Apr)
Intersex Awareness Day. Intersex Awareness Day is the (inter)national day of grass-roots action to end shame, secrecy and unwanted genital cosmetic surgeries on intersex children. We intend to create a "day of action" similar to Take Back the Night, National Coming Out Day, or International Women's Day in that it will focus on grass-roots activism organized by local activists. Invisible chronic illnesses (ICI) have symptoms that are difficult to see and impossible to measure such as pain and fatigue. So those with ICI frequently encounter not compassion and support but impatience and skepticism from physicians and loved ones. (10/26/05)
Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week
(Nat) Nearly one in two Americans has a chronic condition, and 96
percent of them live with an illness that is invisible. These people
do no use a cane or any assistive device and may look perfectly
healthy. Sixty percent are between the ages of 18 and 64. For a
complete list of events and resources, visit
or call 888-751-7378.
The Joining. 30 local, national and international presenters. Honouring of Man and Woman, Tantra, “Scripts, Balances and Projections”, Real Relating, “Couple, women’s and men’s yoga”, Music, Stages from Birth to Death, Creative arts, Sexuality, Ritual rites of Passage, The Power of Breath, Dance, Earth connection, Singing, Deep inner Work, Cabaret, Humandala, Sweatlodge, and powerful processes of joining together. Ewen Maddock Dam reserve, Landsborough, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. Contqact John or Pipa, 07/ 5441.7404 or or From 6 pm Friday til 3.30 pm Monday (9/19-22/03)
Kwanzaa, a 60+ year old African-American celebration of life from December 26 to January 1. Five common sets of values are central to the activities of the week: ingathering, reverence, commemoration, recommitment, and celebration. The seven principles (nguzo saba) of Kwanzaa utilize Kiswahili words: unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba), and faith (imani). Each of the seven candles signify the principles. Like the Jewish Hanukkah, candles are used to represent concepts of the holiday.
Keep America Beautiful (Apr) Chew with your mouth closed.
Kick BUTTS Day. Thousands of youth around the world will join the fight against smoking by participating in Kick Butts Day, an effort led by the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids. (4/2/08)
Kids, America (6/25/00) A day set aside to reach out and teach our children in America the value of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A time to help our kids learn about the great nation that they live in and to help by demonstrating what it means to be an American. A time to teach them the historical value of their heritage as America's kids. National Children and Fmaily Awareness of America, 888.MAA-DRESK or
Kidsday (Nat) National Kidsday recognizes the value, dignity and inherent worth of children everywhee. Organized by The National Center for Kids Overcoming Crisis, a private, not-for-profit organization that has been providing hope and healing to kids in crisis since 1882 offering the country's widest array of children's critical care services available under one roof. (9/16/00)
Kiwanis Kids' (9/23/00) To honor and assist youth - our greatest resource. Kiwanis Intl, or
Labor Day. Observed in all states. First observance believed to have been a parade at 10am, Sept 5, 1882 at New York, probably organized by Peter J. McGuire, a Carpenters and Joiners Union secrettary. In 1883, a union resolution declared "the first Monday of September of each year a Labor Day." By 1893, more than half of the states were observing Labor Day on one or another day and a bill to establish Labor Day as a federal holiday was introduced in Congress which became law in 1894. Also observed in Canada on this day. (9/4/00)
Leap Year Day. Happens every four years to bring our calendar more nearly into accord with the seasons. Under the Julian calendar of 46 BC every fourth year was a leap year, on the assumption that it took the earth 365.25 days to orbit the sun. However, the earth's orbital period is actually 365.24219 days. For the more than 1,600 years that the Julian calendar was used the calendar got out of sync with the seasons. The Gregorian calendar made just one small change: a leap day is added to the calendar once every four years except for century years which are not exactly divisible by 400. (The years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were accordingly not leap years, whereas the year 2000 included this day but will not be in 2100.) Common Years and Leap Years: A "common year" (any year that is not a leap year) comprises an exact number of weeks (52) plus one day. That extra day means that if a given date of the year, say your birthday, falls on a Monday in one common year, it will fall on a Tuesday the next common year, and so on - one extra day per year, as long as the years are common. However, the rule changes for leap years. A leap year is 52 weeks plus two days. So, a date, such as your birthday, that fell on Monday the previous year, in a leap year falls not on Tuesday but on Wednesday. It has leaped over a day of the week. That is why the year is called a "leap year". The "leap" occurs throughout the period from March 1 through the following February 28 - in this instance, from March 1, 2004 through February 28, 2005. On this day, in England and Denmark, a woman has the traditional right of asking a man to marry her; compare Sadie Hawkins Day (first Saturday in November) in the USA and Sainte-Catherine (November 25) in France. (2/29/04)
Library Card Sign-Up (Sep) National effort to sign up every child for a library card. Annually, the month of September. American Library Assn,
Little League (Sep) Celebrate the lessons learned in Little League: what to do when: (1) life is not fair, (2) the umpire makes a bad call or (3) you have to sit on thebench. Use this month to encourage Little Leaguers and reinforce the life skills that are there to be acquired.
Love a Mensch (9/17-23/00) Mensches are decent, responsible men and women. During this week singles look to meet a mensch as well as take time to appreciate how mensches enhance our lives. (A viril man - ed.) Mensch Finders at
Lymphoma Awareness Day (World) (9/15/05) World Lymphoma Awareness Day 2005 is themed ‘Beacons of Hope’ (‘Guiding lights of Hope’). Inspirational individuals from around the world have been nominated to act as global ambassadors and to share their stories of hope, survival and determination. This year a global event is being held in London, UK, where a London landmark on the bank of the Thames and adjacent to the world famous London Eye will be illuminated with images of these ambassadors of hope. In addition to raising global awareness of this potentially fatal cancer which kills over 200,000 people each year worldwide, the Lymphoma Coalition hopes the inspirational stories of people affected by lymphoma, who have demonstrated great strength and courage, can give hope and encouragement to others. It is hoped that increasing education and public awareness of the disease will lead to accurate symptom recognition and diagnosis, as well as increased demand for access to the best treatments. For all other enquiries, please contact Stephen Gooblar at +44 (0) 207 611 3635 or or
Make a Difference Day.If you are looking for projects, events, or volunteers, here is the place to put your information.. (10/20/00) Also, send us an email to and let us know what you are doing and we will list those things also.
Marine Day (Umi-no hi), National Holiday, Japan (7/20/00)
*Maritime Day (National - 5/22/00)
May Day observed since ancient times and has become Labor Day in most countries except the U.S., Bermuda and Canada.
Medical Services (National - 5/14-20/00)
Meet a Mate (6/11-17) To inspire singles seeking a mate to take advantage of summer by pursuing warm weatrher meeting opportunities. Options includes singles travel, sport activities, New Blood parties and volunteer work.
*Memorial Day Celebrated on Monday the *29th Memorial Day Prayer for Peace requests flying the flag at half-staff for the customary forenoon period.
Men, Moving: A Soul Motion™ Odyssey for
Men I love dancing with women. I love dancing with men. I have
noticed that it can be a fundamentally different experience, sourced
from different internal, archetypal places. I believe I ask for and
offer different qualities, and can have different outcomes in mind.
You? I wonder what would happen if we gather as guys -- all ages,
stages, persuasions -- and use our Soul Motion practice to open to
ourselves and each other: moving in the space between and around us,
pausing to listen with our inner ears and hearts, inspiring each
other along the way? What would be different? What the same? Who
might we be in such a space? On Saturday, May 11, 11am-2pm in
Berkeley's Western
Sky Studio, we'll dance as men, with men. Strong, upright, clear.
Vulnerable, wobbly, off-balance. Broad, brilliant, fearsome and
flawed. Are you willing? Will you? (5/11/13)
Men's Health Week (US/CAN/UK/NSW) - Week before and including Father's Day 6/14-20/04, 6/9-15/08; 6/15-21/09; 6/14-20/10; 6/13-19/11; 6/11-17/12; 6/10-15/13) The purpose of National (and International) Men's Health week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This week gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. See International Men's Health Week for pertinent topics and or for additional information.
Men's Day (International, 11/19). The third International Men's Day is an occasion that should be supported by all organisations, schools, churches and the media, around the world since the goal of this project is to transform the negative image of masculinity and highlight the roles and responsibilities of males in the family and society. Alcoholism, drug abuse, rape, pornography, adultery, gambling, sexually transmitted diseases, divorces, domestic violence, vagrancy and child abuse, which affect many of our males, must be addressed. The problems affecting males are not restricted to any particular class, religion or race. The males in our society need the full cooperation and support of society if any positive change is to be achieved. The International Men's Day Committee is pleading with citizens worldwide to assist by informing their groups, organizations, relatives, friends, schools and neighbourhoods, so the message can reach a wider audience. Through the use of lectures, conferences, workshops, discussion groups, plays, debating and essay competitions dealing with the problems of masculinity, solutions can be found. International and regional organisations have been contacted to assist in the observance of this day. Harrack Balramsingh for International Men's Day Committee at
Men's Month (International Jun) Menstuff® participates by discussing a different men's issue each day at "Today" on our home page. The issue changes each day at midnight, so check in to learn more about "Men's Issues" and men's lives.
Mental Retardation Awarenesss Month. An opportunity to draw attention to issues affecting people with mental retardation and their families and to media to point out some of the positive contributions of people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities to our community life,” Volunteer-based local organization dealing with life-long issues of mental retardation, around the country engage in a media and public awareness campaign aimed at bringing issues concerning people with mental retardation and their families to the public. Mental Retardation Awareness Month also includes a Sabbath/Sunday event on the weekend of March 17-18, during which people encourage churches and synagogues to focus attention on the needs and abilities of people with mental retardation in their communities. (March)
Mindfulness (6/3/00) Zen Buddhist day for consciously seeing the interdependence of all things at all times.
Missing Children's Day (National - 5/25/00)
Mobility (National Jul) To bring awareness of all products, services and educational programs that enhance the mobility of people who need assistance with the goal of prolonging independence for these individuals. Homecare America, or
Month of the Young Child (Apr)
Morning Radio Wise Guy Day (5/26/00)
Mr. Collegiate African American Scholarship Pageant, Houston, Texas,Open to 18-28 year-old Black college men. Write or call 713-927-6947 for information. (4/5-9/06)
Music for Life (7/1-8/00) Dedicated to make this a better world for all peoples, to be observed to promote functional music in individuals and communities throughout the country, to encourage everyone to use music for consolation and comfort and times of loss, to implement humor; to accompany and ease work and for inspiration and nurture.
National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month - May (NTPPM) Advocates for Youth sponsors National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (NTPPM). Observed each May by states and communities throughout the country, NTPPM seeks to involve communities in promoting and supporting effective teen pregnancy prevention initiatives. From Hawaii to Maine, NTPPM's momentum continues to grow. Councils and other pregnancy prevention organizations continue to initiate new and innovative ideas.
Advocates for Youth recently updated its National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (NTPPM) Planning Guidebook. The guidebook provides strategic tips and examples to help local communities plan and implement activities for NTPPM. It also includes fact sheets, guidance for involving youth and working with the media, and sample forms.
The NTPPM activities implemented in your community or state this year can make a huge difference to teens and their families and can also offer a good basis from which to build more inclusive and multi-faceted initiatives in the years to come. In fact, when community leaders and organizations are committed and work together to make an impact this year, NTPPM planning will continue throughout the year.
Please join Advocates for Youth in making NTPPM an effective
year-round catalyst to highlight and promote sexual health
information and services for teens. Also, please let Advocates for
Youth know what you are planning and if Advocates can help. Please
send your questions and examples of your campaign materials to
Advocates for Youth's Director of Education and Outreach at: 2000 M
Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036 or 202.419.3420
Native American Heritage Month – November is a fitting time to honor the resistance and resilience of Native peoples, including their fight to be heard by and represented in the government that dispossessed them for centuries.
The first inhabitants of this land have been expressly disenfranchised for most of U.S. history.
Excluded from birthright citizenship, American Indians found that,
unlike immigrants, there wasn’t a naturalization process for
them because they were not considered “foreigners.” During
Reconstruction, they were excluded from rights acknowledged by the
14th Amendment, which bolstered civil rights for formerly enslaved
Nectar, Nectar, Nectar: The Essence of Rumi. An evening of devotional music and poetry. The words of the ecstatic poets move us into union with the Divine, awakening love's mysterious transforming power. Geralyn Gendreau puts body and soul into her heartfelt readings of Rumi, Rilke, Lalla, Hafiz and Kabir. Lisa Moskow will accompany Geralyn on percussion and electric sarod, presenting also original songs about legendary figures and sacred sites. This gathering promises to flow with the nectar of spiritual insight, inspiration and hope. Come join us, and drink deep from the sublime. 7pm at The Treehouse in Novato, CA $10. Please RSVP for directions: 415.435.8676 or or (3/17/02)
New Friends-Old Friends (National 5/21-27/00)
New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day (National - 6/1/00) Still haven't completed those New Year's resolutions? It's time to recommit. What you spend your time doing is a reflection of what you think about yourself, if you're stalling on doing what you know is best for you then you lack self-respect. People who respect themselves do what maximizes themselves and their relatinoships.
No Name Calling Week. New Moon Publishing, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing and over thirty other partners, are pleased to announce an initiative called “No Name-Calling Week.” A discussion forum is availble at . Educators and partners can now exchange stories and activities about No Name-Calling Week in their school. Just go to the web site and click on "forum" in the toolbar. Also, during the week, schools serving grades five through eight across the nation will be asked to take part in a week of education activities aimed at stopping name-calling and verbal bullying of all kinds. Former NFL player and activist Esera Tuaolo has been tapped to be the official spokesperson for this weeklong event. The week seeks to focus national attention on the problem of name-calling in schools and to provide students and educators with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate name-calling in their communities. A resource guide with lesson plans, a video for classroom use and other promotional materials will be available for educators to assist in facilitating the week’s activities. Although the project is targeted at grades five through eight – years when the problem of name-calling is particularly acute – the concept can be easily adapted by students and educators at other grades. (3/1-5/04, 1/24-28/05, 1/23-27/06, 1/22-26/07, 1/21-25/08, 1/19-25/09, 1/ 25-31/10, 1/23-29/12, 1/21-27/13, 1/20-26/14, 1/19-25/15, 1/18-24/16, 1/19-23/17, 1/20-24/18, 1/21-25/19, 1/20-24/20)
No-Tobacco Day (World - 5/31/00)
Nude Recreation (7/10-16/00) Feel free to be nude. Enjoy the elements on your body without having to "cover up". Feel proud of your body just the way it is in the company of others who don't judge you about it.
Nurses Assistants Day and Week (6/1-8/00) Recognizes those nursing assistants who provide care to all ill, elderly and long-term residents in nursing homes and other long-term nursing care centers.
Nutrition Month (National) (March)
Healthy eating habits begin early on, and you can help your child
lay the foundation for a lifetime of good nutrition with the foods
you stock and serve at home. March is National Nutrition Month, an
ideal time to introduce your family to new nutritious options.
*Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness (National 4/16-22/00)
Organic Harvest (Sep) National celebration to educate all ages about organic agriculture and products sponsored by Organic Trade Assocation. Local and regional events organized by retailers, manufacturers, distributors and consumer groups include food fairs, tastings, farm tours, cooking demonstrations and meet-the-farmer days. Organic Trade Assn,
Osteoporosis Prevention (National - May)
World Osteoporosis (Intl - Day) This year's theme is “Stand tall, speak out for your bones”. It is a global campaign which will call on government health officials across all regions to recognize osteoporosis as a health priority. World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated by International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) national osteoporosis societies in more than ninety countries, which use the “Stand tall” theme to develop their own activities. (10/20/08)
Parental Alienation and Hostile
Aggressive Parenting Awareness Day calling for children all over
the world to enjoy the right to love and be loved by both parents.
Parental Alienation Awareness Day, International. The loss of a loving parent-child relationship is painful and destructive to everyone. Parental Alienation behaviors are behaviors done by a 3rd party, which interfere with the normal parent-child relationship. These behaviors may be done by the other parent, extended family, courts, or social services. They may include such behaviors as speaking negatively to or about a parent in front of the child, interfering with communication and visitation, and sharing inappropriate information with the child. We advocate awareness of such behaviors, and the right of every child to love and be loved by both parents. To accomplish this and bring to attention those who have it within their power to make positive changes, we must be NOTICED. Last year, there were webinars, media events, quiltmakings, programs, flyer distributions, and letter writing campaigns to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, as well as to local, state, and national legislators, human rights organizations, and government officials. Many of these letters bore the face of a parent, or a child victim of parental alienation, or contained a stamp with their photos: , In the States, we are organizing 2 events-A Governors campaign in the hopes that governors will issue a Petition declaring April 25th as Parental Alienation Awareness Day on a state-wide level, and a conference featuring renowned author, researcher, and speaker, Dr. Stephen Ceci who will be joined by numerous other prominent professionals in the fields of child abuse, parental abductions, false sexual allegations, and Parental Alienation. Robin Denison - 305.378.0630 or E-Mail or (4/25/07)
Partners Day (6/1) Day to give thanks to your spouse/partner for precious love shared.
*Peace Officer Memorial Day (5/15/00)
Pediculosis Prevention (Sep). Head Lice Prevention, National. To promote awareness of how to prevent pediculosis (lice). Natl Pediculosis Assn, or
People Skills (International - Jun) Get a better job, improve the office atmosphere and increase rapport with your family. How? By understanding your personality and the personality of those you relate with on a daily basis. Contact the People Skills Institude for a People Skills Personality Indicator and information on resolving conflicts, gaining influence, and encouraging others. or
Personal History Awareness (May)
Physical Fitness and Sports (May)
Piano (Sep) Recognizes America's most popular instrument and its more than 20 million players; also encourages piano study by people of all agse. Natl Piano Foundation,
Playground Safety (National - 4/24-30/00)
Pleasure Your Mate (Sep) To promote love and show appreciation to your mate. Look for new ways to create happiness together. Use this event to establish a lifelong habit of sharing pleasure.
Poison Prevention (Nat Week -3/20-26/05.) A coalition of national organizations are working to stop unintentional poisonings by distributing information and encouraging local poison control centers, pharmacies, public health departments, and others to conduct poison prevention in their communities to help prevent poisonings. Over 5,000,000 people will be poisoned this year, over half of them children. Help prevent poisonings. If you don't have at least an ounce bottle of Syrup of Ipecac in the house, bring some home today! Also, store harmful products out of children's reach at all times, and to be aware of young children's growing capacities to explore and experiment. Such natural curiosity can lead to poisonings when chemicals or medications are within reach, and parents are not paying close attention. Use this week as an opportunity to take a minute to make sure that children in your home are as safe as possible from poisonings. Also, write the phone number of your nearest Poison Control Center next to each phone in the house. (You may know which phone you put it next too, but your baby sitter should have immediate access.) Don't know the number, check or 800.222.1222 24/7 or check for the Poison Control Center in the front of your local Yellow Pages. Click here for more information on Poisons and Poison Control.
Police (Naitonal - 5/14-20/00)
Prevent Child Abuse blue ribbon event, Kiandras Fallen Angels, Hotel Monaco, Washington DC, Contact: eMail, 917-596-3460 (4/2-3/10)
Professional Secretaries (4/23-29/00) to acknowledge the contributions of all administrative professionals and their vital roles in business, industry, education and government.
Project Aware (Sep) Throughout the month, scuba divers, instructors and dive stores across the US promote environmental and marine conservation in conjunction with AWARE (Aquatic World Awanress and Education). Events include underwater and beach cleanups, and seminars stressing the importance of protecting the Earth's aquaitc resources.
Proposal Day. Is a holiday for singles who are seeking marriage. Both bachelors and bachelorettes are encouraged to propose marriage to their true love on this day, the day of the autumnal equinox. Singles not quite ready to propose can celebrate the holiday by sending a gift to the one they hope someday to marry. A list is released each equinox of the 10 most eligible celebrity singles. (9/22/00)
Prosperity Creation (Sep) To encourage people to take actions to become financially independent. Almost all working people can follow a few key guidelines to mae themselves self-made millionaires, live comfortably and retire with adequate money.
Prostate Cancer Awareness (Month-September, Week (third full week in September) Remember to click on "Today" during that week. It's Prostate Cancer Awareness Week and we feature a different issue each day concerning prostate cancer. Signup for a free annual checkup reminder by sending a blank email to It's free. And, check for a location near you that offers free or low-cost prostate exams during this week.
Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer Integrative Medicine Conference: Healing Choices Bridging Communities. Purpose: By the end of the day, the participants will be able to: (1) Increase their undrstanding of breast and prostate cancer. (2) Learn methods of reducing their risk of these cancers. (3) Become aware of the latest early detection techniques. (4) Learn about the cutting-edge treatments of these cancers. (5) Identify psychosocial issues facing breast/prostate patients, survivors, partners and families. (6) Take home new strategies and resources to help the patient/significant others manager his/her cancer. W&M University of California at San Francisco, Cole Hall, 513 Parnassus Ave. $10 includes lunch. Supported by UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, the Integrative Medicine Network, UCSF, St. Luke's Hospital, CPMC, Institute for Health and Healing, Chinese Hospital, Catholic Healthcare West, The American Cancer Society and other major health organizations. Make your check payable to The American Cancer Society and send it to: American Cancer Society, 1720 Amphlett Blvd., Suite 220, San Mateo, CA 94402 (11/18/00 - 8am-5:30pm, UCSF San Francisco) (Even More)
Prostate Cancer Climb - Mount Aconcagua, Argentina To raise $1,000,000 for research and public education about prostate cancer, corporate, community and indiviual pledges are being solicited for a climb to reach the top of Mt. Aconcagua which rises over 22,000 feet and is the highest peak outside of the Himalayas. Nine climbers and 12 trekkers will scale the mountain. All of them have been personally touched by prostate cancer. Journey with the climbers in spirit and let your spirit soar! A contribution of $25 or more in memory of a loved one or a prostate cancer survivor. A tribute flag will be personalized with their name and brought to the expedition. Team members will carry these flags to base camp where they will be flown proudly. You will also receive a blue prostate cancer pin to wear proudly during the climb. (See Whole Foods related story.) For more information (1/21-2/4/01)
Prostate Cancer Run/Walk, Fredericksburg, TX Bob Butler, (7/4/02)
July 10-12, 2002
Protecting Human Research Subjects: Whose Responsibility is it Anyway? Co-Sponsored by OHRP, FDA, VA and North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, Garden City, Long Island, B
PTA Earth (Week-National 4/16-22/00)
PTA Teacher Appreciation (5/7-13/00)
Public Health (National - 4/3-9/00)
Purposeful Parenting (Jul) Encourages parents to incorporate "purpose" in their parenting. Designed to elevate the level of parental effectiveness by building awareness and providing interested participants with tips for positive, conscientious parenting. Parenting Without Pressure, 1330 Boyer St, Longwood, FL 32750-6311 or 407.767.2524
Race Unity (6/11/00) Baha'i sponsored observance promoting racial harmony and understanding and the essential unity of humanity. or
Race Your Mouse Day. While you're waiting for those heavy webpages to finally come up on your screen, race your mouse in and around the icons. Do it for an energizing, keen feeling! (8/28/00)
Rainbow Ball, Cystal Ballroom, Sponsored by the Gay Men's Chorus, Tickets at any McMenamin's ticket office. (6/16/00) 8 pm No city or further information provided. Sorry.
Reach Out and Read Week (National 4/16-22/00)
Read Across America 3/2) Today is the birthday of the late Dr. Seuss (otherwise known as Theodor Geisel). In honor of Dr. Seuss' contribution to childhood education, the National Education Association sponsors "Read Across America Day" and urges as many adults as possible to read to a child today, whether it's your child or not.. Reading out loud - it makes for very scrumptious moments in time with your own children or for any child that is lucky enough to reap the benefits of your time. Sponsored by the National Educational Association.
Rebuild Your Life (Jun) An opportunity for adults neglected and/or abused as children to celebrate their self-worth and discover inner power. They can learn to heal their lives and emotional pain by helping others. 909.981.7333
Receptionests Day (National - 5/9/00)
Special Recreation (6/27-7/4/00) To focus attention on the recreation rights, needs, aspirations and abilities of people with disabilities - infants, children, youth, yong adults, adults, and seniors; living in the community, in residential services and in institutions; in 40 types of play, recreation and leisure pursuits. SRDI-Special Recreation for disABLED Intl,
Recreation and Parks (Nat Jul) To showcase and invite community participation in quality lieisure activities for all segments of the pupulation. National Recreation and Park Association, or
Recreation for Disabled (6/27/00) To focus attention on the recreation rights, needs, aspirations and abilities of people with disabilities - infants, children, youth, yong adults, adults, and seniors; living in the community, in residential services and in institutions; in 40 types of play, recreation and leisure pursuits. SRDI-Special Recreation for disABLED Intl,
Red Cross Day (World - 5/8/00)
Red Ribbon Campaign. The 2008 Red Ribbon Celebration is quickly drawing near and products to help you share your alcohol and drug abuse prevention message are available. Red Ribbon Week was established in 1988 as a national drug awareness campaign in memory of Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent killed in the line of duty. The celebration was created to take a collective stand against underage use of alcohol and use of illicit drugs. The theme for the 2008 campaign is: Vote Yes For A Drug-Free Future! The Only Choice. This theme reflects that everyone wins when positive drug-free decisions and choices are cast and ties in with the upcoming Presidential election. Products like theme posters, pencils, buttons, banners and other products are available: (10/23-31/08)
Reflexology Awareness (National - 5/21-27/00)
Rehabilitation Awareness Celebration (Natl. (9/17-23/00) The observance salutes the determination of the more than 50 million Americans with disabilitis. It is a time to applaud the efforts of rehab professionals, provide a forum for education and offer an occasion to call upon our citizens to find new ways to fulfill needs that still exist. National Rehabilitation Awareness Foundation, PO Box 71, Scranton, PA 18501 800.943.6723
Religious Freedom Week (9/23-30) The date commemorates the anniversary of the Bill of Rights and the right to believe and practice the religion of one's own choice as laid out in the First Amendment.
Respect-for-the-Aged Day, (Keirou-no hi), Japan (9/15/00)
Revise Your Work Schedule (May)
Rivers (National - Jun) Commemorated by local groups in many states.
Runaway Prevention Month (National-Nov) 800.RUNAWAY (786.2929)
*Safe Boating (National - 5/20-26/00)
Sauntering (World 6/19/00) A day to revive the lost art of Victorian sauntering and to discourage jogging, lollygagging, sashaying, fast walking and trotting.
School Success (Sep) Today's young people have many distractions from school and are sometimes overwhelmed when it comes to academics. Parents are often unskilled at effectively redirecting the attention of their children, especially their teenagers. This observance is to recognize parents who want to support and encourage their children to succeed in school and to explore ways to do that.
*Science & Technology (National 4/30-5/6/00)
Scleroderma Awareness (National
Jun) Providing educational and emotional support to persons with
scleroderma and their families: increasing awareness of this
devastating disease and raising essential reserach dollars to
determine its cause, enhance threatment and find a cure. Information
and referrals, annual conference and workshops.
Scotland Aberdeen International Youth Festival Talented young people from all areas of performing arts come from around the world to participate in this festival. (Aug 1-11)
Sea Cadet (Sep) Nationwide year-roound youth program for boys and girls 11-17 teaches leadership and self-discipline with emphasis on nautically oriented training without military obligation. US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, or
Self-Awareness (Intl) (Sep) Drawing attention to the value of knowing oneself. Taking Socrates' advice "Know Thyself," this effort is targested to identify, highlight and explore all the various means and models people use for improved understanding.
Self-Improvement (Sep). To disseminate information about the importance of lifelong learning and self-improvement.
Awareness Day (SIAD) is an annual global awareness event/campaign
on March 1, where on this day, and in the weeks leading up to it,
some people choose to be more open about their own self-harm, and
awareness organizations make special efforts to raise awareness about
self-harm and self-injury. Some people wear an orange awareness
ribbon, wristband, or beaded bracelet to encourage awareness of
- (March 1)
Self-University (9/1-7/00) Reminds adults (in or out of school) that each of us has a responsibility to help shape the future by pursuing life-long learning. Committed to self-education as the lifeblood of democracy and the key to living life to its fullest. Dedicated to furthering education not as something you get but as something you take. We assert that America's greatest treasures are found not in our shopping malls but in our libraries.
Senior Health and Fitness Day (National 5/31/00)
Shameless Promotion (Sep) This is the month for you to go out and promote yourself, your business, your book or your product shamelessly. For outrageous tips visit
Sickle Cell (Sep) Sickle Cell Disease Assn of American, 800.421.8453 or
Singles (Natl. 9/17-23/00) To celebrate single life, to recognize singles and their associations, to present difnified options for finding a partner or living fully without one. Singles Press Assn, PO Box 6243, Scottsdale, AZ 85261, 602.788.6001 or
Sky Awareness (4/23-29/00). A celebration of the sky and an opportunity to appreciate its natural beauty, to understand sky and weather processes and to work together to protect the Sky Father as a natural resource.
Small Business Day (National - 5/10/00) (Week 6/4-10/00) To honor the 22 million small businesses in the US. Small Business Administration,
Smash Out Suicide (9/23/00) A time to bring awareness to communities of the estimated one million people lost to suicide each year. Communities hold vigils, rallies and other activities. It is a day set aside to help survivors and those struggling to keep hope.
Smile Week "Share a smile and it will come back to you, bringing happiness to you and the giver." or (National 8/7-13/00)
Speed Freaks ESPN2 Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. EST This SpeedFreaks Sunday special was shot from the Mopar Mile High Nationals at Bandimere Speedway and the Mopar Big Block Party in Golden, Colorado. Featured throughout the 60 minutes is NASCAR’s Kasey Kahne, Drifting’s Sam Hubinette, MotoGP’s Colin Edwards Nicky Hayden, Injured Motocrosser Ernesto Fonseca and a slew from the NHRA paddock including John Force, Melanie Troxel, Tony Schumacher, Ron Capps, Richie Stevens, Angelle Sampey, Mike Ashley, Gene Wilson, Erica Enders and team owner Don Schumacher. Oh yeah, kicking off the show is none other than Formula One’s defending Champion, Fernando Alonso. (9/10/06)
Spring Break (Usually during Apr)
Stand For Children Day (6/1/00) Encourages individuals to improve children's lives. Its mission is to identify, train and connect local children's activists engaging in advocacy, awareness-rasing and service initiatives as part of Children's Action Teams. The day consists of a series of local events held around the country to ensure that all children have the opportunity to grow up healthy, educated, and safe. To find events in your local area go to or or 800.663.4032
STDS Education and Awareness (National - Apr)
Stepparents (6/1-7/00) The statistics on family life in the 90's are: 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce and 67 percent of all second marriages end in divorce. This week is in recognition of those brave souls who flaunt convention and plow forward despite the statistics.
Stonewall Riots (6/28/00) Day of the Stonewall riot (1969); day to mourn victims of homophobia (past and present), make peace and celebrate lesbian and gay empowerment.
Stop Domestic Violence Celebration, for all survivors of DomesticViolence. South Florida and Ulster County. Sponsored by Angels On Earth Inc. a nonprofit agency. (6/10-11/00) or
Stress Awareness To focus public awareness on one of the leading health problems in the world today. Health-related organizations throughout the country are encouraged to sponsor stress education programs and events. Annually, the first day after income taxes due. (4/17/01)
Stress Awareness (Apr-breathe)
Student Safety (Jun) Heightening the awarness of safety and making sound decision following graduations, parties, senior proms and other special events. The month encourages young people everywhere not to drink and drive and to use good judgment while celebrating throughout the month. 800.801.6599
Suicide Awareness (September)
Each year in the United States, more than 650,000 attempt to commit suicide. Of these, more than 30,000 die. In an effort to educate the public about suicide and ways to prevent it, May 6 through 12 has been designated as National Suicide Prevention Week. This falls during National Mental Health Month. About half of the states have begun efforts to enact suicide prevention strategies.
Sustainable Development (6/14/00) Day the world's nations committed to in 1992.
Take Charge of Change Week. To increase awareness of the indiviual's power to control his own destiny. Reduce stress, improve the quality of your life when you put yourself in the driver's seat. Lean how to accept the change you cannot control, manage the change you can and make change a positive force in your life.
Take Your Daughter(s) To Work Day. Sponsored by MS magazine, and sponsored by 3 out of 10 corporations in the U.S. and more than 19 million participants in 1999, this is a day to take your daughter to work to experience what you do and to look at options for herself. We support this program and encourage you to participate. There are other options, not alternatives, but options. (4th Thu in April) Read about Daughters and Sons and Kids programs.
Take Your Kids to Work Week (International) Always the week after Father's Day, it's a time to share with your children what you do in the world and what keeps you away from home so much. Leaving the house each day with a brief case or tool box or lunch box isn't enough. (Any day this week Hopefully you do this with your kids more than once a year!) (6/17-21/02)
Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day - Keep them happy by making sure they are well fed. It makes them feel loved and gives them the energy to fix all the typos that you have on your site. (7/6/00)
Teacher Appreciation (5/7-13/00)
Teacher's Day (National - 5/9/00)
Techies Day (10/3/00) To celebrate and honor technology professionals and their achievements in today's increasingly wired world.
Teen Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (National) to raise awareness about the high prevalence of teen suicide, and to spread the word about the support services available for those affected by or struggling with the issue. Since the occurrence of teen suicides is even more common toward the beginning of the school year, we all should take time to remind struggling teens and families that there is help, that there is support, that there are always other options and – most importantly – that they’re not alone. Everyone can be a part of the fight against teen suicide. Any effort that could save one or multiple lives is an effort worthwhile. (September)
Testicular Cancer Awareness (4/1-7) This public awareness and education program was conceived because of the alarming number of young men presenting advanced, incurable cases of Testicular Cancer (TC). It is designed to promote awareness of the importance of early detection through monthly self-exams and correct diagnosis. Free monthly self-exam reminder
Thanksgiving: Why some Americans don't celebrate the controverial holiday The holiday is viewed by some to be a celebration of the conquest of Native Americans
For many Americans, Thanksgiving is a special, beloved holiday for eating turkey – or a vegetarian main course option – and spending time with friends and family.
However, for others, the celebration is deeply controversial
– as Thanksgiving has a contentious history that goes far beyond
when the first feast was held.
Trails Day (National 6/3/00) Celebrates trails and the volunteers who maintain them. More than 3,000 trail organizations, agencies, and businesses across the country host a variety of events including nerw trail dedications, workshops, eucational exhibits, equestrian and mountain bike rides, boat paddling, rollerblading, trail maintenance projects, and, as always, hikes on backcountry trails in America's wild lands. or
*Transportation (National - 5/14-20/00)
TV Turnoff (National - 4/24-30/00)
UN Day of Cooperation (7/1/00) On December 16, 1992, the General Assembly proclaimed this observance for the first Sunday of July 1995. On December 23, 1994, recognizing that cooperatives are becoming an indispensable factor of economic and social development, the Assembly invited governments, interenational organizations, specialized agencies and naitonal and internationl cooperative organizations to observe the first Sunday in July annually.
U-2 Incident (40th Anniversary) with Francis Gary Powers (5/1/00)
VALENTINE'S DAY REMINDERS (2/14) Visit some of the following web sites for last minute ideas to make this your most memorable Valentine's Day ever! (Note: We do not derive any income from any of these sites.)
Valentines for Vets (Week of Valentines Day) - America's National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Every day, approximately 100,000 veterans are treated in VA Medical facilities. Some of them are without family, friends or visitors. You can mail valentines to the nearest VA medical center, or drop them off in person. The addresses of the facilities can be obtained by looking in the telephone directory, or by calling VA's toll-free number, 800-827-1000, or from the VA's Web site at or the VA facility locator at:
Vegetarian Awareness Month (Oct)
V-E Day 55th Anniversary (5/8/00)
Veterans Day. A day to give love and thanks for all the men and women who have put their lives on the line for freedom. A night of mourning for those who were killed. A time to heal for those who became conscious objectors. And vigil for those who may still be Prisoners of War (POW's) or are still missing in action (MIAs) The count remains: World War I - 3,350. World War II - 78,773. Korea - 8,177. Viet Name - 2,458. Desert Storm - 24. Let the words of Eugene "Red" McDaniel, a former POW, be remembered - "I was prepared to fight, to be wounded, to be captured, and even prepared to die, but I was not prepared to be abandonded." Let's insure that these people are not forgotten! (11/11/00)
Vision Rehabilitation Day (Natl. 9/20/00) Because of the documented lack of knowledge about both vision loss and the availability of vision rehabilitation services, this observance has been created to promote aggressive education and treatment for people with vision problems. It is sponsored by Lighthouse International, a leading resource on vision impairment and is commemorated throughout the nation by national organizations, eye care professionals and member agencies of The National Vision Rehabilitation Cooperative. or
*Volunteer (National 4/23-28/01) As we roll into the month of April, so begins the Spring of the International Year of the Volunteer (IYV). Click on the banner below and find out what you can do nationally or locally to make the world a better place.
Are our neighboring countries getting involved with charity? What percentage of the population in 5 prominent western countries volunteers?
USA = 25%
Spain = 20%
Canada = 15%
France = 11%
Britain = 10%
Volunteer (International - 6/1-7/00) To honor men and women throughout the world who serve as volunteers, rendering valuable service without compensation to the communities in which they live and to honor nonprofit organizations dedicated to making the world a better place in which to live. Want to help us?
Waitstaff Day (National - 5/21/00)
War of 1812 (6/18/1812) Afdter much debate in Congress between "hawks" such as Henry Clay and John Clahoun, and "doves" such as John Randolph, Congress issued a declaration of war on Great Britain. The action was prompted primarily by Britain's violation of America's rights on the high seas and British incitement of Indian warfare on the frontier. Was was seen by some as a way to acquire Florida and Canada. The hostilities ended with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent on 12/24/1814 at Ghent, Belgium.
Web Raffle. The Men's Center will be holding a free fund raiser cook-out and web raffle drawing at Meade Gardens, Winter Park, Florida. You are invited to attend. That evening at 8:00 PM, we will hold an on-line chat to announce the Web Raffle winner. The winner will also be announced to all ticket holders by e-mail and on our web-sites, 12 pm MORE (3/2/02)
Work Life Enrichment (Intl-Apr) Focus on improving the quality of your life and work. Use this month to activate and celebrate improvements in your workplce. Individuals will gain more work satisfaction. Employers will gain more productive employees. For inforamtion Gloria Dunn, Pres, Wiser Ways to Work®, PO Box 550, Fairfax, CA 94978, 510.339.6877 or
*World AIDS Day/Day without Art. US observance of UN day to focus world attention on the fight against HIV/AIDS. An annual observance about the impact of AIDS on the visual arts. Events to increase public awareness through the visual arts, direct services to artists living with HIV/AIDS. American Assn for World Health, 202.466.5883 or or or 212.627.9855 (12/1 annusally) MORE
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (6/17/00) States were invited to devote the World Day to promoting public awareness of the need for international cooperation to combat desertification and the effects of drought and on the implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. United States, Dept of Public Info, New York, NY 10017
National HIV/AIDS Observance Days Message A number of national and global observances are held annually to help us understand and fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The Department of Health and Human Services is using all of its resources to combat the disease, and one way it is doing so is by supporting these observances, which help raise awareness and spread information about HIV/AIDS. It is important to know the facts, how to prevent being infected, and how to live with the disease. We need to continue to talk and learn about HIV/AIDS, and the observances listed here provide an excellent opportunity for discussion and information sharing. Our goal is to provide timely information and resources for these awareness days.
We encourage you to visit this Web site throughout the year and to
click on the icons above to download materials, educational tools,
and information on the Department's support of these observances. We
hope the resources and information will assist your efforts to
educate, motivate, and mobilize your local community in the fight
against HIV/AIDS! Call 800.444.6472 to speak to an information
specialist about World AIDS Day 2004.
World Games for the Deaf: 19th World Summer Games for the Deaf. (7/29-8/5/01) W&M Rome, Italy. USA Deaf Sports Federation, 3607 Washinigton Blvd, Ste # 4, Ogden, UT 84402. or or 803.393.7916 (TTY)
World Heart Day, day dedicated to the prevention and awareness of heart disease. (9/24/06)
World Men's Day. November 19th is World Men’s Day, a day designed to make us more aware of the issues and concerns around men’s health. This day was initiated in 1999 following overwhelming response and support from men’s groups in the USA, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. The objective of World Men’s Day is about celebrating manhood and the positive and valuable contributions men and boys make to our society. It also gives us an opportunity to reflect on the still poor state of men’s and boys’ health and wellbeing in Australia. (11/19/04, 11/19/05) See International Men's Day
Youth Against Violence (5/21/00)
Youth Day (6/16/00) South Africa commemorates a student uprising in Soweto (1976) against "Bantu Education and the enforced teaching of Afrikaans.
Youth Sports Safety (National - Apr)
* * *
I am not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship. -
Louisa May Alcott
This Calendar lists men’s events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? We’ll also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.