Menstuff® has compiled information on the issue of Condoms.
When are we going to wake up?
We've got the highest teen pregnancy rate
in the world.
Talk with your kids about
The History Of The
23 Reasons Not to Use
reason to Use Condoms
(May be too graphic for
rejected this Trojan Condoms ad
Condoms Make
Condom Promised Land
A Responsible
Conversation about Sexual
New in Birth Control: An Easy-to-Follow Guide About New
Talking about
An Ounce of
How to Use a
Where the Rubber
Meets the Road
The Love
Glove Quiz
There Be Condom Ads on
Having Fun with
Control Methods
Contraception Forms -
Abstinence, Outercourse,
Device (IUD), The
Pill, The
Condom, Withdrawal,
or Cervical Cap, Female
Condom or Spermicide,
Abstinence or Fertility Awareness Methods
(FAMs), Emergency
Contraception, RU-486
Related issues: Reproductive
Health, Emergency
Contraception, Talking
With Kids About Tough Issues,
Vaginosis, Blue
Balls, Chancroid,
Herpes, Genital
Warts, Gonorrhea,
Urethritis, Pelvic
Inflammatory Disease,
Sex, Syphilis,
Talk with your kids
about condoms
The latex condom is the only form of birth control that provides
protection against both pregnancy and most sexually transmitted
diseases. While not infallible, using a prophylactic correctly is
much safer than not using one. The optimal safety strategy, if
abstinence is not chosen, calls for the male to wear a condom, while
his female partner uses any of the three hormonal methods: the pill,
Depo-Provera or Norplant.
One of the most heartening changes in young peoples sexual habits is that boys have begun to share responsibility for birth control. When Brookings 8th graders were ask if they or their partner used a condom the last time they had sexual intercourse, 38% replied yes. Of 11th graders the number went up to 64%.
Even so, too many boys try to squirm their way out of donning a prophylactic before sexual activity. It ruins the spontaneity. It dulls the sensation. (See 23 more at
Girls, too, may have an aversion to condoms, though the reasons typically have less to do with physical pleasure than with the stigma often associated with this much-maligned form of contraception.
Some young women, for example, say that using rubbers makes them feel cheap, when in fact they should congratulate themselves for being sexually responsible. Others worry that to keep a few condoms in their purse or backpack, just in case, might be misconstrued as a sign that theyre easily coaxed into bed or that seduction was on their agenda all along. Its been found that adolescents who carry condoms are nearly three times more likely to use them for protection during intercourse.
When discussing birth control with teenagers, the message is the same for sons as it is for daughters: to have intercourse without a prophylactic, even once, could potentially derail their future and possibly even cost them their lives. They need to inform any and all sexual partners that no condom means no sexno excuses, no exceptions.
Teenagers still believe they can tell who has HIV and who doesnt. The line from boys and girls is, "I can look in a persons eyes and know. The fact is, we cant confirm anyones monogamy but our own. We trust our romantic partner to be both true and truthful, but a study that surveyed about two hundred HIV-positive patients at a pair of New England hospitals revealed that four in ten of the infected men and women admitted theyd never informed their partners of their condition. Furthermore, nearly two-thirds of them did not always wear a condom.
Arming our sons and daughters with
information can help them face down the pressure to have sex without
condomsor to have sex at all.
Reason: I don't use condoms.
Answer: OK. Then let's think of ways we can satisfy each
other without intercourse.
Or: I never make love without a condom. No glove, no
Reason: I forgot it.
Answer: Forget it.
Reason: I don't have a condom with me.
Answer: The drug store up the street is open all night.
Let's go buy some.
Or: I have one.
Or: Let's wait until we're prepared
Reason: It's embarrassing to buy them.
Answer: Let's buy a big box. That way we won't have to
buy them for some time.
Reason: Condoms are too expensive.
Answer: Let's share the cost.
Or: Let's skip the movie Saturday and we can buy several
Or: I'll pay for them. The peace of mind is worth it.
Or: Let's stop by the family planning clinic. Condoms are
free there.
Reason: I'm allergic to them
Answer: Let's try another brand or a different lubricant
or Spermicide.
Or: I'm allergic to sperm. It could make me 'break out'
in STDs and sometimes even pregnancy.
Reason: They look ugly.
Answer: Come here, big boy. I love the way you look in that
Or: I think you look incredibly sexy. Seeing you in a
condom really turns me on.
Reason: But we've been having sex without condoms.
Answer: I know we could enjoy each other more if I
didn't have to worry.
Or: That doesn't mean it's not a good idea from now
Reason: Condoms taste terrible.
Answer: Let's try some of those new flavored condoms.
Reason: They're too dry. They make sex
Answer: Let's try lubricated condoms. If they still feel
dry, we can use some K-Y Jelly or Astro Glide.
Reason: I'm a virgin.
Answer: I'm not. This way we'll both be protected.
Reason: I'm on the pill. Trust me.
Answer: I do trust you; it's the pill I'm worried about.
Let's play it safe.
Or: The pill works great for preventing pregnancy, but
condoms can protect us from infections we might not even know we
Reason: It's embarrassing to buy condoms and carry
Answer: If we're too embarrassed to deal with condoms,
then we're probably not ready for sex.
Or: Carrying condoms is less embarrassing that carrying a baby
if we aren't ready to be parents.
Reason: I wouldn't give you a disease.
Answer: I know you wouldn't intentionally, but either of
us could have an infection and not know it. Why take chances?
Reason: Sex isn't as good. I can't feel much with a
condom on. It's like wearing a raincoat in the shower. They're fake,
unnatural, a total turnoff.
Answer: There's plenty of feeling left, and I wouldn't
feel safe without it.
Or: You're right. Condoms do reduce the sensitivity for
both of us a little, but that's not all bad. It gives us a chance to
concentrate on other parts of our bodies.
Or: Please let's try to work this out - an infection
doesn't feel so great either. If we use a condom we'll both relax and
that will make our lovemaking better. (It may help you last longer,
Or: Honey, you won't feel anything unless we use a
Reason: Condoms don't work that well. I can still get
Answer: No birth control method is 100% affective. Let's use
some foam with nonoxynol-9 too. Foam and condoms together are about
99% safe.
Or: Condoms are a very good method as long as we don't
forget to use one every time.
Reason: I'm sure it's safe at this time of the
Answer: There is no safe time when it comes to STDs.
Or: That's what my sister thought. Now I'm an uncle.
Or: Let's really be safe, not sorry.
Reason: Putting it on breaks the mood. It's not
romantic. I'll lose my erection by the time I stop and put it on.
Answer: It doesn't have to break the mood. I'll help you
put it on - that'll help you keep it.
Or: It's not romantic when I'm scared about getting
pregnant or sick.
Reason: I'm afraid to ask him to use a condom. He'll
think I don't trust him.
Answer: If you can't ask him, you probably don't trust
Reason: Just this once.
Answer: Once is all it takes.
Reason: You carry a condom around with you? You
were planning to seduce me!
Answer: I always carry one with me because I care about
myself. I have one with me tonight because I care about us both.
Reason: It's up to's his decision.
Answer: It's your health. It should be your decision,
Reason: None of my other boyfriends use a condom.
A Real Man isn't afraid.
Answer: Please don't compare me to them. A Real Man
cares about his partner, himself and their relationship.
Reason 24: A big reason for wearing a condom:
Reason 25: Because you really want a child, you are financially prepared and able, and you're psychological prepared to raise a child not knowing really what it entails.
The first public demonstration of the condoms is recorded to be around 15th century. It was made and used first in Italy. The name of the person who used it first was Gabrielle. The purpose of making condom was to prevent infection of the disease, Syphilis. Although protection was already being used against diseases centuries earlier, Gabrielle was trying to bring it more to people's attention.
Gabrielle used linen as the basic substance in making a condom. As it was a public demonstration; he conducted experiment with a group of over thousand people to prove that the thing that he made was very useful against Syphilis.
A thread of condom history also comes from Rome, where the warriors wore the tubes on their penis which they obtained from the intestines of enemies they killed. Sometimes they wore the intestinal tubes of animals like sheep, goat etc. With the reference from history, by 1700, condom was realized for its use. Many shops were raised to sell condoms.
Records indicate that as early as 1000 BCE, the ancient Egyptians used a linen sheath, tied at the base with ribbon, for protection against disease, while the Chinese are known to have used oiled silk paper. These materials were used for centuries.
The oldest condoms ever found date back to 1640 and were excavated near Birmingham, England. They were made of fish and animal intestine.
In 16th century Italy, Gabrielle Fallopius authored the first-known published description of prophylactic condom use. Fallopius conducted trials among 1,100 men using a sheath made of linen; none of the men became infected with syphilis. During this period, protection was also improved by soaking the cloth sheaths in a chemical solution and allowing them to dry prior to use the first use of a spermicide on condoms.The condoms usefulness in preventing pregnancy was recognized in the 1700s.
Condoms made out of animal intestines became widely available in Europe, but were costly and often reused. In 19th century Japan, the Japanese had condoms made from two other materials: one made of thin leather and the other of thin tortoise shells or horns.
The mass-production of rubbers began after 1844 and the invention of vulcanization, a process that turns crude rubber into a strong elastic material.These were as thick as inner tubes, had a seam, and deteriorated rapidly. Latex manufacturing processes improved sufficiently in the 1930s to produce single-use condoms almost as thin and inexpensive as the ones used today.
The reservoir tip on the latex condom was introduced in the early
1950s, textured condoms in 1973. In 1994, Polyurethane emerged as an
alternative to latex, leading to the development of both male condoms
for latexsensitive people and the female condom.
Keep in mind, however, that condoms can fail. Condoms have a 16% annual failure rate [1]. After just four years you can bet on having an accidental pregnancy and after 20 years of using condoms, the chances are that a man will most likely experience not one, not two, but three accidental pregnancies!
1 - Facts in Brief, Contraceptive Use, Alan Guttmacher Institute,
New York City, New York, (212) 248-1111.
On the eve of the new millennium, the condom industry is finally experiencing a renaissance. After decades of stagnation and centuries of experimentation, technology, and design innovation finally have converged to produce some sensational (pun intended) condoms. New shapes, materials and designs are arousing interest across the world, and for good reason - several new condoms mean that safer sex really can be pleasurable sex.
The new arrivals are long overdue. For hundreds of years condoms were made from all sorts of stuff. The Chinese made condoms out of oiled silk paper, Europeans used fish bladders, and Egyptians used papyrus soaked in water. Through most of the 18th and 19th centuries, lamb intestines were the preferred condom material. Legend even has it that Casanova was a big fan of natural lambskins. While baby boomers may know condoms as "rubbers," it wasn't until 1843, when Goodyear vulcanized rubber, that the latex condom was born.
Throughout the technological revolution, Americans invented televisions, built computers and sent men to the moon, but the American condom industry stood still. That finally began to change about 10 years ago, prompted by the threat of serious competition from the Japanese. In the early '90s, a few sensuous Japanese ultra-thin condoms, like Kimono MicroThin and Crown arrived in America and turned the condom market on its head. These sexy imports were substantially thinner than their American counterparts, and thus far more popular with consumers who (shockingly) wanted sensation and sensitivity while having sex.
The U.S. condom market responded to the Japanese with condoms that promised safety and performance. In 1997, LifeStyles introduced the LifeStyles Xtra Pleasure featuring a domelike top to increase sensation. Trojan even caught on and introduced its "pleasure" condom, Ultra Pleasure in 1998. Only in the last year, however, has the true Condom Promised Land appeared to emerge. Three revolutionary new condoms are leading the way, and changing forever the condom industry.
The return of the long-missed Pleasure Plus has generated amazing excitement. The Pleasure Plus was originally introduced in 1993 by an ingenious Indian physician by the name of Dr. A.V.K. Reddy, whom the New York Times called the "Leonardo da Vinci" of condoms. After many years of study and analysis, Reddy designed the first condom that would emphasize sensation and pleasure, based on the neuro-anatomy of the penis. Simply put, Reddy created a condom that was looser-fitting in the exact area of the penis where most of the nerve endings are located. The loose fit at the tip of the condom allowed the nerve endings to remain at their most sensitive, while the friction caused by the extra moving latex produced additional sensation. The Pleasure Plus quickly became a big hit.
Unfortunately, due to some financial troubles, the Pleasure Plus disappeared in 1995. For years people awaited its return, and that much-hoped-for day has produced a tremendous response. A new company has obtained the original patents and has started to make this prophylactic gem once more. Condomania has already received thousands of orders for the Pleasure Plus.
Meanwhile, Reddy went back to the drawing board to design a condom that he believed would rival his original creation. After another four years of development, the inSpiral arrived this year to rave reviews. Like the Pleasure Plus, the inSpiral features a looser fit to enhance sensation -- this time in the form of bulging pouches that appear to twist their way to the top of the condom. Reddy believes that this new design adds an additional dynamic element that further enhances sensation, and the thousands of Condomania customers -- especially women -- who've already ordered the inSpirals definitely seem to agree.
Picking up where the Avanti left off, Trojan has joined the polyurethane game with its introduction of the Supra this month. Back in 1995, Durex introduced the world's first polyurethane condom for men, Avanti. Avanti went on to consistently rank among the world's most popular brands, especially for those who are allergic to latex. Polyurethane possesses some unique benefits: it is heat conductive (warming to body temperature), has no taste or odor, and, unlike latex, can be used safely with oil-based lubricants.
Like the Avanti, the new Supra boasts all the unique qualities and advantages of polyurethane. Unlike the Avanti, however, Supra is a bit softer and more comfortable. Most incredibly, Supra's Microsheer polyurethane is super clear -- the world's first invisible condom!
The Pleasure Plus, inSpiral and Supra condoms have generated increased excitement in an industry that needs it. Safer sex has never looked -- or felt -- better! Look for the condoms mentioned here at your local drugstore or contact Condomania at 1.800.9CONDOM.
Once you've both agreed to use condoms, do something positive and
fun. Go to the store together. Buy lots of different brands and
colors. Plan a special day when you can experiment. Just talking
about how you'll use all those condoms can be a turn-on.
There are a number of contraceptive choices which may change throughout your life. To decide which method to use now, consider how well each one will work for you:
Proper use of a latex condom every time you have sexual contact, not only helps prevent possibility of pregnancy, but is also one of the best possible methods apart from abstinence to help protect yourself from most known STDs.
It's true, one of the safest and most effective methods of helping
to prevent pregnancy without abstaining from sexual intercourse, is
also one of the safest and healthiest ways of helping to protect
yourself from STDs. And using condoms properly is the purpose of this
web site.
Before Sex:
Use a new condom every time you have sex - before foreplay, before penis gets anywhere near any body opening. (To avoid exposure to any body fluid that can carry infection.) Handle condom gently.
Put the condom on as soon as the penis is hard. Be sure rolled-up ring is on the outside. And leave space at the tip to hold semen when you come.
Squeeze tip gently so no air is trapped inside. Hold tip while you unroll the condom...all the way down to the hair.
If the condom doesn't unroll, it's on wrong. Throw it away. Start over with a new one.
After sex:
Pull out slowly right after you come, while the penis is still hard. Hold condom in place on the penis to avoid spilling semen. Turn and move completely away before you let go of the condom.
Dispose of used condom properly, NOT in the toilet. And no more sex without a new condom.
If a condom breaks and semen spills or leaks, don't panic. But quickly wash semen away with soap and water.
Tips for Success
Warning: A very small number of
users are sensitive or allergic to latex rubber, Spermicide or
lubricants. If you or your partner have had any reaction to latex
rubber, spermicide or lubricants, stop use and see your doctor.
Get her to laugh and have fun in the bedroom. Here are a few ways you can have fun with condoms. Who says wearing condoms isn't fun?!
Glow in The Dark Condoms
You're kidding, right?" Would we kid you?
Walk in a dark room glowing while she is laying in bed waiting for you. She'll see a floating penis heading her way! And if she tells you to get out, you can always use the light to find your clothes.
Be sure you wear a reputable condom underneath the glow in the dark condom. Or should we just go ahead and start calling you "daddy"?
Flavored Condoms
Mmmmm, yum! Give her the taste test. "Guess what flavor this is, honey!" It's a taste she'll want have hanging around in her mouth.
Colored Condoms
What's her favorite color again? While she's in the kitchen cooking, or wherever, walk in wearing a condom in her favorite color, and say, "Honey, I forgot your favoirte color. Could this possibly be it?"
Be sure she turns the stove off before she hops on you like a girl on a circus pony.
Ok, wanna start wearing condoms now? Check This Site Out: or 800.9 CONDOM
(926-6366). She'll love you for it!
Laos Pulls Goldfish-In-A-Condom Ad As Too
An advertisement that depicts a woman carrying a goldfish in a
water-filled condom has been pulled from television in communist Laos
after authorities deemed it too explicit, a U.S.-based voluntary
group that sells the condoms said.
Controversial Condom Ads Make Kenyan
Adolescents Squirm And Adults Fume
In bars, shops, restaurants and homes across Kenya, racy TV ads
attempting to encourage condom use are making adults fume and
adolescents squirm.
Selecting & Installing
Dear Dr. K,
Lately I've been having problems getting an erection while wearing a condom. Because of this I've been tempted to top a guy bare. How can I fix this before I end up in a risky situation?
It sounds like you might be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to top. Are there other ways you can still get off with someone while being safe? Also consider asking yourself why all of a sudden you are "not feeling it" while wearing a condom. Sometimes when we're mentally stressed or depressed, our penises work differently (or just don't work).
Another idea is to practice jacking off with a condom to make it easier to get hard when you're wearing a condom with a partner. You may want to see a doctor to talk about other things that could be making getting hard difficult, such as medications. Anti-depressants often have sexual side effects that can lower the chances of getting and staying hard. Other things that can make getting or sustaining erections difficult include poor blood flow to the penis.
Barebacking is a high-risk activity when it comes to getting and spreading HIV and other STDs. The only sure way to protect yourself during anal sex is by using condoms correctly and consistently.
To your health,
Dr. K
Like A Virgin? "Madonna Condoms"
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