Menstuff® has gathered over 2,000 links to other men's sites. We also have an archive of website picks. Want to Link to Us?
There are a number of miscellaneous listings plus the following categories: Authors, Circumcision, Congress, Directories-Printed, Feminist, Government, Health, Infertility, Kidstuff, Men's Magazines- Newsletters, Mail List, Media, Men's/Father's Rights, Parkinson's, Prostate, Publishers-Book & Magazine, Rural Health and Workshops/Conferences. We have made every attempt to keep this listing alive. Where we identify broken links, we leave the link and give the reason why we haven't been able to access it. If you see an error in our listing, please let us know. If you have an organizational website or email address that we don't have listed, send us an email now giving the purpose of your organization and any other pieces of pertinent information, including a postal address - Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails you request, for free. We have not reviewed all of the sites linked to this web site and are not responsible for their contents. Their appearance here simply states that they are a part of the vast men's community and does not imply endorsement by The National Men's Resource Center. Visiting any off-site page is entirely at your own risk.
Adoption: National Adoption Information Clearinghouse For information on adoption: 330 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20447. P 888.251.0075 or 703.352.3488; F 703.385.3206 or or
Advisors to Menstuff®
African American Planning Commission, (AAPC), is a minority-owned and controlled, New York City based, 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization committed to ending homelessness and developing innovative solutions to joblessness which in turn leads to the self-reliance and the economic independence of those whom we serve.
Age of Reason,
Allied Ronin/Samurai Game -
Alternative Information Resources
Alternatives to Violence Resources
American Men's Studies Association. To join or quit, contact The list is administered by David Robinson at CompuServe 71500.356 or Webpage coming on line, contact Articles to boost mens' image. Online guide to a better man from styling tips to health and fitness tips. E-Mail
Authors: (At times, you can find your favorite author on . A note to Authors and Publishers - check ours out - Authors & Publishers and Press.)
Book Publishers: After you've looked in your local bookstore, checked with through us, and looked everywhere else for a specific book, check the publisher. Our list is not comlete by any means but have published one or more of our 2000+ books we have listed in one or more of the men's issues.
Boys to Men, providing youth with positive mentoring. La Mesa, CA - 619.667.2900
Building Sustainable Masculinity. Workshops, coaching, conferencing around nonviolent masculinity www.pipcornall.comf (6/05)
Centers/Counseling Centers for Men
Ceridian Performance Partners is a provider of work/life services that help employees balance work and family demands
Child Abuse: Mandatory reporting of abuse and neglect - ; survey of statutes of limitations at
Circumcision: Links and Snail Mail Addresses Circumcision issues. Click to hear the start of the video Whose Body, Whose Rights?
Cosmetic Surgery FYI - A resource for information on cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, rhinoplasty, and facelift. Find and compare local plastic surgeons or
Cosmetic Surgery News is a viable tool into which medical, surgery, and health related websites can easily integrate, while helping patients improve their decision making process. or
Councils - Men's Councils and Wisdom Councils
Custody/Divorce - See Men's/Father's Rights
CyberCafes - 4,000 cybercafes and other internet access points in 131 countries. Includes 387 in the U.S. or which 106 are in California. Next largest clusters with over 10 are New York (26), Florida (24), Texas (14), Pennsylvania (13), Colordao and Washington (12), and Massachusetts (11). All other states except Connecticut, North Dakota, Utah and Vermont list at least 1 cybercafe. From Tonga to Turkey, Romania to Russia, Croatia to the Czech Republic, Palestine to Poland. Have friends outside the U.S. who don't have a computer. This might be an ideal way to conect - on-line. Find the cybercafes at or purchase their guide for $12.95 plus shipping from Norway at
CYF Consortium at
The Daily Husband Blog - A husband's view of things and questions about being a husband.
Delphi - type: groups, select mensnet
Depression - wants to help build awareness, and support men who suffer depression. will strive to be your source for up-to-date information about male depression, and for finding the help you need.
Directories - Printed
Diversity - or
Diversophy - founder George Simons, at and
Diversophy game, under diversiWATCH. Contains intercultural news and events, feature articles and diversiTIPS describing best practices.
Divorce/Custody - See Men's/Father's Rights
Domestic Violence Against Men - National - Issues, Resources, Books
Eating Disorders: A Guide to Getting Treatment for Healthy Future
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center - dedicated to the prevention and treatment of eating disorders. We provide information about, and treatment resources for all forms of eating disorders. Our goal is to promote social attitudes that enhance healthy body image and self-esteem and work to overcome the idealization of thinness that contributes to disordered eating. We provide referrals to eating disorder professionals, treatment facilities and support groups, etc. In addition, we offer general information to inform the public about the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. Some very valuable information for fathers and for males with eating disorders. 2923 Sandy Pointe Suite 6 Del Mar, CA 92014-2052, 858.792.7463 or or (3/00) Also, if you want more information about bulimia and anorexia, send your request and a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope to: American Anorexia/Bulimia Association, Inc., 239 Central Park West, Suite 1R, New York, NY 10024, 212.501.8351 or the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, P.O. Box 7, Highland Park, IL 60035, 847.831.3438
Aptitude Test
to check if you're ready to be a Dad.
To Be .
The Fathers-To-Be programme is a revolution in antenatal
education, for men. It brings together leading edge research about
the nature of the father/child relationship and the power of
intention. A fathers contribution to his family is invaluable and
Fatherstuff Directory This web site provides a site map for father's, their issues, and resources and books pertinent to their issues. It cincludes 15 columnists.
Most men and father's organizations doing father's work are terribly under-funded and under-staffed. They are often the last eligible to get funding, if at all. Instead of men's work increasing, it is actually decreasing. For many years the work has been done by very few men, usually fathers who want to insure that someone was there for you when you needed them. For many of these hard-working men, men who have donated coutless hours and many dollars out of their own pockets, the support hasn't been there and the fire has gone out.
For all of you who have received support from men, it's time to give back. It's time to commit to be there for those fathers who haven't asked for help yet. For, if you don't, not only may they not get the help they need, but there might not be anyone left if you need help again. Take this time to go through our Resource directory and find an organization that you could contribute time and/or money to. Or, check out VolunteerMatch. Or, Mencare. Or Volunteers. We all have opportunities, many that can be done from the comfort of your own home. Volunteer and contribute to men's work while these important services still exsist.
Fathers'/Men's Rights Resources
Feminist/Pro Feminist Resources
Intelligence Quotient is a downloadable 12-question
test of the function and history of human foreskins, including
Friends of Choice for Men,
Gender Wars - Up the Lads,
Getting Men Involved, quarterly publication, Editor Ray Capper,
Getting Men Involved booklet, James Levine,
Good Will Toward Men,
Government-Congress, Goverment Agencies, Statistical Agencies, Advocacy Groups, Other Useful Sites, Select Standing House Committees, Select Standing Senate Committees.
is edited in the UK. They provide no nonsense wedding advice for UK
men which is very pertinent to American grooms as well. Their advice
is written by recently-married men who want to share their experience
with others. They check all of their advice against the major
etiquette guides. If you would like to contribute, or if you have any
comments on the material on the site, let them know at eMail.
Groups - Men - Therapist facilitated
Groups - Men - Peer facilitated
and content partners provide fresh and frequently updated articles in
a wide variety of categories (Women & Sex, Men's Health, Smokes
& Drinks, Sports, Outdoors, Gadgets & Electronics,
Entertainment, and more to come soon),
212.721.2628 (12/99)
Hard Hat Brotherhood Central, 8449
Parkridge Drive, Dexter, MI 48130, or 734.846.2283 or
Health: Health, Infertility, Parkinson's, Prostate, Rural Health, Testicular
Healthstuff Directory This is our web site that provides a site map for men around issues, resources and books pertinent to their health. Includes four columnists.
International - Men's Movement Contacts
Kidstuff Directory Resources, information, links, publications for parents, kids and teens, books, workshops for parents, childern and teens. Includes 12 columnists. Also, is our web site that provides a site map for father's around issues, resources and books pertinent to their children.
King's College Centre for Education about Death and Bereavement, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada does annual conference (17 years) on death and bereavement. or
Let's Talk About Sex Directory - This is our web site that provides a site map for men around issues, resources and books pertinent to a variety of issues around sexuality. It includes seven columnists.
Life Cycles Matrix® Systems: 3.2 years Life Cycles, Time and Synchronicity Coincidences: use birthdays and repeating circles for insight in your consciousness, course of life, relationship, child raising, job, career, business, study and destiny."><b>3.2 years
Lymphoma Coalition. World Lymphoma Awareness Day, For all other enquiries, please contact Stephen Gooblar on +44 (0) 207 611 3635,
Magazines and Newsletters: Men, Men2 Parents Women Children Adolescence Diversity Publishers
Malemark Greeting Cards - A greeting card alternative allowing men to choose from hundreds of free e-cards that are designed from a man\'s perspective. Colorado Springs, CO or eMail
The Man Cave: Our primary mission with The Man Cave Site is to provide you a centralized location to showcase your Man Cave and share ideas with others who have a similar passion. or E-Mail or The Man Cave Site, c/o Mike Yost, 5465 Montecito Street, Sierra Vista, Arizona 85635 or the Man's Cave video
The ManKind Project. The Mankind project assists men in "reclaiming the sacred masculine for our time through initiation, training, and action in the world." The ManKind Project organizes New Warrior Adventuer Trainings around the world. Drury Heffeman, Project Administrator, PO Boox 230, Malone, NY 12953-0230 800.870.4611 or or
Mankind Project (New Warrior Adventure Trainings), Drury Heffeman, Project Administrator, PO Boox 230, Malone, NY 12953-0230 800.870.4611 or or
Masculist Factfinding Network and Broadcast Channel
Media: Networks and Network Programs and shows
Men as Peace Makers, Getting men off the sidelines and involved in making peace, 205 W 2nd St, St 424, Duluth, MN 55802 218.727.1939
MenAtRisk Directory This web site combines much of the information within into one specially designed site for all men but particularly for those men who are willing to look at the risks they are playing out in their lives and might consider changing some of their unhealthy behaviors in order to live a longer, happier life and be healthier during it. Worth checking out!
Men at Work: Building Whole Men. Building Whole Men's mission is to help create and sustain safe male communities. In the community, inside and outside the workplace, their trained facilitators provide learning opportunities to enhance the happiness, wholeness, and productivity of men. (6/05)
Menletter - a monthly journal of articles, essays, observations, and resources for men. It consists of a free e-newsletter and a website without advertisements or pop-ups. Menletter has been in existence for over five years and covers topics such as men's health, relationships, spirituality, gatherings and retreats, resources, and mentoring. Sign up today E-Mail or
Men of Today, Mens' stories, book reviews, upcoming events for the Men of Today mens' group in Warren, MI., or
Menopause Information, to Improve the Quality of Life for Women and Men Going Through this Midlife Transition. Includes information on andropause (male menopause). or or Creative Communications, 77 Fuente, Santa Margarita, CA 92688, 949.635.4923 or fax 949.635.4973
Men's Health Consulting,
Men's Health Network, or or
Men's Health Network library,
Men's Information Network BBS, 206.328.0356
Men's issues page, issues or
Men's Media Network,
Men's Movement - International contacts
Men's Movement - National contacts
Men's Movie Reviews + Movie Reviews
Men's Network for Change (Canada)
Men's Rape Prevention Project: or
Men's/Father's Rights Organizations (Includes custody/divorce and family organizations)
Menstuff®, The National Men's Resource includes over 2600 resources for positive change in male roles and relationships. Calendar of local, regional, national and internation men's events. Lists bookstores w/separate men's sections, men's publications, abuse & recover resources, alternatives to violence, bulletin boards, catalogues, centers & counseling centers, councils, family organizations, groups peer lead and facilitated, men's health, international contacts, national, regional and religious organizations, retreat centers, transgender resources, youth services, vet centers and more. - a national nonprofit organization, founded in 1979 as Men in Child Care & Elementary Education Project. It serves as a clearinghouse for research, education and advocacy with a committment to increase the number of men teaching young children in early and elementary education.
Mentoring: Boys to Men, providing youth with positive mentoring. La Mesa, CA - 619.667.2900
Mercy Center, CA, 650.340.7474 or
Million Dad March -
More About Men - Daily updated articles about men, their life style and their thoughts.
Morris Center at
MRC Coalition. New organization dedicated to helping new Men's Resource Centers begin and existing MRCs grow. (6/05)
National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome. The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome Website has been designed to be helpful to professionals and parents looking for information, ideas and answers to questions about shaken baby syndrome, a tragic form of child abuse. The National Center has a mission to educate and train parents and professionals, and to conduct research that will prevent the shaking and abuse of infants in the United States. National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome, 2955 Harrison Blvd #102, Ogden, UT 84403 or 888.273.0071 or 801.627.3399 or fax 801.627.3321 or E-Mail or Catalogue or Conference. (See also Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Plus)
Netnews (Useneet), soc.veterans, alt.child-support, alt.dads-rights, alt.dads-rights.unmoderated, alt.homosexual,
Nonviolent Communication -
Northwest Center for Men's Studies BBS 206.328.0356
The Order of Men is a community geared towards the attributes and virtues every man should hold to. The place really promotes a sense of camaraderie and fellowship for all men. It also seems to really highlight the more benevolent aspects of moral male society. or
Organ Donor program, Health Resources and Services Admin, US Dept of Health and Human Services, or
Prodigy - jump: health, select health and life-styles, select bulletin board, select men's issues - Prostate Cancer Awareness Week web site. This is a seperate web site that has selected many of the sections at to provide a site map for men over 40 around issues, resources and books concerning Prostate Cancer.
Publishers: After you've looked in your local bookstore, checked with through us, and looked everywhere else for a specific book, check the publisher. Our list is not comlete by any means but have published one or more of our 2000+ books we have listed in one or more of the men's issues.
Quitting Pornography, Men Speak Out about How They Did It - and Why. An online anthology: ideas and inspiration personal stoies from men who - perhaps like yourself - have struggled against the pornography industry's power over their sexual feelings. You are invited to listen in on this first-ever public speak-out. If you feel so moved, we welcome your voice as well,
RAVENSUN, a foundation that works with incarcerated men in the process of rehabilitation,
Relationstuff Directory is our web site that provides a site map for men around issues, resources and books pertinent to a variety of types of relatinships. Includes 10 columnists.
Samurai Game -
Search Engines
Sexstuff Directory - Let's Talk About Sex - This is our web site that provides a site map for men around issues, resources and books pertinent to a variety of issues around sexuality. It includes seven columnists.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Plus (SBS Prevention Plus), PO Box 205, Groveport, OH 43125-0205 P 614.836.8360; F 614.836.8359 or or Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Plus develops, studies, and distributes informational materials that discourage Shaken Baby Syndrome and other physical child abuse and promote positive parenting and child care. (See also National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome.)
Shiftshappen - listing of retreat centers and workshops at
Shine Organization - We help young people who look, think, speak, act, perceive, and feel differently from one another, learn how to appreciate each other and work together to create social change.
Stop Hazing - and
Suicide information at
Surviving Divorce: Dr. Reena Sommer & Associates provide resources, services and information products designed to assist people to cope with the challenges of separation and divorce
Take Back the Day. Women say they need to take back the night. Men need to take back the day. Take it back from the propaganda that says that men are bad, stupid, the cause of all problems, etc. Take it back from the TV shows and commercials that portray men as dumb, awkward and inferior to women and children. Take it back to a place where men get respect and appreciation for all the good things they do, each and every day.
The Therapeutic Milieu. Residential treatment community for mental health professionals working with at-risk youth and emotionally disturbed children.
Third Age,
Life Cycles Matrix® Systems: 3.2 years Life Cycles, Time and Synchronicity Coincidences: using birthdays and repeating circles for insight in your consciousness, course of life, relationship, child raising, job, career, business, study and destiny."><b>3.2 years
Testicular Cancer Awareness Week This is a separate web site that has selected many of the sections at to provide a site map for men 15 to 40 around issues, resources and books concerning Testicular Cancer.
Usenet - alt.mens-rights (New Zeland)
Vasectomy Information -
Virtual Reality library men's issues page, British Columbia. Men's Health, Dads Make a Difference, Boys to Men, Men's Circles, Restorative Justice, Compassion, Respect, Men & Emotions, Men's Grief, Senior Men's Circle
Services - (See also Kidstuff)
The following webpages have been supplied by Tom Breton ( and have not been checked for subject, content or compatability: