Menstuff® lists of resources and web sites for seniors and
grandparents. See also Kids, Teens,
Parents, Families,
and Father's/Men's Rights for additional
listings. Photo upper left of a centenarian by Paul
Boyer. See also AIDS & Aging.
- American Association of Retired Persons,
- Envionmental Alliance for Senior Involvement,
- Children of Aging Parents, 2761 Trenton Rd., Levittown,
PA 19056 215.945.6900
- Grandparents And Children Embrace (GRACE, INC.), Jean
T. Castagno President 75 Fenwood Drive Old Saybrook CT 06475-3031,
860.388.0500 Fax 860.388.9200,
- Grandparents United for Children's Rights. Referrals
regarding divorce, adoption and marriage issues. 137 Larkin St,
Madison, WI 53705 - 608.238.8751
- National Center for Assisted Living, 1201 L St NW,
Washington, DC 20005 202.842.4444
- National Family Caregivers
Association. NFCA is a grass roots organization created to
educate, support, empower and speak up for the millions of
Americans who care for chronically ill, aged or disabled loved
ones. NFCA is the only constituency organization that reaches
across the boundaries of different diagnoses, different
relationships and different life stages to address the common
needs and concerns of all family caregivers. More than one quarter
(26.6%) of the adult population has provided care to a family
member or friend during the past year. Based on current census
data, that translates into more than 54 million people. Family
caregivers focus on their loved one's needs. NFCA focuses on
family caregivers. 10400 Connecticut Avenue, #500, Kensington, MD
20895-3944, 800.896.3650 or 301.942.2302 (fax) or
- SeniorCom,
- Seniornet Online, "The nonprofit SeniorNet provides
adults 50+ access to and education about computer technology and
the Internet to enhance their lives and enable them to share their
knowledge and wisdom."
- Sixty and Me is free for women to join and participate
in. They have daily articles, a very active Facebook group and new
videos from their founder Margaret Manning at least 4 times a
- Well Spouse Foundation. llness and
accident attack without warning and can happen to anyone. No two
people are living in the same situation and no two illnesses exact
the same toll. Alzheimer's is different from MS, heart disease is
different from Parkinson's, stroke is different from accident. But
all well spouses face the same problems of anger, guilt, fear,
isolation, grief, and financial threat whether they are full-time
caregivers or whether their partners have only moderately
disabling illnesses. The aim of this program is to provide help
and support to wellspouses by facilitating one-to-one dialogue
between a WSF member seeking such personal support and a more
"experienced" spousal caregiver. For more information on
volunteering to mentor another wellspouse or to seek the help of a
mentor, see our Mentors page. 63 West Main Street, Suite H,
Freehold, NJ 07728, 800.838.0879 or 30 East 40th Street PH, New
York, NY 10016, or 212.685.8815 or Toll-Free 800.838.0879 or FAX
212.685.8676 or
* * *
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