& Relationship Organizations
Menstuff® has gathered the following family and relationship
organizations and web sites (including divorce and custody
organizations which are also shown separatedly under Father's/Men's
Rights.). See also Kids, Teens,
Parents and Seniors.
- Academy of Family Mediators - Referral to mediators.
1500 S Hwy 100 #355, Golden Valley, MN 55416 - 612.525.8670
- Adult & Guild Guidance Clinic, 950 W Julian St, San
Jose, CA 95126 408.292.9353 (92)
- Alameda County Assn, 1885 The Alameda, #208, San Jose,
CA 95126 408.247.7703 (92)
- America Links Up: Part of a new Internet
education campaign whose goal is making the Internet experience
rewarding and safe for kids. The site includes an array of tools
and tips for helping parents and kids online. There are also
grassroots materials to plan and hold a local Kids Online Internet
Teach-in, and a technology toolkit to help adults choose online
content appropriate for children and youth.
- American Association of MFCC - referral service. 1100
17th St NW 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20036 - 800.374.2638
- American Bar Association - Support to professionals and
attorneys working with children on abuse and neglect cases,
parental abduction and financial child support. 1800 M St NW #200,
Washington, DC 20036 202.331.2250
- American Coalition for Fathers and Children, Lobbying
arm for the National Congress for Fathers & Children. or, (host
- American Family Network,
- American Fathers Coalition, 2000 Pennsylvania Ave NW
#148, Washington, DC 20006 703.255.2428 or 206.272.2152 Internet:
- Association for Children for Enforcement of Support,
Advocacy and info for enforcement of financial child support. 2260
Upton Ave, Toledo, OH 43606 - 800.537.7072
- At-Home Dad Network
. Also has a quarterly magazine written for the 2
million U.S. fathers who stay home with their children. Each issue
presents the, listings of playgroups, resources, and other at-home
dads. The magazine offers home business ideas, child-rearing tips,
and firsthand stories. Peter Baylies, Editor, At-Home Dad, 61
Brightwood Ave, North Andover, MA 01845-1702. Subscription order
- Backlash,
- Blackdog for Kids - BlackDog is a place for children to
learn about the internet in a safe, concerned environment. We make
every effort to ensure everything your child sees and does on
BlackDog is child-safe, fun and interesting. We are planning
several new features on BlackDog, including a resource area for
teachers. We have begun to implement this on a small scale with a
few of the games on Billy Beaver's Game Show, such as the Math
Quiz. Children enjoy the various coloring books, jigsaw puzzles
and the animal sounds, among others.
- Breastfeeding -
- California Law Revision Commission, 4000 Middlefield Rd
#D-1, Palo Alto, CA 94303
- California Mediation Service, 1388 Sutter St #1210, San
Francisco, CA 94109 415.981.7272 Attempted Not Known
- California Missing Children, Dept of Justice, Missing
Persons Unit, PO Box 903387, Sacramento 94203-800.222.3463
- Canadian Men's Parent Assoc, X21 Morris St, Ottawa
Ontario K1S 4A6 Canada
- Career Day for Our Sons (sm), sponsored by NCFM,
(TBD-probably 11/16/98),
- Caring Grandparents of America,
- Center for Attitudianl Healing - free parent/child
support group dealing with life threatening illness &
bereavement, Tiburon, CA 415.435.5022
- Center for Children of Divorce, 2124 Arthur Ave,
Belmont, CA 94002 (92)
- The Center for Divorce Recovery. Men's Divorce Support
Groups to help men connect with and be supported by other men who
are going through divorce. To help men learn to cope more
effectively with anger, fear and emotional pain, to help men gain
greater control of their lives, to learn to let go and move
forward with their lives and to learn how to avoid repeating
unhealthy relationship patterns in their lives. 8930 Waukegan
Road, Suite 202, Morton Grove, Illinois 60053, 847.470.0280
- Center for Divorce Education, PO Box 5900, Athens, OH
45701 614.593.1065
- Center for Fam & Counsel, 693 Avenue Del Oro,
Sonoma, CA 95476 (92)
- Center for Families in Transition - 415.924.5750
- Center for Successful Fathering promoting the benefits
of involved dads. We believe that children need the balance of mom
and dad.
- Centre for Gender Psychology, London. 44 (0) 181 341
4885 or
- Child Abuse Prevention Council, 1000 S Main St #212,
Salinas, CA 93901 (94)
- Childbirth Education Foundation,
- Child Find of Am, PO Box 277, New Paltz, NY 12561 -
- Child Help USA, National Survivors of Child Abuse,
15757 N 78th St Scottsdale, AZ 85260
800.422.4453 or the Children's Center in Phoenix at
- Children Of Divorce And Separation-CODAS, National
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing educational materials
(books, videos, papers, etc.) to parents and professionals
involved in custody and visitation problems.
- Children's Defense Fund - this site includes an
abundance of information about children and youth issues. Visitors
can find facts about myriad issues in child advocacy and related
government policies, as well as recent research and statistics
regarding issues such as gun death tolls among children, family
care programs, children in poverty and juvenile crime. A new
feature: toll free numbers for Children's Health Insurance
Programs in every state.
- Children Of Divorce And Separation-CODAS, National
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing educational materials
(books, videos, papers, etc.) to parents and professionals
involved in custody and visitation problems.
- Children's Rights Council, 8th Edition of 1050
parenting organizations, $12 hard copy or disc. 300 I St NE #401,
Washington, DC 20002 Have chapters in 32 states, D.C. and Japan.
202.547.6227 (2/00)
- Children's Rights Council of California, 915 L Street,
#C-282 Sacramento, CA 95860
- Children's Rights of America, 1010 Huntcliff #1295,
Atlanta, GA 30350 800.442.4673
- Child Support Guideline Challenge,
- Child Welfare League of Am, 440 First St NW #310,
Washington, DC 20001 - 202.638.2952
- Citizens for Family Justice, PO Box 723, San Leandro,
CA 94577 510.357.4200
- Clancy, Firpo & Weisinger, abuse lawyers, video "A
System Out of Balance", 1777 Botelho Dr #280, Walnut Creek, CA
94596 510.256.6884
- Coalition for Americas Children, 1634 I St, NW 12th Fl,
Washington, DC 20006 202.638.5770
- Coalition of Parent Support, 2681 Calloway #314-124,
Bakersfield, CA 93312
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,,
PO Box 1161, Santa Maria, CA 93456 (94)
- Coalition of Concerned Parents, 2690 Mc Laughlin Ave,
San Jose, CA 95121 408.363.9846
- Coaltion of Parent Support, PO Box 115, Lake Forest, CA
92630 714.455.COPS* Committee on Gender Bias in the Courts.
Address bias against both sexes. PO Box 50, Punta Gorda, FL 33951
813.637.7477 (94)
- Concerned Birthparents, 36 Randwick Ave, Orangevale CA
94611 or 8504 Bellamy Way, Sacramento CA 95828 (94)
- Concerned Black Men, Inc. - to publicly recognize and
aid the constructive African-American youth: 655 Fifteenth St NW
#300, Washington, DC 20005 202.639.4052
- COPS, PO Box 71, Fremont, CA 94537 510.745.3344
- Dad & Son memoir at
- Dad, The Family Shepard, PO Box 21445, Little Rock, AR
72221 800.234.3237 R
- Dad's Against Discrimination, PO Box 65131, Seattle, WA
98155 - 206.623.DADS
- Dad's Against Discrimination, Oregon Pioneer Bldg 320
SW Stark St 5th Floor Portland OR 97204 503.222.1111 94
- Dads and Daughters is the national
nonprofit membership organization of fathers with daughters. DADs
provides tools to strengthen our relationships with our daughters
and to transform the pervasive messages that value our daughters
more for how they look than who they are
or 218.728.1983 (7/99)
- Dads' Connection, a monthly meeting to share a father's
perspective on parenting and to hear from experts who can help us
with issues and concerns of fatherhood. We'd also like to connect
dads with special concerns (single, non-custodial, stay-at-home,
fathers with children with disabilities, etc.) with other dads who
share their challenges. Bill Haigwood, California Parenting
Institutue, Santa Rosa, 707.585.6108 (4/99)
- Dad's Den at
is a public service of the DadsDivorce Institute in St. Louis,
Missouri. We are dedicated to helping divorced and divorcing
fathers maximize their role in their children's lives. 314.983.0001 (12/99)
- Dad's 'n' Daughters, 174 Scenic Ave, Santa Rosa, CA
95407 707.584.8138 (94)
- DadsNet, block voting, info exchange at
(user unknown)
- Dad Stuff at
- Dad's Place at
- Discipline of Fatherhood at www/
- Divorce & Custody, Instant Info Clearinghouse, PO
Box 1313, Waldorf, MD 20604 301.843.9175
- Divorced Dads Organization, PO Box 4001, Waukesha, WI
53187 414.798.9000
- Divorced Fathers, Serge Prengel, Mission Creative
Energy, 27 W 24th St (603), New York, NY 10010
- Divorced Parent, PO Box 2492 Universal City TX 78148
- Divorce home page,>
- Divorce Only Lawyers, 1000 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Walnut
Creek, CA 94598 - 510.933.2422
- Divorce - The Fair Way - divorce mediation for high
profile/high asset couples. Elizabeth Allen, Don Mohr 800-748-6462
- DNA Testing
- determine paternity (testing of mother not required); establish
an accurate medical history for the child; prevent disputes in
adoption; create a record for immigration; insure the child is
indeed the product of this women and man; foster peace of mind for
all involved parties.
- Domestic Abuse Survivors - Male,
Also, Survivors and important
- Domestic Rights Coalition, 1849 Iowa Ave E, St Paul, MN
55119 612.774.7010
- D.O.S.A. parenting home page at
- Effective Father Seminars, Am Family Living Ctr, PO Box
3400, Orange, CA 92665 714.637.7900
- The Fair Way - Something new in divorce mediation for
high profile/high asset couples. Elizabeth Allen, Don Mohr
800-748-6462 or
- The Family & Workplace Connection. To help
people successfully manage their work, family and personal lives.
We carry out this mission by providing programs and services that
respond to society-wide changes in the nuclear family and
work/life. 3511 Siverside Rd, 100 Wilson Bldg, Wilmington,
DE 19810, 302.479.1679 or
- Families & Work Institute, 330 7th Ave 14 Fl, New
York, NY 10001 212.465.2044
- Family Court Ser Admin Off, 303 Second St S Tower, 4th
Fl Legal Div, San Francisco, CA 94107 415.396.9155 (92)
- Family Court Service, 1558 West St #1, Redding, CA
96001, 916.225.5707 (92)
- Family Law Action Council, PO Box 3213, Berkeley, CA
94703 510.841.7839 (92)
- Family Guardian Network, PO Box 261824, San Diego, CA
92196 619.689.8707 or
- Family Law Coalition, PO Box 260205, Encino, CA
- Family Law Mediation, 465 California St #200, San
Francisco, CA 94104 415.989.8999
- Family Law Reform, 2547 Noriega St #333, San Francisco,
CA 94122 415.753.8315
- Family Mediation Ctr, 285 Hamilton Ave, Palo ALto, CA
94301 415.328.7000 (92)
- Familyplay 2-11 - features learning-based activities,
bedtime stories, birthday ideas, and much more. The site's
seachable database allows users to get help finding activities
suitable for their children. Familyplay's recommendations include
a companion list of materials and even some useful illustrations,
as well as a short description of the educational value of the
proposed activity. Share parenting tips, ask experts your toughest
questions and learn how to turn ordinary family events into
creative play experiences.
- Family Resource Coalition of America (Name changed to
Family Support America below.)
- Family Services of America, 11700 W Lake Park Dr,
Milwaukee, WI 53224 - 414.359.1040
- Family Support America (formerly Family Resource
Coalition of America) Twenty years of exponential growth as the
nation's family support organization for the well-being of our
children. 20 N Wacker Dr, Ste 1100, Chicago, IL 60606
312.338.0900 or
- Family Surfboard,
- Family Web,
- Family Web,
- Family World,
- Father-Daughter Valentine Dance. Held in over 100
communities in 30 states. You can do one in your community. In
1993 the first St. Mark's Church, Father-Daughter Valentine Dance
was held. In a blinding snowstorm, it still drew over 1,000
fathers, daughters and mothers. It is now one of the most popular
celebrations in the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
A complete manual on how to do your own dance is available
for a contribution of $8.50 payable to St. Mark's Church and mail
to: Jim Massery, 23 Euclid Avenue, Pittsfield, Ma 01201.
413.447.9907 or
- Fatherhood Project, 330 7th Ave 14th Fl New York NY
- Fatherhood Today, Nat Fatherhood Intiative
- Fathering issues and resources,
- FatherNet Gopher, gopher://
- FatherNet Web, www.fsci/
- Fathers & Families, Building the Future for
Fathers and Children Today, programs designed for strengthening
father-child relationships, Bob Guglielmino, 17225 Hillside
Avenue, Sonoma, CA 95476 707.935.9036 (3/99)
(receiver not found)
- Fathers for Equal Rights. Provides a Directory of
Fathers Rights Organizations-2/95 for $10. 3623 Douglas Ave, Des
Moines, IA 50310 - 515.277.8789
- Fathers for Their Children, Box 21205, Concord, CA
- Fathers Forum, programs for expectant/new fathers. 1521
Shattuck Ave #201, Berkeley, CA 94709, Bruce Linton
- Fathers' Issues - referrals, local, state or national
assistance programs on domestic problems (visitation, support,
abuse allegations) and advice about issues with their children 24
hours at 512.472.3237 or
- Fathers' Network (not divorce/custody issues) Since
1976 for fathers raising children. Resources, books, events and
information pertinant to fathers, whether single, un-single,
un-wed, middle-aged, at-home, full-time, step, foster with sons
and/or daughters .
- Fathers Network, a national organization that helps
fathers raising disabled children. 16120 NE 8th, Bellevue,
WA 98008 425.747.4004x218,
- Fathers of America, 415 Washington Blvd #1102, Marina
Del Rey, CA 90292 - 310.305.1762 (94)
- The Fathers Resource Center is pro-father, but "not at
the expense of women": 430 Oak Grove St #105, Minneapolis, MN
55403 612.874.1509
- Fathers Rights & Equality Exchange,
- Fathers Rights Foundation,
- Fathers' Rights at
- Fathers' Rights Org, 1212 N Broadway #133, Santa Ana,
CA 92701
- The Fathers Rights To Custody (FRTC) Web Site is a
non-profit website with several specific mission goals: To assist
fathers in obtaining legal custody of their children; To provide
information in support of the above goal; To disseminate
information on Parenting Evaluations (also called Custody
Evaluations); To encourage fathers involved in custody battles to
request a Parenting Evaluation.
- Fathers Team Ministry Int, 4222 Hamilton Ave,
Cincinnati, OH 45233 513.681.5669
- Fathers Imoted for Equal Justice, PO Box 11602, Santa
Ana, CA 92711
- First Call for Help, 401 Amador St, Vallejo, CA 94590
800.464.3575 (94)
- FOCUS: Children & The Other Parents, 1416 N
Mandalay Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84116 801.595.0402 e-mail:
- For and About Children,
- Forensic
Testing - determine paternity (testing of mother not
required); establish an accurate medical history for the child;
prevent disputes in adoption; create a record for immigration;
insure the child is indeed the product of this women and man;
foster peace of mind for all involved parties.
- Free Men at
- Friends of Child Find, 741 East St #257, Woodland, CA
95695 916.666.3331 (92)
- Full-Time Dads,
- Fun-Attic, Inc., Your Family Fun Place - A mother lode
of unique outdoor games, toys for active play and innovative
sporting goods. If you need a creative gift for someone who loves
action, then Fun-Attic is the spot for Sports and Toys. Do you
want to introduce a child to sports in a fun non-threatening way?
Thats our specialty. Numerous outdoor recreation games can
be played in the school yard, back yard or almost anywhere. Young
children will develop important skills such as timing and hand-eye
coordination while advanced players will enjoy more challenging
games. Fun-Attic, Inc.,3719 Jasmine NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525, or
616.559.3642 or
- Functional Family at
- The Future of Children, The David & Lucile
Packard Foundation, 300 Second Street, Ste 200, Los Altos, CA
Also, publishes a quarterly journal.
- Getting
Men Involved, quarterly publication, Editor Ray Capper,
- Getting
Men Involved booklet, James Levine,
- Grandparents And Children Embrace (GRACE, INC.), Jean
T. Castagno President 75 Fenwood Drive Old Saybrook CT 06475-3031,
860.388.0500 Fax 860.388.9200,
- Grandparents United for Children's Rights. Referrals
regarding divorce, adoption and marriage issues. 137 Larkin St,
Madison, WI 53705 - 608.238.8751
is edited in the UK. They provide no nonsense wedding advice for
UK men which is very pertinent to American grooms as well. Their
advice is written by recently-married men who want to share their
experience with others. They check all of their advice against the
major etiquette guides. If you would like to contribute, or if you
have any comments on the material on the site, let them know at
- Hawaii Equal Rights Marriage Project, 1820 University
Ave Rm 8, Honolulu, HI 96822 808.926.1000
- Institute for the Family, 150B S 6th St, Grover City,
CA 93433 (93)
- Joint Custody Association, Jim Cook, 10606 Wilkins Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90024, 310.475.5352
- Kids Deserve Dads' Sharing (KIDDS), 12137 Midway Dr,
Tracy, CA 95376 - 209.835.0295 (92)
- Kids Deserve More than just a Visitor, they need their
dad, mom and grandparents, too.
- KidsPeace, The National Center for Kids Overcoming
Crisis, a private, not-for-profit organization that has been
providing hope and healing to kids in crisis since 1882. It offers
the country's widest array of children's critical care serivces
under a "single roof" and crisis education to families across the
- Liberator, electronic BB, 612.464.7257
- Lies & Manipulaitons of Neofeminists Homepage,
reviews, essays, outrageous quotes abd a links page.
- LifePartners. Healing Relationships.
Healing the Earth.
- Life with Father,
- Lott Carey Ctr, PO Box 750578, Petaluma, CA 94975
- Lovorn-Bender Inc, Non-custodial parent's rights video,
1250 Overlook Ridge Rd, Bishop, GA 30621
- MA Men's Political Caucus, PO Box 15311 Kenmore
Station, Boston, MA 02215 508.922.5704
- Madison Men's Org, PO Box 9173, Madison, WI 53715
- Marduk Enterprises, Father/Son camp-outs, 216 Yale
Ave,Swarthmore, PA 19081 215.328.3722
- Mediation Works, 2403 Larkin St, San Francisco,
CA 94109 - Attempted Not Known
- MELD, promoting strong families through effective
practice. For people who work with and for families. Half-day
programs: Setting Limits and Establishing Boundaries with
Families; Barriers to Family Support; Safety Issues and Other
Problems Encountered in Home Visits; Dynamics of Empowerment; and
The Impact of History, Culture and Values. One-day
programs: Partnering with Families; The Importance of Father
Involvement; Nurturing Young Parents; Recruitment, Selection and
Supervision of Community Volunteers; Guiding the Paraprofessional;
Advanced Group Facilitation; Enriching Family Development; and
Parents and Children at Play. Two day Workshops: Home Visiting the
First Steps; and A Model of Group Facilitatoin. 123
N 3rd St, Ste 507, Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.332.7563 or
or Also see
their resource catalog.
- Men/Fathers Resource Center - referrals local, state or
nat asst prog on domestic problems (visitation, support, abuse
allegations) and advice about issues with their children 24 hrs,
- Men International, 3250 Orchard Dr, Palm Harbor, FL
34684 813.786.6911
- Men of Action, Promise Keepers, PO Box 18376, Boulder,
CO 80308 800.349.0588
- Men's Advocate Men's Hotline Up-date on gender issues
from the male perspective, 512.472.3237,
- Men's Defense Assoc, 1731 Wright Ave, Sunnyvale, CA
94087, 408.739.8465
- Men's Defense Assoc, 17854 Lyons St, Forest Lake, MN
55025 612.464.7887
- Men's Educational Network. General men's issues. Box
10033, Kansas City, MO 64111 816.561.4066 (94)
- Men's Equality Net, 2150 Jordan, Mountain View, CA
94040 (May have discontinued.)
- Men's Manifesto,
- Men's Rights, Inc. is dedicated to ending sexism in a
way that recognizes the social, psychological, physical, legal,
and economic problems of men. It seeks to make available to men
the wide range of options that are now available to women; to
ensure men the right to nurture and the power to raise children;
to correct the social and economic pressures and the legal
inconsistencies which fill our prisons and cemeteries with men; to
correct the low standards of male self-image, health, and safety;
to educate women as to their own continuing roles in perpetrating
sexism; and to eliminate the dictum that the worst failure a male
can commit is the failure to live up to his self-destructive male
role. Equal rights for men and women - no exceptions! PO Box
163180, Sacramento, CA 95816 916.484.7333
- Missing Children Report, 5150 Fair Oaks Blvd, #101-306,
Carmichael, CA 95608 Mothers Without Custody, PO Box 27418,
Houston, TX 77227 800.457.6962
- Monworth -
(Terence Moore)
- Movement for the Establishment of Real Gender Equality.
Gender issues in Canada. 10011 116th St #501, Edmonton Alberta T5K
1V4 Canada 403.488.4593 (98)
- Mr Dad, 3862 Uris Ct, Irvine, CA 92714
- My Child Says Daddy, 3856 Martin Luther King Blvd #204,
Los Angeles, CA 90008
- National Association for Fathers, helps members work
with court system on custody and visitation difficulties. 1075D N
Railroad Avew #111, Stanton Island, NY 10306 800.HELP.DAD
- National Association of Fathers, 31712-2A Casino Dr
$108, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
- National Association of Social Workers. Self-Help
Organizations and Professional Practice directory, $26. 750 First
St NW, #700, Washington, DC 20002 - 800.227.3590
- National Association of State VOCAL Organizations
(Victims of Child Abuse Laws). Works to distinguish between true
& false allegations of child abuse. Referral to chapters
around the US. PO Box 621314, Orangevale, CA 95662 - 916.863.7470
- National Center for Fathering,
- National Center for Men, PO Box 317, Brooklyn, NY 11240
- National Center for Men, PO Box 555, Old Bethpage, NY
11804, 516.942.2020 East Coast, 408.554.8467 West Coast
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
Helps custodial parents locate their children and provides info
for all parents. 2101 Wilson Blvd, #550, Arlington, VA 22201 -
- National Child Support Advocacy Coalition. Info for
enforcement of financial child support. PO Box 4629, Alexandria,
VA 22303 - 703.766.5659 (93) Nat Coalition of Free Men, PO Box
129, Manhasset, NY 11030 516.482.6378
- National Coalition for Free Men, Northern California
- National Coalition of Free Men, education, family law,
research. I-Net: or
- National Coalition of Parents for Fathers' Rights, 6434
Farralone Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91303
- National Congress for Fathers & Children, 2020
Pennsylvania Ave NW #277, Washington, DC 20006 202.328.4377
- National Congress for Men & Children - National
advocacy org on issues affecting fathers and children,
particularly divorce. PO Box 171675, Kansas City, KS 66106 Info
800.733.DADS, VM 913.342.3860; CA 510.293.8089; Detroit
- National Council for Children's Rights, 220 I St #230,
Washington, DC 20002
- National Council on Family Relations. Member
organization, family issues professionals. 3989 Central Ave NE
#550, Minneapolis, MN 55421 - 612.781.9331
- National Court-Appointed Special Advocates. Volunteers
appear in court on behalf of abused and neglected children. 2722
Eastlake Ave E #220, Seattle, WA 98102 - 206.328.8588
- National Fatherhood Initiative, 600 Eden Rd Bldg E,
Lancaster, PA 17601 717.581.8860
- National Fathers' Network, Set-ups up father support
programs for fathers whose children are disabled, 93 programs in
36 states, provinces and New Zealand,
- National Fathers' Network Kindering Ctr, 16120 NE 8th
St, Bellevue, WA 98008 206.747.4004
- National Fathers Rights Org, Box 4001, Waskesha, WI
53187 414.547.9000 or 414.798.9000 (94)
- National Institute for Divorce Research, PO Box 35741,
Panama City, FL 32412
- National Network of Runaway & Youth Services.
Networks with youth shelters and other community based groups.
1319 F St NW #401, Washington, DC 20004 202.783.7949
- Nattional Organization for Men, 49 White St, New York,
NY 10013 212.966.1157
- National Organization for Men, 16601 Alliance Ave #10
Tustin CA 92680
- National Organization of Dads & Kids, 50 Janis Way,
Scotts Valley, CA 95066 408.494.0992 (94)
- National Organization of Men, Eleven Park Pl, New York,
NY 10007 212.766.4030 (94)
- National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting
and Prevention, the only national organization focuseing
solely on adolescent pregnancy, parenting and prevention issues.
2401 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 350, Washington, DC 20037
202.293.8370 or
- National Parenting Center,
- National Youth Agency, UK - the largest non-uniformed
youth organization in the UK. Visitors will find information and
an up-to-date database for youth workers, a list of upcoming
conferences and events in the field, and explanations about the
youth service field and how to enter it. This site includes
volunteer opportunities for youth and lists other youth work
organizations in the UK.
- Northern California Mediation Center, 100 Tamal Plz
#175, Corte Madera, CA 94925 415.927.1422 (92)
- Parenting, Children and Community
- Parenting USA. A directory - $10. c/o Robert A Barone,
PO Box 16407, Rochester, NY 14616 (93)
- Parents & Children Together, 1933 Bryant Ave,
Chico, CA 95926; or 1217 H St, Modesto, CA 95354
- Parents Helping Parents -
- Parents Place,
(broken) or
(broken) or
(broken) for a menu of other groups hosted by Parents Place.
Primarily for mothers. We don't believe the organization still
exists, at least by this name. (3/13)
- Parents without Partners. Does advocacy for single
parents. 401 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 (93)
- Paternity
test, determine paternity (testing of mother not
required); establish an accurate medical history for the child;
prevent disputes in adoption; create a record for immigration;
insure the child is indeed the product of this women and man;
foster peace of mind for all involved parties.
- Positive Parenting home page,
- Pro-Choice for Men Project, 11496 Fty Niner Cir, Gold
River, CA 95670 916.635.3209 (92)
- Relationhsip Resources Inc., Helping men build lifelong
relationships and save their marriages. Dr. Jim A. Talley,
- Rexanne - Parenting, holidays, humor, family & fun.
Lots of great links -
- Quest, National Organization for Men
- Rio Vista Care, 125 Sacramento St, Rio Vista, CA 94571
- SAFAR (Society Against False Accusations of Rape), 1118
Lancaaster Dr NE #329, Salem, OR 97301
- Safe Schools - early warning, timely response - the
U.S. Dept of Education's new manual for dealing with juvenile
violence is available at this site. It offers research-based
practices to help schools and communities identify early warning
signs and develop prevention, intervention and crisis response
plans. Also available by calling 877.433.7827.
- San Diego Fathers' Groups,
- Save the Children,
- Second Wives Crusade at
- Shared Parenting Assoc of Alberta, 315 10 Ave SE #202,
Calgary, AB T2G 0W2 403.262.4662 Single Fathers, PO Box 2127,
Sonoma, CA 95476
- SIMBA African Am Men Helping African Am Boys to
become...PO Box 27548, Oakland, CA 94602. The Ghetto Solution,
12-year commitment as a mentor of inner-city residents, Roland
Gilbert, Founder, 510.987.8311, 800.nulife8,,
or or
- Single Dad's Index,
- Single Fathers,
- Single Parent Project,
- Single Parent Res Ctr, 141 W 28th St, New York, NY
10001 212.947.0221
- Soapbox Page on Child Support,
- Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution. Covers
all facets of dispute resolution (divorce, health care). 815 15th
St NW #530, Washington, DC 20005 - 202.783.7277
- Solid Foundations, Cal Dept of Soc Serv, MS 17-02, PO
Box 944243, Sacramento, CA 95814
- Sonoma Men, Box 990, Sebastopol, CA 94973
- Sons & Daughters,
- Southern Maine Home-Dads, Stephen Harris, Founder,
- Stand for Children, a
national organization that encourages individuals to improve
children's lives. Its mission is to identify, train and connect
local children's activists engaging in advocacy, awareness-raising
and service initiatives as part of Children's Action Teams. On
June 1 each year a special issue, such as quality of child care,
is highlighted. Children's Defense Fund, 1834 Connecticut Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20009, 800.663.4032 or
- Standing Together, National Coalition for the
Protection of Children & Families
- Stepfamily Assoc of Am, 215 Centennial Mall S #212,
Lincoln, NE 68508 - 800.735.0329
- Stepfamily Foundation, Inc., 333 West End Ave, New
York, NY 10023 212.877.3244, Fax 212.362.7030/ 24 hour information
line 212.799.STEP or
Jeannette Lofas (12/99)
- Stop Hazing -
- Suicide information at
- TABS (Taking Action against Bias in the System) is a
non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting
individual rights. Itseeks to identify constitutional violations
which affect citizen men and women and their families as a result
of bias or prejudice in the legislative and judicial process. It
believes in the protection of constitutional rights of individuals
and promotes minimizing restrictions on individual rights and
freedom. It believes in legal due process for the accused using
proper rules of evidence in a balanced and fair judicial process.
It supports protecting victims of crime and the vigorous
prosecution of criminal acts such as assault and battery. It
believes in presumptive custody, equal and shared without gender
bias, for both parents who have a record of responsible, caring
behavior. It believes children should be protected both physically
and financially. It believes that parents have both rights and
responsibilities. It supports mothers and fathers who take
responsibility for the well-being of their own families and
believes that minimum state intervention is required. It supports
safe conflict resolution and reducing the incidence of real
domestic violence. It commends judges and commissioners of the
family court who treat divorcing parties fairly and equitably
without regard to gender. It strives to reduce both the burdens on
the court system and the financial devastation of families dealing
with divorce. It seeks to amend or introduce state legislation to
support TABS' goals. TABS c/o Lisa Scott 1409 - 140th Place N.E.,
Suite 103-D Bellevue, WA 98007-3963 or
or or
206.517.2666 (7/05)
- Teen Father Program, Dept of Social Serv, 7065 Broadway
#200, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 619.668.3940
- Tehama Cty Fathers' Assoc, PO Box 8203, Red Bluff, CA
96080 916.529.3644 (92)
- Texas Fathers Alliance, 807 Brazos, #315, Austin, TX
78701 512.472.3237
- TwinsFoundation Forming (6/30/83). The country's
primary research information center on the subject of twins. An
international nonprofit membership organization, it was
established by a group of prominent twins in New York City. It
serves twins, their families, the meda, medical and social
scientists and the general public through its publications, its
National Twins Registry and its multimedia resource center. Twins
Foundation, PO Box 6043, Providence, RI 02940-6043 or
401.729.1000 or
- Ukiah Counseling Serv, 813 S Dora St, Ukiah, CA 95482
- U.S. Commission on Child & Family Welfare, PO Box
5345, Tacoma, WA 98415 206.272.2152
- University Microfilms. Makes available dissertations
& other research on family issues & other topics. PO Box
1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 - 800.521.3042
- Vanished Children's Alliance. Locate missing children.
2095 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95126 - 408.296.1113; 408.971.4822
- Visitation Homepage, a men's resource for distant
parenting. How to use video conferencing over regular phone lines
to keep distant parents and grandparents together with children no
matter how far apart they might be.
- VOCAL (Victims of Child
Abuse Legislation), has individuals throughout the U.S. to assist
anyone falsely accused with child abuse, 7485 E Kenyon Ave,
Denver, CO 80237 800.745.8778
- Washington State Fathers' Network, Set-ups up father
support programs for fathers whose children are disabled,
- Welcome to the Domain of Patriarchy,
- Win your child custody war,
- Worldwide Christian Divorced Fathers Activists solving
divorces fast without any costs. 1429 Columbia Dr NE,Albuquerque,
NM 81706 800-MY-DADDY R
- Youth Crime Watch of American 305.670.2409 or
- Youthwork - Lots of sites and information for youth -
Want to make a difference but you don't know where to
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