Services Hotlines & Web Sites for Teens
Guidance for Grown-Ups. Menstuff® has gathered many resources
for teens. With all the changes that happen while you are a
teen-ager, you will likely have many questions on a variety of
topics. If you have questions you feel uncomfortable discussing with
your friends, parents or other adults, here are several toll-free
hotlines and other information resources that may provide the answers
and help you need. The hotlines are confidential. You can call many
of these numbers any time (24 hours). You won't be asked to give any
identifying information, unless you are giving your name and address
to receive information through the mail.
Click here for
24 hours a day, every
& Drugs
Birth Control
Depression & Mental
Eating Disorders
Gay & Lesbian
Retreats and
Sexually Transmitted Disease

Other Youth Web Sites
Youth Web Sites
Teen Pregnancy State Coalitions

Educational/Youth Employment
& Training Resources
Federal Clearinghouse
Health & Social
Public Policy
Youth Worker Training
Other Resources plus separate
listings for Abuse & Recovery
Resources, Kids, Parents,
Families, Father's/Men's
Rights and Seniors.
- If you have questions about sex and
protection/contraception...Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-plan or
It's Your Sex Life at 1-8888-Be-SAFE-
- If you think you have an STD...STD Info Line at
- For emergency contraception...Emergency Contraception Hotline
at 1-888-not.2.late
- If you've been abused...National Child Abuse Hotline at
- If you're going through a crisis...Youth Crisis Hotline at
- If you've run away or need shelter...Covenant House at
- For info on a Planned Parenthood Clinic near you...Planned
Parenthood at 1-800-230-plan
- For general advice...Teen Help at 1-800-840-5704
- Fathers/Parents
- usually directed to the mother and carrying information that we
should know about our children. Every-now-and-then, there's
something written from our perspective
- Kids -
publications geared to children
- Teens -
geared toward young adults, primarily young women. It never hurts
to know what "they" are teaching your kids
National Abortion Federation Counseling services and
easy-to-read information in both English and Spanish.Hotline:
800.772.9100 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST
- Planned Parenthood Automatically connects you to the
clinic nearest you, but not all clinics answer their phones 24
hours a day. Toll-Free: 800.230.7526 24 hours or
- Adoption
- National Adoption Center Offers information,
photographs and descriptions about adoption. Toll-Free:
800.862.3678 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday or or
- CDC National AIDS Hotline Provides information and
answers questions about the disease, testing facilities and
medications used for treatment. Hotline: 800.342.AIDS (2437)
24 hours or

- National Pediatrics AIDS Network A resource for
information about teen-agers with HIV/AIDS. Toll-Free:
800.646.1001 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.

- AIDSinfo, P.O. Box 6303,
Rockville, MD 20849-6303. 800.HIV.0440. 301) 519-6616 Outside US:
301.519.0459 TTY: 888.480..3739 or

- Project Inform, Provides vital information on the
diagnosis and treatment of HIV disease. Toll-Free: 800.822.7422
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. PST, Saturday. Closed national holidays.

- Alcohol
& Drugs
- Al-Anon/Alateen For families and friends of alcoholics.
Provides referrals to local meetings. Hotline: 800.344.2666
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday. or
- ForReal Provides marijuana information to teens.
Toll-Free: 800.662.4357 24 hours or

- Narcotics Anonymous Provides information and referrals
to local meetings. Phone: 818.773.9999 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
PST, Monday through Friday. or
- Partnership for a Drug-Free America. Offers persuasive
information to help teens reject substance abuse.

- Teen Drug Abuse - Information for
parents around teen drug use.

- Birth Control
- Crisis
- Depression & Mental
- Eating Disorders
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated
Disorders. Offers help for eliminating eating disorders and
developing a healthy eating lifestyle. Phone: 847.831.3438
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.

- Overeaters Anonymous. Members share their problems and
solutions to overeating. Phone: 505.891.2664 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT,
Monday through Friday.

- NIDDK Weight-control Information Network Specific
information for teen-agers who want to learn how to eat better and
control their weight. Toll-Free: 877.946.4627 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.

- PsyCom Awareness Group
Carrying on the Legacy of Dr. Goldberg. Authoritative guide on the
causes, symptoms and treatment of all types of eating disorders.

- Gay & Lesbian
- Gay and Lesbian Youth Line Provides safe, supportive
and confidential counseling. Toll-Free: 800.347.TEEN (8336)
Friday and Saturday, 7-10 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.
- YouthResource Provides support, community, resources
and peer-to-peer education. Phone: 202.347.5700 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.

- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Offers free confidential counseling for victims. Your call is
instantly connected to the rape crisis center nearest you.
Toll-Free: .800.656.HOPE (4673) 24 hours

National Runaway Switchboard Free and confidential help for
runaways and those thinking about running away. Toll-Free:
800.621.4000 24 hours

Sexually Transmitted Disease
- CDC National STD/HIV Hotline Provides anonymous,
confidential information about sexually transmitted diseases and
how to prevent them. Also provides referrals to clinics. Hotline:
800.227.8922 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday.

- I Wanna Know. Offers basic information on sexually
transmitted diseases and a weekly "Ask the Expert" session via
e-mail. Hotline: 800.342.2437 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. EST,
Monday through Friday.

NINELINE Hotline Provides crisis intervention, referral and
information services to homeless, runaway and other troubled youth
and their families. Hotline: 800.999.9999 24 hours

National Hopeline Network A resource for anyone concerned
about understanding and preventing suicide. Toll-Free: 800.SUICIDE
(784-2433) 24 hours. or


- Other
Youth Web Sites
The following links access web sites for teens:
- Can't sleep because you just broke up with your
boyfriend? Get some great advice and tons of laughs at
this chic-n-cheeky girly site. We love the design, the feature
stories and music reviews. Click on BG's essays (at the bottom of
the homepage) for the lowdown on love gone wrong.
- Maybe you can't sleep because you're really angry with
your boyfriend. Take your aggression out the Alanis way and write
a song - or let this Web site do it for you! Type in
one thing you really hate, six plural nouns, the name of an ex and
your fave color and poet, choose from three song titles and hit
the "You Oughtta Submit" button. Voila! You've got one
cool way to vent.
- This is THE site for college student hopefuls. Register for
the SAT. Check out the "SAT Question of the Day." Wonder
how much money you'll be spending? Find out here. Fill
out a financial aid profile that gets sent to colleges who like to
dole out the moolah for smart would-be students. Do a scholarship
search. Do a college search. Home schooled? There's a
section for you too. OK, we made our point.
- No, you don't pick a college because it was ranked the top party
institution. Anyway, a recent study found that the majority of '97
freshman based their college choices on rep. Go here to figure out
what college is best for you and for tips on choosing or getting
noticed by a college recruiter.
- Get links and reviews of sites that Webmaster Glen Gower finds
amazing (in a really bad way). Some winners in the last year
include a site about Dawson's Creek, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alicia
Silverstone, the Backstreet Boys and Leonardo DiCaprio. Nominate a
site you find excessive.
- Forget watching movies. Why not learn to make
them? Here you'll find forums, filmmaking discussions
and interesting interviews with top film people, including a
recent interview with the screenwriter of Mummy. Also check out
the news and the screenwriting/directing book and software
This site is like the online version of MTV (when they really
cared about the music). New shows are cybercast every night from
venues 'round the world. And you can dip into their archives every
day for events that have already been broadcast. Their mega music
fest, the largest online, held in July included grovers like Bush
and Mary Lou Lord.
- Former Simpson animator and movie actor Tom Winkler has one sick
mind, but it's fun to see what pops (er, no pun intended) out and
into his daily poop cartoons - total potty humor.
Margi's Grammar Hotline. Pssst! Some writers have been known to
use this one. This site rocks because you can type in a sentence
and ask Margi what she thinks of your grammar. She'll respond to
your question via e-mail and even give you a URL to check out
for more information.
- Watch various cartoon rodents as they dance to a sickeningly
sweet "Didi-di-dot-doh-doh-doh doh-doh-doh, bi-dot do-di-do"
country tune. It's too oddly cute to pass up.
- This site is for the serious scholar. Enter a question and the
search engine will look through thousands of magazines, maps,
books, newspapers and news wires, television transcripts and
pictures. We did a search on bras and it spat out 30 recent
sources, including a TV clip of Monica Lewinsky. Too good to be
true? Yup. You can get 30 days free, but eventually
you'll have to pay 10 bucks a month or $60 a year.
is a community-based agency founded on the belief that adolescence
is a turbulent time during which many young people are at risk for
life-threatening crises. These crises include drug and alcohol
addiction, physical and sexual abuse, emotional illness, physical
illness (including HIV infection), family breakdown, homelessness,
delinquency and suicide. Our mission is to provide adolescents in
San Francisco and Marin counties of California the highest quality
of services along a continuum of care ranging from prevention to
crisis intervention to stabilization and growth. Core beliefs
underlying our services include respect for the racial, ethnic and
cultural diversity of our clients, recognition of the value and
dignity of young people and acknowledgement of their potential to
become healthy, responsible adults. "Teen Tuesday" from 2-5pm for
ages 12-21, free and confidential reproductive health services.
These include male and female exams, STI and pregnancy tests,
birth control methods, health education, case management and
counseling. 415.258.4944 or 888.548.3367 for an appointment.
- This is the hippest college help site. You can create a profile
that will be sent to colleges (now or later) and includes your
academic honors, school sports and activities/clubs info.
(Warning: Take this very seriously - the college
decision-makers do.) We dig the Dear Admissions Guru
the most. You can scroll through other's questions, like "How does
the ACT compare to the SAT? Does it really matter which
test is taken?" or ask the guru your very own Q. You'll
get a detailed response. Nice!
- Are you a party animal or scolar? One of Kaplan's
many feature articles will tell you how to balance social life and
academics. Check out the polls and learn why people pick the
colleges they do. Or jump on over to the career portion if you
still don't know what you want to be (will you ever?).
- We've all done this: belted out the lyrics to a song and were
mortified to learn from a friend standing nearby that we had 'em
all wrong. This site is all about that and is truly hilarious - we
were LOLing for hours. Choose by song or artist and then read the
confessions. Don't forget to share your lyric mishaps.
- This site's for high school students only. (How very VIP of
them!) The nice thing about it is that you can get
advice on how to study certain subjects. Making ZZZ's instead of
learning about H2O in chemistry class? Click on the
university professor of chemistry's study tips. You can also take
some online lessons and tutorials by subject.
- So you thought being a child star was all glam? Think
again. This sight follows the child stars from the '70s and '80s
who have all grown up. It features sightings, news, interviews and
links. There's also a tribute to Different Strokes actress Dana
Plato, who just died of a drug OD at age 34 - all three child
actors from that show got into drugs and trouble. Won't it be
interesting to see what happens to '90s child stars?
- Ask the expert page. It's no joke. They really do use experts.
We clicked on history and one of the experts we could send our
questions to was a Holocaust survivor. And if you suck at math, go
to Dr Math and get tons of help from the archives or submit a
question. Answers are sent as late as four to six weeks.
- Learn how not to die by reading about people who "removed
themselves from the gene pool in the most spectacular
fashion." Basically, it's a site about people who did
really stupid things, like a man who tied 42 helium-filled
balloons onto his lawn chair, and floated up in the way of
airplanes. (Ed. - They were all probably into No
Fear t-shirts.)
- Just feel like chatting? This site has an up-to-date
list of most chats and online events happening on the Web. See
what's on now, what's on always, what's on later and what chats
are too hot to miss.
- Any cat can take a dump in the litter box. Train yours to squat
gracefully on the porcelain throne. Learn about Misha, the amazing
potty-trained feline, then click on the FAQ link for instructions
on taking Fluffy to the bowl.
- Wanna count dollars instead of sheep? Have Mom and
Dad establish your allowance online so you can shop your way to a
sweet sleep. Get books, CDs, sneakers and clothes any time you
need to.
- Find everything you wanted to know, and didn't want to know,
about celebrities' skin conditions on and off screen. Choose from
"Skin conditions used to convey evil," "Actors with skin
conditions" and "Realistic depiction of skin
findings." Truly bizarre.
- Teachers say it's important to learn other languages. Um, does
"slanguage" count (and could a foreign land be the state next
door?)? Learn slang from places like London, England
(that's the badger - that's wonderful); Sydney, Australia
(eggnisher - air conditioner); and Denver, Colorado (gorby -
not-so-good snowboarder).
- Not only do the folks from one of the nation's top universities
(that'd be U.C. Berkeley) give you tips on when to study and how
to deal with procrastination, but they also break test-taking down
into general, essay, problem-solving and objective categories. And
then there's the "learning by listening" and the "effective
note-taking" sections. You'll have no excuses after you log off
this site.
- Enter tons of contests (like win a computer or a surfboard) and
get music news. We like the FlashRadio/Visual Radio of pop,
alternative, hip hop and DJ shows in the Internet Radio
Guide. You can also access 24-hour channels and a list of upcoming
events (and use AutoReminder to get to your event on time).
- Get homework help. Ink you questions and then get into this
Minneapolis-St. Paul newspaper's brain by clicking on the
different parts: literature, social studies, science, math,
languages, etc. First do a search and make sure your answer isn't
already posted. Nowhere in sight? Submit it. The
newsies say their goal is to answer questions in 24 hours or less
(the perfect site for the due-date challenged).
- We love this site because it's so practical: How many times
have you watched an episode of PO5 and thought, "What's that song
they're playing? I must have it!" You'll find
soundtrakcs from all your fave shows on this site.
- Under 18 write for the under 18,

is a collaborative website intended to build parent-child and
teacher-student relationships by helping kids teach grownups (what
makes computers cool". Learn how to email friends, join in
chatrooms and even build homepage. Adults get an inside look at
kids' concerns and the site is meant to empower kids by letting
them take responsiblity and initiative in informing the adults in
their lives about what interests them.
- Youthwork - Lots of sites and information for youth -

Educational/Youth Employment
& Training Resources
- Contact Literacy Center/National Literacy Hotline -
- GED Hotline - 800.626.9433
- Family of the Americas - 800.443.3395
- Family Service America - 800.221.3726
- Higher Education/Adult Training Resource Center -
- International Childbirth Education Assoc. Inc. -
- Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center -
- Parents' Institute for Drug Education, Inc. -
- Real Inspiration, Inc: Keynotes,
workshops, conferences with Keith Hawkins, 888.604.4295 or
or E-Mail
- Youth Specialties - 800.776.8008
- WAVE, Inc. - 800.274.2005
Federal Clearinghouse Network
- Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Info -
- CSAP's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Info
- 800.788.2800
- Division of Family Service Info System - 800.392.1261
- Drug Policy Info Clearinghouse - 800.666.3332
- Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse - 800.788.2800
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education & Small
Schools - 800.624.9120
- Federal Student Aid Info Center - 800.433.3243
- Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse - 800.638.8736
- National AIDS Info Clearinghouse - 800.458.5231
- National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Info -
Health & Social Welfare
- Active Parenting - 800.825.0060
- ACES Assoc for Children for Enforcement of Support, Inc.
- 800.537.7072
- Al-Anon Familyt Group Headquarters, Inc. - 800.356.9996
- Alliance for Children & Families - 800.220.1016
- American Alliance for Health & Dance Recreation -
- American Bar Assoc. - 800.621.6159
- American Counseling Asso. - 800.545.2223
- American Humane Assoc. - 800.227.4645
- American Society for Deaf Children - 800.942.ASDC
- Assoc. of Jewish Family & CHiodren's Agencies -
- Center for the Child Care Workforce - 800.879.6784
- Child Find of America, Inc. - 800.426.5678
- Children of Alcoholics Foundation, Inc. - 800.359.COAF
- Children's Hospice Internationa - 800.242.4453
- Family Resource Center - 800.676.2229
- Families Anonymous - 800.736.9805
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes - 800.289.0909
- Focus on the Family - 800.A-FAMILY
- Make-A-Wish Foundation of America - 800.722.9474
- Missing Children Help Center - 800.872.5437
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving - 800.438.6233
- National Abortion Federation - 800.772.9100
- National Adoption Center - 800.862.3678
- National Black Child Development Institute - 800.556.2234
- National Child Safety Council - 800.222.1464
- National Child Welfare Resource Center - 800.435.7543
- National Cleringhouse on Family Support & Children's
Mental Health - 800.628.1696
- National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence -
- National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence -
- National Drug & Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing
Service - 800.662.4357
- National Recreation and Prk Assoc. - 800.626.6772
- National Rehabilitation Information Center - 800.346.2742
- New Horizons Youth Ministries - 800.333.4009
- Operation Lookout National Center for Missing Youth -
- Parents Without Partners - 800.637.7974
- Second Harvest - 800.532.FOOD
- Service Corps of Retired Executives Assoc.
(SCORE) 800.634.0245
- Stepfamily Assoc. of America - 800.735.0329
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance - 800.221.7437
- The Nurturing Network - 800.866.4666
- Toughlove International - 800.333.1069
- Vanished Children's Alliance - 800.826.4743
Public Policy
- Children's Defense Fund - 800.233.1200
- Family Research Council - 800.225.4008
- Stand for Children - 800.663.4032
Youth Worker Training
- American Humanics - 800.343.6466
- Brandeis Center for Human Resources - 800.343.4705
- National Center for Research in Vocational Education -
- National Crisis Prevention Institute - 800.558.8976
- National Institute for Alternative Care Professionals -
- NOVA University - 800.541.6682
- Search Institute - 800.888.7828
- Youth Change - 800.545.5736
Other Resources
- Adam Walsh Child Research Center, 249 Highland Ave,
Rochester, NY 14620 716.461.1000
- Agent Orange Veteran Payment Program -
- AIDS information at UCSC, Powell Student Health Ctr,
HIV Prevention Program, UCSC, 1156 High St, Santa Cruz,
CA 95064, Terry Kavanaugh, 408.429.1388
- Alliance for the Rights of Children, PO Box 3826,
Merrifield, VA 22116 703.255.2643
- American Bar Assocication - Nat Legal Res Ctr of
Children, 1800 M St NW #200, Washington, DC 20036
- AR Advocates for Children & Families, 103 E 7th St
#931, Little Rock, AR 72201 501.371.9678
- Asian Resources Inc, Youth Violence Prevent Prog, 2251
Florin Rd Ste #, Sacramento, CA 95822 916.424.8960
- Boys Town National Resource and Training Center,
workshops on working with aggressive youth, building skills in
high risk families, foster care-rebuilding children's lives,
teaching social skills to youth, unmasking sexual con games, and
more. 800.545.5771
- Boys Town Press provides access to the resources and
programs that have made Boys Town America's leader in caring for
at-risk kids. 800.282.6657 x 46
- California Child, Youth & Family Coalition, 2424
Castro Way, Sacramento, CA 95818 916.739.6912
- California National Guard Urban Youth Corps, 8400
Okinawa St, Sacramento, CA 95828 916.387.7405
- Challenge Associates, PO Box 23824, Pleasant Hill, CA
94523 510.930.6206
- Children's Defense Fund, 122 C St NW, Washington, DC
20001 202.628.8787
- Childsavers, PO Box 10564, Rockville, MD 20849
- Child Welfare League of America,

- Cops & Kids Progress, City of Davis Police Dept,
226 F St, Davis, CA 95616 916.756.3740x7484
- Diogenes Youth Services, Life Scripts Prog, 9097-99
Tuolumne Dr, Sacramento, CA 95826 916.363.0064
- Fathers' Rights Newsline - 215.879.4099
- Impotency Hotline - to overcome - 312.725.7722
- Interfaith Service Bureau Violence Prevent Task Force,
3720 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95816 916.456.3815
- Justice for Children, 412 Main St #400, Houston, TX
77002 713.225.4357
- KY Youth Advocates, 2034 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY
40206 502.895.8167
- Learning for Life Golden Empire Council, 251 Commerce
Circle, Sacramento, CA 95815 916.929.1417
- Louisiana - Our House - 888.442.TEEN or 318.343.TEEN
24 hours a day help, sucide,
information for Region VIII includes Monroe, West Monroe, Calhoun

- MELD, programs in 15 states for young dads facilitated
by former young dads, 123 N 3rd St, Ste 507, Minneapolis,
MN 55401 612.332.7563
- Men's Health Network - 202.543.6461
- Men/Fathers referrals local, state or national
assistance prog on domestic problems (visitation, support, abuse
allegations) and advice about issues with their children - 24
hours, 512.472.3237
- Mr Dad, 3862 Uris Ct, Irvine, CA 92714
- National Association of Counsel for Children, 1205
Oneida, Denver, CO 80220 303.322.2260
- National Center for Kids Overcoming Crisis, a private,
not-for-profit organization that has been providing hope and
healing to kids in crisis since 1882 offering the country's widest
array of children's critical care services available under one
roof. Organizes the National Kidsday to recognize the value,
dignity and inherent worth of children everywhere. KidsPeace, 5300
KidsPeace Dr, Orefield, PA 18069-9101 or 610.799.8325 or

- National Center for Missing & Exploited
Children - 800.843.5678 and see Missing
- National Center for Youth Law, 114 Sansome St #900, San
Francisco, CA 94104 415.543.3307
- National Coalition for Empowering Youth Entrepreneurs,
215.471.2218 or the website at
- National Network for Youth, 1319 F Street NW, Ste
401, Washington, DC 20004, 202.783.7949 or
- National Youth Agency, UK - the largest non-uniformed
youth organization in the UK. Visitors will find information and
an up-to-date database for youth workers, a list of upcoming
conferences and events in the field, and explanations about the
youth service field and how to enter it. This site includes
volunteer opportunities for youth and lists other youth work
organizations in the UK.

- NOCIRC (Circumcision info) -
- 100 Black Men, Inc, to serve as a strong force for
overcoming the cultural and financial obstacles that have limited
the achievements of African-American youth, with a particular
emphasis on young African-American males,

- Sex Info/Referral - 415.621.7300
- Simba, African Am Men Helping African
Am Boys to become...PO Box 27548, Oakland, CA 94602
- Teen Voices, Women Express, Inc., PO Box 8009, JFK PO,
Boston, MA 02114 A3-Teens
- Urban Leadership Institute. The Center provides a
comprehensive program specifically designed to be implemented with
African American males ages 10-17. The Dare To Be King
Curriculum & Training Program represents the cornerstone of
the Centers work with males. The model features a 270-page
Curriculum which includes an intensive three-day outdoor
experience for adolescent African American males. The Dare To Be
King Model is designed to challenge males to confront the never
ending journey of manhood and the responsibility of creating our
lives by design, not by default. The Curriculum focuses on
addressing anger, impulse control and decision-making. Each
session provides activities that address issues ranging from youth
critically examining the lives of slain rappers like Tupac Shakur
and Biggie to dealing with incidents around confronting a "bully"
in school.
- Youth Crime Watch of American
305.670.2409 or

Help find a missing child!
24-Hour Hotline
* * *
I take it that no man is educated who has never dallied with the
thought of suicide. - William James
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