& Recovery
Menstuff® has gathered the following group resources. We
provide these and encourage your investigation to insure that it is
what you are looking for. Also see Alternatives
to Violence.
LEGEND: A1-sexual, A2-emotional/psychological, A3-abuse resources,
A4-incest, A5-spiritual/ritual, A6-recovery, A7-child abuse,
A8-Multiple Personality Disorder, A9-chemical, R-religious. Local
publications often list local recovery and 12-step groups.
Child Abuse
General Help
Ritual Abuse
Senior Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Spousal Abuse
Resources in California,
York, Pennsylvania
and Texas
Child Abuse
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 141 Northwest
Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1098, 847.228.5005 or
- Child Health USA, US Department of Health and Human
Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal
and Child Health Bureau, Rockville, MD 20857. National Child Abuse
Hotline: 800.4.A.CHILD or 800.422.4453
- National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect
Information provides resources to help professionals and the
public locate information about child abuse. The clearinghouse is
a service of the Children's Bureau in the Administration for
Children and Familiies, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. 330 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20447, 800.394.3366 or
703.385.7565 or www.calib.com.nccanch
- National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, Building 31, Room 2A32, MSC 2425, 31 Center Dr.,
Bethesda, MD 20892-2425, 301.496.5133 or nichdwebmaster@mail.nih.gov
or www.nichd.nih.gov/
General Help
- Abuse of Males - scholarly articles - www.vix.com/pub/men/battery/pointers/html
- Accused Web Page, 125 research articles and abstracts,
medical/psychological research center, involving child sexual
abuse and molestation, repressed memory and physical abuse,
- Action Against Sexual Violence, 12 Presidio Ave, San
Francisco, CA 94115 Attempted Not Known
- Adam Walsh Child Res Ctr/South, 1400 Pickins St #102,
Columbia, SC 29201 803.254.2326 A7
- Adam Walsh Ctr/Florida, 9176 Alt A1A #100, Lake Park,
FL 33403 407.848.1900 A3
- Addictions - Addictions Directory plus
addictions related news, books and web resources www.utyz.com/addictions
- Adults Sexually Abused as Children Ctr, 246 E 20th St,
New York, NY 10003 212.979.6868 A7
- AH Drug
and Alcohol Resource Center (8/15)
- Al-Anon, Alteen, Family Group Headquarters helps
families and friends of alcoholics, 1600 Corporate Landing
Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617, 757.563.1600 or
757.563.1655 or www.al-anon.alateen.org
To locate meetings in local areas call 888.425.2666 between 8 am
and 6 pm ET M-F. (1/05) or go to Al-Anon
and Alateen
- Alcohol Prevention for
Middle Schoolers, www.thecoolspot.gov
- Alcoholics Anonymous, Gen Serv Off, PO Box 459,
Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163 212.870.3400. Find
a meeting at Alcoholics
- Alliance for Children and Famlilies. ACF helps serve
families and individuals through counseling, advocacy and family
life education. 414.359.1040 or www.alliance1.org
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 141 Northwest
Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1098, 847.228.5005 or
- American Coalition for Abuse Awareness, 1858 Park Rd
NW, 2nd Fl, Washington, DC 20010 202.462.4688 A1
- American Family Foundation, PO Box 2265, Bonita
Springs, FL 33959 212.249.7693 or 212.628.8787 A5
- American Humane Assoc Child Division, 63 Inverness Dr
E, Englewood, CO 80112 - 800.227.4645 A7
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,
332 S Michigan Ave #1600, Chicago, IL 60604 312.554.0166 or
apsacmems@aol.com or
www.apsac.org A7
- American Social Health Association, P.O. Box 13827, 100
Capitol Dr., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3827. 800.230.6039
or 919.361.8488 or www.ashastd.org
- Arts Anonymous - 415.474.5580
- Art's Yours, 4339 Balboa, San Francisco, CA 94121
415.379.9436 A6 Attempted Not Known
- ASCA Guided Self-Help run by Male Survivor, 2306
Taraval St #102, San Francisco, CA 94116 415.564.6002 A3
- The Awareness Center, Chicago, Vicki Polin, Vickipolin@aol.com
or members.aol.com/vickipolin/index.html
- BEAM, PO Box 20428, Louisville, KY 40250 A8
- Banner Project, PO Box 989, Madison, WI 53701 A1
- Beyond Survival Foundation, 1278 Gleneyre St #3,
Laguna, CA 92651 A3
- Born to be Free Satanic Ritual Abuse & Mind
Control victims e-mail support group at mtcforums@aol.com
(not known as of 10.1.01) or www.morethanconquerors.simplenet.com/New/index.htm
- CA Consortium to Prevent Child Abuse, 1600 Sacramento
in Way #123, Sacramento, CA 95815 A7
- California Gambler Addiction Line800.GAMBLER
- Caron Fam Serv, Galen Hall Rd Box A, Wernersville, PA
19565 800.678.2332 A9
- CAST (Complete
Aftercare Support Team) - Los Angeles Recovery Guide
- A program designed to help individuals transition into
independent living and long-term recovery after an inpatient
treatment program or relapse. Men's
Treatment Programs, Transitional
Living, Outpatient
Program, Mental
Health, Family
Services 1830 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 111, Santa Monica,
CA 90404 or 866-59-REHAB (73422) (10/11)
- Cavalcade Productions, 7360 Potter Valley Rd, Ukiah, CA
95482 800.345.5530 A3-videos
- Center for Science in the Public Interest - provides
information about the Center's Alcohol Policies Project, Booze
News. The site is aimed towards updating advocates on alcohol
prevention policies. Some of the current project initiatives
discussed are: tichtening the restrictions on advertising and
promotions directed at children or heavy drinkers, expanding the
label warnings to better alert consumers to the risks of drinking
and increasing state and federal alcohol excise tax. www.csprint.org/booze/bzn_0898/index.html
- Center of Light, 2 Fairview St, Springfield, VT 05156
802.885.6937 A6
- Child Abuse Listening Mediation, 1236 Chapala St, Santa
Barbara, CA 93101 805.687.7912 A7
- Child Abuse Inst of Research, PO Box 1217, Cincinnati,
OH 45201 A7
- Child & Adolescent Service, Lagley Porter
Psychiatric Institute, University of California, 401 Parnassus
Ave, San Francisco, CA 94143 415.476.7266
- Child Empowerment Net, PO Box 558, Bowie, MD 20718
800.444.2583 A7
- Childhelp USA The
hotline provides crisis counseling, child abuse reporting
information, and referrals for every county in the U.S. The
hotline is staffed 24/7. US Department of Health and Human
Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal
and Child Health Bureau, Rockville, MD 20857. www.childhelpusa.org
National Child Abuse Hotline
800.4.A.CHILD (800.422.4453)
Childhelp USA, National Survivors of Child Abuse,
15757 N 78th St Scottsdale, AZ 85260 www.childhelpusa.org
or 800.4.A.CHILD (800.422.4453)
Childhelp USA Children's Center in Phoenix at
602.271.4500 Childhelp USA Ritual Abuse Hotline &
Crisis Counseling referrals - Catherine Gould 800.422.4453
Childhelp USA, includes ranches for abused kids. PO Box
630, Hollywood, CA 90028 800.422.4453
- Child Health USA,
- Children Against Rape & Molestation, 2060 Avenida
de Los Arboles, #348, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 A7
- Children of Alcoholics Foundation, PO Box 4185, Grand
Central Station, New York, NY 10163 800.359.2623 A9
- Children of the Underground, 6065 Roswell Rd #1157,
Atlanta, GA 30328 404.843.8884 A1 A7
- Children's Justice Ctr, 1203 E 33rd St, Tulsa OK 74105
- Children's Rights of Am, 1010 Huntcliff #1295, Atlanta,
GA 30350 800.442.4673 A1 A7
- Chilliwack MPD Group, #101-9181 Main St, Chilliwacck
V2P 4M9 Canada A8
- Children's Crisis Ctr, PO Box 40279, Jacksonville, FL
32203 904.549.0670 A1 A7
- Christian Counselor's Resource Network, 9405 48th Ave,
College, MD 20740 301.490.6477 A3 R
- City of Vallejo's Fighting Back Partnership, 505 Santa
Clara St, Vallejo, CA 94590 707.648.5230 A6
- Clearinghouse for Child Abuse, Planned Parenthood Assoc
of Cin, 2314 Auburn Ave, Cincinnati, OH 4521 513.721.8932 A7
- Clearinghouse on Child Abuse & Neglect, PO Box
1182, Washington, DC 20013 800.394.3366 A3
- Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation, 21 Green St,
Concord NH 03301 603.225.2985 A1
- Coalition Against the Sexual Abuse of Young Children,
5323 Nebraska Ave NW Washington, DC 20015 202.966.7183 A7
- Coalition Commentary IL Coalition Against Sexual
Assault, 123 S 7th St #500, Springfield, IL 62701 A1
- Coalition for Accuracy about Abuse, 1310 Clinic Dr,
Tyler, TX 75701 7903.595.6600
- Cocaine Anonymous, World Serv Office, 3740 Overland Ave
#C, Los Angeles, CA 90034 800.347.8998 A9
- Co-Dependents Anonymous, PO Box 33577, Phoenix, AZ
85067 602.277.7991 A6
- Cottonwood Ctrs Sexual Trauma Prog, 4110 W Sweetwater,
Tucson, AZ 85745 800.877.4520 A1
- Countercog, PO Box 40242, Pasadena, CA 91114 A7
- Crisis, Grief & Healing, Tom Golden, Kensington,
MD, www.webhealing.com
- Crowded House, PO Box 20015 Lambdon Mall, Postal Outlet
Sarnia Ontario Canada A8
- CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services, 110 Connecticut
Blvd, East CT 06108 203.282.9881 A1 A7
- Cult Hotline & Clinic, 1651 Third Ave, New York, NY
10028 212.632.4640 A5
- Cutting Edge for Survivors of Self-Inflicted Violence,
PO Box 20819, Cleveland, OH 44120 A2
- Debtors Anonymous N Calif - 415.522.9099
- Dixie Friendship Exchange, 1405 12th Terr, Pleasant
Grove, AL 35127 A3
- Domestic Abuse Serv Ctr, 300 S 6th St Rm A022,
Minneapolis, MN 55487 612.348.50073 A1 A5
- Drug Free Action Alliance is a
statewide, private non-profit prevention agency founded in 1987.
We educate key leaders on the problems facing their communities
and provide the resources needed to take action. We deliver
up-to-date information and develop initiatives that serve the
immediate needs of those working to prevent substance abuse. Young
people are our primary target population. We form partnerships
with businesses, community members, substance abuse prevention
professionals, policy makers, law enforcement, school personnel,
and, most importantly, parents. 6185 Huntley Road, Suite P,
Columbus, OH 43229-1094 or 614. 540.9985 or Fax: 614.540.9990 or
or E-Mail
- DrugRehab.com
- Treatment Centers E-Mail.
Free "Substance
Abuse Guide for
Our recovery programs are available at:
The Recovery Village, 633 Umatilla Blvd., Umatilla, Florida 32784
The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake,
443 S. Hwy 105 Palmer Lake, CO 80133 www.palmerlakerecovery.com/
Next Generation Village, 1062 Lake
Sebring Drive, Sebring, FL 33870 www.nextgenerationvillage.com/
Orlando Recovery Center, 6000 Lake
Ellenor Drive, Orlando, FL 32809 www.orlandorecovery.com/
- Emotions Anonymous (Emotional Ill - Treatment Centers ness)
- 415.366.8466
- Enough is Enough, PO Box 888, Fairfax, VA 22030
703.278.8343 A2-pornography
- Families of Sex Offenders Anonymous, 152 West Walk,
West Haven, CT 06516 203.931.0015 A1 FL Council of Sexual Abuse
Serv, 850 6th Ave N, Naples, FL 33940 904.549.0670
- Family Caregiver Alliance, 690 Market Street, Suite
600, San Francisco, CA 94108, 415.434.3388 or info@caregiver.org
or www.caregiver.org
- Family Concern Counseling Ctr, 3942 30th St, Granville,
MI 49418 616.530.0678 A
- Family Violence Prevention Fund, 383 Rhode Island
Street, Suite 304, San Francisco, CA 94103-5133. 415.252.8900 or
- Full Circle Programs, 70 Skyview Terr, San Rafael, CA
94903 415.499.3320 A7+learning disabilities
- Gamblers Anonymous - N Calif - 800.287.8670. Find a
meeting - Gamblers
Anonymous and for the family Gam-Anon
- Garanzini, Sam, Addiction Recovery Specialist,
University Professor and Licensed Psychotherapist in San
Francisco with years of experience helping others move beyond
addiction. Free
weekly newsletter covering the latest addiction research.
www.samgaranzini.com or
- Giarretto Institute Parents United, 232 E Gish Rd, San
Jose, CA 95112 408.453.7616 A1
- Girls Club of Omaha, Child Abuse Prevent Unit-A7
- Grief - www.griefresourcescatalog.com
- Grief Resources Catalog - We have a specialized catalog
for grief experiences.
www.griefresourcescatalog.com/ or dcremer@nitelite.com
- gum on your paws-resource center for incest &
ritual abuse issues. 5505 Valmont Rd, #97, Boulder CO 80301
- Healing Journey, Abused Survivors Know, PO Box 10756,
Burke, VA 22009 703.281.7458 A3-videos
- Health Communications Inc, 3201 SW 15th St, Deerfield
Beach, FL 33442 305.360.0909 A3
- Healthy Families America promotes positive parenting
and child health and development through voluntary home visits.
There are more than 400 sites nationwide. Call Prevent Child Abuse
America at 312.663.3520 or www.healthyfamiliesamerica.org
- H.E.A.R.T. survivors of sexual assault, 1030-E Summit
#189, Elgin, IL 60120 708.697.1593
- Heartlines, PO Box 1086, Jamacia Plains, MA 02130
617.524.6850 A6
- Incest Recovery Ctr, 853 Broadway #2022, New York, NY
10003 212.598.4218 A4
- Incest Resources, 46 Pleasant St, Cambridge, MA 02139
617.492.1818 A6
- Incest Survivors Ctr on Sex Abuse Pregnancy, PO Box 82,
Milton, VT 05468 800.639.1885 A4
- Incest Survivors Anonymous, Box 5613, Long Beach, CA
90805 213.428.5599
- Incest Survivors Anonymous, PO Box 17245, Long Becah CA
90807 - 310.428.5599 A4
- Incest Survivors Info Exchange, PO Box 3399, New Haven,
CT 06515 A1
- Incest Survivors Resource Network
International (No longer active.)
- Institute on Black Chemical Abuse - 612.871.7878
- Int Conf Against Incest, 18 S Cadillac Dr, Somervile,
NJ 08876 908.722.2933 A4
- Int Cult Ed Prog, PO Box 1232. Gracoe Station, New
York, NY 10028 212.533.5420 A5
- Int Society for the Study of MPD, 5700 Old Orchard Rd
1st Fl, Skokie, IL 60077 708.966.4322 A8
- Intl Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 60 Revere
Dr, 60 Revere Dr #500, Northbrook, IL 60602 708.480.9028 A2
- Joaquin Prevention Partnership, 640 N San Joaquin St,
Stockton, CA 95202 209.468.0525 A9
- JustUs, PO Box 1121, Parker, CO 80134 303.643.8698 or
303.759.4275 A8
- LA Cty Comm for Women Ritual Abuse Task Force, 383 Hall
of Administration #500, Los Angeles, CA 90012 213.974.1455 or
303.759.4275 A3 A5
- Los
Angeles Recovery Guide - A program designed to help
individuals transition into independent living and long-term
recovery after an inpatient treatment program or relapse.
Treatment Programs, Transitional
Living, Outpatient
Program, Mental
Health, Family
Services 1830 Lincoln Blvd, Suite 111, Santa Monica,
CA 90404 or 866-59-REHAB (73422) (10/11)
- M.A.L.E. (Men Assisting, Leading & Educating)
Denver, CO A1 A2 A3 w/men. Moved. FOE
- M.U.L.T.I.P.L.E., Box 136, Lakewood, CVA 90714
310.578.1371 A8
- MA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,
43 Mount Vernon St, Boston, MA 02108 617.227.2280 A3
- Mandana House Community Ctr, 541 Mandana Blvd, Oakland,
CA 94610 510.839.8844 A4 A7
- Marijuana Anonymous - 510.287.8873 9
- Marshall Res Ctr Children's Inst Intern, 711 S New
Hampshire, Los Angeles, CA 90005 213.385.5100 A3 A5
- MAZE, PO Box 7917, Bonney Lake, WA 98390 A8
- MBKs We are helping heal and restore the lives of men
who are victims of all forms of abuse. These groups where created
by a women who was abusive to men due to the abuse from her dad
and a man who was sexual abused by a woman and another male who
was abused by woman all their life. Mountlake Terrace, WA
or randr.giving.officelive.com
- Mental Health Consult, PO Box T, Culver City, CA 90230
310.391.2320 A1
- Meth Action Clearinghouse. The National Association of
Counties has developed a clearinghouse of information on
methamphetamines. This website has results of research and
surveys, updates on federal legislation and advocacy, new
releases, and other resources. snipurl.com/tl2x
or 202.393.6226 or www.naco.org/
- Metro Org to Counter Sexual Assault, 3217 Broadway
#500, Kansas City, MO 64111 816.931.4527 A1
- Miller & Gaudio, 104 Maple Ave, Red Bank, NJ 07701
908.741.6769 Legal support/serv represents survivors
- Moby Dickens, Bent St, Taos, NM A1 (94)
- Molester Anonymous/Batteres Anonymous, 1850 N Riverside
Ave #220, Rialto, CA 92376 909.355.1100 A1
- Montgomery Metro Treatment Center, (Chemical
Dependency), 4303 Norman Bridge Rd, Montgomery, AL 36105.
334.288.5363, 334.281.6661 fax. (1/99)
- Mountain Area Health Ed Ctr, 501 Baltimore Ave,
Asheville, NC 28801 A3
- MPD Personalities, 1163 E Ogden Ave #703, Naperville,
IL 60563 A8
- Multiple Care Unit, PO Box 82 NDG, Montreal Quebec H4A
3P4 Canada A8
- Multiple Facets Dissociate Dis Found, PO Box 820983,
Dallas, TX 75382 800.462.7759 A8
- Mungadze Assoc, 2350 Airport Freeway #250, Bedford, TX
76022 817.354.1389 A5 R
- Nar-Anon, nar-anon.org/index.html
Find a meeting for the family Nar-Anon
- Narcotics Anonymous, PO Box 9999, Van Nuys,
CA 91409 818.780.3951. Find a meeting Narcotics
- National Assoc of Anorexia Nervosa & Assoc
Disorders, PO Box 7, Highland, IL 60035 708.831.3438 A6
- National Asso of Children of Alcoholics, 11426
Rockville Pike #100, Rockville, MD 20852 301.468.0985 A6
- National Assoc of Native Am Children of Alcoholics, PO
Box 18736, Seattle WA 98118 206.467.7686 A6 (94)
- National Child Abuse Hotline,
800.422.4453 A7
- National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect
Information provides resources to help professionals and the
public locate information about child abuse. The clearinghouse is
a service of the Children's Bureau in the Administration for
Children and Familiies, U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. 800.394.3366 or www.calib.com.nccanch
- National Coalition Against Sexual Assault, PO Box
21378, Washington, DC 20009 202.232.6682
- National Coalition Children & Families, 800 Compton
Rd #9224, Cincinnati, OH 45231 513.521.6227 A1
- National Coalition of Hispanic Health & Human
Organizations, 202.387.5000 (94)
- National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse. 322 S
Michigan Ave, #1600 Chicago, IL 60604 312.663.3520 A3
- National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence -
212.206.6770 A9 (94)
- National Council on Child Abuse & Family Violence -
1155 Connecticut Ave NW #400, Washington, DC 20036 -800.222.2000
A7 (94)
Counseling Referrals - 800.221.2681
Elder Abuse - 800.879.6682
Info & Assistance with Referral Requests -
Spouse Partner Abuse - 800.537.2238
- National Center for Protective Parents in Civil Child
Abuse, 1908 Riverside Dr, Trenton, NY 08618 609.394.1506
- National Center for the Prosecution of Child Abuse, 99
Canal Ct Plaza #510, Alexandria, VA 22314 703.739.0321 A7
- National Center for Treatment of Dissociative
Disorders, 1290 S Potomac, Aurora, CO 80012 800.441.6921
- National Exchange Club for the Prevention of Child
Abuse, 3050 Central Ave, Toledo, OH 43606 800.760.3413 A7
- National Family Support Roundtable, a parent self-help
support program with a time-tested child abuse prevention approach
that promotes positive parenting through open-ended weekly
meetings free to anyone in a parenting role. Under the mentorship
of a trained facilitator, parent leaders learn to help members
offer and receive insight into common problems. Sites often
provide parallel children's programs as well. 312.663.3520 or
- National Institute on Aging Information Center, P.O.
Box 8057, Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8057, 800.222.2225 or TTD
800.222.4225 or www.nih.gov/nia
- National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, Building 31, Room 2A32, MSC 2425, 31 Center Dr.,
Bethesda, MD 20892-2425, 301.496.5133 or nichdwebmaster@mail.nih.gov
or www.nichd.nih.gov/
- National Institute of Drug Abuse, PO Box 2345,
Rockville, MD 20847 301.443.6245 A6
- National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH Public
Inquiries, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 8184, MSC 9663,
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663, 301.443.4513 or www.nimh.nih.gov
- National Net of Children's Advocacy, 106 Lincoln St,
Huntsville, AL 35801 205.533.5437 A7
- National Organization for Victim Assistance, 1757 Park
Rd NW, Washington, DC 20010 800.TRY-NOVA A6 www.access.digex.net/~nova
- National Org on Male Sexual Victimization, Dedicated to
a safe world, NOMSV is an organization of diverse individuals
committed through research, education, advocacy and activism to
the prevention, treatment and elimination of all forms of sexual
victimization of boys and men. We are open to all students and
allied health professionals, survivors and their significant
others, and anyone else interested in joining us in preventing,
understanding and healing male sexual victimization. Currently we
offer a quarterly newsletter, a bi-annual conference for
professionals and survivors, healing weekend workshops for
survivors and their significant others, and a website with lots of
helpful resources and articles. Membership is on a sliding fee
scale. NOMSV PMB 103, 5505 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC
20015-2601 or 800.738.4181 or www.malesurvivor.org
or nomsv@malesurvivor.org or Ken Singer,
President of the Board of Directors, ksinger@njcc.com
- National Resource Ctr on Child Sexual Abuse, 2204
Whitesburg Dr, #200, Huntsville, AL 35801 - 800.KIDS.006 A3
- National Victim Ctr, 309 W 7th St #705, Fort Worth,
- National Women's Health Resource Center, 120 Albany
Street, Suite 820, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. 877.98.NWHRC or
800.394.2255 A3
- NC Triangle Society for the Study of MPD&D, PO Box
3693, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 A8
- NE Recovery Networker, 504 Main St, Farmington, CT
06032 203.678.8686 A6
- Net for Prof Concerned About Abuse, 2501 N Glebe Rd,
Arlington, VA 22207 703.243.1050 A3
- Net for Prof Concerned about Child Abuse, 2990 Telstart
Ct #297, Falls CHurch, CA 22042 703.698.6031 A3 NH Incest Ctr, 7 S
State St 2nd Fl, Concord, NH 03301 603.224.6442 A4
- NJ Child Assault Prevention, 700 Hollydell Ct, Sewell,
NJ 08080 609.582.7000 A7
- Norma J Morris Ctr for Healing from Child Abuse, 2306
Taraval St #102 San Francisco CA 94116 415.564.6002 A7
- One Voice: Nat Alliance for Abuse Awareness, PO Box
27958, Washington, DC 20038 202.371.6056 A1 A7
- Parental Stress Serv, Strengthening families and
preventing child abuse are gifts to future generations
Fremont: 39155 Liverty St, Ste #F600, Fremont,
CA 94536 510.590.3803. Crisis line: 800.829.3777
Hayward: 22245 Main St Ste #102, Hayward, CA 94541
510.582.0148. Crisis Line: 800.829.3777 ParentsH@inreach.com
Oakland: 1727 Martin Luther King Jr Way, #109, Oakland, CA
94612 Crisis line: 510.893.5444 ParentsO@inreach.com
A3 5/99
Tri-Valley Area: 510.447.3722. Crisis Line:
- Parents Against Child Abuse, PO Box 1262, Temecula, CA
92390 A7
- Parents Anonymous (child abuse) 675 W Foothill
Blvd, Ste 220, Claremont, CA 91711 909.621.6184
- Parents Anonymous State Resource Office, 12 Roszel Rd
#A103, Princeton, NJ 08540 A3
- Parents Net of FL 2728 Pablo Ave, Talahasse, FL 32308
- Parents United-Adults Molested As Children, 615 15th
St, Modesto, CA 95354 209.572.3446 A3
- Pathways to Discovery, 18350 Mt Langley St #205,
Fountain Valley, CA 92708 800.927.7284 A3
- Paul & Lisa Program, PO Box 348, Westbrook, CT
06498 203.399.5338 A1-works with child prostitutes
- Phobics Anonoymous - 619.322.COPE A6 (94)
- Playing It Safe, 123 Eileen Way, Syosset, NY 11791
800.752.9487 A3-child safety programs
- Prescott House, extended care recovery program for men,
Prescott, Arizona www.nothlink.com/~prehouse/
- Prevent Child Abuse America (California Chapter) -
Prevention of Shaking Baby Syndrome. For a brochure write to
PO Box 980788 W Sacramento, CA 95798 Ask for brochure #
271 Never Shake a Baby - 800.CHILDREN (800-244-5373)
- Project Sanctury, PO Box 995, Ukiah, CA 95482
707.462.9196 A6
- Prevent Child Abuse America (California Chapter)
works at the national, state and community levels to prevent child
abuse in all ifs form including Shaking Baby Syndrome. For a
brochure write to PO Box 980788 W Sacramento, CA 95798
Ask for brochure # 271 Never Shake a Baby - 800.CHILDREN
(800-244-5373) For a complete list of their state chapters visit
- Psychological Services, David Neawald, 16030 Ventura
Blvd, #530, Encino, CA 91436 818.907.5591
- R.A.I.N.B.O.W. Bridges & P.R.I.S.M., PO Box 628,
Schoharie, NY 12157 518.295.7278 A8
- Real Active Survivor, PO Box 1894, Canyon, CA 91386
805.252.6437 A3 A6
- Recovering Corporate Executives (See Workaholics)
- Recovering Couples Anonymous - 415.658.0277 (94)
- Recovery & Discovery, 6666 Odana Rd #133, Madison,
WI 53719 A3
- Ritual Abuse Hotline & Crisis Counseling referrals
800.422.4453 Survivors of Incest Anonymous, PO Box 21817,
Baltimore, MD 21222 301.282.3400
- Ritutal Abuse, Ritual Crime, and Healing, created by a
retired social worker and RA survivor. www.nemasys.com/rahome
- Road to Recovery: A Guide for Survivors of Clergy
Sexual Abuse, 107 Old Comers Rd, Chatham, MA 02633 508.945.3678
- SAFAR (Society Against False Accusations of Rape),
- Santa Monica Bay Area Drug Abuse Council, 100 Market St
Suite C Venice CA 90291 or 310.664.1415
- S.H.A.R.E., For Partners Friends & Family, PO Box
7917, Bonney Lake, WA 98390 A8
- S.O.A.R. Survivors of Abusive Rituals, PO Box 1776,
Cahokia, IL 62206 A5
- S.P.A.A. (Support for People Accused of Abuse), 7
Lincoln Street, Wakefield, MA 01880. 781.246.3691. A support group
for men in who have been accused of abuse grieve their losses,
deal with their anger and go on with their lives meets Weds, 8-10
pm, Beverly Massachusetts Unitarian Chuch. See the web site at
or SPAA98@aol.com (2/00)
- S.T.A.R., 1057 W Fireweed Ln, #230, Anchorage, AK 99503
800.478.8999 A1
- STOP Sex Offenders: Your
source for child & family safety information! Informative
Child Safety Area, child abuse information, National Sex Offender
Registry, free exclusive online Child ID System, Safety for Women,
& much more! www.stopsexoffenders.com
- Sex Addicts Anonymous, PO Box 70949, Houston, TV 77270
713.869.4902 A6 www.saa-recovery.org
- Sex Addictions: Men only. Dan Carballeira,
Boynton, 561.715.6876 or dvcarball@aol.com
- Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous, PO Box 119, Boston,
MA 02258 617.332.1845 A1
- Sex & Love Addicts, The Augustine Fellowship, PO
Box 7437, Philadelphia, PA 19101 215.731.9760 A6
- Sexahololics Anonymous, PO Box 111910, Nashville, TN
37222 615.331.6230 A6
- Sexual Abuse Anonymous, PO Box 5325, Hempstead, NY
11550 A1
- Sexual Abuse Survivors Anonymous, PO Box 241046,
Detroit, MI 48224 313.882.9646 A1
- Sexual Compulsives Anonymous, PO Box 1585 Old Kelsey
Station, New York, NY 10113 A6-gay oriented 12-step
- Shepards House, 7136 Haskell St #210, Van Nuys, CA
91406 818.780.2043 A8 R
- Sidran Foundation, 2328 W Joppa Rd, #15, Lutherville,
MD 21093 410.825.8888 A3-Advocacy
- Silent No Longer, 955 Massachuetts Ave #262, Cambridge,
MA 02139 617.422.1701 A3-advocacy Spring Hill, PO Box 130, Ashby,
MA 01431 800.550.0244 A6
- SMART (Stop Masonic Ritual Abuse Today) provides
resources, publications, videos, tapes and groups re ritual abuse
and incest survivors.PO Box 1295, Easthampton,
MA 01027-1295. smartnews@aol.com
or members.aol.com/smartnews/index2.html
- Stop Abuse by Counselors, PO Box 68292, Seattle,
WA 98168 206.243.2723 A3-advocacy
- Stop Child Sexual Abuse, PO Box 2625, Gainsville, FL
32602 A1 A6
- Stop It Now, PO Box 495, Haydenville, MA 01039
413.268.3096 A1 A7
- Suicide information at www.nimh.nih.gov/research/suichart.htm
- Survivor, PO Box 11315, Knoxville, TN 37939 A6
- Survivor Connections, 52 Lyndon Rd, Cranston, RI 02905
401.941.2548 A7-database on perpetrators
- Survivors & Victims Empowered, PO Box 10756,
Lancaster, PA 17605 717.569.3636 A1 A7 R
- Survivors & Friends, PO Box 54, Redmond, WA 98073
206.821.8523 A6
- Survivors Healing Center, 2301 Mission Street, Ste C-1,
Santa Cruz (95060) Mon-Thu 9:30a-2p, 831.423.7601 or shc@cruzio.com
- Survivors House of Hope, 649 Niagara Blvd, Fort Erie,
Ontario L2A 3H7 Canada, A1 A7
- Survivors of Incest Anonymous, PO Box 190. Benson, MD
21018 410.893.3322 www.siawso.org
A4 (4/00)
- Survivors of Sexual Abuse, PO Box 5526B, North Pole, AK
99705 A1
- Survivors of Abuse Find Empowerment, 114 Bergerville
Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728 908.462.4412 A6
- Survivors, 5513 Hammond Ct, Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916.967.0424 A6
- Survivors Support Grp, PO Box 4692, Ithaca, NY 14850
- Survivors United, PO Box 934, Lake La 70602 A6
- Survivorship, An international non-profit for survivors
of ritualistic abuse, torture, and mind control, their partners,
supporters and helping professionals. Survivorship sponsors
conferences three times a year in California and publishes a
quarterly magazine and monthly newsletter. 3181 Mission St #139,
San Francisco, CA 94110 or 707.279.1209 or www.survivorship.org
or info@survivorship.org
- Teen Voices, Women Express, Inc., PO Box 8009, JFK PO,
Boston, MA 02114 A3-Teens
- Together Making a Difference, The Morris Center
www.ascasupport.org or
- To Tell the Truth, promoting simultaneous survivor
events to show that ritual abuse survivors will not be silent.
2155 Bolton St #3D, Bronx, NY 10462 800.578.1292 A1 A4 www.angelfire.com/ri/totellthetruth
or totellthetruth@hotmail.com
- Treatment 4 Addiction is a free, comprehensive and
frequently updated directory of treatment centers in the United
States. It includes the SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration) database, as well as many private
treatment centers, therapists and addiction professionals. It also
provides invaluable information through articles, videos and blogs
on types of treatment, addictions, and mental health disorders.
- Two Rivers Psychiatric Hospital, 5121 Raytown Rd,
Kansas City, MO 64133 800.225.8577 A6
- United Survivors Net, c/o Kempe Children's Foundation,
1205 Onedia St, Denver, CO 90220 303.355.1133 A6
- Varied Directions Intl, 69 Elm St, Camden, ME 04843
207.236.8506 A6-videos
- Victim Advocacy Net, Moved, no forwarding contact
(Victims of Child Abuse Legislation). Sadly, Dr. Jeamby passed
away and the organization has ceased to exist.
- VOICES in Action (Victims of Incest Can Emerge
Survivors), PO Box 148309, Chicago, IL 60614 312.327.1500 or
800.7-VOICE-8 A3
- Wings Foundation, offers peer support groups for adults
who were sexually abused as children. Speaker's bureau,
educational, prevention, advocacy and support. 8007 W Colfax, CS27
Box 129, Lakewood, CO 80215 303.238.8660 A4 wingspwr@aol.com
- Wisdom Research, PO Box 860433, Plano, TX 75086
214.539.7855 A3 R
- Yolo Unit, 600 A St, Davis, CA 95616 916.757.5520
- Youthquest, PO Box 1001, Lansdale, PA 19446
Ritual Abuse
- Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors
& Mind Control (ACHES-MC) The promulgation of the
Nuremberg Code on scientific research following the Doctors Trial
in Nuremberg in 1946 is a watershed event in the history of
medical ethics. We represent the North American survivors of
nonconsensual, federally funded, human experimentation. Originally
founded for survivors of mind control experimentation, we have
identified additional survivors of other nonconsensual
experimentation. These survivors include children, prisoners,
mentally incapacitated and military personnel and their
families-those who cannot freely give consent. www.aches-mc.org/
- The Awareness Center is a Jewish Coalition Against
Sexual Abuse/Assault (JCASA). PO Box 65273, Baltimore,
MD 21209 or 443.857.5560 or theawarenesscenter.org/ritualabuse.html
- End Ritual Abuse,.I am a psychologist who has been
profoundly touched by victims of ritual abuse and mind control
whom I have treated in therapy or befriended as an advocate. I
feel compelled to increase public support for these children and
adult survivors. This is my mission. Let the truth be known! This
site will provide articles by myself and others, references to
other resources, and links to information and support on the
world-wide web. Advocates for victims of ritual abuse are frequent
targets of malicious attack. Therefore, I cannot and do not
endorse opinions provided or referred to on this site other than
my own. Large resource
collection. Visit www.endritualabuse.org
or or EMail
- Many Voices: Words of hope for people recovering
from trauma and dissociation. Since 1989 Many Voices has
offered a forum where thousands of recovering persons share ways
they use to heal from tragic physical, sexual, and emotional
assaults. Together, we learn to cooperate inside, and to deal more
effectively with professional helpers and loved ones. We are
determined to work past our pain and reshape our lives. Though our
pasts may be troubled, our present lives can be improved, and our
futures can be transformed! P.O. Box 2639, Cincinnati, Ohio
45201-2639 or 513.751.8020 or E-Mail
or www.manyvoicespress.com
- Mothers Against Sexual Abuse is dedicated to protecting
children from sexual abuse through educational programs and
conferences and provide support and referrals for adult survivors
of sexual and ritual abuse. PO Box 371, Huntersville, NC
28070 or www.againstsexualabuse.org
or E-Mail (1/09)
- MPD Personalities, 1163 E Ogden Ave #703, Naperville,
IL 60563 A8
- Multiple Facets Dissociate Dis Found, PO Box 820983,
Dallas, TX 75382 800.462.7759 A8
- North American Freedom Foundation seeks to bring
attention to mind control, slavery and torture perpetrated in the
U.S. and Canada; educate the public about survivors' and victims'
special recovery needs; and develop and maintain the Garden of
Healing (near Chattanooga, TN) honoring victims, survivors and
pro-survivors. NAFF, PMB 129, 5251 Hwy 153, Hixson, TN 37343
or naffoundation.org or
E-Mail (2/07)
- Persons Against Ritual Abuse-Torture is an educational
and activist organization with expertise in ritual abuse-torture
developed over 14 years of work. We are involved in participatory
research and have developed teaching models and many written
materials explaining ritual abuse-torture as we have come to
understand this human rights violation. 361 Prince St., Truro,
Nova Scotia, Canada, B2N 1E4 or E-Mail
or www.ritualabusetorture.org
- The Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime, and Healing,
information and resources for survivors, therapists and others.
www.ra-info.org (1/09)
- Rehab.Help.Org
When it comes to finding a rehab facilities, there are
thousands of options to choose from. Thats why we identified
the best rehab facilities for those on a budget and the most
luxurious facilities for those who desire the exclusivity and
convenience they provide. Provides the top 10 in five states:
York, Pennsylvania
and Texas
- S.M.A.R.T. is a newsletter that examines the possible
connections between ritual abuse and secretive organizations.
PO Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027 or ritualabuse.us
or E-Mail (1/09)
- Survivorship is an international non-profit
organization for survivors of sadistic sexual abuse, ritualistic
abuse, mind control and torture. The organization serves
survivors, partners and other allies, therapists, clergy and
pro-survivor activists and advocates. PMB 139, 3181 Mission
St., San Francisco, CA 94114 or E-Mail
or www.survivorship.org
Senior Abuse
- National Institute on Aging Information Center, P.O.
Box 8057, Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8057, 800.222.2225 or TTD
800.222.4225 or www.nih.gov/nia
Sexual Abuse
Spousal Abuse
See www.menstuff.org/resources/resourcefiles/alttoviolence.html
and read the legend carefully.
* * *
Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the
instruments of the wise. - Samuel Lover

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