Linking to Menstuff

If you have a web site and would like to offer your visitors over 251 megabytes of information that is available on Menstuff®, feel free to set up a hyperlink with any of our URLs. If you use logos, feel free to copy and paste the one that works best for you, or size your own. If you would like to direct your visitors to a specific section of our web site, we've listed some of the major URL's below. Just click on the title to see what each specific URL is connected to before you set your own hyperlinks. Then, just cut and paste and we're both in business helping to end men's isolation.

Important Tip: Graphics with words at the bottom (ISSUES, BOOKS, EVENTS, LINKS) are image maps. Instead of copying the graphic, copy the HTML to retain all of the link hot spots!

(100 pixels)

(1 1/2" or 144 pixels)

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(3" or 288 pixels)

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<!--END OF Menstuff Image Map - 288 pixel-->


( 3 3/4" or 360 pixels)

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<!--END OF Menstuff Image Map - 360 pixel-->



BROAD DESCRIPTION: With thousands of on-site men's book reviews & covers, men's resources and hyperlinks and hundreds of men's issues, events, periodicals and groups, Menstuff is the starting point for information for and about men on the web. We serve a diverse men's community (men's rights, mythopoetic, pro-feminist, recovery, re-evaluation counseling, and religious) and provide over 250 megabytes of information and resources on issues regarding positive change in male roles and relationships.


Because of our size, we have created several quasi-home pages that can be accessed directly from their own URLs or from the side bar on the Menstuff home page. Each page includes pertinent issues, books, resources, events, periodicals, and miscellaneous information from Menstuff, specific to fathers, kids, health, or relationships. The fifth one, Mencare®, is a listing of nonprofit web sites that work on men's issues. If you would like to use one of these to more closely match your target audience, feel free.

Everyone -
Fathers -
Kids & Teens -
Relationships -
Men's Issues:
Men's Health Issues -
Sexuality -
Men at Risk -
Nonprofit Men's Issues Websites -
Prostate Cancer Awareness Week -
Testicular Cancer Awareness Week -


MEN'S SSUES: Several hundred men's issues including information, books and resources at:

Major issues also include information, books and resources for each topic:


MEN'S EVENTS: Hundreds of events listed for positive change in male roles and relationships. Broken down by date, month, title, type and whether they are local, regional, national or international:

MEN'S LINKS: Several thousand organizations in general at:

Miscellaneous Sections

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