At Menstuff® we gathered all of the resources we could find that involve positive change in male roles and relationships. This directory includes over 2,600 listings, many of whom have their own local resource directories. No better time to step out of the box and grow.
Alternatives to Violence Programs Centers/Councils/Counseling Centers Chat Rooms/Bulletin Boards/Data Banks/E-Mail Family & Relationship Organizations
We hope you find value in our efforts to "end men's isolation". Look through our categories. Are there any services in your area not listed. Are there events, seminars, workshops, classes or book tours that you know about? Please take some time this weekend to help us up-date this information sending us their name, address and phone number. Keep us posted on what's happening with men in your community. Go to "Feedback" on our side bar and fill out the appropriate form. A reminder: When requesting information from one of these sources, kindly include a self-addressed, stamped envelope since many organizations are underfunded and understaffed. Thanks!
We've called, written, and called again and still haven't been able to verify some information (the last year reported is in parenthasis). However, we have listed them with the hope that someone will send us current information. A check of local men's groups, publications and the local Self-Help organization might locate additional local resources. We're sure there are more operations out there that we've missed and hope you'll help us find them! That includes local bookstores that have a specific men's section. If they don't, we have a letter explaining the benefits to the bookstore, how to do it, and a list of books broken down by 60 different men's issues, to help them get started.
We've also produced an html called Men's Resource Card to be used in your local community. It gives you a place to start, adding local resources as available. You could print these on 65 pound stock and fold it into a business card size to give to men to keep handy.
Want to make a difference but you don't know where to start? Start here.
In Italy, a whole year's salary is the proper amount to pay for an engagement ring.
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