Menstuff® has listed several special men's directories in
areas which may include listings not on this site.
In an attempt to get you the information you need but not
duplicate the more topic-specific categories, the following will list
those we know. We recommend contacting them first to be sure
directories are still available or if a new directory will be
published. Also, some regional publications
have local listings. See also Organizations
e.mail or Organization
- Active Parenting: It's In Our Hands. Helping
families. 810 Franklin Court, Ste B, Marietta, GA 30067.
or 800.825.0060
- At-Home Dads listing of over 160 contacts with dads
across the U.S. 61 Bright Ave, N Andover, MA 01845
- Children's Rights Council, Parentimg Directory of
Organizations, 9th Edition includes listings for family services
including divorce mediators and parenting organizations in the
USA, Canada and Europe. $15 hard copy or disc. 300 I St NE #401,
Washington, DC 20002-4362 Have chapters in 32 states, D.C. and
Japan. 202.547.6227 (2/00)
- Circumcision - The Complete Resource Guide on
Circumcision - Over 300 sources of information. Includes listings
of advocacy groups, sources of slides and photographs, list of
video tapes available, lists of books and research papers
available plus other reading material (magazines, newsletters,
transcripts). Send $10 to John Erickson, 1664 Beach Blvd., #216,
Biloxi, MS 39531-5351. Also see Circumcision.
- Dads Against Discrimination, Directory of Fathers'
Rights Organizations, Support Groups, Individuals in the U.S. Pub
2/95, $20, PO Box 65131, Seattle, WA 98155 206.623.DADS
- Family Serv of Am, directory of accredited family
services agencies, $43, 11700 W Lake Park Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53224
- 414.359.1040
- Feathered Pipe Retreat Center and Foundation,
- Inmen Resource Directory of men's groups, counselors,
activities in the Inland Empire.Printed 4/94, $4 to INMEN, PO Box
132, Spokane, WA 99210
- Lambda Directory of Religion & Spirituality,
gay & lesbian, $9+S&H, Pyramid Press, 13237 Montfort,
Ste 810-R, Dallas, TX 75240
- Many Choices-48 pages of survivor resources: health
care options, books & newsletters, audio/video tapes,
conferences, support contacts, education, speakers, products,
services & more. $10, Many Voices Press, PO Box 2639,
Cincinnati, OH 45201
- Men's Studies Courses, 92 & Men's Studies Syllabi,
94, Sam Femiano, 22 East St, Northampton, MA 01060
- National Directory of Children, Youth and Families
Services, helping troubled youth and their families, $119,
800.343.6681 (12/98)
- Parenting U.S.A. Directory, 2nd Ed 1993, $10, Robert A
Barone, PO Box 16407, Rochester, NY 14616
- Single Fathers Directory of Services, over 200 listings
of important information and miscellaneous services essential to
the single father. Includes men's rights groups, single's
organizations, government services and other businesses and
associations helpful to the single father.$12, The Single Father
News, PO Box 2127, Sonoma, CA 95476
- SMART (Stop Masonic Ritual Abuse Today) provides
resources, publications, videos, tapes and groups re ritual abuse
and incest survivors.PO Box 60577, Florence, MA 01060
- Traditional Values in Action Resource Directory
hard-bound, $29.95+$4 S&H Route 3 Box 224B Lynchburg VA 24504
* * *
Noble ladies of Greece and Rome carried the tiny Malteese dog (3-6
lbs) in their robe sleeves.
Aztec Indians used a breed of small, hairless dogs to keep their feet

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