to Write
Menstuff® encourages writing advertisers,
the government, talkshows,
networks and network
programs & shows. We list addresses, phone numbers and
email or websites with hyperlinks where available. Action
of the Week Responses.
Actions to
a Grassroots Campaign 
Tips on Writing Advertisers/Agencies About
their Advertising
Tips on Contacting a Congressional
Other Government Resources
Communications Commission
United Nations
English Parliment
Network and Cable Channels
Network Programs
Major Newspapers
Major Advertisers 
Work with
the Press
Anatomy of a
Talk Show
Archives: 2006, 2005,
and 2001
Tips on Writing Advertisers/Agencies About
their Products, Advertising or Show Sponsorships
Who to write? At the client or agency level, write to the
President or CEO. They may have given directions to automatically
send letters to someone in PR, but I have had Presidents and CEOs
respond. And, if it was their signature over a PR letter, at
least you know it got a bit more attention a bit higher up the
ladder. You can always cc: a brand manager or an account supervisor,
if you can find out who they are, but that often requires a phone
How to get a contact name, address and phone
number? If you have access to a main library, or the
phone number of one, get to the Business Reference Desk. For
advertisers, ask for the Standard Directory of Advertisers
(lovingly called "The Red Book"). It usually includes a directory of
officers, and addresses and phone numbers for most of the divisions
of many consumer products manufacturers.
Know the product name but not the company that makes
it? Again, the Standard Directory of
Advertisers has a trademark index that includes many consumer
products and directs you to the manufacturer.
What about the Advertising Agency that did the
advertising? The Red Book will often include in the
manufacturer's listing the advertising agency responsible for many of
the product lines. Once you know the agency, ask for the Standard
Directory of Advertising Agencies. This book provides information
about the agency's location, phone number, etc. and it usually
includes a list of officers and/or department heads.
Copy the Industry Organizations
There are several advertising industry organizations that should
be informed, though it might do little good except to make a point.
For contact information
Send us a copy! Send us a blind carbon copy to make us
aware of advertising of a regional nature or something we haven't
seen yet and we'll post it in Media
Watch. The more people we get to write, the more action that
might be taken, and sooner. A twist on the title of Warren Farrell's
new book, "Advertiser's and Agency's Can't Hear What Men Don't
Tips on Contacting a Congressional Office
For those who wish to contact a member of Congress, email may be
convenient but is ineffective. Old fashioned postal mail is the most
effective means of communication (outside of a personal visit),
especially if combined with a telephone call.
The letter is the most popular choice of communication with a
congressional office. If you decide to write a letter, this list of
helpful suggestions will improve the effectiveness of the letter:
1. Your purpose for writing should be stated in the first
paragraph of the letter. If your letter pertains to a specific piece
of legislation, identify it accordingly, e.g., House
Bill: H.R. ____, Senate Bill: S. ____.
2. Be courteous, to the point, and include key information, using
examples to support your position.
3. Address only one issue in each letter, and if possible, keep the
letter to one page.
Addressing Correspondence:
1. To a Senator:
The Honorable (full name)
___ (Rm.#) __ (name of Senate Office Building)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator:
2. To a Representative:
The Honorable (full name)
__ (Rm.#) __ (name of office building)
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative:
Note: When writing to the Chair of a Committee or the Speaker
of the House, it is proper to address them as: Dear Mr. Chairman or
Madam Chairwoman, or Dear Mr. Speaker.
Calling Members:
There are essentially two telephone numbers you need to know when
trying to call a member of Congress. They are the switchboard numbers
for both the House and Senate. For both numbers, simply request the
name of the Member and the operator will patch you through.
Switch Board: Senate 202.224.3121 House - 202.225.3121;
Clerks Office (House) 202.225.7000 www.clerkweb.house.gov
Secretary of the Senate 202.224.3622
Overall www.congress.org/contact.html
Senate: www.senate.gov
House: www.house.gov
1. Senate
Go to www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
or to www.senate.gov , go to the
top of their page and click on "Contacting the Senate." If at any
time you need your 5+4 zip code and don't know it, go to http://www.usps.gov/ncsc/lookups/lookup_zip+4.html
or http://www.usps.gov/ncsc/lookups/lookups.htm
and enter your street address and city.
Return to
2. Representatives
The House does not provide information on the Representatives except
on an individual basis. You generally have to click on the
Representatives name, go to their website, and communicate from
there. www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml
All Representatives web sites are www.house.gov/(last name). If you
don't know who your Representative is go to www.house.gov/writerep/
. Look up your Representative by inputting your state, city and zip
code. If you don't know your zip code or it requires a 5+4 zip code,
go to http://www.usps.gov/ncsc/lookups/lookup_zip+4.html
and enter your street address and city.
Return to
4. Other Government Resources
Federal Goverment Agencies:
- U.S. Department of Agriculture - www.usda.gov
- U.S. Department of Education - www.ed.gov
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Service - www.os/dhhs/gov
- U.S. Department of Justice - www.usdoj.gov
- U.S. Department of Labor - www.dol.gov
- White House - www.whitehouse.gov
- Your House of Rep, Washington, DC 20515 or US Senator,
Washington, DC 20510
- Links to state governments - www.nasire.org/ss/STstates.html
- Links to county governments - www.naco.org/members/counties/stlist.htm
- Locally, some resources are listed in the front of your
telephone directory. Some state, county and city legislators may
control local cable assess.
- Attorney General Janet Reno, Department of Justice,
Constitution Ave & 10th St NW, Washington, DC 20530
Statistical Agencies:
Advocacy Groups: www.cms.gov
Other Useful Sites:
- Administration on Aging, www.aoa.dhhs.gov
- California Legislative Internet, www.leginfo.public.ca.gov
- Dept of Health and Human Serivces, www.os.dhhs.gov
- FedWorld, www.fedworld.gov
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, www.eeoc.gov
- GPO Access (Federal Reigster) - www.access.gpo.gov
- Health Care Financing Administraion (Medicare and Medicaid)
- IFAS (e-mail members of Congress) - www.ifas.org/activist/index.html
- National Crime Prevention Council, 202.466.6272
or www.ncpc.org
- National Institute on Aging, www.nih.gov/nia
- Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, www.dol.gov/dol/pwba
- Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp, www.pbgc.gov
- Social Security Administration, www.ssa.gov
- Thomas (federal legislation) -
- Veterans Affairs Department, www.va.gov
Select Standing House Committees:
- Economic & Educational Opportunities 54527 2181
- Government Reform & Oversight 55074 2157
- Judiciary 53951 2138
- Resources 52761 1324
- Veterans' Affairs 53527 335
Select Standing Senate Committees:
- Ag, Nutrition, Forestry 42035 SR-328A
- Armed Services 43871 SR-228
- Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs 47391 SD-534
- Energy & Nautral Resources 44971 SD-304
- Environment & Public Works 46176 SD-456
- Judiciary 45225 SD-224
- Labor & Human Resources 45375 SD-428
- Veterans' Affairs 49126 SR-414
- Indian Affairs 42251 SH-838
- Aging 45364 SD-G31
Return to
5. Network and Cable
- A&E Network or The History Channel: 235 E 45th St, New
York, NY 10017
- Jamie Tarses, ABC Television Network, 2040 Avenue of the
Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067 fax: 310.557.7679 or abcaudr@ccabc.com
- ABC:77 W 66th St, New York, NY 10023
- ABC News, Hard Copy, 20/20, Current Affairs, 175 Highland Ave,
Needham, MA 02194617.455.6028
- Am Movie Classics or Bravo, 150 Crossways Park West, Woodbury,
NY 11797
- Black Entertainment TV, 1232 31st St NW, Washington, DC
- Cable News Network, Cartoon Network, CNN Headdline News, TBS
SuperStation,Turner Classic Movies or Turner Network TV, One CNN
Ctr, PO Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30348
- CBS: 51 W 52nd St, New York, NY 10019
- Cinemax or HBO, 1100 Ave of the Americas, New York, NY
- CNBC-TV, America's Talking, Real Personal, 2200 Fletcher Ave,
Fort Lee, NY 07024201.585.6473
- Comedy Central, 1775 Broadway, New York, NY 10019
- Court TV, 600 Third Ave, 2nd Floor, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
- C-SPAN, 400 N Capitol St NW, Ste 650, Washington, DC
- Discovery Channel or The Learning Channel, 7700 Wisconsin Ave,
Bethesda, MD 20814-3522
- Disney Channel, 3800 W Alameda Ave, Burbank, CA 91505
- El Entertainment TV, 5670 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
- Encore or Starzi, 5445 DTC Parkway, Ste 600, Englewood, CO
- ESPN, ESPN Plaza, 935 Middle St, Bristol, CT 006010
- Family Channel, 2877 Guardian Ln, PO Box 2050, Virginia Beach,
VA 23450-2050
- Flix, Showtime or The Movie Channel, 1633 Broadway, New York,
NY 10019
- Fox Broadcasting: PO Box 900, Beverly Hills,
CA 90213
- fX or fXM: Movies from Fox, PO Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA
- Galavision or Univision, 605 Third Ave, 12th Fl, New York, N
- Gold Channel, 7580 Commerce Center Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
- Home & Garden TV, 9701 Madison Ave, Knoxville, TN
- Home Shopping Network, 1529 US Route 19 South, Clearwater, FL
- Lifetime, 309 W 49th St, New York, NY 10019
- MTV, Nickelodeon or VH1, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY
- Nashville Network, 2806 Opryland Dr, Nashville, TN 37214
- NBC, Dateline, NBC Network News, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New
York, NY 10112, 212.664.4444
- PBS: 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314-1698
- QVC, 1365 Enterprise Dr, West Chester, PA 19380
- Sci-Fi Channel or USA Network, 1230 Ave of the Americas, New
York, NY 10020
- Telemundo, 2290 W Eighth Ave, Hialeah, FL 33010
- TV Food Network, 1177 Ave of the Americas, New York, NY
- United Paramount Net, 5555 Madison Ave, Marathon 1200, Los
Angeles, CA 90038
- WB Television Network, 4000 Warner Blvd, Bldy 34 R, Burbank,
CA 91522
- Weather Channel, 2600 Cumberland Parkway, Atlanta, GA
- WGN, One Technology Plaza, 7140 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK
- WWOR, 112 Northern Concourse, PO Box 4872, Syracuse, NY
Return to
6. Network
Shows & Programs
Sacramento area:
- KCRA (3), Sacramento
- KOVR (13), Sacramento
- KXTV (10), Sacramento
San Francisco area:
Major Newspapers
- Baltimore Sun letters@baltsun.com
Link to form at www.baltimoresun.com/business/bal-boys0129,0,7017234,storyfeedback.story?coll=bal-business
- Boston Globe letter@globe.com
- Contra Costa Times Link to form at www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/contact_us/feedback/
- Dallas Morning News Link to form at www.dallasnews.com/customerservice/HelpCenter.do
- Family News in Focus Link to form at family.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/family.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9OTAmcF9wYWdlPTE*&p_li=
- Fort Worth Star Telegram dhouse@star-telegram.com
- The Guardian (UK) letters@guardian.co.uk
- Houston Chronicle online@chron.com
or readerrep@chron.com
- Kansas City Star letters@kcstar.com
- Marin Independent Journal, 415.382.7201 ij@well.com
- Miami Herald HeraldEd@herald.com
- Nashua Telegraph news@telegraph-nh.com
- Newsday letters@newsday.com
- New York Times
- Portland Oregonian -
- San Francisco Chronicle Peninsula Bureau, czinko@sfgate.com
- San Francisco Chronicle SF Bureau,
psimride@sfgate.com 415.382.7201
- San Francisco Examiner, sfexaminer@examiner.com
- The State South Carolina stateeditor@thestate.com
- Philadelphia Inquirer mflannery@phillynews.com
- St. Louis Post Dispatch pdeditor@post-dispatch.com
- Seattle Post Intelligencer editpage@seattlepi.com
or Fax (206) 448-8184
- South Florida Sun-Sentinel letters@sun-sentinel.com
Link to form at www.sun-sentinel.com/news/opinion/sfl-letterseditor,0,4645389.customform
- Tacoma News Tribune reader.representative@thenewstribune.com
- Toronto Sun editor@tor.sunpub.com
- Washington Post
- Washington Times, www.washtimes.com
and choose "Opinion" for the menu
- USA Today editor@usatoday.com
Link to form at www.usatoday.com/marketing/feedback/feedback-online.aspx?type=18
Other Media:
- American Journal www.kingworld.com/ajournal/index.html
- Caryl & Marilyn, www.candmshow.com/candm/cmhome.htm
- Dating Game www.spe.sony.com/tv/shows/dating/index.html
- Walt Disney Company, Michael Eisner, Chairman, 500 S Buena
Vista St, Burbank, CA 91521 www.disney.com/mail
818.560.1000, fax 818.560.1930
- Entertainment Tonight www.etonline.com/et2/login.asp
- Hard Copy www.paramount.com/tvhardcopy/
- Inside Edition
- KPIX-TV Channel 5, San Francisco, News@kpix.cbs.com
- Man of the House, a radio program about marriage and families,
or mail@manofthehouse.org
- National Public Radio, www.npr.org
and a dad's story on line at www.npr.org/programs/morning/archives/971229.me.html
- People's Court www.peoplescourt.com/cmp/interact.html
- Real TV www.realtv1.com/talktortv/talk_frame.htm
- More www.spe.sony.com/tv/shows/index.html
- More www.tv.warnerbros.com/
- More www.universalstudios.com/tv/
- More www.tvplex.com/
- More www.tribtv.com/profile.htm
- More www.eonline.com/Help/contact.html?sn.hetxt1
- More www.paramount.com/hometv.html:
7. Talkshows
Note: Interesting piece Anatomy
of a Talk Show on how they choreograph and manipulate guests and
set plants in the audience to challenge men. See also Network
& Cable contacts, and Network
Show contacts.
- Jones, Jenny Show, 454 N Columbus Dr 4th Fl, Chicago,
IL 60611312.836.9400 FAX 312.836.9473 www.jennyjones.com/
- Lake, Ricki www.spe.sony.com/tv/shows/ricki/
- Leeza www.paramount.com/tvleeza/
- Live with Regis www.tvplex.com/Mail/
- Mandel, Howie www.paramount.com/tvhowie/index.html
- O'Donnell, Rosie www.rosieo.com/cmp/mail.htm
- Raphael, Sally Jessy Show, 515 W 57th St, New York, NY
10019212.582.1722, FAX 212.265.1953 www.universalstudios.com/tv/sally/email.html
- Rivera, Geraldo Show www.geraldo.com/email.htm
- Springer, Jerry www.universalstudios.com/tv/jerryspringer/email.html
- The View talk show
- Williams, Montel, 331 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019,
800.437.4721 www.paramount.com/tvmontel/
- Winfrey, Oprah Show, 110 N
Carpenter, Chicago, IL 60607, 312.591.9595, FAX
English Parliment
United Nations
Short List
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American media 
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Washington Post

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House of Representatives

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He that has done nothing has known nothing. - Thomas Carlyle
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