
Menstuff® has gathered the following authors and book and magazine publishers. Note that many of these have come from the books themselves and may be out-of-date. If your doesn't have the book, and your local bookstore doesn't either, they may be able to provide you with a current address of the publisher.

Book Publishers
Periodical Publishers
Story Ideas and Speaker Bureau


Book Publishers

A Menstuff® index of several thousand men's books.  Many of them are available through Some not. If doesn't list it, it may be out-of-print, which means checking with used book stores. Another options is to check with the publisher and see if they still have copies or know where to go. To facilitate that, below is an incomplete list of book publishers who have at least one book on this web site. Give them a shot.

Periodical Publishers

*    *    *
Knowledge is recognition of something absent; it is a saluation, not an embrace. - Geroge Santayana 

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