Menstuff® lists here a description of various self-improvement workshops and intensives for men. Check out the local calendar by month which includes all international, national, and regional events. "Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you." Get out of the box!
Adult EarthQuest. During this unique adventure, participants will travel into the wilderness in search of their place in the world. Learn primitive skills such as tracking, plant identification, and fire-making. Use ancient spiritual practices such as sweatlodge and Vision Quest to separate yourself from everyday life in search of your life's meaning. W&M Bothell, WA. (9/2-15/00) ICA Rite of Passage Journeys, 425 486-5164, or
Adult SeaSpirit Quest Be part of a powerful and exciting adventure through the beautiful San Juan Islands of Washington State. Explore the islands by the power of your own paddle and your own spirit by an ancient mode of travel that brings you in intimate contact with yourself, others, and the natural world. This trip includes a 3 day Vision Quest experience. W&M Bothell, WA. (8/11-25/00) ICA Rite of Passage Journeys, 425 486-5164, or
The Adventure of Being Alive: New York City, Mitch Albom, Rosemary Altea, Lori Arviso Alvord, Joan Borysenko, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Christiane Northrup, Christopher Reeve, Bernie Siegel, Gabrielle Roth and many more. It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams for ...W&M Omega Institute, NYC (4/7-9/00) - 800.944.1001 or
Age-ing To Sage-ing®: Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's Practice of Spiritual Eldering®, Shaya Isenberg and Bahira Sugarman. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi developed the Spiritual Eldering work to help us cultivate our lives and make the years of our elderhood a time of meaning, joy, wisdom, and connection to the source of what is best within us. We must all pass through a gateway of transformation to move from "age-ing" to "sage-ing." Rather than backing into old age with fear and avoidance, we can use our life experience to enrich our elder years, face our mortality, repair relationships, develop a regenerative spirit, and take an active leadership role in society. During this workshop participants at any stage of life learn to: Enjoy the harvest of a lifetime; Understand life's transitions; Be active in creating a pro-elder society; Transmit wisdom to the next generation; Use movement, journal writing, and contemplation as tools for health; and Succeed in aging magnificently. This intergenerational workshop welcomes and benefits both elders and their families. It is also appropriate for professionals working with elders. Presentations are intertwined with journal-writing exercises, interactive and individual meditations, movement, and group sharing. People who have attended previous Spiritual Eldering workshops deepen their experience and provide mentoring for others. The workshops are never identical; each reflects the needs and experiences of the participants and the evolving nature of this work. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (6/26-30/00) 800.944.1001 or
Are You Ready To FINALLY Find the Love Of Your Life? ATTRACT LOVE NOW (for MEN ONLY), Rick Broniec and Wendy Darling .FREE telaseminar. Is this dating and relationship thing getting you down?
Have you been trying to find that special person, but its clearly not working out?Has online dating worn you out?
Are you wondering whats it going to take?
Its time for you to finally find that special someone to share your life! We believe if you desire it in your heart its your TRUTH..and we want to help you find out whats been getting in the way of finding TRUE LOVE and what needs to shift.
On the call well be focusing on:
We know you really want a special relationship. We also know that life has not exactly matched what you had hoped to experience. And, possibly, without you even realizing, you have created internal barriers that are keeping love away.
We not only know how to find those places within you we know how to fix it! So if you are READY to finally ATTRACT LOVE NOW sign up and join us for this FREE call! 5:30 PDT / 7:30 CDT / 8:30 EDT (5/4/16)
The Art of Powerful Living, A Coaching Retreat for Men, Harry Faddis, Alfred DePew, Michael Cohen. In this retreat you will explore all aspects of your life to achieve greater clarity, vision and direction. Areas of inquiry may include relationships, money, career, spirituality, health and your erotic life. Included in this retreat is the strategy of accountability, which will support all participants in reaching their goals for the following three months. Easton Mountain Retreat, Easton, NY or 916.648.7585 (7/21-26/02)
The Art of Relationship, Robert Gass and Judith Gass. We meet each other in a variety of roles: as friends, lovers, partners, parents and children, bosses and employees, students and teachers. Our ability to relate skillfully to others has profound impact on our happiness, our success, and our life purpose. For those of us seeking to deepen our spirituality, relationships are a fertile arena in which to work on ourselves and to practice living our values. The art of relationship demands commitment, mindfulness, flexibility, and heart. Some relationships feel effortless and loving. Others, while more complicated and painful, may offer the richest opportunities for learning the great lessons of passion and detachment, of merging and boundaries, and of receiving and giving love. Please note: This workshop has extended hours when the children's program is not available. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (6/30-7/2/00) 800.944.1001 or
Art, Practice and the Emotional Life with storyteller and mythologist Michael Meade. Finding meaning requires facing certain fears; living with purpose means learning where to serve life and finding which arts to practice. This workshop will focus on meaning and purpose, how they weave throughout a life and incline each of us towards specific arts and paths. A meaningful practice becomes an art that combines the imaginal with the concrete, the spiritual with the practical and allows the flow of emotions that feed both instinct and intuition. Through practice we re-find our way when all ways seem turbulent. A creative practice allows the necessary emotions to reveal and sustain vitality. Emotions make up the 'divine influx' that carries creation and can heal, keeping life moving when all else seems stuck. Through stories, exercises, and discussion we will explore the role of natural genius, and creative practice in guiding and healing both personal and community life. Lone Mountain Conference Center, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA W&M 9:30 am - 5:30 pm daily. $155.00 206.935.3665 or or (4/27-28/02)
Authenticity, Intuition, Creativity: For gay and bisexual men, Justin Hecht. Many gay and bisexual men long for a more authentic and satisfying life. Having grown up in a rejecting and hostile culture, we may continue to feel empty and inhibited - long after we think we've dealt with our sexual orientation. In this workshop, participants will form a supportive group to explore what is involved in living more authentically. Through small- and large- group work, participants will learn to let go of defensive ways of being and become more spontaneous, joyful, and whole. Readings will evoke the history of gay men who have had the courage to be authentically themselves, regardless of their environments. The workshop will conclude with exercises to foster a creative approach to life and realizing your potential. Esalen, Big Sur, CA (4/23-28/00) 831.667.3000
Authentic Leadership: A Toolkit for Becoming More Effective, Efficient, and Exceptional, Judith Bell. Working in small groups and individually, you?l expand your leadership capabilities. With focus on reactivity management, speaking and listening non-defensively, creative problem solving, and collaborative decision making, the course teaches you to be a better leader by recognizing and preventing the escalation of defensiveness. CEU course. See website for details. 26 (3-day) 31 (4-day) $950/3-day $1225/4-day. Marin County, CA Contact Jennifer Scott at 415.883.5600 or or (1/27-30/05)
Authentic Man Program, Travis Decker and Bryan Bayer. This program is for any man committed to proactively creating the most of his life and to bringing his best to his relationships with women, period.Distinct from a lot of the pick-up and speed seduction courses training men in behaviours that will more powerfully attract women, AMP delves deeply into our 'inner game', into the art of honoring ourselves and honoring the gifts women offer us as we become more deeply whole, good-humoured and 'in love' with our lives. While our relating and success with women is at the heart of this program, the spirit of the Authentic Man Program is, in fact, authenticity. San Francisco, CA $1,190. F 7p-1a, Sa 11a-1a, Su 10a-9:30p or E-Mail or 415.863.3326 (10/15-16/05, 9/29-10/1/06, 2/9-11/07, 4/13-15/07, 5/18-20/07)
Awakening the Sacred Masculine - A Retreat for Men, Peter DeLong, Dr. Martin Orimenko, Christo Pellani & Special Guests. A powerful and joyous retreat for men. We will use a dynamic blend of breath, Sacred Sound and music, meditation and movement. Together we will create a profound and sacred space for us to share our experiences and our truths, and learn from each other as brothers on the path to greater awakening. 866.340.1008 or or $245 (7/3-4/04)
Batterer Programs. Balancing Social Change, Offender Accountability and Program Implementation. The movement to end violence against women teaches that intimate partner violence is a manifestation of sexism, rooted deeply in history, law and culture. It is an outgrowth of centuires of patriarchal privilege that has defined men's relationship to women in terms of ownership and entitlement. As such, it is widely accepted that ending domestic violence in our communities will require substantial and comprehensive social change. Batterer programs, created in the mid 1970s, were originally designed to "treat" individual offenders. To this day, many programs, research efforts, evaluation strategies, and state standards continue to be entrenched in that treatment based model. It is time to challenge the concept of treatment for battering. This institute is founded on the premise that batterer programs must be reviewed, revised and updated - redefining a safe and legitimate place for them in a social change effort to end domestic violence. In addition, the basic, tried and true tenets of alcohol and chemical dependency treatment can endanger battered women and collude with offenders. Recognition of injusticies, such as racism, sexism, classism and other forms of oppression must begin to influence the traditional disease diagnosis. Do not miss this groundbreaking presentation.VCS Community Change Project, 845.634.5729. Outside NYS call 800.634.7540. Village by the Sea, Wells, Maine (near Portland) (10/2-4/02)
Being Single, Seymour Carter & Constance Jones. A positive self-image does not necessarily depend upon being in a partnership. However, being single in a partnership-oriented world can create low self-esteem. Is being single a conscious or subconscious choice, a trick of fate, a lack of opportunity, a way of avoiding intimacy, a valuable state of being? Changing our belief systems about the meaning of being single offers new understanding and opportunity for living a more fulfilled single life, either in openness for future relationships or in contentment in being single. In this workshop, participants will explore blocks to personal growth and opportunities for new relationships,. Whether you're wishing to remain single, searching for a partner, or a professional working with single people, this workshop can assist you with your choices and ease you on down the road. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA (4/7-9/00), (8/6-11/00) 831.667.3000
Being Together: The Art of Intimacy & Relationship, John Lee. Ever wondered why it is so difficult to stay in the present moment or why your past keeps creeping or rushing into the here and now? During this down-to-earth, fast-paced day you will learn why regression is one of the best-kept secrets of human behavior, what we mistake it for and how to recognize it sooner rather than later so that we can stay clear-thinking adults more often. Ever wondered why it is so difficult to stay in the present moment or why your past keeps creeping or rushing into the here and now? Our best spiritual teachers from Christ to Buddha to Ram Dass to Deepak Chopra say to Be here Now, but they dont say there is a secret to knowing how to do this. The secret to how is what this day long experience is going to reveal to those who want to be more fully present to themselves, the people they love, their clients, children, parents and important others. 9:30AM-5:00PM. $95. MAHEC registration. North Carolina. MAHEC, 828.257.4481 or or E-Mail.
Being Welcome in the World, Gifts, wounds and making community, Michael Meade. This workshop will benefit those who work at building community, those who work with youth and mentoring, those who follow artistic or spiritual paths, those in the crossroads of life and those considering new forms of service to the world. W&M. The Old Market, Omaha, NB (4/1-2/00), Steve Abraham, 402.398.9055; or Mt. Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA (5/20-21/00) Contact Jordan Good, 818.786.3900 or or Seattle Asian Art Museum (6/1-2/02)
Being Who You Are: Creating an Artful Life, John Lee. Life is our finest performance, and relationship is our greatest masterpiece. This workshop is an opportunity to revision our lives and our loves as ongoing, creative symphonies. During our week together we enter into sacred space so our souls can say "yes" to opportunity, adventure, and success, and our bodies can learn to sing the songs they were meant to sing. In the highly inspirational, powerful, and humorous environment created by John Lee, we use experiential exercises, small groups, music, and movement to break free of old patterns, behaviors, or thinking, as we revitalize our lives. Everything is voluntary, safe, and useful to singles, couples, men, and women. Instead of "retreating" we learn to "advance" by: Discovering who or what holds us back. Finding out what we love to do and how to do it, Creating deeper intimacy; Attracting supportive, safe people; Creating a safety net that we can fall fearlessly into and not be ashamed; Rejoicing in learning what can and cannot be controlled; and Creating ritual, ceremony, and sacred space wherever we are. His books include The Flying Boy, The Wounded Lover, and Facing The Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately (order from Amazon on the side bar).W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (8/7-11/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Be Loved for Who You Are. For singles and couples. Experiential. Fun. There is a natural, predictable, and necessary process to every successful relationship. When you understand the journey you will never need to feel lost in love again and then every day is a rich opportunity for romance. That's a promise. You will come away from this workshop with a new vision for the changes and challenges that love will take you through and you'll know that every moment is rich with spiritual opportunity and meaning. The International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit, 111 East Kirby, Detroit, MI. 6-8pm. Free (4/11/02); Battle Creek, MI, 12M-5:30P, $75/pp Call (616) 629-8082 for information/reservations. 12M-5:30P (4/13/02) A three-hour workshop for the Colorado Free University. 9a-noon: Be Loved for You You Really Are Course #7555 and 1:30-5:30P The Healing Truth Between Women and Men, Course # 7556. See or 303.399.0093. (4/27/02)
Betrayed as Boys: The Treatment of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Dr. Richard Gartner & Dr. David Lisak. This workshop, for mental health professionals, will provide clinicians with specialized knowledge and techniques for working with adult males who were sexually victimized as children and who are struggling with the many legacies from such abuse. The workshop will focus on three key components of treatment - gender identity issues, sexual orientation themes and relational aftereffects. The workshop will be presented by Dr. David Lisak and Dr. Richard Gartner, author of Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men. W&M RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Laurie Jamer, 613.233.4929 or or (4/28/00)
BetterMen Retreat, teaches men something about themselves as men and something about their place in the community of men. The men learn to develop trusting relationships with each other so they'll get the support they need to be better men, husbands and fathers. Camp Whittier, a wilderness destination on the edge of Lake Cachuma, Noth of Santa Barbara, CA. 6pm Thursday to noon Sunday. $650 or E-Mail or 818.870.1600 (3/6-9/08)
Beyond Polarity: Connection, play, magik - an inperson co-ed workshop for practioners who want to Be held in a safe container and be led into deep waters of Connection, reclaim the medicine of Play back into their lives, birth the power of Ritual into their lives, dive into unguarded practices of Love, Presence and Self Expression, experience a deep sense of Freedom, and be Nourished in deep dives and energetic exchanges. What to expect: you will have the entire day to fall into a safely held container filled with powerful somatic and shamanic practices. You will reconnect to the healing power of play plus participate in rituals designed to elevate the heart. Keri and Amir Khalighi. 9am-5pm PDT, Beverly Hills, CA. Max 22 participants - 11 women/11 men. W&M $285/person. $222 (early registration until 12/15/22) 10-a-5pm.More info at questions at (1/15/23)
Beyond the Game. Teaches essential principles which dramatically raise your consciousness in relationship, profoundly impacting your ability to create long term, satisfying relationships which expand rather contract over time. Through use of private video and group course instruction, you are guided to an experience of self discovery and awakened awareness so profound that you and your relationships are never the same. Oaks Room, Novato Oaks Inn, Novato, W&M, $495 (4/21-23+26/00, 7/21-23+26, 10/20-22/00+25; 10a-10p + evening of 26th) Guest Evenings: Free, Corte Madera, CA 707.538.9630, E-Mail (7-9pm, 5/18/00, 6/8/00, 6/29/00, 8/17/00, 9/7/00, 9/28/00)
The Branches of Mentoring, the Roots of Elders, Michael Meade. This workshop offers orientation and training in the core ideas and purposes of mentoring. The word 'mentor' refers to 'lived knowledge,' it comes from an old myth in which Mentor acts as guide and teacher using inspired ideas and a keen knowledge of survival. The mentoring process involves passing on living skills and essential arts for surviving traumatic experiences and the challenges of contemporary life. Through The Branches of Mentoring, the Roots of Elders people can discover and clarify what they have to offer in the way of teaching, guiding and mentoring others. or 206.935.3665 or E-Mail. (Seattle, WA 9:30a-5p, 4/15/06; Portland, OR 9:30-5:3010/14/06)
Brave Heart: A retreat for men, Larry Lima & Joseph Jastrab. Courageous living is impossible withou the ability to free ourselves from half hearted obligations, guilt and resentments that steadily feed off our life force. Too many men have lost themselves trying to "do the right thing" and they, along with those close to them, suffer as a result. There is a key that can deliver us from living in worn-out identities into the freedom of living who we truly are now: the practice of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a simple act, yet one of the most challenging, courageous and liberating acts a man can make. This workshop is for men who long to let go and bring more creative energy, sacredness and heartfulness into their lives and into the world. Using the tools of stroytelling, poetry, energetic release, play, ritual and nature-based meditations, you will be guided in identifying the events and attitudes that imprison your life force in deadening negativity. You will be offered a structured way to walk into and through the suffering of your imprisonment and emerge with renewed spirit. The group will then explore spiritual teachings that weave isolated acts of the hrave heart into a lifestyle of freedom and spiritual aliveness. Esalen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or or (10/20-22/00)
Breaking Free of Fear, Patti McWilliams. for survivors of ritual abuse, sadistic sexual abuse, mind control, and torture and those helping them on the healing path. Preservation Park, Oakland, CA 8:30a-1p. $60. (4/20/02)
Breakthrough 2005: Mens Roles to Mens Souls, Charles Kreiner. This workshop invites all men to create community based in honesty, safety, authenticity, and openness. In it we will address our struggles, hopes, and dreams and reclaim our true power to make the world a better place for all life, instead of destroy it. We will work together to address both our hopes and our fears and develop the aspects of our humanity that are socially denied by the roles weve been conditioned to play. Through play, honest sharing, and active listening we will open up to our emotional selves, our connections with others and our greatest sense of what it means to be alive. In so doing, we will also work to be allies to each others liberation struggles in building a diverse and just world. Join us in creating a place where all are heard. Contact Kevin Chambers 503.236.7864 or Thursday dinner through Sunday lunch $185 plus lodging Breitenbush Retreat Center near Detroit, OR(12/1-4/05)
The Bridge Men's Initiation Ritual, Jay
Cradeur, Don Palmer, Ron Leymaster. A 3 day gathering for men that
takes place on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 3 times per year:
Spring, Summer and Fall. The event is an opportunity for men to come
together in nature, celebrate our masculinity and challenge each
other during an ancient ritual of initiation. The Bridge is created
by men who are deeply touched by the suffering within and around us
and feel powerfully moved to action. 8A-8P, Sebastopol, CA 707
540 3595 or
$795 (R&B)
(5/14-16/05, 10/6-8/06, 9/27-30/07) Kansas City, MO (5/20-22/11)
Bridging Generations: Fathers and Adult Sons (18+), Tom Daly. When examining men's wounds and longings, often there is a father involved. Together we will explore some of the deeper father issues and life stories in safe and supportive atmosphere. Stepfathers, sons-in-law, uncles and nephews welcome.YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, Colorado. Men's Leadership Alliance, 303.444.9066 or or E-Mail. $295 - $395 sliding. 4/21-23/06)
A Celebration of the Noble Man, Rajyo Markman and Britta Panar. Noble Man is a Rite of Passage into your purpose and vision as a whole man, honoring yourself while being honored by women. It is a unique and individual Initiation for each man, one that helps you experience and honor your special gifts for yourself, for women, and for the world. It allows for the true alchemy of the masculine and the feminine to emerge, and the mysterious dance of man and woman to come alive. This will be staffed by women who have completed the Goddess workshop and are willing and capable of holding the men on this very courageous journey. San Luis Obispo, CA (10/21-24/10, 11/12-15/15, 3/3-6/16, 10/20-23/16) Marin County, CA. (3/1-3/02, 6/7-9/02, 2/17-19/06, 8/25-27/06, 6/25-28/09); Big Bear Lake (11/13-16/08, 3/19-22/09, 9/17-20/09); Port Angeles, Wa, (3/8-10/02); Marin for gay men (8/2-4/02, 5/5-7/06, 12/8-10/06). New Hope, PA (12/3-6/09, 5/21-24/10); Somerset, U.K, (5/24-26/02), St Katherines Parmoor, Henly on Thames (3/17-20/11)
Child Forensic Interview Specialist Training on the Investigation of Child Maltreatment (CFIT). Team-based training for those who conduct child forensic interviews in the context of child abuse investigations, including professionals in law enforcement, prosecution, social service, medicine, victim witness and related fields. This three-day training offers participants an opportunity to refine skills related to child development, litigation, linguistics, developmental disabilities, traumagenics, and interview methods and approaches. All training is offered at no charge. Participants are responsible for their own dining and lodging arrangements. W&M Monterey Conference Center (4/26-28/00); Valley Children's Hospital, Madera, CA. (5/22-24/00); San Jose (7/17-19/00) or 707.664.3062
Choosing Aliveness and Intimacy, Mary Goldenson. Life is a precious gift. We have all experienced moments of feeling totally alive, yet much of our life is spent in a half-sleep, half-committed state of being. While there are many life-situations beyond our control, we choose how we respond to these events. The choice to be passionately alive is an act of courage. The challenge is to honestly address the ways in which we have compromised, given up, or lied to ourselves and othes. This workshop is designed to bring to awareness our unconscious choices of how we deaden ourselves and to create the possibility for new aliveness and passionate involvement. Come alone or with a partner. W&M Easlen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (8/20-25/00)
Choosing the Right Loved One and Deepening that Love: A Singles Weekend, Warren Farrell. The single most important decision we make is the choice of our partner. It affects our happiness and health, our spirituality and wealth, as well as where we live our life, and the children to whom we give life. Yet the very chemistry that creates that choice often comes with the characteristics that undermine intimacy. This singles weekend begins with the art and discipline of choosing the right partner by balancing the chemistry that creates love with the skills that create lasting love. It helps participants both find a compassionate partner, and become a compassionate partner. To those ends, Warren Farrell facilitates in-depth exercises with each sex walking a mile in the moccasins of the other sex. To build enduring intimacy on compassion's foundation, both sexes are introduced to Cinematic Immersion: Dr. Farrell's method for handing personal criticism without becoming defensive. Throughout, Dr. Farrell answers questions women have about men, such as Why are men so afraid of expressing feelings and so fearful of commitment? and questions men are afraid to ask, such as If women are so liberated, why do so many still expect men to ask them out, pick them up, drive, pay for dinner, take all the sexual initiatives, and call them in the morning? Most participants feel, Ive never felt so much compassion for the other sex.Take a look at the Esalen workshop description. $695 plus Board. Esalen, Big Sur, CA (3/26-28/10, 7/23-25/10)
Christian GATEWAY NWTA with the Chicago Community!!! This is a Gateway weekend for Christian Men, a "Safe Place for Christian Men," the staff will be made up mostly of Christian men, and is not limited to Christian men. The weekend will be held at Camp Tuckabatchee in Ottawa, IL. IInterested: Contact our Center! -Christopher Jaffe MKP Chicago Center Director +1 312.243.6743 (Office) +1 312.666.6648 (Fax) (9/25-27/09)
Claws of Water, Flowers of Fire, Words of Jade workshop, Martin Prechtel. W&M Cochise Stronghold near Bragoon, AZ. (4/29-30/00) Marilyn Bacon 505.474.4473 or
Clearing the Air - Father retreats - see Healing the Father Wound®
Clearing the Air - Mother retreats - see Healing the Mother Wound®
Clearing the Air Between Women & Men, Gordon Clay & Shauna Wilson-Mora. Developed in 1991 and first held as Family Reunion in 1992, this workshop brings 6 men and 6 women together for six days and five nights to explore and work out their issues with the other sex. This workshop is available to people who have done the Clearing the Air - Father (formerly Healing the Father Wound®) and Clearing the Air - Mother (formerly Healing the Mother Wound®) workshops. As a society and community if we are to survive and thrive we must stop wounding and hurting each other. We must find those places where we dont trust each other and move through the old ways and open up to new, healthy, supportive, encouraging, trusting, loving relationships with ourselves and with others. In this workshop the goal is deep, authentic, open hearted, non-sexual intimacy. . (Camp Augusta near Nevada City, CA. - 10/9-14/07; Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown, CA - 10/21-26/08, 10/27-11/1/09, 10/26-31/10; The Lodge at Sleepy Creek, Berkeley Springs, WV - 3/24-29/09)
The Color of Fear - Reflections on the White Experience, Roberto Almanzan. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the debut of "The Color of Fear," a groundbreaking documentary film about race, ethnicity and color in the United States, this experiential and interactive workshop provides an opportunity to re-examine the film from our present perspective and to deepen our understanding of what it means to be White. By recognizing how (for White/European Americans) "whiteness" colors everything we see, hear, and do, we can begin to interrupt the patterns and overcome the habits that keep us from becoming a truly multicultural, democratic and inclusive community: What are the obstacles to talking about race in a racially diverse group? What skills and tools can assist one in cross-cultural dialogue on racism? What inhibits a White person from examining and confronting racism? Why is cultural and institutional racism invisible to many people? What does being and acting like an ally look like? What actions can one take to work on dismantling racism? Oakland, CA Costs: $150-$200 (sliding scale) Students and Individuals; $200 Education, Healthcare, Nonprofits and Government; $300 Corporations. For more information and to register contact: Rhonda Cervantes 510.908.1684 or (7/30-31/05)
Communication and Partnership, Mary Goldenson. Underlying all our relationships-husband, wife, lover, friend, daughter, son, mother, father-is the need to communicate. Too often we learn to express our needs through control, power, struggles, addictions, dependency, guilt, denial, and unreasonableness. This workshop is about healing the soul-wounds sustained in our attempts at partnership. Come alone or with a partner. The workshop will provide a safe, supportive environment to learn new practices of breathwork, dyadic communication skills, movement, and Gestalt, making it easier to express your truth and take responsibility for your feelings and issues. Esalen, Big Sur, CA, 831.667.3000 or (10/20-22/00)
Cornerstones for Men. Feel the Freedom of Living Your Soul's Purpose. Revitalize your existing Mens group. A community of men who have dared to venture into essential questions about personal truth, meaning, purpose & spirit, we offer a variety of resources and tools. Wherever you are in life, Cornerstones will take you to the next level. Ongoing online foundational course and coaching and well as an ongoing men's circle in Santa Cruz, CA and Boulder, CO. or E-Mail or 877.239.7041 (Santa Cruz, CA 5/19-21/06, 8/11-13/06 and Boulder, CO 7/21-23/06)
Conflict to Partnership, James Tamm & Ron Luyet. Many personal and business relationships become adversarial simply through a lack of conflict-resolution skills and self-awareness. This workshop provides practical skills for resolving conflict as well as a model explaining the fundamental emotional undercurrents that exist during conflict. It is a course for people who seek greater effectiveness in creating climates of trust and dealing with conflict - at home, at work, within oneself. This is not a series of techniques that promise "how to get yours...and most of theirs, too." It is skill-building to develop relationships for long-term mutual gains. The material will be of immediate use to individuals as well as those in interpersonal and work relationships, such as couples, families, team leaders and members, and employers and employees. W&M Esalen, Bir Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (8/11-13/00)
Courage & Love: The Heart of the Peaceful Warrior's Way, Dan Millman. Join internationally acclaimed author Dan Millman on a journey to the heart of the peaceful warrior's way. This workshop for men and women is filled with common sense and uncommon wisdom, and focuses on the best of Millman's three decades of teaching transformative principles, perspectives, and practices that can help anyone live a more fulfilling life. Through lecture, discussion, and a variety of fun and meaningful experiential exercises, we learn how to: Unlock the 12 talents of living; Create a map to an abundant life; Directly access inner power; Tame the mind with a radical approach to meditation; Accomplish the "impossible" by overcoming fear and doubt; and Explore the mystery of divine interventions. Above all, we gain new insight, understanding, and humor to help us address and resolve the varied challenges of everyday life. Ultimately, we discover how to better live a spiritual life in a material world. W&M Omega, Rhinebeck, NY (8/2-4/00)
Creating a Life Worth Living, Debbie Ford believes that the first step in creating a life worth living is reclaiming our power, creativity, brilliance, and dreams. In this workshop, we uncover the core issue that drives our personality and inhibits us from obtaining the success, love, and inner peace we desire.During the week with Ford, we begin to experience a deeper connection with our divinity, gain skills to change our lives, and learn a three-step process to release toxic emotions and make peace with our past. As we do this, we begin to bring forth and express our unique potential. We also explore the "dark side" of ourselvesknown in the field of depth psychology as "the shadow" side of our personality. Ford helps shed light on this aspect of ourselves that we normally hide or deny so that we can be "good" and accepted. But when brought to light, we can tap into its energy, which can be the source of our strength and joy. This side of us, when seen as an integral part of our personality, may unlock what is missing from our lives. We may discover that the very impulses we most fear in ourselves may be the key to creating a life worth living. W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (9/25-29/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Creating an Artful Life Workshop for Men and Women, John Lee. W&M The Omega Institute; Rhinebeck, NY (8/7-11/00). 914.266.4444 or
Creating the Work You Love: The Anti-Career Workshop, Rick Jarow. The author of Creating the Work You Love: Courage, Commitment and Career, developed his popular "anti-career" workshop to demonstrate how we can prosper by finding our calling instead of settling for a job. He takes us through the history and myth of "vocation,"and presents four "alternative plans" for developing our life's work, as he surveys the fields and styles of work that are currently on the rise. We receive powerful tools for turning our passions into viable products, projects, and services, as well as strategies for negotiating transitions. Using a meditative format of exercises based on the chakra system, Jarow gives us the opportunity to create careers that honor the body as opposed to trying to fit the body into a work situation. We uncover latent talents and priorities and learn strategies for self-employment, professional development, and voluntary simplicity. W&M. Arlington Street Church, Boston, MA. W&M Omega Institute (5/13/00), Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY (7/21-23/00) 800.944.1001 or; Esalen, Big Sur, CA (8/6-11/00) 831.667.3000 or
Creating Trust and Intimacy: A One Day Workshop for Men, Felix Paulick. Before we can create trust and intimacy in our relationships we must first learn how to trust and be intimate with ourselves. The process of creating intimacy or "into-me-see" is about trusting ourselves and the other enough to allow the other to see our true self. This means that we first have to discover who we are and to fully accept ourselves. This workshop will take you on an inner journey to help you identify how you are blocking trust and intimacy from flowing freely in your life.
We will examine the relationship between trust and intimacy as well as: Your childhood experiences, Messages from the media and popular culture, Sex, and Addictive behaviors
This workshop is designed to teach new skills in the following areas: How to be alone with yourself without being bored. How to understand and feel your emotions without blocking or judging them. How to take responsibility for your feelings and let go of blaming, defending, and justifying. How to begin the process of creating trust and intimacy in your relationships. For more information go to and register or 248-399-7317 ext 2 or Royal Oak, MI 10a-6p, (6/12/10)
Creating Your Life's Work: Right livelihood from the world's wisdom traditions, Rick Jarow. More than any skill or product, the way in which we align our work with our deepest life intuitions will be the genuine contribution we will make to the emerging world community. Learn how to prosper by finding a calling instead of settling for a job. Men and women at any stage of their lives are offered insight into creating work that resonates not only with their skills, but with their passion and purpose. Drawing from his rich background in eastern religious studies and years of personal experience with shamans and healers, he will help you interlace your spiritual path and your work in the world. By using meditative exercises based on aligning the chakras, you'll have the opportunity to create career development strategies that match your needs and uncover your latest talents. You'll also receive powerful tools for turning your ideas and passions into viable products, projects and services. W&M. Hollyhock Retreat Center, Mason's Landing, BC. (8/19-24/00) 800.933.6339 or or
Creating Your Own Mission Statement. Who Am I and Where Am I Going? Facilitated by Larry Lima. An invitation to all men every Wednesday. Topics covered deal with real life issues and the exchanging of personal experiences. Summit, NJ (4/5/00-8pm) Calvary Parish House, 31 Woodland Ave, or
Creativity, Massage and Inner Journeys, Fiona Walker, Naomi Hayter, Doug Weyler. Discover the remarkable freedom, passion and power of surrendering to the muse. This work is based in the belief that we are all artists and healers, and that the power of creative expression lies in the process, not the product. This is an invitation to embark on a sacred journey that opens doorways to personal mythology and symbols, intuition and imagination, altered states of consciousness and healing. W&M. Hollyhock Retreat Center, Mason's Landing, BC. (5/14-6/22/00) 800.933.6339 or or
Crossing the Line, Michael Naumer & Lance Giroux. What is my value? What is my contribution? Where is all this headed? A journey of self-discovery into the area of personal worth and contribution. A central component of the course is the presentation of The Samurai Game developed by George Leonard, founder of Esalen. Oaks Room, Novato Oaks Inn, Novato (6/3-4/00) 10a-10p Sat, 10a-6p Sun, $300 707.538.9630 or
Day Long Workshop (for men and women), John Lee.(See Friday night lecture under separate listing.) W&M New Town, CT. (5/6/00) Jody Gross at 203.778.4393
Deciphering the Romantic Attraction Code: How we choose whom to fall in love with, Ayala Pines. When we fall in love we are sure that our beloved is not only perfect, but perfect for us. In time we realize that neither is true. Disappointed and disillusioned, we wonder how is it that we choose whom to fall in love with? And why are we so often wrong? In this workshop, participants will explore the theories and research findings as they apply to their own romantic choices, right or wrong. More importantly, the workshop will examine what to do about these choices, both to enhance current romantic relationships and to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Through group discussions and experiential exercises, the course is designed to increase understnaing of the causes, conscious and unconscious, of romantic choices. In addition, it will present tools to imporve the quality of relationships. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (8/18-20/00)
David Deida - Various. Melbourne, ASL +61 (393) 493.460 (7/4-9/00); Byron Bay, ASL +61 (266) 847.099 (7/15-8/18/00); Breitenbush, OR 888.466.3404 (9/1-4/00); Boulder, CO 303.447.2747 (9/9-17/00); Los Angeles, CA 888.466.3404 (9/20, 9/22/00, 10p); San Diego, 888.466.3404 (9/22/00 7-10p); Los Angeles, CA 888.466.3404 (9/23-24/00); San Francisco, CA 888.466.3404 (9/26, 27, 28/00); Detroit, MI 810.758.3050 (9/29, 10/2-4/00); Seattle, WA 206.390.0847 (10/7-8/00) or 888.466.3404
Desire and the Beloved: Finding Your Way to Love, Don Clark, Collin Brown. This workshop is designed for single men with a clear intention and desire to be in a committed relationship. Becoming a lover is a creative process that begins with the self. The more we know who we are and what we want, the likelier we are to manifest our erotic and spiritual desires as lovers. In this retreat we will practice skills that will enhance our capacity to love and be loved in a committed relationship. Using breath, touch, and ritual, we will explore how different kinds of intimacy - erotic, emotional, spiritual, and physical - inform our capacity for connection. Wildwood Retreat Center, (5/25-29/00)
Digital Aboriginal with Mikela and Philip Tarlow. Once upon a time people moved freely in a world held together not by roads or wires but by impressions, stories and images. They had to access states of heightened consciousness and deep shamanic wisdom merely to survive. The skills and social knowledge of these nomadic, aboriginal people were not only brilliantly advanced, they are exactly what we need in today's turbulent and imaginative economy. This workshop will give you to tools, leanguage, and concepts to explore key cultural shifts and critical challenges of the new economy and turn your attention towadr a deepeer understanding of your own potential.Although you will discover exciting new dimensions of the digital landscape, this is not a technical workshop. It presents a very practical and optimistic vision of what is beginning to unfold in terms that are easy to apply to your personal life and in your work. 9a-5p. For information or 866.259.7386 (9a-5p, est) (Oakland, CA 11/2/02), Los Angeles (11/9/02), Seattle (11/16/02), Indianapolis, (11/23/02)
The Dragon Training, Karin Green and David Kaar. The Call of the Dragon. The fire of life, desire, power, intention, action .Do you want to live fully, without reservation or fear? Full of energy, with agency and with courage? Then you want what the Dragon gives. In this training, you will learn to name and face your dragon,ride your dragon, be the dragon. What you will find is power without arrogance, authority without self-importance, compassion without sentimentality. The Dragon presents itself to you in every moment right here, right now. The Dragon is the Fire of Life, the Courage of your Desires, the Slayer of your Fears. Live your life with Energy, Agency and Audacity with no excuses and no reservations. The Dragon Training is a 123-day process. The training begins with a 4-day seminar for you who are serious about taking the next steps in your journey to truly be in your life and in your relationships. Continuing with a 120-day follow-up program to support you in manifesting Your Great Purpose, Your Legacy, Your gift to humanity. You will be integrating practices and creating projects that require new and different behavior from yourself. In the 4-day seminar you will find, meet and understand the Dragon in you, get access to the full power of your life force, transform your deepest fears into energy, access the audacity to be your authentic, unique self and Love it, get clear on your part in being at choice and having agency in your life. In the 120-days following the Dragon Training Seminar you will receive core support as you learn how to honor and ride Your Dragon, stabilizing your optimal functioning at the next level of your personal development., be able to accept and transform shadows that WILL arise, powerfully support others as you are being supported by them using dragon triad technology The follow-up program is a rigorous process. You will be integrating practices and creative projects that require new and different behavior from yourself. The Dragon Training is not for the faint-hearted or the reckless or the uninitiated. 6p Thursday to 3p Sunday. Tuition $1,495 plus $180 food plus lodging on your own. Contact: David Kaar 612-275-5165 or (Los Angeles, CA 2/2017; California, 4/2017; Minnesota, 8/2017; Carpenteria, CA 3/15-18/18; Racine, WI 8/2-5/18; Pre-flight: CA; 11//30-12/1/18; Templeton, CA 1/24-27/19; Ashland, OR 4/25-28/19)Loveland, CO October TBD);
Dream Wisdom Wilderness Weekend (Biannual). This is dream work and a short canoe daytrip, from the tradition of Robert Johnson (my teacher & inspiration) at the Journey Into Wholeness Gathering of Brothers that ended when Robert retired about 6 years ago. Ocala National Forest, Daytona Beach, FL. Contact Norman Brown, eMail or 386-226-6631. (3/14-16/09 and end of Oct or 1st weekend in Nov, 2009)
The Elder and the Grail, Michael Boyle and William Ayot. By personally experiencing the Initiatory Myth of the Grail, you will uncover the hidden paradox of your own aging and discover the passage to a spirited elderhood. You will achieve this through MYTHODRAMA, a new form of experiential learning which draws on the power of theatre and story, the riches of poetry, and the symbolism of deep ritual. Thursday evening to Sunday noon. Villa Maria Retreat Center, Frontenac, MN. $695, includes transportation from and to Minneapolis airport. or or 780-432-5492 (6/9-12/11)
Embracing Our Lives, Embracing Each Other: Personal Awareness for Gay and Bisexual Men, Allan Singer. Having initially arisen from a cultural ground which supports our invisibility and our shaming, gay and bisexual men face a journey into selfhood which involves claiming our being, the essential goodness of our sexuality, and the right to creatively design our lives. Along this journey we need opportunities to pause - to consider how far we've traveled and what we're learned to appreciate our thrivings and honor our losses, to renew our hopes and celebrate our beings within the context of community. This retreat offers a supportive group context that encourages us to reconnect with our essential selves as we seek to reach each other, with honesty and risk taking. The theme of 'embracing our lives' invites us to consider what we know, value, and seek to either accept or change in our relationship to family, friends, and community; our capacity to love and to work; our sexuality; our health and well-being; our spirituality; our dreams and next steps. Easlen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (9/15-17/00)
Empowerment Workshop, Gail Straub and David Gershon. The purpose of the Empowerment Workshop is to support you in creating your life as you most want it. Over the past 19 years, David Gershon and Gail Straub have assisted thousands of people in living their heart's desire. This training is based on the premise that our thoughts and beliefs create the conditions of our life; if we want to bring about changes in our life we need to change our beliefs. The workshop focuses on seven areas of your life: relationships, sexuality, money, work, body, emotions, and spirituality. In each of these life areas the workshop helps you: discover what's uniquely meaningful; translate this insight into a realistic vision; heal and transform unconscious limiting beliefs that might prevent its realization; and build a new belief through affirmation and visualization to manifest your vision. To assist you in realizing your visions the workshop teaches you how to: cultivate the powerful core beliefs of self responsibility, trust in the universe, self-esteem, positive attitude, and flowing with change; develop the attributes of personal power necessary to sustain your growth over timecommitment, discipline, a support system, inner guidance, love, lightness, and your own truth; and become skillful in working with the tools of affirmation and visualization to craft new beliefs. In the life areas you learn how to deepen the quality of your relationships by more vulnerable and authentic communication; nourish eros and enhance intimacy in your sexuality; achieve prosperity and quality of life; create work that is fulfilling and inspiring; develop a conscious and sacred relationship with your body; heal and release emotional wounds from the past; and build your spiritual path around a sense of higher purpose. The Empowerment Workshop provides a powerful methodology that, when used, helps you make the changes you seek. W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (9/1-4/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Enlightened Warrior Training, Master Rich Van Donk. This is your opportunity to become a more conscious human being, empowered, embracing your warrior sage for courageous action while maintaining inner bliss. Come get 35 years experience of what it takes to be a Martial Arts Master condensed into 2 1/2 days, revealing the optimal life lessons that personal mastery in the martial arts bring, without having to spend years fighting. Experience your personal power, be in your center, develop deep concentrated focus, expand your breath, rejuvenation process, inner peace meditations, playful heart, a daily life changing practice, sword training, and life mastery strategies from someone who has lived it. 707.987.9323 or $425 (9/10-12/04)
Enlightenment Intensive, Advanced Training, Warrior Monk, Bhava. Fifth year for this five-day journey of "awakening". The master uses a dynamic process of holding the question "Who am I?" which opens the possibity of having a direct experience of the Truth of who we are, beyond all concepts and ideas. W&M. or Dan at 314.966.0292 / or Jodi at 909.659.0445 /, Kingview, Toronto, Canada. Elegant gentleman farm. (8/8-13/00)
Entrepreneurs' Institute, Joel Solomon, Gary Hirshbery, David Berge, Debbie Boyle. Joining business and social entrepreneurs for an intensive, interactive inquiry into how to face the day-to-day challenges of running socially-conscious organizations. There will be plenty of practical advice and perspective on business operations. As with the Social Venture Network's annual Massachusetts Institute, this version offers the opportunity to present your most difficult buisness challenge to expert respondents and peer reviewers. Seminar themes include raising second stage capital, overcoming sales and marketing challenges, and managing organizational change. This program is intended for CEOs and leaders of established socially-responsible businesses and non-profit enterprises. Enrollment prioirty will be given to second-stage entrepreneurs. W&M. Hollyhock Retreat Center, Mason's Landing, BC. (9/6-10/00) 800.933.6339 or or
Explore Your Inner Masculine and Feminine with Peter Sandhill and Lynda Caesera an exploration into a rich and empowering dance, exploring your inner masculine and feminine. Many people confuse masculine and feminine with being male or female. People often lack an understanding of how to be with and engage the energetics of these potent polarities, within themselves and in their lives.
The workshop includes experiential processes to enhance your understanding and felt sense of energy; as well as demonstrations, lots of sharing, touch, real human to human connection, playfulness, time to practice and time enjoy the energy field we co-create. A special part of the course will be our shared experience, as we all become teachers for one another. The weekend will culminate in a lovely ceremony and celebration the marriage of your inner feminine and masculine. We welcome all genders and sexual orientations. Berkeley, CA (non-residential) W&M $345/person. Fri: 6.30-9.30pm Sat. & Sun. 9.30am-6pm. Contact: Peter at 925 518-3379 or or Lynda at 510 848-8360 or (3/25-27/16)
Exploring Your Life's Mission: Bringing greater clarity to your life and work, Richard Michaels and Marcia Goldberg. Spend a weekend harnessing the power of your conscious mind and your intuition through a process that allows new insights to emerge. You'll tap your own and the group's creativity through introspectoin, co-listening, journal writing, meditation and yoga. Explore your life's passion. Identify the building blocks for fulfillment. Expand beyond habitual thinking. Recognize your purpose and mission in life. Learn how to create a clear personal direction. Create an action plan. W&M Kripalu Retreat Center, Lenox, MA. (6/22-25/00) 800.741.7353 or
Facing the Fire: Experiencing and expressing anger and grief, John Lee. Central to this intensive program is that we all have the right to be angry. Anger is a given emotion, no more negative than any other. If not expressed regularly, anger can have negative consequences, turning into rage and chronic emotional tension, robbing us of valuable energy, vitality and health. This work can change how you feel about your body, your past, your feelings, your soul, and your future by helping you see that anger is just a feeling. You'll experience increased energy, intimacy and serenity in your life. W&M. Hollyhock Retreat Center, Cortez Island, (6/18-21/00) 800.933.6339 or or Charleston, SC (7/10-13/00); Sedona, AZ 520.639.3888 (9/15-17/00); Asheville, NC (10/25-28/00) Karen at 828.257.4481
Facing the Fire For Women Only! Facilitated by Karen Blicher and Connie Burns (John Lee's senior trainers and therapists) This is the first time for women only. Send appropriate women in your life! Bend of Ivy, NC. (5/19-21/00) Karen Blicher at 828.257.4481 for details
Family Constellation: Healing our relationships, freeing our souls, James Mathewson and Kathryn Schinid. Expect miraculous insights and shifts from the remakable phenomenological "family constellation" work. The power of love that bonds families and creates intimate relationships can also bind us in a tangled web of unconscious agreements and distorted loyalities that can lead to unhappiness, relationship conflicts, chronic illness and financial stress. Fortunately, love is the healing force as well. Freeing ourselves from these entanglements happens with the help of volunteers acting as representatives for certain family members. The process of restoring the natural order of love (often involving several generations) is deeply moving and healing to all involved. W&M Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown, CA. (5/19-21/00) 775.771.2163 or
Fate and Destiny: The Two Agreements in Life, Michael Meade. Join us for a surprising evening of poetry, stories and discussion, an exploration which seeks to find aspects of the 'bigger life' as the modern world narrows possibilities and culture polarizes. Proceeds support 'Voices of Youth' and Intercultural Projects. Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center, Seattle, WA 7pm, $12 or 206.935.3665 or E-Mail. (4/14/06)
Fatherhood Development: A curriculum for your fathers for practitioners working with young fathers. Addresses the real experiences and challenges of young fathers through 25 streetwise group discussions and provide support, information and motivatoin in the areas of parenthood, relationships, sexuality and responsible manhood. The curriculum was field-tested in P/PV's Young Unwed Fathers Pilot Project and has been described by several practitioners as the "glue" that makes their programs work. 7:30a-5p daily.Sacramento, CA (3/6-8/00), Petersburg, FL (4/12-14/00), Phoeniz, AZ (5/3-5/00), Boston, MA (6/14-16/00), Olympia, WA (7/12-16/00), Denver, CO (9/20-22/00), Minneapolis (10/11-13/00), Chicago, IL (10/18-20/00), Atlanta, GA (11/15-17/00), Washington, DC (12/6-8/00). $425 +R&B. 888.528.6725 or
Finding Genius In Your Life with Michael Meade. The original idea of genius refers to the natural spirit and inner qualities of a person; this includes their god-given talents as well as the way they are aimed at life. In that sense, everyone has a genius nature and something essential to give to the world. However, when neglected or rejected our natural genius can incite our worst inner demons.
Join us for an evening of stories and poems and discussion of the many ways that the genius in us keeps finding meaningful ways for us to change and to grow. Owen Brown Interfaith Center, Columbia, MD 9:30a-5:30p (5/11/13); Atkinson Memorial Church ~ 710 6th Street, Oregon City, OR Order tickets. $12 7pm W&M (9/14/12); Alexander Hall - SF Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA 9:30am 5:30pm Register W&M Banyen Books, Stanford University, CA Cubberly Auditorium Free and open to the public, 8pm (4/19/13); Vancouver, BC 9:30a-5:30p (2/23/12) (12/1/12)
Finding Happiness in Love & Life: Secrets for Creating Total Emotional & Spiritual Fulfillment, Barbara De Angelis. Imagine what it would be like if we knew how to make every moment of our lives one of great happiness, contentment, and peace. Imagine how it would be if we could confront any challenge, in love or in work, with courage, clarity, and confidence. This powerful workshop is for anyonesingles or couples in any stage of a relationshipwho is ready for a personal breakthrough and looking for a safe, loving, transformational experience that can help create a more intimate and joyful relationship with ourselves and others. Our guide is best-selling author and renowned relationships expert Barbara De Angelis. Through experiential exercises, guided meditations, practical tools you can use each day, unique presentations, and one-on-one work with Barbara, we learn how we may be sabotaging our own happiness, how to break through fears and limitations to more personal freedom, how to uncover hidden blocks to love and intimacy, and how to tap into an inner source of wisdom and steadiness that will anchor us through life's ups and downs. Recommended reading: De Angelis, How to Make Love All the Time and Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know (order from Amazon on the side bar). W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (9/29-10/1/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Finding the Boyfriend Within - For gay men, Brad Gooch. This workshop will concentrate on ways in which gay men can tap into their own sources of love, happiness, and respect. This course examines how gay men may look unsuccessfully to someone outside themselves for validation or to give their live a sense of meaning. The group will work together on a series of awareness exercises on: identifying the traits of your Inner Boyfriend, dating yourself, and sharing an increase n warmheartedness with the world. This seminar - useful for anyone single, dating or "married" - is an opportunity to discuss connections between sexuality, romance, and spirituality often not explored with the gay community. Esalen, Big Sur, CA (6/9-11/00) 831.667.3000
Forgiveness: The Key to Intimacy, Mary Goldenson. All life is about relationships. Creating an alive and honest connection with an intimate partner requires us to go deeply into our hearts and allow the courageous self to emerge. This journey to intimacy begins with the path of forgiveness. How does forgivesnss lead to intimacy? This workshops will present ways to help complete the past, be open to the present, and craete the future. It will offer a safe, supportive environment that will include taking risks, intense bodywork, Gestalt imagery, dance, and meditation. W&M Easlen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (6/25-30/00)
Freeing the Fire Within: Living with Passion, Purpose & Power, Alan Cohen. Our work, relationships, and play are as successful as we are authentic in them. Behind all our journeys and interactions, we have one purpose that brings us joyremaining true to our personal visions, intuitions, and gifts. Join Alan Cohen, award-winning author of 14 popular inspirational books, for a weekend to revisit the way you approach your life and reclaim the power to live in harmony with yourself. In a spirit of gentleness, honesty, and humor, we face and answer important inner questions: Does your life reflect your heart's desires and honor who you are? To whom or what have you given your power, and what do you need to do to reclaim it? If fear did not stop you, what would you be doing differently? What is the next truth you need to express? If you loved yourself more, what would you be willing to receive? This highly experiential workshop explains and invites you to practice the core principles of integrated living. During the week you: Learn how to honor your spirit; Find out that struggle is not required; See that the best way to get what you want is to be what you are; Discover that your history is not your destiny; and Learn how love works and fear doesn't. This workshop includes lecture, interactive processes, individual work with some students, guided visualization, movement, music, and the adventure of co-creation. Alan brings a warm and inviting energy to his presentations, encouraging participants to walk in their own light. Expect insight, laughter, some tears, transformation, and the bold invitation to let both your humanity and divinity shine. Recommended reading: Cohen, The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore or Deep Breath of Life (order from Amazon the side bar). W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (9/1-4/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Fullpower Introductory Full Force Workshop. Adults learn to protect themselves from confrontations and simulated assaults in a safe empowering environment. Santa Cruz County, CA. (5/7/00); Berkeley (6/1/00); Palo Alto (6/28/00) 800.467.6997 vm or or
The Future of Leadership: Accessing the Corporate Soul , a new paradigm for leadership, is an opportunity for the Corporate Manager and Executive to take a look at inner-directed leadership which has the potential to bring authentic passion and mission to the workplace. The Corporate world is struggling to access the core of what makes a company successful. What every business needs and wants is energized and committed people to ensure their continued growth and success in an ever-changing, competitive marketplace. This powerful one day Seminar takes a look at the dynamics of individuals and their connection to the source of real leadership and how to access the hidden resources that every individual has deep within. You will learn to overcome that part of yourself that resisted stepping fully into your natural inherent leader, at work and in every aspect of your life. You will learn to define a path for yourself that will bring a new sense of purpose and commitment to your life and your work. In doing so, you will discover new and empowering ways to communicate and interact with employers, employees, and customers. W&M as co-creators. Indianapolis (7/22/00)
A Gathering of Men, Robert Bly and Richard Olivier. What gifts does the conscious masculine have to offer? Is the mature masculine simply someone who has connected with his feminine side? Well draw on disciplines from mens groups and on a single story, relating it to events in our lives. Richard will lead an expressive theatre workshop, Robert will do the storytelling, offering a creative writing workshop. Day and evenings. Cost varies. Findhorn Foundation, , Scotland, UK or or +44 1309 691653. (6/23-30/01)
Gay, Lesbian and Christian 2000: Behold, I make all things new, John McNeill, Virginia Mollenkott, Mel White and Irene Monroe. As we enter a new century, indeed a new millennium, we will assess what "new things" gay and lesbian, bisexual and transgender theology is contributing, what new culture is evolving as we gain greater acceptance, what "newness" God is calling forth from us in spite of our fear of change, what new forms of non-violent resistance may be called for as we struggle for liberation in church and society and as we build a lesbitransgay church of Christ on the mountain in this landmark year. The weekend concludes with eucharistic worship. W&M, Kirkridge Retreat Center,, Bangor, MA. (6/8-11/00) 610.588.1793
Gender, Eros, Power and Memory, Caitriona Reed. In a society becoming increasingly global, normative presumptions proliferate. Our notions of man/woman, spirit/matter, technology/nature are often based on ideological and cultural definitions of power which comprise no more than a superficial understanding. As these alienating notions go unquestioned they evolve into a collective fear of the manifest world, of our bodies, our sexuality, our desire. It's no wonder that we become bent on global self-destruction. As a transexual women who spent much of her life living as a man, the leader has learned something about perceptions of the body, about letting go, about adherence to the 'norm', risk taking and above all about the construction of gender and 'nature'. As a Buddhist teacher, expected to provide answers, who held an unresolved secret for decades, she has also learned about ambiguity and desire. In this workshop, through meditation, movement, visualization, interactive exercises, writing and dialogue, we will explore the cultural inheritance of dualistic and causal thinking, and how to open up to positive power and powerful eroticism as a way toward the healing of earth - and of ourselves. W&M, Esalen, Bir Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (9/8-10/00)
Getting Naked: Writing Sexual Essay & Memoir, Lisa Palac has been writing about and publicly discussing all aspects of sexuality and sexual politics for 15 years. "I believe that honesty encourages honesty," she writes. "Telling the truth about sexthe most intimate, contradiction-filled, hard-to-be-honest-about subject of them allhas given me the courage to face the rest of my complicated life as honestly as I can." In this workshop for men and women alikeand for both beginning and experienced writerswe acquire new tools and find the inspiration and courage to write more honestly about sex. We focus on creative nonfiction that deals with sexual issues and the sexual memoir. Through lecture, writing assignments, readings, and extensive group discussion, we learn: How to find and organize autobiographical material; The importance of emotional candor when writing about sexuality; Techniques for maintaining confidentiality while still telling the truth about sexual situations; and How to overcome the obstacles of vulnerability and self doubt that arise when we dare to publicly reveal our sexual views and experiences. We also examine the recent popularity of sexual nonfiction as both a pop culture phenomenon and a literary genre. In addition to refining our writing skills, we gain a greater awareness of our sexual selves, and a deeper understanding of the cultural importance of writing authentically about sex. Palac is a teacher, editor, lecturer, and TV and radio host whose work covers a range of topics, including pornography, high technology, rock 'n' roll, religion, and feminism. Her memoir is titled The Edge of the Bed: How Dirty Pictures Changed My Life (order from Amazon). She also produced Cyborgasm (order from Amazon) and Cyborgasm 2 (order from Amazon), erotic audio anthologies recorded in 3-D sound, and is a founding editor of Future Sex magazine. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (8/4-6/00) 800.944.1001 or
Golf in the Kingdom: An exploration of the deeper game, Stephen Cohen & Andy Nusbaum. The game of gold provides many opportunities to enhance the journey of self-discovery. It can be experienced not only as an athletic endeavor, but also as a metaphor for the way one lives. Just as in life, issues of self-confidence, fear, trust, discipline and awareness emerge in the conflict between the ego;'s desire for success and the inner self's ability to achieve. During these five days, teaching methods gleaned from a study of the deeper game will be utilized, as well as principles from psycho synthesis and Gestalt, to explore the inner self and how one interferes with its emergence. Two days will be spend on field trips to the Monterey Peninsula where participants will practice and play in some of the most beautiful gold foundry in the world. On other days there will be time to relax and enjoy the natural pleasures. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA. or 831.667.3000 (5/28-6/2/00) (9/24-29/00)
The Grail - A Hero's Quest To The Self, with Shematrix. This three day journey of ritual initiation for men is paradoxically facilitated by women. It is recognized that in many ancient cultures, the final intiation into manhood happened in the presence of initiated women. The three women from Shematrix function as Gatekeepers to the mysterious realm of the Sacred Feminine, the unknowable and unpredicatble source that forms the Earth herself. Traditionally known as High Priestess, hers is the role of midwife who helps birth that which we think we do not know or cannot have or dare not express. It seems a particular healing is available in the presence of women, not afforded by men alone. It has been our experience that the embrace of the whole being, in compassion, transcends the dualities of masculine and feminine, light and dark, angelic and demonic, right and wrong, inner and outer, self and other. The Sacred Marriage. The intention in accessing this mystery through this extraordinary form is to support each man on his journey to his deepest knowing and reverence for all life. The form is also created with the intention that once initiated, it continues to be an integral part of your life and you may choose to cultivate it's sacredness in ongoing events in your community. $895 plus $195 food and lodging. 8AM - 9PM Contact David Whiteside, 650.342.1291 or or E-Mail (6/2-4/06) (Nashville, TN 3/30-4/1/07; Perth, W.A. Australia 6/29-7/1/07; Pescadero, CA 7/27,-29/07 Jay Cradeur, 415.713.8030; Wellington, NZ Aug 17-19/07)
Grief & Growing: If loss is an issue in your life, this weekend is for you. Informal discussion groups, facilitated by professional grief care-givers. Time to talk with each other, your children, family members and friends about loss, death and the grief process. Arts & crafts, singing, creative writing, camp fun, natue hikes, childhood memories, and more. Shabbat under the open sky and Jewish rituals for honoring and remembering those who have died. The High Adventure Ropes Course, a wonderful tool for facing fears, learning to trust others, and taking personal risks. It's safe, physical and fun. Time for yourself while counselors take care of your kids. The quiet beauty and healing power of nature. W&M&Kids, Camp Tawonga, located just outside Yosemite National Park on the Middle Fork of the Tuolumne River, CA. (5/19-21/00) .415.543.5417
Grief Ritual, Sobonfu Some. Started in the early 90's, this has been offered in Northern California on a yearly basis. The Grief Ritual workshops have proven to be very healing and its success has made it known both in the US and overseas. This weekend, Sobonfu will share one of the most important rituals of her people. It is a soul-cleansing rite that can clear away lingering clouds and festering wounds from abandonment, divorce, death and the loss of dreams. This ritual can help release grief, lighten your soul, let your true spirit be heard, and help you become more balanced and fulfilled. W&M E-Mail or 916.446.5536. Valley of the Moon Camp, Glen Ellen, CA $385. (5/26-28/00) (5/24-26/02) (5/25-27/07)
Healing the Father Wound® retreats, created in 1985 and facilitated by Gordon Clay, was an interactive and highly effective weekend group experience, held separately for both men and women, dealing with adults whose childhood was characterized by paternal dysfunction, ranging from abuse, to uncaring, to overly-controlling, to total-absence, to the "perfect father". Gordon's seminar's work to undo the negative lifelong effects of such parenting, with the intent of freeing the individuals to live happier, and more productive lives, and by bringing a modicum of balance to continuing parental relationships. This workshop is experiential in nature with very little talking. Through Tantrum Yoga®, movement/breathwork, experiential exercises, and appropriate emotional release, we will work to locate the roots that trap you in an endless repetitive cycle of unconscious behaviors and begin the healing process. Gordon Clay specializes in appropriate anger and rage release processes and has facilitated retreats since 1976. This program was in a 4-day, 3-night residential retreat setting. Gordon retired the workshop after 25 years. Similar program for women only see (Men only Buckhorn Springs, near Ashland, OR - 4/20-23/07; The Lodge at Sleepy Creek, Berkeley Springs, WV - 5/1-4/08, 11/13-16/08, 5/14-17/09, 10/8-11/09, 5/20-23/10, 10/14-17/10; Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown, CA - 7/3-6/08, 10/2-5/08, 4/30-5/3/09, 10/1-4/09, 4/15-18-10, 9/16-19/10) (Get on the mailing list for the release of the CD version.)
Healing the Mother Wound® for Men only is facilitated by Shauna Wilson-Mora. Through our navel we have the visible evidence of our link to our biological mother - a link that is encoded with messages - our history, patterns, destiny, even our sense of self. We inherit our self-esteem and self worth from our mothers. We are tied to this women who birthed us. And we are tied to the generations that preceded us. As an egg in our Mother's womb, we rested in the womb of our Grandmother. We can choose to release ourselves from the bondage that traps us. We can heal the wounds we took on from our mothers. The journey to freedom is through excavating the memories and feelings, acknowledging experiences, releasing emotions, forgiving ourselves and others, and opening to new possibilities. When we heal our Mother Wound, we break the cycle. We become free. This workshop is experiential in nature. The intention is to break through barriers and old patterns through movement, Tantrum Yoga® breath and release work, psychodrama, meditation and processes that excavate wounds and ties that keep us stuck. This program was in a 4-day, 3-night residential retreat setting. This workshop has been retired. Similar program for women only see (Men only Buckhorn Springs near Ashland, OR - 4/26-29/07; Venture Retreat Center, Pescadero, CA - 12/7-10/07; The Lodge at Sleepy Creek, Berkeley Springs, WV - 3/28-31/08, 9/5-8/08, 11/12-15/09, 7/15-18/10; 9/15-18/11; Harbin Hot Springs, CA - 11/21-24/08, 4/17-20/09, 12/4-7/09, 5/21-24/10, 10/15-18/10, 5/20-23/11, 10/14-17/11, 5/18-21/12, 11/9-12/12, 4/26-29/13, 12/6-9/13)
Healing the Wounds of Adolescence - Tapping the Inner Mentor. Participants are offered a safe place to do the work necessary to address the wounds of adolescence and to claim the power and gifts that they hold, by calling forth an Inner Mentor that can hold the space for their own healing and development. Staffed by Boys to Men Northwest. Camp Melacoma (near Vancouver, WA.) 7 pm Friday to noon on Sunday. $100 minimum donation. Contact Galen Fous, 503.913.3197 or or (9/9-11/05)
Health Medicine Faire. 50 booths with health practitioners of a variety of different disciplines from alternative therapies for you to sample plus music, food, drink, and door prizes. Sample everything from bodywork, energy work, herbal and supplement therapies, chiropractic adjustments, naturopathy, iridology, Chinese medicine including acupuncture, to Ayurveda, and the list goes on.. We will have celebrity speakers who are experts in their fields specializing in Body-Mind Medicine, Qi Gong, Indigenous Healing, and Herbal Therapies. They will be speaking every hour in a separate room attached to the festivities. Preservation Park in Oakland at 13th and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way just off Hwy 980. $10 general admission, seniors and students $3. Aileen Harvey, 415.381.4627 or (12m-6pm, 2/10/0112)
HeroQuest Wilderness Adventure. Are you ready to experience the most life has to offer? This is a rite of passage which will enable you to discover your life purpose and achieve greater mastery over career and life roles. But it presents an even greater challenge. To leave behind the illusion that life's possibilities are limited and instead choose to live an extraordinary life - a life full of rich experiences and meaningful contributions. In short, to live the life of your dreams. Are you ready to create a life that reflects your magnificence? Pure joy. Unconditional love. Absolute freedom. Limitless possibility. And, swim with the dolphins, hike rainforest trails to 1,200 ft. and visit incredible waterfalls. Hawaii (4/8-16/00); Eel River, CA (5/28-6/4/00) 800.990.HERO or or
A Hero's Challenge: Being an Extraordinary Man, Alison Armstrong or Pete Farmer, M.D. or Kevin Twohy. Most of us have experienced success. Most of us have experienced frustration and failure. Most of us have given up on something important. Most of us have won something treasured. Many of us have even had the opportunity to be heroes. But only some of us have wondered how to be an extraordinary man in our everyday lives. Based on Alison Armstrong's twenty-year study of men and women, this is an opportunity to understand what drives you as a man - towards your goals or away from them, towards your greatest Self or away from it. Participation in this workshop will leave you empowered as a man in both your triumphs and your most vulnerable moments.
You will learn:
In this experiential workshop you will develop a deeper clarity and respect for yourself as a man. You will acquire practical skills and tools for immediate use. You will have access to being a hero in your day-to-day life.
"Being a Provider is an integral aspect of being a man. You can't separate Provider from Man; they are one and the same, the front and back of the same hand... Every man has specific things he's passionate about providing, he's willing to provide, and he's not interested in providing. Understanding what falls into these three categories is essential to understanding the men in your life, and if you are a man, essential to knowing yourself." Alison A. Armstrong The 'P' in Papa Stands for Provider
Given Alison Armstrong's long history of empowering men and women to relate to the opposite sex, you might expect this workshop to address men's relationship with women. It will not. A man must be clear about who he is and what he needs before he engages with anyone. As you honor yourself, so will others honor you. By humbly embracing your greatness as a man, others will be eager to empower you. * Please note: All workshops are held at local area hotels and are subject to change. In the event you have registered for a workshop and the location of the workshop changes, you will be contacted immediately. $445. or 800-418-9924. Edmonton, AB (11/9-10/13); Los Angeles (6/4-5/11, 7/16-17/11, 10/26-27/13); New York City (6/8-9/13); San Diego (8/3-4/13); San Francisco (6/1-2/13); Scottsdale, AZ (8/17-18/13)
Holding the Thread of Life: Imagination, Ritual, Community An intensive residential retreat for women and men with author and mythologist Michael Meade. This retreat will focus on the work of building community with soul by using creative mentoring, the roots of ritual, the paths of imagination and living myth. Amidst deepening crises in both nature and culture, amidst the dissociation and tragedies of the modern world, the individual soul still carries its gift of imagination and mythic pattern to the world. Threads of genius and purpose are woven within everyone but only become evident when troubles are faced and creative endeavors are undertaken.
Each soul has a path it desires to follow and an inner story that tries to unfold from within. In learning to express the mythic pattern within, a person more meaningfully contributes to the renewal of community as well as a restoration of nature. The word initiation suggests taking new steps, but it also means a thorough transformation through which we become our intended personality. Of course, there is always some price to pay, some pain to suffer, some fear to face; even the soul has growing pains.
Using stories and poems, honest speech and creative imagination, we will take an initiatory approach to the struggles of individual life and to the collective challenge of living through a time of radical disorientation and change. Themes: Inner Life, Outer Work Rites of Passage Making Mentors Practical Mythology Unfinished Initiations Sudden Community. This event will benefit those doing: creative work, community building, therapy, mentoring, teaching, rites of passage, healing, spiritual development, ecological and social activism. or 206-935-3665 or Camp Sealth, Vashon Island, WA (9/27-30/12)
Holding the Thread of Life: Living with Purpose in an Uncertain World, an evening presentation with storyteller and mythologist Michael Meade. An an evening of stories, poetry and discussion that seeks to find meaning and purpose in a world increasingly random and fearful. Although current cultural troubles are pressing and tragic, the first step on this journey is a step away from present threats back to the ground of traditional knowledge, ancient imaginations, and creative ritual. We can only go as far forward as we can reach back. Here, we attempt to retouch radical roots that can nourish new ideas, inspire change and foster healing where obstacles appear insurmountable and despair seems inevitable. Through old tales, the language of the soul and fresh insights we will pull at threads of personal and collective meaning that wind through tragic events and troubled times. Doors Open at 6:30 pm. Lone Mountain Conference Center, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA $12. 206.935.3665 or or (4/26/02). Portland State University (5/17/02)
Holotropic Breathwork Retreat for Men, 13th Annual, Tim Barraud, Jay Shelofsky. Holotropic Breathwork is a technique for self-exploration based on the merging of ancient spiritual practices and modern consciousness research. The process combines controlled breathing, evocative music and focused bodywork. Within a safe setting, participants may experience a freeing of blocked energies, a modification of unproductive beliefs, and a release of spiritual energies. The integrative process is accentuated through creative artwork and group sharing. Breitenbush Retreat Center, OR. $300 or (1/25-27/02)
Honoring the Inner Voice, Elias Patras and Gary Gruenewald. This weekend will focus on where we need realignment in ourselves on many levels. We'll give permission to rediscover beauty of our Inner Voice that has been lost or forgotten. We'll share many experiential exercises based on teaching of indigenous tribes to let go of old patterns that no longer serve us. Watervliet, Michigan. (90 miles from Chicago) or 773-656-0114 or, $550.00* 20% off with membership. Friday 3pm - Sunday 1pm (10/17-19/08)
How to Feel Anger and Still Be Loving, David Richo. Al relationships inevitably arouse anger. Healthy ones express it without hurting anyone. If someone frightens us with their anger, they are probably expressing not anger by abuse - blame, threats and physical or emotional violence. What scares us is not the pure feeling of anger. We fear violation. True anger usually contains sadness, disappointment and fear. A responsibly angry person acknowledges these feelings, but does not blame us for them. Anger says, "I am angry at you and want you to know it." Anger arises from an inner aliveness that is unhappy but aware it cannot always have its way. Abuse, on the other hand, says "I want to get you for daring to offend me. I want you to suffer for it." Abuse arises from the shadow of ego, the bruised, indignant, arrogant ego terrified that it is not getting what it is entitled to. In this workshop, you will learn to sit quietly and drop into your anger, to feel it, to hear what it says to you, and to dialogue with it in a mindful way. You will learn techniques to help you to be open to the anger of others but to prevent them from abusing you. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA. (5/5-7/00) 831.667.3000
How to Stop Giving Energy to the Things You Don't Believe In, Wayne Dyer. We tend to give our energy to our problemsthinking and talking about them constantly, and working hard to find solutions. According to Wayne Dyer, affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans, this is the wrong way to solve anything. There is another way, a better and less stressful way: We can go within and surrender. This workshop is for anyone who feels bogged down by the difficulties and snags of life and is ready for a new approach, what Dyer calls the "spiritual solution" to problems. We examine exactly what we mean when we talk about having a problem and what it means to each of us to have something "solved." W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY (10/20-22/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Initiate a Mind, Body, Spirit Relationship Now, Julia Tindall, Jim Spillane, Anna Harvey & Kevin Fortune. In an inspirational comfortable environment, come learn advanced techniques to create the love of your dreams. Hypnotheapist Julia Tindall teaches yoga and explores "What To Do Between Relationships". Sacred sexuality experts Anna & Keven present "Tantra for Intimacy and Connection." Jim Spillane shows "22 Ways to Gain High Self Esteem." W&M Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown, CA. (7/14-16/00) 707.745.2444.
The Initiated Soul, the Awakened Self, an intensive two-day course with storyteller & mythologist Michael Meade.
As uncertainty becomes the ruling principle of life, as 'mass mentality,' fundamentalism and literalism dominate, the mythic sense of life waits to re-enter the world. As the collective sense of unity collapses, the 'uniqueness' within individuals becomes the source of unifying imagination. For, each person carries a 'hidden poetic unity' that reflects the mysterious continuity of the world.
The story written on the walls of the soul is intended to be lived out as a great experiment in life, as a willingness to die again and again in order to grow. Each story involves spells and blessings, gifts and wounds, indelible marks that reveal where the individual soul and spirit insist on being known consciously. The exact medicines for healing the threats and volatile divisions so characteristic of modern life lie in touching again the hidden unity of human imagination.
In this study we will examine the life lived so far, separating what is vital and creative from the corpses of the past, while seeking places where the soul carries its initiations, where the self tries to awaken us further. Each further incarnation of the soul involves descents and ascents which necessitate a full emotional life; for the soul requires that we climb the ladder of wisdom and descend to the depths of love.
Join us on this path of discovery where experience becomes knowledge, where psychology encounters myth, where struggle reveals life purpose. Drawing on traditions from many cultures, on psychology of the Old Mind, alchemical imagination, the guiding language of dreams and life sustaining practices, we will touch the pulse of being and work at nourishing the roots of 'living myth.'
Themes include: Images That Open the Heart Trauma and Trouble: Ordeals That Made Me A Little Redemption Walking Your Limp Symbolic Action, a Changed Life Opening the Ego Difficult Road to the Center The Resplendent Self. Theological Seminary, San Anselmo, CA or 800.233.6984. (4/16-17/05)
Inner Life, Outer Work: Following Spirit, Making Soul, an intensive two-day course with storyteller & mythologist Michael Meade. The great unrest in the outer world reflects a loss of soul within collective life. Meanwhile, important aspects of the inner life awaken during just such turmoil. The exact medicines for healing the threats and volatile divisions so characteristic of modern life lie in touching again the hidden unity of human imagination.
Despite the chaos of the times, the soul still longs for a life fully lived, one that makes a meaningful mark in the world and work that serves something beyond oneself. Each person owes a debt to their inner nature - that it be discovered, awakened and developed. Each owes a debt to the world that can only be paid from one's natural gifts. The 'awakened condition' involves risks the soul wants to take and discoveries only available at the edge where the unknown streams towards the known world.
'Real work' can only be found and sustained when connected to one's inner rhythm and psychic flow. If a person cannot find the vitality of their own being they become unable to affect the outer conditions of community and culture. Only shaping a symbolic sense of self can renew purpose and meaning in individual life while finding ways to serve the soul of the world.
Although the soul prefers wandering the world to taking direct routes, its wanderings and wonderings help reveal the purpose within each life. Through imaginative detours we continually rediscover 'those images before which our hearts first opened.' To be fully alive, growing the soul, weaving the world, becoming lost in order to find the way, and incarnating the spirit fully is the only thing that satisfies the longings seeded in the garden of the soul.
Being Whole Hearted Walking Your Limp The Poetic Unity of the Self The Art of Descent Personal Myth, Community Work The Thought Adventure The Divine Influx of Emotions Establishing One's Self in the World. Co-Sponsored by United Indian Students in Higher Education. Smith Memorial Center ~ Portland State University, OR or 800.233.6984 (3/19-20/05)
Inside of Men: Understanding the Hearts and Minds of Men, Clark Grove, Ph.D, A workshop for women on understanding the underlying feelings, thoughts and motivations that drive men. A workshop meant to help understand men, thereby decreasing relational conflict and stress, and increasing intimacy. Fort Mason Center, San Francisco 10-4pm $139. 415.507.0306 or or (10/1/05, 11/5/05, 2/4/06, 3/4/06, 4/1/06, 5/6/06, 6/3/06, 7/15/06, 9/16/06, 10/7/06, 11/4/06)
Integrity, Charlie Bloom. Of the personal qualities that most people respect in themselves and others, none is more highly valued than integrity. This word, which literally means "wholeness," brings to mind a collection of human characteristics including strength, reliability, honesty, trustworthiness and respectability. We instinctively know that when we live a life of integrity our actions are grounded in a way that brings vitality and authenticity to even ordinary experience. Yet despite our appreciation of and desire for integrity, we may not fully appreciate its true essene or how we can cultivate it within ourselves. This workshop is designed to help you develop a deeper understanding of what it means to live in integrity with the truth of your being and embody it in words, deeds and relationships. You will explore the everyday experiences that give rise to oppotunities to deepen this quality in your life. In addition, you will examine personal and interactive patterns that may compromise or diminish your experience of integrity, and develop new responses that can enhance and deepen your connection to the truth. W&M, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (10/29-11/3/00), University of California, Berkeley, 510.642.4111 (6/22/02), Esalen Institute, Big Sur, 831.667.3000 (9/1-6/02), or or 707.939.1139
The Integral Warrior: Embodying the New Masculine, Gary Stamper. Stepping into the New Masculine as fully as possible, creating the new model for a future unfolding before us. Using Integral and Developmental Systems Theory, time-proven shamanic techniques, Archetypes, Ritual, and Initiation, Men emerge as brother Shamanic Priests in a growing lineage of conscious men. Ongoing. Cove Retreat Center & Community, Western North Carolina. $233.00 206-779-5870 or or (Beginning 10/3-4/09)
Intimacy. Steven Kessler. We will explore what intimacy is, what supports it, and what blocks it. You will learn how to be deeply open to your own experience, how to hold healthy boundaries and also make real contact with another. Through discussion and experience, you will develop a greater capacity for intimacy in your own life. $100. 12 CEU's available for MFT's and LCSW's. Dzogchen Center, 2748 Adeline (near Stuart) in Berkeley, CA across from the Berkeley Bowl. or 510.834.5399. (7/27-28/02, 10a-5p)
Intimate Relationships: Keeping the romantic spark alive, Ayala Pines. When two people are in love, it seems like the magical spark between them is going to last forever. More often than not, however, with the effects of everyday pressures and stresses, the love is eroded and eventually burns out. Burnout is not caused by individual pathology or inadequacy nor by major dramatic events. It is caused by a building of petty annoyances, minor dissatisfactions, and a gradual increase in boredom. How can this insidious process of love's erosion be prevented? How can a couple in love keep the romatic spark alive? Participants will be encouraged to fnd the romantic images they shared at the beginning of their own relationships. This workshop is recommended espeically for couples commited to keeping the spark alive in their relationships, and for marriage and family counselors. It may also be helpful for individuals who are trying to figure out what went wrong in a relationship that burned out. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA 831-667-3000 or (8/25-27/00)
The Intuitive Ear: The healing power of the didgeridoo, Marc Mckenzie. The didgeridoo is believed to be the oldest breath instrument in the world. In this workshop, you'll make your own, learn to play it, and be guided in developing shamanic vision and healing applications of this timeless instrument. Playing the didgeridoo uses circular breathing and is a form of pranayama. By tuning in to your intuition and your instrument, you'll learn to recognize, trust and intentionally direct the flow of your creative energy. You'll create your own sacred music and experience your body resonating with healing sound. Prior experience is not necessary; you may be amazed at what you already know. W&M Kripalu Retreat Center, Lenox, MA. (6/9-11/00) 800.741.7353 or
Issues and Isms Workshop. Open to anyone who is looking for more authentic and profound relationships with others. Bring your wives, partners and/or significant others! The Issues and Isms Workshop is a powerful and energizing one-day workshop open to anyone who wishes to explore pushing through cultural barriers that keep us stuck and from living in integrity. Cultural differences exist all around and within us. The most visible differences are of ethnicity and race, but what about differences in religion, sexual orientation, income-level, occupation, affiliation, upbringing, and likes and dislikes? Your relationships with your parents, your children, your significant other, your boss, your employees, your co-workers, your social circles, and each and every person you interact with are influenced by these differences. There is an opportunity to really explore and experience others cultures. As Canadians, we live in one of the most culturally diverse places on Earth. Daily, we live and interact with many diverse people as equals. We are generally inviting and inclusive to anyone of a different cultural identity. Being this inclusive already is a gift. Do you want to take it further? Do you want to become more worldly and transform your relationships with other people of this Earth? Together, lets make it real. Perhaps you are curious how you may be seen and heard by someone who is different? Are you afraid to ask questions of someone who is obviously different than you? Do you just play it safe by behaving as if you saw no difference at all? Join us for a 1-day workshop, which offers a safe container and powerful methods for exploring, without blame or shame, these knotty issues that challenge our identities and interactions. We might even have some fun in the process. In this workshop you will have opportunities to actively participate as we each explore subtle but powerful modern isms and oppressions and discover how they impact our relationships, community and culture. $148. W&M For information and to register, contact Christopher Tyrrell before 8pm at 416-516-3375 or via (Toronto 9a-6:30p 11/17/12)
The Joy of Being a Man. Level I, Peter Sandhill, Campbell. What Kind of Man do You want to be? As men, we are bombarded with highly conflicted messages about how to be. Messages telling us we should...Be strong, yet gentle; powerful yet vulnerable. Be a good listener, but without providing answers. Be the master of your life, but not arrogant. Be financially secure, but not married to your job Be sexually potent, but not too aggressive Add to that the unending barrage of stories about the violence some men have perpetrated on women, children, the environment, and each other. You then have a recipe that leads some men to self-doubt, low self-worth, depression and underlying self-hatred. As a result, you may unconsciously distrust masculinity itself.
End the confusion and reclaim your freedom. Join HAI Facilitator Peter Sandhill for his internationally acclaimed weekend.
During this deep and rewarding workshop, we will gather in support of each other as men. Together we will acknowledge our challenges and, as brothers, safely and potently traverse them. Also, you will:
See and experience being a whole and complete man
Touch into your deeper inner purpose
Practice healthy anger and emotional release
See yourself within your lineage
Experience healing by sharing your deep inner truth.
Remember why you are here
Participate in a Native American ceremony
Laugh, sing, cry and celebrate
You are encouraged to bring your fear to the weekend - it is welcome here. You will feel the depth and power of real connection between men. Join us and reclaim the natural power and pride, the deep sense of self worth and majesty that is your birthright. South Bay, Campbell R&B $475 or 925-518-3379 (5/22-24/15)
Jump Up and Live Again: Songs for the flowering-mountain-jade-water-heart, Martin Prechtel. W&M Bend, OR. (5/20-21/00) Mare Shey 541.317.1598 or
Keeping the Love You Find: A Relationship Class for Gay, Lesbian and Straight Singles, Royal Oak with Joe Kort. Every Tuesday 8-10 pm, October 2-November 13, 2007 in Royal Oak, MI This 6 week workshop is appropriate for singles not currently in a relationship, who are tired of making the same mistakes over and over again and want to learn the secret to finding and keeping lasting love. This workshop is all about transforming the self. Often we are tempted to think the problem is "finding the right person. But this workshop is all about "becoming the right person. This workshop is also an ideal follow-up workshop for those who have taken the couples workshop. Couples have gone through this workshop together after the couples workshop. It is a great opportunity to reflect on one's self within the relationship. W&M. Royal Oak, MI ($650/couple) Register at or 248.399.7317 or E-Mail. (10/2-11/6/07)
The Royal Path, Kings & Queens Workshop, PREREQUISITE: Radiant Woman or Noble Man Workshop plus previous staffing of at least one opposite gender workshop. You are ready for the next step.
Our Kings and Queens workshop will help you step into the emotional maturity and personal freedom that youre ready for by moving you from healing to total transformation. Royal Path will help you see more clearly what youve been missing; it will help you see yourself, so that you can live, love, and serve from a place of connection with your true power and potential.
Building on the foundations of previous COR workshops, Kings and Queens is a three-and-a-half day workshop held in California. During Kings and Queens, men and women come together as equals to support and hold space for one another, learning to relax the egos hold, let go of your fears, and be transformed by the truth of who you really are.
At Kings and Queens, you will:
Accept What Is: You cannot change the past and you cannot control the future. Stop fighting your life, and say YES to it insteadallowing yourself to live fully in every present moment.
Forgive The Past: You have started this healing process; now, see it through to completion, truly letting go of and feeling freedom from any lingering pain.
Transform Your Wound: You can move beyond just healing your wound by transforming it into your greatest gift, letting go of its negative affects on you and stepping into the personal power with which it provides you.
. . . all in proximity to and equal partnership with the opposite sex, helping you understand how men and woman can live as true equals while bringing out the best in each other.
You will step into your power and your full potential in a safe space held by a team of people who have done the work, too. This is the next step in your journey toward true fulfillment and service.
Are you ready for that next step? $1,497.00. See or or 415.226.6460, San Luis Obispo, CA, (10/11-14/18)
Kripalu Singles Weekend, Kate Feldman. Kripalu is known for being a place where people can relax and be themselves while meeting others with similar interests in hearlthy living, spiritual awareness, and self-discovery. If you're tired of the dating scene and just want to meet like-minded people without romantic or sexual pressures, you'll be delighted by this program. You'll have opportunities to: Learn partner yoga stretches and postures. Practice the conscious dialogue process, a way of relating that deepens friendships, resolves conflict, and initiates intimate sharing. Understand what makes releationships work. W&M Kripalu Retreat Center, Lenox, MA. (6/9-11/00) 800.741.7353 or
Labor Day weekend residential retreat, Daivid Deida, Breitenbush Hot Springs Spa and Resort, OR:, (9/1-4/00). or
Leadership Training Program, Jeffrey Duvall, Tom Daly, Keith Fairmont. The training is designed for men of all ages and walks of life, and is particularly useful for men going through transitions and those who work with others. During this week-long wilderness encampment we will first look deeply into our own stories, then work with a theoretical and experiential model from which to work with other men, and finally integrate many powerful tools for personal and community development. Near Boulder, CO. Keith Fairmont 303.444.9066 or Jeffrey Duvall, 303.258.0670 $995-$2100 sliding scale (7/13-20/01)
Leaping Upon the Mountains: A men's abuse recovery weekend, Mike Lew, M.Ed. and Thom Harrigan, L.I.C.S.W. The weekend is for non-offending adult male survivors of sexual child abuse, rape, physical violence, emotional abuse, abandonment and/or neglect. It will provide a variety of healing activites. If there are sufficient numbers, there will be a special track for survivors of clergy abuse.Kirkridge Retreat and Study Center, Pennsylvania.. 7 pm Friday dinner - Sunday lunch. $380. For further information and registration materials, contact Kirkridge or Janet Lewis, Registrar, 610.588.1793 or or (5/9-11/03; 8/15-17/08)
Letting Go, Scot Fisher. This intensive two day worksop for survivors in the advanced states of healing combines intuitive therapy experiences like guided imagery, music/breathwork, and intuitive artwork with traditional group therapy to integrate those experiences into the participants' personal healing/growth processes. The workshop experience often works as a catalyst in bringing up unfinished issues and past traumas while allowing participants to move through those stuck places in a safe environment. In addition, expanded spiritual awareness sometimes emerges. Potential participants will be asked to engage in an intake process before enrolling in the workshop. W&M Survivors Healing Center, Santa Cruz, CA. 831.423.7601 or (5/6-7/00)
The Light Inside Dark Times: an evening with author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade. Eugene, OR - 1st Christian Church ~ 1166 Oak St. 7p (10.22.09) Portland, OR - 1st Unitarian Church ~ 1011 SW 12th Ave, 7p (10/23/09) Port Townsend, WA Quimper Unitarian Church ~ 2333 San Juan Ave 11/6/09 7pm (11/6/09) Salt Lake City, UT - University of Utah - Union Bldg, Saltair Rm 200 S Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 7-9pm (10/7/09); Santa Cruz, CA Pacific Cultural Center ~ 1307 Seabright Ave 7pm (11/13/09)
Live Your Wild & Precious Life! Daniel Ellenberg/Susanne West. We are limited by the stories we tell ourselves about our lives. This weekend forum will challenge limiting beliefs. Embrace the richness and freedom of your deepest nature. Seminar includes writing, meditation, group sharing, guided imagery, and a program to help you stay connected to your inner knowing & direction. $625 Novato, CA 415.883.5600 or or (5/6-8/05)
Living Your Deepest Purpose, Eli Buren. Drawing on The Way of the Superior Man, we will create a space of creative challenge, honest feedback and deep inquiry. Through individual considerations, group processes and partner work, we will explore what it means to live and give fully as a man in these times., Kripalu Retreat Center, Stockbridge, MA., 800.741.7353 (5/29-31/09)
Love and Awakening: A Meditative Retreat for Individuals & Couples, John and Jennifer Welwood. This 5-day retreat is open to those who take the introductory weekend workshop, Love & Awakening: Intimate Relationship As Soulwork, August 18-20, or who have taken a relationship workshop with the Welwoods in previous years. Genuine intimacy is an evolutionary capacity that develops out of our groundedness in our own essential being, which then allows us to connect with another person being-to-being. Since the conditioned personality is intrinsically defensive and reactive, it is incapable of real intimacy. Thus the capacity for intimacy requires a crucial shift from personality toward our essential nature. The focus of John and Jennifer Welwoods' approach is on facilitating this shiftwhich allows people to be fully and richly present with themselves, as the basis for being fully present with each other. This workshop provides an opportunity for those who have taken the Welwoods' introductory workshop to go deeper with their approach, and to further develop the resources needed for sustaining a conscious relationship. It is a time to slow down and explore the nature of authentic presence, which becomes available when we open to our own being or to the being of another. We practice and discuss mindfulness meditation as a way of expanding our ability to remain present with ourselves and an intimate partner, even in the midst of difficulties. And we practice ways of listening and communicating that cultivate the capacity for deeper presence. The format includes talks, discussions, meditation practice, experiential exercises, and poetry. Previous meditation experience is not necessaryjust a willingness to engage in this practice.W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck,NY. (8/21-25/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Loving the Questions, Sam Keen. Human life is a quest; searching, longing, and questioning are in our restless genes. Who we are and what we become is largely determined by the questions that animate us, as well as those we refuse to ask, rather than by what answers we find. Our willingness to feel our restless longings and to question life determines whether we superficially accept the status quo by focusing on pragmatic questions about means, or whether we seek to create a profound life rich with meaning by focusing on the questions that have been at the heart of all mythic wisdom traditions throughout time. In this workshop with Sam Keen, a renowned teacher and author, we refocus on being open to the mystery of life and the endless possibilities that the unknown offers. We explore questions that shrink us (What will the neighbors think?); stretch us (What do I desire?); render our lives meaningless (How can I win?) or gracious (How can I love more?). As we play with our wonder and doubt, we begin to substitute an obsessive demand for correct answers and secure systems with a creative way of living and loving the questions. We begin to create a life that is an exploration of possibility rather than a solution to a string of problems. Bring your tired answers and stale solutions, burning questions, existential dilemmas, love-riddles, and quandaries of heart and spirit. Together, we will think, feel, and invent together. Who knows what solutionsor new questionswe may discover. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (7/21-23/00) 800.944.1001 or
Making Changes: The journey to new possibilities, Sidney Simon. Changes waiting in the wings of the drama of our lives cry out for our attention. There are obvious ones we hear with our resistant ears: the change towards an exercise program, making peace with our past, or improving our relationships with others. This workshop will focus on identifying changes we want to make and give us the skills to get unstuck. Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, or 610.588.8510
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Man to Man, Charlie Bloom. or 707.939.1139 Lakeport, CA (7/27-29/02), Las Cruces, NM (10/25-27/02).
The Many Aspects of Loss: A Free Fathers Day Webinar. Neil Chethik. Fathers Day can be a difficult holiday for sons and daughters whose fathers have died. Drs. Heidi Horsley and Gloria Horsley are co-founders of the Open to Hope Foundation, and have invited me to appear on their webinar. The webinar is live on Monday, June 13. For more information, and to register for this webinar, go to (6/13/11)
Massage Intensive, Laurie Lioness Parizek & Tom Case. Esalen massage is a nurturing practice that often feels as wonderful to give as to receive. This workshop will utilize a hands-on approach and demonstrations that combine a balance of long strokes and integrative techniques with detailed attention to specific areas of the body. Fundamental elements of body work, breath awareness, grounding, quality of touch, and stress reduction, will be presented. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (6/2-4/00)
Massage Weekend plus hiking, hot tubbing, social hours, hugging and stroking, and much more! A gentle experience under the stars in the Mojave Desert. Relax with a group of gay and bi men, touching, massaging, and loosening up sore muscles. Shuttles from West Hollywood, Pomona and San Bernardino, CA available. (4/14-16/00) (6/23-25/00) or
A Matter of Life and Death, Ed Fell, Rich Rosi, Snake Bloomstrand.
We neednt approach this mysterious transition of a lifetime fearful, tentative or unaware. Honestly examining our emotions and beliefs regarding death and dying can liberate and awaken a profound sense of significance. Current day denial of mortality threatens to obscure ancient wisdom. Burying our dead, or caring for the dying, is the greatest act of service we can perform for those we love. Approaching our own death with conscious intention may be the greatest gift we can over to ourselves.
An honest conversation pays big dividends. This experiential workshop offers a chance to face mortality head on, revealing critical insight regarding life, love and service to those we love. Caring for the seriously ill requires courage, and awareness. We learn of love in stages. Adolescence, young adulthood, raising children and finally seeing those we love to the end of life. For men and women of all ages. There are no prerequisites. W&M Registration and Logistics online: Participants are responsible for their own meals and lodging. $350 (12/7-9/12)
Medicine Creek Spirit Camp, Jeffrey Duval. For thousands of, if not tens of thousands of, years Men have gathered to renew and heal themselves. When men gather and create peace within themselves, there is more peace on earth. This Spirit Camp has as it's intent, the creation of a safe place where Men can gather and allow each Man the possibility of accessing the parts of himself that he needs to heal or renew. The process involves ritual, movement, storytelling, myth, poetry, ceremony, laughter, tears, closeness to the earth. This in not a place for a Man to work on, or polish up his persona. There are some Men who have attended previous Spirit Camps; these Men will help and guide Men who are attending for the first time. There is no one up positioning going on; the experienced Men are simply passing on what was at one time passed on to them. First time Men will gently be taught the definitions and processes that are the essence of a Spirit Camp. A great site in SW Nebraska near Wellfleet, NE. (5/19-21/00) Arden Kruse, 308.239.4430 or or
Men and Their Struggle with Intimacy, John Lee. Men and their held in, repressed, bottled up or explosive Anger can have very negative consequences if not expressed on a regular basis. Unexpressed anger turns into rage and chronic emotional tension which robs us of valuable energy, vitality, and health, and thus can lead to us not only hurting ourselves, but also those we love or work with. This is a safe, supportive, non-shaming setting to do anger work and grief work (they go hand-in-hand), whether it is dealing with loss, death, divorce, disease or childhood trauma. Grieving is a key to healing. 256-635-6304 (7/24-26/09, 10/2-4/09)
Men: Caring, Closeness and Commitment, Charlie Krener. This workshiop is for men - all kinds of men to reach in and reach out, to take ourselves and one another on in our strengths, hopes and struggles, in our courage and yearning, in our secret and not-so-secret insecurities and fears. We are born whole, alive, connected, loving, worthy, intelligent, creative and open. We are raised and socialized, isolated, made to be distant, dominant, invulnerable, distrusting, pre-occupied with sex; yet scared of intimacy, hard, angry, violent: empty inside in the name of our "manhood",-- in fact, all the negative male sterotypes create a lifelong conflict which we have little or no help in resolving. Reach out to your friends, colleagues, partners, brothers, fathers, sons (teens and older) to share this opportunity. Saratoga Springs, Upper Lake, CA 800.655.7153 or or (9/7-10/00)
Men, Relationship, and Healing: Three Tools for More Love and Joy. George Taylor Online. In this free online class, I will share three main tools which help men become better partners: more able to feel and express love. This class is for men and women, as it will help all of us understand how man are conditioned to be men: productive, protective and contained. This understanding leads to empathy and new, open communications, between men and their partners. Click for a short 4:12 video that describes the class. Get more information. Register Now!
Men's Council Project Leadership Training, Tom Daly, Jeffrey Duvall, Keith Fairmont. An in-depth and comprehensive Training for connecting with the natural world and a man's own indigenous,soulful intelligence.Includes:an opportunity to honor all our many aspects. Provides: an experiential framework for guiding ourselves and other men/boys through transitions. Integrates: powerful tools for personal and community development. Especially.useful for all helping professionals. Near Estes Park, CO. (7/7-14/00) Contact Keith Fairmont, 303.444.9066 or (7/12-19/02)
Menshare.Mark Stevens and Matt Englar-Carlson. Men have many stories that go untold. Shame, fear of humiliation, and a type of masculine pride often inhibit men from sharing meaningful and rich information about their inner lives. Yet these stories and experiences from boyhood across the lifespan often create crucial models and frames in which men learn about who they are or who they would like to become. The unexplored and untold stories of men's lives often surfaces in their relationships with others. This experiential workshop will offer a structured and safe environment men to share their core stories that have shaped who they are as men. The workshop will give space for the participants' stories to come to life through role play, journaling, creative expression, and sharing. Mark Stevens is the director of university counseling services at California State University, Northridge. Matt Englar-Carlson is an associate professor of counseling at California State University, Fullerton. Mark and Matt are Co-editors the book of In the Room with Men: A Casebook of Therapeutic Change. Esalen Institute, CA. 831-667-3005 or or (12/1-3/06)
Men's Healing Love Qigong, Charlie Stuart. A sacred cirlcle of men to learn Daoiest sexual practices and support each other in opeing our hearts to healing wisdom and increasing our capacity for love. Baldwinville, (4/8/00 9a-9p) 978.939.8544
Men's Health in South London. Campaigning Conference to develop a South London policy on Men's Health. Opened by Simon Hughes MP. Speakers include: Dr Deirdre Cunningham and Dr Alan Maryon Davies - Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham . Health Authority, Folayan Osekita and Trevor Precious, Southwark CHC, Dr Ayonrinde, Maudsley Hospital, Joseph Healey, Positive Place, Colin Penning, Men's Health Forum, Roben's Suite, Guy's Hospital, St Thomas' Street, SE1. Free. nr London Bridge Station and Buses 21, 35, 40,47,48, 133, 149, 343, 381. Malcolm Alexander, Southwark Community Health Council, 75 Denmark Hill, London SE5 8RS. Tel: 0207 703 9498 Fax: 0207 277 1805 or or (9/21/01, 10a-4p)
Men's Initiation Weekend, Vartman (a trained facilitator in David Deida's men's work) will prepare men to participate in a deep and committed men's group. Participants will be led through exercises that will help clarify mission and purpose and teach men how to use each other as potent help in staying on track in their lives, intimacies, and growth. Men's groups will be formed, and the initiation will introduce a committed 12-week course of study for men who wish to incorporate David Deida's work in their daily lives. The fee for the 1-day initiation is $200 per man. There is an additional fee for the [optional] 12-week men's group curriculum which will be discussed at the initiation. San Francisco 96/9/01), Register on-line at: or 888.466.3404. (San Francisco 6/9/01) Seattle (6/10/01) (Austin 6/23/01)
Men's Quest, Gary Plep. A four day Vision Quest experience. California. See or 408.379.4212 (5/18-21/01)
Men's Wisdom Council, John Dore, Sparrow Hart. Blamed as a class for all that's gone wrong in history, men find little to affirm in themselves as they approach the real tasks of living a good life and making this world a better place. Reacting to the image of man as aggressive and violent, many men become passive and lose touch with their feelings, their values, and their needs. This is an oasis in the desert where the water of tears and the rumble of laughter create communion and community. Many discover a distinctively masculine spirituality that includes the body, the feelings, and the mind. For many this is the first opportunity to tell the truth, without pressure to have the "proper" feelings or express them in an "acceptable" or "liberated" way. We encourage men to be authentic. We include playfulness, passion and poetry; love, laughter and the land; shedding shame and releasing repressed rage. We include intimacy, integrity, grief, gratitude and amazing grace. We connect with ourselves and each other through ritual, emotional expression, and the evocative exercise of breathwork. New men are always welcome. You can sign up on-line at Rowe Conference Center, Rowe, MA 413.339.4954 or (Jun 18-23; 6/12-20/12)
Men Who Batter & Community Commitment to End Domestic Violence, National Training Institute. Emphasis is on domestic violence as a crime and social issue. Significance of comprehensive community coordination. Rationale and place for court mandated classes for men who batter. W&M Stoney Point Conference Center, Stony Point, NY. (5/10-12/00) 914.634.5729 X 306
Mini Workshop on Relationships, John Lee. W&M. North Vancouver, BC. (6/16/00) 604.985.4111
Miracle Millennium Mating Magic, Sheryl Mishan, Rev Tony Ponticello & Jim Spillane. This playful, profound, practical, experiential weekend will enable you to achieve rewarding romantic results. You'll learn to initiate satisfying, harmonious, trusting, forgiving, lasting relationships without effort. Develop radiant self love. Explore flirting, compatibility and authenticity. Come giggle your way to growth! Enjoy massage instruction, hiking, yoga, New Games, Saturday night dance party, etc. Emphasis: warm camaraderie and fun. W&M Harbin Hot Springs, Middletown, CA. (5/26-28/00) 707.745.2444
Mothers of Sons, Emmy Rainwalker. (Women only. Get your mothers or mothers of your sons to do this work.) We mothers love our sons and care passionately about them, but boys need to be themselves, need to find their own center in the world. They're different from girls, and they live in a world that mothers often do not understand, yet that understanding is vitally important to them. You know you love your son but you feel baffled. Most of us wonder about aggression or the lack of it in our sons. How do our own feelings about men, often outside our conscious awareness, affect our sons? We try to understand and stay close to them while dealing with competing demands on our time and skills. We're often confused by the male roles our sons are forced into, many of which we don't like, and we're not sure if we're actually teaching them these roles. If we teach them more "feminine" roles, we worry about their safety in a world that sometimes looks brutal to us as females. We grapple with play that looks like violence, but if we take their guns away, they make them out of sticks, soap, leggos...All mothers of sons struggle with these dilemmas. This is a retreat where mothers can gather to share stories, to learn from each other, and to address the complexities, paradoxes, joys, and struggles of mothering sons. Using large and small groups, talks, discussions, visualizations, and techniques for releasing tension, we'll hear joys, hopes, sorrows, confusions, regrets and goals. We'll take time to appreciate how well we've done despite the difficulties and revel in how good our sons really are. Explore how to develop a support group for yourself, how to communicate more effectively with the males in your life, and how to take leadership in your family. Take a closer look at the roles assigned to males and females and the possibilities of changing the behavior patterns we inherit from the culture. This workshop will broaden your repertoire to skills and deepen your communication and collaboration with your sons, regardless of their ages. The atmosphere will be unpretentious, challenging, and exceptionally supportive. Wear your play clothes. Rowe Conference Center, Rowe, 413.339.4954 or
Mothers Shadow. Char Tosi. Are you still under her spell? Have you ever felt there is something left unfinished between you and your mother? Do you want to learn how this powerful energy of 'mother' can be harnessed in a good way? Do you want to step into the fullness of your Inner King? A One Day Workshop can be offered for local groups or contact Char Tosi at 810.750.7227 or for a workshop near you. 8:45a-7p, $150 (5/05, Kansas City 1/7/07, Rochester 2/3/07, Grand Rapids 2/18/07, Milwaukee 5/12/07; Houston 11/23/08; Memphis 2/19/11; Rochester 12/3/11; Toronto 3/26/11.)
The Mythic Life: Accepting fate, finding a destiny intensive workshop with Michael Meade. (Port Townsend, WA 11/7/09. 9:30-5:30 Quimper Unitarian Church ~ 2333 San Juan Ave), (Santa Cruz, CA 11/14/09 9:30-5:30, Pacific Cultural Center ~ 1307 Seabright Ave)
Navigating the Health System. An informal discussion about how best to understand and access a variety of health services in Toronto. We are anticipating having contributors from the following organizations: The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. The Toronto Health Coalition. The Queen West Community Health Centre. Toronto Public Health. Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care. More information? 410.9670. Sponsor: The Toronto Men's Health Network. At the Queen West Community Health Centre, 168 Bathurst Street (just south of Queen). (10/17/00 6-8p)
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New Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA) (18+) and New Warrior Training Adventure Young Warriors Gateway (YWTA) (18-35): Define your Mission as a Man. The "New Warrior" knows who he is, what he wants and where he is going. He has integrity. He holds himself accountable for his own actions. Our intention is twofold: To enable men to live lives of integrity, accountability, and connection to feeling And, to be of service to the community at large, both as individual men with a renewed sense of passion and personal responsibility, and as communities of men working together to build sustainable relationships There are 38 centers in 8 countries: the U.S. with 29, Canada with 3 and one each in the UK, Germandy, France, Australia, New Zealand plus a growing community in Norway and Ireland. There are 107 trainings scheduled for 2012. Trainings will be held in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa and the U.S.: Arizona, Central Plains, Central TX, CHI, CO, FL, GA, Greater Carolinas, DC, HA, HOU, IN, UT, KS, KY, LAX, MN, Nashville, Memphis, New England, NJ, NM, ORL, NYC, North TX, NorCal, OR, PA, SDO, Santa Barbara, MO, Upstate NY and WI. 800.373.2642 or (See also the Rainbow Warrior Gathering for gay and bi men and a Hard of Hearing New Warrior Training Adventure.) See New York Times Cover Story on the STYLE Section on Decemer, 8, 2018) See it here.
New Warrior Training Adventure (RAW) This is the regular NWTA above with the exception that everything is outside for staff and initiates. You bring your own shelter, camping gear, and food. $195 Intermountain - Evanston, WY (5/19-21/17); Sun Valley, ID (YWTA 6/23-25/17, 8/25-27/17); Uinta Youth Camp, Robertson, WY (5/15-17/20)
New Warrior Training Adventure for GBTQ Men, Purpose, Passion, Power, Connection to Self, Joy.The New Warrior Training Adventure weekend is a real time heros journey, and the challenge of a lifetime. This is not a retreat, a conference, or a workshop. We invite men to join us for a safe, cutting edge sex, alcohol, and drug free life-changing experience, 48 hours to look at your life as a man among men without distractions. Though all NWTA weekends are open to all men, some men choose our GBTQ-focused NWTAs. The staff on this special weekend is comprised largely of GBTQ men. WHAT YOU WILL GET: Youll get more than youre willing to hope for: purpose, passion, vibrancy, joy, healing, connection to self, new energy, clarity, power, freedom, understanding, brotherhood, trust. Nearly 52,000 men have now taken this journey, and every mans experience has been unique. New Warriors and the Mankind Project organization are also very intent on being increasingly inclusive and culturally diverse. Talk to a GBTQ men COD Ranch near Tucson. For more information, contact Greg Lauderback (9/18-21/08) New Jersey GBTQ; Norcal or or 530-574-0645$650 (10/16-18/15)
New Warrior Training Adventure for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Silent Warrior). We are holding the second NTWA weekend, with emphasis for men who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Interpreters and Teachers of the Deaf, those having deaf family members and/or men who may know some ASL. This NWTA is, of course, open to ALL men. Want to be a part of this historical opportunity? Register NOW and receive the gift! Financial assistance is also available. The training is held at Land of My Grandfathers, north of Houston, Texas. Contact Person: Richard Torres, 713-629-1460 or Registration per man for the NWTA is $750 (See other New Warrior Training Adventures on our website at or trainings at other centers as New Warrior Training Adventures.)
New Warrior Training Adventure - Urban Men This weekend is for men that fall into at least one, if not two of the following demographics:
Why are we doing Urban Gateway Weekends, Because the mankind project has been primarily made up of white middle classed men and if we truly want to be inclusive and be available to all areas of our community we need to address the men in the inner city and those of low income means. This training is run using staff that is made up of around 75% men for the intended initiate categories. This weekend is designed to allow men to take a deep look at their past and see what has worked and what hasn't and provide them with some tools to change their lives if they chose to do so. By doing the weekend in an Urban location we are showing the men that we are willing to come to their home and offer this rather than expecting the opposite. Raising funds for this weekend to occur all ensures that we are indeed available to all men, no matter the cost. The weekend has the real possibility of changing or saving men from the path they no longer want to follow and provides them with a future support system of men to truly change their lives if they wish to.
We are offering this weekend for a very special tuition rate of $50 for men with extreme financial need; $590 for other men (tuition covers room and board). You can register at or contact Randall at For more information on the New Warrior Training Adventure, see Norcal: (5/20-22/16)
New Warrior Training Adventure Barrier Free Training designed to include both staff and participants with varying physical abilities and limitations. Experience a breakthrough weekend of connection, understanding, and empowerment with powerful staff from across the country. This is a Gateway training for men with physical disabilities. We are creating a training for men to examine barriers, real or imagined, while discovering their gifts, value, and abilities in a safe, compassionate space.
The Mankind Project is a global nonprofit organization inclusive of men of all backgrounds, orientations, ages, faiths, no faiths, and now, varying abilities and challenges.
The NWTA is a modern male initiation and self-examination. The ManKind Project believes that this is crucial to the development of a healthy and mature male self, no matter how old a man is. MKP asks men to stop living vicariously through movies, TV, addictions and distractions and step up into their own adventure in real time, surrounded by other men.
Sleeping Dog Ranch, Pescott AZ danschou@q-com, call 307-690-8498, register $595 (11/30-12/2/18)
Noble Man Workshop is a three-and-a-half day workshop for men staffed and facilitated primarily by experienced women, who will serve as your gateway to growth and transformation.
They hold a remarkably loving, safe, and powerful space for each and every participant to do the deep work that has them feeling stuck.
Every workshop is smallno more than 27 participantsand each participant is given the individual experience they need from the COR team. The facilitators provide small-group and one-on-one coaching and support throughout the weekend, in addition to CORs signature processes and rites-of-passage, making sure that no man leaves without experiencing the breakthrough with women, or in life in general, that he desires.
You Will:
$1,997. Register at or or 415.226.6460 San Luis Obispo, CA, (3/8-11/18; 9/27-30/18, 4/11-14/19, 9/26-29/19) Sebastian, FL (11/1-4/18, 11/7-10/19)
No Future Without Forgiveness: A Retreat
on Love & Compassion, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev. Iyanla
Vanzant. Omega is proud to present this three-day retreat with two of
the world's leading voices for forgiveness and reconciliation. Being
in the presence of these two living examples of spiritual courage
will inspire us to take up their call for forgivenessstarting
first with the hard work of self-forgiveness. With a clarity of pitch
born out of decades of experience, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Rev.
Iyanla Vanzant show us how to move forward in our personal
relationships with honesty and compassion in order to build happier
lives and a more humane world. "Forgiveness," says Vanzant, "is the
only way out of the confusion we often experience in our lives and in
the world. This workshop is designed to take us to the core of
forgivenesswhat it is, what it does, why it works and how we
can each use it to create peace, fulfillment, and joy in our worlds."
During the weekend we engage in group sharing, meditation, prayer,
and compassionate dialogue, and listen to stories from Tutu and
Vanzant's own journeys, including Tutu's extraordinary stories of his
tenure as chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South
Africa. Together we explore: Vanzant's powerful methods of "soul
surgery,"which allow us to dismantle unforgiving habits; How to keep
the heart open when things get tough in family and work
relationships; How the act of truth-telling has a cathartic, healing
effect; and How Americans can work to heal the wounds of inequity in
this country. Omega is currently working with several local high
schools, grant organizations, and private donors to bring high school
students, teachers, and administrators to this retreat. W&M
Rhinebeck. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (5/26-29/00) 800.944.1001 or
Opening of the XXVII Olympics, in Sydney, ASL
Omega Kindred Spirits: A Weekend for Single People, Greg Zelonka and Alison Granucci. This is a weekend to fall in love... with yourself. Come join a community of single men and women to explore relationship in its many dimensions. The foundation of our weekend together is the message that by developing the deepest possible connection with yourself, connections with others follow. In a safe and supportive environment, we discuss juicy topics (lust, sex and the single person, passion, increasing our sensual pleasure); difficult topics (our fears, our old wounds and limiting beliefs, our behaviors that sabotage exactly what it is we say we want, disappointment); and inspiring topics (reinventing love and other matters of the heart, and how to manifest what we most deeply desire). Through frank discussions, meditation, movement, writing, and musical journeys, we explore issues of intimacy and how we relateor don't relateto the opposite sex. We also examine how being single affects our self-image. This is a workshop about feeling alive and inspired about our primary relationship with ourself in a society that often frowns on being single. Come prepared to see and be seen; to ask and answer hard questions with honesty and sensitivity; to delight in new revelations; and to discover a new passion for loving yourself and others. W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY (6/16-18/00 or 10/13-15/00) 800.944.1001 or or
One Like Jesus: Conversations on the Single Life, Debra Farrington. It is sometimes difficult being single in a world that, like Noah and his ark, would prefer that we show up two-by-two. Still, almost 50% of the adult population of the U.S. is single, and each of us will be single at some point. Learning to enjoy the single life is vital for all of us, even if we hope to be married or partnered someday. Can we be a good life partner to someone if we are not good companions to ourselvs and if we do not believe that God loves us as the single people we are. Still, neither adult developmental models nor the church are very helpful in showing us the way to be fulfilled single adults. Come spend the weekend with other singles of all ages and lifestyles as we share our stories - the happy ones and the sad ones - of the singles journey. We will focus on the biblical role model for becoming single and whole, from wandering the "desert" of our singleness to discovering and celebrating the great joys of single life. Join us in discovering how we can all be "one like Jesus". W&M, Kirkridge Retreat Center,, Bangor, PA. (8/4-6/00) 610.588.1793
Opening the Heart Workshop, Linda Aranda, Jon Berenson, Donna Macomber, and Peter Watson. This is a safely structured, supportive, and transformative intensive for people wishing to access feelings, work through blocked emotions, disentangle from the past, heal trauma, reconnect with core truths, and live more fully from the heart. It's an active, experiential, and celebratory retreat filled with the opportunity to practice authenticity, let go of the non-essential elements in our lives, and uncover a deep, loving acceptance of ourselves. In large and small groups and in pairs, we draw on a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches (gestalt, bioenergetics, focusing, psychodrama, and regression) coupled with witnessing, meditation, and celebration derived from diverse spiritual traditions. Dance, movement, song, and music play major roles in creating a uniquely effective healing experience. An integral part of the workshop features techniques that we can practice at home. W&M Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (6/16-18/00) 800.944.1001 or
Opening to Love: The Healing Relationship, Howard Schechter & Barbara Lee. "The quality of our relationships in large part determines the level of satisfaction we have in our lives," say Howard and Barbara. "The joy of intimate relationships, the character of our friendships, the quality of our associations in the workplace, even the nature of our casual connections have a tremendous impact on our happiness. Our focus will be opening to love by developing a healing relationship with ourselves and those around us. "The purpose of the healing relationship is emotional and spiritual expansion for ourselves and those we touch. The heart of this workshop is transforming intimate relationships as well as other forms of human connection into healing, couple work, practical exercises, and inner exploration, we will learn the key characteristics of the healing relationship and practice its use. With this experience and knowledge, relationships grow richer, deeper, and more joyful. "Guiding our interaction in this way, we become a force for healing and love wherever we are. Others feel better in our presence; they feel they can drop their masks and share themselves more easily. We find less aggression in our lives as people realize that their habitual self-protective behaviors are unnecessary in our presence." The workshop is for couples, singles, people in the healing arts, and anyone interested in learning how to transform relationship into a growth-centered, joyful practice. CE credit for MFTs and LCSWs; CEUs available for nurses, MFTs and LCSWs. At the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. or 831.667.3000 for more information or 831.667.3005 to register. $480+ depending on accomodations. (2/13-18/05)
Our Mothers' Sons. For all men who feel their lives have been impacted by their mother-son relationship. It is for men who struggle with their ability to be loving (able to be intimate), wise (able to live discerned values and engage in life as a search for meaning) and powerful (able to live in personal empowerment). We will use gestalt, psychodrama, guided imagery, information, chalk talks and group discussion to help participants understand and create much of the early holding pattern with their mother. To this we will add archetypal psychology, Holotropic Breathwork, emotional release and mythology from the Hero's Journey. Sisters, OR, $850 or (6/20-24/01)
Paths of Initiation: Weaving the Creative Soul with Community with Michael Meade. A retreat for women and men. Each soul has a path it desires to follow and an inner story that tries to unfold from within. In learning to express the mythic pattern within, a person more meaningfully contributes to the renewal of community as well as a restoration of nature. The word "initiation" suggests taking new steps, but it also means a thorough transformation through which we become our "intended personality." Of course, there is always some price to pay, some pain to suffer, some fear to face; even the soul has "growing pains."
Paths of initiation require that we shed the skins imposed upon us and those we choose to hide within. Each shedding removes something false or dead and helps to reveal the deep self and renew the vitality of our lives. Initiation means the continuous breaking open of areas of the soul; it involves healing old wounds as well as revealing the unique project of the self. The troubles of the world offer continuous opportunities for initiation; the difficulty is "the problem of tuning in" to the paths oursouls would have us take.
A healthy community requires awakened individuals who have moved
through their own paths of healing and self-revelation. Each
individual, in turn, needs the blessing of community. This retreat
will focus on the work of building community with soul by using
creative mentoring, the roots of ritual, the paths of imagination and
"living myth." Together we will tune in to the exact speech of the
soul and some of the creative arts and practices that bring us into
conversation with the deep self. Pilgrim Firs Camp, Port Orchard, WA
W&M $495
or or
206-935-3665 (9/12-15/13)
A Path With Heart, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Can I live fully? Do I love well? These are two of the greatest spiritual questions we can ask. This weekend we draw on Eastern and Western psychology to awaken our vision and open our hearts. We look at how we have loved and not loved, how our hearts have been wounded, and the ways to nourish an open and joyful being in the midst of our daily life. We combine Buddhist insight and heart-center meditations (loving-kindness and compassion practices), storytelling, and dialogue, to integrate this work into our ongoing spiritual practices. Jack Kornfield returns to Omega to guide us on our journey. This retreat is a rare East Coast opportunity to study with one of America's foremost Buddhist meditation masters. Kornfield is joined by fellow meditation teacher, Tara Brach. Together they help us chart a path with heart, one that transforms and touches us in the center of our own being. During our time together this weekend we reflect on what we most deeply value, and consider where we put our time, our strength, our creativity, and our love. Jack Kornfield was trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, Burma, and India. He is a clinical psychologist and founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Center in California. He has taught meditation retreats worldwide for more than 20 years, is a husband and father, and is author of Living Buddhist Masters, A Still Forest Pool, Seeking the Heart of Wisdom, Soul Food, and A Path with Heart. His new book, After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path (order from Amazon on the side bar), will be published this year. Tara Brach has practiced and taught meditation for more than 20 years, during which she has explored the interface of Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices through her psychotherapy practice, workshops, meditation classes, and retreats. She is the founder of the Insight Meditation Society of Washington, D.C. W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (8/11-13/00) 800.944.1001 or or
PEER I Training in Emotional Release Work for Public and Professionals, John Lee. W&M Long Island, NY. (6/10-11/00) Call Vijay 888.745.PEER's Platinum Residential Course, Dharam Raja. An intense, 7 days "total immersion" seduction training devised by world experts Adam Lyons and Richard La Ruina. It transforms students into Master Pick Up Artists who can approach, attract and pull nearly any woman. 4pm Mon - 6pm Sun, 207-460-2793 or eMail: or (London Near Piccadilly Circus, London W1, £4196.40: 1/3-9/11,1/10-16/11, 1/17-23/11, 1/24-30/11, 1/31-2/6/11, 2/7-13/11, 2/14-20/11, 2/21-27/11, 2/28-3/6/11, 3/7-13/11, 3/14-21/11, 3/21-27/11, 3/28-4/3/11, 4/4-10/11, 4/11-17/11, 4/18-24/11, 4/25-5/1/11, 5/2-8/11, 5/9-15/11, 5/16-20/11, 5/23-29/11, 5/30-6/5/11; Austin, TX Adam Lyons, $6,700: Call 01-1442074602793: 1/4-10/11, 1/11-17/11, 1/18-24/11, 1/25-31/11, 2/8-14/11, 2/15-21/11, 2/22-28/11, 3/1-7/11,3/8-14/11, 3/15-21/11, 3/22-28/11, 3/29-4/4/11, 4/5-11/11, 4/12-18/11, 4/19-25/11, 4/26-5/2/11, 5/3-9/11, 5/10-16/11, 5/17-23/11, 5/24-30/11)'s Seduction Boot Camp, Dharam Raja.. Transform forever your love/sex life with personal Pickup coaching by, the school of Richard La Ruina (Gambler), Europes most successful Seduction coach. The life-changing and effective Boot Camp will skyrocket your confidence and transform forever your emotional life and relations with women in the course of one weekend. 4pm Sat noon - 6pm Sun, £778.80 no room or board. 207-460-2793 or eMail: or (London Near Piccadilly Circus, London W1, 1/1-2/11, 1/8-9/11, 1/15-16/11, 1/22-23/11, 1/29-30/11, 2/5-6/11, 2/12-13/11, 2/19-20/11, 2/26-27/11, 3/6-7/11, 3/12-13/11, 3/19-20/11, 3/26-27/11, 4/2-3/11, 4/9-10/11, 4/16-17, 4/23-24/11, 4/30-5/1/11, 5/14-15/11, 5/21-22/11, 5/28-29/11),'s PUATraining Bootcamp, Adam Lyons. Transform forever your love/sex life with personal Pickup coaching from Adam Lyons, voted America best Seduction Artist. The life-changing and effective PUA Training Boot Camp will skyrocket your confidence and transform forever your emotional life and relations with women in just three days.Transform forever your love/sex life with personal. Location: Friday 5pm - Sunday 6pm, New York City, TBC. $1,300.00 no room & board, Contact Josh Corey, eMail or or 01-1442074602793 (Austin - 3/18-20/11; Chicago - 4/1-3/11; Las Vegas 4/29-5/1/11, Los Angeles - 2/11-13/11, 4/8-10/11; NYC- 1/7-9/11, 2/4-6/11, 5/6-8/11, San Francisco - 1/14-16/11; Seatle 4/8-10/11; Toronto, CAN 1/28-30/11; Vancouvere, CAN 3/25-27/11; Washington, DC - 2/4-6/11)
Play for Dummies: It's Never too Late to Have a Happy Childhood, Joe Killian. A famous artist once asked a room full of children, "Who knows how to draw?" All of the kids raised their hands. When he asked a group of adults the same question, few raised their hands. What's going on here? How come we know less now than we did then? And how do we recapture the adventurous, playful, and spontaneous spirit that made childhood so full of wonder and creativity? These are the questions we ask during our week with Joe Killian, Omega's favorite play-philosopher. During our week together, we reverse the aging process by recapturing what we knew how to do best as kids: play. We learn and re-learn all sorts of gamesNew Games and old standards; how to juggle, trip, and fall with grace; 101 variations of emotionally-safe dodge ball; and how to look sexy while being totally out of control on a water slide. We also engage in deep discussions, weird explorations, and immature raids on the Kids' Camps. We engage in such silliness to bypass the complicated, neurotic traps we have set for ourselves; the traps that keep us from experiencing the simple and profound joy of everyday life. Years of education, responsibility, and stress have turned a lot of us into people who seem almost afraid to have a good time, look silly, get dirty, or be outrageous. This is your chance to do something about it. With Killian as our fearless leader, we learn how to trust ourselves and each other and to have fun with a group of adults without special equipment, expensive clothes, or lots of money. A funny and compassionate teacher (who in real life is a music producer, husband, and father), his work teaches us, in a simple (and deceptive) way, about who we are and what we really value.W&M. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY. (8/7-11/00) 800.944.1001 or or
Power, Passion, Purpose & Presence: How to Become an Irresistible Man, Lion Goodman. Two old models of manhood the dominating macho jerk and the spiritual-but-ungrounded nice guy dont work anymore. Women today are seeking men who are grounded and spiritual, integrated and authentic. Women want a true partner for their lives of beauty, creativity and service. This new model of manhood requires us to bring our power, passion, purpose & presence to every area of our lives. It requires being true to ourselves rather than conforming to anyone elses desires for us including women! It means living a life of true integrity. These qualities come from deep and truthful inner exploration in the presence of other men, other explorers. Together, we will dive down into our beliefs about power and our reactions to its various forms and guises. We will explore our passions and our desire for approval and love. You will learn to connect more deeply with yourself, with others, and with Spirit. You will learn to use your life purpose as a beacon toward more deliberate and satisfying work. You will eliminate beliefs that have held you back from full self-expression, and discover the potent role of integrity (or lack thereof) in your life. Inner strength, authenticity and the ability to be present for others, especially for women, leads to more love and passion in your life. This workshop lights that path.
The workshop is designed to awaken the four noble qualities in all men: Power, Passion, Purpose, and Presence. Women are naturally attracted to men who bring these qualities forward from their depths. In this 3-day workshop, you will delve deeply into your own center, discovering more powerful connections to yourself, to other men, and to your own internal compass. Find out more or 415.472.6500 or email (9/14-16/07 San Rafael, CA; 10/5-7/07 Asheville. NC; 10/12-14/07, Lenox, MA)
Rainbow Warrior Gathering is a weekend event for gay and bisexual men who have completed the New Warrior Training Adventure. RWG was developed by gay and bisexual men in The ManKind Project Indiana community. Since its start in 2000, it has grown into a FABULOUS event attended by men from all over. A retreat rather than a training, the Rainbow Warrior Gathering provides opportunities to heal and grow with the support of gay and bisexual men who have similar, yet also diverse, life experiences as well as fun and relaxation with men who share the common bond of having completed the NWTA. In the past, it has provided some men a chance to experience a level of safety they have not found in the outside world. While for others, it has offered ways to stretch beyond old limits, share gifts & talents, and explore different or new levels of authenticity. It is a chance to experience empowering connection and a whole lot of joy and fun! In Bedford, Indiana. Contact: MOP Gary Loy 317.849.7336 or or (6th year, 8/5-7/05)
Real Men, Oscar Pridgett. We perform workshops and seminars for men to assist them in their relationship with their wife or girlfriend. The Real Men Group, 300 E. Round Grove Rd. #2923, Lewisville, TX. 75067 or 972.697.6058 or or
Reclaiming the Inner Voice of the Twin Spirit, Elias Patras and Gary Gruenewald. This experiential weekend will allow for a deepening of understanding of "self" on many levels: Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Mentally. Physically - How do we see ourselves physically? What are the stories that we have heard on how gay men should look ? How do we break any negative "molds" and empower ourselves through love? Emotionally - What areas do we need to connect to and give more positive energy to? How do we dance with our "shadow-self" instead of "sitting in it" for too long? How do we allow ourselves to let go? Spiritually - How do we connect to our higher selves or a higher power? How do we honor the power of our inner voice and reclaim that which was/is lost? Mentally - Where do we need to have clarity in our lives? How do we ignite the fire within? Watervliet, Michigan (Attendees from Chicagoland Area) $375. Contact Elias Patras, 773.656.0114 or or (3pm Nov 9-1pm Nov 11, 2007)
Reconciliation & Communion: Fostering transformational healing between women and men, Diane Haug, Jill Moore, Ann Yeomans, Andre Carothers, Greg Garbarino, Howard Schechter. Gender reconcilitaion is unique, experiential work for women and men who are committed to transforming gender disharmony in our culture and to bringing forth new dimensions of mutuality and authentic intimacy. The ultimate purpose motivating this work is to embrace and trasnform the roots of gender imbalance in ourselves, our relationships and our larger society. This workshop strives to synthesize wisdom from the women's and men's movements, transmute the roots of gender oppression, foster transformational healing between women and men, explore the spiritual and cosmological foundations of gender, and cultivate intimacy beyond sexual and romantic stereotypes. Open to singles, couples, gay, straight, bisexual, trans-gender. $575. Boston 3/29-4/2, 11/1-5, Boulder 10/18-22, New York 9/14-17, San Diego 5/3-5, San Francisco 6/7-11, Santa Fe 12/5-10. Shavano Institute or
Re-imagining the Masculine, An expressive arts workshop for men, Dietmar Brinkmann and John Weiss. As men in the modern world, we are under many forms of pressure about how we should be and act. These arent always in line with our values and desires. This is an introduction to the arts and movement as transformative practices. With drawing, writing and movement improvisation, we will tap into our bodys innate wisdom and access stories that make our life meaningful. In this fun, creative exploration, we can re-examine images of ourselves and move towards more satisfying ways to act in the world. No previous art or movement experience is required. Pre-registration required. Held at the Dance Ground Keriac, San Francisco, CA. $75 415.643.1511 or (5/1-6/5/00-Mondays, 5/21/05)
Relating as a Distinguished Man, Sasha Cobra. The quality of relating you experience with women in casual interactions or a long term relationship is dependent upon the quality of YOU as a man. This 3 day workshop is an exploration of YOU and how the YOU functions in relating. It is deeply revealing, deeply transformative and will give you the tools necessary for you to continue to grow, develop, and begin to peel back the layers of collected conditioning. or or 415 439 9902. Travel Schedule: Baltimore (8/10-16/10), Buenos Aires (10/27-12/7/10), Copenhagen (10/18-26/10), London (9/1-8/10, 9/22-30/10), Los Angeles (8/22-30/10), New York (8/16-21/10); Oslo (9/16-21/10), Rotterdam (9/9-13/10, 10/1-10/10), San Francisco (8/5-10/10). Workshops: London $900 USD (9/24-26/10, Fri. 7pm-10pm, Sat. & Sun. 12pm-8pm)
Relationship Intensive: Dimensions of Intimacy, Carolyn Braddock & Ariel Giarretto. This relationship intensive offers a week of exploratoin, inquiry, and healing, as well as an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. Appropriate for singles, couples, friends, and business partners, the workshop will use humor and play, video, creative cognitive work, bodywork, and Gestalt, the goal will be to develop healthy ways of creating safety, trust, clarity, balance, and aliveness in close relationships. W&M Esalen, Bir Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (8/13-18/00)
Return to Balance: A Gender Reconciliation Workshop Facilitated by Will Keepin Ph.D. and Cynthia Brix of the Satyana Institute, Seattle, WA . The ultimate purpose of Gender Reconciliation is to transform the roots of gender imbalance in ourselves, our relationships, and our larger society. The work invokes the power of mindful, heartfelt truth-telling in community, and the capacity of loving witness to foster deep healing. Gender Reconciliation is a doorwayalchemical in natureto transforming collective awareness through the mystery and grace of Spirit. $200 per person, $350 per couple (partial scholarships available) Congregational Community Church, Tiburon, CA Friday night, all day Saturday, Sunday afternoon. For more information: Jane Calbreath, (3/31-4/2/06)
Rendevous: Men and Mosquitoes at the Millennium in Minnesota, Rich Tosi, Snake Bloomstrand, Joe Laur. In the tradition of the voyageurs and mountain men, brothers from across the land are gathering at the edge of 3 million acres of lakeland wilderness for a time of celebration, swapping stories, sharing skills and discovering new old friends, doing what men do. This event has a fluid structure and will include sweats, saunas, gift blanket, story telling, huge campfire meals, and drumming in the northen wilderness. Enjoy fishing, woodworking, hiking, swimming, canoeing and more. Minnesota 978.544.0001 (6/11-17/00)
Rhythm of Closeness for Men & Women: How to Have True Intimacy Without Losing Yourself, John Lee. W&M. Rowe Conference Center; Rowe, MA. (5/12-14/00); Kalamazoo, MI (6/1/00) 413.339.4954 or or Palm Springs, CA. (30 people) (6/30-7/3/00). 760.327.7324;
The Rhythm of Closeness for Men & Women: How to Have True Intimacy Without Losing Yourself, John Lee. W&M.
Romantic Attractions: The Good and the Bad, Sarah La Saulle. Often our romantic attractions derive from unconscious components that have influenced our choices from our earliest relationships. Who are you attracted to in a romantic relationship? What is it about an individual that draws you in? How have your attractions worked for you in terms of intimacy and your love life? Is what you are looking for part of an old pattern? These are some of the questions that will be explored during this class. The goal of the weekend will be to clarify what you have been attracted to and to identify whether or not that is creative and healthy. The workshop will use group discussion, writing exercises, and guided visualization to study what is behind our attractions - and to open up to create new possibilities for connection and love. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA. (5/19-21/00) 831.667.3000
Samurai Game with George Leonard (President, Esalen & Lance Giroux (President, Allied Ronin). $90 Schedule: Saturday 2:30pm - 10pm, and Sunday 9am-11am. Where - Aikido of Tamalpais, 76 E Blithdale, Mill Valley CA. To enroll call toll free 1.888.485.3461 or fax name, address, phone and Visa or Mastercard number with expiration date to 707.769.8544 or (9/8-9/01)
Second Adventure of Life, an intensive workshop with author and mythologist Michael Meade. Amidst the increasing uncertainties of the world, some try to reduce life to simple survival and blind belief, while others seek to find the Second Adventure of Life, the path of genuine purpose and lived imagination. The first adventure of life requires that we survive basic challenges and establish ourselves in the world. It is the Second Adventure that involves the original project of the soul, with its deeper meanings, and the unique style that each person brings to life. The Second Adventure follows ones true life purpose, but also reveals ones best way of contributing to the life of others as well as the ongoing creation of the world. W&M Portland State University, Portland, Or. Contact Carl Hay, 503.297.3091 or (4/8-9/00); Community Church of Mill Valley ~ 8 Olive St. at Throckmorton, Mill Valley, CA 9:30am to 5:30pm, $95 Register (10/15/11), First Unitarian Universalist Church 1211 SW Main Street, Portland, OR 9:30am to 5:30pm (11/19/11) Quimper Unitarian Church 2333 San Juan Ave, Port Townsend, WA 9:30am to 5:30pm (12/10/11)
The Second Level Weekend, Bill Berry explores the depths of your masculine soul.. You will experience and learn tools you can take back to your I-Group or other group contexts. This workshop is for men who have done the New Warrior Training Adventure (or an equivalent), and is limited to 12 participants. Here is the content of the workshop: 1-An Overview of the Structure of the Self. 2-The "Conference Room" Process. Exploring the "sub-personalities" that make up "you." 3-Listening & Facilitation Skills, using the 4-Step Separation & Discovery Process. 4-Energetics & the Voice Dialogue Process. 5-"My, Myself & I" -- A Powerful "Splits" Process. A psychodrama tool you can use in the future. 6-How to "Trust the Process" When You Feel You Can't Trust the Process. 7-A "Free Form, Body Centered" Individual Depth Process of up to 90 minues for each man. Sierra Madre at the Nature Friends Lodge & Retreat Center. 10 am Thursday to 4 pm Sunday. $490 ($200 deposit saves a spot. Make check out to Bill Berry and send to 470 Prescott Street, Pasadena, CA 91104 More info at or 626 798 8582 (4/7-10/11)
Secrets of Successful Relationships, Linda & Charlie Bloom, W&M, San Francisco, CA (4/15-16/00)W&M 415.674.5500 x 241; Iowa City, IA. 319.626.7246 (9/9-10/00); Boise, ID 208.385.7552 (1/12-14/01), 319.626.7246
Seven Seasons of a Man's Life. The result of over ten years of research into the issues men face and how those issues should be addressed from a Biblical perspective. In four sessions, you'll get the encouragement and information you need to find a success that matters. Columbia, MD. Columbia, SC, 407.331.0095x0 or
Shadow Work Basic Facilitator Training facilitated by Rhonda and John Gaughan. This is an invitation to learn about the essential Shadow Work® facilitation skills and how to use them for yourself, your family, and in your community. The process we invite you to join will be intense, enjoyable and practical and will take you behind the scenes so that you can understand the thinking we employ while facilitating. Shadow Work® provides powerful tools for bringing out of the shadow and into the light whatever parts of yourself you have split off, repressed, denied, or disowned. In this way, you have more capacity, balance, and choice with which to live your life. Our desire is that you will discover how to use the power of ritual space to use these tools for doing that consistently with yourself and others. The scope of what you can expect to get out of this training is enormous. Including personal growth, using the shadow work four quarter model. To Register For More Information, Contact: Rhonda Gaughan 713-533-9556 ~ or John Gaughan 281-661-2023 ~ For more details:. (Santa Barbara, California 2/27-3/6/16; Melbourne, Australia 7/2-10/16; Maui, Hawaii 8/13-21/16; Houston, Texas 11/12-20/16)
Shadow Work Weekend for Men and Women: Step Into the Light, facilitated by Rhonda and John Gaughan. This is an opportunity to participate in a Shadow Work Seminar where you can experience the archetypes and learn how they play out in your life. The weekend is for men and women aged 18 or over. It consists of individual and group processes, visualizations, and an opportunity for some to do center work. Center work is an individual process in the center of the group, during which you explore a life issue with the help of the facilitators and the attention of the group. There will be several Centerwork processes, if you wish to do a process, you will have the opportunity to claim this time for yourself. We also believe that witnessing anothers work is profound healing for all. For More Information, Contact: Rhonda Gaughan 713-533-9556 ~ or John Gaughan 281-661-2023 ~ For more details: Oakland $450 (4/20-22/18) Houston $495 (3/29-31/19, 10/1-3/21)
Shadow Work Seminar for People Who Want to Start a New Relationship,. Cliff Barry & Nicola Kurk. W&M Northbrook, IL. (6/21-25/00) 847.486.4128 or or
Shadow Work Introductory Evening, Nicola & John Kurk. W&M London, England. )6/14/00) +44 1386 858947 or or
Shadow Work One-Day Seminar, Nicola & John Kurk. W&M London, England. (4/29/00) +44 1386 858947 or or
Shadow Work Weekend Seminar,.Peter Stroh, Marilyn Paul & George Hanson. W&M Watertown, MA (4/28-30/00); Austria (6/9-11/00) 781.861.9771 or ; Gloucestershire, England, (7/14-16/00) +44 1386 858947 or or
The Shadow Workshop: Exploring the Shadow, Bruce Hammond & Jim Schuenemann. An exquisitely mapped out journey into the realm of your shadow. Using the tools of self inquiry, verbal and nonverbal communication, guided visualization, ritual, mask-making, movement and speaking from the heart, you will face your personal shadow and find your way to deeper wholeness and integration. (10/13-15/00) (11/22-24/02) (3/14-16/03). Ridge Trail Institute (No longer offered.)
Shattering Black Male Stereotypes, Michael Taylor, Free web based empowerment series.
Coach Michael Taylor is a New Warrior - along with SIX of the speakers on his Empowerment Summit. Tune in and hear how the NWTA has impacted a number of these men to become the leaders and men they were born to be.
Learn success strategies from some of the leading experts in the personal growth and development field. Each day for 12 days you will have access to a live video interview from our leading experts dealing with a negative media generated stereotype from the book to insure you are not acting consistent with that stereotype.
Every black man can:
Men and Women of All Races are Welcomed To Participate. Sign up now for this FREE series. (1/15-18/18)
Siblings: The Longest Relationship: How siblings affect our lives, Marvin Todd. The sibling relationship is unique. It is longer than the relationship with parents, spouses, significant others, and children. Through childhood, adolescence, adulthood and the elder years, borthers and sisters remain constants in each other's lives. This workshop will guide participants on a journey of reexperiencing early, middle and later sibling years. The format includes an exploration of participants' birth order, the teaching that sisters and brothers provided, how they influenced choices, how they fought and forgave and how the sibling relationship is both positive and negative. Ideally (although not necessarily), each participant will come with at least one sister or brother to share in this journey of remembering, loving, laughing and playing. The workshop will combine experiential sisters-and-brothers participation with an emphasis on gentleness, fun and strengthening this longest relationship. W&M Esalen, Big Sur CA 831.667.3000 or (7/30-8/4/00)
The Soul of Change, an intensive workshop with Michael Meade. Change, so greatly desired, is not easily accomplished. Genuine change requires that one's whole life be alteredmind and body, spirit and soul. Such transformations often require some element of loss as well as finding a new way to proceed. When it comes to making changes the missing ingredient is usually soul. Since the soul prefers the depths of knowledge as well as the deeper feelings, life usually has to grow darker and times become harder for soul to enter and meaningful change to occur.
When feeling most lost we have lost the soul connection, lost touch with our own inward style and innate way of being in this world. Yet, when we are "at a loss" soul is nearby calling us to a deeper knowledge of ourselves and the world. Soul is found after we reach our limits, after the will falters and the good intentions fail. For, soul would stretch us between the limits of fate and the longings of destiny, revealing the underlying meaning in life's necessary dilemmas. Naropa Performing Arts Center, 2130 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder, CO 9:30 am - 5:30 pm (5/19/12)
The Soul of Change: Finding Meaning and Purpose in Troubled Times. An intensive workshop with author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade Portland, OR - First Unitarian Church ~ Buchan Hall, 1226 SW Salmon St. 9:30-5:30 (10/24/09) Salt Lake City, UT University of Utah - Union Bldg, Saltair Rm 200 S Central Campus Dr, 9am-5pm (10/8/09)
Special Olympics World Summer Games The Special Olympics provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olumpic-type sports for individuals with mental retardation by giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy with others. Chapel Hill "Triangle" Raleigh, NC. 202.628.3630 or or (6/26-7/4/00)
Spirit and Soul Retreat, Bob Cote, Jeffrey Duvall, Colby Lewis. Through a man's life he is called forth to grow and mature into a way of life that has meaning and purpose. This happens when a man is supported, inspired and respected. You are invited to this 8th annual retreat to celebrate Spring. Young men, elders, fathers, sons...all are welcome. Camp High Rock, Berkshires, MA (5/5-7/00) 518.658.9445 or 413.395.9710 or
Spiritual Warfare Effectiveness Training for men and boys, Grant Schnarr. Spiritual warfare is a learning experience and an adventure for men and boys. The warrior experiences real kinship with the earth, learning to reintegrate with nature, and to consciously walk, observe, play, and graciously live within it. Participants have an opportunity through many processes, including guided imagery, ritual, and play, to experience the courage, honor, and heroic nature of the spiritual warrior. Participants also explore the vast and awesome landscape within as they are given the opportunity to awaken to higher realities of spirit, including a greater awareness of the Creator, which offers a deep sense of meaning to their lives well beyond the weekend itself. Moosic Mountains of Northeast PA. 215.947.8098 or or $350 Note: 13-14 year olds must be accompanied by a parent or designated gaurdian. (7/7-9/00, 9/15-17/00, 7/8-10/05, 9/23-25/05) (Boulder Colorado 8/5-7/05)
Story Games and Tall Tales on Transforming the Culture of Violence, Traprock Peace Center, Deerfield (4/1/00) 413.773.7437
Substance-Related Child Abuse: Strategies for family preservation and the prevention and treatment of child abuse in the multi-problem family, David Love. This training will provide an understanding of the complexity of the problem in the context of social service resources, managed care, welfare reform and various social service delivery systems. Culturally-competent methods for enhancing parental functioning and promoting family stability. Client evaluation protocols for substance use and child abuse and determining the impact on the user, the victim and the family. Child abuse treatment and modality options for: Child victims, Special issues of male survivors, Adults survivors, Mothers of incest victims, Non-offending parents, Offenders. W&M Valley Children's Hospital, Madera, CA. (5/17/00), Suisan, CA (6/8/00) 707.664.3062 Fort Bragg, CA (4/26/02)
Success in Work, in Love, in Spirit. Richard Bolles (What Color is Your Parachute) and Warren Farrell (Why Men Earn More) partner for the first time in a participatory workshop exploring the answers to life puzzles such as: How does each individual determine the balance among work, love, family and spirituality that creates success for her or him? What are the ripple effects most likely to emanate from each life choice? For example, the choice of our spouse; a career in the arts vs. sciences; having no children vs. adopting children, or becoming a step-parent? How do these ripple effects change during each stage of our life? Why are the qualities it takes to succeed at work often in direct conflict with the qualities it takes to succeed in love? How can we overcome this? There are 25 differences between men and women in their work-life choices, which leads to different results--men earn more but women have more fulfilling lives. What can the sexes learn from each other to know what trade-offs work best? What skills--and mindset--do you need to create a job rather than just finding one? What new fields, and non-traditional careers and lifestyles, are emerging in the decade ahead? What does the research tell us about them, in terms of preparation, satisfaction, rewards, and fulfillment? What is the difference between becoming our best self and drawing out the best in those around us? Costs: Range $320 - $655, meals included. With work scholarship subtract $50 from following: Off property = $370; Sleeping bag = $370; Bunk Bed = $515; Standard Accommodation = $655. Esalen, Big Sur, CA Register here. (6/22-24/07)
Survivor Cafe and Social Skills Boot Camp II. Have you ever seen a room full of riotously laughing survivors? It actually happened at the 1999 cafe and boot camp, and we are planning an even more funfilled event for this year. Live music, a cafe atmosphere complete with chai and snacks, a comedy act featuring friendly drill instructors, and the company of other folks enjoying themselves make this a not-to-be-missed occasion. W&M Survivors Healing Center, Santa Cruz, CA. (9/15/00) 831.423.7601 or
The Sword and the Scepter with Keith Merron, Michael Lipson, and Lion Goodman. "Masculine Power" is the subject of the 3.5-day Workshop. The workshop expands men's awareness of how they express, channel, use and lose their own power. For men accustomed to using their power, this means learning to wield power in a manner that serves themselves and others. For men who avoid the use of power, it means learning to find it and express it in healthy, productive ways. A deeply experiential, educational, and uplifting gathering for conscious men. San Rafael, California,. 9 am - 5 pm, $385 415.472.6500 or eMail or (10/20-23/05; 1/21-24/10) (11/09)
Taking It Lightly, Patricia Clason, Jay Edgar. Review life decisions, change those decisions that no longer work for you, gain mastery of your emotions, learn skills for communicating your feelings in ways that are safe, appropriate, and without hurting others, experience compassion and understanding of others emotions, be closer to others and enjoy relationships more! Fri evening - Sunday evening. Center for Creative Learning, Milwaukee, WI or or or 414-374-5433 W&M Not R&B $470 (1/8-10/10; 2/12-14/10; 4/9-11/10; 4/30-5/2/10; 6/11-13/10; 7/9-11/10; 8/6-8/10; 10/1-3/10; 11/5-7/10; 12/3-5/10)
Taking It Lightly Renewal - Sexual Abuse Recovery, Patricia Clason, Bill Lauer. Establish boundaries and experience safety to release memories and emotions connected to sexual abuse. Learn skills to continue your healing process. Facilitators and staff are all abuse survivors. Review life decisions, change those decisions that no longer work for you, gain mastery of your emotions, learn skills for communicating your feelings in ways that are safe, appropriate, and without hurting others, experience compassion and understanding of others emotions, be closer to others and enjoy relationships. Fri evening - Sunday evening. Center for Creative Learning, Milwaukee, WI or or or 414-374-5433 $470 W&M Not R&B (3/12-14/10; 9/10-12/10)
The Therapeutic Relationship: Creating the context for healing, Glen Timms & Donna Martin. Creating a healing relationship is the core of any successful therapy. Based on aspects of Ron Kurtz's Hakomi Method, this workshop explores practical ways to cultivate the natural ease in which both client and therapist have a nourishing experience. Through discussion and experiential practice, participants will evoke the qualities and attitudes that create a sense of safety, trust, and relaxed openness. This workshop is for massage practitioners and health care professionals. W&M. Hollyhock Retreat Center, Mason's Landing, BC. (6/3-8/00) 800.933.6339 or or
A Time for Brothers, A Time for Sisters, Robert Johnson, David Knudsen, Barry Williams and Eleanora Woloy and Susana Brown (mother and daughter). Yes, you are reading that right. Same time, same place! The two groups will gather separately until the last day at which time we will join for dialogue. The original vision for these seminars was for separate gatherings to lay the foundation and prepare us to communicate on a new, perhaps less threatening level for our own healing around gender issues and for the healing of our communities. W&M. Hendersonville, NC (4/6-9/00) 828.877.4809
The Two Agreements in Life with author, storyteller & mythologist Michael Meade. According to ancient myths, there are two agreements each soul must make upon entering the world. The First Agreement binds the individual to a destiny that becomes the soul's great project in life. Second Agreements involve each person in distinct limitations of family, culture and history. If the First Agreement is not lived in some fashion, the soul can suffer a 'fate worse than death.' On the other hand, Fate requires that a person experience life fully and experience the troubles and concerns of the time in which they live.
Often a person must accept a particular fate in order to find a meaningful destiny. Finding one's destiny involves a pilgrimage to the center of the deep Self where the dream of life speaks in mythical tones. The 'wild card' in agreements of the soul involves the roles played by Eros and love, for 'without love the work can not progress.'
Join us for a surprising evening of poetry, stories and discussion, an exploration which seeks to find aspects of the 'bigger life' as the world is increasingly ruled by uncertainty.
"Meade's rhythmic and fiery storytelling, street savvy perceptiveness, and spellbinding interpretations of ancient myths and symbols illuminate the current crises afflicting culture." Proceeds support Voices of Youth and Intercultural Project. or 800.233.6984. Portland, 7p. The Old Church, 1422 SW 11th Ave $10 (3/17/05) and San Anselmo, CA, 7p, Alexander Hall, SF Theological Seminary, 105 Seminary Rd, $12 (4/14/05)
Time of Transition, Thomas Atum O'Kane. Transition is a time of passage and initiation when we bid farewell to old identities and lay the groundwork for a new sense of self. As we dance through the "in-between", we are often confronted with the sadness of letting go, the difficulty of living with uncertainty and disorientation, and the excitement of uncovering new possibilities. This workshop, led by a spiritual teacher and transpersonal psychologist, offers the opportunity to gather meaning and integrate the many phases of transition. Working the teachings from various spiritual traditions, psychology and alchemy, explore ways to detach from your old roles and expectations. You'll learn how to use ritual to mark the process of cmpletion, passage and rebirth. W&M. Hollyhock Retreat Center, Mason's Landing, BC. (7/9-14/00) 800.933.6339 or or
Transformational Wilderness Experience, Gary Plep, Mark Yoslow, and Rick Waltonsmith. Vision Quests (Rites of Passage) are designed for men in transition, men seeking to find themselves as men, heal their relationships with their families and find their higher power. Questing is an ancient and sacred way of making a passage from one life stage to another. Rites of passage were practiced in many cultures and religions; and were considered necessary for personal growth and change. In some cultures, it was an initiation into manhood. You could not marry or own property without a vision for your life and your community. During the Quest, we spend part of one day together, followed by three solos. It is a time of individual awareness through the practice of meditation, fasting, journal writing, and other modes of healing and grounding. All of these will help bring you into focus during your quest. $650 Rites of Passage, 220A Oak Meadow Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032 or 408.399.5545 or E-Mail or (5/17-20/07, 9/27-30/07)
Tribal Tantra in New Mexico, Light touch retreat or for loving men. We create a safe and sacred space for men of diverse sexual orientations to explore and affirm our nurturing energy, to honour the body as the temple of the spirit. We share ancient and modern skills for well-being including yoga, tai chi, breath-work, playful movement, and guided imagery, chanting, meditation and rituals of healing touch. Join us for a retreat from the world of busy, competitive pressure - a nourishing time to relax the body, to open the heart, to listen to the soul, to heal the wounds of fear and bask in the blessing of men's caring touch. Jemez (1.5 hours from Albuquerque.), NM. (6/4-9/00P 604.731.4441 or or
Triumph Classic
Triathlon for Seniors is unique for several reasons: it's the
only national triathlon series for people 50+, and it's geared
towards people of all athletic abilities. To be held in Henderson,
NV, (/5/02), Pinehurst, NC, (6/2/02), Nashville, TN (6/23/02), San
Dimas, CA (6/30/02), Naperville, IL (8/4/02), Rochester, NY
(8/11/02), Madison, WI (8/25/02), Salt Lake City, UT (9/7/02), San
Diego, CA (9/15/02), Metro Atlanta, GA (9/29/02), Irving, TX
(10/6/02), Richmond, VA (10/27/02), St. Petersburg, FL (11/17/02),
Phoenix, AZ (12/8/02), and Honolulu, HI (12/5/02) For more
information on the Triumph Classic or to register, go to
or call 800.424.3410. MORE
Ultimate Men's Summit - Free World-wide Virtual Event - Over 75 leaders, speakers and luminaries are coming together for an historic teleconference. We will offer our hard-earned, no-holds-barred wisdom about manhood, masculinity and personal development. Go to to sign up now for this FREE virtual event - the largest mens summit ever. - Free. It gives you live, personal access to the following leaders: Arjuna Ardagh, Alison Armstrong, Derrick Ashong, Barnet Bain, Bryan Bayer, Jim Benson, Steve Bhaerman, Robert Bly, Saniel Bonder, Jack Canfield, Caroline Casey, Jim Channon, Gordon Clay, Kokommon Clottey, Stuart Davis, Jed Diamond, Stephen Dinan, Paul Dobransky, Dan Doty, Michael Dowd, Riane Eisler, Lawrence Ellis, Warren Farrell, Matthew Fox, John Friend, Jayson Gaddis, Herb Goldberg, Lion Goodman, Michael Gurian, William Harryman, Andrew Harvey, Gay Hendricks, Bert H. Hoff, Raz Ingrasci, Brian Johnson, Britta Johnson, Bill Kauth, Sam Keen, Tim Kelley, Michael Kimmel, Chris Kyle, Ronn Landsman,Tripp Lanier, Jeffrey Leiken, Brad Leslie, Carista Luminare, Owen Marcus, Robert Augustus Masters, Gabor Mate, Keith Merron, Dan Millman, Claudio Naranjo, Craig Neal, Terry Patten, John Perkins, Rick Phillips, Tom Pinkson, Richard Platt, Bill Plotkin, Satyen Raja, David Richo, John Robbins, Ocean Robbins, Michael Scheisser, Mark Schillinger, Gary Stamper, Hal Stone, Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Michael Tamura, Michael Taylor, Ed Tick, Martin Ucik, Demetri Velisarius, Neale Donald Walsch, John Welwood,Gordon Wheeler, Robert White, Mikki Willis, Gary Zukav. Click here to learn more.(6/10-19/11)
Understanding Women: Unlock the
Mystery, Alison Armstrong. Having an in-depth understanding
of the women in your life is the key to more fun, intimate and
satisfying relationships. With the unique perspective and information
this workshop offers, your frustrations will be transformed into
opportunities for compassion, humor and effective resolutions. Be
more successful with women; learn how to bring the best out in them.
W&M (San Francisco 11/12-14/10, 7/9-10/11, 12/3-4/11; Tarrytown,
NY 12/4-5/10), San Dego 12/11-12/10; 6/11-12/11; 10/29-30/11;
Los Angeles 1/22-23/11, 8/27-28/11; Austin, TX 3/5-6/11;
Seattle, WA 521-22/11; Minneapolis 9/10-11/11)
Uprising Monterey for Women & Men with Charlie Kreiner. W&M Monterey, CA (11/9-12/00). Contact Fred Jealous, 831.373.7163
Village of Brothers Men's Retreat, Paul Dunion and John Guarnaschelli. We gather in community to experience our feelings and experiences together as men. No point of view is imposed. Each man is invited to know himself better and more deeply--usually around a certain theme. This Fall the focus will be on welcoming our anger. Outside New York City, $190, 212 265-0584 or (10/12-15/00)
The Village of Gender Reconciliation. A bringing together of the feminine and masculine in each of us to balance the earth. Come join us for the 1st annual gathering on the North Coast. Spend an unforgettable weekend on the river at the beautiful Mattole Lodge. We are women and men joining together to celebrate our uniqueness and to acknowledge the challenges we face in balancing the masculine/feminine energies of the world we live in. By discovering our deeper connection to our Brothers and Sisters we can begin the process of reconciliation that we long for. Working together we will build a Village where we can give each other the support we deserve as we learn to walk our Paths in this ever changing world. For information call Ananda at 707.826.7575 or Mike at 707.825.8623 x 159. (10/11-13/02)
Vision Quest: A journey to the self. Robert Johnson, David Knudsen, Louise Mahdi, Barry Williams. Have you lost connection with yourself, with who you really are, with your own spirituality? Is life fragmented or stagnant? Are you mourning a loss? That which was left behind when you chose something else? An image of yourself and life as you had always imagined it would be? A person, a relationship, a job, youth, middle years? Are you seeking new directions for your life, your relationships, your job, your health? Is it time for a Vision Quest? You can expect a 40 hour solo in the Canadian wilderness seeking a vision, an encounter with the Mystery and Wisdom of all life. From this comes the possibility of new direction. This solo is preceded by four days of preparation including team groups working deeply with our dreams and other manifestations of the unconscious. Canoeing, drumming, dancing, and other experiential activities contribute to the psychological readiness of yourself and of the community. W&M Langskib Island, Lake Temagami, Ontario, Canada. (8/19-27/00) 828.877.4809 Mon-Thu 10a-4p est
Vision Quest for Men & Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, Chayim Barton & Brian Winkler. The vision quest wilderness passage is a call to embark on a sacred journey into the vast wilderness of the Inner Self, the Great Spirit, and Mother Earth. Let go of outmoded ways of being; heal and release past emotional wounds; reconnect with the earth. Includes supportive preparation meeting (July 8), a three day wilderness solo and a day of integration. W&M Survivors Healing Center, Santa Cruz, CA (7/15-22/00) 831.423.7601 or
Voices of Veterans - A Bridge Back Home, Michael Meade. This welcome home ceremony brings together veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the local community. It intends to help heal the distance between the warriors and those they protect, and to bridge the gaps between war and peace, trauma and renewal, pain and understanding. Such a welcome involves a courageous community conversation that moves beyond politics and goes deeper than the rhetoric of wat. It begins with tragedy and loss- the aftermath of any war - and requires the language of poetry and story, as well as the dignity of ceremony. Join author, Michael Meade, and veterans for an evening of poetry, stories, and cogent commentary on the realities of war and the difficulties returning from it. At this time, ticketing is closed both online and in-person. Tickets will be available starting one half hour prior to the event at the venue. This is a donation suggested event, and all are welcome. First Unitarian Churchg, Portland, OR 7pm (6/30/12)
Walking the Ground of the Soul with Michael Meade. For women and men that deepen and expand ideas and methods for sustaining inner life and outer purpose. Includes arts and rituals that ground innate gifts and can heal individual and cultural wounds. Residential workshop. or Camp Gualala, Annapolis, CA (10/4-6/02) and Camp Killoqua, Stanford WA (10/18-20/02)
Warrior-Monk Training Intensive, Dan McKee & Friends. Balance the energies of high power magic and inner peace (spirit & soul) in a powerful 4 day process. By combining monk & warrior skills and attitudes, we make it paradoxically possible to learn to take action and also get out of our own way. Expected results: A reduction in dysfunctional ego as we become more si mple loving beings. An expansion of consciousness as we evolve into more complex, loving beings. Just another day in paradox. For men and women who are in transition and/or want to deepen their connection with the Divine. W&M unless otherwise noted. Visit Or, to speak with the training leader, Dan McKee, contact him at 503-754-7985 or Albany, NY (men only 6/19-23/02); Capetown, South Africa (10/2-6-02); Charlestown, WV (3/27-31/13); Chicago (5/15/-19/02); Herefordshire, GB (5/31-6/4/17); Eugene, OR (9/27-10/1/06 Men Only); Houston, TX (4/10-14/02, 3/29-4/2/06); Indianapolis, IN (9/11-15/02); London, England (10/16-20/02); Los Angeles, CA (11/13-17/02); Louisville, KY (5/10-14/06); Minneapolis, MN (men only 11/30-12/4/05; 8/23-27/06); Coromandel, NZ (5/5-9/17); Petaluma, CA (3/13-17/02); Philadelphia, PA (2/22-26/06); Portland, OR (2/1-5/06); St. Louis, MO (112/7-11/05); Vancouver, Canada (7/10-14/02); Washington, DC (10/23-28/02, 11/16-20/05; 9/20-24/06); Whidbey Island, WA (9/21-25/16); Claymount Retreat Center, WV (11/2-6/16, 3/7-11/18))
Warrior Monk II: The Art of Staying Awake. Six-day retreat within a four-month program for Warrior Monk graduates. Visit Or, to speak with the training leader, Dan McKee, contact him at 503-754-7985 or Claymont Retreat Center, WV (2/28-3/5/17); Whidbey Island, WA (4/18-23/17)
Warrior Monk: Special Gathering at the Threshold of the New Year, Speak with the training leader, Dan McKee, contact him at 503-754-7985 or Whidbey Island, WA (12/29/16-1/2/17)
War Toy Transformation Workshop, Deerfield, W&M, Traprock Peace Center, Deerfield, 413.773.7427 (4/17-20/00)
Way of the Evolutionary Man Summit free teleconference. Listen live at 510-281-1111 and use access code 649761# (6/8-10/11)
What's Next? Exploring, Discussing, and Planning A Man's Life After 50, Bob Mark, Buddy Portugal, Plus 8 others. A weekend workshop experience for men over 50, professionally led in a confidential environment focusing Intimate Relationships, Health (Physical and Emotional), Work & Retirement, and Identity & Self Worth. There will be presentations on each topic and facilitated small groups (8 + 2 Facilitators). Check it out at or 360-601-0957 or eMail $399 (R+B) (5/21-23/10)
What your dad never told you about being a man, Steven Pechter Freemire and Marty Sochet. A day-long workshop that will be a no-nonsense and respectful look at our lives as husbands/partners, dads, sons, friends and providers. Through discussion and experiential exercises we'll explore work/life/play balance, living more passionately, being more authentic, finding more pleasure. St. Mark's Church 451 Moraga Way Orinda, CA, 9:30a-4p. $75 Limited Scholarships Available. 510.869.2505 or or (3/19/05)
Why Men Are the Way They Are--And What Men Are Capable of Becoming, Warren Farrell, Lee Newman, Mark Rosenthal. Course on: Why men's weakness is their facade of strength, and why women's strength is their facade of weakness. Why men resist asking for help, be it from a therapist, a map, a God, the government, or a guru. The meaning of commitment and love to men. The more than twenty measures of success experienced by children raised by involved dads. Why men's and women's different work-life decisions lead to men earning more and women having more balanced lives. Why the Achilles' heel of humans is their inability to handle personal criticismand how the Cinematic Immersion method can minimize that vulnerability. or 319.441.1010. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Montpelier, Vermont (9/28/07)
Wilderness Quest: Adults. The heart of this trip is the 3 day Vision Quest experience. Time before will be spent in ritual preparation, and time after in integration and celebration. An invaluable experience for adults in transition seeking to find greater clarity and meaning in their lives. ICA Rite of Passage Journeys, 425 486-5164, W&M Bothell, WA (8/9-15/00) or
Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say, Warrenn Farrell. This workshop helps both sexes understand each other via role-reversal exercises in which the sexes "walk a mile in each other's moccasins", not just intellectually but emotionally. As each participant "becomes" the other sex, the laugher transforms criticism into compassion. His research identifies the Achilles' heel of most relationships as our inability to handle personal criticism-not only with our significant other, but with co-workers, family, and friends. Innovative group participation exercises will assist both sexes in giving and receiving personal criticism. W&M Esalen, Big Sur, CA 831.667.3000 or (7/7-9/00)
Working with Shame, Gordon Wheeler. We'll start exploring and probably discover that shame is both more pervasive and more subtle in our lives than we realized. We'll find that the old painful spots in our lives - relational issues, areas where we feel stuck, experiences we feel alone with - are deeply infused with shame. The problem is that shame is itself shameful. When we're up against difficult feelings of shame, we present a facade, which cuts us off from other people. The result is a vicious circle, where we remain unsupported and the painful area remains isolated and stuck. In this workshop, we may disover that this pattern, which is our biggest block to intimacy, can be transformed into the most direct path to an intimate exchange. W&M Esalen, Big Sur 831.667.3000 or (6/30-7/2/00)
Writing Like Rivers, Speaking Like Birds II: Making gifts of hope and ritual literacy to feed the new time, Martin Prechtel. Friday nght booksigning/weekend workshop. W&M Portland, OR. (5/12-14/00) Richard Seidman 541.488.1192
Yoga for Men: Hey, Yoga is for Us Too! This workshop will give you some yoga fundamentals and a simple practice to try at home that is tailored to your physical condition. It will also encourage you to start a gym routine and provide some tips on how to get maximum benefit from your gym workouts. The workshop is suitable for those with no yoga experience, or for those who have some experience with it and are interested in making it more a part of their routine.11am-5pm $75. The Breathing Project, New York City. 212 979-9642 ext 4 or or (9/16/07)
Your Mother's Pillow, Marlene Nappa & Char Tosi. An innovative, leading edge workshop that explores the dynamics of the mother-son relationship. Unresolved issues in a man's relationship with 'mother' affect how a man intenacts with women in his life, how a man feels about himself, and awareness of his inner feminine. Tucson, AZ (6/2-4/00); Indianapolis, IN (6/16-18/00); San Diego, CA (6/23-25/00); Houston, TX. (9/22-24/00); Chicago, IL (10/13-15/00) . or 519.979.0849 No longer offered. See Mother's Shadow
* * *
The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates
It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your own head. - Sally Kempton
This Calendar lists mens events around the world through the next 12 months and beyond? Are you doing anything in this world involved with a positive change in male roles and relationships? Let people know here. It's all free. Click on Feedback for the appropriate form. Do you have a website or email? Well also hyperlink your event to appropriate websites and emails for free.
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