Menstuff® lists Testicle resources. Refer also to Issues.
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Survivors of Testicular Cancer
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Additional merchandise from outside suppliers. Here are four pages
from the Health Edco catalog to give you an
idea of some of the teaching tools that are availble to lesson the
embarasment of the coach or teacher to discussing the topic with high
school and college age boys.
- About Testicular Cancer..."The Making Of a Eunuch"
- American Cancer Society, 800.ACS.2345 or www.cancer.org
- American Medical Association Testicular Cancer,
- The American Urological Association, Inc., www.auanet.org/
- Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care,
- CancerCare® - Support groups Counseling line
Patient and family teleconferences Education programs Clinical
trials Publications. www.cancercareinc.org
- CancerHelp UK: Testicular Cancer Overview,
- Cancer Information Network - information, news,
articles, symposia, case studies. www.cancernetwork.com
- CancerLinks - a multi-lingual cancer resource www.cancerlinks.org/index.html
- CancerLinks: Testicular Cancer, www.cancerlinks.com/testicular.html
- CancerNet - National Cancer Institute. On-line
access to NCI fact sheets PDQ Treatment summaries PDQ Supportive
Care Summaries PDQ, cancernet.nci.nih.gov/cancer_Types/Testicular_cancer.shtml
- Cancer Screening - PDQ Preventative Summaries PDQ Drug
Information Summaries CANCERLIT Citations and Abstracts -
- Cancer Survivors - Information, Coping, Q&A,
Community www.cancersurvivors.org
- CancerWeb - Information for patients, families,
clinicians, researchers, organizations education resources global
cancer links library www.graylab.ac.uk/cancerweb.html
- Concerning Cancer - Testis Cancer, concerningcancer.com/testiscancer.htm
Health Edco, America's Leading
Health Education Company, Edition 3, 2003, PO Box
21207, Waco, TX 76702-1207, 800.299.3366 or www.healthedco.com
- Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions -- Brady Urological
Institute, prostate.urol.jhu.edu/diseases/testicle/index.html
- Lance Armstrong Foundation, 800.496.4402, www.laf.org
- National Cancer Institute, 800.4.CANCER, www.nci.nih.gov
or www.cancernet.nci.nih.gov
- National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship,
888.650.9127 or www.cansearch.org
- Oncolink® - Testicular Cancer, University of
Pennsylvania Cancer Center, general information, medical,
supportive care, related articles, current literature. - //oncolink.upenn.edu/disease/testicular
- Primary Care Physician's Cancer Resource Site -
(Catagory) Testicular Cancers, //cancereducation.uams.edu/acrceducation/cancer_testis.html
- tc-cancer.com -
This site has been developed for the sole purpose of education and
support for patients with testicular cancer and their family
members. We invite you to educate yourself about testicular cancer
and share your feelings and thoughts in our online message board.
This free site was inspired and is updated by a patient with
testicular cancer. :info@tc-cancer.com
- Tecticular Cancer websites www.acor.org/diseases/tc/
- Doug Bank at dougb@comm.mot.com;
- Testicular Cancer, www.mskcc.org/document/WICTEST.htm
- Testicular Cancer, www.orchid-cancer.org.uk/
- Testicular Cancer -- A Disease of the Young, //shrike.depaul.edu/~ehamilto/ref.html
- Testicular Cancer Awareness Week - www.menstuff.org/mencare/tcaw.html
- Testicular Cancer: Survival High with Early Treatment,
- Testicular Self-Exam, www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/getagrip.html#inenglish
or Spanish at www.menstuff.org/issues/byissue/getagrip.html#inspanish
Also at www.mercer.edu/shc/testicul.htm
- Testicular Cancer and TSE - Aetna U.S. Healthcare.
Information, diagnosis and treatment, self-exam -
www.aetnaushc.com/topics/testicular.html#q1 (No longer active -
- Testicular Cancer Resource Center, Chris Brewer and
Doug Bank. Testicular cancer primer, self-exam, on-line support,
over 700 links including many TC links for patient and
physician information, support groups, studies and articles, etc.
Very through. www.salick.com/resource.cancersite.html is no longer
active -11/00) Visit www.acor.org/TCRC/
- Testicles, www.coolware.com/health/medical_reporter/testicles.html
- Urology Institute at the Methodist Hospital, www.methodisthealth.com/urology/MthTopics/testic.htm
- Urology on the Internet: Uroweb, www.uroweb.org/
- The Virginia Urology Center, www.uro.com/tcancer.htm
- What You Need To Know About Testicular Cancer,
On Line Testicular Support Groups
Survivors of
Testicular Cancer
* * *
Testicular cancer is on the rise and is getting younger. Around 400
young men between 15 and 35 will die this year. Learn the simple
self-examine to do atleasst monthly to be sure you or your son or
brother aren't one of them.
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