Menstuff® has compiled information, books and resources on the multicultural issue. Multicultural isn't black and white. It includes evereyone regardless of their race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, orientation, ability, familial status or political affiliatoin.
Newsbytes - Multicultural issues in the news
Predictions for this Year's NFL
Season Books A black man talks to a white man When I was born I was black, But you: When you're born you're pink, Be a link to erase racism.
By now, you probably have heard about Rachel Dolezal, the president of the Spokane, Washington NAACP, who has been posing as an African-American for the past decade. Dolezal's story has been the talk of the internet, with people taking to social media to voice their opinions on the matter. Source: ![]() ![]() Predictions for this Year's NFL
Football Season The following is an update on the predictions of the 2024 Super Bowl LVII and the power houses in each conference. The Kansas City Chiefs are expected to win their division and may even win another Superbowl. AFC East - Buffalo Bohunks over Miami Hymies NFC East - Philadelphia Guineas over Dallas Sand
Niggers (For our prediction of the ranking within each division and who we project to win Super Bowl LVII, click here.) Did you find any of these team names offensive? If so,
were you immediately offended by the very first paragraph of
this story? Particularly the last sentence where I mentioned
the Kansas City Chiefs? Well, hundreds of thousands
of American's are offended by that name. If your high school
or college uses such racist names or mascots, speak out
against it? If you do, maybe the pro-football
owners in Kansas City and pro-baseball owners in Atlanta
(Braves) or in the NHL - Chicago Blackhwaks - mascot)
will start to honor, respect and really understand that
Native Americans aren't mascots, they're people. The
NBA understands the concept. Think about it! (Get a
Free Bumper
Sticker.) Shortcut to this page: Myths About Being A White
Ally First of all, good luck. After all, I think weve had 500 years of dont ask/dont tell when it comes to issues of diversity and the odds of saying or doing something that is considered racist or offensive is very likely. The trick is to stay in the relationship and not to run away or go silent when confronted by people of color. Id encourage you to be curious and find out how and what you said/did that was hurtful or racist. Stay in the room and listen to what is being shared, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Allow yourself to be emotionally moved while you hear anothers story and journey. Notice if you are demanding facts and evidence before you are willing to listen. Validate and own up to your part in the disconnection. Take responsibility and be willing to change. Avoid talking about your good intentions or that youre a liberal Democrat or someone who is married to a person of color. Share with your white friends what youve learned and also hold them accountable. MYTH #2: I shouldnt say anything because whites need to just listen and learn from people of color. Im not sure where this myth started, but the source may have come from white shame and guilt. The people of color that I have known, have seldom wanted whites to say/do nothing when diversity issues arise. What is asked for is that whites not dominate the conversation or always demand solutions, definitions and/or supportive data. Rather, the request is for whites to share their thoughts and fears and be willing to be vulnerable and self-reflective. In other words, be thoughtful listeners and faithful witnesses to what is being said by people of color, and not just listen for what they want to hear or only what makes sense to them as white people. A black student shared in my latest film, If These Halls Could Talk, I think whites are numb to their actions and their impact on people of color because they have lost a part of themselves as human beings. The work for whites is to acknowledge their history and their privilege and to notice how those advantages have allowed them unearned access and power over others. Before we can talk about inclusion, we must first acknowledge the existence and practice of exclusion. And this important conversation requires both whites and people of color engaging with one another and hearing one anothers stories and experiences from a place of curiosity instead of a place of fear; understanding instead of denial; self-reflection instead of blaming. As I shared in my book, The Art of Mindful
Facilitation: It is my belief that when we value
others for their uniqueness and differences, then we enhance
the possibilities for our children and ourselves. To me,
that is what community is all about: when it is practiced
and realized in our daily lives with those we love and with
those we have been taught to fear. - Lee Mun Wah. For
More Information: 510.204.8840 ext. 103 or 'The Loving Story' Takes
Intimate Look At Virginia's First Legal Interracial
Marriage Before June of 1967, sixteen states still prohibited interracial marriage, including Virginia, the home of Richard Perry Loving, a white man, and his wife, Mildred Loving, a woman of African-American and Native-American descent. ![]() ![]() HBO Documentary Films: 'The Loving Story' Trailer 0:47 Nine years prior, in June 1958, the couple traveled to Washington, D.C. -- where interracial marriage was legal -- to get married. When they returned home, however, they were arrested and sentenced to one year in jail for violating the state's Racial Integrity Act. According to court documents, the trial judge suspended the Lovings' sentence for a period of 25 years on the condition that they leave the State and not return to Virginia together for 25 years. He stated in an opinion that: Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix. After spending five years in Washington, where Richard worked as a bricklayer and where the couple had their three children -- Peggy, Donald and Sidney -- they sought out the help of a young attorney named Bernard Cohen who was volunteering at the time with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The Lovings requested that Cohen ask the Caroline County, Virginia judge to reconsider his decision, a move that would lead to one of the civil rights movement's most pivotal moments: the legalization of interracial marriage. "They were very simple people, who were not interested in winning any civil rights principle," Cohen told NPR in an interview marking the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the conviction of Richard and Mildred Loving. "They just were in love with one another and wanted the right to live together as husband and wife in Virginia, without any interference from officialdom. When I told Richard that this case was, in all likelihood, going to go to the Supreme Court of the United States, he became wide-eyed and his jaw dropped," Cohen said. In June 1967, the court unanimously declared Virginia's Racial Integrity Act of 1924 unconstitutional and ended all race-based marriage bans in the U.S. During Richard and Mildred's epic "Loving v. Virgina" legal battle, LIFE magazine photographer Grey Villet traveled to Virginia to cover the case, but his photos offered a more intimate look at the couple and their family, their dedication to each other, daily life in Virginia and the countryside they cherished. Villet's photos were uncovered by director Nancy Buirski
during the filming of her upcoming documentary, The
Loving Story, set to debut on February 14 on HBO, and
will be on view at the International Center of Photography
in New York City from January 20 through May 6, 2012. "They Shot Him, Papa!": Finding
Smarter Ways to Talk to Kids About Diversity Teaching children about diversity can be a tricky proposition. In the "No Child Left Behind" era, so much time is devoted to preparing students for test-taking that old school subjects like good citizenship, social behavior, and community values may get short shrift. (There is, after all, no standardized test for "plays well with others.") Multiculturalism -- so widely emphasized in the Marlo Thomas 70's -- often ends up limited to theme days and special projects. When my daughter was in Kindergarten, the subject of diversity did not arise in her class until Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This is how we found out that they were talking about race: over dinner, she announced that Martin Luther King Jr. wanted people with white skin and brown skin to be friends but people got mad so they shot him. While that is not an inaccurate summary of the history involved, it does pretty much foreground the assassination and diminish the rest of his accomplishments. It's a little depressing to think that the legacy of Dr. King's life could be boiled down into "Equality will get you killed." Obviously, race murder was not the subject we'd expected to be discussing when we asked "How was school, honey?" so we probed to find out what else she had learned. All she could remember was that people have different skin colors and that some people really don't like people with brown skin. As a mixed race girl in a school 95% white, this was not a small thing to ponder. This theme continued all week at school, with her classmates making paints to match their own skin colors, which I assume was meant to be empowering, but which only cemented the notion of pigment being key. I was volunteering in class that week and was asked to make a rainbow using the skin colors labeled by student name; I counter-proposed and suggested a collage, with all the colors mixed. Both ideas are ways of saying "we're all in this together" but the second approach moved away from any kind of spectrum in which similar colors would be closest to each other. The hearts of all involved were in the right place: the school for making diversity part of the curriculum and the teachers for trying to explore the theme in hands-on activities. But the truth is that this particular approach was a little clumsy, even if representative of how a lot of people handle the topic of diversity: sincerely, but in misguided fashion, seeking easy languages and metaphors for inclusion that nonetheless inadvertently emphasize division and otherness. By the end of the week, the limits of this approach had been made clear when a white boy told a boy of color -- one of his best friends -- that they couldn't play together anymore because of the boy's brown skin. This reaction, I have to admit, was a fairly logical outgrowth of the white child's understanding of the lesson he'd just learned in school: that a white man killed a black man because the black man wanted their races to get along. For the white boy hearing such a message, not playing with his African-American pal could equal watching out for his friend's safety. Good news: the divide didn't last -- the boys are back to playing to "Star Wars" again. But it illustrates why it is so vital for schools to find more sophisticated, meaningful ways to approach the subject of diversity. Here are 5 simple suggestions from a Dad on the front lines:
My daughter was right, Martin Luther King Jr. died; but
he dreamed first -- and he dreamed big enough to change the
world. I think that's something worth celebrating and
teaching. 15 Things Never to Say to Parents
of Biracial Kids It's been 46 years since Mildred Loving, a black woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, convinced the Supreme Court to end race-based marriage restrictions in America. These days, mixed-race babies account for 7 percent of the kids born to American moms every year. One of those babies has risen all the way to the office of the presidency. So why are the parents of biracial kids still hearing the same rude comments our parents and grandparents heard (or, God forbid, made!) back in the day? The Stir asked moms and dads in biracial families to tell us some of the things people have said to them, and we found that a lot of people make these comments without seeming to understand that they're being rude. Take a look at this list of things parents of biracial children have heard: 1. But your kids are really white! An E-Mail From A Daughter To Her
Parents - Be careful of what you ask for Dear Mom and Dad, You'll be happy to hear that I have finally left my black boyfriend. I know you both didn't approve of him because of his race and the fact that he is ten years older than me. I found, as you suggested, a nice white Canadian boy the same age, as I. Attached is a recent photo of the two of us. He's looking forward to meeting you both. Your Loving Daughter Atlanta Braves bring back
the 'Screaming Savage' Logo The "screaming savage" that served as part of the Atlanta's logo from 1967 to 1989 is as offensive and disrespectful to First Nations people as it was then. NOTHING has why bring back something that you had to stop using in the first place. Take the hint...The Gap, Victoria Secret, Hooters made the same mistake and the massive boycotts that followed was enough to cause them to take down their show of racial ignorance. So do yourselves a favor...don't even bother doing was a bad idea then and it's a bad idea now. Sign the petition! ![]() ![]()
Teaching Tolerance to
Children 7 to 10 Prejudice is learned. So is acceptance. Here are some tips for getting the issue of tolerance out on the table: (1) Hold many brief conversations instead of one long lecture. This will show your child that they can bring up the subject for discussion at any time. (2) Don't be wishy-washy. Children are far more likely to pay attention when you talk specifically and answer their questions directly. (3) Don't worry if you don't have all the answers. Lack of knowledge can provide a golden opportunity to go to the library or go on-line to find out more. (4) Don't tolerate prejudicial language or humor. (Editor: "Reply to All" when you receive prejudicial jokes via email and state the negative impact they have on you and ask not to receive them anymore.) (5) Use television and books as tools to explore prejudice and stereotyping. Parents Tips & Tricks Let me say up front, that I am by no means an expert or scholar on multiculturalism except that I live and am part of a country founded on freedom and diversity that hates difference. Understanding just how insidious the system is that benefits from racism, is quite complicated. And, as a white man, I'm taking a look at the part I play in this system. My liberal stance is being challeneged, and rightly so. Though I have been involved in men's work since 1976 and did my first 'Un-learning Racism' workshop in 1979, it wasn't until seeing debute of the film, 'The Color of Fear", that I really got it. And I was in the film, but it didn't really hit me how deeply the racism from growing up and living in a basically all-white area with a nice liberal stance, had kept me from really seeing my part in keeping the system going. And how I have used the "Priviledge" of being white to keep me from feeling the pain and loneliness that isolation from our diverse culture has left me with. See this video or better yet, buy it and see it with friends! (If we have any show dates, they'll appear in "Calendar".) Shortly after filming, I got the idea to replace my 'I Believe You Anita' bumper sticker with 'I Believe You Rodney'. As I was placing my order at the printers, fear rushed through my body. I got to thinking about the potential danger I might put myself or my car in by driving around that 'identified'. I really connected at that point with the priviledge I have being white and driving almost anywhere in safety and how by putting that bumper sticker on might be in a small way similar to being black and being watched driving through most communities and maybe being singled out in some. I ended up getting those bumper stickers printed for any
white-liberals out there who believe that the color of a
persons skin doesn't matter in this culture, that we're all
treated the same and we all have the same opportunity. Would
you be willing to test your assumptions by putting an 'I
Believe You Rodney' bumper sticker on your car for the next
couple of months? (See "Merchandise" to begin the test.)
We've looked for a long time at the "melting pot" theory
that suggests we all become the same. I like the "tossed
salad" concept better, myself. Think about it. Crayola Denigrates Native
Americans Richard Gurin, Binney & Smith Inc, PO Box 431, Easton, PA 18044, 610.253.6271 I was very disturbed to see that the new 64 pack of Crayolas I just purchased contains a color called "Indian Red". Ive returned it to you and have thrown out the rest since I dont want to expose children to what I believe to be a racist image. Does it represent "Indians" from the Southwest, or the East or Eskimo. Actually, Indians are from India. Native Americans in this country are not nor do they call themselves "Indian". That, like the word "savage", were imposed terms given them by our government. Much like the governments use of Hispanic, though the word "Indian" carries a lot more damaging history with it. It may not be intentional, but surely your people with all their creativity can come up with a more suitable name for the color. I am not Native American. And I am offended. I would be most interested in knowing where you stand on this situation and will report the progress on our website. Yours in continued growth. Editor's Note: Our initial reply from their PR
people was to defend it's use saying it was the name of a
color in India. However, since that time they have announced
that the name will be dropped from their line. It doesn't
always take more than one person to get corporations
thinking. Change can happen. And, a big "THANK-YOU? to
Binney & Smith. They had plausible rationale for
the use of the name that couldn't be argued with and yet
they took the position to remove the name from their product
line. That's commendable. - Gordon Clay Please Don't Censor Fred
Sanford I have to thank the folks at TV Land for creating a channel that broadcasts the best shows in television history -- classics like 'All in the Family,' 'Green Acres,' 'Leave it to Beaver' and especially 'Sanford and Son.' But I would kindly ask the TV Land folks to stop censoring 'Sanford and Son,' specifically editing out the n-word from several episodes of the hit comedy, which ran from 1972-1977. ... I've noticed that on several episodes, when the word nigger is uttered by a character, another word is substituted in its place. For example, in the original broadcast of the 'Big Money Grip' episode, when Grip, an old friend of Fred Sanford, declares Fred's son, Lamont, is his own child, Aunt Esther exclaims "What did you say, nigger?" ![]() ![]() The original line brought howls of laughter from the studio audience, but you wouldn't know that from watching the show on TV Land. The word sucker is clumsily dubbed into the audio track. I can remember at least two other instances where the n-word is pulled from the original broadcast. I'm not sure who or what is to blame. Political correctness, perhaps, but it's funny how we have regressed. Hearing the n-word doesn't cause black people to turn into a pile of dust. Yes, I admit it is still a word that can start a fight if uttered by the wrong person in the wrong tone of voice. But that's not what we were talking about in the 'Sanford and Son' episodes. There, it's part of an extremely funny joke. So come on, TV Land. Let Fred Sanford and Aunt Esther
speak the way they were intended. Nothing will change until we demolish the we-they mentality. We are human and therefore all human concerns are ours. Sam Hamill
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