The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on multicultural
issues. Photo upper left is by Henri
Leighton at
See also Videos (Circle
of Recovery, Color of
Fear, Color of
Fear 2-Walking Each Other Home and Stolen
Click on covers for more specific information.
Multicultural Resource Calendar. This calendar focuses
primarily on the US. It includes entries of religious holidays and
festivals, historical/cultural events, and birthdays as well as
months specially designated by congressional or presidential
proclamations for special themes. They have included events and
historical dates that recognize that discrimination has occurred
against groups such as people with disabling conditions and
gays/lesbians. They have also included a Resource Section with
detailed information about most events to encourage an informed
awareness of these events that will make interactions with other
cultures an experience of learning, appreciation and mutual
or 800.865.5549
Abbott, Franklin, Boyhood: Growing up
male: A multicultural anthology. By turns
touching, funny, poignant, and painful, this book chronicles the
road to manhood through the personal narratives and poems of
accomplished writers from around the world. Shepherd Bliss, RObert
Bly, John Gilgun, Terry Kupers, THomas Moore, Rakesh Ratti,
Malidoma Some, Bhante Wimala and many others. Crossing Press,
Franklin, Boyhood: Growing up
male: A multicultural anthology. By turns
touching, funny, poignant, and painful, this book chronicles the
road to manhood through the personal narratives and poems of
accomplished writers from around the world. Shepherd Bliss, RObert
Bly, John Gilgun, Terry Kupers, THomas Moore, Rakesh Ratti,
Malidoma Some, Bhante Wimala and many others. 2nd Edition.
University of Wisconsin Press, 1998 ISBN 0-299-15754-7
This Book!
Abbott, Franklin, ed. Boyhood: Growing Up Male.
A Multicultural Anthology. By turns touching, funny,
poignant and painful, Boyhood chronicles the road to manhood
through the personal narratives and poems of accomplished writers
from around the world. Contributors include Jeff Beane, Shepherd
Bliss, Robert Bly, Edward Field, John Gilgun, Fred Wei-han Ho,
Randy Hilfman, Terry Kupers, Thomas Moore, Gordon Murray, Rakesh
Ratti, Bob Shelby, John Silva, Malidoma Some, Sy Safransky, Bhante
Wimala and many others. University of Wisconsin Press 1998
This Book!
Akbar, Na'im, Visions for Black Men.
Given all of these odds; given the almost impossible circumstances
which we have faced; given these barriers which would have
devastated any other human breed a long time ago - the simple
question is: Why are we still here
anyway? This book raises issues which are not only
important to black men but to all of us. How do we restore African
manhood to those whom our society has not viewed as the chosen
people? Discover the startling prediction of the
mystical tradition of Ancient Africa - that the descendants of a
once-great nation will rise again. Mind Productions, 1998
ISBN 0-935257-01-2 Buy
This Book!
Almeida, Rhea, Transformations of Gender
and Race: Family and Developmental Perspectives.
This book will help therapists improve their skills by arming them
with new theories and practices that concern inclusiveness of
identity, psyche, and culture in the therapy room. This book
radically shifts current thinking in systemic theory and practice
with individuals, children, couples, and families, giving
therapists a fresh perspective on working with clients of all
cultural backgrounds and both genders. You'll discover superb
contemporary thinking in cultural studies, post-colonial theory,
gender theory, queer theory, and clinical and research work with
numerous populations who have been overlooked and undertheorized.
You'll gain a wealth of knowledge and expertise from its
contributors who have been immersed in the issues they address.
Haworth Press, 1998
Amadiume, Ifi, Male Daughters, Female Husbands: Gender
& sex in an African society. Challenging the received
orthodoxies of social anthropology, the author argues that in
precolonial society, sex and gender did not necessarily coincide.
Examining the structures that enabled women to achieve power, she
shows that roles were niether rigidly masculinized nor feminized.
Women could play roles usually monopolized by men and were then
classified as males for the purposes of power - a classification
facilitated by women's independent economic resources and the
existence of a strong goddess-focussed religion. Economic changes
in colonial times undermined women's status and reduced their
political role and patriarchal tendencies introduced by
colonialism persist today, to the detriment of women. Critical of
the chauvinist stereotypes established by colonial anthropology,
the author stresses the importance of recognizing women's economic
activities as an essential basis of their power. She is also
critical of those western feminists who, when relating to African
women, tend to accept the same outmoded projections. Zed, 1987
Hardback ISBN 0-86232-594-3 Buy
This Book! or papaerback ISBN 0-86232-595-1 Buy
This Book!
Baisden, Michael, Men Cry in the
Dark. A novel. As you probably know by now, we seldom include
novels for review. This is one of the exceptions. The bad boy of
literature has done it again with this provocative new book that
is sure to stir controversy. It is an entertaining and realistic
novel about relationships, fatherhood and interracial dating from
the man's perspective. And in an industry dominated by female
writers, it's long overdue! Michael has courageouly
stepped outside the boundaries to prove once and for all that men
do love their children, cherish their women, and yes, even cry.
Legacy, 1997 Buy
This Book!
Berry, Wendell, Hidden Wound, North Poiont, 1989
Boyd, Herb & Robert Allen, editors,
Brotherman: The Odyssey of Black Men in America - An
Anthology. Winner of the American Book Award. The purpose of
this extraordinary anthology is made abundantly clear by the
editors' stated intention: "to create a living mosaic of essays
and stories in which Black men can view themselves, and be viewed
without distortion." It books us passage to the world that Black
men experience as adolescents, lovers, husbands, fathers, workers,
warriors and elders. On this journey they encounter pain,
confusion, anger and love while confronting the life-threatening
issues of race, sex and politics. Ballantine, 1996 ISBN
0-345-38317-6 Buy
This Book!
Boykin, Keith, Respecting the
Soul: Daily reflections for black lesbians and gays.
We're all looking for answers to life's questions. We all want to
reach our goals, maintain a loving relationship, and strengthen
our ties to family and community. But how do we face our doubts
and fears? How do we reconcile the prejudice of others with
the truth we know about ourselves? And how do we deal with
the obstacles that stand in our way? The primary challenges facing
black lesbians and gays are internal, not external. The deepest
wounds are usually self-inflicted, leaving behind the scars of
internalized racism and homophobia. With a unique insight for each
day of the calendar year, this book can help change this reality
by provoking, inspiring, and empowering you, sensitizing your
families and friends, and sharing the wisdom and experience of
hundreds of well-known people who have contributed to our
collective history. This book gives you the encouragement you need
to respect your own soul. Avon Books, 1999,
ISBN 0-380-80021-7 Buy
this book!
Brown, Ron, My Father has Left Me and I'm
About to Go Off! A guide to raising a young
son. Black males are under assault from many sourcesl. Not
that this news is new. Whether listening to the evening news or
remembering the lost sons of family and friends, the impact of the
loss of so many of our young men to jail or the grave is
devastating to the African American community. With the
emasculating effect on men and the disproportionate burden placed
on women in the Black community, it is easy to see the problem,
but where are the solutions? This book addresses the loss of black
fathers in our communities. It speaks of anger, despair and
isolation that is part of the lives of many black youths who live
in female run households. And it tells the story of how one young
boy transcended those feelings to find hope, redepmtion and new
directons, finding his own soul and letting it soar.
Four-G Publishers 1999 ISBN 1885066597 Buy
This Book!
Byrd, Rudolph P., Beverly Guy-Sheftall, ed.,
Traps: African American Men on Gender and Sexuality.
This is the first anthology by African American men on race,
gender and sexuality. The selections on gender reveal what some
may view as the unexpected commitment of African American men to
feminism. Included here are critiques of the subordinate social,
economic, and political position of black women. The next sections
analyze the taboos and myths in which black sexuality is enmeshed.
These essays also stress the importance of rejecting homophobia
and the need to contest the predominance of a heterosexual
paradigm. Monolithic constructions of gender and sexuality,
reinforced by sexism and historically sanctioned homophobia, are
the "traps" that give this book it focus and its title. Indiana
University Press,,
2001, ISBN 0-253-21448-3 Buy
This Book!
Carter, Forrest, Education of Little Tree. By reissuing
this 1976 book, the University of New Mexico Press is doing
exactly what Gramma advised young Little Tree. The Press is
sharing one of those rare books like Huck Finn that each
new generation needs to discover and which needs to be read and
reread regularly. This is a fine and sustaining book, wonderfully
funny and deeply poignant. Those who has read this book seem to
remember when and where and how they came to know the book.
Whether they saw it in the autobiography section of a chain
bookself or heard it reviewed as Book of the Week on a TV show, or
found it on the gift table at a tribal souvenir shop while passing
through a reservation, readers passionantely remember these first
meetings. And old and new readers can once more share this
incredibly touching and deeply moving story which informs the
heart and educates the spirit. University of New Mexico, 1991
ISBN 0-8263-0879-1 Buy
This Book!
Diggs, Anita Doreen, Talking Drums: An
African-American quote collection. This book is a celebration
of the spoken word. It is a continuation of the oral tradition --
a tradition that allows us to read and hear the true
communications of a culture and a wisdom we now call the
African-American experience. Quotations reveal the inner thoughts
and aspiratoins of a people - their ambition, anger, misfortune,
struggle with life, death and adversity, their joy, grief, and
primarily their sense of humor. This collection was chosen to
inspire, inform, comfort and entertain. It shows how
African-american ideas and views have grown, and both shaped and
been shaped from the eighteenth century until today.
Thought-rovoking and fascinating are the subjects and the
statements inside. It is a useful compendium. St. Martin's Press
1995. ISBN 0-312-11745-0 Buy
This Book!
Edwards, Louis, Ten Seconds: A novel creating a
human portrait of a black male. The author deserves the
highest praise for creating a human portrait of a black male as
compelling and sensitive as it is rare in recent American fiction.
This is a very readable first novel, ingenious and gracefully
written. It is also very disturbing...Edwards is effective without
overt, cliched attacks on the system; absent are strident
denunciations. It is a classic intimate portrait of maleness,
softspoken and secretive. A perfect "ten". Graywolf, 1991
ISBN 1-55597-150-4 Buy
This Book!
Entine, Jon, Taboo: Why black
athletes dominate sports and why we're afraid to talk about
it. Award-winning journalist explores the genetic, cultural
and physiological roots of black athletic superiority. Drawing on
the latest scientific research, he shows why biology and ancestry
are significant components of the stunning ascension of black
athletes. He reveals striking differences between athletes of West
African heritage and those from East Africa and shows why such
differences could arise and be maintained over time. But this book
is more than a book about "race science" and sports. It is also a
brilliant piece of history. It tells the gripping story of blacks
in sports and the circumstances that have made addressing the
facts so difficult and controv ersial. Incorporating the latest
scientific breakthroughs in evolution and genetic research,
including the revolutionary Human Genome Project, the book spans
not just the history of sport but the history of mankind. And from
the Kenyan highlands, Philadelphia playgrounds, Olympic studiums,
NBA arenas and research labs at Berkeley, Yale and MIT,
the author finds conclusive evidence of the differences that make
all the difference.
Public Affairs,
2000, ISBN 1-58648-026-X Buy
This Book!
Flint, Colin, Spaces of
Hate: Geographies of discrimination and intolerance in the
U.S.A. Though much has been written
about hate and extreme right-wing groups in the United States,
scant attention has been paid to the ways in which geography plays
an active role in the formation of such groups. Hate, like all
motivating forces in American society, always has a geographical
component at its core - a restricted space that locks out
undesirable "others." Hate groups have always idealized
exclusivist spaces, from an all-white South to cities rid of gays.
In its consideration of the recent history of hate groups in
America, this book addresses the crucial role that place - from
the home to the nation - and geographical context play in shaping
hate activity. The Klan, homophobic groups, and right-wing
militias are all emplaced, and all use territorial ideals to make
their ideologies concrete. Routeledge,,
2004 ISBN 0-415-93587-3 
Gardere, Jeffrey, Smart Parenting for
African Americans: Helping your kids thrive in a
difficult world. Almost anyone can be a parent - but it takes
knowledge, effort, and caring to be a smart parent. Black children
face many challenges in today's world; in some ways it is even
harder growing up black today than it was a generation ago, when
optimism and expectations were higher. The author presents a hip,
savvy, realistic guide for today's parents raising black children.
He takes an honest look at some of the major threats to black
children-academic failure, drugs, gangs, irresponsible sex,
attraction to crime - and presents parents with the tools to deal
with them. The author stresses parent-child communication and the
important role parents play in fostering their kids' self-esteem.
His sensitive but no-nonsense approach will help parents be a
source of support, love and protectoin for their kids. Citadel
Press 1999 ISBN 0-8065-2051-5 Buy
This Book!
Gates, Henry Louis Jr., Thirteen Ways of
Looking at a Black Man. .In these stunning portraits of
prominent black American men, the author takes us behind closed
doors and into the lives, minds, and experiences of some
remarkable people to reveal, through stories of individual lives,
much about American society and race today. As these men talk
about their lives, many perspectives on race and gender emerge.
For the notion of the unitary black man, Gates argues, is as
imaginary as the creature that the poet Wallace Stevens conjured
in his poem. These men and others speak of their lives with candor
and intimacy, and what emerges from this portfolio of influential
men is a strikingly varied and profound set of ideas about what it
means to be a black man in America today. Paperback. Random House 1997
This Book! See 1998 for
the paperback version. Buy
This Book!
Gilbert, Roland & Cheo Tyehimba-Taylor, The Ghetto
Solution. African American men helping African American boys
to become African American men is the cycle we need to make our
communities and country work for all of us. The Simba program
described in this book is a powerful and important way to make it
happen. Connections between caring adults and youth are essential
for the healthy development of children. The author understands
how to assure and nurture these relationships for the youth who
are often forgotton and left behind. This story is inspirational.
Everybody concerned about our future should read this book. WRS,
1993 ISBN 1-56796-021-9 Buy
This Book
Gillan, Maria Mazziotti & Jennifer,
Identity Lessons: Contemporary writing about learning to
be American. A collection of diverse American voices on
conformity and difference. A sweeping anthology that explores how
American society shapes us, this book features selections by
Sherman Alexie, Marie Howe, Amiri Baraka and a wide array of our
finest contemporary writers. These stories and poems examine the
struggle between the need to belong and the undeniable influence
of each individual's cultural roots. In brilliant and moving
pieces that question the common definition of "American", some of
the sharpest and most original voices writing today give their
ethnic perspectives on growing up in America. Penguin Book,
1999 ISBN 0-14-027167-8 Buy
This Book!
Graham, Lawrence Otis, Proversity,
Progressive diversity. While not a "men's issues" book, the
answers within this book will assist every man in this country to
live a healthier life in the presence of all men. Have you ever
quickly judged people at face value before really getting to know
them? Does that make you racist or sexist? Have you ever been
startled by a biased thought that's passed through your head? You
are not alone. This book offers a new approach for transforming
diversity, affirmative action, and multiculturalism in the
workplace from a hindrance into a powerful competitive advantage.
While diversity focuses on what makes us different - be it race,
age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion -
proversity does just the opposite: it looks for the things we all
have in common. John Wiley & Sons 1997 ISBN 0-471-17818-7
This Book!
Gutmann, Matthew, The Meanings of
Macho. In this first detailed ethnography of machismo, the
author disproves many stereotypes of male culture and in their
place he offers a sensitive, wide-ranging, often surprising look
at how Mexican men see themselves, parent their children, relate
to women, drink among themselves and talk about sex in their
day-to-day lives. University of California Press Wonderful Ways to
Love a Teen: even when it seems impossible, Judy Ford. As any
parent can attest, raising a child is a frightening, challenging,
surprising and delightful experience. Yet, as children grow, the
art of relating to them becomes increasingly complicated. Here we
have a nuts and bolts guidebook to building and strengthening a
loving bond that is ideal for busy parents. It includes 60 short
essays on how to develop a healthy teen parenting style by
mastering four keys to strong and successful relationships filled
with love, laughter and mutual respect. They are: compassion,
communication, diplomacy and conflict resolution. Conari Press,
1996 ISBN 0-520-20236-8 Buy
This Book!
Harbowski, Freeman A., Kenneth Maton
& Geoffrey Grief, Beating the Odds: Raising
academically successful African American males. Today, young
Black men are more likely to be killed or sent to prison than to
graduate from college. Yet, despite all the obstacles, some are
achieving at the highest academic and professional levels. This
book tells their remarkable stories and shows us what African
American families have done to raise academically successful sons,
sons who are among the top two percent of African American males
in terms of SAT scores and grades. The result of extensive
and innovative research, this book goes beyond analysis - and
beyond the relentlessly negative media images - to show us
precisely how young Black men can succeed despite the roadblocks
of racism, the temptations of crime and drugs, and a popular
culture that values being "cool" over being educated. Oxford
University Press, 1998
Harper, Phillip Brian,
Are We Not Men? Masculine anxiety and the problem of
African-American identity. In 1995, popular anxieties about
black masculinity became evident in public reactions to the
conclusion of the OJ Simpson trial and the Million Man March on
Washington. The nation's divided response to the OJ verdict,
together with the controversy surrounding Louis Farrakhan's call
to black men to come together for a "day of atonement" brought
issues of race and gender to the forefront of national debate. In
his timely and incisive book, the author explores issues of race
and representation and shows that ideas about black masculinity
have always played a troubled role both in the formation of
African-American identity and in the mass media at large. What is
at stake when a picture of OJ Simpson is darkened on the cover of
Time magazine? Why is AIDS still seen as a white gay
disease when a quarter of deaths (1981-1991) were among black
males? Using examples from a variety of cultural contexts, ranging
from sports and pop music to literature and television, the author
investigates these questions in an effort to show the ways in
which narrow definitions of black manhood have failed to
acknowledge real differences within the African-American community
- to grave social and political effect. An original, far-reaching
and ultimately humane work of cultural criticism, the author
argues convincingly that there are no innocent texts, and forces
us to reexamine the culture that surrounds us. Oxford University
Press, 1996 ISBN 0-19-509274-0 Buy
This Book!
Hirsch, James S., Riot and Remembrance:
The Tulsa race war and its legacy. On a warm night in May,
1921, thousands of whites, many deputized by the local police,
swarmed through the Greenwood section of Tulsa, Oklahoma, killing
scores of blacks, looting, and ultimately burning the neighborhood
to the ground. In the aftermath, as many as 300 were dead and
6,000 Greenwood residents were herded into detention camps. The
author focuses on the de facto apartheid that brought about the
Greenwood riot and informed its eighty-year legacy, offering an
unprecedented examination of how a calamity spawns bigotry and
courage and how it has propelled one community's belated search
for justice. The author also highlights Tulsa's emergence at the
forefront of the burgeoning debate over reparations. It shows
vividly, chillingly, how the culture of Jim Crow caused not only
the grisly incidents of 1921, but also those of Rosewood, Selma
and Watts, as well as less widely known atrocities. It also
addresses the cruel irony that underlies today's battles over
affirmative action and reparatoins: that justice and
reconciliation are often incompatible goals. Houghton Mifflin,
2002. ISBN 0-618-10813-0 Buy
This Book!
Hollinger, David, Postethnic America: Beyond
multiculturalism. Amid the vituperative charges of racism,
anti-Semitism, and xenophobia that fill the newspapers and
airwaves, here is a major contribution that brings reason and
historical consciouness to these divisive issues. The author, one
of America's foremost intellectual historians, offers a bold
proposal to heal our nation's ethnic divisions. Sympathetic with
the new ethnic consciousness, he argues that the conventionl
liberal toleration of all established enthnic groups no longer
works because it leaves unchallenged the prevailing imbalance of
power. Yet the multiculturalist alternative does nothing to stop
the fragmenting of American society into competing ethnic
enclaves, each concerned primarily with its own well-being. He
argues instead of a new cosmopolitanism, an appreciation of
multiple identities - new cross-cultural affliations based not on
the biologically given but on consent, on the right to emphasize
or dimish the significance of one's ethnoracial affiliation. This
is a bracing reminder of America's universalist promise as a haven
for all peoples. While recognizing the Eurocentric narrowness of
that older universalism, he makes a stirring call for a new
nationalism. He urges that a democratic nation-state like ours
must help brigde the gap between our common fellowship as human
beings and the great variety of ethnic and racial groups
represented with the U.S. We are not the chosen people. Nor are we
a mere collection of diaspora. What we can become, in his
inspiring vision, is "a people among peoples" in a postethnic
world, a democratic-cosmopolitan society respectful of its
ethno-racial heritages but not imprisoned by them. Basic Books,
1995 ISBN 0-465-95991-0 Buy
This Book!
Hutchinson, Earl Ofari, The
Assassination of the Black Male Image. Black male bashing has
become a growth industry in America. The media promotes the
numbers: one out of four young black males is in prison, on parole
or on probation; one out of three young black males drop out of
school; and one out of two young black males grow up in single
family households. From the extraordinary coverage of the O.J.
Simpson trial to "Waiting to Exhale"-style anti-black man
propaganda, America has taken black male bashing to new levels.
This history of myths, half-truths and lies is traced to the
European conquest of Africa. Sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious,
the bias in news and sports stories from major newspapers and
magazines is exposed. The hypocrisy of some African-American icons
who secure lucrative book, movie and TV deals by perpetuating anti
black-male stereotypes is exposed. A definite wake-up call. Simon
& Schuster,
1996 ISBN 0-684-83100-7 Buy
This Book!
Hutchinson, Earl Ofari, Black Fatherhood: The guide
to male parenting. This is a rare and positive book. It
considers what African-Americans are doing right for a change. It
provides advice and support for Black fathers. This very readable
volume encourges active involvement of fathers with their
children. The author emphasizes the many ways we can support our
children's healthy development without spending a lot of money. It
disputes the many excuses men have offered for non-involvement and
offers a common sense approach to discipline and education. He
rightly argues that men belong in the home, taking an equal role
with women in homemaking and child care. Impact, 1992
ISBN 1-881032-08-6 Buy
This Book!
Hwang, David, Henry, Plays
Jiobu, Robert, Ethniicity
& Assimilation: Blacks, Chinese, Filipinos,
Japanese, Koreans, Mexicans, Vietnamese & whites.
This is a study of the main ethnic groups in California and is the
only study that offers a direct comparison of these various ethnic
groups. The author presents the thesis that the upward mobility of
an ethnic group is determined not only by its infrastructure but
also by the infrastructure of the situation the group encournters.
For example, the chapter on history emphasizes economics and
demographics more than subcultural values and attitudes. Other
chapters similarly emphasize infrastructure, covering each group's
demographic composition, intermarriage rates, residential
segregation, and labor force characteristics. Few analyses of
census data have so self-consciously incorporated historical
material in order to help elucidate statistical results and
provide an integrated comparative view of ethnicity in American
society. New York University, 1988 ISBN 0-88706-648-8 Buy
This Book!
Kane, Julius, Ten Things Every Black Man Must
do Before He Dies. "Pathways in life are often crowded with
spectators and fools, but never crowded with ethics or ideals. A
couple of years back, while on my quest for mental freedom, my
path crossed the author's. It was evident from the first words
that came out his mouth; he was a man of ideals. We regularly
debated on ways to help the lost black men of our generation
overcome years of mis-education and self-hate. Those exchanges of
ideas were mutually beneficial to our friendship and agendas.
Although our paths are winding, we've both arrived at the exact
same location; the enlightenment and re-education of our brothers
and sisters. In this book, he examines some major problems and
details specific solutions. His findings, albeit challenging and
bold, truly is a must read for all black men and women alike. His
potent mixture of wit and veracity flows perfectly thoughout his
work. At a time where everything around us is glossed over and
made to look pretty, I most appreciated his straightforward
assessments. I believe it's what black America needs now more
than ever. He has inked a non-fiction page-turner and created in
me a fervent reader and friend for life." Ynot Ama Shakur.
Maverick Publishing,,
2006, ISBN 0-9785056-1-1 
Kennedy, Randall, Nigger: The
strange career of a troublesome word. Nigger: it
is arguably the most consequential social insult in American
history, though, at the same time, a word that reminds us of "the
ironies and dilemmas, tragedies and glories of the American
experience." In this tour de force, distinguished Harvard Law
School professor and author of the highly acclaimed Race, Crime
and the Law, "put(s) a tracer on nigger," to identify
how it has been used and by whom, while analyzing the
controversies to which it has given rise. With unprecedented
candor and insight, the author explores such questions
as: How should nigger be defined? Is it, as some
have declared, necessarily more hurtful than other racial
epithets? Do blacks have a right to use nigger even as
others do not? Should the law view nigger baiting as a
provocation strong enough to reduce the culpability of a person
who responds violently to it? Should a person be fired from
his or her job for saying nigger? How might the
destructiveness of nigger be assuaged? To be
ignorant of the meanings and effects of nigger, says the
author, is to render oneself vulnerable to all manner of peril.
This book brilliantly and sensitively addresses that concern.
Pantheon Book,,
2002. ISBN 0-375-42172-6 Buy
This Book!
Kivel, Paul, Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for
Racial Justice. There's a long traditional of white people
opposing racism - and there are also hundreds of excuses we give
ourselves for not getting involved. This book is designed to help
white people act on convictions that racism in wrong. It talks
about racism without rhetoric or attack and helps us understand
the dynamics of racism in our society, institutions and daily
lives, and it share stories, suggestions, advice, exercises and
approaches to working together to fight racism. It will help you
intervene strategically wherever racism occurs in public policy,
institutional settings or interpersonal interactions. New Society,
1996 ISBN 0-86571-338-3 Buy
This Book!
Lathan, E. LeMay, The Black Man's Guide to
Working in a White Man's World. Pundits, academics,
politicians, black leaders, religious leaders-even Presidents-have
all tried to fix the destructive race prob lem facing America
today. So far, all have failed. The inequality is ripping apart
the fabric of society. Something must be done to turn the tide and
save the very future of the black race. So says the author who
offers his startlingly provocative advice on this explosive issue.
He dares to say what others cannot say, and to many it will be a
breath of fresh air. Just where did he find the key to unlocking
the national crisis that has stumped all the
experts? On the job! He is a black man who
has bucked the odds and achieved his own piece of the American
dream. Dorn in Mississippi and raised by his great-grandmother, he
has worked his way through the corporate world to become a middle
manager with steady employment, a loving family and a proud sense
of accomplishments. He has written this guide to help his fellow
blacks through the process. He provides invaluable insights on how
the white man views the black man and how blacks must react
accordingly. He offers hard-learned tips and advice for getting
and keeping a job. He explains how he personally broke the cycle,
and he shows his fellow blacks how they can take control of their
lives and gain their piece of the American dream. The author
asserts that only blacks can fix the black problem. He walked his
talk and made it. Hopefully after reading this guide, others can
too. General Publishing Group 1997 Buy
This Book!
Lester, Joan Steinau, Future of White
Men: & other diversity dilemmas, Conari,
Madhubuti, Haki, Blackmen: Obsolete, single,
Majors, Richard and Janet Mancini Billson, Cool Pose: The
dilemas of black manhood in America. Black men learned long
ago that the classic American virtures of thrift, perserverance
and hard work did not give them the same tangible rewards that
accrued to white men. Yet they have defined manhood in similar
terms: breadwinner, provider, procreator, protector. Without the
means to adequately fulfill these roles, many have become
frustrated, impatient, angry, embittered and alienated. To combat
these feelings of oppression, black males have adopted a "cool
pose." This ritualized expression of masculinity,
involving behavior, speech and physical and emotional posturing,
suggests distance, irony and superiority over outsiders, and
delivers to others a clear message of strength and control.
Unfortunately, this strategic style has created a chasm between
black males who adopt it, and women and other men in their
communities. By acting detached, calm, fearless, aloof, and tough,
they shield themselves from intimate, committed and caring
relationships. The authors examine the roots of "cool pose" and
probe the issues surrounding a disproportionate number of black
males today: why they die earlier than whites, from suicide,
homicide, accidents, and stress-related illnesses; why they are
more inovlved in crime; why they drop out of school and are
suspended more frequently; why they have more volatile
relationships with women. This book is the first book by a black
psychologist to explore this issue, one of today's most puzzling
and troubling social ills. Lexington, 1992 ISBN 0-669-24523-2
This Book!
Marable, Manning, Black America: Multicultural
democraact in the age of Clarence Thomas & David
Duke. From this pamphlet: "...As President Bush
continues to pursue a racist agenda while employing a public style
and discourse of racial harmony. He openly courts black middle
class leaders. He invites them to the White House for lunch. He
said, OK. Thurgood Marshall, the only African-American, on the
Supreme Court, is leaving the court, but I believe in racial
equality. I'm going to give you another black justice. So he
produces a black justice who's against women's rights of choice.
It's a black justice, Clarence Thomas, who clearly is antithetical
and hostile towards the civil rights agenda. This is a black
justice who is opposed to affirmative action, opposed to workers'
rights and trade union rights, a so-called black justice who has
carried out in his personal and private and public life an
attitude of contempt for women and particularly for
African-American women! But that's the one Bush has given us.
This is a kind of "slick" racism, as one of my students once put
it. In fact, Malcolm X developed a term for it: he called it
tricknology. It gives us something without giving us
anything - an appearance that diverts attention away from the real
and malignant social impact..." Open Magazine, 908.789.9608,
Muhajir, El, Woman-Man's Best Friend: Proverbs, poems,
parables, sons. "Let's get one thing clear at the outset, I am
not pushing women's liberation. Women will be liberated when men
are liberated. What I am pushing is the unification of the Black
family, for when the Black family is united we will all be
liberated: men, women and children. Naturally, the devil
doesn't want the family united: he wants men fighting women
and women fighting men. Listen to any soul station in Black
America, listen to the Black man singing the Blues about his
woman, crying, moaning and groaning - as if she were really the
problem The white man is our number one problem, not our woman,
she is the victim, just as we are. Whatever evil she manifests,
she learned it from the white man, via public schools,
christianity, televion, movies, magazines, etc. If anything, we
should be singing the blues about the white man. A collection of
poems, proverbs, parables, and songs written during the years
1969-1972. Al Kitan Sudan Publishing, San Franciso, 1973
Munoz, Carlos, Youth, Identity, Power: The chicano
movement. This is a study of the origins and development of
Chicano radicalism in American. Written by a leader of the Chicano
Student Movement of the 1960s who also played a role in the
creation of the wider Chicano Power Movement, this is the first
full-length work to appear on the subject. It fills an important
gap in the history of political protest in the U.S. The author
places the Chicano movement in the wider context of the political
development of Mexicans and their descendants in the US, tracing
the emergence of Chicano student activists in the 1930s and their
initial challenge to the dominant racial and class ideologies of
the time. The author then documents the rise and fall of the
Chicano Power Movement, situating the student protests of the
sixties with in the changing political scene of the time, and
assessing the movement's contribution to the cultural development
of the Chicano population as a whole. He concludes with an account
of Chicano politics in the 1980s. Verso, 1989
ISBN 0-86091-913-7 Buy
This Book!
Oliver, William, The Violent Social World
of Black Men. This book offers penetrating new insights into
one of our society's greatest problems - the high incidence of
violence among African American men. In this book, criminologist
William Oliver discusses the causes and effects of black-on-black
violence and provides an insider's perspective behind the myriad
of circumstances that lead to violent confrontations. Jossey-Bass, 1998
ISBN 0-7879-4305-3 Buy
This Book!
Orenstein, Gloria Feman, Multi-cultural Celebrations,
Pomegranate, 1993
Paschal, Angelia M, Voices of
African-American Teen Fathers. This book is an insightful look
at adolescent pregnancy and parenthood through the eyes of fathers
aged 14 to 19. This unique book features candid interviews with
thirty teens who talk about "doing what I got to do" - handling
their responsibilities as best they can given their perceptions,
limitations, and life experiences. Teens talk about how and why
they became fathers, how they handle being a parent, their
perceptions of fatherhood, the relationships they have with their
parents and the mothers of their children, and how they deal with
the everyday struggles, demands, and concerns they face. Haworth
2006, ISBN 0-7890-2738-0 
Perchinske, Malene, Commitment: Fatherhood in Black
America. This is a beautiful book that flys in face of popular
thought that black fathers aren't committed. Despite however this
perception of the absent father is upheld, many black fathers
provide the support, both economically and emotionally, needed to
sustain their families. This book captures images of this less
often recognized parent in fifty photographs and poignant
quotations from the fathers and children it celebrates.
Photographer Carole Patterson has spent several years crossing the
continent to interview and photograph responsible black fathers.
Anthony Barboza has also contributed imagery. These portraits -
young fathers, older fathers, a great-grandfather, fathers of
different levels of the economic ladder - provide valuable insight
into American culture. And, because of their humanitarian scope,
they deliver an important message to everyone, especially young
people, about parenthood and the obligations and responsibilities
attached to it. University of Missouri Press 1998
ISBN 0-8262-1157-7 Buy
This Book!
Riley, Dorothy Winbush, The Complete
Kwanzaa: Celebrating our cultural harvest, Harper
Collins, 1995
Robbins, Anthony, & Joseph McClendon,
Unlimited Power: A Black Choice. An expansion on the
original Unlimited Power, to address the
specific differences of African Americans in search of knowledge,
courage, success and a better quality of life. It helps people
overcome any societal/personal roadblocks and cultural
conditioning that might keep them from enjoying the life of their
dreams. Step-by-step, they show how to reprogram the mind in
minutes to eliminate fears and phobias, fuel the body with renewed
health and energy, dramatically improve relationships, and become
a persuasive communicator. Readers learn the seven lies of
success, how to duplicate the success of others, the five keys to
wealth and happiness, how to determine one's values, how to
resolve internal conflicts that are the source of self sabotage
and other destructive behaviors. Simon & Schuster. 1997
Hardbound ISBN 0-684-82436-1 Buy
This Book! Paperback. Buy
This Tape!
Rogers, J.A., 100 Amazing Facts About the
Negro: With complete proof, Helga M. Rogers,
Rogers, J.A., Worlds Great Men of Color, Volume II.
This second volume continues the groundbreaking account of the
great Black personalities of world history and beautifully
finishes what he started in the first volume. Like the first, this
volume is a convenient reference; equipped with a comprehensive
introduction, it treats all aspects of recorded Black history.
This book is vital reading for everyone who wants a fuller and
broader understanding of the great personalities who have helped
shape our world. Touchstone
1996 ISBN 0-684-81582-6 Buy
This Book!
Sanchez, Trinidad, Jr. Poems by Son.
The "coming of age" of the Chicano people is a complex subject
that will be written about for years to come. Theirs has been a
history of oppression which has affected many generations, dating
back to the Spanish Conquest of Mexico and the birth of the
Mestizo. Their parents have shared with them accounts of the
prejudics that they have endured and their parents have shared the
same with them, and on and on. It is understandable that this
weighing history should have a significant influence on the
thinking of sensitive writers and artists of Mexican American
descent. The vestiges of outright racial discrimination remain and
abound in their present society, as does the actual practice. The
contemporary writer whose focus is the Mexican American experience
has this history to deal with, as much as the dynamic present and
the unveiling future. The author is one such writer who feels
compelled to communicate the social experience of his people. His
adult life has been greatly influenced by the Chicano Movement of
the sixties and seventies. His poetry reflects the anguish and
pain, as well as the vitality and spirit of a generation of
Mexican Americans who managed to break through that stereotype
image of the docile, complacent, uneducated Mexicano.Pecan Grove
Press, 1996. ISBN 1-877603-41-4 Buy
This Book!
Sanders, Herman A.,
Daddy, We Need You NOW! A primer on
African-American male socialization. There is a saying that
goes something like, "Any man can be a father, but it takes a
real man to be a daddy." The increasing problem facing the
black community is that there are a lot of "fathers" that are not
fulfilling their role as "daddy". Positive black male role models,
in the black community, are becoming as scarce as the black male
himself. Too many black children are being forced to grow up
without the benefit of a strong black male in their lives. Of
course this hurts all children, but it is especially harmful to
black boys growing up without the proper "road map" that will lead
them into manhood. We agree that parents are the first teachers in
their children's life. So the question comes to mind that if daddy
is missing, what are his children learning from him? Among other
things, this book provides empirical evidence that the presence of
a supportive and employed father in the home during the formative
years contributes greatly to the emotional stability, positive
self-concept and academic success of the children. University
Press of America, 1996 ISBN Cloth 0-7618-0379-3 Buy
This Book!; Paper 0-7618-0380-7 Buy
This Book!
Simons, George, Working
Together: Succeeding in a multicultural
organization. Working with people who look, believe or act
differently from you, may be difficult or uncomfortable. You don't
know what to say, or what to expect, or simply find yourself
inhibited, self-conscious, or even fearful when those from other
cultures are around you. Certain people may not react when you
speak to them, or perform in the way you expect. What moves you
doesn't seem to motivate them in the same way. Maybe you sincerely
believe that you do your best to treat everyone equally and
fairly, but others inform you that you are insensitive, unfair, or
prejudiced. Perhaps some have even accused you of discriminating
against them. This book provides you wth an opportunity to do
something about understanding other cultures. The future will
bring more diversity, not less. Public and private leaders all
over the world face the challenge of uniting different individuals
and groups to reach common goals. The best leaders learn to draw
unique contributions from each group. The future of your world
depends on it. This book will help you to understand and respect
people of other cultures and be understood and respected by them.
Its three main sections will show you how to interact with
different kinds of people. So, pick up your pencil - this is both
a "read" and a "do" book - and get started. Crisp, 1994
ISBN 0-931961-85-8 Buy
This Book!
Simonson, Rick, Multicultural Literacy: Opening the
American Mind. The issue of cultural literacy has been the
subject of intense debate in the past few years. Several
bestselling books about the deficiencies of our educational system
as well as changes in basic curriculum at more than one major
university have contributed to the fervor of this debate. Fueling
the national controversy is the question of what body of knowledge
constitutes cultural literacy. While many argue for a return to a
"back to basics" curriculum, equally energetic voices call for a
revised curriculum, one which embrances both traditional western
classics and the classics of non-European cultures, among them
African, Asian and Latin American. This volume brings together
thirteen essays which suggest the range of knowledge truly
literate individuals need to posses to enlarge our perspecitive to
include a variety of voices and heritages which contribute to the
vibrant culture of the US Also included is a beginning
list of names, places, dates and concepts which are part and
parcel of a multicultural fabric. Graywolf, 1988
ISBN 1-55597-114-8 Buy
This Book!
Singletary, Mike, Daddy's Home at
Last: What it takes for dads to put families first.
Dads looking homeward, not outward. Dads exercising leadership,
fostering teamwork, and establishing rules and boundaries. Dads
daring to be open, vulnerable and communicative, taking time to
listen to their children and pray with them. Dads striving to
create within their families a legacy of love. The author, the
former Chicago Bears All-Pro middle linebacker, invites you to
join the ranks of America's emerging new fatherhood. Discover the
dramatic impact you can make on your family when you embrace
fatherhood based on service, not selfishness. Fatherhood that
defines success not in material terms but in spiritual terms. This
book brings you rich wisdom, encouraging insights, challenging
observations, and helpful advice. Strong, touching and full of
faith, it's for every father and husband who wants to build a
secure, closely knit family. Zondervan, 1998
Staples, Robert, Black Families at the
Crossroads: Challenges & prospects.
Virtually every measurable aspect of the quality of life for Black
Americans is declining. Poverty, crime, drug addiction, disease
and educational problems continue to plaque a growing segment of
the Black population. An enriched understanding of the Black
family - an institution seen as both the cause and victim of many
of these probmes - is an essential step toward stemming the
decline of the quality of life in Black America. This book offers
a comprehensive examination of the diverse and complex issues
surrounding the Black family unit as it has evolved from
preslavery to contemporary society. The authors draw on more than
fifty years of combined experience studying the Black American
family to offer insights into the specific characteristics and
needs of this institution. This book looks at the historical
development of the Afro-American family, its changing structures,
and the roles of its family members. It describes how external
forces such as economics, racism, culture and politics have
affected the dynamics of family relations. Examining all the
dimensions of family life, they go beyond statistics to explain
the reasons behind dating and sexual norms, patterns of marital
interaction, the prevalance of the female-headed household, and
characteristics of family life among the aged. Based on the
authors' extensive research, this book explores how children fare
in households with only a single parent; how economic success
correlates to marital happiness; how youths are socialized into
dating roles in Black culture; and how income, education and
occupational levels differ between Black men and women.
1993 ISBN 1-55542-486-4 Buy
This Book!
Staples, Robert, Black Masculinity: The black male's role
in American society. This is the first comprehensive study by
a sociologist of the role of Afro-American men in the US. In this
dynamic collection of essays, the author brings to bear his own
experiential perspective as a black male along with the objective
analysis of a social scientist. For the first time, black manhood
is examined in his many dimensions. Beginning with the role of men
in Africa, he discusses the ways in which the experience of
slavery altered that role; and he reveals the powerful social
forces that continue to shape the black man's role in an urban
American environment. He also analyzes the issues of crime and
violence among black men, and the political and economic factors
that generate such behavior. Using insights gained from more than
20 years of studying black sex roles, black women's roles and
rights, the book then investigates the black male's relationships
with women, and his attitudes towards jealousy, sexuality, dating,
homosexuality and white women. He offers a passionate yet balanced
analysis of black masculinity past and present, the predictions
for the future of America's most maligned group. Black Scholar
Press, 1985 Hardcover: ISBN 0-933296-07-X Buy
This Book! Paper Back ISBN 0-933296-06-1 Buy
This Book!
Steele, Shelby, Content of Our Character: A new
vision of race in America. Why, after twenty-five years of
legal change and ebbing prejudice, are blacks worse off
today? In this controversial collection of esssays, the
award-winning author claims that blacks are more oppressed by
doubt than by racism, and that a generation after the Watts riots
and passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it's time for blacks
to look beyond their victimization and rely on their efforts to
gain access to the American mainstream. In brilliant, moving
prose, he illuminates the origins of the conflict in race
relations today - the increase in anger, mistrust, and even
violence between blacks and whites. With candid and persuasive
arguments, he shows us how both black and white Americans have
become trapped into seeing color before character, and how social
policies designed to lessen racial differences have instead made
them greater. This is neither "liberal" or "conservative," but an
honest, courageous look at America's most enduring and wrenching
social dilemma. Harper Perennial, 1990 ISBN 0-06-097415-X
This Book!
Steptoe, Javaka illustrator, In Daddy's
Arms I Am Tall: African Amercians Celebrating
Fathers. This is a tribute to the influence that Black fathers
have on their sons, daughters, and grandchildren. In this
intergenerational collection of poetry by new and established
African American writers - who range in age from their 20's to
their 50's - fatherhood is celebrated with honor, humor and grace.
Bringing each poem to life is the spirited artwork of Javaka
Steptoe, in his picture book debut. The son of the late acclaimed
children's book artist, John Steptoe, Javaka employs an inventive
range of media to explore the special bond between father and
child. This book delivers a profound message to people everywhere
that family is a precious gift, and that fathers are among our
most affecting heroes. Lee & Low,
Takaki, Ronald, Strangers from a Different Shore: A
history of Asian Americans
Terry, Rod, Brother's Keeper: Words of inspiration
for African-American men, Peter Pauper Press, 1996
Toussaint, Pamela, Great Books for
African-American Children. This book brings you a compendium
of more than 250 books that celebrate the African-American
experience. This comprehensive guide for children of all ages -
from preschoolers to young adults - features: A list of some
of the best books avialable, including out-of-print books.
In-depth reviews of each book - including information about awards
received. The main moral value of each book plus thoughtful,
exploratory questions to ask your child. An index that lists each
book by title, author, and moral value. A list of reading
resources parents can use to find websites, magazines, videos, and
bookstores specializing in African-American subjects...and more.
Including a complete appendix and entries about poetry collections
and speeches, this book is an invaluable resource for parents and
children. Plume Book
1999 ISBN 0-452-28044-3 Buy
This Book!
Urrea, Luis Alberto, The Devil's
Highway. In May 2001, a group of men attempted to cross the
border into the desert of southern Arizona, through the deadliest
region of the continent, a place called the Devil's Highway.
Fathers and sons, brothers and strangers, entered a desert so
harsh and desolate that even the Border Patrol is afraid to travel
through it. For hundreds of years, men have tried to conquer this
land, and for hundreds of years the desert has stolen their souls
and swallowed their blood. Along the Devil's Highway, days are so
hot that dead bodies naturally mummify almost immediately. And
that May, twenty-six men went in. Twelve came back out. These men
would not give up. This is a story of astonishing courage and
strength, of an epic battle against circumstance. These twenty-six
men would look the Devil in the eyes - and some of them would not
blink. Little, Brown and Company, 2004, ISBN 0-316-74671-1

Vanzant, Iyanla, The Spirit of a Man: A Vision of
Transformation for Black Men and the Women Who Love Them. Long
known as the country's leading authority on spirituality and
empowerment for Black women, Iyanla Vanzant now offers a message
of faith, self-knowledge and courage for Black men in the
struggles, crises and victories they face in today's society.
Teaching Black men to recognize and tap the energy of their own
spirits, Vanzant uses a brilliant and transforming blend of
ancient African spirituality, practical self-help advice, and
contemporary faith to help Black men - and the women who love them
- nurture the strength and power that are their birthright.
1996 ISBN 0-06-251239-0 Buy
This Book!
Wade-Gayles, Gloria,
Father Songs: Testimonies by African-American sons
and daughters,. Loving, enraged, wounded, heroic. These are
our fathers, our black fathers. In startlingly beautiful prose,
poetry and fiction some of our most gifted writers, including John
Edgar Wideman, Malcolm X, Audre Lorde, Toi Derricotte, Ntozake
Shange, Charles Braxton, Manning Marable, Mary Helen Washington
and Dolores Kendricks, pay tribute to the complex relationship
between sons, daughters and the first and most important man in
their lives. Some search for their fathers in painful memories
that haunt them from childhood through adolescence into their own
parenthood; others celebrate their fathers' lives and the gifts
their fathers gave them and their own children. Despite the
enormous range of experiences, each writer affirms the central
role this relationship has played in their lives. This book offers
forgiveness for past mistakes and an invitation to new beginnings.
A much-needed book, it promises to bring black men and women
together as fathers, daughters, and sons - as family. Beacon
Press, 1997
Watts, Roderick, Jagers, J, ed, Manhood
Development in Urban African-American Communities. One of the
first books to unite practice, research and theory in addressing
manhood development, this book aids in the construction of more
holistic and progressive notions of African-American manhood.
Proceeding from a psychological perspective, this text explores
the issues of culture and race and how they impact the cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral characteristics of African-American boys
and men. You will see how the development of self-esteem and
self-image are specifically affected by issues of gender, race,
culture, religion, and oppression. The understanding of culture,
gender and oppression youll gain will enable you to promote
the positive development of young men. Haworth Press
1997 Hardback See paperback below. Buy
This Book!
Watts, Roderick & Robert Jagers, ed. Manhood Development in
Urban African-American Communities. One of the first books to
unite practice, research and theory in addressing manhood
development, this book aids in the construction of more holistic
and progressive notions of African-American manhood. Proceeding
from a psychological perspective, this text explores the issues of
culture and race and how they impact the cognitive, emotional, and
behavioral characteristics of African-American boys and men. You
will see how the development of self-esteem and self-image are
specifically affected by issues of gender, race, culture,
religion, and oppression. The understanding of culture, gender and
oppression youll gain will enable you to promote the
positive development of young men. Haworth Press
1998 Paperback ISBN 0-7890-0505-0 Buy
This Book!
Wideman, John Edgar, Fatheralong: The Meditation on
Fathers and Sons, Race and Society, Pantheon, 1994
Wilkinson, Doris & Ronald Taylor, eds, The Black Male
in America
Williams, Gregalan, Boys to
Men: Maps for the Journey. In today's crazy world,
it's sometimes hard to find the time, and the words, to talk
honestly with our children about what they're thinking - much less
to remember what we thought when we were their age. This is a
moving and honest account of how one man made it to manhood. In
its reminiscences you will find yourself, and your son. These
stories will spark memories of stories of your own, stories you
can use to open a dialogue with your growing son. His critical
message cuts across race and class to guide a son and strengthen
the courage of his parents. An important resource in the struggle
to save our sons, this will help prepare the men of tomorrow for
the road they must travel today. Main Street Books
1998 ISBN 0-385-48688X Buy
This Book!
Wright, Marguerite, I'm Chocolate, You're
Vanilla: Raising healthy black and biracial childen in a
race-conscious world. This thought-provoking book draws on the
author's research into the ways children view race at different
stages of development. This guide for parents and teachers of
black children offers clear compelling, well-grounded advice on
self-esteem, shatters common myths about race, and reveals
practical ways adults can instill children with positive racial
identities. Jossey-Bass
1998 Buy
This Book!
Zogby, James J., What Ethnic Americans
Really Think: The Zogby Culture Polls. These "Cultural
Polls" reveal findings of separate surveys of six major American
ethnic groups: Latino Americans, Italian Americans, African
Americans, Jewish Americans, Arab Americans and Asian Pacific
Americans. The surveys analyize family background and lifestyle
characteristics for each ethnic group, along with an analysis on
areas of commonality and differences on major policy issues. This
study does for current observers of the American reality what
Moynihan and Glazer did in the 60's in Beyond the Melting
Pot and what Andrew Greeley did in the 70's in
Ethnicity: A preliminary reconnaissance and Why Can't
They Be Like US? The Zogby brothers combine the excellence of
the foremost polling and data gathering organization in the world
with the insights of seasoned practitioners of ethnic coalition
politics. This is a book that will reshape the new politics of
renewed confidence in values that are foundational of
representative government. The classroom, the courthouse, the
political campaign and the political pundits will welcome this
path breaking compilation of information. These data will strip
nonsensical veneer from public discourse that has manipulated
culture and values and soured democratic trust. The author's
provide the required focus on honest attention to diversity and
the search for common ground in human aspirations for well-being
and respect as well as fairness which has been and remains the
American promise of liberty and justice for all. Zogby
International, 2001 ISBN 0-9712255-0-8 Buy
this Book!
* * *
There are no elements so diverse that they cannot be joined in the
heart of a man. - Jean Giraudoux

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