Men's Books
Reviewed 1998 
Menstuff® presents a review of many men's books published in
The first listing shows the categories. If a category is in blue,
a click will take you to an alphabetical list by title of books in
that category we have received concerning that issue, published in
1998. A click on the second category heading will take you to all the
books we have in our databank on that issue. A click on the book
title will access the bookcover review of the book. A click on the
"Lenny" icon next to the book review will, in most cases, reveal the
book's jacket. There also may be information on the subject under
"issues" and/or
See Book of the Week for 2000,
2001, 2002,
2003, 2004,
and 2005. See also book reviews
for 1996, 1997,
1999, 2000,
2001, 2002,
2003, 2004
and 2005, plus Video
Tapes, Audio Tapes,
Starting and keeping a men's
group and Affirmation
books for men.
Men's Issues
Books by Issue
- Adolescence: A contemporary
view, 3rd edition, Linda Nielsen
- Cool
Women: The thinking girl's guide to the hippest women
in history, Pam Nelson
- 8 Ball
Chicks: A year in the violent world of girl gangs,
Gini Sikes
- Family Secrets, Gay
Sons: A mother's story, Jean Baker
- Promiscuities: The
secret struggle for womanhood,
Naomi Wolf
- Queer Kids: The
challenges and promise of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth,
Robert Owens Jr.
- Raising Their
Voices: The politics of girls' anger, Lyn Mikel
- Sex
Smart: 501 reasons to hold off on sex, Susan
Browning Pogany
- Taking the Bully by
the Horns, Kathy Noll with Dr. Jay Carter
- Video
- Affordable
Justice: How to settle any dispute, including divorce, out of
court, Elizabeth Allen & Donald Mohr
- The Best
Interests of the Child: The least detrimental
alternative, Joseph Goldstein, Albert Solnit, Sonja Goldstein
and Anna Freud
- Divorced
Dads: Shattering the Myths, Sanford Braver
& Diane O'Connell.
- Divorce: The
best resources to help you survive, Rich Wemhoff
- How to File
Your Own Divorce, Edward Haman
- How to Settle
Child & Spousal Support with CalSupport Software, Ed
- Men on
Divorce: The other side of the story, Penny Kaganoff &
Susan Spano
- Mom's House,
Dad's House: Making two homes for your child.
A complete guide for parents who are separated, divorced or
remarried, Isolina Ricci
- The State
of America's Children: A report from the Children's
Defnese Fund, Yearbook 1998, Marian Wright Edelman
- A Dad's
Guide to the Toddler Years, The New Father, Armin
- At-Home Dad
Handbook: by the at-home dad community, Barry Reszel,
- Becoming a
Father: The real work of a man's soul, John
- Brief
Messages to Father, Honoring the relationship between fathers and
children of all ages, Bruce Hamilton
- Commitment:
Fatherhood in Black America, Malene Perchinske
- Daddy's
Home at Last: What it takes for dads to put families
first, Mike Singletary
- A Guy's
Guide to Pregnancy: Preparing for parenthood together,
Frank Mungeam
- Hunting for
Hope: A father's journey, Scott Russell
- In the
Country of Men, My Travels, Jan Waldron
- Life's Little
Treasure Book on Fathers, H Jackson Brown, Jr
- Longing
for Dad: Father loss and its impact, Beth
- Marathon
Dad: Setting a pace that works for working fathers,
John Evans
- New Father
Book: What every new father needs to know to be a good
dad, Wade Horn & Jeffrey Rosenberg
- The Prodigal
Father: Reuniting fathers and their children,
Mark Bryan
- Questions
for My Father: Finding the man behind your dad,
Vincent Staniforth
- A Shoulder
to Lean On: Photographs and essays celebrating fathers
and their children, Bill Hanson
- Working
Fathers: New strategies for balancing work & family,
James Levine and Todd L. Pittinsky
& Daughters
- Beauty
Bites Beast: Awakening the warrior within women and
girls, Ellen Snortland
- Big Girl in
the Middle, Gabrielle Reece.
- Cool
Women: The thinking girl's guide to the hippest women
in history, Pam Nelson
- Daddies
& Daughters, Carmen Berry & Lynn Barrington
- Daddy's
Girl: Young girls and popular culture, Valerie
- Faithful
Travelers: A father, his daughter, a fly-fishing journey of the
heart, James Dodson
- Fathering
Daughters: Reflections by men, DeWitt Henry
& James Alan McPherson, ed
- Promiscuities: The
secret struggle for womanhood,
Naomi Wolf
- Raising
Our Athletic Daughters: How sports can build self-esteem and
save girls' lives, Jean Zimmerman & Gil
- The Vagina
Monologues, Eve Ensler
- Venus in
Blue Jeans: Why mothers & daughters need to talk about
sex. Sage advice & practical strategies for guiding girls
toward womanhood, Nathalie Bartle
& Sons
- Anger
- Depression
- Fear
- General
- Grief
Health -
- General
- Bald No
More: Preventing and successfully treating hair loss for both
men and women, Dr. Morton Walker
- The Bald
Truth: The first complete guide to preventing and treating
hair loss, Spencer David Kobren
- Cool Cats Calm
Kids: Relaxation and stress management for young people,
Mary Williams
- The Diabetic
Male's Essential Guide to Living Well, Joseph
- Dr. D's
Handbook for Men Over 40: A guide to health, fitness,
living, and loving in the prime of life, Peter Dorsen
- End Your
Carpal Tunnel Pain Without Surgery: A daily 15-minute program
to prevent & treat repetitive strain injury of the arm, wrist
and hand, Kate Montgomery
- Flying
Solo: Reimaging manhood, courage, and loss, Leonard
- For Men
Only: Looking your best through science, surgery and
common sense, Gerald Imber
- Heal Your Body
A-Z: The mental causes for physical illness and the way to
overcome them, Louise Hay
- The
Hypochondriac's Handbook: includes hundreds of new bacteria,
microbes, and all the latest mutations, Wendy Marston
- Master Your Panic and Take Back
Your Life! Twelve treatment sessions to overcome high
anxiety, Denis Beckfield
- The Stress
Owner's Manual: Meaning, balance & health in your
life, Ed Boenisch & MicheleHaney
- The
Testosterone Syndrome: The critical factor for energy, health
& sexuality-reversing the male menopause, Eugene
Shippen & William Fryer
- Viagra: A
guide to the phenomenal potency-promoting drug,
Susan Vaughan
- Viagra: How
often it works, How long it takes to work, What women can expect
and more, Jonathan Jarow, Robert Kloner & Ann
- Viagra: The
potency pill, Kenneth Goldberg
- Viagra: The
potency promise, Larry Katzenstein
- Why People
Don't Heal and How They Can, Caroline Myess
(Many books were published in 1996 & 1997)
- The Art of Doing
Nothing: Simple ways to make time for
yourself, Veronique Vienne
- Call to Connection:
Bringing sacred tribal values into modern life, Carole
Kammen & Jodi Gold
- Hearing
Voices: Collected stories & drawings, Brian
- If Life is a Game,
These are the Rules: Ten rules for being human,
Cherie Carter-Scott.
- Make the Brain-Body
Connection: A playful guide to releasing mental,
physical and emotional blocks to success, Sharon
- Powerchicks: How
women will dominate America, Matt Towery
- Secrets of The
Cube: The ancient visualization game that reveals your true
Annie Gottlieb & Slobodan Pesic
- Stone Soup for the
World: Life-changing stories of kindness & courageous acts of
service, Marianne Larned, ed
- California Law,
Nolo's Pocket Guide, Lisa Guerin, Patricia Gima
& Nolo Press Editors
- Do Less, Achieve
More: Discover the hidden power of giving in,
Chin-Ning Chu
- The Future Ain't
What it Used to Be: The 40 cultural trends transforming
your job, your life, your world, Vickie Abrahamson, Mary
Meehan, Larry Samuel
- The Manipulated
Man, Esther Vilar
- Sex, Money
& Sports: Quotations on the only things men
care talk about, Compiled
by Micahel Maggio
- Survival Skills for
the Modern Man: Life, Love, Work, Play,
Donn Davis
- Ten Stupid
Things Men do to Mess Up Their Lives, Laura
& Daughters
& Sons
- Beating the
Odds: Raising academically succcessful African American
males, Freeman Hrabowski, Kenneth Maton & Geoffrey
- Boyhood: Growing
Up Male. A Multicultural Anthology, ed Franklin
- Boys to
Men: Maps for the journey, Gregalan Williams
- Commitment:
Fatherhood in Black America, Malene Perchinske
- Daddy's Home
at Last: What it takes for dads to put families
first, Mike Singletary
- I'm Chocolate,
You're Vanilla: Raising healthy black and biracial childen in
a race-conscious world, Marguerite Wright
- Manhood
Development in Urban African-American Communities,
Roderick Watts & Robert Jagers, ed.
- Thirteen Ways
of Looking at a Black Man, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
- Transformations
of Gender and Race: Family and Developmental
Perspectives, Rhea Almeida
- The Violent
Social World of Black Men, William Oliver
- Visions for Black
Men, Na'im Akbar
- Family
Secrets, Gay Sons: A mother's story, Jean Baker
- I'm
Chocolate, You're Vanilla: Raising healthy black and biracial
childen in a race-conscious world, Marguerite Wright
- Mosby's Baby
Instruction Guide: How to take care of your baby, the first
18 months, Anne Yelland
- The New
Father: A Dad's Guide to the Toddler Years, Armin
- Parent as
Mystic, Mystic as Parent, David Spangler
- Queer
Kids: The challenges and promise of lesbian, gay and bisexual
youth, Robert Owens Jr.
- Setting
Limits: How to raise responsible, independent children by
providing CLEAR boundaries, Robert J. MacKenzie
- The War
Against Parents, Syllvia Ann Hewlett & Cornel
& Crime
- An Unconventional
Family, Sandra Lipsitz Bem
- The Art of
Spooning: A complete guide to the joy of snuggling
and other simple pleasures, Jim
Grace& Lisa Goldblatt Grace
- A Guy's
Guide to Dating: Everything you need to know about love, sex,
relationships, and other things too terrible to
contemplate, Brendan Baber & Eric
- Bad
Boys: Why we love them, how to live with them, and when
to leave them, Carole Lieberman & Lisa
- How to Date Young
Women: For men over 35, Volume II, Don Steele
- How to Stay
Lovers for Life: Discover a marriage counselors tricks of
the trade, Sharyn Wolf
- How to Succeed
with Women, Ron Louis & David Copeland
- In Each
Moment: A new way to live, Paul Lowe
- Medea's
Folly: Women, relationships and the search for
intimacy, Tanya Wilkinson
- Men on
Divorce: The other side of the story, Penny Kaganoff &
Susan Spano
- Men's
Secrets: What every woman needs to know, Herb
- Passionate
Marriage, David Schnarch
- Romantic
Mischief: The playful side of love, Gregory
- Shortcuts to
Bliss: The 50 best ways to improve relationshps, connect with
spirit & make your dreams come true, Jonathan
- Woman the
Hunter, Mary Zeiss Stange
- Initiation
- An Unconventional
Family, Sandra Lipsitz Bem
- Failing Boys :
Issues in Gender and Achievement, Debbie Epstein
& Valerie Hey
- Flying
Solo: Reimaging manhood, courage, and loss, Leonard
- My Gender
Workbook, Kate Bornstein
- Sex and Gender
Differences in Personal Relationships, Daniel Canary, Tara
Emmers-Sommer, & Sandra Faulkner
- Transformations of
Gender and Race: Family and Developmental
Perspectives, Rhea Almeida
- Breasts:
Our most public private parts, Meema Spadolam
- Cunt: A
declaration of independence, Inga Muscio
- Geisha,
Liza Dalby
- Heaven's
Harlots: My fifteen years in a sex cult, Miriam
- His
Secret Life: Male Sexual Fantasies, Bob Berkowitz
- A History
of the Breast, Marilyn Yalom
- Passionate
Marriage, David Schnarch
- Promiscuities: The
secret struggle for womanhood,
Naomi Wolf
- Queer
Kids: The challenges and promise of lesbian, gay and bisexual
youth, Robert Owens Jr.
- Sex: A
Man's Guide, Stefan Bechtel & Roy Stains
- Sex
Smart: 501 reasons to hold off on sex, Susan
Browning Pogany
- Sex
Smart: How your childhood shaped your sexual life and
what to do about it, Aline Zoldbrod
- Sex
Work: Writings by women in the sex industry,
Frederique Delacoste & Priscilla Alexander
- Sexy Origins
and Intimate Things: The rites and rituals of straights,
gays, bi's, drags, trans, virgins and others, Charles
- The Soul of
Sex: Cultivating life as an act of love, Thomas
- The Vagina
Monologues, Even Ensler
- Viagra: a
guide to the phenomenal potency-promoting drug, Susan
- Viagra: The
potency pill, Kenneth Goldberg
- Viagra: The
potency promise, Larry
- Boyhood: Growing
Up Male. A Multicultural Anthology, ed Franklin
- Mans
Viewpoint: Viewing gender issues through mens
eyes, Rob Mazzeo
- Men Doing
Feminism, Tom Digby
- My Gender
Workbook, Kate Bornstein
- Rising Tide, The
Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and how it changed
America, John Barry
- Saharasia: The
4000 BCE origins of child abuse, sex-repression, warfare and
social violence in the deserts of the old world, James
- Taking It Like
a Man: White masculinity, masochism and contemporary American
culture, David Savran
- The Journal of
Men's Studies: A scholarly journal about men and
masculinities, Vol 6, No 1
- The Art of
Pilgrimage: The seeker's guide to making travel sacred,
Phil Cousineau
- Callings: Finding
and following an authentic life, Gregg Levoy
- Coming Back to
Life: Practices to reconnect our lives, our world, Joanna
Macy & Molly Young Brown
- Crossing the
Soul's River: A Rite of passage for men, William
O. Roberts
- The Eight Masks of
Men: A practical guide in spiritual growth for men of
the Christian faith, Frederick G. Groose
- Heaven's
Harlots: My fifteen years in a sex cult, Miriam
- Manifest Your
Destiny: The Nine Spiritual Principles for Getting Everything you
Want, Wayne Dyer
- Quotations for
a Man's Soul, compiled by Michael Maggio
- The Road
Within: True stories of transformation and the soul,
Sean, James and Tim O'Reilly
- Spiritual Notes
to Myself: Esssential wisdom for the 21st century, Hugh
- General
- 8 Ball
Chicks: A year in the violent world of girl gangs,
Gini Sikes
- Heterophobia: Sexual
harassment and the future of feminism, Daphne Patai
- Homicide: 100
years of murder in America, Gini Graham Scott
- Saharasia: The
4000 BCE origins of child abuse, sex-repression, warfare and
social violence in the deserts of the old world, James
- Taking the Bully by
the Horns, Kathy Noll with Dr. Jay Carter
- Violent
Land: Single men and social disorder from the frontier to the
inner city, David T. Courtwright
- The Violent
Social World of Black Men, William Oliver
- When She
was Bad: How and Why Women Get Away With Murder,
Patricia Pearson
on Men
* * *
Only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still exists -
the Sphinx.
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sections? If it covers one of the areas below, send a review copy to:
PO Box 1080, Brookings, OR 97415.
As our awareness and understanding builds around
the fact that the world and relationships can't improve without
inviting men to join in, books, tapes and videos are some great ways
of allowing men to do some of the important individual work in
preparation for their full participation with others. Review the
following. Consider giving yourself and a friend a gift of some of
this knowledge. Please purchase/order books from bookstores who have
shown their support for men by setting up a separate men's issue
section (refer to Bookstores).

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