Menstuff® features a recently published book, starting each
Monday for the week. This information appears on our homepage and at
"Today", which is seen be visitors
and subscribers. Selections to date are listed below. See also Book
of the Week 2000, 2001,
2002 and 2004.
12/22-28: They Broke the Law: You be the Judge. Ture cases of teen crime, Thomas A. Jacobs
12/15-21: The Cultural Myth of Masculinity by Chris Blazina
12/8-14: The Behavior Survival Guide for Kids: How to make good choices and stay out of trouble, Tom McIntyre
12/1-7: A People's History of the American Revolution: How common people shaped the fight for independence, Ray Raphael
11/24-30: Sex and Tourism: Journeys of romance, love, and lust, Thomas G. Bauer, Bob McKercher, editors
11/17-23: There Must Be More than This: Finding more lilfe, love and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions, Judith Wright
11/10-16: GLBTQ: The survival guide for queer & questioning teens, Kelly Huegel
11/3-9: Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health, Walter O. Bockting and Eli Coleman
10/27-11/2: Speaking from the Heart: Gender and the social meaning of emotion, Stephanie A. Shields
10/20-26: Finding Love After 50: How to begin, where to go, what to do, Tom Blake
10/13-19: Men's Voices: New York Statewide Men's Health Focus Group Project Report, Joseph Zoske
10/6-12: The Brewmaster's Table: Discovering the pleasures of real beer with real food, Garrett Oliver
9/29-10/5: Photo Sex: Fine art sexual photography comes of age, David Steinberg, ed.
9/22-28: The World Almanac for Kids 2003, Kevin Seabrooke, editor 2002
9/15-21: Prostate Cancer for Dummies: A reference for the rest of us, Paul H Lange
9/8-14: "I Flunked My PSA!" What you need to know about prostate cancer NOW!, Ernie Bodai with Richard A. Zmuda
9/1-7: 10 Smart Things Gay Men can do to Improve Their Lives, Joe Kort SEE WEEKLY COLUMN
8/25-31: Parenting in the Twenty-First Century: Simple solutions for your challenging concerns, Percy Ricketts
8/18-24: Threats in Schools: A practical guide for managing violence, by Joseph T. McCann
8/11-17: The Power of Full Engagement: Managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal, Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz
8/4-10: Buddha in Your Backpack: Everyday Buddhism for teens, Franz Metcalf
7/28-8/3: Fighting Cancer from Within: How to Use the Power of Your Mind For Healing By Martin L. Rossman, M.D.
7/21-27: Life Lists for Teens: Tips, steps, hints and how-tos for growing up, getting along, learning and having fun, Pamela Espeland, Free Spirit
7/14-20: Family Abuse and the Bible: The scriptural perspective, Aimee K. Cassiday-Shaw
7/7-13: Food Politics: How the food industry influences nutrition and health, Marion Nestle
6/30-7/6: Divorce, Family Structure and the Academic Success of Children, William Jeynes
6/23-29: We are Not Alone: A teenage boy's personal account of child sexual abuse from disclosure through prosecution and treatment, Jade Christine Angelica
6/16-22: The Guy Book: An owner's manual of maintenance, safety, and operating instructions for teens, Marvis Jukes
6/9-15: Y: The descent of men, revealing the mysteries of maleness, Steve Jones, 2003, Houghton Mifflin, Dan O'Connell
6/2-8: How Homophobia Hurts Children: Nurturing diversity at home, at school and in the community, Jean M. Baker
5/26-6/1: Surrendering to Yourself: You are your own soul mate, Iris Krasnow
5/19-25: The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and infidelity in animals and people, David P Barash and Judith Eve Lipton
5/12-18: Dont't Sweat It! Every Body's Answers to Questions You Don't want to Ask. A Guide for Young People, Marguerite Crump
5/5-11: Ultimate Fitness: The quest for truth about exercise and health, Gina Kolata
4/28-5/4: Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A history of feral children, Michael Newton
4/21-27: Fast Food Nation: The dark side of the All-American meal, Eric Schlosser
4/14-20: Bitter or Better: Your choice after divorce, Deborah Kidd Leporowski
4/7-13: The Sex Starved Marriage: A couple's guide to boosting their marriage libido, Michele Weiner Davis
3/31-4/6: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision: Untold facts on America's most widely performed - and most unnecessary - surgery, Paul M Fleiss, Frederick M. Hodges
3/24-30: Living Sanely in an Insane World: Philosophy for real people, John F. Groom
3/17-23: Kill The Story, Reid Baer and Real Love: The truth about finding unconditional love and fulfilling relationships, Greg Baer
3/10-16: What About the Kids? Raising your children before, during and after divorce, Judith Wallerstein, Sandra Blakeslee
3/3-9: The Therapist's Notebook for Families, Solution-oriented exercises for working with parents, children and adolescents, Bob Bertolino, Gary Schultheis
2/24-3/2: Taking Care of Parents Who Didn't Take Care of You: Making peace with aging parents, Eleanor Cade, Hazelden, 2002
2/17-23: Clinical Epiphanies in Marital and Family Therapy: A practitioner's casebook of therapeutic insights, perceptions and breakthroughts, David A. Baptiste, Jr, Haworth Clinical Practice Press, 2002
2/10-16: How Your Feel is Up to You: The power of emotional choice, Gary McKay and Don Dinkmeyer, Impact Publishers, 2002
2/3-9: The Rant Zone: An all-out blitz against soul-sucking jobs, twisted child stars, holistic loons & people who eat their dogs! Dennis Miller, HarperCollins Publishers, 2002
1/27-2/2: Couple Therapy with Gay Men, David Greenan, Gil Tunnell, The Guilford Publications, 2003
1/20-26: The Looks Book: A whole new approach to beauty, body image and style, Rebecca Odes, Esther Drill, Heather McDonald, Penguin Books, 2002
1/13-19: Time for a Better Marriage, Jon Carlson, Don Dinkmeyer, Impact Publications, 2003
1/6-12: The Harvey Milk Institute's Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgernder, and Queer Internet Research, Editors, Allan Ellis, Liz Highleyman, Kevin Schaub, Melissa White, Harrington Park Press, 2002
12/30-1/5: First French Kiss and other traumas, Adam Bagdasarian, Melanie Kroupa Books, 2002
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