The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books concerning
circumcision. See also books: ritual
abuse, and issues: circumcision
and ritual abuse
and videos. Also,
check circumcision Issues,
Click on covers for more specific information.
- Bigelow, Jim, Joy of Uncircumcising: Restore Your
Birthright & Maximize Sexual Pleasure, Hourglass,
Boyd, Billy Ray,
Circumcision Exposed: Rethinking a medical and cultural
tradition. Infant male circumcision is the most commonly
performed surgery in the U.S. - about 3,000 every day. Nearly
sixty percent of all male newborns are routinely circumcised in
the U.S. The practice is thousands of years old, rationalized by
religion, medical theory and sexual repression. It has seemed like
a good thing to do, a "simple" way to help your baby. The reason
the U.S. is one of the few countries in the world still practicing
this ritual, it's basically because of outmoded methods of
thinking, superstition, tradition and religious beliefs and has
little basis in medicine. It is understandable that parents,
doctors and religious leaders have always wanted what was best for
their children. It is only by changing this practice that we will
stop hurting our babies in a manner that is not good for them.
Circumcision not only destroys an important part of the anatomy
and therefore, the male's physiology, but also psychologically and
emotionally damages him. Crossing Press (Circumcision)
1998 ISBN 0-89594-939-3 Buy
This Book!
Boyd, Billy Ray, Circumcision: What It
Does. Did you know...? That medical circumcision started
out in the 1800s as a way to discourage masturbation? That it
decreases sexual sensitivity and dries up a man's natural
lubrication? That infant circumcision is painful, done
without anesthesia, and the most common surgery in the U.S.? That
the U.S. is the only country to circumcise most of it's baby boys
for "medical" reasons? That in some cultures, girls are
circumcised too? That infant circumsicion is a human
rights violation under international law? That Jewish
circumcision originally removed only the tip of the foreskin, and
that anti-Semitism made it more severe? That there are Bris
ceremonies without circumcision and support groups for Jews who
don't circumcise? That the main reason parents circumcise is not
health or religion, but to make the boy look like Dad or other
boys? That the U.S. circumcision rate has dropped from 90% to 58%
and to less than 50% in California, so the circumcised boy will
soon look like the strange one? That impotence, loss of penis, and
death can, and do, result from circumcision? That infact
circumcision brings US doctors $100,000,000 to $200,000,000 a
year? This book can help you educate yourself on an issue of vital
importance to the health and well-being of our children, and to
our sexual fulfillment as adults. Taterhill. Available from C.
Olson, Box 5100-CB, Santa Cruz, CA 9506 1990
ISBN 0-9616792-3-9
- Briggs, Anne, Circumcision: What Every Parent Should
Know. Available from Birth & Parenting Publications, PO
Box 134, North Garden, VA 22959 1985
Denniston, George C., Frederick Mansfield
Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos, eds., Male and Female
Circumcision: Medical, legal, and ethical considerations in
pediatric practice. In those countries where the circumcision
of children is an accepted part of life, perfectly rational,
intelligent, and well-meaning adults believe that they have a
right to cut off parts of their children's sexual organs. They
also believe that circumcision is an inconsequential matter.
Others believe that they have no choice but to circumcise their
chldren. Even in the rest of the world, most people are
unperturbed by that fact that 13.3 million boys, and 2 million
girls are circumcised each year. The paradox implicit in this
situation is glaring. On the one hand, the world has become
increasingly aware, as never before, of the child's need for
special protections under the law. Children are now seen as
complex beings with inalienable rights perculiar to their
vulnerable status. On the other hand, the exploitation of children
is on the rise. It is easy to object to sexual slavery and child
labour - for here, the perpetrators are identifiable and the law
is clear. In the case of circumcision, however, objection is more
problematic, because the perpetrators are less easy to identify.
Society must ask whether the abolition of circumcision is possible
without vilifying caring parents who believe they are acting in
the best interest of their children, medical doctors who believe
that they are adhering to good medical practice, or religious
leaders who struggle to maintain religious cohesion in an era of
competing ideologies. Here is presented 554 pages of experts in
the fields of medicine, law, ethics, sociology, anthropology,
history, religion and politics to discuss these issues from a
medical, legal and ethical viewpoint. This is the source to
build a case against continuing the process of the last major
crime being done to over 40,000 innocent children daily - genital
mutilation and ritual abuse. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,
1999 ISBN 0-306-46131-5 Buy
this book!
Denniston, George C., Frederick Mansfield
Hodges, Marilyn Fayre Milos, Understanding
Circumcision: A multi-disciplinary approach to a
multi-dimensional problem. Every year, in the United States
and the third world combined, 13.3 million boys and 2 million
girls are circumcised. Whether because of perceived medical,
cultural or religious necessity, most of these children's parents
feel they have no alternative but to allow their children to
undergo this surgery. Sparking intense debate, the circumcision of
children is a highly controversial and complex phenomenon that
touches upon a variety of sociological areas, such as religious
beliefs, identity issues, medical conceptualizations, fear, and
superstition. The contributors to this volume comprise an
international panel of experts in the fields of medicine,
psychology, law, ethics, sociology, anthropology, history,
theology, and politics. In 18 chapters they discuss the
history of circumcision; document the physical and psychological
consequences of circumcision; present the latest anatomical
discoveries about the male prepuce; analyze the role of
circumcision in various traditions; reveal the medical industry's
investment in the practice; describe current legislative efforts
to protect children from circumcision; and outline effective,
culturally sensitive methods that are being implemented today to
safeguard the human rights of at-risk children. For its insights
into this troubling aspect of culture, this book is a critically
important contribution to the growing body of literature on this
subject. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers,
2001. ISBN 0-306-46701-1 Buy
this book!
Elium, Don
& Jeane, Raising a Son: Parents and the making of
a healthy man. Boys need to know three
things: Who's the boss? What are the
rules? And, are you going to enforce
them? Sons need firm, kind leadership. One of the few
parenting books that husbands steal from their wives, this is the
straightforward, easy-to-read family bookshelf standard. The
authors continue to chart new terriory with this new, updated,
expanded and revised edition. Look of discussions
on: boys and ADD, teaching boys to nurture themselves
and others at home, creating balance between work and home (what
many fathers need to learn), a resource section for paents of gay
sons and other sexual identity issues, new, updated parenting
resources, an index for quick reference and more. Celestial Arts,
Revised and updated. 1996 ISBN 0-89087-811-0 Buy
This Book!
- Erickson, John, Making American Safe for Foreskins.
Selected letters, $3 prepaid,1664 Beach Blvd, #226, Biloxi, MS
39531 Buy
This Book!
Fleiss, Paul M., Frederick M. Hodges
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About
Circumcision: Untold facts on America's most widely performed
- and most unnecessary - surgery. Each year, almost two
million boys are routinely circumcised after birth - even though
there is rarely a sound medical reason to do so! The foreskin
is more than just a piece of skin: It's a very important,
specialized, and unique part of the male body. Now a leading
pediatrician exposes the myths and misconceptions of America's
most commonly performed surgery, including little-known religious
support for not circumcising, in this balanced, comprehensive, and
compassionate guide that will change your mind about everything
you thought you know about this procedure. Warner Books,,
2002, ISBN 0-446-67880-5 Buy
This Book!
Goldman, Ronald, Circumcision: The Hidden
Trauma. How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and
Ultimately Us All, Ronald Goldman, Ph.D. This intense
exploration of the psychological and social aspects of this
increasingly controversial American cultural practice is a welcome
addition to the literature on this issue. It has been endorsed by
professionals in the field of psychology, psychiatry, child
development, pediatrics, obstetrics, childbirth education,
sociology and anthropology. This identifies an overlooked source
of early pain and simultaneously points us in the direction of
both healing and preventing this pain. It is of particular
interest to men who seek to explore their sexuality and deepen
self-awareness; women who want to understand men better;
children's advocates and activists; childbirth educators and
prospective parents; and mental health, medical and academic
Also by Goldman, Questioning Circumcision: A Jewish
Perspective. Vanguard Publications 1997
ISBN 0-9644895-3-8 Buy
This Book!
- Lightfoot-Klein, Hanny, A Woman's Obyssey into
Lightfoot-Klein, Hanny, Prisoners of
Ritual, An odyssey into female genital circumcision in Africa.
This is an illuminative book...It is also an illustriously
fairminded book. Among writings on genitl mutilatoins, there, it
is unique in giving the reader a 360 degree understanding of the
social and personal significance of such practices. It tells the
truth and the truth is devastating. For small girls, it is
catastrophically traumatizing. Yet, because the book does not
sensationalize, wrath does not override compassion, and the
gateway to change is unlocked and kept open. In addition to being
a contribution to the scholarship of anthropological sexology,
this book is an adventure story, an extraordinary midlife odyssey
of a solo woman's desert "walkabout" through the spaces and the
minds of Nilotic Africa. Therte's nothing else quite like it.
Harrington Park Press, 1989 ISBN 0-918393-68-X
- Miller, Alice, Possessing the Secret of Joy
- Noble, Elizabeth, Joy of Being a Boy, New Life Images,
- NOHARMM, Awakenings: A preliminary poll of
circumcised men: revealing the long-term harm & healing
the wounds of infant circumcision, 1994
- Parsons, Alexandra, Facts & Phalluses: A
collection of bizarre and intriguing truths, legends and
measurements, St Martins, 1990
- Purvis, Kenneth, The Male Sexual Machine: An Owner's
- Ritter, Thomas, Say No to Circumcision: 40 Compelling
Reasons Why You Should Leave Your Son Whole, Hourglass Book
Publishing, 1992.
- Romberg, Rosemary, Circumcision: The Painful Dilemma,
Bergin & Garvey Pub*
- Abu-Sahlieh, Sami A. Aldeeb, Male & Femal
Circumcision: Among Jews, Christians, and Muslums.
Originally published in Arabic and also translated into French,
the author now makes his landmark study of male and female
circumcision available to an Enligh speaking audience. He is an
advocate in the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law and a leading
figure in human rights issues. This major work explores the issues
of circumcision in Judaism, Christianity and Islam from all
aspects; religious, legal, medical and social. It serves as both a
major reference work for the subject and monumental statement of
human rights. As civilization advances, we increasingly recognize
the value of debate and discussion. In the not so distant past,
however, this was not so. Those who questioned the status quo, or
merely sought to clarify it, were at risk of being persecuted,
ostracized, punished, imprisoned or condemned to death. The author
has meticulously and sensitively documented the lengthy and
fascinating history of the various religioius and medical
discussions over circumcision. His expertise in Islamic Law
provides fresh perspective on an important aspect of the history
of circumcision, largely unavailable to Western scholars. As his
book carefully proves, debate over circumcision is as old as the
practice itself. Official attempts to quell any debate are also of
equal antiquity. I am confident, though, that valuable
historical information in this book will strengthen current
worldwide debate over circumcision and will infuse it with a
greater degree of rational and historical perspective. Shangri-La
Publicatons, 2001, ISBN 0-9677201-6-8 Buy
This Book!
Schutt, Carl, I Want My Foreskin for
GiftMas. A book about when a boy discovers his parents had him
circumcised at birth, guided by the advice from his penis, he
darts to the mall and tells santa "I Want My Foreskin for
Giftmas!" A heed to those expecting a child in the womb, if
the sonograms detecting what the doctors can presume is that fifth
apendage sprouting in the saddle of his thights, please, please,
please, please do not circumcise! Foreskin isn't dirty,
unclean, ugly, a curse. Consider it a giftmas gift from the
universe! Inkus Imagination,,
2004, ISBN 0-9753202-6-2
(See Carl's
- Schwartz, Kit, Male Member: Being a compendium
of facts, figures, fobiles and anecdotes, St Martins,
Taylor, Gary, Castration: An
abbreviated history of Western manhood. Stone Age man invented
it, the Sumerians exalted it, the Christians banned it, and Freud
got it wrong. Over the last century, castration has meant loss of
manhood. But at earlier points in Western history, the author
argues, it was a mark of power and divinity. This book is a lively
history of the meaning, function, and act of castration from its
place in the words of Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew and
the early Church - where Augustine and the Fathers shaped the
basic philosophic concepts of sexuality and chastity - to its
secular reinvention in the Renaissance and its twentieth-century
position at the core of psychoanalysis. With wit and insight, he
connects castration to the ancient (and continuing) human drive to
re-engineer our own biology. In the medieval love story of Abelard
and Heloise a violent castration makes Abelard a better
theologian. In the year 2000 a sterile but otherwise functioning
man is a boon to the woman who desires sex without the burdens of
pregnancy. Clever, offbeat, and learned, ranging from allegory to
zooarchaeology, the book turns an unusual and discomforting topic
into a thoroughly enjoyable narrative on man's obsessive
relationship to his genitals, his sexuality, and his manhood.
2000 ISBN 0-415-92785-4 Buy
This Book!
- Wallerstein, Edward, Circumcision: An American Health
Fallacy, Springer Pub
- Walker, Alice, Breaking Down the Walls of Silence
*Out-of-print but may be available through inter-library loan.
* * *
Man is not the creature of circumstances. Circumstances are the
creatures of men. - Benjamin Disraeli

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