- Ritual
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books involving abuse
through the use of ritual. The ritual abuse of circumcision
is listed separately. See also books on Abuse
- Boys, Abuse - Children,
Abuse - Sexual, Circumcision,
Anger, Violence,
Domestic Violence, Sexual
Violence, Sexual Harassment,
and Womens' Violence, and our
Issues section on Abuse
- Ritual, Abuse -
Sexual, Circumcision,
Violence, Sexual
Harassment, Womens'
Violence and Prisons.
- Brown, Scheflin, Hammond, Memory, Trauma, Treatment and the
Law, WW Norton 1998
Cassiday-Shaw, Aimme K., Family
Abuse and the Bible: The scriptural perspective. This
book offers new hope to conservative Christian women in abusive
relationships. It shows that abuse is not the will of God and that
submission to violence is actually giving in to demonic forces.
The tools in this book can ultimately free Christian women from
the horror of an abuse they may feel is ordained by God, while
leaving them with an intact source of strength in their faith. The
Haworth Pastoral Press, 2002, ISBN 0-7890-1577--3 The Haworth
Pastoral Press, 2002 Buy
This Book!
- Gill, Eliana, United We Stand: A book for people
with multiple personalities, Launch Press, 1990
- Giller, Esther & Lynn W, Eds, Multiple Personality
Disorder from the Inside Out, Sidran Press, 1991
- Greven, Philip, Spare the Child: The religious roots
of punishment and the psychological impact of physical abuse,
Knopf Publishing
- Hassan, Steven, Combatting Cult Mind Control, Park
Street Press, 1990
- Hudson, Pamela, Ritual Child Abuse
Discovery, Diagnosis & Treatment,
R&E Publishers, 1991
- Pia, Jacklyn, Multiple Personality Gift: A workbook
for you and your inside family, R&E Publishers,
- Ryder, Daniel, Breaking the Circle fo Satanic Ritual
Abuse: Recognizing & recovering from the hidden
trauma, Hazelden, 1992
- Sakheim, David & Susan Devine, Out of the
Darkness, Lexington Books, 1992
- Stratford, Lauren, Satin Underground
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