Abuse - Boys

The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books involving the abuse of boys. See also books on Abuse - Children, Abuse - Ritual, Abuse - Sexual, Circumcision, Anger, Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment, and Women's' Violence, and our Issues section on Abuse - Ritual, Abuse - Sexual, Circumcision, Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment, Women's' Violence and Prisons.

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Under the first "Lenny" icon: Pen & ink by Barbara Cummings/for The Times

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It is estimated that over one-third of sexually abused children are boys - 15,000,000 on them. Is anyone listening? Does anyone care?

conferences and expos related to mens issuesFor information about submitting proposals and/or registration for the conference, contact Richard Gartner, Program Chair, at rgartner@psychoanalysis. net or ...

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