- Boys
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books involving the
abuse of boys. See also books on Abuse -
Children, Abuse - Ritual,
Abuse - Sexual, Circumcision,
Anger, Violence,
Domestic Violence, Sexual
Violence, Sexual Harassment,
and Women's' Violence, and our
Issues section on Abuse
- Ritual, Abuse -
Sexual, Circumcision,
Violence, Sexual
Harassment, Women's'
Violence and Prisons.
Abbott, Dwight Edgar, I Cried You Didn't
Listen: A survivor's expose of the California
Youth Authority. As this moment, a young boy or girl is being
physically, sexually, mentally and emotionally mistreated with the
walls of America's juvenile penal system. This abuse comes not
only from the children's peers but from the people whom society
has entrusted with the children's welfare. These scars will
brutally scar the tender and impressionable innocents. And, these
children will eventually respond to their pain be stealing, raping
and murdering. The author was sent to LA County Juvenile Hall
after his parents were seriously injured in an automobile accident
at age 9. And, many of the other children, ranging in age from 7
to 17, were there because of broken families. Others were
criminals. On the day of his arrival, one of the older black boys
beat him severely. A counselor looked on. That night, three
Mexican boys sexually assaulted a white boy. The Mexicans were all
about 15, the white boy was about 7. He'd never done anything
wrong before. This story is of that boy, now a man, who was
introduced to a world of brutality, rape and perversion at the
tender age of 9. He is not listed as an irredeemable. He has
robbed, raped and killed. Twin lighting bolts tattooed on his neck
confirm he is a one time member in the Aryan Brotherhood, the
notorious white supremacist prison gang. This is his unforgettable
chronicle that should make anyone who has a child sit up and take
notice - before the innocence of their child may be robbed from
them. Feral House, 1991 ISBN Cloth 0-922915-07-5; Paper
Angelica, Jade Christine, We are Not
Alone: A teenage boy's personal account of child sexual abuse
from disclosure through prosecution and treatment. Any teenage
boy who discloses sexual abuse is facing an emotional ordeal. This
workbook can help him understand and endure the process. As it
tells the first-person story of Joe, whose neighbor molested him,
it offers an opportunity to discuss emotional issues, learn the
fact of the process, and gain the sense of solidarity and support
so crucial to the recovery of abused children. This book is also
available as a companion volume for therapists, teachers, legal
and law enforcement professionals, and parents. Haworth
Maltreatment & Trauma Press, 2002
ISBN: 0-7890-0927-7 Buy
This Book!
Bolton, Frank, Males at Risk: The other side of
child sexual abuse. It happens. Male children and adolescents
are sexually abused, sexually misused, and involved with adults,
peers, and siblings in ways that inhibit the development of normal
sexuality. This book does not attempt to describe a problem of
epidemic proportion. For the clinician, the possibility of a
single case demands preparation. This book does not suggest that
males are at equal risk to females. That does not seem reasonable
given available data. This book does suggest that clinicians may
sometimes overlook two critical elements in serving the population
of children and adolescents at risk from sexual victimization.
First, it is children who are at risk, not only female children.
Second, our present focus upon sexual abuse, one which assumes
some physical contact, may have diverted attention from the
equally or more damaging effects of more subtle sexual
interactions. These covert interactions between adult and child
which inhibit the development of sexuality must be factored into
our litany of sexual victimizations directed toward children.
Sage, 1989 ISBN 0-8039-2833-5
- Breere, William, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Young Male
Victims of Sexual Abuse, Charles C Thomas Pub, 1992, ISBN
0398058164 Buy
This Book!
Brothers, Barbara Jo, The Abuse of
Men: Trauma begets trauma. This courageous book exposes a
dark secret: Men are often victims of abuse. Although a great
deal of attention has been paid to the victimization of women over
the last 30 years, the role of men as victims - not just
perpetrators - has been neglected. And, the fact is, when men are
abused, everybody suffers. This book reveals the impact of
physical, sexual and emotional trauma on the lives and
relationships of men. This groundbreaking book shows how the
negative effects of both basic training and combat may also cause
lasting damage to men's self-esteem, ability to trust, personal
boundaries, and ability to form healthy relationships. It explores
the prevalence of other kinds of violence and abuse toward men and
boys, from child-battering (of which women are the primary
perpetrators) to spousal abuse. It discusses how the culture
of violence and societal expectations of boys and men can help
drive victims of abuse toward continuing the cycle of violence. It
also offers specific suggestoins for therapists working with
abused men and their partners, including an innovative
step-by-step program for treating couples who have both been
traumatized. By understanding how men and boys become victims and
respond to trauma, you can help heal their pain and teach them to
build positive, loving relationships. The Haworth Press, www.haworthpressinc.com
2001 ISBN 0-7890-1379-7 Buy
This Book!
Crowder, Adrienne, Opening the Door: A treatment
model for therapy with male survivors of sexual abuse. The
first book to comprehensively address the treatment of sexually
abused male, this is based on current research and the carefully
evolved techniques of 41 therapists who have developed expertise
in working with male survivors of sexual abuse. It discusses the
approaches that these therapists bring to their work and presents
interventions they have successfully applied in treatment. Written
in clear,m concise language, it features a four-phase treatment
model and presents, in detail, the therapeutic tasks necessary of
each phase. This model makes clear the significant parallels and
distinctions between the processes of therapy and abuse. These
processes are discussed throughout the text to ensure that therapy
will be a healing, rather than a harmful, experience.
Brunner/Mazell, 1995 ISBN 0-87630-754-3 Buy
This Book!
Elliott, Michele ed, Female Sexual Abuse of Children. The
subject of female sexual abuse has been a dark, unexplored corner
of our field. Like most adhorrent aspects of human behavior, it is
easier and more emotionally congruent to deny, ignore, or
discredit that which we cannot accept or will not acknowledge.
Historical reactions to the discovery (and rediscovery) of incest
- from Freud to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation - are
poignant tributes to the enduring strength of our collective
resistance. There is no room in this, of all fields, for secrecy
or denial about any aspect of child abuse. There is no room for
cowardice, political ideology, or the focus of our attention and
resources on one area to the total exclusion of others. This is a
bold book and a valuable resource for our time. Guilford, 1994
ISBN 0-89862-004-X Buy
This Book!
- Freeman, Lory, It's My Body: A book to teach
young children how to resist, Parenting Press, 1982
ISBN 0943990033
Gartner, Richard B., Betrayed as
Boys: Psychodynamic treatment of sexually abused
men. More than one in six boys in the U.S. are sexually
victimized by the age of sixteen. Yet in the growing professional
literature on child sexual abuse, there are a few books focus
specifically on the experience of victimized boys and men. This
volume examines how sexual betrayal affects boys and the ways they
carry this hurt into adulthood. Blending psychoanalytic
understanding with insights from trauma-oriented theory and
practice, the author presents effective strategies for meeting the
unique therapeutic needs of men with sexual abuse histories.
Filled with evocative clinical material, the book draws readers
into the direct experience of these clients, the therapists who
work with them, and the constantly shifting relational world they
inhabit. It provides an indispensable map and guide for clinicians
and educators in a range of settings. Guilford Press 1999 ISBN
1-57230-467-7 Buy
This Book!
Graber, Ken, Ghost in the Bedroom: A guide for
partners of incest survivors. As a partner of an incest
survivor, do you feel like a neglected victim even though your
life has been drastically affected by the aftermath of sexual
abuse? Do you feel left out in the cold as you watch them go
through recovery? Do you feel isolated or rejected, and think
that no one else will understand your
problems? Although the impact of incest or sexual abuse
can destroy relationships and test long-standing commitments, the
information in this book may be the key to holding your
relationship together through the journey to recovery. This book
provides comfort and guidance for partners in the process of
recovery. The author draws from personal experience to show how
partners can accept responsibility for their own issues, support
the recovery of the incest or sexual abuse survivor and work
toward solving relationship problems together. Health
Communications, 1991 ISBN 1-55874-116-X
Grubman-Black, Stephen, Broken Boys/Mending
Men: Recovery from childhood sexual abuse. It is
estimated that one of every six males suffers some form of sexual
abuse as a child or teenager. In most cases, the victim knows and
trusts the perpetrator - most often an adult or teenage male. This
book provides a frank discussion of the issue, describing the
consequences of male sexual abuse and the ways that victims can
find help in healing their pain. Candid first-person accounts
illustrate issues commonly faced by males trying to deal with
their early victimization - withdrawal, isolation, denial, the
loss of security and self-esteem - and how society's traditional
view of masculinity acts as a barrier to their recovery. The
author offers hope and encouragement to victims, as well as useful
insight for parents, teachers and mental health professionals who
want to know more about the effects and treatment of childhood
sexual abuse. TAB, 1990 ISBN 0-8306-3562-9
Hunter, Mic, Abused Boys: The neglected victims of
sexual abuse, healing for the man molested as a child. In the
next twelve months at least 50,000 to 90,000 boys under the age of
thirteen will be sexually abused, according to the most
conservative projections. Most of them will wait years to tell
anyone about the abuse, if they ever discuss it at all. They will
become men who have difficulty achieving intimacy with their
partners...and they and their partners will never understand why.
When childhood sexual abuse is discussed, abuse suffered by boys
is seldom mentioned. The assumption is that sexual abuse of boys
is very rare, and that the consequences of abuse are less serious
for boys than for girls. Some people even believe that boys who
are abused as children are responsible for the sexual experience,
or are simply being "initiated into manhood." These
destructive myths stand in the way of addressing a serious problem
in our society. Ignoring or minimizing the problem does not make
it disappear: it allows the tragic mistreatment of children to
continue unchecked. And the abuse doesn't come only from men. But,
it is even more difficult for people to accept the idea that many
boys are abused by women - people we view as the protectors of
children. For this reason it is often more comfortable to believe
that the boy probably seduced the women (or fantasized the
encounter) when in fact the woman abused the child. Finally, there
is the mistaken belief that all men who have been abused as
children are destined to become abusers themselves. This belief
presents men from identifying themselves as victims and adds a
burden of fear to their pain as they remain terrified that one day
they too will abuse a child. This book is ideal for men who have
been sexually abused as children and for their partners as well.
Lexington, 1990 ISBN 0-669-20866-3
Johnson, Anthony Godby, A Rock and a Hard Place, physical
and sexual abuse survivor, Signet, 1994 OOP
- Kellogg, Terry, Broken Toys, Broken
Dreams: Understanding and healing boundaries,
Codependence Brat, 1990, ISBN 1560730013
Lew, Mike, Victims No Longer: Men recovering from
incest and other sexual child. By the best estimates based on
a compilation of government statistics and reports by
professionals, there are over 40,000,000 American adults who as
children were victims of sexual abuse. While if anything this
figure is low, the incidence of widespread sexual abuse of
children has only in the last few years come into public
awareness. What the public is not aware of is the fact that males
comprise a large percentage of the victims. The number is in the
range of 15,000,000 male survivors. This book is the first book to
look at the subject of the sexual abuse of male children and the
first book that speaks directly to adult male survivors.
Nevraumont, 1988 ISBN 0-945223-01-3
- Mayer, Adele, Sexual Abuse: Causes, consequences
and treatment of incestuous, Learning Publications, 1985
ISBN 1556910592
Nice, Suzanne, Childhood Sexual Abuse: A survivor's
guide for men. Childhood sexual abuse. It can happen to anyone
- men as well as women. The wounds it leaves are deep and painful
for everyone. This pamphlet is specially written for recovering
chemically dependent men who are just beginning to come to terms
with the fact that they were sexually abused as children. Intended
to be used in conjunction with therapy, this pamphlet discusses
different facets of healing, including anger, trust and intimacy,
and shame, as they relate to male victims. The authors suggest
exercises and other healing statements that can help men
personalize issues such as self-esteem, anger, parenting, trust
and intimacy, and setting healthy boundaries. Through the authors'
sensitive explanations and the personal stories of other men
healing form childhood sexual abuse, recovering men can find help
to begin healing the shaming isolation of sexual abuse. Hazelden,
1990, 800.328.9000 OOP
Nyman, Anders & Borje Svensson,
Boys Sexual Abuse and Treatment. Psychotherapeutic work with
sexually abused boys is a relatively new field of endeavor. The
authors discuss therapy, effects of therapy, the relationships
between trauma and symptoms, which clients run the risk of abusing
again, and prevention and its effects. Looking in considerable
detail at cases where boys have been victims of sexual abuse by
their fathers, mothers, siblings, neighbors, and strangers, and
also by people whose profession involves taking care of children,
the authors look at the many questions that arise around the topic
of sexual abuse, particularly in so far as there are fears and
anxieties specific to boys. They show what can be done to help
these boys and provide new insight into the state of mind of boys
who have been abused. The book provides not only suggestions for
treatment, but also a framework for understanding the issues
involved. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 1997, ISBN 1853024910
This Book!
Pelzer, Dave, A Man Named
Dave: A story of triumph and forgiveness.
These words were eighteen-year-old Dave Pelzer's declaration of
independence to his mother, and they represented the ultimate act
of self-reliance. Dave's father never intervened as his mother
abused him with shocking brutality, denying him food and clothing,
torturing him in any way she could imagine. This was the woman who
told her son she could kill him any time she wanted to - and
nearly did. But even years after he was rescued, his life remained
a continual struggle. He felt rootless and awkward, an outcast
haunted by memories of his years as the bruised, cowering "It"
locked in his mother's basement. Desperately trying to make
something of his life, he was determined to weather every setback
and gain strength from adversity. His dramatic reunion with his
dying father and the shocking confrontation with his mother -
along with the discovery of her secret past - led to his ultimate
calling: mentor to others struggling with personal hardships. From
a difficult marriage to the birth of his son, from an unfulfilling
career to an enduring friendship, he was finally able to break the
chains of his past, learning to trust, to love, and to live. This
is the gripping conclusion to his inspirational trilogy. With
stunning generosity of spirit, he invites his readers on his
journey to discover how he turned shame into pride and rejection
into acceptance - how a lost, nameless boy finally found himself
in the heart and soul of a man who is free at last. Dutton
1999 ISBN 0-525-94521-0 Buy
this book!
Porter, Eugene, Treating the Young Male Victim of Sexual
Assault. Boys not only are frequently victims of sexual
molestation but are even more likely than girls to hide their
victimization and be overlooked as victims by society. This
publication provides, for both professionals and lay persons, an
understanding of the context in which male sexual victimization
occurs, the ways in which boys are likely to respond, and the
primary approaches to their treatment. Safer Society, 1986
ISBN 0-86607-201-2
Sanders, Timothy, Male Survivors: 12-step recovery program for
survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The issue of adult male
survivors of sexual abuse has remained almost entirely untouched
within psychological literature. Hopefully, this book will help
eliminate this previous omission. This work is based primarily
upon the author's own experience in Recovery as an adult survivor
and those insights provided by his training in counseling and by
members of his Recovery Team. The answer to the question, "Does it
work?" is the acid test for any tool. Reading these pages may
prove as powerful a tool for healing for your as writing them has
been, and continues to be, for the Team. Michael Lew said that
this is more than a workbook; it is a courageous personal
statement by a deeply religious man. Writing in a Christian
tradition, but respectful and welcoming to other spiritual paths,
the author provides clear and compassionate guidance to male
survivors who wish to choose a spiritual 12-Step program as a
framework for their recovery. Crossing Press, 1991
ISBN 0-89594-485-5
- Satullo, Jane, Roberta Russell, Pat Bradway, It Happens to
Boys, Too, Rape Crisis Center of the Berkshires, 1987,
ISBN 0961861800
Daniel Jay, Wounded Boys Heroic Men: A man's
guide to recovering from child abuse. This is a workbook for
transformation. Specifically written for and about men, this is
the first book to address their issues of physical, sexual and
psychological abuse. The author carefully prepares a road map for
the recovery process, including insightful stories of real
survivors, as well as direction and reassurance. More important,
this unique book provides hope, relief, and comfort for millions
of victims too proud to explore their suffering. Carefully
analyzing the feelings, attitudes, and behaviors of abused men, we
learn methods that break the vicious cycle of violence, make peace
with the abuser and in return find peace within. This is also a
guide to help partners, friends and family members better
understand the struggles these men face, so that they can support
the healing journey. With help, healing is possible. Adams Media
Corp www.adamsmedia.com
1998 ISBN 1-58062-010-8 Buy
This Book!
- Sonkin, Daniel Jay, Wounded Men: Healing from
childhood abuse, Harper & Row, 1988 OOP
- Spear, Joan, Handbook for Husbands/Partners of Women Who
Were Sexually Abused as Children, Self, 1988 OOP
- Stringer, Gayle, So What's It to Me? King
County Sexual Assault Resource Center, 1989
ISBN 094195305X
Thomas, T., Men Surviving Incest: A male
survivor shares the process of recovery. The prevalence of
child sexual abuse among women survivors is well documented. The
incidence of sexual abuse of boys remains less documented although
a recent study estimates that boys are at five times greater risk
of sexual abuse out of the home than their female counterparts. In
the last three years male survivors have begun to network
informally and secrecy is once again being broken. This
groundbreaking book, written by a male survivor, makes explicit
the isolation and stigmatization of male survivors and discusses
the fear and conflict of disclosure. Men and women survivors share
many common concerns such as guilt, isolation, shame and low self
esteem. In addition, the issues unique to male survivors are
discussed in a candid and sensitive manner. Focus is maintained on
hope and recovery through a 12-Step model of spiritual and
emotional growth and development. Launch, 1990
ISBN 0-9613205-8-3
Under the first "Lenny" icon: Pen & ink by Barbara
Cummings/for The Times
* * *
It is estimated that over one-third of sexually abused children
are boys - 15,000,000 on them. Is anyone listening? Does anyone
conferences and expos related to mens issuesFor information about
submitting proposals and/or registration for the conference, contact
Richard Gartner, Program Chair, at rgartner@psychoanalysis. net or

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