The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Violence. See
also books on Abuse - Boys, Abuse
- Children, Abuse - Ritual,
Abuse - Sexual, Circumcision,
Anger, Domestic
Violence, Sexual Violence,
Sexual Harassment, and Womens'
Violence, and our Issues section on Abuse
- Ritual, Abuse -
Sexual, Circumcision,
Violence, Sexual
Harassment, Womens'
Violence and Prisons.
The Future of Children, Children, Youth and
Gun Violence. Each year, more than 20,000 children and youth
under age 20 are killed or injured by firearms in the United
States. The lethality of guns, as well as their easy accessibility
to young people, are key reasons why firearms are the second
leading cause of death among young people ages 10-19. Only motor
vehicle accidents claim more young lives. A majority of youth
gun deaths are homicides. Suicides account for about one-third of
all youth gun deaths and unintentional shootings for about 7% of
those deaths. Older teens, males, African American and Hispanic
youth, and young people reciding in urban areas are at
particularly high risk for gun homicide; white adolescents, males,
and youth living in rural areas are at highest risk for gun
suicide. Get a free copy at
Journal of School Violence. From
playground bullying to mass murder, this journal tracks the
causes, consequences, and costs of aggressive or violent behavior
in children from kindergarten through twelfth grade. It presents
up-to-date research, practice, and theory with a focus on
prevention and intervention. The journal offers tested information
on such urgent matters as treat assessment, hostage situations,
stalking behavior, and teacher safety, as well as articles on
longer-range stratgic planning. This peer-reviewed journal shows
teachers and counselors how to deal with immediate problems and
helps administrators and policy makers plan effectively to ensure
school security. The Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press,
Vol 1 No 1, 2002. 800.429.6784
Journal of Trauma Practice. In the new and evolving field
of traumatology, the need to keep practitioners apprised of
emerging developments is acute. Wile many journals about trauma
exist, most of them focus primarily on publication of empirical
research studies. Applied professionals rarely read these journals
becuse they see empirical investigatoins as having very little
relevance to their daily practice. Regrettably, these
circumstances foster diviciveness between traumatologists who
identify themselves mainly as reseaerchers and those who consider
themselves chiefly practioners. Providing an avenue for bridging
and integrating the sub-cultures of trauma research and practice
is one of the primary aims of this journal which also seeks to
unite the diverse professions that routinely work with traumatized
populations, such as emergency room personnel and other medical
practitioners, attorneys, and forensic specialists, law
enforcement personnel, and emergency service workers.
Accomplishing these objectives will require openess to innovation
while maintaining high standards of scholarship.The Haworth
Maltreatment & Trauma Press,,
Vol 1 No 1 2002. 800.429.6784
Anderson, James, Falling on the Deaf Ear: The
growing false accusations of rape crisis in the U.S. and how to
stop it, Self, 1993
Beck, Aaron, Prisoners of Hate: The
cognitive basis of anger, hostility and violence. The author
has always been at the forefront of cognitive therapy research
which is the most rapidly growing psychotherapy today. Now, in his
most important work to date, this book presents a revolutionary
look at destructive behavior - from domestic abuse to genocide to
war - and provides a solid framework for remedying these crucial
problems. The book illustrates the specific psychological
aberrations underlying anger, interpersonal hostility, ethnic
conflict, genocide and war. Clarifies why perpetrators of these
deeds are motivated by a belief that they are doing good. Explains
how the offenders are locked into distorted belief systems that
control their behavior and shows how the same distortions in
thinking occur in a rampaging mob as in an enraged spouse.
Provides a blueprint for correcting warped thinking and belief
systems and, consequently, undercutting various forms of
hostility. And, discusses how the individual and society as a
whole might use the tools of psychotherapy to block the
psychological pathways to war, genocide, rape and murder.
1999 ISBN 0-06-019377-8 Buy
This Book!
Black, Donald W., Bad Boys, Bad
Men: Confronting antisocial personality disorder.
Whether called black sheep, sociopaths, felons, con men, or
misfits, some men break all the rules. They shirk everyday
responsibilities, abuse drugs and alcohol, take up criminal
careers, and lash out at fmaily members. In the worst cases, they
commit rape, murder and other acts of extreme violence as though
they lack a conscience. What makes these men - men we all know,
whether as faces in the news or as people close to us - behave the
way they do? This book exmaines antisocial personality
disorder or ASP, the mysterious mental condition that underlies
this lifelong penchant for bad behavior. It includes case studies,
scientific data and current events to explore antsocial behavior
and to chart the history, nature and treatment of a misunderstood
disorder that affects up to seven million Americans. Citing new
evidene from genetics and neuroscience, the author argues that
this condition is tied to biological causes and that some people
are simply born bad. This book not only describes the warning
signs that predict which troubled children are more likely to
become dangerous adults, but also details progress toward
treatment for ASP. This will be an essential resource for
psychiatrists, psychologists, criminologists, victims of crime,
families of individuals afflicted with ASP and anyone else
interested in understanding antisocial behavior. Oxfrord
University Press 1999
ISBN 0195137833 Buy
This Book!
Boyd, Neil, The Beast Within: Why men
are violent. Men are killers. In every country and in every
age, from antiquity to the present, men have committed 90 percent
of all violent crimes. According to criminologist Neil Boyd,
biology is at the root of the problem. Humans are part of the ape
family, and human males, like most male apes, have a biological
susceptibility to violence. Male gorillas kill their rivals'
offspring. Male orangutans rape females. Male chimpanzees
viciously attack individuals from other groups. And human males
exhibit remarkably similar behavior, as see in the Oklahoma City
bombing, the epidemic of rapes in South Africa, and the brutal
murder of Mathew Shepard in Wyoming, to name just a few examples.
Sex differences also play a role in male violence. Because men are
larger, faster, and stronger than women, they can inflict more
harm. And male anatomy - specifically, the penis - facilitiates
sexual aggression. There is also strong evidence that aggressive
fathers are more likely than nonaggressive fathers to beget
aggressive sons. Finally, testosterone leads indirectly to
violence. But male violence is not inevitable. First, we must
recognize its biological basis, and second, we must alter those
environmental factors that can be altered, such as the overuse of
alcohol, the glorification of male violence, and childhood abuse
or neglect. Thoughtful, provocative, and definnitely
controversial, this book is essential reading for anyone concerned
about violence in our society. Grey Stone Books, 2000,
ISBN 1-55054-766-6 Buy
This Book!
Cohen, Alan, Dragon Doesn't Live here
Anymore: Loving fully, living freely, Alan Cohen,
Courtwright, David T., Violent
Land: Single men and social disorder from the frontier to the
inner city. This book offers an explosive look at violence in
America - why it is so prevalent, and what and who are
responsible. The author takes the long view of his subject,
developing the historical pattern of violence and disorder in this
country. Where there is violent and disoderly behavior, he shows,
there are plenty of men, largely young and single. What began in
the mining camp and bunkhouse has simply continued in the urban
world of today. Broadly interdisciplinary, looking at the
interplay of biological, social and historical forces behind the
dark side of American life, this book offers a disturbing
diagnosis of violence in our society. Harvard University Press, 1998
ISBN 0-674-27871-2 Buy
This Book!
Creighton, Allan, Helping Teens Stop Violence: A
practical guide for counselors, educators & parents,
Hunter House, 1992
DeMeo, James, Saharasia: The 4000 BCE
origins of child abuse, sex-repression, warfare and social
violence in the deserts of the old world. This is a
controversial work providing critical cross-cultural and
geographical-historical support for Wilhelm Reich's original
sex-economics findings. It solved in a quantitative manner the
riddle of the origins of human armoring. Over 10 years in the
making, this "Marriage of Heresies" will change forever your way
of looking at the world, your home culture and current events. The
book contains over a hundred maps, tables, illustrations and
photos, and was a major research and publishing project. Anyone
interested in the study of human violence, abuse, war, sexuality
or the final decimation of the last truely human beings of planet
Earth should read this book! Orgone Bisphysical Research Lab, or 1998
ISBN 0-9621855-5-8 Buy
This Book!
Denfeld, Rene, Kill the Body, The Head
will Fall: A closer look at women, violence and
aggression, Rene Denfeld. This is a society that condemns
aggression in women...The result is that aggression is still
viewed as "naturally" male. And female aggression is, by default,
considered unnatural and uncommon. The reality is
this: women can be just as aggressive as men. Is it
true that women are biologically programmed to be less aggressive,
less prone to violence than men? Is it the lack of
training and physical opportunities that keep women from being as
"tough" as men? Are women by nature more gentle and
law-abiding? Well, the author provides answers drawing
on her perspective as a female in the nearly all-male boxing
world, and overturns our culture's assumptions
about: anger...why women feel guilty and out of control when
enraged, and how the denial of women's anger can have devastating
consequences, especially for children. women's
healthy competitive urges are repressed, keeping them at a
disadvantage. Sex...what connects sex and violence and shapes
women's sexual desires. recognizing women's aggression
can help bring about their equality. Insisting on facts and
eschewing cultural bias, she asserts that women's violence and
aggression are not held in check by biology. They are waiting to
be encouraged and used to create strong, active women who are
serious contenders - in the boxing ring and in life. Warner Books,
1997 Buy
This Book!
Dobson, Terry, Safe & Alive: How to protect
yourself, your family & your property against violence,
Tarcher, 1981
Eron, Leonard, Jacquelyn
Gentry & Peggy Schlegel, Reason to
Hope: A psychosocial perspective on violence
& youth. The book proceeds from the empirically based
conviction that violence is not inevitable. Current theory and
epidemiological, clinical and empirical data on violence among
youth are examined to help researchers, practitioners and
policymakers make informed decisions about prevention and
intervention. Experts in the field of violence
explore: The etiology of youth violence from
develomental and sociocultural perspectives. The experience of
violence by ethnic groups and other vulnerable populations, such
as gay and lesbian youth and youth with disabilities. The
influence of societal factors such as media, guns and gangs on
violence among youth. The most promising, empirically supported
preventive and rehabilitative interventions. The most pressing
needs for research and policy development in this area. Although
psychologists have made impressive stides over the past 50 years
in advancing our knowledge about the origins and development of
violent behavior, there is an urgent need to use and build on this
knowledge today. By identifying individual and contextual factors
influencing violence that are amenable to change, and by exploring
how these factors can actually be changed, this book lays the
groundwork for significant progress toward reducing violence among
youth. American Psychological Association, 1996
ISBN 1-55798-272-4 Buy
this book!
Fraser, Antonia, The Warrior Queens: The legends and
the lives of the women who have led their nations to war,
Vintage Books, 1989
Garbarino, James, Lost
Boys: Why our sons turn violent and how we can save
them. After more than a decade of increase in the urban war
zones of large cities, violence by young boys and adolescents is
on the rise in our suburbs, small towns, and rural communities.
The author believes that boys everywhere really are angrier and
more violent than ever before. In light of the recent school-based
shootings, it's now clear that no matter where we live or how hard
we try as parents, chances are our children are going to school
with troubled boys (and girls, ed.) capable of getting guns and
pulling triggers. This books shows why young men and boys have
become increasingly vulnerable to violent crime and how lack of
adult supervision and support poses a real and growing threat to
our children's basic safety. For these vulnerable boys, violence
can become normal, the "right thing to do". Fortunately, parents
can spot troubled boys and take steps to protect their famlies
from violence if they know what signs to look for - lack of
connection, masking emotions, withdrawal, silence, rage, trouble
with friends, hypervigilance, cruelty toward other children and
even animals - all warning signs that every parent and peer can
recognize and report. By outlining the steps parents, teachers,
and public officials can take to keep all children safer, the
author holds out hope and solutions for turning our kids away from
violence, before it's too late. This may be the most important and
original book ever written about boys. The Free Press
1999 ISBN 0-684-85908-4 Buy
This Book!
Gerler, Edwin R., Handbook of School
Violence. Keep students and faculty safe with the latest
strategies for threat assessment, prevention and
intervention! This eessential handbook explores the causes of
school violence, presents state-of-the-art information on
preventing school violence, and arms you with practical
interventions to use when violent incidents occur. You'll also
learn about the best Internet sites on school violence issues.
Your school must be prepared to face problems that range from
name-calling and bullying to extortion, rape, and homicide. This
book - prepared by the editor of the Journal of School Violence -
can help you decrease the chances of tragedy. It will also show
you how to respond effectively if violence does occur. Haworth
Reference Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-7890-1624-9 
Ghiglieri, Michael, The Dark Side of Man: Tracing
the origins of male violence. Do men commit murder because
they are victims of a society gone haywire? Is gang
violence the product of poverty? Overcrowding? Why is
rape so prevalent across cultures? And what draws men
into war? In this ambitious book, the author, a
biologist and protege of Jane Goodall, takes on these and many
other questions in an attempt to unearth the roots of human
aggression. Drawing on literally thousands of sources, from
scientific journals to personal interviews, as well as his own
experience as both a primatologist and a soldier, he explains why
males are far more aggressive than females: male violence is
largely innate, a product of millions of years of evolution. The
author debunks many of our most clung-to, "politically correct"
notions: that the differences between men and women are strictly
due to socialization, that rape is really about power - not sex -
and that genocide is only possible with a single madman at the
helm. He also warns that we are not genetic robots, forever
destined to rob, rape, and kill. His message is ultimately a
hopeful one: by acknowledging the biological underpinnings of
human nature, and then moving toward policies that are based on
this understanding, we can finally hope to end the vicious cycle
of violence that plaques us. Perseus Books
1999 Hard Bound, ISBN 0-7382-0076-X Buy
This Book! Paperback ISBN 0-7382-0315-7 Buy
This Book!
Gibson, James William, Warrior
Dreams: Violence and manhood in post-Vietnam America.
This provocative and ground-breaking investigation into America's
post-Vietnam cult of the warrior offers a searching analysis of
the way violence has become intertwined with masculinity. This is
one of the most important books on the American culture of
violence that emerged from the twin crises of defeat in Vietnam
and feminists' and minorities' challenge to the social status quo.
In this brilliant and wide-ranging work, the author shows how this
new "cult of the warrior" has affected life at every level, from
the offices of the federal government to the mean streets of our
cities. He excavates an untold tale of American masculinity gone
awry and grown vengeful in the after-tremors of the women's
movement and the Vietnam War - and he reveals a deeply disturbing
male pathology that we ignore at our own peril. Hill and Wang,
1994, ISBN 0-8090-1578-1 Buy
This Book!
Karres, Erika V. Shearin, Violence Proof Your Kids
Now: How to recognize the 8 warning signs and what to do
about them for parents, teachers and concerned caregivers.The
image of the Columbine crosses etched in our minds, adult America
is facing a crisis of epidemic proportion. Disaffected youth are
rapidly becoming the norm, with grades and esteem plummeting and
violence in schools escalating. An award-winning,
nationally-recognized school-violence expert shows every parent
and teacher how to identify and deal with the current youth
crisis. The author, a survivor of the 20th century's single most
violent episode, the Holocaust, chose to become an anti-violence
expert and has distilled her 30-plus years research working with
students, into recognizing the 8 tell-tale signals of a violent
child. In her words, all it would have taken to prevent the
Columbine massacre was " person. A teacher or guidance
counselor. Or a coach or a minister. Even just a neighbor. Just
one single human being." This book offers the 8 warning signs of
violence prone kids, and seventy-seven successful strategies to
keep our kids safe. Whether you are concerned that your child
might be violent or you want to be sure he or she isn't hanging
around potential trouble-makers, this book will help you stop
feeling helpless and take action. Read this book and learn how to
turn a violent kid around tor protect your child from an assassin
in training. Includes a simple test for parents and one for
teachers to pinpoint violence potential in kids as well as a
30-page resource guide for parents and teachers. Conari Press,
2000, ISBN 1-57324-514-3 Buy
This Book!
Karr-Morse, Robin
& Meredith S Wiley Ghosts from the
Nursery: Tracing the roots of violence.Cutting to
the heart of the alarming trend of violence committed by children,
this book gives startling new evidence that violent behavior is
fundamentally linked to abuse and neglect in the first two years
of life. In absorbing and accessible prose, the authors present
case histories of "children who kiill", focusing specifically on
Jeffrey, a nineteen-year-old who sits on death row for a murder
committed at age sixteen, along with recent research that shows
how infancy is the stage during which the foundations for trust,
empathy, conscience, and liflong learning are laid down - or the
predisposition to violent behavior is "hardwired" into the brain.
This book makes a convincing case for the revolution in our
beliefs about the care of babies. Atlantic Monthly Press 1997
ISBN 0-87113-734-8 Buy
This Book!
Kellerman, Jonathan, Savage
Spawn: Reflections on violent children. In this
powerful, disturbing book, a noted child psychologist shines a
penetrating light on antisocial youth - kids who kill without
remorse - asserting that "psychopathic tendencies begin very early
in life, as young as three, and they endure. Criticizing our quick
impulse to blame violent movies or a "morally bankrupt" society,
the author convinces us that it is the kids themselves who need to
be examined. Carefully. How do children become cold-blooded
killers? The author warns that today's aggressive bully
is tomorrow's Mafia don, cult leader, or genocidal dictator.
Violently psychopathic youths possess an overriding need for
power, control and stimulation, and all display a complete lack of
regard for the humanity of others. He examines the origins of
pschopathy and the ever-shifting debate between nurture and
nature, offering some controversial solutions to dealing with
homicidal tendencies in children. This is a provocative look at
the links between society and biology, children and violence. This
sobering message will remain with you long after the last page is
turned. Ballantine,,
1999 ISBN 0-345-42939-7 Buy
This Book!
Kipnis, Aaron, Angry Young
Men: How parents, teachers and counselors can help "bad
boys" become good men. Overall, the country's crime rates are
down from record highs but the disturbing trend of violent
behavior among youth, particularly male youth, is evident in
incidents like Littleton and Jonesboro. Substance abuse, suicide,
assault, gun carrying and homicide rates far exceed those in all
other industrial nations. So, what can be done to change this
downward spiral of self-destructive behavior? According to the
author, there are concrete steps parents, teachers and the
commuity can take to help boys at risk reverse the destructive
path they are heading down and become positive, contributing
members of society. With personal experience as a former "bad
boy", the author offers first-hand information, as well as
research and clinicial observations, to help at-risk youth and
stop the steady trend of bad behavior among your men. Jossey-Bass, 1999
ISBN 0-7879-4604-4 Buy
This Book!
Kivel, Paul, Anger, Power, Violence
& Drugs: Breaking the connection, taking a
stand against violence, the men's work workbook # 2, Hazelden,
Kivel, Paul, Becoming Whole: Learning new roles
making new choices. Taking a stand against violence. Men's Work
Workbook # 3, Hazelden, 1993
Kivel, Paul, Men's Work: How to
stop the violence that tears our lives apart. In this
groundbreaking work, the author gets to the very heart of the
(men's) violent behavior that wracks our society. A nationally
known expert on men's issues, Kivel shows men - and women - how to
confront the harsh realities behind (men's) aggression and how to
respond in new, productive ways to the political, social and
personal forces that can lead to (men's) misogny, hatred, anger
and violence. This book offers practical advice that will help men
(perpetrators not victims) reclaim the power and responsibility
needed to unlearn the lessons of control and aggression. Hazelden, 1992
ISBN 1-56838-233-2 Buy
This Book!
Kivel, Paul, Men's Work Facilitator's Guide: A
complete counseling plan for breaking the cycle of male
violence, Harper/Hazelden, 1993
Lamb, Sharon, ed, New Version of
Victims: Feminists struggle with the concept. Must
one be subject to long-standing suffering to be called a
victim? How are we to explain rape victims who
seemingly "get over" their experience with no lingering emotional
scars? The contributors grapple with the complexities
of these issues rather than play into oversimplified popular
debates. They critique exaggerated claims by victim advocates
about the long lasting harm of victimization, while simultaneously
taking on the claims of writers such as Katie
Roiphe and Camille Paglia and offering tools for rebutting
their backlash assertions. Can a book that refuses to take an
extreme position enter this debate? Indeed it can, and
it is a must-read for clinicians, theorists, victims and
activists. Written in clear, accessible language, this book offers
a critical analysis of pupular debates about victimization that
will be applicable to both practice and theory. New York
University Press, www.nyupress.nyu.edc
Mann, Nicholas, The Dark God: A personal journey
through the underworld. August 1972 Istanbul, Turkey. Waves of
spiritual seekers journeyed to the mystic East in search of
enlightenment. The author found himself on a very different trip -
deep into the bowels of the Turkish prison system. Set up and
arrested for possession of a small quantity of hashish, he became
imprisoned within an underworld ruled by money, violence and lies.
Raw, emotional, instense, the book chronicles one man's spiritual
odyssey through the darkness and brutality of life in prison. Cut
off from the rest of the world, he turned to a daily practice of
yoga and meditation-prison became his monastery. Surrounded by the
harsh conditions of Bayrampasa, he found himself exploring the
deepest, most fundamental issues of spirituality. Drawing upon the
traditions of his ancestors, he discovered a powerful,
trasformative means through which the divine masculine can at last
become whole, and once more rejoin the divine feminine. By facing
the fear and denial surrounding the mythic figure of the Dark God,
the author has uncovered a bold, new insight into the true nature
of masculine spirituality. Llewellyn Publications, 1996
McCann, Joseph T., Threats in
Schools: A practical guide for managing violence.
Manage potentially violent situations in your school with these
expert techniques! This indispensable volume provides
techniques for identifying, assessing, and managing threatening
behavior by students in school settings. It offers guidance on
formulating questions to ask and suggestions for developing
strategies for managing potentially violent situations.
Integrating threat assessment and risk management models, this
approach will help you target potential threats to property, other
students, teachers, and school staff. The Haworth Press, 2002,
ISBN 0-7890-1296-0 Buy
This Book!
Miedzian, Myriam, Boys will be Boys: Breaking the
link between masculinity & violence, Doubleday, 1991
Miles, Rosalind, Love, Sex, Death & the Making of the
Male. Each day the news is filled with fresh horor stories
about male violence in our society - rape, murder, child abuse,
gang warfare. But why are men the more violent sex? Is it
nature or culture: are men raised in a way that contributes to
this phenomenon? This book not only looks at how boys
are raised but also explores our definition of masculinity and
exposes the many myths underlying the notion of manhood. Drawing
widely on hstory, psychologogy, literature and science, as well as
on interveiws with more than five hundred men, the author
investigates the origins of violence in a new way. She explains
the rites of passage for men in our society, from relationships
with parents, siblings, and friends to the initiation rituals of
gangs, sports teams, and the military. She notes how these
experiences contribute to an image of power and strength that is
synonymous with "being a man" in Western culture, and how this
image too often becomes the twisted source of domestic violence
and child abuse. This devastating - and often devastatingly funny
- book looks behind the phallic swagger and macho posturing to
investigate and reveal the exorbitant emotional price that men pay
for their dominance. For in a society where the force of feminism
has often made men feel uncertainty about their status, the author
finds that men have frequently turned their violence on
themselves. She believes that there is hope for the future, as men
strive to become moe self-aware, but this search cannot be
sustained on its own. We all contribute to this violent making of
the male, and we all must contribute to its unmaking. Summit, 1991
ISBN 0-671-74492-5 Buy
This Book!
Miller, Alice, For Your Own Good: Hidden cruelty in
child-rearing & the root of violence, Farrar Straus
Giroux, 1984
Myers, Alice, No Angels: Women who commit violence,
Pandora, 1996
Olive, William, The Violent Social World
of Black Men. This book offers penetrating new insights into
one of our society's greatest problems - the high incidence of
violence among African American men. In this book, criminologist
William Oliver discusses the causes and effects of black-on-black
violence and provides an insider's perspective behind the myriad
of circumstances that lead to violent confrontations. Jossey-Bass, 1998
This Book!
Patai, Daphne,
Heterophobia: Sexual harassment and the future of
feminism. Heterophoia is the fear of and antagonism toward
heterosexuals and heterosexuality. Once confident in the potential
of feminism to create a more equitable and just society, the
author persuasively demonstrates how the efforts of some feminists
- members of what she calls the "sexual harassment industry" -
have created an environment that stifles health natural
interactions between the sexes. The trememdous growth of sexual
harassment legislation represents feminism's greatest contemporary
success, but this victory has dubious consequences - a world where
kindergarten boys face legal action for kissing female classmates
and men are sued by coworkers for offenses such as unwanted hugs,
uninvited compliments, or glances that last too long. The
Feminine Mystique, The Second Sex, Sexual Politics, Sexual
Personae, Bachlash - These are widely regarded as the most
influential statements of feminism ever written. Read this book
and you will understand why it will soon join this pantheon as the
most powerful and eloquent analysis of contemporary feminism of
this decade. Rowan & Littlefield, 1998
Pearson, Patricia, When She was Bad: Violent women and the
myth of innocence. In this groundbreaking book, the author
examines a subject that is often deliberately ignored,
particularly by the feminist front: the issue of women's violence
and aggression. Not merely as a response to an abusive husband,
society, culture or parent, but on their own, requiring no more
provocation than their male counterparts. Guiding us gently
through the rough waters of women's anger, the book starts off
with an examination of violence in girls and ends with an overview
of the social structure of women's prisons. The author demands
that women hold themselves accountable for their actions; she
makes them see women as fully equal to male murderers and rapists;
as cold-blooded as anyone who would perform multiple murders for
profit. The sexist court system likes to ascribe women's acts of
violence to being coerced, seduced, cornered. It sees women as
victims or survivors (that new catch phrase of the
therapy-and-twelve-step generation). Sometimes this is true - but
often it is not. Frequently women discover violence as an answer
all on their own, the way men do, because of the way our culture
is set up, the way our brains are wired, or the lessons we learned
at our parents' knees. The stories presented here are graphic and
disturbing and a far cry from the women's-violence-is-sexy
voyeurism of cat fights and mud wrestling. We meet female sex
offenders, women who kill their own children and women with
Munchausen syndrome who caused their children repetitive illness
and sometimes death. The author helps to open the doors and allows
us the space to examine a side of women no one wants to
acknowledge but that, if left unobserved will, like a cancer,
continue to spread. We list over 340 "Alternatives
to violence" programs in the U.S., 36 of which also include
support for female perpetrators coded 89, and male victims coded
86, plus dozens of books on sexual
harassment, domestic
violence and abuse, and
media and
governmental contacts. Viking Press 1997 Hard back. Buy
This Book!
Pearson, Patricia, When she Was
Bad: How and why women get away with murder. In
this groundbreaking book, (the paperback version of "When She
Was Bad: Violent women and the myth of innocence,) the author
examines a subject that is often deliberately ignored,
particularly by the feminist front: the issue of women's violence
and aggression. Not merely as a response to an abusive husband,
society, culture or parent, but on their own, requiring no more
provocation that their male counterparts. Guiding us gently
through the rough waters of women's anger, the book starts off
with an examination of violence in girls and ends with an overview
of the social structure of women's prisons. The author demands
that women hold themselves accountable for their own actions; she
makes women see women as fully equal to male murderers and
rapists; as cold-blooded as anyone who would perform multiple
murders for profit. The sexist court system likes to ascribe
women's acts of violence to being coerced, seduced, cornered. It
sees women as victims or "survivors" that new catch phrase of the
therapy-and-twelves-step generation). Sometimes this is true - but
often it is not. Frequently women discover violence as an answer
all on their own, the way men do, because of the way our culture
is set up, the way our brains are wired, or the lessons women
learned at our parents' knees. The stories presented here are
graphic and disturbing, and a far cry from the
women's-violence-is-sexy voyeurism of cat fights and mud
wrestling. We meet female sex offenders, women who kill their own
children, and women with Munchausen syndrome who caused their
children repetitive illnesses and sometimes death. Pearson helps
to open the doors and allows women the space to examine a side of
themselves no one wants to acknowledge, but that, if left
unobserved will, like a cancer, continue to spread. (Click
and look for centers coded 89 - resources for women perpetrators.)
Penguin USA Paperback, 1998 Buy
This Book!
Prothrow-Stith, Deborah with Michaele Weissman, Deadly
Consequences: How violence is destroying our teenage
population and a plan to begin solving the problem. Young
Americans are killing one another in unprecedented numbers.
Newspapers and television report a daily barrage of tragedies -
young men dead, crippled, their lives destroyed. A concealed gun
or knife has become as common an accessory as a pocket comb. In no
other country do teens kill one another for such trivial reasons -
a jacket, a pair of sneakers, a misconstrued glance. This book
provides a way to comprehend the epidemic of violence that is
decimating a generation of young men, especially young black men
living in poverty, and offers concrete strategies to stem its
tide. Saturated by distorted media images of violence, lacking
nonviolent male role models, filled with rage and self-hatred, and
surrounded by the brutal tactics of gangs and drug dealers, ghetto
kids are learning before they even reach double digits to carry
weapons - and to use them to settle even the most trivial of
disputes. This book introduces an antiviolence curriculum that has
been used successfully in more than three hundred schools and
suggests similar programs be initiated in schools throughout the
country. HarperPerennial, 1993 ISBNB 0-06-092402-0 Buy
this book!
Sachs, Steven L, Street
Gang Awareness: A resource guide for parents and
professionals. What do blue bandannas, champagne glasses, Los
Angeles King Starter jackets, and automobile air fresheners have
in common? Unfortunately, very few parents or educators
would recognize these as gang signs. From the inner cities to the
wealthiest suburbs, street gangs are a deadly problem in America -
and they are growing rapidly. This book demystifies gang behavior
by exposing its secret system of signs and symbols. It not only
helps readers determine if a child is involved in a gang, but also
offers a range of practical, effective strategies to help protect
children and communities from this terrifying menace. Fairview
Press (See Facts
on Street Gangs.) 1997 ISBN 1-57749-035-5 Buy
This Book!
Sage, Violence & Abuse Abstracts, Vol 1 # 1, Current
Literature in Interpersonal Violence, Sage, 1995
Scarce, Michael, Male on Male
Rape: The hidden toll of stigma and shame, Michael
Scarce. Men can't be raped...or can they? False
assumptions and popular stereotypes help us to ignore one of
society's most troubling problems - the rape of men by other men,
outside of prison. (In prison, over 25,000 men are raped daily.) A
subject rarely discussed, let alone explored beyond tasteless
jokes, same-sex sexual violence can burden survivors with an
overwhelming sense of misery and confusion. This book examines a
form of violence that, despite worldwide prevalence, remains
vastly underreported and unrecognized, the author, a coordinator
of a rape education and prevention program and a survivor of adult
male rape, investigates the substantial effects of male-on-male
sexual violence on individuals and society, dispelling popular
myths and questioning why most communities cannot or will not
confront the problem of same-sex sexual violence. This book is the
culmination of years of research that includes numerous interviews
with straight and gay male rap survivors, an analysis of pupular
media, case studies and the author's own personal and professional
experience. The belief that men are not raped, or raped only
behind prison walls, perpetuates the cruel stigma attached to male
rape. Men who are sexually assaulted tend not to report their
victimization, seek medical attention, or get counseling. While
rape is undoubtedly a crime of violence, male survivors are often
shamed by the taboo of same-sex sexual contact, contributing to a
sense of isolation and despair.This wook shatters the silence
while offering concrete initiatives and strategies for addressing
the rape of men by men. It is an invaluable resource for anyone
interested in the prevention of rape or the healing of rape's
devastating effects. Insight Books. See Jailhouse
1997 Buy
This Book!
Scott, Gini Graham,
Homicide: 100 years of murder in America. The
author has written a wise and comprehensive study of a century of
American murder and made it as readable as the best crime novels.
Quite a feat. Those involved in the study of crime American-style
will turn to its pages again and again as a well-organized
reference tool that will prove invaluable for anyone interested in
learning how murder and mayhem has played a not insignificant role
in the history of this country. Roxbury Park, 1.800.323.4900 1998
ISBN 0-7373-0049-3 Buy
This Book!
Sikes, Gini, 8 Ball Chicks: A
year in the violent world of girl gangs. Carrying razor blades
in their mouths and guns in their pockets, and ferciously guarding
their home turf, girl gang bangers are frequently as violent and
dangerous as their male counterparts. The author, a veteran
journlist, spent almost two years in Los Angeles, San Antonio and
Milwaukee, following three girl gangs and exploring their lives.
In doing so, she reveals the fear and desperate desire for safety
and status that drive girls into gangs in the first place - and
the dreams and ambitions that occasionally help them to escape the
catch-22 of their existence. Shocking, poignant, and deeply
affecting, this book is unlike any book yet written. Anchor Books 1998
ISBN 0-385-47432-6 Buy
this book!
Stanko, Elizabeth, Everyday Violence: How women
& men experience sexual and physical danger, Pandora,
Stanman, Paula, On the Safe Side: Teach your child
to be safe, strong & street-smart, Harper Perennial,
Steinmetz, Suzanne, Behind Closed Doors: Violence in
the American family, Anchor, 1980
Steinmetz, Suzanne, Violence in the Family, Harper
& Row, 1974
Stephenson, June, Men are Not Cost-Effective. Why do so
many boys grow up to be criminals? Prison inmates are 94%
male. Whether it's murder, rape or the S&L scandal, crime
costs about $300 billion a year...a national tragedy. Why is crime
essentially a male pursuit? It's not drugs, unemployment,
housing, single mothers or male hormones. Discover why. Men fill
up prisons. They drive oil tankers onto rocks in pristine
wilderness areas. They skip out on their kids. They loot S&Ls
in Brooks Brothers suits and convenience sto+res in T-shirts. Men
commit the most crime in America, outnumbering women in prisons 94
to 6. Yet women are expected to pay their unfair share of this
essentially male pursuit. The author's idea: tax men. Here, she
outlines the ground-breaking idea of a gender tax, as well as
examining just why crime is a masculine statement. She also
provides sound government statistics on the staggering impact of
male crime in America and provides workable remedies for stopping
the great crime wave. HarperPerennial, 1995
ISBN 0-06-095098-6 Buy
This Book?
Strasser, Todd, Give a Boy a Gun. Bang! Gunshots echo
through the gym. Two heavily armed students, Gary and Brendan,
hold their classmates hostage at a high school dance. Their
targets: the football players and teachers who have tormented
them. Their weapons: semiautomatic rifles stolen from a
neighbor. Their motive: Revenge. In thhis book, the
interweaving voices of students, teachers, friends and the gunmen
themselves re-create the harrowing crisis at Middletown High and
the reasons behind Gary and Brendan's rampage. Mirroring the
voices of each page are facts about guns and school violence that
offer a blistering counterpoint to a tragedy that rings dreadfully
true to life. A stunning work of fiction taken straight from
today's headlines, this book is a stirring wake-up call to stop
the violence and explore the role of guns in the lives of
teenagers. The author has been concerned with problems of teenage
stress and violence. With the recent rash of shootings in schools,
he feels compelled to address these issues, as well as how the
availability of guns can affect the emotional decisions of teens.
Simon & Schuster,,
2000, ISBN 0-689-81112-8 Buy
this book!
Strean, Herbert & Lucy Freeman, Our Wish to
Kill: The murder in all our hearts. In America,
over four hundred murders are committed each week, as the human
capacity for violence seems to increase exponentially in the
1990s. The authors examine not only the causes of America's
homicidal obsession, but also speculate on the hundreds of
thousands of murders that - luckily - never come to be, existing
only in fantasied action. In this final decade of the twentieth
century, envy, greed, rage and revenge stand at all-time highs,
and, more and more, lovers no longer seem just to quarrel.
Inexorably, unalterably, the clash of wills and emotions becomes
fatal. This book examines human life as it proceeds through the
chronological stages of psychological development, proving the
violence and extreme rages that form, develop and fester - from
childhood on. The authors contend that violent murderous impulses
lurk in the unconsciousnes of all of us, and that crimes committed
by three of the more violent murderers of our time - Joseph
Kallinger, Willie Bosket and Jurgen Bartsch - are merely the
darkest expressions of the urge to murder that lies within all our
hearts. This is an important book that sheds considerable light on
how our turn-of-the-century society has evolved, and how our
fractured nuclear family has become the vast spawning ground for
the hatred and murder that lie in everyday life. St Martins, 1991
ISBN 0-312-05488-2 Buy
this book!
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