- Sexual
The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books involving sexual
abuse. See also books on Abuse - Boys,
Abuse - Children, Abuse
- Ritual, Circumcision, Anger,
Violence, Domestic
Violence, Sexual Violence,
Sexual Harassment, and Womens'
Violence, and our Issues section on Abuse
- Ritual, Abuse -
Sexual, Circumcision,
Violence, Sexual
Harassment, Womens'
Violence and Prisons.
- Sexual Abuse of Children, Journal of Psychohis History,
Vol. 19, No 2, 1991
- So What's it to Me? Sexual assault
information for guys, King County Sexual Assault Resource
Center, 1989
- Adults Molested as Children: A survivors manual
for women & men, Safer Society Press, 1988
- Alpert, Judity, Sexual Abuse Recalled: Treating
trauma in the era of the recovered memory debate, Jason
Aronson, 1995
Angelica, Jade Christine, We are Not
Alone: A teenage boy's personal account of child sexual abuse
from disclosure through prosecution and treatment. Any teenage
boy who discloses sexual abuse is facing an emotional ordeal. This
workbook can help him understand and endure the process. As it
tells the first-person story of Joe, whose neighbor molested him,
it offers an opportunity to discuss emotional issues, learn the
fact of the process, and gain the sense of solidarity and support
so crucial to the recovery of abused children. This book is also
available as a companion volume for therapists, teachers, legal
and law enforcement professionals, and parents. Haworth
Maltreatment & Trauma Press, 2002
ISBN: 0-7890-0927-7
This Book!
- Baker, Robert, Child Sexual Abuse & False Memory
Syndrome, Prometheus Books, 1998
Berry, Jack, Unjustified Damnation.
Every day thousands of parents, teachers and others whose
professions or activities bring them into contact with children,
are falsely accused of sex crimes or child abuse. (That's 7,000
false charges a day.) It continues at this alarming rate to
be the weapon of choice in a battle between divorcing couples.
Accusation is tantamount to conviction. All it takes is an
anonymous phone call or letter. Due to the nature of the crime,
the conviction rate is the highest percentage of all offenses.
Judges and juries are quick to convict, and at many times, judges
allow courtroom procedures that would be disallowed in other
cases, even murder. This is a compelling account of one man's
valiant effort to prove his innocence. He found that overwhelming
evidence was not enough. We was unfortunate enough to be accused
of a crime so repulsive, so hideous, that just to be accused, made
him guilty in the eyes of virtually everyone. It made no
difference that he was a renowned entertainer. It made no
difference that it was impossible to physically commit the crime.
It made no difference that there was no tangible evidence. Most
frightening of all, it made no difference that he was two thousand
miles away at the time. This is a chilling, compelling and
disturbing book that makes us wonder what's happened to justice in
this society where the press and tabloids and distorted laws rule.
A Berry Book JimJac Publishing, Menstuff, PO Box 26131,
Akron, OH 44319 (Mention you learned about it through us -
see our address at the bottom of this page.) JimJacPub@aol.com
1999 Buy
- Brown, Laura, Recovered Memories of Abuse, Assessment,
Therapy, Forensics, American Psychological Assoc., 1996
- Butler, Sandra, Conspiracy of Silence: The trauma of
incest, Volcano, 1985
- Caruso, Beverly, Impact of Incest, Harper/Hazelden,
Chu, James A., Elizabeth S. Bowman, editors,
Trauma and Sexuality: The effects of childhood sexual,
physical, and emotional abuse on sexual identity and behavior.
This pioneering book examines the effects of childhood trauma -
including sexual abuse - on sexual orientation and behavior. It
will help you expand your sensitivity and expertise in a
critically important way: by providing a nonjudgmental look
at the profound effects of long-standing early abuse on the sexual
identities, orientation, behaviors, and fantasies of the people
who come to you for help. The contributors to this well-referenced
book combine their insight and expertise to address sensitive
areas including: the concepts of femininity and masculinity and
how these personality styles are direct and indirct outcomes of
trauma and reflective of dissociation. Treatment approaches for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered trauma survivors. The
need to address sexuality in treatment - and to always keep in
mind that there are many different healthy expressions of
sexuality and gender. The relationship of dissociation to sexual
addiction/compulsivity in survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Sexual behavior problems in children who have been abused,
including sexually reactive behaviors, extensive but mutual sexual
behaviors, and children who molest - essential reading for anyone
who doesn't want to see abused children mislabeled as sexual
offenders! Hyposexuality and hypersexuality as a result of
childhood trauma. The relationship between trauma history,
trauma-related symptoms, and sexual risk behaviors that can lead
to infection by HIV or other STDs as well as unplanned
pregnancy. The Haworth Medical Press, www.HaworthPress.com,
2002, ISBN 0-7890-2043-2 Buy
This Book!
- Conway, Martin, Recovered Memories & False
Memories, Oxford University Press, 1997
- Crowder, Adrienne, Opening the Door: A treatment
model for therapy with male survivors of sexual abuse,
Brunner/Mazel, 1995
Daugherty, Lynn, Why Me? Help for victims of child
sexual abuse (even if they are adults now), Mother Courage
Press, 1984
- Deaton, Wendy, The Child Sexual Abuse Custody Dispute
Annotated Bibliography, Sage Publications, 1995
ISBN 0803958617 Buy
This Book!
De Milly III, Walter, In My Fathers
Arms: A true story of incest. The TV-perfect family
was like many others in the American South of the 1950s -
seemingly close-knit, solidly respectable, and active in the
community. Tragically, the author's deeply troubled father would
launch his family on a perilous journey into darkness. To the
outside world, this man is a prominent businessman, a dignified
Presbyterian, and a faithful husband; to the author, he is an
overwhelming, handsome monster. Whenever the two are together, the
son becomes a sexual plaything for his father; father and son
outings are turned into soul-obliterating nightmares. The author
eventually becomes a successful businessman only to be stricken by
another catastrophe: his father, at the age of seventy, is caught
molesting a young boy. The author is asked to confront his father.
He convenes the family, and in a private conference with a
psychiatrist, his father agrees to be surgically castrated. The
author's portraits of his relationships with his father and
mother, and the confrontation that leads to his father's bizarre
and irreversible voluntary "cure," are certain to be remembered
long after the reader has set aside this powerful contribution to
the literature of incest survival. The University of Wisconsin
Press, 1999, ISBN 0-299-16510-8 Buy
This Book!
Elliott, Michele ed, Female Sexual Abuse of Children. The
subject of female sexual abuse has been a dark, unexplored corner
of our field. Like most adhorent aspects of human behavior, it is
easier and more emotionally congruent to deny, ignore, or
discredit that which we cannot accept or will not acknowledge.
Historical reactions to the discovery (and rediscovery) of incest
- from Freud to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation - are
poignant tributes to the enduring strength of our collective
resistance. There is no room in this, of all fields, for secrecy
or denial about any aspect of child abuse. There is no room for
cowardice, political ideology, or the focus of our attention and
resources on one area to the total exclusion of others. This is a
bold book and a valuable resource for our time. Guilford, 1994
ISBN 0-89862-004-X Buy
This Book!
- Erdelyi, Matthew Hugh, The Recovery of Unconscious
Memories: Hypermnesia & reminiscence, University
of Chicago Press, 1998
Fraser, Sylvia, My Father's House, A memoir of incest
& of healing, Ticknor & Fields, 1988
- Fredrickson, Renee, Repressed Memories: A journey
to recovery from sexual abuse, Simon & Schuster,
Galey, Iris, I Couldn't Cry When Daddy Died, Mother
Courage Press, 1986
Gartner, Richard B., Betrayed as
Boys: Psychodynamic treatment of sexually abused
men. More than one in six boys in the U.S. are sexually
victimized by the age of sixteen. Yet in the growing professional
literature on child sexual abuse, there are a few books focus
specifically on the experience of victimized boys and men. This
volume examines how sexual betrayal affects boys and the ways they
carry this hurt into adulthood. Blending psychoanalytic
understanding with insights from trauma-oriented theory and
practice, the author presents effective strategies for meeting the
unique therapeutic needs of men with sexual abuse histories.
Filled with evocative clinical material, the book draws readers
into the direct experience of these clients, the therapists who
work with them, and the constantly shifting relational world they
inhabit. It provides an indispensable map and guide for clinicians
and educators in a range of settings. Guilford Press 1999 ISBN
1-57230-467-7 Buy
This Book!
Graber, Ken, Ghost in the Bedroom: A guide for
partners of incest survivors. As a partner of an incest
survivor, do you feel like a neglected victim even though your
life has been drastically affected by the aftermath of sexual
abuse? Do you feel left out in the cold as you watch them go
through recovery? Do you feel isolated or rejected, and think
that no one else will understand your
problems? Although the impact of incest or sexual abuse
can destroy relationships and test long-standing commitments, the
information in this book may be the key to holding your
relationship together through the journey to recovery. This book
provides comfort and guidance for partners in the process of
recovery. The author draws from personal experience to show how
partners can accept responsibility for their own issues, support
the recovery of the incest or sexual abuse survivor and work
toward solving relationship problems together. Health
Communications, 1991 ISBN 1-55874-116-X Buy
This Book!
Hansen, Barbara J., Listen to the Cry of
the Child: The deafening silence of sexual abuse. Victims
of abuse often conceal their pain as they carry their scars.
Chained as prisoners of the past, many hide in secrecy, afraid of
the consequences of revealing the horrors of childhood
experiences. On the surface they may seem carefree and happy, yet
inside a festering wound exists. The only road to freedom from
this prison requires confronting the past and revealing its pain
in the light of God's love. www.listentothecry.org,
Winepress Publishing, 2003, ISBN 1-57921-493-2 
- Hechler, David, Battle & the Backlash: The
child sexual abuse war, Lexington, 1988
- Herman, Judith Lewis, Father-Daughter Incest, Harvard
Univ., 1981
Hyman, Anders & Borje Svensson Boys Sexual Abuse and
Treatment. Psychotherapeutic work with sexually abused boys is
a relatively new field of endeavor. The authors of this book
discuss therapy, effects of therapy, the relationship between
trauma and symptoms, which clients run the risk of abusing again
and prevention and its effects. Looking in considerable detail at
cases where boys have been victims of sexual abuse by their
fathers, mothers, siblings, neighbors and strangers, and also by
people whose profession involves taking care of children, the
authors look at the many questions that arise around the topic of
sexual abuse, particularly in so far as there are fears and
anxieties specific to boys. They show what can be done to help
these boys and provide new insight into the state of mind of boys
who have been abused. The book provides not only suggestions for
treatment, but also a framework for understanding the issues
involved, based on five years' clinical work. Jessica Kingsley
Publishers 1997 Buy
This Book!
- Katherine, Anne, Boundaries: Where You End and I Begin,
Parkside, 1991
Kelley, Charles, Now I Remember: Recovered memories
of sexual abuse. R-memories (recovered memories) concern
memories or fantasies of painful or frightening events that many
have happened and been pushed out of conscious awareness for years
or decades. They can also be imagined into existence, disguised as
a true memory or they may be a mixture of truth and fantasy. This
unique book untangles the confusion. Drawing on the experience of
those who have been sexully abused and of those who have had false
memories of such abuse, it shows the R-memories can be true as
remembered, can be garbled versions of what actually happened, or
can be objectively false, i.e., pseudomemories. Chld abuse is
widespread and devastating to victims. False memories of abuse can
also be devastating, both to the rememberer and to those falsely
implicated by the memories. Incorrect judgement about R-memories
do harm, whether false memories are treated as true or genuine
memorise as false. This book presents the facts without
compromise, yet with consideration for all parties ivolved.
K/R Pubs, 1994 ISBN 1-885643-00-4 Buy
This Book!
Knight, Robert Blackburn with Mark Falstein,
The Insiders: A man's recovery from traumatic
childhood abuse. The pseudonymous author had everything a man
could want: intelligence, physical strength, financial
security, close friends, a loving girlfriend, a home in the most
beautiful part of California. But he also had mysterious physical
and emotional pains. And he had the Insiders. These
subpersonalities knew the story. They kept the secrets and held
the pain. As he went through therapy, they emerged, told their
stories, and helped him face the brutal, ongoing sexual abuse by
his parents that had made his childhood a nightmare of terror,
shame and pain. Few male survivors of sexual abuse have spoken out
to tell their stories. This book breaks the silence. This
passionanately honest book is a unique resource for therapists,
abuse survivors, and the people who love them. It also discusses
essential concepts in understanding abuse survivors,
including: inflating versus deflating abuse, the emotional
triangle of fear, sadness and anger, post-traumatic decline,
attachment disorders, repressed, recovered, narrative and
procedural memory, somatization, and dissociation, ego stats and
subpersonalities. Haworth Press, www.haworthpress.com,
2002, ISBN 0-7890-1065-8
Knopp, Fay Honey & Anna Rose Benso, A
Primer on the Complexities of Traumatic Memory of Childhood Sexual
Abuse, A Psychobiological Approach. If we have trouble
recalling details of ordinary events of yesterday or last year,
how can we trust memories of traumatic events that have been
"forgotten" and reclaimed decades later? Are there differences in
the ways our brains receive and store ordinary and traumatic
memories? These questions are carefully examined in the clear
light of current scientific research. While psychotherapy has long
recorded the emotional aftermath of trauma, it is only recently
that technology has documented its associated physiological
changes in the brain. These changes may have a serious impact on
how traumatic memories are stored and the extent to which their
accuracy may be trusted when recalled. At the complex crossroads
of neurophysiological research and psychotherapy, this provides
beginners and experienced travelers alike with a guidebook through
roads less traveled in the current debate over delayed memories of
childhood trauma. Safer Society Press, 1996
- Kritsberg, Wayne, Invisible Wound: A new approach
to healing childhood sexual trauma, Bantam, 1993
Kuhn, Jill A., Editor, In Cabin Six: An
anthology of poetry by male survivors of sexual abuse.
Childhood sexual abuse is not a topic that men have felt
comfortable talking about, even though as many as 20 percent of
boys may be victims. After all, men should be strong. Little boys
should be able to defend themselvse. And maybe men who talk about
what happened to them at the hands of a mother, a father, a
relative, camp counselor, neighbor or trusted adult might be
blamed, ignored or called deviant. So male survivors usually have
kept quiet, often compounding the lifelong effects of abuse. Until
now. This is a powerful collection of poems written by adult male
survivors of childhood abuse. Poems explore survivors'
relationships with men and women, their sexuality and sexual
feelings, loss of childhood, numbing, self-image and esteem,
trust, recovery, anger, therapy, blame, betrayal, ending the
silence, confronting the abuser, being believed, remembering and
parenting. This striking anthology provides the reader with a
deeper and more personal understanding of the devastating impact
of sexual abuse on men in all areas of their lives. Impact
Publishing, www.impact-publishing.bigstep.com
2000 ISBN 0-9678187-0-2 Buy
This Book!
Lew, Mike, Victims No Longer: Men recovering from
incest and other sexual child. By the best estimates based on
a compilation of government statistics and reports by
professionals, there are over 40,000,000 American adults who as
children were victims of sexual abuse. While if anything this
figure is low, the incidence of widespread sexual abuse of
children has only in the last few years come into public
awareness. What the public is not aware of is the fact that males
comprise a large percentage of the victims. The number is in the
range of 15,000,000 male survivors. This book is the first book to
look at the subject of the sexual abuse of male children and the
first book that speaks directly to adult male survivors.
Nevraumont, 1988 ISBN 0-945223-01-3
- Loftus, Elizabeth, The Myth of Repressed
Memory: False memories & alligations of sexual
abuse, St Martin's, 1996 ISBM 0312141238 Buy
This Book!
- Masserman, Jules, Sexual Accusations & Social
Turmoil: Falsely accused by a former patient, he
describes his ordeal & presents an overview of the sexual
crisis, Regent, 1994
- Matsakis, Aphrodite, When the Bough
Breaks: A helping guide for parents of sexually absued
children, New Harbinger, 1991
McLaren, Karla, Further into the
Garden: Discovering Your Chakras. In this companion book
to Rebuilding the Garden (see above review), the author
delves into the world of the chakras, which can be likened to
energetic glands of the body. Written directly for readers of the
first book, this incorporates hands-on healing techniques with
explanations of the eight central chakras and the chakras of the
hands and feet. Here, molest survivors learn how chakras should
function, what chakra damage feels like in the body and the aura,
and how to cleanse, reshape and heal each of the chakras with
simple, grounded intuitive healing techniques. Laughing Tree Press
1997 Buy
This Book!
McLaren, Karla, Rebuilding the Garden,
Healing the Spiritual Wounds of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Karla
McLaren. One quarter of all humans were or will be sexually
assaulted in childhood; as such, molestation cannot be considered
a gender-specific or singular experience. At the core of the
molest trauma lies not sexual perdition, but spiritual perdition.
Physical and psychological therapies can address many parts of the
trauma, but without a spiritual understanding, healing will be
incomplete. This book fills in the missing pieces with humor,
empathy, and wisdom transforming the experience of sexual assault
from a baffling personal tragedy into an engagement with the
deeper spiritual and cultural issues of the world. Ten stars!,
Laughing Tree Press 1997, laughingtree@mlode.com
This Book!
Nyman, Anders & Borje Svensson,
Boys Sexual Abuse and Treatment. Psychotherapeutic work with
sexually abused boys is a relatively new field of endeavour. The
authors discuss therapy, effects of therapy, the relationships
between trauma and symptoms, which clients run the risk of abusing
again, and prevention and its effects. Looking in considerable
detail at cases where boys have been victims of sexual abuse by
their fathers, mothers, siblings, neighbors, and strangers, and
also by people whose profession involves taking care of children,
the authors look at the many questions that arise around the topic
of sexual abuse, particularly in so far as there are fears and
anxieties specific to boys. They show what can be done to help
these boys and provide new insight into the state of mind of boys
who have been abused. The book provides not only suggestions for
treatment, but also a framework for understanding the issues
involved. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 1997 Buy
This Book!
Ogilvie, Beverly A.,
Mother-Daughter Incest: A guide for helping
professionals. This book illustrates the rarely examined
phenomenon and aftermath of mother-daughter incest, focusing on
the victim's perception of and reaction to her experience. This
unique book integrates psychological theory and practical
interventions with the words of the survivors themselves. This
vital book explores the factors that contribute to the
underreporting and underinvestigating of mother-daughter incest
and the expectations of motherhood-key factors in society's denial
of the existence of this kind of abuse as well as the
stigmatization that survivors must endure if they reveal their
experiences to others. Their revealing and moving first-person
testimony keenly articulates daughters' reactions to sexual abuse
at the hands of their mothers, their past and present
relationships with their mothers, and their perceptions of the
impact of their mothers' abuse on their lives. Haworth
Maltreatment & Trauma Press, www.haworthpress.com,
2004, ISBN 0-7890-0917-X 
- Pendergrast, Mark, Victims of Memory: Sex abuse
accusations & shattered lives, Upper Acce, 1996
ISBN 0942679180 Buy
This Book!
- Rosen, Leora, The Hostage Child: Sex abuse allegations
in custody disputes, Indiana University Press, 1996
ISBN 0253330459 Buy
This Book!
- Sandler, Joseph, Recovered Memories of Abuse: True or
false, Intl Univs, 1997
Tong, Dean, Ashes to Ashes...Families to Dust: False
Accusations of Child Abuse: A roadmap for survivors. It
has been coined the atomic bomb of divorce...the "ultimate"
weapon. You've been falsely charged with the sexual assault of
your 3 year old daughter after a weekend
visitation! Or, maybe your wife, who suffers from
delusions and undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder, accused
you of domestic violence and spanking too hard. The complaint,
oftentimes promulgated by a well-meaning anonymous tipster, and
usually hearsay, can ruin your life...robbing you of your freedom,
family and good name. Moreover, it can be deleterious to your
child, the alleged victim, who will be treated as an abuse victim,
wrongly. Finally, there exists a resource for parents and
professionals with which to fight back. This book gives parents,
lawyers, therapists, teachers and lawmakers a chance to balance
the scale of justice for families. It takes you, the reader,
through the accusation process; from accused, to accuser,
SAID (Sexual Allegations in Divorce) Syndrome, agencies,
dolls and courts. In addition to its lengthy list of dos and
don'ts, it is now completely updated with chapters from the
A-Team, case law citations, defense flow charts, internet and
attorney listings and more. Tools available on VHS and Audio
Cassette Tape. FamRights Press www.abuse-excuse.com
800.431.1579, 1996
Tower, Cynthia Crosson, Secret Scars: A guide for
survivors of child sexual abuse, Viking, 1988
- Wakefield, Hollida, Return of the Furies: An
investigation into recovered memory therapy, Open Court
Publishing, 1994 ISBN 0812692721 Buy
This Book!
- Wells-Brandon, Carla, Learning to Say No: Establishing
Healthy Boundaries, Health Communications, 1990
- Zanarini, Mary, Role of Sexual Abuse in the Etiology of
Borderline Personality Disorder, Vol 49, Am Psychia, 1997,
ISBN: 0880484969 Buy
This Book!
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