The Menstuff® library lists pertinent books on Psychology -
General. See also PTSD.
Couple & Relationship
Therapy, Journal of. Formerly called Journal of Couple
Therapy, this journal presents clinical, theoretical and
research articles on a wide array of couple and adult relationship
treatment issues. It focuses on couple therapy and various adult
relationship therapies such as divorce, sex, and other issues that
heterosexual and homosexual couples deal with in therapy. It
promotes a better understanding of what contributes to healthy
adult relationships and how therapy facilitates the process.
Experts address key treatment issues for all types of adult
relationships. Haworth Press,,
Charter Issue 1/02, 800.429.6784
Allen, Marvin, In the Company of Men: A new approach
to healing for husbands, fathers & friends. This book
throws out a challenge to all thinking and feeling men - a
challenge to redefine their masculinity. The author has met this
challenge in his own life - as a son, husband, and father who
confronted his own wounds; as a nationally known therapist
specializing in men's problems; as the leader of acclaimed men's
gatherings. Now, with this book, the author outlines a new
breakthrough approach to male healing that all men can use to
fulfill themselves in love relationships, with their families, and
at the workplace. He arrived at his insights into the male psyche
the hard way: by living them. The son of an abusive father and a
controlling mother, he got trapped in a loveless marriage and a
round-the-clock work schedule. Eventually, the stress became so
intense that he had no alternative but therapy, but he discovered,
as so many men do, that traditional "talk therapy" failed to tap
the grief and rage pent up inside him. It wasn't until he became a
therapist himself and saw many male clients struggle with the same
problems he had that he hit on his radical new techniques for
treating men - techniques that encourage men not simply to discuss
their emotions but to release them in the healing company of other
men. This book takes the readers inside his dynamic group-therapy
sessions and Wildman Gatherings and dramatizes exactly how this
new male therapy works. Drawing on the true stories of scores of
men, he identifies key categories of dysfunctional parents and
shows how each category creates a different type of psychological
trap for men. He explores how the media, cultural institutions,
work pressures and peer groups reinforce male gender conditioning
in their relationships with women, destroy themselves at work, and
abuse their minds and bodies with drugs and alcohol. Random House,
1993 ISBN 0-679-42287-0 Buy
This Book!
Baber, Asa, Naked at Gender Gap: A men's view of the war
between the sexes. Welcome to the world of America's most
controversial men's movement writer. Brash and unflinching, he has
been one of the earliest and most outspoken voices on the subject
of manhood. For more than a decade, he has been pouring out his
heart and mind on the inequities in the ground rules of the battle
of the sexes. He has been one of the pioneers of the men's
movement. He is a preeminent spokesman on behalf of the rights of
divorced fathers. In this book, he discusses all the issues that
try men's souls with a toughness and a sensitivity that are sure
to provoke spirited argument. Virtually no part of his personal
history - he suffered the loss of custody of his two sons who
later returned to him on their own - his psyche, or his anatomy
goes unexposed. This book, along with Iron John and Fire
in the Belly, is one of the most important books to engage in
the new dialogue about the lives of men in contemporary America.
Carol, 1992 ISBN 1-55972-114-6 Buy
This Book!
Baptiste, David A. Jr, Clinical
Epiphanies in Marital and Family Therapy:
A practitioner's casebook of therapeutic insights,
perceptions and breakthroughs. This fascinating collection
shows how practicing therapists respond to clients who are stuck
in the therapeutic process. The families and couples discussed
here have experienced a wide range of difficulties, and the
presenting and commenting therapists run the gamut in age, gender,
race, and theoretical orientation. The serendipitous turning
points presented here are all true case studies but this book
offers more than the chance to second-guess a single therapist's
responses to explosive moments. Each case study is also discussed
by two other therapists, often with divergent points of view. This
point-counterpoint structure illuminates these cases in a unique
way, offering fresh strategies for experienced practitioners,
beginning therapists, and mental health educators. Haworth
Clinical Practice Press, 2002,
ISBN 0-7890-1565-X Buy
This Book!
- Baraff, Alvin, Men Talk: How men really feel about
women, sex, relationship, and themselves, Dutton, 1991
Beck, Aaron, Prisoners of Hate: The
cognitive basis of anger, hostility and violence. This
world-renowned psychiatrist and author has always been at the
forefront of cognitive therapy research. His approach being the
most rapidly growing psychotherapy today. Now, in his most
important work to date, the Father of Cognitive Therapy presents a
revolutionary look at destructive behavior - from domestic abuse
to genocide to war - and provides a solid framework for remedying
these crucial problems. In this book, the author: illustrates the
specific psychological aberrations underlying anger, interpersonal
hostility, ethnic conflict, genocide and war; clarifies why
perpetrators of evil deeds are motivated by a belief that they are
doing good; explains how the offenders are locked into distorted
belief systems that control their behavior and shows how the same
distortions in thinking occur in a rampaging mob as in an enraged
spouse; provides a blueprint for correcting warped thinking and
belief systems and, consequently, undercutting various forms of
hostility; and discusses how the individual and society as a whole
might use the tools of psychotherapy to block the psychological
pathways to war, genocide, rape and murder. HarperCollins, 1999
ISBN 0-06-019377-8 Buy
this book!
Berkowitz, Bob, What Men Won't Tell You
but Women Need to Know. There are thousands of unanswered
questions about men that women have been forced to puzzle out for
themselves, and more often than not, they have come up with the
wrong answers. But don't blame yourself - you've been getting the
silent treatment. Now that's all over. Former Today show
men's correspondent, the author has broken the seal and delivered
the ultimate "insider's guide" to men: their habits, desires,
inspirations, hopes and nightmares. Only a man with his
investigative background could uncover the secrets men keep, from
the mundane reasons for watching football to philosophic views on
jobs, family, and most of all, women. This book is the straight
stuff, a funny, gritty, no-holds-barred compendium. Learn ten
reasons why men are jerks, tips for first dates and weekend trips,
and the real rules for flirting. Discover how men really feel when
they lose their jobs, or their hair. Most important, there is
insight into things that men just don't like to talk about,
including the awful "C" word (commitment). The news isn't always
good, and sometimes the truth is simpler than you think. The
author has gotten the whole story and gives advice that is both
practical and honest. This is a source book, a guide to learning
how to live with the man of your choice. Or conversely, finding a
man you can live with. William Morrow, Hardbound, 1990
ISBN 0-688-08779-5 Buy
This Book! or Avon Books, 1991, ISBN: 0380713640
This Book!
Berland, Warren, Out of the Box of
Life: Being free is just a choice, Warren Berland.
If you are anything like millions of other Americans, then your
too are a prisoner - trapped by insecurity, fear and doubt. You
may have asked yourself "How can I overcome these terrible,
frustrating feelings?" This is a radical approach to
psychological wellness. The author proves that no matter how stuck
you feel or how deep your psychological wounds, you can be free to
live a healthy, happy and satisfying life. No training is
necessary. It doesn't even have to take a lot of time. Here, you
are given the keys to freedom and a more enjoyable life. The
author's box is a metaphor for the way many of us live our lives -
stymied by psychological barriers of our own making. Through a
series of remarkably simple exercises, he shows you how to almost
immediately break free of your psychological prison, essentially
by taping over that annoying negative voice that plays in many a
head on a continuous loop, and replacing it with a perspective
that reveals who you truly are. It will help you deal with
everything from everyday malaise to anger, eating problems,
relationship issues, and illness. HarperCollins
1999 ISBN 0-06-019100-7 Buy
This Book!
Bertolino, Bob, Gary Schultheis, The
Therapist's Notebook for Families, Solution-oriented exercises for
working with parents, children and adolescents. Add to your
therapeutic arsenal with these clear, practical, easy-to-use
therapeutic exercises for working with parents, adolescents,
children, and families. This book will improve your effectiveness
with clients, helping them to explore possibilities, manage
setbacks, find solutions, and create change in spite of difficult
problems. The Haworth Clinical Practice Press,,
2002 ISBN 0-7890-1244-8 Buy
This Book!
Bly, Robert, Iron John: A book about men.
When Bill Moyer's PBS special on the author aired in the
winter of 1990, it brought forth an unprecedented flood of calls
and letters from both men and women attesting to the pain and
confusion experienced by many contemporary men. This is the
author's long-awaited book on male initiation and the role of the
mentor, the result of ten years' work with men to discover the
truths about masculinity that get beyond the stereotypes of our
popular culture. In the tradition of Blake, Yeats, and D.H.
Lawrence, the author has turned to the most ancient stories and
legends to remind men and women of welcome images long forgotten,
images of a vigorous masculinity both protective and emotionally
centered. He takes as the frame of his book the tale of "Iron
John", which the Grimm brothers collected in the early nineteenth
century, but which in its themes and motifs goes back thousands of
years. In the story, an ancient "hairy man" - Iron John - becomes
a mentor to a young boy, and each event or adventure is regarded
as a stage in male growth. As the author retells the story, he
stops at times to reflect on initiation rituals for men which
still go on in some parts of the world or are still remembered in
epics such as The Odyssey. As the book progresses, it
brings together a rich and coherent picture of what it has meant
through time to pass from boyhood into manhood. Throughout that
long history of initiation the role of the older men has been
central. Yet in our own time, the young men he observes are
hungering for the father and the mentor as intensely as they
hunger for food. Some say stuck in the "tough guy" mode. Others
linger in the naiveté that destroys relationships, so
doubtful of themselves that they can be life preserving...but not
life giving. This book is at the same time a new version and a
very ancient vision of adult manhood, one that has depth,
vividness, and solidity. It reconfirms the power of ancient
stories to guide, to heal, and to convey the deepest truths.
Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1990 ISBN 0-201-51720-5 Buy
This Book!
Bolen, Jean Shinoda, Close to the
Bone: Life-threatening illness as a soul journey. This is
a wise companion and guide for people whose lives are changed by a
life-threatening illness. When you or a loved one are facing such
a situation, sharing this book helps deepen and connect people to
what they know "in their bones." A serious illness is a
crisis for the body and the soul. The first scary symptom, ominous
scan, or abnormal blood test begins a descent into the metaphoric
underworld. Powerful ancient myths such as the Abduction of
Persephone, the Descent of Inanna, and the last task of Psyche
provide us with insights into illness as a soul journey. The
author's telling of these powerful myths, helps us respond to the
stories as metaphors for our experience and for the potential
psychological and spiritual growth that a brush with death or
onset of disability can bring. Sometimes the soul is healed and
the body does not recover. Sometimes the possibility of death
followed by the return of health serves as a wake-up call and
turning point. Life for everyone is a terminal condition, after
all. How we respond to unchosen circumstances shapes who we are
and provides intimations about the meaning of our particular life., Red
2007, ISBN 978-1-57324-303-2 
- Bolen, Jean Shinoda, Gods in
Everyman: A new psychology of men's lives
& loves, Harper & Row, 1989
Brandt, David, Is That All There
Is? Balancing expectation & disappointment in
your life. You've gotten what you thought you wanted - that
new job, house, marriage - but you're still not happy, and it
shows in your face, your posture, your general attitude. Chronic
disappointment is exhausting and debilitating. It can lead to
despair, melancholia and depression, imprinting itself on the body
over time with telltale characteristics of deflation, energy loss
and restricted breathing. The author explains that disappointment
can actually aid in the search for contentment and personal
happiness. It shakes us out of complacency. Each life stage, from
infancy/childhood, presents challenges to dreams and demands
adjustments to reality. This book teaches skills needed to
withstand loss, contend with the unknown and cultivate an attitude
of appreciation leading to greater self-confidence and spiritual
awareness. Impact Publishers, 1998 ISBN 1-886230-13-7
This Book!
Breggin, Peter Roger, Your Drug May Be
Your Problem, Revised Edition: How and Why to Stop Taking
Psychiatric Medications. In his previous books (Toxic
Psychiatry, Talking Back to Prozac), psychiatrist Breggin laid the
groundwork for his battle against what he sees as American
psychiatry's harmful overdependence on prescribing medication.
This time out, he reiterates his primary tenets and, having teamed
up with David Cohen, a professor of social work at the University
of Montreal, provides practical advice for those who are
considering stopping medication. According to the authors,
psychiatric drugs have replaced religion, spirituality, human
relationships and introspection as the solution of first resort
for the suffering endemic to a full human life. Because scientists
know very little about the brain, Breggin and Cohen argue, the
much-touted theory that depression and mental illness arise from
chemical imbalances is "sheer speculation" and the propagandistic
cornerstone of a massive public relations campaign by drug
companies. In a well-researched argument that suffers from a
somewhat dogmatic tone, they contend that, rather than improve the
brain's functioning, these drugs actually create such imbalances,
causing immediate and sometimes irreversible damage. In place of
medication, Breggin and Cohen recommend therapy, as well as a
commitment to religious, spiritual or philosophic ideas, and offer
a step-by-step approach to ending dependence on medication, to be
undertaken only with medical guidance. Although the authors warn
readers against feeling pressured to forgo medication, they never
explore the alternatives. Da Capo Press, 2007,
ISBN 0738210986, 
Brooks, Gary, Centerfold
Syndrome: How men can overcome objectification &
achieve intimacy with women. It's no secret that millions of
men read magazines like Playboy and Penthouse and
lust after bikini-clad models. After all, guys will be guys, and
what's the harm? Plenty! claims the author of this
groundbreaking book that shows how many so-called normal male
attitudes toward sex are actually harmful and destructive. He
identifies the five principal symptoms of this pervasive
disorder: voyeurism (I can't stop watching gorgeous women),
objectification (obsessive fetishism over body parts that
interferes with the ability to have relationships with an actual
person; the need for validation (women have great power to make or
break my sense of masculinity), trophyism (Beautiful women are
collectibles that show the world who a man is) and the fear of
intimacy (I'm desperately lonely but deeply fearful of getting too
close.) Here is the first candid analysis of how boys are
conditioned to pursue airbrushed photo fantasies, and how they're
brought up to depend upon and yet fear the perceived power women
hold over them as gatekeepers to a previous commodity - their
objectified bodies! And even more importantly how this
syndrome prevents true emotional intimacy between men and women.
But he also offers a way to overcome this destructive malady.
Using actual case histories and transcripts from groups he has led
over many years, he documents how a variety of men from different
backgrounds have struggled to escape the depersonalization, the
isolation and the sense of frustration and powerlessness in this
syndrome. Both men and women will appreciate the candor in this
book. He offers specific guidelines and practical plans of action
for all of us in our various roles - as friends, lovers, partners,
husbands, wives, parents, responsible citizens - in an era of
changing gender relations. Jossey-Bass, 1995 ISBN 0-7879-0104-0
this book!
Brooks, Gary, A New Psychotherapy
for Traditional Men. Most men are trained from earliest
childhood to suppress emotional distress, avoid the subtle signals
of interpersonal conflicts, experience humiliation at the first
hint of failure, and most of all, resist asking for help. They
deny and avoid their psychological pain and want to take action
rather than be reflective. Is it any wonder that men view therapy
as shameful and alienating? The author has developed an
innovative (and user-friendly) therapeutic model for working with
men who are resistant to traditional therapy. Drawing on his own
blue-collar upbringing and his work in veterans hospitals treating
working-class clients, he shows how this unique approach uses
compassion, respect, empathy, and sensitivity to dissolve the
barriers of men's defenses and channel this enthusiasm into
positive cognitive, behavioral and relationship changes, in a way
that will benefit and enrich the lives of millions of men and
women alike. Jossey-Bass
1998 Buy
This Book!
Brothers, Barbara Jo, The Abuse of
Men: Trauma begets trauma. This courageous book exposes a
dark secret: Men are often victims of abuse. Although a great
deal of attention has been paid to the victimization of women over
the last 30 years, the role of men as victims - not just
perpetrators - has been neglected. And, the fact is, when men are
abused, everybody suffers. This book reveals the impact of
physical, sexual and emotional trauma on the lives and
relationships of men. This groundbreaking book shows how the
negative effects of both basic training and combat may also cause
lasting damage to men's self-esteem, ability to trust, personal
boundaries, and ability to form healthy relationships. It explores
the prevalence of other kinds of violence and abuse toward men and
boys, from child-battering (of which women are the primary
perpetrators) to spousal abuse. It discusses how the culture
of violence and societal expectations of boys and men can help
drive victims of abuse toward continuing the cycle of violence. It
also offers specific suggestions for therapists working with
abused men and their partners, including an innovative
step-by-step program for treating couples who have both been
traumatized. By understanding how men and boys become victims and
respond to trauma, you can help heal their pain and teach them to
build positive, loving relationships. The Haworth Press,
2001 ISBN 0-7890-1379-7 Buy
This Book!
- Carotenuto, Aldo, Vertical Labyrinth: Individuation in
Jungian psychology, Inner City, 1985
Cohen, Bill, Life
Mapping: A unique approach to finding your vision
and reaching your potential. What's the most important thing
you will do in your lifetime? Make that first
million? Find a cure for cancer? Raise your
kids? All noble pursuits, but will they bring you
happiness and peace of mind? This books shows you how
to achieve personal satisfaction and determine personal goals in
your life. In a time when it seems that no one takes
responsibility for his or her actions, this book asks us to look
to ourselves for the answers. Life Mapping is a process that helps
you remove the conflicts that prevent us from becoming the people
we were meant to be. You will learn how to create your own
personal Life Maps, determine our real beliefs and principles, and
then match them to appropriate goals and activities - while
maintaining our integrity and our souls in the process. Eagle Book
Cooper, Stewart E., James Archer, Jr.,
& Leighton C. Whitaker, Case Book of Brief
Psychotherapy with College Students. An excellent ancillary
text for a course in psychotherapy or a counseling
theories/practice/research course. There are many things to like
about this book: a focus on brief therapy with a significant
population, namely, young adults; the diversity of cases; a common
outline; and a focus on problems encountered by young adults
including sexual assault, substance abuse, relationships, eating
disorders, bereavement, identity and so on. This effectively
demonstrates how time-sensitive therapy can be successfully
integrated with a developmental approach. An excellent addition to
the library of all clinicians working with college-aged clients.
Haworth Press, 2002, ISBN 0-7890-2430-0 Buy
This Book!
Drescher, Jack, Kenneth Zucker, ed,)
Ex-Gay Research: Analyzing the Spitzer study and its
relation to science, religion, politics and culture. In 2001,
Robert L. Spitzer presented his study on sexual conversion therapy
with its controversial findings that some homosexuals can change
their sexual orientation. The resulting media sensation and
political firestorm that followed enraged the study's critics and
emboldened its supporters. This book presents leading experts
examining Spitzer's research methodology and findings to discern
whether the study itself deserves deeper consideration or outright
dismissal. Every facet of the study is reviewed to discuss the
positive and negative aspects of the results, its significance in
political and social terms, and the implications for the future.
Harrington Park Press,,
2006, ISBN 1-56023-557-8 
- Easthope, Anthony, What a Man's Gotta Do: The
masculine myth in popular culture, Unwin Hyman, 1990
Ellis, Albert, Feeling Better, Getting
Better, Staying Better: Profound self-help therapy for your
emotions. Panic. Depression. Rage. Self-pity. How can you
function well and live happily under such heavy emotional
burdens? According to the author, a world-renowned
psychologist, the first step to a healthier perspective is to
recognize that your own dogmatic beliefs and behavior fuel your
upsets. The author calls the process of turning adversities into
intolerable situations catastrophizing. When you irrationally
exacerbate your misfortunes, you seek ways of feeling better fast.
Maybe you try relaxation techniques. Maybe you keep yourself busy,
socialize more, exercise, or even indulge in alcohol or drugs. Too
often, these "quick fixes" only work temporarily, distracting you
without actually helping you get better. Wouldn't you rather be
permanently less depressible, even when very strong adversities
occur in your life? In this book, he draws on his 50 years of
experiences as a psychotherapist to offer sensible, inspiring
advice for lasting self-improvement. Long acclaimed for his
development of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), he
encourages a proactive approach to life's setbacks. In this book
is offered detailed examples, practical exercises, and warm wisdom
for gaining and maintaining emotional well-being. Impact
2001 ISBN 1-886230-35-8 Buy
This Book!
Fagan, Jay, & Alan J. Hawkins, Clinical and Educational
Interventions with Fathers. No man wants to be a bad father.
Nevertheless, many men in our culture do not know how to care for
the children they beget. Trapped by stereotypes of false
masculinity and lacking positive role models, they find themselves
trying to do the challenging work of fatherhood without the
necessary resources, information or support. This book offers
positive approaches to helping men become responsible fathers,
including: Helping fathers manager anger. Training staff to
recognize and respond to fathers' unique needs. Developing
therapeutic support groups for African-American men. Designing
special techniques and programs to help fathers in prison and in
other challenging circumstances. Offering Web-based support for
fathers. Finding legal tools to support noncustodial fathers'
desires to stay connected to their children. By offering positive,
tested ways to help men become responsible fathers, this book will
help you improve their lives and the lives of their sons and
daughters. Haworth Clinical Practice Press,,
2001 ISBN 0-7890-1238-3 Buy
This Book!
Farrell, Warren, The Myth of Male
Power. The author has embarked upon an extraordinary mission
that concerns us all - to bring the sexes back together. Backed by
a stunning array of facts, this book shatters the singular
assumption that most keeps men and women apart - the belief that
men have the power. This myth, says the author, hurts everyone -
by making women feel oppressed and angry and men feel unloved and
unappreciated. It has fueled hate between the sexes at a point in
history that would otherwise have the greatest potential for love
between the sexes. It has done this by keeping us ignorant of male
powerlessness. This courageous book, filled with staggering facts
gathered from numerous reliable sources, will empower both sexes
to ask the questions we need to begin a genuine dialogue. This
book focuses on men's perspectives so men can speak up, so there
can be dialogue, so there can be love.
Simon & Schuster, 1993 ISBN: 0-671-79349-7
This Book!
Farrell, Warren, Why Men Are the Way They
Are. In this riveting book, you'll find potentially
life-changing answers to these other often-asked
questions: Why are men afraid of commitment? Why
are they threatened by successful women? Why are the most
attractive women often difficult for men to get along
with? Why can't men listen? If women are liberated, why
do so many still like to have men pay for dinner and then call
them in the morning? Why are men and women so
preoccupied with physical beauty? Why do so many men have so
few really close friendships with other men? The ways
the sexual revolution and the women's movement have affected women
have been well documented in the last two decades. But what have
these movements done to men? For nearly twenty years, over
100,000 women and men have experienced the other sex's point of
view in his workshops. As a result, he has come up with
provocative new theories about the reasons love, intimacy, and
commitment mean different things to women and men; how to change a
man for the better (without just preparing him for someone else);
what makes people successful at the office but can make them
unsuccessful at home; when a discussion between a women and a man
is helpful and when it is harmful; and how men are much less
"powerful" than we ever thought possible.
McGraw Hill, 1986 ISBN 0-07-019974-4 Buy
This Book!
- Fine, Reuben, Troubled Men: The psychology,
emotional conflicts & therapy of men, Jossey-Bass,
- Fogel, Gerald, Psychology of Men: New
psychoanalytic perspectives, Basic Books, 1986
Fox, Ronald C., Editor, Affirmative
Psychotherapy with Bisexual Women and Bisexual Men, Ronald C.
Fox, Editor. This book addresses the issues of bisexuals with an
accepting and affirmative perspective, providing therapists with
the latest viewpoints, strategies and research to effectively
treat bisexual clients. Leading authorities with
affirmative-to-bisexuals perspectives discuss issues specific to
bisexuals and their lifestyles, with an eye toward providing
practical, effective therapy. Unique bisexual lifestyle issues are
examined, such as trasgender issues, polyamory, older bisexual
women and men, and cultural differences, while providing an
emphasis on cultivating well-being and a sense of community in
bisexual clients. Harrington Park Press,,
2006, ISBN 1-56023-299-4 
Friedberg, Fred, Eye Movement Technique
for Emotional Healing: The first self-help book to teach
readers a powerful clinical method that rapidly reduces distress
caused by anxiety and phobia, depression, anger, guilt, life
transition, relationship conflicts, job dissatisfaction, and
chronic pain. Here is a revolutionary new method you can use
to rapidly reduce stress and pain and redirect your thinking to be
more positive, rational and optimistic. This is the first book
that teaches readers how to self-administer this breakthrough
technique without the expense of a therapist's assistance. Clear
instructions show you how to: rate your level of stress,
practice the technique, identify the most effective approach for
you, and successfully alleviate stress. New Harbinger
2001. ISBN 1-57224-256-6 Buy
This Book!
Friedman, Robert Lawrence, The Healing
Power of the Drum: A psychotherapist explores the
healing power of rhythm. Drums and their rhythms have brought
joy and self-expression to mankind since the dawn of time. In this
book, the psychotherapist and drum facilitator weaves an
extraordinary tapestry of personal experience, fascinating
anecdotes, and compelling research, demonstrating the hand drum's
capacity to provide significant health benefits for everyone. This
breakthrough book examines the use of hand drums in treating
at-risk adolescents, stressed-out employees, Vietnam veterans,
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and
more. Find joy and self-expression in this book. White Cliffs
2000. ISBN 0-941677-87-7 Buy
This Book!
Gartner, Richard B., Betrayed as
Boys: Psychodynamic treatment of sexually abused
men. More than one in six boys in the U.S. are sexually
victimized by the age of sixteen. Yet in the growing professional
literature on child sexual abuse, there are a few books focus
specifically on the experience of victimized boys and men. This
volume examines how sexual betrayal affects boys and the ways they
carry this hurt into adulthood. Blending psychoanalytic
understanding with insights from trauma-oriented theory and
practice, the author presents effective strategies for meeting the
unique therapeutic needs of men with sexual abuse histories.
Filled with evocative clinical material, the book draws readers
into the direct experience of these clients, the therapists who
work with them, and the constantly shifting relational world they
inhabit. It provides an indispensable map and guide for clinicians
and educators in a range of settings. Guilford Press 1999 ISBN
1-57230-467-7 Buy
This Book!
Glasser, William, Choice
Theory: A new psychology of personal freedom. Here
readers are offered a new and far more effective way to get along
with the people in our lives. Barring severe poverty or
untreatable illness, unsatisfying or disconnecting relationships
are the source of almost all crime, addiction and metal illness,
as well as marital, family and school failure. For progress in
human relationships, he explains that we must give up the
punishing, relationship-destroying external control psychology
that is by far the dominant one in the world. In one of this
century's most significant books on psychology, the author offers
choice theory, a non controlling psychology that gives us the
freedom to sustain the relationships that lead to healthy,
productive lives. HarperPerennial
1999 ISBN 0-06-093014-4 Buy
This Book
Gootnick, Irwin, Why You Behave in Ways
You Hate: and what you can do about it. Have you ever met
anyone who didn't have some behavior he or she couldn't
stand? Why do we so often continue to behave in ways
that make us unhappy? Why don't we learn from our
mistakes? Why does willpower fail? Have you
adopted the qualities that you hated most in your
parents? Do you wonder why? A feature that makes the
book easy to use is the seven charts that identify specific
behaviors and that allow you to look up your personal problem and
understand at a glance how it originated or how you may have
responded to it. The author uses case studies drawn from his
practice to illustrate his points and to provide real-life
examples of different unwanted behaviors and how they were
overcome. It is also an invaluable asset for parents in terms of
working on problems they may have with their children. It will
help break the generational cycle of doing to your children what
was done to you. Penmarin Books 1997 Buy
This Book!
Hardiman, Michael, Ordinary
Heroes: A future for men. Most personal development
books are written by women, bought by women and read by women. Men
are more reluctant to engage in efforts at self discovery: they
see it as a sign of weakness. But this can have serious
consequences for men's health as well as for the functioning of
society as a whole. This book finally fills this gap: it is a
personal development book written by a man for men and for the
women who love them. Shaped by cultural, social and psychological
forces to fit the expectations of society, men have had little
opportunity to develop and express their emotional selves. Their
capacity to live balanced lives, to enjoy intimacy, to be good
fathers and to experience deep friendship, has been compromised.
As a result men suffer from a wide variety of physical, emotional
and spiritual disorders leading to widespread addiction,
unhappiness, violence, loneliness and despair. This book explains
these issues and offers understanding and guidance to men who wish
to make the changes necessary for a better, healthier future, for
themselves, for those they love and for the wider society in which
they live. Newleaf,,
2000, ISBN 0-7171-2934-9 Buy
This Book!
Heath, Chip and Dan, Made to Stick: Why
some ideas survive and others die. Whether you're a
CEO or a full-time mom, you've got ideas that you need to
communicate: a new product coming to market, a strategy you want
to sell your boss, values you are trying to instill in your
children. But it's hard-fiendishly so-to transform the way people
think and act. In this book, you'll learn the six key qualities of
an idea that is made to stick. Simplicity, unexpectedness,
concreteness, credibility, emotional, stories, and get some
valuable advice for managers, for teachers, and for anyone. Random
2008. ISBN 978-1-4000-8428-1 
- Hicks, Robert, Uneasy Manhood: The Quest for
self-understanding, Oliver Nelson, 1991
Hillman, James, The Thought of the Heart & the Soul of the
World. Two groundbreaking essays launch archetypal psychology
in a new direction: toward the world. Hillman calls this "a depth
psychology of extroversion" - a therapy beyond the consulting room
and private relationships, opening the heartfelt connection to the
world. His examination of the heart image clears away constricting
notions: heart as muscle and pump, as symbol of royal pride and
willful energy, as seat of personal feelings. Freed of these
mechanical and personalized notions, the heart can reclaim its
place as organ of aesthetic perception that responds directly to
the beauty of the sensuous world, much like the instinctual
responses of animals. To restore the hearts courage and its
imaginative power, the soul of the world needs the same attention
that we have been giving to the soul of persons. For the soul
cannot be owned only by humans. There is a soul quality to all
things in the environment, whether "natural" or "manmade". These
essays show how to regain, and life a life of Heart and Soul.
Spring Publications 1997 Buy
This Book!
- Hopcke, Robert, Men's Dreams: Men's
Healing: A psychotherapist explores a new view of
masculinity through Jungian dreamwork, Shambhala, 1990
- James, Muriel, Born to Love: Transactional
analysis in the church, Addison-Wesley, 1973
Jackins, Harvey, Human Side of Human
Beings: The theory of reevaluation counseling. This book
is an introduction to a theory of human behavior that marks a
major breakthrough of human knowledge. It presents a solution to
the basic problem of human irrationality, a problem which impedes
the handling of all the other key questions now facing the world.
Human intelligence is defined concretely as the ability to
construct a new, unique, accurate response to each new, unique
experience which confronts each human at each moment of his/her
existence. To not do this is an acquired, non-inherent,
unnecessary characteristic of most humans today. This theory of
human behavior is in sharp disagreement at many key points with
other presently widely accepted theories, but not at any point
have these other theories produced practical results beyond
"symptom suppression." This is an introduction only. Techniques of
applying the theory with individual people and groups of people
and with its wide social implications are available within the
"RC" community (Editor: going strong in 2000) Rational
Island, 1978 ISBN 0-911214-60-7
- Johnson, Robert A., The Fisher Kind & the Handless
Maiden: Understanding the wounded feeling function in masculine
& feminine psychology, Harper, 1993
Keen, Sam, Fire in the Belly: On
being a man. What does our culture tell "real men" they have
to do? Join a fraternity. Get a letter in football,
baseball or basketball. Conquer a lot of women. Be tough. Don't
show feelings. Dominate, succeed, win... The trouble with the old
definitions is that they don't work anymore - and maybe they never
did. With traditional notions of manhood under attack, today's men
(and women) are looking for a new vision of masculinity. This
groundbreaking book presents an alternative vision of virtues and
virility for a modern age. It's an inspiring guide for men seeking
new personal ideals of strength, potency and warriorship for a
fuller, more passionate life. Ask almost any man "How does it feel
to be a man these days? Is manhood honored, respected,
celebrated?" Those who answer usually say they feel blamed,
demeaned, and attacked. They're told: "Men are too
aggressive. Too insensitive. Too macho. Too much like little boys.
Too wimpy. Too violent. Too obsessed with sex. Too detached to
care. Too busy. Too rational. Too lost to lead. Too dead to
feel." It's a confusing picture. How men are
supposed to act and what they are supposed to become is not clear.
At no time in history have there been so many restless,
questioning men looking for new roles, ways of being, and healing
from male woundedness. This book helps provide meaningful answers.
It begins with a frank discussion of men's unconscious bondage to
"Woman," not a woman, but to the primal power that women wield
over men. Only when men begin to learn the uniquely male mysteries
can they go on to build nurturing, satisfying relationships with
each other, with a mate, and with a family. Although he explores
the meaning of being a person from the perspective of the male
experience, the story of injury and promise he tells is relevant
to both sexes. In this way, this book is written for women, too,
as they strive to understand the men they love, raise, and live
with. But most of all this spirit-lifting, hopeful and helpful
guide to a new manhood is aimed at men in their quest for being
and fulfillment. From the ancient forces that send men on the
hero's journey to the contemporary drives that have changed the
direction of that journey, this book tells the story of the search
for what it means to be a man. This empowering, enriching book
offers a path for that search. Bantam, 1991
ISBN 0-553-07188-2 Buy
This Book!
Kilmartin, Christopher, The Masculine Self. The 2nd edition
provides an introduction to the theoretical and scientific study
of men. Building on its solid psychological foundation, this new
edition provides a stronger multidisciplinary perspective as well
as coverage of he research in men's studies that has emerged since
the first edition. Offered here is a wide variety of perspectives
on masculinity: contemporary concepts, scientific studies of
sex and gender, major schools of psychological theory, and men's
issues ranging from work, emotion, relationships, and fathering to
physical health, mental health, sexual harassment and violence.
With 50% new material, boxed features that highlight the human
aspects of the subject matter, and a clear organization, no other
text gives students as balanced a treatment of the changing
definition of what it means to be male in contemporary society.
McGraw-Hill Higher Education,,
2000 ISBN 0-07-303532-7 Buy
This Book!
Kipnis, Aaron, Knights Without Armor: A practical guide
for men in quest of masculine soul. The nights of ancient
times were heavily armored from head to toe. These men in steel
were invincible in battle - until the crossbow was invented. This
new technology, introduced in the late medieval times, gave arrows
the force to penetrate even the thickest armor. The armored knight
quickly became a thing of the past as men realized that they could
no longer remain safe behind their impervious coverings. However,
the knightly ideals of chivalry and masculine honor, and the
spiritual quest for the Holy Grail persisted for centuries. Today,
men doing battle in the marketplace have donned a new sort of
armor. Many powerful men have constructed a heroic personality
that is hard, inflexible and, like the amour of old, heavy to drag
around. It is difficult to feel much pleasure or joy in life when
one is burdened with a self-image that says: in order to be a
man you must be tough and cool as steel. In today's society,
however, men are discovering, like their medieval counterparts,
that they are no longer impervious to the armor-piercing arrows
slung by people who have lost connection to their souls. This book
weds ancient myths of masculinity to the subjective experience of
modern men and the objective perspectives of hundreds of studies
from various scientific fields. What emerges is a fresh vision and
new understanding of men that points the way for a new male
psychology and spirituality. This book presents a rich adventure
of self-discovery for the male reader who will undoubtedly hear
many of his own issues expressed by the male voices in this book.
Women readers will gain new insights into the inner lives of men,
deepen their understanding of the forces that shape the men in
their lives, and learn how to support men's changes in a changing
world. This knowledge will be helpful in improving relations
between men and women. Jeremy P Tarcher/Perigee Books, 1992
ISBN 0-87477-704-6 Buy
This Book!
Lazarus, Arnold & Clifford, The 60-Second
Shrink: 101 strategies for staying sane in a crazy world.
Uncontrolled anger, severe anxiety, chronic depression...these
people need some serious help, right? Years and years of
intensive therapy? Maybe not. While people who are
profoundly disturbed do need years of treatment, they are by far
the exception and not the rule. Most therapy today is brief,
six-to-ten sessions, and focuses on solutions rather than
problems. The authors propose "brief solution-focused therapy" and
say that "In fact, long-term therapy may actually be unethical."
In this book, help is offered in only a minute. While the authors
make it clear that no book is a substitute for therapy if it's
needed, they do provide plain-language explanations of a host of
psychological problems. Brief enough to be read in about a minute
each, the 116 mental health "morsels" provide concise answers for
dealing with such mental health issues as anger, depression,
stress, anxiety and more, including the vital elements of a
successful marriage. Impact Publishers, 1997
ISBN 1-886230-04-8 Buy
This Book!
Leclaire, Serge, A Child is Being
Killed, On primary narcissism and the death drive. The
powerful thesis of this book is that in order to achieve full
selfhood we must all repeatedly and endlessly kill the phantasmic
image of ourselves instilled in us by our parents. We must all
combat what the author calls "primary narcissism" a projection of
the child our parents wanted. This idea - that each of us carries
as a burden in unconscious secret of our parents, a hidden desire
that we are made to live out but that we must kill parents, a
hidden desire that we are made to live out but that we must kill
in order to "be born" - touches on some of the fundamental issues
of psychoanalytic theory Around it, the author builds an intricate
analysis of the relation between primary narcissism and the death
drive. The author's overarching thesis also leads to a provocative
rereading of the Oedipal configuration. He suggests that Oedipus
is inhabited, pursed, haunted and debilitated by the child who
should have died in order that Oedipus might have been born into
life. Stanford University Press, 1998
- Levant, Ronald, New Psychology of Men, Basic, 1995
Levine, Suzanne Braun, Father
Courage: What happens when men put family first. A new
group of today's fathers is aiming for the "triple crown " - a mix
of success at work, intimacy with family, and time for friends.
They are learning - as women have learned - that you can't "have
it all." Their efforts to find new ways to balance work
and love are beginning to change both the family and the
workplace. Other books have described the malaise, but until now,
no one has described the dimensions of the revolution or pointed
to the light at the end of the tunnel. The author, a journalist
and feminist, and founding editor of Ms. magazine,
interviewed scores of men and learned about the pitfalls and
payoffs of twenty-first century fatherhood. Men don't tend to use
each other as sounding boards the way women do, so the author does
it for them. She identifies some of the surprising factors that
make it so hard for men to put family first. At home, the
parenting learning curve is steep; and moms don't always want to
give up the role of "the General." The workplace is much less
family-friendly to fathers than to mothers, and the 24/7 life of
corporate American is taking its toll. The author uncovers the
reasons causing the stress felt by fathers and mothers, and she
offers solutions that range from the commonsense to the
revolutionary. This is a brilliant and bracing new look at what is
right - and wrong - in American family life. Harcourt, 2000
ISBN 0-15-100382-3 Buy
This Book!
Levoy, Gregg, Callings: Finding
and following an authentic life. How do we know if we're
following our true callings? How do we sharpen our
senses to cut through the distractions of everyday reality and
hear the calls that are beckoning us? This book
examines the many kinds of calls we receive and the great variety
of channels through which they come to us. A calling may be
to do something (change careers, go back to school, have a child)
or to be something (more creative, less judgmental, move loving).
While honoring a calling's essential mystery, this book also
guides readers to ask and answer the fundamental questions that
arise from any calling: How do we recognize it? How do
we distinguish the true call from the siren song? How
do we handle our resistance to a call? What happens
when we say yes? What happens when we say no? Three
Rivers Press
1998 ISBN 0-609-80370-0 Buy
This Book!
Livingstone, Bob, Redemption of the
Shattered: A teenager's healing journey through sandtray
therapy. In this book, the author describes in dreamlike
sequences his personal therapeutic experience while undergoing
Sandtray Therapy to address the loss of his father during
adolescence. He vividly describes the isolated world of a
traumatized teenager who wishes to be closer to his family but
instead acts out in angry and self-defeating ways. He takes the
reader through the processing and reprocessing of feelings until
the good and the bad are finally integrated. His suspenseful
journey of self-discovery will allow readers to know that they are
not alone and encourage them to face their own traumas.
Self-published. See
for ordering information, 2002. ISBN 1-59113-085-9
Marti Tamm, Emotional Abuse. This is an essential tool for
understanding the powerful and insidious mechanisms of this
subtle, but destructive, form of abuse. What you need to know is
that it makes it seem like emotional abuse is only a male to
female abuse and so gives no examples or discussion of the impact
on men being emotionally abused by their partners. The reason it
is included there is simple. Emotional abuse is one of the major
abuses that most women and men victims don't record as abusive
behavior from their partners. However, if we were to ask the same
questions of men that are asked to determine if a women has been
emotionally abused, you would be amazed. She states that
"Emotional abuse may occur without physical abuse, and its effects
are just as powerful. This is a partial list of Overt Mechanisms
of Abuse: any check marks from you? Belittling,
yelling, name-calling, criticizing, ordering around, sulking,
withholding affection, ignoring, monitoring activities,
interfering with job, accusing you of engaging in repeated,
purposively hurtful behaviors, throwing objects not necessarily at
you, slamming of objects or doors, ridiculing you, expressing
disgust toward you, threatening to abandon (physically or
emotionally), expressing excessive jealousy. How did you do? Here
are the Covert Mechanisms of Abuse: Discounting, negation,
projection/accusation, denial of abuse by the abuser, negative
labeling, subtle threats of physical and/or emotional abandonment
or actual physical and or/emotional abandonment. While little has
been written for the millions of men who have been victims of
emotional abuse and don't know or won't accept that they could be
a "victim" of anything, this serves as an informative outline
that, if honest, would show the incredible level of emotional
abuse that is perpetrated by women on men and children. The
author's intervention strategies are grounded in relational theory
and give the therapist a practical approach to the assessment and
treatment of the emotionally abused client as long as the
therapist will replace the sole word "women" or "she" or a woman's
name as victim and only referencing men as perpetrators.
Jossey-Bass, 1998
ISBN 0-7879-4377-0 Read this review Before you Buy
This Book!
Lynch, John & Christopher Kilmartin,
The Pain Behind the Mask: Overcoming masculine
depression. Masculine depression is a vicious syndrome that
breeds upon your fear of expectations to "be a man, don't cry, and
don't be a wimp." How many times have you had these
"hard knocks" flung at you by others or even by
yourself! This unique book does not portray men as
victims: it describes a man's responsibility and proposes
realistic strategies for change. This book focuses on our most
destructive social and mental health problem - masculine
depression - which goes unrecognized and leads to the violence,
abuse and self-neglect that wreak so many men's lives. Haworth
Press 1999 ISBN 0-7890-0558-1 Buy
This Book!
MacDonald, Gordon, When Men Think Private Thoughts: Exploring
the Issues that Captivate the Minds of Men. Regardless of age,
occupation or financial and social status, most men struggle with
private thoughts that have stirred the hearts and minds of men for
countless ages. Here, you'll travel the inner recesses of a man's
mind to unravel the complex, centuries-old questions that shape a
man's identity and self-concept. You'll learn how a man's sense of
self begins to form even before birth and how the terrain between
childhood and manhood affects his adult relationships, spiritual
life and more. Thomas Nelson, 1996 ISBN 0-7852-7839-7
this book!
McKay, Gary and Don Dinkmeyer, How Your Feel
is Up to You: The power of emotional choice. Turn your
feelings from liabilities ("I'm a victim") into assets
("I can manage!") You can decide how you want to feel!
The self-improvement tool kit in this book will help you handle
anger, anxiety, depression, guilt and stress. You'll find
practical information and straightforward procedures to help
enhance your awareness of your feelings and how to deal with them.
This new edition is packed with self-assessment and self-discovery
exercises, charts, and examples for real-life situations. Each
chapter includes a summary section which will coach you in
becoming an "ACE" - accepting your feelings,
choosing new purposes, beliefs and feelings, and
executing your new choices. Impact Publishers,,
2002 ISBN 1-886230-50-1 Buy
this book!
- Meth, Richard, Men in Therapy: The challenge of
change, Guilford, 1990
Mazis, Glen, Trickster, Magician
& Grieving Men: Reconnecting men with
earth. This book shows how many men are unable to deal with
the pain, preferring to fly above the earth - and their feelings.
The author brilliantly contrasts the Desert Storm War - with its
emphasis on air power and men insulated in their super tank-bodies
- with the way men deal with personal challenges in their everyday
lives. Then, using male images drawn from recent films and from
ancient stories, he champions men who are able to embrace pain,
who see themselves humorously, who are playfully caught up with
others, and who savor the sensual richness of the planet. Bear,
1993 ISBN 1-879181-11-8 Buy
this book!
Meade, Michael, Men & the Water of
Life: Initiation & the tempering of men. When
generativity, creativity, generosity and the capacity to embrace
life dry up, the Water of Life has gone underground. At such
times, the earth becomes arid, life becomes devoid of meaning, the
ground of culture cracks and splits, and gaps develop among
peoples and between people and nature. Only water can bring the
pieces back together, awaken seeds hidden in the ground, and
enliven the parched Tree of Life. One of the most important ways
to call forth the water of life is through story. For years, the
author has been steeped in stories, some from the ground of his
own life, others from the ancient rivers of Celtic, European and
African myth. Still others emerge from years spent as a teacher,
listening to the stories that both men and women carry. From these
stories he derives medicine for healing individual wounds and
uncovers rituals for the remaking of community. Attuned to our
modern needs - the wounds of divorce, addiction and loss, the
moral abandonment of children, the gap between the genders - and
our mythic inheritance, this book offers narratives that reflect
and resonate with the oldest parts of the human psyche - the place
where things began and the place where things can begin again.
Harper, 1993 ISBN 0-06-250542-4 Buy
This Book!
Miles, Rosalind, Love, Sex, Death
& the Making of the Male. Each day the news is filled
with fresh horror stories about male violence in our society -
rape, murder, child abuse, gang warfare. But why are men the more
violent sex? Is it nature or culture: are men raised in a way
that contributes to this phenomenon? This book not only
looks at how boys are raised but also explores our definition of
masculinity and exposes the many myths underlying the notion of
manhood. Drawing widely on history, psychology, literature and
science, as well as on interviews with more than five hundred men,
the author investigates the origins of violence in a new way. She
explains the rites of passage for men in our society, from
relationships with parents, siblings, and friends to the
initiation rituals of gangs, sports teams, and the military. She
notes how these experiences contribute to an image of power and
strength that is synonymous with "being a man" in Western culture,
and how this image too often becomes the twisted source of
domestic violence and child abuse. This devastating - and often
devastatingly funny - book looks behind the phallic swagger and
macho posturing to investigate and reveal the exorbitant emotional
price that men pay for their dominance. For in a society where the
force of feminism has often made men feel uncertainty about their
status, the author finds that men have frequently turned their
violence on themselves. She believes that there is hope for the
future, as men strive to become more self-aware, but this search
cannot be sustained on its own. We all contribute to this violent
making of the male, and we all must contribute to its unmaking.
Summit, 1991 ISBN 0-671-74492-5 Buy
This Book!
Moore, Robert, The Archetype of
Initiation: Sacred space, ritual process, and personal
transformation. This book urges contemporary healers to
utilize premodern tribal principles of sacred space and ritual
process long considered lost or inaccessible to modern culture.
Properly prepared "ritual elders" can guide people through ritual
steps from (a) the challenge of a life-crisis, into (b) sacred
space and time for needed reorganization, and then into (c) a
newly transformed personal and social world. These steps derive
from key concepts in the scholarship of Arnold van Gennep, Mircea
Eliade, Joseph Campbell and Victor Turner, reformulated with new
insights from extensive field research and psychoanalytic
practice. Xlibris Corporation, 2001,
ISBN 0-77388-4764-X 
Moore, Robert, Facing the
Dragon: Confronting personal and spiritual grandiosity.
This book attempts to carry forward the work of Jung and also the
work of Edward Edinger in altering us to the ways in which we
humans are vulnerable as never before to having our psyches
invaded and possessed by archetypal energies of great power. We
must all be vigilant to the insidious - usually unconscious -
temptation to open the door to these forces within ourselves and
act them out in a demonic way. These psychic invasions and
archetypal colonizations often coerce us into terrible acts of
hate, violence, and inhumanity. We have seen what individuals
possessed by these grandiose archetypal forces are capable of. The
issues addressed in this book have significant implications for
the future of human civilization on Planet Earth and must be faced
by all of us. Not just religious leaders and psychotherapists but
people from all areas and walks of life should look within
themselves for evidence of these recurring phenomena and set
themselves upon a path of increasing awareness. The problem, in
other words, is not only "out there" but also always "in here" as
well. Chiron Publications, 2003, ISBN 1-88860221-X 
Moore, Robert and Douglas Gillette, King
Warrior Magician Lover: Rediscovering the archetypes of the
mature masculine. This book is an exploratory survey of the
implications of this research for understanding the masculine
psyche. It is the first of a forthcoming five-volume series on
masculine psychology based on this paradigm. Subsequent volumes
are planned that will elaborate the wider implications of this
theoretical model for human psychology and spirituality. The
authors' purpose in writing this book, however, has been to offer
men a simplified and readable outline of an "operator's manual for
the male psyche." Reading this book should help you understand
your strengths and weaknesses as a man and provide you with a map
to the territories of masculine selfhood which you still need to
explore. HarperSan Francisco,,
1991, ISBN 0-06-250606-4 
Moore, Robert and Douglas Gillette, The King
Within: Accessing the King in the male psyche, a revised and
expanded edition. In this pioneering contribution to masculine
psychology, the authors examine the inner King - one of the four
archetypes of the male psyche. Asleep - as far as Ego-awareness is
concerned - for untold generations, the King at the center of
every man's soul is now returning to consciousness. His return is
heralded by many men's growing sense of empowered masculine
authenticity and by their enlarged capacity to empower others:
other men, their friends and coworkers, the women in their lives,
and their children. The inner King integrates power and nurturing,
firmness and caring, courage and creativity, self-affirmation and
self-sacrifice. From his central position between the world of
imagination and the world of action, the King within challenges
every man to take up his own scepter, to dream dreams, and to make
them come true. Exploration Press, 2007, ISBN 0-913552-66-6

Moore, Robert & Douglas Gillette,
The Lover Within: Accessing the lover in the male
psyche. He is complex, earthy, spiritual and creative. He is
the very essence of authentic being - and a vital aspect of every
man. It is the inner Lover who most profoundly feels hurt and loss
- yet within him dwells an unparalleled capacity for healing and
growth. Only by loving and being loved are we truly alive. But
reveling in the Erotic Man's ecstatic energies without being
possessed or emasculated by them poses a daunting challenge to the
modern male - while gloriously unveiling his most empowering
potential. The authors offer an in-depth illumination of the
fourth and final masculine archetype - leading today's man toward
a rediscovery of joyful relatedness in intimacy, comradeship,
worldly affairs and matters of the spirit...and mapping his
rightful return to the Garden of Delight. Avon Books Paperback
1995 ISBN 0-380-72071-X 
Moore, Robert, The Magician and the
Analyst: The archetype of the magus in occult spirituality
and Jungian analysis. This volume makes publicly available for
the first time the original text of the pioneering research
monography the author first presented in 1986 to the Jung
Institute of Chicago entitled, "The Liminal and the Liminoid in
Ritual Process and Analytical Practice." A new essay outlines
the steps in his "research journey" that led to his "rediscovering
transformative space." Xlibris Corporation,
2002 ISBN 1-4010-2357-6 
Moring, Marti Tamm, Emotional Abuse,. This is an essential
tool for understanding the powerful and insidious mechanisms of
this subtle, but destructive, form of abuse. This groundbreaking
book explores the components of emotional abuse, whether occurring
alone or in the presence of physical abuse, and presents a new
model for its treatment. Primarily written from the perspective
that women are the receivers and not givers of emotional abuse, at
least she admits that she uses "she generally refers to those who
are abused, and he usually designates the abuser". She does
discuss certain special aspects of the experience of emotionally
abused children and men in the Epilogue I, which holds some
valuable information. Jossey-Bass, 1998
1998 Buy
This Book!
Myss, Caroline, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can,
Harmony Books, 1997
Nueharth, Dan If You Had Controlling
Parents: How to make peace with your past and take your place
in the world. If you parents controlled you in unhealthy ways,
they may have unwittingly planted land mines in your psyche. As a
result, you may tiptoe through life expecting buried danger, not
treasure, in your path. You may wait...and wait...for permission
to love, succeed, and feel content. Permission you're not sure how
to get. Permission you may have difficulty granting to yourself.
This book is packed with features to help you thrive even if you
had far too little permission to be yourself as a child. Knowledge
is power, and powerful growth and healing come from understanding,
not blaming, your parents or upbringing. Cliff Street Books 1998
This Book!
Pare, David and Glenn Larner, editors
Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy. This book
provides easy access to cutting edge thinking in social
constructionist psychology and therapy. It is geared to readers
who may not be familiar with narrative, social constructionist, or
critical psychology and therapy, presenting contemporary theory
and practice with a minimum of jargon. The field's leading
pracatitioners and theorists demonstrate how to work with people,
rather than on them in a mutual, co-constructive exchange. It
includes easy-to-apply ideas relating to theory, therapeutic
practice, teaching/supervision, research and more. Each chapter
begins with a readable thumbnail summary of the practical,
accessible material that follows. The book includes case studies
and examples, illustrations, tables, a brief glossary of the few
terms that do need explaining, and suggestions for additional
readings. Haworth Clinical Practice Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-7890-1786-5 
- Pedersen, Loren, Sixteen Men: Understanding
masculine personality types, Shambhala, 1993
- Pollak, Charles, Psychosocial Aspects of Narcolepsy,
Haworth, 1992
Prengel, Serge, Still a
Dad: The divorced father's journey. This is a
touching story of a man's journey into maturity as a father and a
human being. It begins with a family in crisis, and details the
consequences of being processed through an adversarial divorce
system that fails to provide a foundation or resources that would
support former spouses and their child in establishing a peaceful
and harmonious life. It is an allegorical role. His personal drama
gives expression to a cultural inheritance that has deep,
collective resonance. His story is also an evolutionary tale. Out
of his experience of anguish and despair, he has reached the
sacred. Along his journey, he offers a roadmap showing where he is
and where the forks in the road lead. It took him years to ripen
into the understanding that he did not have to wait for the
legislature to make new laws, for a generation of judges to
retire, or for his former-spouse to become a new person - but
rather than his right to be a participatory, conscious, attentive
parent was secured by the depth of his own commitment to doing it.
The Mission Creative Energy, 1999 ISBN 1-892482-00-2
This Book!
Preston, John & James Johnson,
Clinical Psychopharmacology: Made ridiculously simple,
Edition 4. There is an ever increasing need for a concise,
practical, clinically relevant guide for the many health care
professionals that care for patients receiving psychotropic
medication. The complexity and number of medications for
psychiatric disorders require psychologists, social works,
clinical pharmacists, as well as physicians to participate in
maximizing benefits and minimizing adverse events. This book is
that rare book that has successfully simplified a complicated
topic so that practitioners can provide the benefits of
psychopharmacology to patients with confidence that they will do
more good than harm. An excellent, succinct guide to
psychopharmacology in primary care settings. MedMasters, 2003,
ISBN 0-940780-44-5 Buy
This Book!
- Preston, John, Every Session Counts: Making the
most of your brief therapy, Impact, 1995
Purman, Rich, Social Work Practice with Men
at Risk. Treating men as a culturally distinct group, the
author integrates key conceptions of masculinity into culturally
sensitive social work practice with men. Focusing on veterans,
displaced workers, substance abusers, mental health consumers, and
other groups that might be unlikely to seek help, he deftly
explores the psychosocial development of men, along with the
globalization of men's lives, alternative conceptions of
masculinity, and special dynamics within male relationships. He
bolsters his conclusions with case studies and evidence-based
interventions. His cutting-edge research merges four key social
work theories and explores how they inform practice with mental
health issues, compulsive disorders, addition and violence. By
promoting gender equity and culturally competent practice with
men, he bridges the gap between clinical and macro practice. The
book is a crucial text for educators and practitioners hoping to
pursue effective, far-reaching interventions. Columbia University
Press, 2010,,
ISBN 9 780231 143813 
Ratey, John & Johnson, Catherine,
Shadow Syndromes: The mild forms of major mental disorders
that sabotage us. Are you or someone you love suffer
from: chronic sadness, obsessiveness, outburst of anger, the
inability to finish tasks, acute anxiety, disabling discomfort in
social situations. These are the "shadow syndromes" of major
mental disorders that limit the lives, productivity and happiness
of millions of people. Drawing on cutting-edge research, the
author challenges the most basic beliefs of our mental health
professionals by uncovering the biological factors that often
determine our personalities. They use real-life case studies to
illustrate how shadow syndromes affect our everyday lives and how
they can be treated - often dramatically - with diet, exercise,
psychotherapy and medication. This book is the revolutionary
theory that sheds light on our life-limiting behaviors and offers
the essential tools for changing them. This book will liberate you
and those you love.
Bantam 1998 Buy
This Book!
- Reid, William, DSM-III-R Training
Guide: For use with APA Diagnostic
& statistical manual of mental disorders (3rd edition
revised), Brunner/Mazel, 1989
Rickard, Verna, The
Learning About Myself (LAMS) Program for At-Risk Parents :
Handbook for Group Participants Buy
This Book! and
The Learning About Myself (LAMS) Program for At-Risk
Parents: Learning from the past - changing the future
This Book!, Verna Rickard. The book presents a basic,
hands-on, weekly curriculum based on the concept of "Learning
About Myself" that helps change participants' lives from hopeless
and helpless to confident and self-assured. You an use this book
to help clients cope with life rather than be overwhelmed by
life's problems. Participants of the program follow the second
book, a Handbook for Group Participants, to learn how to make
better decisions, set goals, and live life by choice rather than
by chance. The books language is simple and you can easily adapt
the program to all ages and both sexes. It can be used as an
introduction to individual counseling or as the sole treatment
method. The leader of this course does not need to be a therapist
- s/he need only be someone with a basic knowledge of social work
or psychological concepts. Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma
Press, 1998
- Ross, John Munder, What Men Want: Mothers,
fathers & manhood, Harvard University, 1994
- Rubin, Michael, Men Without Masks: Writings from
the journals of modern men, Addison-Wesley, 1980
- Sanford, John, What Men Are Like: The psychology
of men for men & the women who live with them,
Paulist, 1988
- Schaef, Anne Wilson, Beyond Therapy, Beyond
Science: A new model for healing the whole
person, Harper, 1992
- Sellin, Birger, I Don't Want to be Inside Me
Anymore: Messages from an autistic mind, Basic,
Servan-Schreiber, David, The Instinct to
Heal: Curing stress, anxiety, and depression without drugs
and without talk therapy. Americans seek therapy in record
numbers and consume more medications that ever before, yet stress,
anxiety and depression continue to rise to epidemic proportions.
People can spend years on the psychoanalytic couch without making
any progress. And for many psychiatrists, the prescription-writing
reflex has become almost automatic, despite the fact that benefits
often disappear as soon as drug treatment stops. Standard
treatments simply aren't long-term solutions. But the author, a
psychiatrist-neurologist, knows that we can cure our emotional
pain. He's seen certain natural methods produce tremendous results
in his clinical practice, in that of his peers, and even in
war-torn regions where horrific memories can leave deep scars.
Weaving fascinating accounts of his first-hard experience and
findings together with the research of hundreds of other esteemed
scientists, he outlines a program that's becoming embraced
throughout the world as a permanent cure for emotional pain.
Rodale Press,,
2004 ISBN 1-57954-902-0 
Shapiro, Francine, & Margot Silk Forrest
EMDR, The Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress
and Trauma. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is
the innovative clinical treatment which has successfully helped
individuals who have survived trauma - including sexual abuse,
domestic violence, drive-by shootings, combat and crime, as well
as those who suffer from depression, addiction and phobias. Not
only has EMDR been successfully used to help victims of personal
trauma, it is now being used to help musicians, artists, athletes
and business executives to achieve their high performance goals.
Because EMDR allows the mind and the body to heal at the same
rate, it is effectively making time irrelevant in therapy. Given
its wide application, clients helped have included children as
young as two-years-old, CEOs, inner city youth and prisoners.
Basic Books
1997 Buy
This Book!
- Shapiro, Stephen, Manhood: A new
definition, Putnam, 1984
- Sharp, Daryl, Who am I Really? Personality,
soul & individuation, Inner City, 1995
Shinder, Jason, Tales
from the Couch: Writers on Therapy. In recent years,
psychotherapy has become a widely accepted and even popular form
of treatment for mental and emotional troubles. Whether seeking
guidance, comfort, help or just some small measure of peace, more
people than ever are going to the therapist's couch for the
"talking cure." The literary artist is no exception. In fact, the
writer - whose life in many cases serves as inspiration for his or
her work - is in an ideal position to evaluate the experience. In
this fascinating, revealing, and profoundly intimate volume, the
editor has collected the personal reminiscences of some of the
greatest writers today, all of who have been to the therapist's
couch and now offer valuable insight into the process. (Includes
Diane Ackerman, Douglas Bauer, Susan Cheever, Mark Boty, Adam
Gopnik, Emily Fox Gordon, Lucy Grealy, Pam Houston, Phillip
Lopate, Carole Maso, E. Ethelbert Miller, David Mura, George
Plimpton, Ntozke Shange, Rebecca Walker, Meg Wolitzer, and Susan
Wood.) In this remarkable anthology of essays - many never before
published - seventeen award-winning poets, playwrights, and
writers confront depression, addiction, troubled pasts, and mental
instability. In addition, they probe the effects of psychotherapy,
from pivotal to nonexistent, on their lives - as well as on the
storytelling process itself. The result is a remarkably
well-written, deeply revealing journey into the psyches of some of
America's premier literary talents. William Morrow,
2000 ISBN 0-380-97614-5 Buy
this book!
Sommers, Christina Hoff, The War Against
Boys: How misguided feminism is harming our young men.
It's a bad time to be a boy in America. As the century drew to a
close, the defining event for American girls was the triumph of
the U.S. women's soccer team. For boys, the symbolic event was the
mass killing at Columbine High School. It would seem that boys in
our society are greatly at risk. Yet the best-known studies and
the academic experts say that it's girls who are suffering from a
decline in self-esteem. It's girls, they say, who need extra help
in school and elsewhere in a society that favors boys. The problem
with boys is that they are boys, say the experts. We need to
change their nature. We have to make them more like...girls. These
arguments don't hold up to scrutiny, says the author in this
provocative, fascinating book. She analyzes the work of the
leading academic experts and finds it lacking in scientific rigor.
There is no girl crisis, says the author. Girls are outperforming
boys academically, and girls' self-esteem is no different from
boys. Boys lag behind girls in reading and writing ability, and
they are less likely to go to college. The "girl crisis" has been
seized upon by some feminists and has been suffused with sexual
politics. Under the guise of helping girls, many schools have
adopted policies that penalize boys, often for simply being
masculine. The author says that boys do need help, but not the
sort they've been getting. They need help catching up with girls
academically. They need love, discipline, respect, and moral
guidance. They desperately need understanding. They do not need to
be rescued from masculinity. Simon & Schuster
2000, ISBN 0-684-84956-9 Buy
this book!
Stein, Phillis T. and Joshua Kendall,
Psychological Trauma and the Developing
Brain: Neurologically based interventions for troubled
children. Offering a new psychobiological model of child
development. This book will show you how interpersonal experience
shapes brain development, what is going on in the brain during the
critical first six years, how therapeutic relationships and
interpersonal experience can promote emotional and cognitive
development, how childhood maltreatment can damage the brain and
impair the developing mind, what types of experiences and
therapeutic strategies can mitigate the effects of childhood
trauma, what policy prescriptions, programs, and early
intervention strategies can be implemented to promote healthy
development. Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press,,
2004, ISBN 0-7890-1788-1 
Storr, Anthony, Solitude: A return to the self.
In an era when psychologists seem to measure mental well-being
almost exclusively by the success of our relationships with
others, the author offers a welcome dissenting view: that true
health and happiness is ultimately based upon the ability to live
in peace with oneself. His intriguing and well-documented look at
solitude and the positive behavior it can foster is a refreshing
reappraisal of what being alone can mean. In fact, he shows that
for the artist, writer, composer or philosopher, the spark of
creativity burns most brightly in a mind working in solitude - a
state which may be essential to the creative act and the artist's
mental and emotional fulfillment. Exploring the creative mind, the
author looks closely at whether the artist's and thinker's choice
of isolation from society is a sign of health or neurosis.
Acknowledging that early loss of a parent or separation from peers
may encourage aspects of personality and activities that can find
fulfillment in a solitary life, the author shows that such
pursuits are not necessarily pathological or compensatory, and can
be more valid than seeking happiness, self-worth and fulfillment
from an intimate relationship. Also, his examination of the
healing value of solitude during periods of mourning and stress,
the surprisingly creative solitude of sleep, and the strong
relationship between solitude, creativity and the religious
experience offers new insight into the essential role of the
solitary state in the life of the thinking, imaginative
individual. In an age when it is "unfashionable" to choose to be
alone, this insightful, provocative book is a thoughtful reminder
that joy and pleasure are to be found, not only in time spent with
others, but in that which is lived in the rich company of one's
own thoughts. The Free Press, 1988, ISBN 0-02-931620-0
Sulloway, Frank, Born to Rebel: Birth order, family
dynamics, and creative lives. Why do people raised in the same
families often differ more dramatically in personality than those
from different families? What made Charles Darwin,
Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire uniquely suited to challenge the
conventional wisdom of their times? This pioneering
inquiry into the significance of birth order answers both these
questions with a conceptual boldness that has made critics compare
it with the work of Freud and of Darwin himself. This author
envisions families as ecosystems in which siblings compete for
parental favor by occupying specialized niches. Combing through
thousands of biographies in politics, science and religion, he
demonstrates that firstborn children are more likely to identify
with authority whereas their younger siblings are predisposed to
rise against it. Family dynamics, he concludes, is a primary
engine of historical change. Elegantly written, masterfully
researched, this book is a grand achievement that has galvanized
historians and social scientists and will fascinate anyone who has
ever pondered the enigma of human character. Random House, 1997,, ISBN
0-679-75876-3 Buy
This Book!
Szuchman, Lenore & Frank
Muscarella, Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexuality.
This book offers a comprehensive and much-needed empirical
examination of human sexuality. It is the first book in the field
to speak to the needs of both the social scientist and the mental
health professional. This important work also provides a complete
scientific survey of the latest research along with guidance for
its application to clinical practice. The book encapsulates the
state of the art in research in such new subjects as genital
surgery on children and Internet sex, as well as the most current
approaches to such traditional topics a sexual orientation and
gender/transgender issues. Topics include male and female
sexuality, sexual fantasy and erotica/pornography, disabled sexual
partners, older adult sexuality, HIV/AIDS and sexuality,
paraphilias, the aftermath of child sexual abuse, rape and sexual
aggression and therapists' sexual misconduct. John Wiley
& Sons, 2000
ISBN 0-471-24405-8 Buy
This Book!
- Talmon, Moshe, Single Session
Therapy: Maximizing the effect of the first (and often
only) therapeutic encounter, Jossey-Bass, 1990
Taylor, Gary, Castration: An
abbreviated history of Western manhood. Stone Age man invented
it, the Sumerians exalted it, the Christians banned it, and Freud
got it wrong. Over the last century, castration has meant loss of
manhood. But at earlier points in Western history, the author
argues, it was a mark of power and divinity. This book is a lively
history of the meaning, function, and act of castration from its
place in the words of Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew and
the early Church - where Augustine and the Fathers shaped the
basic philosophic concepts of sexuality and chastity - to its
secular reinvention in the Renaissance and its twentieth-century
position at the core of psychoanalysis. With wit and insight, he
connects castration to the ancient (and continuing) human drive to
reengineer our own biology. In the medieval love story of Abelard
and Heloise a violent castration makes Abelard a better
theologian. In the year 2000 a sterile but otherwise functioning
man is a boon to the woman who desires sex without the burdens of
pregnancy. Clever, offbeat, and learned, ranging from allegory to
zoo archaeology, the book turns an unusual and discomforting topic
into a thoroughly enjoyable narrative on man's obsessive
relationship to his genitals, his sexuality, and his manhood.
2000 ISBN 0-415-92785-4 Buy
This Book!
- Terr, Lenore, Unchained Memories: True stories
of traumatic memories lost & found, Basic, 1994
Upton, Charles, Hammering Hot Iron: A spiritual
critique on Bly's Iron John. This is a rare work that raises
important questions, draws vital distinctions, and elevates
discourse within the spiritual community on the Men's Movement
(only a very small part of it-ed.), Jungian psychology, archetypal
and mythological studies, and polytheistic religions. Drawing on
the perennial philosophy, the universal expression of absolute
truth, the author offers a metaphysical and cultural critique of
Robert Bly's Iron John. He adopts Bly's shadow in the
Jungian sense. His intellectual argument is masterfully
intertwined with his own personal and spiritual journey, often
expressed through original poetry. Quest, 1993,
ISBN 0-8356-0697-X Buy
This Book!
- Weingarten, Kathy, Cultural
Resistance: Challenging beliefs about me, women and
therapy, Haworth, 1995
Werner-Wilson, Ronald Jay, Developmental Systemic Family
Therapy with Adolescents. Family therapists seem to find
working with adolescents to be a frustrating experience.
Understanding adolescent development and appropriate interventions
will enhance any family therapist's effectiveness. This book
integrates research and theory about adolescent development with
different approaches to family therapy. By matching the adolescent
client's developmental stage and particular issues with the most
effective therapeutic approach, this book enables family
therapists to tailor their treatment plan to meet each family's
unique needs. Haworth Clinical Practice Press,
2001 ISBN 0-7890-1205-7 Buy
This Book!
Williams, Andrew N., How Do You
Compare? 12 simple tests to discover hidden truths about your
personality - and fascinating facts about everyone else. This
book features scientifically devised personality tests designed by
professoinal psychologists to help you evaluate who you are - and
where you stand compared to the rest of the world. Free of
professional jargon, each brief test is a fun way to analyze and
better understand yourself. Getting your results is only half the
fun - you can also see how you stack up against thousands of
others. And, if your test results aren't satisfactory, helpful
hints for self-improvement are scattered throughout every chapter.
Discover yourself through self-tests in intelligence, creativity,
relationships, love, sex, happiness, mood and motivatoin. Penguin,, 2004,
ISBN 0-399-52941-9 
Wilson, R Reid, Don't Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety
Attacks. The authoritative book on overcoming panic and
anxiety is a fresh, innovative self-help program, to provide
effective, up-to-the-minute advise for anyone. He explains with
insight and compassion how attacks occur, how to inoculate
yourself against panic, how to face social anxieties and how to
achieve comfortable air travel. Using breathing exercises, focused
thinking and mental imagery to elicit the body's natural "calming
response", he provides the most comprehensive evaluation of all
medications currently recommended, detailing the benefits,
disadvantages and possible side effects of each. This resource
helps suffers establish reachable goals and gradually increase
their involvement and enjoyment in life. HarperPerennial,
Wolinsky, Stephen, Trances People Live: Healing approaches
in quantum psychology. At last, the missing piece of the
dysfunctional puzzle. It is not enough to understand or even
relive our childhood traumas. The author shows us how we continue
to recreate those traumas in our adults lives and how to stop
creating them. Every uncomfortable emotional state, and many
psychosomatic symptoms, are also states of trance. Trance is the
"glue" that holds the problem in the present moment. Learning to
identify the kind of trance state beneath a problem or symptom
gives us the tool that finally dissolves the glue. This book
offers a gold-mine of resources for those who suffer from
dysfunctional patterns of behavior or for anyone who feels stuck
in an undesirable emotional or addictive state. Learning to step
out of the trance states that create our problems and symptoms is
to learn to step into the present moment at last free of the
baggage from our past. Bramble Company, 1991,
ISBN 0-9626184-1-1 (cloth); 0-9626184-2-X (paper)
- Wubbolding, Robert, Understanding Reality
Therapy: A metaphorical approach,
HarperPerennial, 1991
- Young-Eisenbrath, Polly, Hags
& Heroes: A feminist approach to Jungian
psychotherapy with couples, Inner City, 1984
- Hansel, Sarah and others ed, Soldier's
Heart: Survivors' views of combat trauma, Sidran Press,
Matsakis, Aphrodite, Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder: A complete treatment guide. This book is
dedicated to all who suffer and all who will suffer in our
trauma-ridden world. Hopefully, aside from offering specific
techniques and theories, this book will help teach respect and
compassion for trauma survivors and their pain. New Harbinger,
1994 ISBN 1-879237-68-7 Buy
This Book!
* * *
According to the 1990 Unofficial Census, one in four American men,
22,251,772, had mustaches. A fewer number, 8,010,638 had beards.
Nearly 10 million had both. (And they were all therapists.)

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